Leo Trader Pro

This is an entry for a Forex product called Leo Trader Pro. The official site for this product is at leotraderpro.com. If you’re looking for more info about this product follow the link.

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4,296 thoughts on “Leo Trader Pro”

  1. Running with a SL=300+, anf TP=15+…..R/R will be about 10:1
    and Risk pr trade of some 50%! Their account will blow up soon, just plain luck it hasnt happend already!

  2. They Proving the Proof!
    The Leo Trader Pro team have just updated their website with the investor password to an account
    that’s been trading the neural net based bot… and get this:
    It’s up almost 500% since August 1st of this year – it’s been averaging 113% PER MONTH with a drawdown
    of less than 1%!

    Login To Verify The Real-Money, Live Account :

    Login: 1331
    Password: LTP082010
    Server: FinFX-Live

  3. The true always come out one way or other. If it’s real, time will say by the reviews off our own traders, if it’s a scam like most of the systems out there it will be discover. But let’s keep helping each other to make sure we are not one of those one that fall for the scam.
    Good luck guys

  4. ok.. I gotta say this. a robot that provides the login and password to the account so you can see the results for yourself, straight from the account. that’s not something you see everyday. it might even be the real thing. now we only have to wait for it to be released and see if the results match

  5. My rule of thunb is to stay out if too many affliates promote a trading system, especially an EA. I will wait for positive feedback before I jump in.

  6. 13.

    On Friday we got to see Leo Trader Pro at The International Traders Expo in Las Vegas.
    On Sunday we saw undeniable, irrefutable, Investor Password PROOF!

    Today Leo Trader Pro team have updated their website again, we’re hearing the CEO of the brokerage… of that very same account, verifying Leo Trader’s performance!

  7. Ali, you’re a salesman, keep it down.
    Jordan, a stop loss hit that shows positive result is probably a trailing stop. the question is the ones that neither hit a sl nor a tp.

  8. Jordan I think that is not stop loss anymore, may be it a break even. It look the robot can change and edit stop loss to Break Even.

  9. Hello all,
    the trades that hit neither s/p or t/p were probably taken out early by the bot with risk management. Testing another bot that does just that. S/L positive is a trailing stop.

    Live acc does not show a bot in the nav under EA..hidden?

    bots have to be managed, adjusted and cannot be left on their own to wreck havic in your acc…at least so far

    Watched a GBP trade in the live acc last night..S/l set way out there…but the bot took down another winning trade. Will be interesting to test.

    If the cost is around 70 there will be 3 or 4 upsells I bet

  10. Looking at the trading statement the Leo bot started by trading 0.20 micro lots and then end september to end november it traded 1-2.10 microlots and now it is down to trading 0.2 micro again…hmm… why?

  11. Hey Ali,
    You have lost your english all of a sudden, no longer sounding like the salesman?? Bit of a reaction to Oloman? Are we to believe you are some innocent trusting foreigner having a go at making money in Forex?

  12. Sorry for my English I am African and I am not salesman. it look you don’t want me to comment… Ok I will keep quiet and just listen to you. I am sorry once again if I hurt you.
    Good luck guys.

  13. Are these guys from England? Sounds like it with the s/l and t/p they are running according to EGK. If so, be very cautious, my friends! The last two super-hot bots (Turbo Pip Sniper and Pips 4 Idiots) came out of England and I asked for refunds on both. England seems to be producing a lot of scams lately, probably from the same group.
    Properly coded bots that use good money management and trailing stops can hit a s/l and still be in profit, so that does not scare me. Initial stops, t/p levels and risk to reward ratios are important and it will be interesting to see what they have done and if this is real.
    Relying on proof from a ‘live’ account can be deceiving. Just take a look at Pips 4 Idiots and their ‘proof’.
    I think this bot is supposed to be released sometime this week…..16th?? Time and testing will tell if this is the real deal. Don’t hold your breath…..and be very cautious.
    BTW, why do all sellers of bots now have 2-3 upsells. Why can’t they deliver what they promise on the web site and just put a one price on it?….here it is, it works, here’s what it costs. If it does work, I don’t mind paying the price, but I hate the many pages of upsells! Upsells are a big red flag to me.

  14. I now know why…Live acc does not show a bot in the nav under EA.. you will not see one

    Oloman..not sure why the lot size is now .2 Might have something to do with parameters in risk management. They talked about lowering risk knowing a loss is due. Maybe this bot is doing just that…we shall see soon enough

  15. your right about the up sells if they have to sell you a add on that enhanses the EA performance the EA is a money maker for those who sell it only. the only bot i have found worth anything had no upsell

  16. You got to ask yourself this Question why would anyone in there right mind if they have what they say they do with this neural tech new discovery (people have been using it for years to perdict stock prices)sell it to the public when they have to be making massive amounts of money in thier private accounts. dont tell me thier doing it for the little guy. bots use indicators to pick direction if they have the indicator that picks 100% that is worth millions.
    it would’nt be for sale for 149.00 with upsells if there are any unthruths in this comment please tell me i would like to change the way these pips for idiots sale there products

  17. Nobody would sell their private system. This industry, like most, is driven by demand. There’s a huge demand for EAs so there are people who will create supply for them. They aren’t interested in creating “the EA”, they’re creating an EA, releasing it and moving on to the next. Because that’s what the market wants and it makes most business sense. When the market changes, the developers will follow.

  18. Marty…..just read the PDF for Leo Trader and I DO have some comments. There are a couple of things that stood out as I read the material:
    First, I am not a programmer and have never professed to be one, but the description of what a neural network is and how it functions leads me to believe that such a configuration within a trading robot would have to contain 1000’s and 1000’s of lines of code whereas a ‘regular’ EA would have at best a few hundred lines of code (if that). My guess is that, when this bot is released, it will not perform as you see on the live tests, even in back testing, and you will be required to live, forward test to get any meaningful results. It will take some time to sort this moving forward and get a real idea of potential.
    Secondly, they kept stressing how they will be transparent throughout, yet not one web site to date has given contact info, address, fax or e-mail, etc. Who are these people, specifically, where do they come from, what specific background do they have in FX trading and neural network configuration?……on and on and on. Let me see WHO you are before I buy. Where is the transparency in that regard??

  19. I don’t like how the sales seduction is going. It’s too severe! Wait so many days believe this broker’s statement on and on. What happen to the days of a free test drive where one could download the bot and test it for x number of days?

    I’ve had a number of AI Robots and they ALL were a pain in the butt to maintain! ALL Ai Robots MUST BE trained! How do you train them? By using past data DOH!!! That pdf is full of cramp!

    All bots fail due to a few reasons, the broker screw’n with it! Either sending it bad data or spiking the data or turning your bot off! Yes they can do that! Or worse stop hunting is their favorite.

    Let us not forget if the robot trades on report days and it’s a simpleton bot, you’re gonna get your rear end handed to you personally by your bot!

    All the hype of this bot tells me it’s a piece of work created by Marketers for one reason and one reason only.

    Virtual sex with your hiney!

  20. Most of what is posted about th live account seems legit “except” the Broker. I contacted them with some specific questions and have yet to receive a response. The only response I have to date is,” Forex is not regulated in Finland so there is no any authority where you could obtain such information unfortunately.” That is a RED flag for me. Unless I know something about this Broker or until the EA is tested with a recognized Broker I would take all with a grain of salt. Does anyone know anything about this Broker FinFX?


    1- How long have you existed and which government authority issued your business license.
    2- Which are the banks which provide you with liquidity
    3- Which bank keeps client funds
    4- Are client funds segregated or pooled
    5- Can you name some institutional traders who have accounts with you.

  21. I want to know where the data base is that will store the ever expanding knowledge base of the “self learning” robot.

    Personally I would have to see this thing trade on an account from a reputable, regulated broker before believing anything. Did anyone ever hear of FinFX before Leo showed up.

  22. As some pointed out a EA based on the technology they claim is in the negine would take a massive amount of coding. The “magic mirror”, in all this, would be that there is such a program running with the broker but the EA you would purchase would just be a shell…by the time you realize what you have been sold, these guys would have long gone with their scam. Does anyone have “any” contact information where to find these guys ..in case?

  23. I haven’t read anywhere that FinFx is a “required” broker. The EA should work through any broker, I would think. It is interesting that it doesn’t show up in the chart window. It could be that it is “investor mode” view only. I hate the upsells, too. Especially if there is a subscription involved i.e. “pips 4 idiots”. You’d have to be. Apologies if you bought. Anyway, I like to think the glass is half full until I see different….and there’s a guarantee.

  24. On of the videos the salesman says it can be used with any bank. It goes through their server then to your bank. That’s what I heard, totally new at this just rying to get more info.

  25. If, in fact, this new bot does run with AI, neural networks, I would suggest as I did before that the required coding would be too cumbersome to contain in each EA sent to customers. It is more likely to be a shell (as suggested by iliosellas)and perhaps a .dll file held on another server that would have to be accessed to complete the methodology. That would make more sense, but also would diminish the possibilities of back testing. We shall soon see.
    If they do have a .dll file (or something similar) to access. it should be up to date and no need to ‘train’ your EA. That presents another question….why then the need to up-sell? Do they have one trained and one ‘untrained’ file and you have to pay more to access the real, trained one? Just another bunch of marketing crap to extract more dollars from you and me, the customer.
    I guess we will know tomorrow where these people are from. My guess is they are from England, and if you have seen my previous posts, you know how I feel about that! Too many weird things coming out of there now.
    It will be interesting to finally see the ‘transparency!’

  26. It looks as if they are going to be using ClickBank to purchase their product. I have paid for and received refunds from about 10 bots that I purchased and didn’t work. The refund was given immediately upon asking. Since that is the case, I will try them and then get my money back if it doesn’t work. No harm there.

  27. Have you noticed their account is ECN, and micro account (1000$ per lot, 0.1$ per pip)and 1 pip spread
    I have asked FinFi , they confirm this is a special account not available to the public.

  28. If some of you actually watch and listen to the video clips on their web site; you’ll know that you don’t actually get the full bot and that they use Trade Replication from a central server. So signals are sent to the client’s “bot”.
    Not sure if it’s subscription based though..?

  29. Be careful with this EA. There is a ‘case of the amazing shrinking lots’ on their so called live account. From 29th Nov the lots start shrinking from 1.0+ to 0.90 all the way down to 0.20. This is to cover up any normal size potential losses prior to launch and to limit damage. Manipulation pure and simple and untruthful. the CEO of FinFX does not confirm the profits but only confirms it’s a live account. they have no contact details and we don’t know who the people are behind it. There seems to be a link with the people at Megadroid and Megadroid has gone to rat shit.

  30. Now that the launch has been delayed to Monday, the 20th, I have gotten at least 3 e-mails from affiliates indicating you can download a ‘free’ copy of Leo Trader just by following their link. The link goes to the main sales page……and no free copy.
    David points out that the bot is based on trade replication from signals through a different server. If that is so, the server should already have trained neurals and there should be no need for up-sell or a ‘training period’ yet we are going to get hit for up-sells. Interesting.
    Still, on their web page as of today, there is no contact info such as names, address, phone, fax, support. What I am trying to say is where is the transparency they promised? Perhaps our Administrator here would care to comment…..???

  31. I got those Email to telling me to go to there link for my free copy and it goes to there web page for you to buy

  32. Some dishonest affiliates do that to get you to the sales page thinking once you get there you will buy anyway. My advice is to unsubscribe from their lists.

  33. This has scam written all over it.

    They give no contact details, address etc. FinFx is a new brokerage and is unregulated. There appears to be not one losing trade. Too good to be true.

  34. Admin:
    Thank you for your comments. Unfortunately, most of the affiliates and super affiliates out there do not even test the products they ‘recommend’, if you can call it that! They promote a product and ride the coat tails of the hype just to get you to buy and send them a commission. Most don’t even trade the Forex, so wouldn’t have a clue anyway. I have unsubscribed from the affiliates who sent the ‘free copy’ e-mails today. Very good advice, so again ‘thank you’!

  35. The people behind Leo Trading are the Megadroid team. It’s disappointing to see how they are behaving and bewildering as they are normally straight up guys. The ‘Honey I Shrunk the Lot Sizes’ is also very cynical, as is their lack of contact info and they probably own or are share holders in FinFx. Something is just not right . . . .

  36. To my mind it´s a clever made scam.
    Everybody is dreaming of making easy money.
    But honestly…would YOU sell a system that generates even 50% monthly ?
    I for myself would be sitting on a caribean beach with a laptop on my knees.
    I think they created a lot of accounts…took the best lucky one…presented it…and now increase the lot size to not blow it away before the release is done…anyway they work with SL > 300 pips if you take a closer look to the lucky account. I´m tired to lose my money with useless EA´s…the only thing, which could convince me would be the possibility of a free demo testing before a purchase decission…and not a clever made campaign only.

  37. The delay launch is a hype to make you salivate and jump before they “run out”..limited numbers and all that crap. Unless you can run a demo without strings attached for at least 3 months..DON’T TOUCH IT WITH A 10 FOOT POLL!

  38. This from their website

    We understand that many people are very eager to get their copy, but we felt that upgrading the servers before launching would completely secure the communication between our servers and neural nets and all of our clients MT4 terminals.

    Is this the future of trading bots….maybe..

  39. The truth is if thousands of us are all making profit by using it since everyone knows bot. who is going to lose? This is simply not going to happen.
    so it will just like other bots out there. Same history will repeat again again……

  40. The “live” account is fake. The wire transfer has no bank transaction number. I’ve opened many live accounts with different brokers and they always show transaction numbers.

    I think the FinFX CEO is in on the action, too. Don’t trust him as far as I can throw him.

  41. Why else would a CEO of a forex broker go on record? Because he either works for them or is in on the action . . . .

  42. >The “live” account is fake. The wire transfer has no bank transaction number.
    >I’ve opened many live accounts with different brokers and they always show
    >transaction numbers.

    Have you logged in to those accounts with investor access?

  43. Investor Access is a Read Only reporting platform and would not divulge info like bank transaction numbers etc. it reports ‘need to know’ info and that’s it.

  44. I dont know if this can tell us something as I do not know about web domain registration so much..

    Registrant & administrator of leotraderpro.com is [WhoisGuard] with an address at [8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd. #110 – 732 Westchester, CA 90045] Tel/Fax: +16613102107.

    This is exactly the same details for forex-megadroid.com.

    Admin: please advise if domain name can be registered under general registrant & administrator name..

  45. Yes, that’s probably true as they send more emails about it than anyone else, and the mailing address matches. But how exactly is this bad? An EA developer releases an EA, a shocker indeed ^_^

  46. It’s very intersting reading all the comments regarding this particular robot & all the others.
    My personal beliefe is that if there is a truly a robot that guaranties net profit month after month, it will not be marketed to the general public. It will stay a family secret till death. Nobody will share their money making secret to the general public.

    Use your common sense a be very wary of any product or services advertized on the internet.

  47. Enough of the conspiracy theories already. Shall we wait and see? Hmmmm? $149 for 30-60 days at .01 lots w/guarantee is not a lot of risk. Get a grip. Time will tell.

  48. Yes, we will see….As quoted from another master…”if it work, good. If not, then discard it”.. and ask for the refund before the quarantee expire!” Good luck all 😉

  49. The robot costs $149 and trades EUR/USD and GBP/USD. There is one optional upsell for $97 for a version that trades USD/CHF and USD/JPY. I bought both. With Clickbank, there is no risk, so I figured, why not give it a shot? I’ll demo it for 59 days, and if it doesn’t work, I’ll get a refund.

    In the meantime, their download link to download the robot is broken. Their problem ticket system does not work. They haven’t responded to any of my e-mailed questions about the robot that I sent to them several days ago.

    Not a good start . . .

  50. Same here as Dennis,

    Purchased both EUR/USD, GBP/USD and USD/CHF, USD/JPY. Their website is a mess. Broken links, no password protection etc.
    So far just got the landing page where you supposed to download the bot

    Looks like the website has been slapped together by amateur HTML noob. No one responds to e-mails or support tickets.

  51. Bought the EA and after 4 hr.s still can’t download. Their Support response is quick but yet to supply a correction to download their ex4 file

  52. So they fixed the download link. I installed the EA and DLL file as instructed. However the error pops up about a minute later stating that EA cannot connect to replicator server. When you click “OK” entire MT4 terminal crashes with unhadled exception.

    This product is buggy ATM, and feels like its been rushed out on the market before any testings was done. I certainly starting to wonder if this is real or another FX scam. Good thing I have 59 days left with click bank

  53. I, too, finally got the thing downloaded and installed on my MT4 platform (FinFx demo account). I keep running into the same problem that Mike right up above me did. MT4 comes up saying “System paused…” in the upper left-hand corner. Then I get the error message that Mike got.

    Right after I submit this comment, I am going to Clickbank to request a refund. I don’t dare trust this buggy software on my computer.

  54. Thanks for your views guys so far. I think I will hold fire on buying this one! Please comment if you have bought this EA and tell us how you are getting on. I will check this excellent forum daily. If it’s rubbish I hope they get hit for loads of refunds cos I’m sick and tired of Forex scammers!

  55. I’m gonna wait few days, perhaps they need to sort out issues with their replicator server. However, I hate being a beta tester especially for a financial product where maul-faction can result in losses.

    I’ll post an update here if anything develops.

  56. When it works, after few minutes the MT4 terminal dumps out. I have confirmed this on multiple machines using different brokers including FinFX.

    There has been a critical error
    Time : 2010.12.20 18:55
    Program : Client Terminal
    Version : 4.00 (build: 226, 24 Mar 2009)
    OS : Windows Vista Professional 6.1 (Build 7600)
    Processors : 2 x X86 (level 15)
    Memory : 2097151/1618452 kb
    Exception : 0EEDFADE
    Address : 75489617
    Access Type : NA
    Access Addr : 00000000

    Registers : EAX=073AF9A4 CS=001b EIP=75489617 EFLGS=00000212
    : EBX=00000000 SS=0023 ESP=073AF9A4 EBP=073AF9F4
    : ECX=00000007 DS=0023 ESI=05FBFCC4 FS=003b
    : EDX=00000000 ES=0023 EDI=0000015C GS=0000

    Stack Trace : 05FC0173 05FC01F5 05FC1C76 00463D37
    : 004555B1 762A1328 75D91194 771BB495
    : 771BB468 00000000 00000000 00000000
    : 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

    Modules :
    1 : 00400000 004BB000 c:\program files\metatrader – alpari (us)\terminal.exe
    2 : 05F70000 00064000 c:\program files\metatrader – alpari (us)\experts\libraries\leotraderpro.dll
    3 : 6D3A0000 0011C000 c:\windows\system32\mfc42.dll
    4 : 6D550000 0008A000 c:\windows\system32\odbc32.dll
    5 : 6D700000 00038000 c:\windows\system32\odbcint.dll
    6 : 6E980000 00006000 c:\windows\system32\sensapi.dll
    7 : 6E990000 00005000 c:\windows\system32\msimg32.dll
    8 : 6F3E0000 00012000 c:\windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll
    9 : 6F410000 0000D000 c:\windows\system32\wshbth.dll
    10 : 6F420000 00010000 c:\windows\system32\napinsp.dll
    11 : 6F430000 00008000 c:\windows\system32\winrnr.dll
    12 : 70350000 00006000 c:\windows\system32\rasadhlp.dll
    13 : 70360000 00025000 c:\program files\bonjour\mdnsnsp.dll
    14 : 72470000 00038000 c:\windows\system32\fwpuclnt.dll
    15 : 72A30000 00007000 c:\windows\system32\winnsi.dll
    16 : 72A40000 0001C000 c:\windows\system32\iphlpapi.dll
    17 : 72A60000 00007000 c:\windows\system32\wsock32.dll
    18 : 72CA0000 00012000 c:\windows\system32\mpr.dll
    19 : 73270000 0000D000 c:\windows\system32\rtutils.dll
    20 : 73280000 00015000 c:\windows\system32\rasman.dll
    21 : 732A0000 00052000 c:\windows\system32\rasapi32.dll
    22 : 73890000 00007000 c:\windows\system32\midimap.dll
    23 : 738A0000 00014000 c:\windows\system32\msacm32.dll
    24 : 738C0000 00008000 c:\windows\system32\msacm32.drv
    25 : 738D0000 00036000 c:\windows\system32\audioses.dll
    26 : 73940000 00013000 c:\windows\system32\dwmapi.dll
    27 : 739B0000 00030000 c:\windows\system32\wdmaud.drv
    28 : 73DF0000 00004000 c:\windows\system32\ksuser.dll
    29 : 73E00000 00032000 c:\windows\system32\winmm.dll
    30 : 73E70000 00040000 c:\windows\system32\uxtheme.dll
    31 : 73FB0000 0019E000 c:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.7600.16661_none_420fe3fa2b8113bd\comctl32.dll
    32 : 743C0000 00021000 c:\windows\system32\ntmarta.dll
    33 : 74420000 000F5000 c:\windows\system32\propsys.dll
    34 : 74520000 00039000 c:\windows\system32\mmdevapi.dll
    35 : 745E0000 00010000 c:\windows\system32\nlaapi.dll
    36 : 74650000 00007000 c:\windows\system32\avrt.dll
    37 : 74790000 00009000 c:\windows\system32\version.dll
    38 : 74820000 00005000 c:\windows\system32\wshtcpip.dll
    39 : 74AB0000 0003B000 c:\windows\system32\rsaenh.dll
    40 : 74B90000 00044000 c:\windows\system32\dnsapi.dll
    41 : 74CC0000 00006000 c:\windows\system32\wship6.dll
    42 : 74CD0000 0003C000 c:\windows\system32\mswsock.dll
    43 : 74D10000 00016000 c:\windows\system32\cryptsp.dll
    44 : 75060000 0001A000 c:\windows\system32\sspicli.dll
    45 : 751B0000 0004B000 c:\windows\system32\apphelp.dll
    46 : 75200000 0000C000 c:\windows\system32\cryptbase.dll
    47 : 752A0000 0000E000 c:\windows\system32\rpcrtremote.dll
    48 : 752B0000 0000B000 c:\windows\system32\profapi.dll
    49 : 75320000 0000C000 c:\windows\system32\msasn1.dll
    50 : 75330000 0011C000 c:\windows\system32\crypt32.dll
    51 : 75450000 00027000 c:\windows\system32\cfgmgr32.dll
    52 : 75480000 0004A000 c:\windows\system32\kernelbase.dll
    53 : 754D0000 00012000 c:\windows\system32\devobj.dll
    54 : 755B0000 000A1000 c:\windows\system32\rpcrt4.dll
    55 : 75660000 00035000 c:\windows\system32\ws2_32.dll
    56 : 756A0000 00003000 c:\windows\system32\normaliz.dll
    57 : 756B0000 000CC000 c:\windows\system32\msctf.dll
    58 : 75790000 0015C000 c:\windows\system32\ole32.dll
    59 : 758F0000 0000A000 c:\windows\system32\lpk.dll
    60 : 75900000 00135000 c:\windows\system32\urlmon.dll
    61 : 75A40000 0004E000 c:\windows\system32\gdi32.dll
    62 : 75AC0000 00057000 c:\windows\system32\shlwapi.dll
    63 : 75B20000 00019000 c:\windows\system32\sechost.dll
    64 : 75B40000 001FA000 c:\windows\system32\iertutil.dll
    65 : 75D40000 000D4000 c:\windows\system32\kernel32.dll
    66 : 75E20000 0008F000 c:\windows\system32\oleaut32.dll
    67 : 75EB0000 000F4000 c:\windows\system32\wininet.dll
    68 : 75FB0000 0019D000 c:\windows\system32\setupapi.dll
    69 : 76150000 00045000 c:\windows\system32\wldap32.dll
    70 : 761A0000 000C9000 c:\windows\system32\user32.dll
    71 : 76270000 0001F000 c:\windows\system32\imm32.dll
    72 : 76290000 000AC000 c:\windows\system32\msvcrt.dll
    73 : 76340000 00C49000 c:\windows\system32\shell32.dll
    74 : 76F90000 000A0000 c:\windows\system32\advapi32.dll
    75 : 77030000 00083000 c:\windows\system32\clbcatq.dll
    76 : 770C0000 0009D000 c:\windows\system32\usp10.dll
    77 : 77160000 0013C000 c:\windows\system32\ntdll.dll
    78 : 772A0000 00006000 c:\windows\system32\nsi.dll
    79 : 772B0000 0007B000 c:\windows\system32\comdlg32.dll

    Call stack :

  57. I am also getting socket and API error on send messages. In addition, this piece of rubbish hogs 100% of my computer’s CPU while it forever stays in “System paused . . .” status. The only way that I can get out of it is to close down my MT4.

  58. I’m gonna run the packet sniffer and will try to intercept data sent/received by this EA. So far it looks like a basic signal copier implementation, however it seems to be very sensitive to dropped packets.

    I have coded number of MT4 solutions that implement signal copier. Typically you have a hear-beat based synchronous push/pull data exchange. This one seem to be asynchronous from initial observation.

  59. @Dennis Do you see the red/green bars labeled NN1, NN2,..,NN7? in the upper right corner of the chart this EA attached to?
    When you launch your MT4, let it sit there for a while till CPU usage drops, sometimes it starts working. You will see the bars move up and down.

  60. I’m 100% certain the “logic” of this EA runs on a server on their end. The MT4 EA is a simple signal copier that has been poorly implemented.

    They must have not accounted for number of clients trying to refresh data and as result are getting DDOSed by their own software. Looks like they changed something on the back-end server, as its throwing new API errors. I can only assume, there will be new client version coming out soon

  61. Grin, I saw the red and green bars over on the right-hand side only once. Then the thing gave me error messages and froze up again. I have let it sit there and sit there and sit there, waiting for the CPU usage to drop, but it never did (after something like 15 minutes). So, I have had to either shut down my MT4 or remove the robot from my chart every time.

  62. So far so good… I have this baby running on Alpari US demo. EA seem to have stabilized and is working since 7:30 pm. I can only guess they have made some changes on the server.

    This EA establishes connection to unmapped.dwdtechllc.com and receives about 400 to 600 Bytes per second. It’s quite chatty, for example the MT4 terminal with four charts open is receiving about 200 B/Sec. Im still collecting packet data to understand the protocol used to communicate with the head server.

  63. Grin, Dennis and all fellow traders

    This EA keeps in touch with their server as soon as u turn ur MT4 on. Is it really safe to send out info from ur PC to some other server (unknown) ? I mean look at Grin’s error massege up their which shows quite a few details of his PC.

    I dont really know how that could lead us as a trader in to any problem (hacking)???

    Other thing is that there are very much chances of their server getting stuck every now and then because high traffic and that may lead the trades in to problem trades.

    The most beautiful thing what I liked since last week in regards to the promo of this EA is ,,

    All those previous scammers (EA sellers) were promoting this EA with same old script like “this has never happened in the past”.. “this is the real forex trading system” and all those BS. The most latest before this was Pips 4 Idiots which was promoted like a money making this and that which in a week turned out another BS, didnt they all were saying this, that I was new to forex, I am not a programmer but I now own BMW and a mention /penthouse …. It really makes me laugh when we all are keep being victims of these scammers and still we buy the products promoted by the same scammers…? atleast I feel that for myself.

    Anyway I m not discouraging anyone but this was all came out as I felt for myself as a trader. Guys if these were the returns (1700%) why would anyone go to work man, people will simply borrow $5K to whatever amount from anywhere and buy these EAs to make them this great amount of money… Why the hell they will waste time in selling their product for $17 to $147 and take all these headaches. Do u think there is anyone out there in this world such an honest who really cares for other and give a key to goldmine to people for $100. I have not seen anyone like that yet.

    Happy trading guys and wish u all a Very happy holidays.
    Dont drive and trade when u r drunk.. 🙂

    I m claiming my refund today for TPS. Goodbuy EA, I will still be comming here to see the comments and will sure buy Leo if it is a real EA but not for now atleast.

    Thanks guys.

  64. So guys, here is how we can BS test this system…

    1) Download FinFX and login with their investor account.
    2) Setup this EA on FinFX demo or another broker of choice.
    3) Compare trades thier “proof” account does vs. your results.

    As always, keep in mind your results may be different due to following reasons;
    1) Difference in EA configuration, especially MM.
    2) PIP Spread of your broker (use FinFX demo as control).
    3) Broker slip. (Some brokers have nasty habit to re-quote, by using FinFX as control account you can eliminate that).
    4) If you do not have VPS server, your computer may go in to sleep mode and simply never take or exit trades when signaled. (I use VPS for my algo trading hosted here http://www.ihostasp.net/HostedAppliance/)

  65. @Bharat

    The algo based trading systems are utilized by major banks and trading firms 24/7, and some are very profitable. (read up on “flash orders”).

    Even the simplest algo system can be profitable when it’s curve fitted. It is same as a broken clock showing right time two times a day. The neuro-net based algos are essentially like having hundreds of back-tests on multiple periods and correlated pairs run on every tick. Similar to weather prediction systems, a well tunned neuro net can get close to 7 to 3 or 70% win ratio.

    Combined with sound MM strategy, such algorithm can trade profitably for some time until adjustments are necessary. Similar to training a spam filter bayesian algorithm, a skilled operator(s) can prune b-trees and further curve fit the logic.

    I do not believe the long term sustained 113% monthly results claimed, however I’m happy in the 12-14% monthly profit. On 10K account thats $1200 to $1400 in profit without over trading.

  66. I just read Grin’s comment posted at 8:14 PM stating that the robot has stabilized and appears to be working. So, I fired up my MT4 and, yes, after a few seconds, the bars appeared on the right-hand side. It appears — at least for now — that the stupid thing is working.

    I will run it on my FinFx demo account and monitor its performance vs. the vendor’s live account.

  67. Ah, but there is still a problem with it. When I click on the smiley face to review or change the input parameters, the input parameter box does not open.

  68. @Dennis
    Yes I confirm the same problem. Also, when you click the MT4 “expert advisers” button, it does not stop. When I close chart window, MT4 terminal crashes.

  69. Grin

    You sound like u do have some knowledge about all this new system. I honestly dont know that much , all I could understand is that ur live/demo account is talking to Leo’s server as far as u r logged in / ur EA button is enabled. and thats what making me little nervous.

    Thanks for the info though.

  70. Thank you for a great blog and for all your expert comments, I was ready to buy this thing but now I’m convinced it is another scam, a very elaborate scam. As has been mentioned before why would anyone share such a program? they would sit back making millions. Sharing it would just create saturation, there has to be losers in FX in order for there to be winners. Its a scam and I agree with the person who said it stinks of the same old English scammers.. remember Fap Turbo? what a joker that guy was.

  71. @Bharat I’m amateur FX Trader and seasoned programmer. My personal hobby is to take apart various FX algos, free or commercial. I have been dabbling in MT4 API for several years and have used, and modified hundreds of EA’s and indicators. Some made money in certain trending markets, others are complete junk. There are numerous free opensource MT4 EA’s that are absolutely awesome when they work.

    I have no inside knowledge about LEO’s claim to fame. However, if they truly did build a trading neuro-net, it could be worthy of attention.

  72. The biggest issue right now as I see it, the buggy client side code. I have decompiled the .mq4 EA and basically its a MT4 API proxy for the included LeoTraderPro.dll which runs in asynchronous thread.

    This creates problems with MT4 terminal interface since DLL is running under different thread and stops responding to UI calls. Whoever programmed this part, did a hack job. Its obvious version 1.00 has never been field tested outside the dev environment. Rather this product should be an early alpha test stage at this point.

    Furthermore, the DLL was compiled using debug option which produces stack dumps and overall not a production copy any self respecting programmer would produce. It will be interesting to see how fast LEO responds and releases an updated versions to address these issues.

  73. Can anyone please tell me what is the time frame for these charts (EUR/USD and GBP/USD)? M1, M5, M30,H1, H4, etc. ???? I could not see on the PDF manual. Please help here… Thanks.

  74. @Denise I don’t think this EA trades on any particular time frame on the chart. It listens for the signals from outside and executes trades. Right now if you have this EA working and try changing the time frame, the MT4 terminal will crash.

    If that happens, open windows task manager and kill the terminal.exe process. The DLL I mentioned above runs in separate thread, and does not quit when the MT4 terminal process terminates.

  75. Also, there is an input parameter called “EquityLimit” with a default value of zero that is not mentioned at all in the user manual PDF.

    And I just got a terminal dump, then an error box stating “Runtime error 217 at 02F32740”.

    For cryin’ out loud, what a piece of garbage this robot is.

    I submitted my refund request through Clickbank hours ago. When I see the refund posted to my credit card account, I will heave a huge sigh of relief and say to myself “Good riddance!”

  76. Thanks Grin. What about risk limit? I did not understand this part very good, so i put down -5.0, which is for, i guess, not-fixed based lots. A lot of things are not clear here, not good amount of information is given out.
    By the way, what is the best time frame for you? I dont like long term trade, like week or so. I like short term one. What is your advise in this case? Thanks

  77. @Dennis I don’t blame you, if things don’t improve soon, I will be claiming the 60 day refund option.

    Just FYI for all readers; The safest way to test any EA or FX product is by using PayPal payment. In this case the vendor using click-bank which offers 100% 60 day money back guarantee. In almost 100% of cases PayPal will refund the customer and issue a charge back to vendor. This is especially true if no physical good were shipped. This process is as simple as pushing a dispute button.

  78. @Denise From what I understand, the manual is clear as to MM used.

    If value is negative like -5.0, that means EA will use 5% account equity to open new trades. If value is positive, it represents fixed number of lots each trade will be. For example value of 0.5 will trade half lot and 1.0 will always trade one lot.

    Like I said earlier, this EA uses internal time frames for correlations and receives trading signals from the server. The time frame on the chart EA attached to has no bearing on its operation from what I can tell.

  79. @Grin,
    It sounds like you have faith this thing could work. I think it will be best to wait until they fix all the teething problems, do you agree and do you think they will?

  80. I downloaded the investor password to the mt4 and the robot was in a trade. The robot never risks more than 1% of the an account its on? The lot size was .40 on the EU with a stop loss of 325 pips and a take profit of 18. $2972 account 1% risk is $29.72 div by .40 = 72 pip stop, more like 4.5% of the account.

  81. @Jboy I will let them hold my money for a while and will see how things develop. If they don’t fix glaring bugs ASAP and system BS test I outlined previously does not pass. I will be pushing the “REFUND” button before day 59 is over ;0, I even have it in my outlook reminder now.

  82. I also emailed them for the technical support but have not heard anything from them yet. This is just a first day, that is what I am thinking. I hope everything will be ok later on. Is there any one here who heard from their tech. support?

  83. @Denise I’m sure they are now flooded with emails of all sorts. It’s clear the post release support and maintenance cycles forthis product were not even an afterthought.

    In the way it is encouraging, since authors seem to not have a solid conversion and support pipeline like many ScamBOTs I see on the market. This tells me whoever is making this bot is new to the FX scene. I’m hoping they read this thread and address basic issues first so we can test this system.

    I’m skeptically optimistic as this point. $250 I spent in total is not a huge sum by FX standards. If system can indelibly generate 12% monthly income it will be well worth it for me.

  84. Finally I installed the robot on 4 currencies, still no trade for past 4 hours, I think the bot is running full time.

  85. @Grin

    You’ve mentioned there are several OpenSource MT4 EA which have quite consistent performance.

    Would you mind sharing what are they?


  86. Been running for about 4 hrs as well on both EURUSD & GBPUSD as well as USDJPY & USDCHF. I only changed the one field to -5.0.
    All runnung in 1hr time. When pressing F7 it only opens on USDJPY & USDCHF and not all the original input field appear.

    No trades as yet but I will post as soon as 1 opens

  87. It would be nice if Leo Trader Pro had contact information on there website order page. I thought Leo Trader Pro wanted transparency? Is Leo Trader Pro based in the USA and where? Do they have a phone number and/or email address that may be contacted prior to purchase? I think these are legitimate questions and concerns. I have not purchased as of yet. I am new to the robot (Expert Advisor) forex world, so I have never owned any robots. I would be open to robot recommendations that have a proven reliable consistent track record. It seems like they all use click bank.

  88. from support

    Fisrt Q about why I can’t right-click chart,EA, properties will not work. Can’t change inputs that way. Here’s what they said.

    LTP needs to be removed from the chart and then reattached to change settings. Please refer to the manual for details. Right-click on the smiley face then select Expert Advisors -> Remove, afterwards you can drag the EA back to the chart from the navigator panel.

    The Equity Limit setting defines the minimal account equity in your account currency, upon reaching which, the robot will stop trading to prevent any further losses. This value specify as a number of units in your account currency.

    Well at least they responded

  89. Their support is working:
    “It is usualy caused by attempting to change settings without removing it then reattaching it to the chart. Replicators like LTP need to be removed from the chart then reattached to change settings – the manual explains to right-click the smiley face then select Expert Advisors -> Remove, then you can drag the EA back to the chart from the navigator panel. Please remove the EA and close the platform, then reopen you MT4 and attach the EA with correct settings, please do not try to change settings and timeframes when the EA is attached to the chart.”

  90. Hi Folks. Well after returning TPS and Pips4Idiots (i actually made 40 pips off Pips 4 idoits b4 i read the decompiled info and got out of it (lucky me). This one did come from someone I know as fairly reliable (even though the scammers were pitching it too). I haven’t bought it as of yet, but I did notice one thing. On the live account trade made 12-16-2010 at 1:52, the ea took a buy trade at 1.32257, if you look at the high/low for the 1:00 hour, the high was 1.32253. So aparently since this is a fractional account the robot either took the trade at a price that did not exist, or the spread was .4 pips. Wish my broker gave that kind of spread 😉

  91. @John The ticket #1126057 Buy EURUSD @1.32257 and SL was tripped @1.32420 thats 16.3 PIP win. I would say a solid scalp in my book.

    Judging from the trade history, this bot uses SL to lock in profits. More than half of wins were triggered by SL. not a bad MM strategy if you ask me.

  92. Let me explain better. I’m not disputing the stop loss profit. The trade was taken at a price that did not exist. The price never reached 13.2257,, unless the ask was with a .4 pip spread. The high price for the hour was only 1.32253

  93. First post , I have the ea running on just the eurusd now, the support team has responded to my time fram question, and it is any time fram the ea will run. It has not taken a trade , I had a problem when trying to download the dll file , my norton virus did not like this file, I downloaded the zip file and I quess I have all the files. I went and looked at there live account today and notice that they removed the ea , I seen this in the Journal, another thing on my mt4 platform , when I had all 4 charts open and it looked like they were running, by the blinking of the indicator lights, they were all the same for all 4 pairs. You would think that each pair would have different neural network levels for each pair. If anyone has any sucess with this ea please email me dkulskioc@comcast.net

    I think something is wrong and they must respond ASAP.

  94. Hi all!

    After a lot of problems I think it’s working… Nevertheless, I can’t see any trade so far. It just appears the equalizer which indicates signal strenght going up and down, but no action so far.

    Has someone’s Leo Trader make at least one attempt of trading?

    Greetings from Ecuador,


  95. JTX– Magic number is receipt code–second up from bottom in inputs

    indicator levels at 100 in all four pairs,never budges from there,no blinking lights.

    No trades as of yet

  96. Another word of warning: While the robot is running on your chart, do not change the time frame of your chart. If you do, you will get a terminal dump, then an endless loop of error boxes that you cannot get out of without terminating the MT4 terminal process inside of Task Manager. This happens to me anytime I change the time frame.

    I’m running Windows XP SP3.

    Anybody else have the same thing happen?

  97. Marty, I have the same problem, It is so far the worst ea I ever had, It has not taken a trade, I think the ea is set up for hedging and I cant hedge.there is a true /false to turn off hedging ,but it might really effect the trading , if I can get it to trade. Another thingy, the support from leo trader , you are only allowed I think three of them. I sent another and it would not send it.
    this is bs and I am starting to get pissed. I will get a working ea or my money back.Has anyone that bought this ea have it taken a trade on any pair? leo trader needs to come up with some answers.

  98. I am wondering if this ea is set up for 5 digit ecn trading?
    most of all the other ea have a ecn true /flase option.

  99. Dennis, I have Windows XP SP3 and that exact same thing happens to mine – a series of errors and manually having to close the terminal if you change the timeframe setting with it running. But like I suspected, and like another poster said, the timeframe setting does not matter for this EA. Mine seems to be working but has not traded yet in 18 hours. But for 2 of those 18 hours I was unaware my ISP had lost it’s connection (rare, happens once a month or so). and on mu computer – Losing an Internet connection crashes the terminal in the exact same way as the timeframe scenario.

  100. Interesting, the Leo Trader Pro EA just sits for hours and doesnt trade….well not yet from what I’ve seen. Gents, I’m beginning to think that the Leo Trader Pro replication server probably has live trading turned off or something of the other. They cant keep it going like this. This is some straight foolishness, I keep getting email from support@fapturbo.com and pips4idiots about this thing being the bom-diggity! What gives???!!!!

    Count me in the bunch that’ll wait this out to see if it does live up to what it says it can perform to do, at least I’ve got Pips4idiots bringing in the consistent profits for now.

  101. Guys, guys stop buying these scam EA’s. Just for fun I’m on a lot of mailing list for new EA’s and this one is marketed via all third party people I know They all try to make money from people desperate for an income from Forex and that still believe that for under 200$ you can buy a system that will generate thousands. In forex only people that really know how to trade and people that sell stuff for Forex will get richer. There are soem good courses and training methods out there however but they are never EA’s that will make you money while sleeping.

  102. It took me forever to get this thing setup.I have been running several rebots over the past 2 years and this one was a pain. Once you get it set don’t touch it! If you change charts or time frames or go from demo to live account LEO TRADER has a major problem (numerous error codes ect.) I have been running for about 4 hrs no trades. It appears to be working. The processing status bars are the same on all charts and my bet is that they are only for show and really don’t mean anything. I will keep running for a few weeks to see what happens but I have not found a robot that works and i have tested a lot of them so i’m not holding my breath.

  103. This is from the email the Leo pro team sent me this morning, would this accurately describe any of you who bought it?

    Well John,

    All the traders currently utilizing our Neural Net can’t be wrong can they?

    There’s only one thing on the lips of traders everywhere right now and…
    you guessed it… it’s Leo Trader Pro!

    We had a fantastic opening yesterday and we’ve received some very
    positive feedback. If you’re in the group of people who generally wait to
    see what everyone else says before you dive in…

    …well, we really can’t blame you. You’ve probably been burned a few
    times and we can’t fault you for being cautious.

    Let’s put your mind at ease…after everyone who got their hands on Leo
    Trader Pro yesterday, performance is still 100% as expected. They’re
    trading comfortably and soon they’ll be laughing all the way to the bank.

    Why haven’t you joined them?

  104. Marty – The Magic Number could be only numbers, no letters, couldnt it? But the Receipt code is numbers and letters…
    such Y8VDFPV9…

  105. Me, The Puzzled Trader: Tue, Dec 21 2010 9:03am
    How long does it take before LeoTrader begins trading???
    Them, SlowMolasses Leo Trader Support: Tue, Dec 21 2010 9:42am – Jane
    We will fix the problem as soon as possible. It will not take a lot of time.
    We thank you for the patience and apologize for the inconveniences.

  106. Hey John I’ve found if you lose your internet connection (from your ISP) for even a second (happened to me at 9am today), it will crash the terminal. Whereas my other EAs wont crash the terminal, and will come back on automatically (with no help from us) when the ISP connection comes back. That’s because those others don’t rely on a remote server, apparently with a remote server — losing the ISP connection really messes things up. Luckily this only happens on my ISP about once every 2 weeks on average.

  107. Also, when they fix the problem of “our EAs not yet trading”, I would expect a crash(s) then too, most likely the “signal out” will be enabled and disabled as they are tweeking/fixing the servers.

  108. I bought this EA just to see how it runs? I like everyone else have had endless crashes but have managed to get it running on 2 charts for about 10hrs but no trades yet. It’s very unstable and as soon as you try to change anything on charts or MT4 crashes the system.
    Advise for anyone that ever buys this stuff make sure you use PayPal so if ever not happy you can easily get money back.(dont ever pay straight from credit card)
    I probably ask for money back but I’ll run it for a little while to see what happens?
    Neural Nets is nothing new, I recently re-read about it in Van Tharps “Trading your way to Finacial Freedom” book and he talks about it(big banks & fund managers have had this type of software for years) as his book must be about 10 years old now. Basically for example its software that will predict tomorrows High,Low & close for a market and use those predictions for profit targets & stops etc. A little more to it than that but its not new(maybe new to MT4)

    Lets see what happens.

  109. I just received Clickbank confirmation of my refunds. No arguments or arm-twisting from the vendor, so that’s a good thing.

    As soon as I see the charges credited back to my credit card (usually takes about three business days), I am going to delete this ugly monster of an EA from my computer forever.

    Good riddance!

    Good luck to you guys and gals who choose to hang in there with LTP. I’ll be checking back here occasionally to see how you’re doing. Heck, if the vendor ever gets all of the bugs out of it and you folks are reporting live trading results as good as what we see in the vendor’s live account, I must just re-up for LTP and give it another go.

  110. Grin @ I heard u buddy. Good on you. I m sure waiting this time till it really shows some shine in the world of trading. I m not technically inclined and by reading all u guys here, for sure this not my time to jump in. 🙂

    Happy trading and happy holidays.

  111. Hello,
    So far, mine has been working without any interruption. I am also checking their live account constantly to see if they are trading or not. Their last trade was yesterday and we were kind of late for this, I guess. If their robot catches a trade and ours don’t, then I guess we have a problem. But it is just new and I will give it a little time to see how it is doing. Their customer support was consistent and they answered my questions this morning. And also we can not open a ticket for each question we need to ask, but according to them, we can use the same email to reply if we have any question. They said the robot can trade in any time frame. For the receipt number, we are supposed to use the click-bank receipt number. For the risk part, I used -5.0 (5% of the account-this part is up to you). If we don’t enter these, we can not run the robot. If we try to change the time frame, it closes itself. At this moment you have to remove the EA and reattach it again adjusting the things all over again. If I am wrong so far, please some one correct me. Any information is appreciated…

  112. To: ———–@hotmail.com
    > Subject: [#623030] LeoTrader
    > From: support@leotraderpro.com
    > Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2010 23:53:35 +0000
    > — do not edit —
    > KinGSolomonsPools,
    > A customer support staff member has replied to your support request, #623030 with the following response:
    > There is no such an average value, but it begins its trading activity after attaching to the charts. Please wait for a longer time, so the market conditions will be suitable for trading and the EA will open the trades.
    > We hope this response has sufficiently answered your questions. If not, please do not send another email. Instead, reply to this email or login to your account for a complete archive of all your support requests and responses.
    > http://www.leotraderpro.com/support/view.php?e=

  113. JTX–as I understand it..the so-called magic number is the receipt code…

    Receipt Code

    You receipt code is your user license for Leo Trader Pro. When
    attaching Leo Trader Pro to a chart, this code must be entered in
    order for your copy of Leo Trader Pro to be authenticated on the

    The receipt code is an 8 character alphanumeric (letters and
    numbers) string. Hope this helps

  114. I’m very sorry to say that guys, but I have been watching Leo Trader Pro recently as well and there seems to be a conclusive proof that we have all been scammed. I have submitted this to ForexPeaceArmy today as well.


  115. No commercially realeased EA will ever work people..Start trading four hour charts manually..High probability set ups..You wont look back.

  116. @ Jason So are you saying there is privately owned EAs out there that do work?
    Also could you be kind enough to elaborate on how to work the four hour charts as I am kinda new at this.

  117. Dear Dennis( and others),
    I would like to thank you all for your posts.

    I was nearly taken in by the hype and saw all the comments of the complexities required to run this from you all, that I KNOW are above my IT capabilities; so did not buy.

    If any of you do come accross something that actually works and does not require a PHD ogf IT knowledge to run as well, would you be kind enough to send me details at my email 100ventures@gmail.com.

    Also I am afraid to say, like many of you have mentioned already,that if what they promised was real, why would they sell it? Borrow US$50K and just trade for two years and you could reire with millions. Very, very, very unlikely!!.

    All best for Christnas and 2011 to you all and down with scammers.
    Hong Kong

  118. Marty – The problem is, if the Magic Number is the Receipt Code, than you are not able to change it. To change the Magic Number is essential for testing/compearing at different brokers, etc. 🙁

  119. Hi fellow traders,

    I think, that I ´ve found the solution to the crashes and multiple popups. Here is my last statement in the LTP support Center:

    Hi Sergio,

    OK, I think I got it. I assume, that you mean, generally open one Currency Pair in a single Metatrader Session.

    This means, if I have both robots, I should install two instances of Metatrader in different directories. Then open one of them and open lets say Eur/USD and implement the robot for Eur/USD and GBP/USD in only Eur/USD.

    Then open the metatrader from the other directory, open USD/CHF and implement the robot for USD/CHF and USD/JPY in this single Currency Pair.

    This seems to work. Am I right?

    Thanx and have a nice xmastime


  120. Choose the same account (demo or live) for both sessions of course. I opened and closed metatrader several times and it automatically started blinking without crashes and popups.

    I´m looking forward to see this thing trading 😉



  121. I have Vista (sorry for me) and had a hard time installing it! Think I have it now? Support is pretty much a joke. I’m a novice trader and got sucked in, was trying to use it for knowledge and if it made money the better.
    A users manual would have been nice and thank you to everyone that posted to use the receipt #, think they would tell you that! Going on 2 days with it slowly coming around and then have itself close down.
    If anyone from LTR reads these post, read again and fix it!

  122. Hello All,
    I am still getting the plattform crash. I am running XP, forex.com broker and placing the charts (EURUSD and USDCHF) to run the 4 pairs.

    Did anyone found the solution?



  123. Hey everyone , just though I would stop by and give my opinions . First of all how can they release this version of the bot , like someone already mentioned this should of been an early test version . frequent crashes are realy starting to piss me off . I decided to leave it on over night expecting it to maybe open a trade just to wake up and find out that It opened 225 error messages instead .It’s hard for me to trust this Bot to trade live money when it can’t even do the simple task of running on a trading platform without crashing . Personaly I will keep it for a week or so to see if it opens trades or not an what are the outcomes .

  124. Hi Marcel,

    maybe LTP made a bad job explaining how to implement the robot correctly, but I finally found out how to stop the crashes and 225 error messages. pls read my comments above. Guess it helps.


  125. @ Matt

    I only have the EURUSD GBPUSD robot so what should I do
    ? I open and closed MT4 a few times removed the Leo Trader and added it back in again , but I still get that error message .

  126. Their Support did reply:

    Q1. I am able to download only 1 EA. How do I download the secondary copy?
    A1. Please note that the robot is the same but the receipts are different. For example, one receipt is for EUR/USD and GBP/USD currency pairs, and the other – for USD/JPY and USD/CHF.

    Q2. I am trying Leo on fxcm, it gives me “Asynchronous socket error 10060” and crashes. What should I do?
    A2. Currrently we are working on the problem. Try to reattach the EA to the chart a bit later. Please excuse us for the inconveniences.

    Q3. What is the RiskLevel for your live account 1331?
    A3. Just set the “RiskLevel” setting to 0.06 per $1,000

  127. after sorting out all the crashes etc IT IS RUNNING BUT NO TRADES YET .. anyone – please report if it trades for you!

  128. @ Ian
    The product is designed to work with EURUSD GBPUSD , there is an upsell to have a second bot which will run with USDJYP and USDCHF also . I didn’t take it by the way . I am going to try this one first and if it ever starts working and giving me positive winnings then I might get it later on

  129. thanks for the info marcel, good luck with it i hope you have a positive trade, after all i think if you do then so should everyone else.

  130. Hi Marcel,

    then it is even easier. You only need one installed MT4. The main point is, that you only open one chart (currency pair) i.e Eur/USD. Here you implement the robot with your receipt code. This single chart works for Eur/Usd and GBP/USD. Just an illustration:



  131. Yes, crashing problems are back. Since Yestarday LTP was running stable, but today i got MT4 crash after crash again like connection problems, runtime errors, bunch or errors. I running LTP on FinFX demo. At the moment there is no point to try it on live account at all. Hope they will fix these problems or release fixed version of LTP. Because this version can’t even work together with MT4, we can forget about trades at least for these first day.

  132. Yeah thx matt I kinda figured it out after reading the post a few times , everything is running for now , has anybody had a trade opened since it started monday ?

  133. no trades yet!!! this loser is up and running since monday with all sorts of problems and troubles but yet any trade to see.

    very bad start for an EA….

  134. I have this EA running since 12/20/10 on my VPS. It has not taken trades nor has any trades occurred on their “proof” account. This is not a problem since based on their trading history the EA makes one or two trades per day and some days it stays out of the market.

    For those seeking action, I don’t believe this is a scalping algo, so please be patient.I would rather have several winning trades per week, than bunch of tiny wins and huge losses like many known scalping EAs do.

    Also keep in mind, we are in holiday season right now, the markets are volatile due to low volumes, generally I sit on the sidelines with my manual strategies until second week of January. I imagine great number of traders and institutions do the same.

  135. Hi All,
    I have been trying two days in a row to set up LTP in demo accounts on FINFX and IBFX MT4 but each time MT4 dumps out erros and crashes. I opened couple of tickets seeking for help but all they provided is a solution – to restart MT4 – ridiculous. I have restarted my PC, uninstalled/installed in attempts to get it working several times but failed. How did you guys managed to get it working? My past experiences of setting up other junk robots has been really easy though they don’t do the real job. Anyone please provide how to get rid of MT4 dump errors and runtime error dialog box which cannot be closed. Want to give it try before I refund my money. Appreciate your help.

  136. reinstall MT4, download new files from leotraderpro.com, ones you attached the EA make sure you update all the required information on popup. Later if you try to change any thing it will crash. do all your arrangements Time Frame etc before you attach the EA.

    hope this helps

  137. @Max

    Read my posts from Monday. This EA is buggy, I have decompiled the mq4. Essentially They are using asynchronous thread for the DLL which is causing problems with MT4. Like I said earlier, this EA has been rushed and has not been field tested. My impression from the support responses is that they are aware of the issue, however only offer the “restart your MT4” solution.

  138. I got 1st trade too. Buy trade on GBPUSD @ 1.5398. The same on vendors site. From sup tickets i got answer, that now LTP only works when it is attached only to the one EURUSD chart. Attaching to GBPUSD chart is no longer necessary. Trades gonna happen on both pairs anyway. That works for me well. So if i trying to attach LTP to GBPUSD chart too i got MT4 crash. Anyway this is solution for now.

  139. Hi Ahmed and all other facing crashes,

    just read my previous comments. It works.

    BTW. It opened the Buy in GBPUSD, but wtf with 10 Lot on a 10000 Dollar account. eeeek

    I set the risk level to 5 % (-5), minimum lotsize to 0,1 and maximum lotsize to 10. And it took the maximum. Something is going wrong.


  140. @ ahmed
    Did you reads matt discription of how to fix this ? It worked for me , Only drag your Expert adviser on One of the 2 charts . Either drag it on the EURUSD or the GPBUSD not both . It will still run for both pairs even if you only drag it on one of the two . You should first restart MT4 right click on the chart go to expert adviser and remove it on both chart , then shut down and restart MT4 and drag your Leo Trader Pro on only the EURUSD or only the GBPUSD not both . then it should be alright . Mine didn’t crash again after this .

  141. I have 5k demo account on FinFX and i set risk level 0.04, so i got 0.1 lot size. Loos like that LTP team has to make new manual and clear installation instructions for this buggy EA.

  142. thanks @ Marcel and Matt
    its finally working, without any trades but.

    since i purchased EURUSD and USDJPY, i installed MT4 in to different folders and ran EA on EUR/USD on 1st MT and USD/JYP on 2nd with same account.

    lets see what happens.


  143. Here is the e-mail I sent to LEO Trader support:

    The version 1.00 is too buggy and is unstable. The EA crashes MT4 terminal and is simply unusable under normal circumstances. With the current issues I would never consider using this on real money account even if the trading strategy works. I’m familiar with MQL and do write my own algos including signal copier implementations. There are number of commercial and open source MT4 signal copying solutions that do not suffer same problems your product does. I believe you guys are using asynchronous thread for the DLL process without a solid thread marshaling, this is causing issues with MT4 interface synchronization.

    This product crashes MT4 terminal when:
    1) You change chart time frame.
    2) Try to modify EA settings.
    3) Smallest packet loss to the replicator server.
    4) Sometimes just crashes spontaneously without any input.

    I run this on a clean Windows 2003 Server VPS installation, no external programs or AV. This VPS was specifically provisioned to test this EA. You need to address these issues ASAP. I have stopped trying to test the strategy because of the problems mentioned above.

    Just FYI, one with basic coding abilities can simply copy trading signals from your investor account in real-time. I know you guys want to prove the strategy works, however you basically selling a signal service and your signals are free on the investor account access. I think if you provided a WebAPI interface and let others code algos to take your signals, you may have a better results.

    Also, you should folow discussion here https://www.forexmachines.com/reviews/leo-trader-pro/

  144. Hi Matt,

    I justt set 0.04 in the risk level section, thats all what i changed. Thats how i got 0.1 lot from 5k demo account, and my leverage is 1:200.

  145. I’m only doing EURUSD, no trades yet. However, I have pips4idiots too. And it will sometimes trade several times in one day, then not trade for days, very erratic/random–things must meet it’s set of rules. Well last Wednesday is the last time it traded, 8 times in one day, all wins, BUT NO TRADES SINCE LAST WEDNESDAY FOR THE PIPS4IDIOTS. In the case of the Leo Trader not yet trading I just hope it’s because it’s early on and/or the market is “no good” this week before Christmas.


  147. That GBP/USD trade that LTP opened is set with a 330-pip S/L and a 10-pip T/P. That is an awful risk/reward ratio. I would never trade a live account with this robot. One S/L takes 33 wins to recoup. Ugh!

  148. Hi andy,

    when you put a positive value in the risklevel section which is below the brokers minimum lot requirement, then it automatically takes their requirement. At least I understand it that way from the LTP manual.

    When you put in a minus value, it should adjust it by this risk level. But at the moment, I did not find a proper value.

    Does anybody know, what should be inserted there to have the risk adjustment LTP has in their liveaccount?


  149. Finally got mine working. The only thing I changed on the inputs tab is risk set at -3.0 or 3% of acc balance. GLTA

  150. @Marty

    If you have 3.0 that means next trade will be 3 LOTS! Not 3%.
    If you want MM to use equity %, you need to set value to -3.0.

    Read the PDF its clear regarding MM settings. Positive values mean fixed lot trading, negative mean % or account equity.

  151. Hi Matt,

    Yes You are right. In this case according to manual it doesn’t matter if i set 0.04 or 0.02, the lowest lot size what i can get is 0.1 with FinFx vendors broker. There is no lower value avaliable for this broker.

  152. the GBP/USD trade is down 30 pips right now with a 10 pip take profit so when they say that there DD is low you have to wonder how true that is

  153. So far Leo Trader is a piece of crap. I have experienced all the crashes that everyone else has. I fially got it going and then decided to make a change… what a mistake that was! When i tried to set it up again constant crashes and then it opened the gbp/usd trade naked no stop loss and no take profitand then crashed again. As of now down about 30pips with no stop loss. I think I will be getting my refund.

  154. I thought this would be a semi scam. These guys are pushing the hell out of this thing and people will find out soon enough that it is going to tear up their accounts. 300 pip SL and a 10 pip TP. What’s wrong with that picture. Just another scammer with good marketing sense.

    I made my own system last week and started it running on Sunday evening. So far from then to now It has made 274 pips. I have a little refining to do and I will make even more pips. I really believe that these EA’s are nothing but a lot of BS

  155. Grin–did you notice the – sign behind the (risk set at) on the first line. I missed the GBP trade @ 1.5398 because I had 4 charts open with Leo in them. Reinstalled with 2 charts and got the blinking lights and all. Seems to be working right as of now. Manually entered GBP @ 1.53694 with TP @ 1.54055 with 1 mini lot. SL @ 1.52750 on 5000 demo.


  156. Hello,
    I have a question. If this is a signal copier (I get this because of time frames do not matter and even though you open one chart you can trade with both currencies), we needed to start trading all together. By the way, I checked their account and did not see any open trade since 20th. How so some of us trading and others are not at this moment. I could not understand that. Because, we need to catch the trade together especially if we are using their broker or a low spread broker. Can someone explain this please? Thanks…

  157. Hi Denise,

    How can You not see. Please check LTP broker FinFX with investor access or visit LTP site account statement. Today we got one open trade on GBPUSD buy @ 1.5398 thats is for sure.

  158. Denise, there has not been a EURUSD trade on their account since earlier on Monday. But there was/is a trade right now going on in their account–a GBP/USD. I was only running a EUR/USD chart so I missed that one, but some of the other people on this forum are in that trade now – because they were running a GBP/USD chart. I’ve since started running both a EUR/USD and GBP/USD chart so I’ll be ready for the next one. Glad to hear from others that when that GBP/USD trade started on the Leo account, it also started on their own computer too.

  159. I will wait untill my trade is complete to load the new files. Lets hope some or most of the bugs are fixed. On the bright side, looks like support and company are getting things fixed very quickly. That says alot.

  160. Hi Dave,

    There is no matter which chart You running. I installed LTP EA to the EURUSD chart only. But got open trade on GBPUSD, the same trade on vendors site and account. Maybe You missed trade, because You in the LTP EA inputs line “AllowSymbols” set to trade EURUSD only. This field must be empty if you want to get trade signals on both pairs.

  161. But I have been running both charts since the first day. Nothing happen. I left my pc on day and night, and I did not see any error during this time. Why? Just could not understand.

  162. Thanks Andy, I had wondered, because the instruction manual seemed to indirectly indicate that could happen — as long as you did not specify only one pair to be used in the allowsymbol settings (mine is left blank). But on the other hand I didn’t know if my broker would allow a GBPUSD to open in a EUR/USD chart. But for some reason, I missed that GBPUSD trade this morning. Maybe my broker (and some, but not all) won’t allow anything but a EURUSD trade to open in a EURUSD chart? Another reason possibly is because – I did not install my updated dll and EX4 file until after that trade had started. I am referring to the new version they sent/emailed out this morning.

  163. I got open trade with older LTP version not updated.
    1.Remove LTP from all charts.
    2.Drag and drop LTP EA from navigator to EURUSD chart only.
    Insert your XXXXXXXX Receipt code, set Risk value.
    3. Click OK, and wait for trades on both pairs.
    You can open clear GBPUSD chart or another chart for monitoring or do trades manually.

  164. Hi all,

    I installed the new version. The main difference is, that there is a Pending Order Size mentioned in the chart. So you have control about the size of the next order. So you can adjust your risk levels. The maximum order size is set to 10 Lot. I set risk level to -5, did not change minimum (0.0) and maximum (10.0). I have a 10000 Dollar account and the Pending Order Size is 1.44 Lot in USDCHFJPY and 1.51 Lot in EURGBPUSD.

    Cool, I then wait for new positions opened.


  165. Matt, I noticed that on the new version too. My pending lot size is .06 – my account is a mini and my broker allows down to like .01. The .06 is the result of a -1% risk setting and a $200 demo mini account.

  166. I noticed they have new version of EA and same DLL version. Also the PDF manual file is slightly deferent, will be testing this soon. The version 1.00 was completely bugged, I gave up on it.

  167. Not that it matters but my new version (and manual) still says 1.00 not 1.00a. But I know it is different because the manual is different, and my pending lot size is displayed on the chart.

  168. The new updated version “1.00” seem to have solved MT4 crash issue when changing the time frame. I’m gonna test it further for known issues.

  169. I baught Leo Trader, since 3 days I am running it on a live account, so far no trades. Today 22 december they have a new version. That version has crashed the MT4 platform, so I can not run it. If you want to contact their support you have to submit a ticket, this ticket software is not reliable, after 3 tickets you can not send another ticket. I give it a go for another week if it performs as it does until now I will claim my money back

  170. Also, since I’m using a US broker I have to check the HEDGING option FALSE. Don’t know if that had anything to do with me missing that GBP/USD trade this morning, that is currently still going on.

  171. Hi Dropje,

    you can use the same ticket again and again. I only have one ticket and I make new requests by adding a new message.


  172. New version has a pending order size displayed in the chart window, but I have a eur/usd and gbp/usd chart open and when I changed the tf it crashed

  173. If I have lets say only the eurusd chart open do I still have to type in the synbols? for both pairs, on the one open chart?

  174. Hi Dropje,

    no problems with the new version. Did you already read my comments from this morning? Maybe this can help you.


  175. Hi Matt,
    I think I know what went wrong, after reading your emails, I opened 2 charts. Now I have only opened 1 chart EURUSD and so far it is ok. So if the EA is running on the EURUSD it also handles the GBPUSD. If the input field for the Curr pair is blank?
    Thanks for your help

  176. The original crashes if more than one ea is attached per platform as suggested by Mat.I placed the first EA for the cable/euro group on the first platform;no more crashes. I downloaded a second platform into a new labeled file: Alpari 2 and ran the second EA for swissy/ yen group on the second platform(same mt4# and password); no crashes so far. You only need one chart for each group and again only one chart for each platform.

  177. I sent the folloiwng letter:

    Thank you for your indication where to find the files. Unfortunately when installed the system crashes immediately, I dont know whether I have to inform you or the broker you adviced, anyhow I get a message that i have to press F7 and after that a
    “sorry for the crash” apears followed by a lot of information. Anyhow, I consider the installation manual accompanying “LEO Trader” very poor, too many different ways to follow to install the software, very confusing. On page 23 under general settings the receipt code is mentioned, but no indication where to find that code only says that it is an 8 char alfa num, strin.. Was that code also sent in an email that I missed perhaps?

    Awaiting your early reply i sign

    dr f j meijer

  178. Yes it hit it’s take profit, but it dropped to 1.53558 before turning around! That’s 400 points down to chase a mere 100 points up, plus the stop loss was way, way, way down .. do you think we just got lucky. Seems really risky to me!

  179. Hello Matt and John,

    I did not understand what you meant opening charts under another platform. But I tried opening another demo account and using EUR/USD in one account and GBP/USD in the other one was really helpful. It really lowered the load on the EA in one account and there is no error so far because of that (crossed the fingers). But that required two demo account opening. Would you please help me to open different platform under the same broker account(if this was what you meant)? Thanks a lot for your help.

  180. When you install the software it is saved in a metatrader file and a shortcut is created. This is what I called the first platform. Rename this shortcut for example: Metatrader4 Alpari#1 UK. Include the #1 somewhere in the name. Next go to program files in your C drive and create a new file and name it Alpari#2 or whatever your broker name is(I’ll refer to it as Alpari), just make sure it’s labeled #2. Install the the MT4 software again but this time when it prompts you,change the file it loads to to Alpari#2, the new file. Finish the install and you should have 2 shortcuts on the desktop. Relabel the second shortcut Alpari#2.You can now open two separate platforms and use the same login and password for both. Good luck and Merry Christmas.

  181. I wish you weren’t serious… Only one chart, so I have to run MT4 FOUR TIMES to make this work? I have other EAs running (like FAP Turbo) and have several open trades windows in them (up to seven); no problems (other than the fact that I should be trading Christmas week… but they are demo accounts, so why not?).

    I’ve opened a trouble ticket (and included the error messages; there’s really nothing in there that’s personal, with the possible exception of the version of Windows you’re running).

    We’ll see what happens!

    The license number is in the email that you received from ClickBank when you purchased. It’s the 8 digit ClickBank receipt number.

  182. Thanks John, I appreciate your help. Merry Christmas to you too…
    And Merry Christmas everyone here…

    I hope the problems will be solved and everything will be better after the holiday. 🙂

  183. Good morning all,

    I read some of the comments and found this one, where LTP stated, that the risk level should be set to (-)0.06 per $ 1000. As I have a 10000 Dollar demoaccount I set the value to – 0.6. The Pending Order Size is 0.18 and 0.17 Lot. With approximately 0.2 I would earn 20 Dollar (10 pip TP) and risk 600 Dollar (300 pip SL).

    Would you say, that this is reasonable and the settings are ok for that size of account?

    I wish all a very happy xmastime. I´ll be back on monday.


  184. Anyone smell the death trade zooming LTP way..Place a long on USD/CHF now!!..Current price 0.95030..Good luck to all who have purchased LTP

  185. Did ANYONE get the a first trade using A DEMO ACCOUNT that IS NOT thru FinFx??? I’m starting to worry that this thing may not work on demo accounts, and/or only works with FinFX and their high spreads.

    My system runs fine, does not crash, but missed the Wednesday GBP/USD trade. My settings are set correctly, allowsymbols line left blank, one chart (EUR/USD) running leo, etc. But I had to set the hedging option to false because I’m using a US broker. Also only using a 200 dollar demo account with -1% risk — and .06 lot size pending a first trade, if it ever happens.

  186. Great, a 2nd trade just started “EURUSD” and my system did not pick it up either. Support says I’ve got too many tickets open to write a new ticket, this when I don’t have one damn ticket open, any suggestions how to get them to respond to me???—because I cant use the ticket option.

  187. Hi Dave,

    choose the same ticket to write them.

    It opened two positions in Eur/USD. One is already finished with appr 18 Dollar profit. The second is going to develop.

    Looks good.


  188. Watched a live trade–that was done on my system too. Once it got well into the profit it readjusted the stoploss to 1 pip in the profit. Good thing in a way–because it came back and hit that stoploss, for a small profit, but still not a loss. I did not catch the first trade 2 minutes before that trade started. One was a buy, the other a sell, so probably has to do with hedging not allowed by my US broker, I might have to go over seas on the broker if this thing continues to work well, but miss some trades due to hedging.

  189. I had my first trade too. 🙂 Thanks God…

    By the way, is there any way of setting up something in this EA so that it will give sort of alarm when it enters the trade? This is a good way of following up with the trades too. Any idea is appreciated. Thanks…

  190. Need some help here guys, my account is Live at $200 starting.

    How do i set this thing with the correct Risk, Lot Size min/max etc. I’m expecting to see a nice safe average amount of profits from this. Just thought the King would ask the good people. Thanks guys. 🙂

  191. Hi King,

    you see this, when you attach the robot to the chart. For 200 Dollars I would set the risk level to 0.012. and leave min/max as they are.



  192. I am not on FinFx but running a demo account on an Australian broker.

    Mine took the two EURUSD sells – the first 14 pips profit in 1 minutes hitting the TP, the second 3 pips profit in 13 mins hitting a SL

  193. Thanks to you guys I now have the latest version loaded on EU only and it has not crashed MT4 for 4 hours!

    Thank you!

  194. mine just made its first trade on the Euro, nice healthy profit(demo), i still cant get it to stop crashing when i try to install a second chart. seems the answer it to open a second platform and run it separetly but i cant with same broker on demo accounts.

    someone mentioned earlier that they had a gbp trade go off. was it a sucsess?

  195. Understand this good people..NO commercially released EA will ever bring you to the level of success you wish to achieve..The market is manipulated to the slow extreme..Brokers simply adapt to whatever new software emerges..They allow limited success..Hoping you will up the ante..then drop the A bomb at the time of their choosing..The marketing of this product has reached new and slicker levels than seen previously..It seems,once again,many have been taken in..Trade MANUALLY ONLY people..Step back from the small time frame charts..Begin at weekly,Daily then ultimately 4 hour..to bring it all into real perspective..Eventually you will see it unfold..I have posted some trades for you all earlier..these will put some profits in your pockets..jase..Australia

  196. First of all to everyone , have a wonderful holiday day season.
    Well, I woke up and to my surprise, the bot made 2 – trades,
    both on EU, and both made from a small live account. I want to see if it will work live and forward testing.
    price= 1.31299, tp 1.31066 at risk level -5 gave me a lot size of .14, and a profit of real money = $3.35, not bad for a first trade. Still sl was way to big, would like to know more about this. secound trade was profitable for 3 pips, now pending order size is .15, so it is calculating.
    I only have $100.00 is this account for testing. and I do have a secound chart open with usd/jpy, on the same mt4 platform, but no trades.

  197. Hi Dave,

    Are You joking. FinFX has lower spreads i ever seen. This is ECN broker and they spreads are so small that i can’t even notice spread presence. So far i got 3 profit trades and one trade is running now. Later gonna try to test LTP on my live account.

  198. Hey I just realised LTP opened a sell signal on the GBP & I dont even have it attached to a GBPUSD chart let alone have the chart open, I only had the EURUSD chart open.

    Wierd huh! I would have thought I had to have both charts open with LTP attached to both?

    Be careful if anyone runs this with the intention of using one pair only.

  199. my EA is missing the trades, am running the EA only on EUR/USD chart without any Symbol in EA setting. as in previous comments it is suppose to open GBP trade with EA running on EUR chart. is it correct ? am i missing something ?

  200. i think there is some problem with my MT4, the “new order” button is disabled and i cannot open any trade manually and also the EA does’nt open any trades.

    how do i enable the “new order” button from the tool bar.

    thank you

  201. I not sure if its supposed to open trades on both pairs once its attached to 1 chart.

    All I know is I couldnt get both charts to run as it crashed MT4 every time so I emailed support again and in the mean time I just left it running with EURUSD.

    It looks like we dont need both charts open.

  202. Hello Jason
    could I email you and we could talk , I would like to know what type of signals and trading systems you use on the higher time frame charts . my Email is marceleb19 @ gmail.com
    Thanks in advance

  203. Correct, you only need to attach the EA to EUR for it to work on both EUR and GBP charts. Seems illogical but it works.

  204. Well the GBP closed out with a profit.

    First day of trading for LTP has gone well.

    Lets see what happens, I want to run this for 2-3 weeks in demo before I go live.

    Good luck everyone.

  205. The first trades done 🙂 GBPUSD sell
    FinFx – 15 PIPS
    Fx Exness – 13.3 PIPS

    Now EURUSD buying on open.

    BUT it is not trading on my FxPro demo account! Anybody has any idea why? All the same setup on every brokers acc…

  206. My broker told me on the phone they couldn’t see a GBP/USD trade opening up on their platform if I only had a EUR/USD chart running. But on the other hand he said “well ya know what, maybe if your EA is connected to a remote server, because orders can be placed with us w/out a chart open”.

    WELL TO MY RELIEF I’VE NOW GOTTEN EUR/USD AND GBP/USD TRADES WITH ONLY ONE CHART OPEN — A EUR/USD CHART. And it’s on a US broker with only a $200 mini demo account. Since it looks like it follows the 1331 account, and that account has a recent/long history of low drawdown, just set the risk up to -3% from -1%. Pending lot size is now .18 up from .06.

  207. well This Adviser is trading with a mentality of “chances are the trade will hit my TP at 10-15 pips before the currency goes 300 points in the opposite direction , which can be a good thing and a bad thing . I could trade like this on my own using just basic price action .

  208. @Dave

    The chart to which EA attached does not mean EA can olnly trade that particular pair. I write my own EAs and can tell you with 100% certainty if EA is coded to pull price data from the MT4 API, it does not matter which chart is is on. As long as the EURUSD and GBPUSD is available in in the market watch windows you are ok.

    The reason EA may not taken some trades are due to slip and spread. Your broker could have had higher that allowed spread or slipped your your order, thus EA never opened the trade when signal was sent.

  209. marcel, then that’s what you should do! no one should let a bot control their live account without any intervention whatsoever.

  210. On my PC the EA run without any problems – but very often (always if I do an input, regardless in which program) Windows XP show the following message in German but I try to translate): “The program or DLL c:\windows\system32\forexcodeguard.dll is not a valid Windows file. Check this with the installation disc” Do anyone know what this message means and how I can solve this problem?

  211. For those that are having trouble installing the new version,I had the same crashes etc. I had to completely uninstall leo. I mean completely from mt4 and EA files then install the new version. running both charts just fine. Have had 3 trades 110.00, 7.80, 65.00 profit. In a 4th trade EUR right now.

    Also if you do not like the S/L position you can change it From what I understand. It will not effect Leo’s performance unless of course you move it to close…still got what…56 days to test..GLTA

  212. Hi Marty,

    I think, I can remember, that the SL of 300 + is only set as a kathastrophy SL. If everything goes wrong. It was mentioned in one of the videos from Las Vegas, that LTP has got an inherent SL mechanism, which can not be manipulated by some forexbrokers. I think it will never hit that SL at 300 + pips. But nobody knows it exactly.

    Hallo Manfred,

    schön das noch ein weiterer deutscher Trader hier ist. Bei deinem Problem kann ich dir leider auch nicht helfen, da ich das selbe Problem habe. Ich weiss aber nicht, ob es an LTP liegt, aber diese Fehlermeldung habe ich bei einem einzigen Programm auch gehabt. Das es keine valide Win 32 Bit Anwendung ist, obwohl ich Win 7 64 Bit habe. Nur Bill Gates wirds wissen.

    Wenn du mir persönlich schreiben willst, dann kannst du das unter ceo at worldtra.de machen.

    Bis dahin frohe Weihnachten

    Matt aka Matze

  213. For the record, SL with -328 pips also uses well known EA bot, which calls FX Overdrive. Maybe SL -328 pips is some daily range worstest loss level.

  214. So far, going well. 4 trades, 4 winners and account up 5% in 24 hours. Hope it continues!!
    Noticed that FinFx has tight spreads but takes commission on each trade, so I guess they’re happy to host the robot…

  215. I found out why mine missed just one trade since the new 1.00a was installed. I found in my broker journal it initiated the trade at 3 minutes after the hour. Then 7 minutes after the hour the trade still had not happened and a “trade timeout” error was issued. I remember the lights on the EA stopping during those 4 minutes, and I had a lot of programs running on my computer, even other platforms, etc. So for now I’m dismissing it as a fluke – slow internet connection, slow broker, or too many programs slowing things down on my computer, etc.

  216. Hi toughcookie,

    FinFx takes commission, because its ECN broker, not MM. I was checking this broker before. It started working only since april 04.01.2010 (registration date). So its kind of unknown. Maybe all this LTP thing is collaboration between this broker and EA vendor. Also in the Finlad, FX market is unregulated. Anyway, as always, time will tell.

  217. Dave,

    It doesn’t matter how many programms You running. Most important is stable internet connection without losing packets. In background i even runing P2P client at full download speed, and still receiving all LTP signals. Also i keeping both live and demo platforms open.

  218. @Jason,
    Absolutely dead-on RIGHT!
    Black box EA’s will not stand the test of time, IMHO.
    Price action never changes.

    Daily charts. Established trends. Pinbars.

    ‘Nuff said…

  219. Hi all,

    I wonder if it would be possible to share dedicated server to run mt4 and LTP on it? Does anybody have experiences with those servers and knows if it is possible to share the server with other traders just in order to share the cost. I would also prefer a separate access to “my” area on such a server.


  220. Hi Neil,

    yes, as it receives signals and open and closes positions 24/5. Maybe it would be more cost effective to have a shared dedicated server instead of running your PC 24/5.


  221. Hi Matt,

    I can’t publish free EA hosting URL, but i can say, that You can get free quality EA hosting if Your broker are GAIN cpt Forex, which is mine. You can check their site for free EA hosting.

  222. Hi Andy,

    I know this broker as I am Introducing broker for them. But I want to choose FinFx ECN account.


  223. Matt,

    I was thinkinkg too, to open account with ECN broker long time ago. And there is a chance to put together raw spread ECN broker with they promising EA baby. But we still have time to test LTP carefully on other live and demo accounts. Point is , There is no need to hurry.

  224. I purchased the “Leo trader Pro” but there seems to be problems. I used it on Alpari UK, FinFX, and FXDD with all 4 charts of the extra payment for the Pro version, it only traded once on FinFX, then it must off locked itself, no further trades and it keeps on crashing on all MT 4 Platforms I tested. I sort it was the MT4 Platform, but when I live chatted with FinFx I was told to only use one chart for 1 EA for each MT4 otherwise it crashes, that means 4 instances of MT4 each with one chart. They have to be joking this is an impossible situation, they have to debug this thing, this is not a workable EA.

    When it traded it made $ 32 for that trade, I cannot see how it can produce 135% per Month at that rate, it only trades once per day ?

    I am cured I will never purchased a hyped up EA again, the way this EA is now it is useless.

  225. Hi Andy,

    I don´t have any other current live accounts. You are right, there is no need to hurry, but I think, every day I am not connected to this is a lost day. I am excited. Am I the only one here? haha.



  226. guys, my EA is missing all the trades i dont understand what is the problem, also no reply from LTP support. any one else having this problem ?

  227. Ahmed, Since installing the new 1.00a, mine is doing better. Only missed one trade in the last 15 hours, or 1 in 4. I found out why on that one, or the prime area. You might want to check the following. I checked my broker journal (at bottom of platform it says “journal”). On mine it said it was starting the trade at the time of the missed trade. Then 4 minutes later it logged/said the trade had not started and had a “time out” error. I’m putting that one on my broker. And because this platform says “no connection” several times in the day even though I have an internet connection and all other web pages I’m logged onto don’t lose their connection. If this keeps being a regular problem I may switch brokers. Too much “delay” or slippage in your broker can cause problems like this. But you are not the only one, so the EA seems to still have some bugs/crashes for some users, which they seem to slowly be improving – they are headed in the right direction.

  228. thanks dave,

    if am running a demo account wiht $500 what should be risk be ? if its only -5 can it open a 0.1 lot ?

  229. Ahmed, some brokers and account types, don’t allow less than .1 lot. Mine does. I am running a 200 dollar demo mini account, and initially set the risk at -1%, causing Leo to trade at .06 lots on this 200 dollar mini demo account. When I kicked the risk up to -3% the lots went up 3 times, to .18 (makes sense). But keep in mind, as it says in the manual, if your risk percent or lot size calls for .01 lots, but the lowest your broker allows is .1, then it will use .1. It can only go as low as the broker allows.

  230. this is the worst forex robot i have ever had, it keep crashing and crashing and have to restart metatrader 4 all the time. run it for 3 days not a single trade. support very poor message sent for 2 days no reply.

    complete waste of $149. giving it some weeks if it does not improve then refund will be requested.

  231. For the records: I put it on a live 500USD account. The 5th trade is closed with 350USD profit. So the price of the bot is back!!! 🙂

  232. Wlc. But now none of my brokers account trading with the 6th trade of LTP. Seems the bot is running, but none of the account have this open trade (FinFx, Exness, FxPro).
    What could happen?

  233. George – not 2 days, that was only one trade, the 5th one… on live account. But now all my MT4 (demos and live) not receiving the trades from the LTP EA. I donnow what happened…

  234. For the records: I put it on a live 500USD account. The 5th trade is closed with 350USD profit. So the price of the bot is back!!! 🙂

    John,what setting do you use? Please share : )

  235. Mr.GTO – as I said: leverege 1:1000, risk in the LTP EA setting is -5 (5%). No other settings I did, as I know; I am a newbie in forex. But ask me, I try to answer… 🙂

  236. Hi JTX, maybe you did not pick up the 6th trade because your leverage it TOO high for a $500 account!!! You might not have enough margin, check your Journal or Expert tab to see if you can understand what is happening. Maybe someone with more knowledge can comment on this. I am not 100% sure.

  237. FX Cutie – I have 3 other demo account with 10.000 deposit, 1:200 leverea. But none of these pick up the 6th trade… 🙁

  238. FX Cutie that may be right about leverage too high. On another account/bot I had a trade terminated BEFORE it hit the stoploss. It stopped/tagged me for an $87 loss. Seconds before it happened the margin was fine but then the margin line turned red (a margin warning call) as the trade went more into the red. You can be too much into the margin BEFORE a trade — which wont allow it to start in the first place, or be like mine and get into the red in the middle of a falling trade (towards, into the red).

  239. Hmm strange thing.

    I still have EUR/USD trade at my EUR?USD chart but… trade was closed 20 mins ago (21.53) at 1.31116 -15 pips . What is going on ? I’ve just checked at FinFX LPT account and this trade is still runing. More… Looks like my MT4 believe that this trade is running (as I said it’s still at chart with “play” icon). Crazy…

  240. I followed the instructions of this useful blog and it worked… Runnung on a single VPS, 4 MT4s, one per each pair and then it finally didn’t crash. Stil no trades, but at least it doesn’t crash anymore. I’m on a live account,500 usd, also with 2 other EA’s (but running different MT4’s away from LTP).
    I’m only putting 0.01 lots on it to see what happens (I don’t trust in the -5 for an EA with so many troubles in the beginning)

    Happy Holidays, take care!

  241. JTX

    If you have your live account with a leverege 1:1000 you will kill your account in the next few days, try to download your leverage to 1:100 it will be more safe for you.
    If the LTP open a position and it went down 100 – 150 pips you will be dead with your account and it will not be the EA

  242. obviously, anyone playing around with forex using leverage of 1:1000 has no clue what forex is or what it will do to an account! my advice, stay far away from brokers that even offer that kind of leverage. if you’re just starting out, i wouldn’t trade with a live account with more than 1:50 which is definitely manageable. don’t get greedy, you will lose your shirt in a heartbeat.

  243. I am running this on a $3000 demo account. I set the risk level to allow 3% yet it opened the trade with .27 of a standard lot which is about $860 and is WAY more than 3 % of the account. Does anyone know what that’s all about?

  244. while i don’t condone the use of ea’s without some kind of intervention, if you’re considering putting any kind of bot on a live account, you need to understand the importance of money management or risk management. this aspect is more important than what a bot can do for your profit potential. too many people look at how much money a bot can make them, and not look at how it actually manages risk! improper risk management will lead to margin calls or worse, capital liquidation. understand margin and what your broker requires because everyone will incur drawdown.

  245. #CO, it all comes to leverage, what leverage are you using?

    Example, if you use 1:100 leverage, it means that you control $100,000 lot with only $1,000 (1:100 is called standard lot). With this, each PIP (based on USD) worth $10. So if the trade gives you 10 pips, that means you made $100, if you lose 10 pips, you lose 100.

  246. #CO If your leverage is 1:1000, each pip worth $100, and 0.27 represents 27 dollars for each pip. It means you are controlling 27% of the lot size.

  247. This 500 acc is at exness.com. The min lot size is .01
    The pending order size is .1 on the EA, but the trade size is actually 1.0 …
    Anyway I am listening to all of you and will turn down the leverage to 1:200 or something…
    But still wants to unserstand, why not receiving the trade signals from LTP… I just copied manually the trades

  248. There is a problem with the port on my PC to open the EA LeoTraderPro, what is the port to have administrator rights on the MT4 platform?

  249. Hello,
    Is there anyone here having problem with the charts of FinFx? My screen is frozen, and market time is frozen too. Even their life chat is offline. That is so weird. What would I do if I had a live account with them? My other broker screen is working very well indeed. Everything is fine with my other system except FinFx charts. 🙁

  250. Denise, that FinFx platform is doing EXACTLY what my US broker/platform does when it closes down on Friday at 4pm EST. The time freezes, everything freezes when they shut down, then everything starts moving again Sunday Evening. And my time always freezes at 359pm EST, as it closes at 4pm. Notice on the FinFx site it is frozen at 559, like they closed at 6am today for the holiday. My Us broker was going to close the 24th at Noon EST. Wasn’t expecting the Euro broker to close this early, but glad I closed this trade manually (for this reason) when it was slightly in the profit. Last 2 weeks it seems the market has opened up 20 pips (EUR/USD) down on Sunday Evening, which would put this trade back in the red!

  251. Dear Dave, thanks for your information. I was expecting at least a notice from them before closing down. But, thanks God, that was only demo account and I am learning it. Thanks again.

  252. I don’t have crash problem,maybe because i’m using VPS but still no trade since the day i bought it.Just the indicator that make a bright light,goes down and goes up but still no trade for me not even a single trade.

    My broker is IBFX and the chart i use is GBPUSD M15, i also attached Megadroid in a H1 chart. My account size is (live)USD400.00.Can anyone help me here?Pending order size is 0.01 lots,but still not trigger any trade not even a single trade.

  253. Mr Gto I love the Pontiac GTO and was nicknamed “Pontiac Dave” in college LOL.

    I am using a US InterbankFX demo mini account, $200, -3% risk, has been trading at .18 lots, and did one trade at .06 lots when risk was at -1%. I am on a M1 EUR/USD chart, it has traded EUR and GBP with just that 1 chart running leo. I was not getting any trades either. My first came a little over 24 hours ago after installing 1.00a. But I have missed one since. I discovered in my journal that trade was commanded to start 3 minutes after the hour, then 4 minutes later it had not happened and got a “trade timeout” error. So the signal seems to have been sent from LEO. Seems like sometimes the IBFX clock stops for a minute, IBFX may be part of the problem. But with so many people missing trades I’ve gotta wait a bit to see if Leo fixes it on their end, and what happens on the next 20 trades or so. So far all I have is like 4 and one missed after it made it’s first trade. FYI, restarting your platform clears that journal. So wait for the next missed trade, then don’t shut it off w/out first checking that journal. Also on US brokers you must check the hedging option as FALSE on your leo settings.

  254. i downloaded the latest version of LTP but still it version 1.00 not 1.00a, and am missing all the trades. LTP live account opened around 6 trades and my EA missed them all.

    any suggessions.


  255. Change of Trading Conditions

    From December 27, 2010 till December 31, 2010 the following restrictions apply:

    * Maximum leverage for all account types will be changed to 1:50.
    * Spreads for most currency pairs will be somewhat wider than in the normal mode of operation. Please bear in mind during trading that Stop Levels and Freeze Levels cannot be less than the spread value.

    Starting from January 3, 2011 when the Forex market opens, Exness default trading conditions will be renewed.

  256. Good morning all,

    I was wondering, how LTP adjusted the decrease of the risklevel in November to trade with smaller lots. I asked them and they told me, that it is due to the trader to increase or decrease the risklevel. I thought, that we could keep the risk level and everything else is done by their server.

    So, I guess we should watch their positions and adjust our risk level.



  257. Hey Jason in Australia, you seem to be taking the same entries as I am – trading off quality support & resistance levels on the 4 hr charts. My question to you is how are handling your exits?

  258. Hi Matt..Once the major support has been established it is generally a good sized move..In the case of that USD/CHF long ..My target was set at 0.96220..The price peaked somewhere near 0.96645..So target was reached easily..It is somewhat difficult to explain my exit stratagy because I use many..But that USD/CHF trade in particular..My aim was for about 40-50% of the 5 day high low..

  259. I’m not sure when the real results are “real”. For example only 3: adroitea.com , qdiamondsystems.com , automatedforexea.com and many others. Seem to be a lot of excellent EA at reasonable price, ready to be bought and ready to produce interesting earnings at very low risk. I’ll be glad if someone can reply.

  260. I received a comformation of a refund, too many bugs for me. Not as easy as advertised. It kept making my computer act up and alot of the same problems others are getting.
    Thank you for all your post, it is very helpful and I’m still reading to see if all the kinks are worked out with the system. I don’t have the knowledge alot of you have and that is a big concern for me.
    A guide on how set everything in the input would be nice and a troubleshooting platform. But for $149 what do you think your going to get.

    Happy Holidays

  261. Anyone noticed the live feed on the LTP website of their trade account has been stuck for the past couple of hours now?!

  262. Criag wrote: “But for $149 what do you think your going to get.”

    Hi Criag,

    If and I say if it works in the future as seen in the last 5 month, then this one time fee is the best investment ever. Similar (if there are similar ones I don´t know) services cost monthly fees of about several hundred USD. The disadvantage of those signal services is, that they send live signals and you have to be at your computer to open and close positions. Here anything seems to be automatically.

    If it works technically as they advertised, then I would also pay a monthly fee for this service. A one time fee seems, and I say seems to be a bargain.



  263. “Anyone noticed the live feed on the LTP website of their trade account has been stuck for the past couple of hours now?!”

    yes, the market in Finland at FinFx is already closed for holidays.


  264. Matt,

    What I meant was that for the price it is not going to be an easy set up for everyone. Yes for the potential profit it is cheap but it needs to be polished up and fine tuned and then I know it would cost more but for alot of people that would be the ticket.
    There will be kinks to be worked out and I will admit that I should not have bought until I had read the post after it went live.

  265. Hi Criag,

    I had my difficulties too to setup LTP. Their manual was not describing everything correctly. Hope they will make it easier to implement.

    I am very curious if this thing will continue it´s performance in 2011.



  266. Don’t know what to make of this yet. Besides the usual suspect spammers, one or two forex voices I respect support this EA. I have his installed on FinFX demo remote hosted and FinFX demo on own PC. Lots of crashes on former, little problem on latter.

    With 5 trades opened on gpp/usd and euro/usd pairs my £3000 ac is up to £3445.05 between 22 Dec until today.

    My main concerns are about money management. It’s trading at lot size 1 (£10 per pip) and two trades – £100 and £34 profit were stopped out to take profit. The default stop loss appears to be 330 pips i.e £3300. What happens if there is a movement of 50+ pips against your position?

  267. I agree LeoPro is very buggy and not robust, but whatever trade algorithm it uses seems to work based on what I have seen. Mind has crashed slot and the following is what prevents this:
    1) load LTP on only 1 of the 2 pairs-it trades both pairs and chart timescale doesn’t matter
    2) their support group indicates that only one chart running LTP should be loaded on a given instance of MT4. I plan on setting this up over the weekend. This is very inconvenient, but I’m going to give it a go
    3) when both EURUSD and USDCHF are running (so 4 pairs are in play), I have seen potential bad interaction with FapTurbo. Closing a FT USDCHF trade was coincident to system crash.
    4) again, with 2 LTP charts running in a sigle instance of MT4, changing chart timeframe causes a crash, unloading the EA causes a crash, closing the chart causes a crash. Only way to recover is to shut all LTP charts down, restart MT4, and reload LTP
    5) if you’re behind a router, you may need to configure it to get LTP to connect with external server. I initially enabled UPnP, but not LTP has indicated that port 1000 needs to be opened. I am seeing if port triggering will do the trick as I have 2 systems running on my network. If you just have 1system, port forwarding should work.

    Other comments:
    A) there support is good and timely-much better than Forex Bully, which was nonexistent
    B) trades can get dropped. I have ATC and FinFX running. ATC seems to pick up all trades that show up in the LTP account and FinFX has missed a few, but both accounts have had only winning trades since I started 2 days ago (about 5).
    C) I’m running at -2 risk and getting ~0.2 lots on a $3,500 account, and this is much more than 2% at ~320 pip SL
    D) trades in ATC correspond 1:1 with LTP account

    All in all, the robustness and ease of use of LTP sucks; the returns look good however, but time will tell if this will continue. However, I must say I am encouraged given the high correlation between trades on the LTP FinFX account and my ATC and FinFX accounts.

    I hope they correct some of the usability issues, but for now, I am resigned to creating duplicated MT4 files so that I can isolate LTP to a single instance per MT4 (running it on EURUSD on one and USDCHF on the other).


  268. Denise: when you install 2 instances of MT4 as you described earlier do trades on one not show up in trade view and history of the other?

    Thanks and Merry Christmas


  269. The FinFX was closed so early on yesterday for Holiday, because the Santa Claus is living in Finland… 🙂

    One important point, by the support:

    A single license can be run on 2 accounts only, both accounts must run from one IP-address.

    So that’s why my third account at FxPro did not picked up the signals…

  270. Thank you JTX,

    this explains something 😉 So I don´t need to forward my licenses to a friend of mine. That also seems to be important, when you trade from an external server and you also have an account open on your PC at home. This might not work.



  271. For those of you, who did not already bought LTP, you can open your own Clickbank account and buy your licenses from your own link. Then you keep the commission in your pocket.

    I bought LTP from a guy called Keith Marshal. He offered alot of bonuses, but as I wrote an email to him, the email came back undelivered. This guy sucks.


  272. > For those of you, who did not already bought LTP, you can
    > open your own Clickbank account and buy your licenses from
    > your own link.

    That won’t work unless you’re gonna sell it to other people too. You need to meet the payout threshold as well as make sales to 5 different credit cards before you can cash out. That’s exactly there to prevent people from creating accounts and buying for a “discount”.

  273. On a 10K demo with both EA’s , what are the best settings to achieve the pre 19th Nov results when they changed to settings to almost nothing? Cheers all and Merry Xmas.

  274. Hi admin,

    ah OK, I did not know this. I assumed, that it will work this way. I learned 14 years ago: Assumption is the mother of all fucking up.


  275. Thanks Pontiac Dave..; )If this LTP work out well and deliver trades to my account..i will surely drive a Pontiac..maybe 10 years from now.; )

  276. I’ve heard LTP will only work from one IP address, maybe it’s true, or not true.

    If the above is true, and say I have to get a new computer, will LTP work on it, and if not, is there something that can be done by you, to allow me to use it on a new computer???

    This next question may be more for my account/broker people.–> If my home computer is on and logged into my account with LTP running, but I am 2000 miles away with a laptop, can I log into that account (and work/affect it) from the laptop??? Or will I get “kicked out” because the 2 different computers are not allowed account access at the same time?? If there’s no away around this I might just have to shut the home computer down and take the laptop with me. But then there’s the possible problem of 2 ip addresses not being allowed, thus not allowing LTP to work with the laptop (the 2nd computer).

  277. Hi Dave,

    I guess, there will be no problem, if you buy a new computer. If you open MT4 on Computers with different IP´s and run LTP on them, then you might face problems. At the same time of course. When you for instance close the session on one computer you can then work on an other computer.

    I.E. When I start using a dedicated server, I should avoid logging in mt4 on my computer with LTP on it in the same account. This might bring problems.

    To make things short. Run mt4, LTP in one account only on one computer / server. You can login to your account a second time from the moon, only when there is no LTP running, which might cause problems.

    Hope I got it right this time 😉



  278. Thanks Matt, And hopefully when they say 1 ip address, they mean “1 at a time”, and not — you can’t use a 2nd ip even after shutting the first ip/computer down. Even if the latter is true, I’d expect/hope that LEO would work with me w/out making me buy another copy.

  279. The crashes most likely have been discussed by everyone, the way I fixed the crashes was to not run both EUR/USD and the USD/JPY on the the MT4 platform. Running them together works for a shor time then eventually crashes. I also made sure my firewall allowed the DLL to communicate properly. Here is an answer I recieve back from support:

    Please try to remove the EA from the chart and download the fixed version from the download page (the separate files from Option 1), then reattach it with your Clickbank receipt number and correct RiskLevel value (not the default value). To trade both currencies, just attach robot to EUR/USD chart. If you want to trade only one currency, fill “AllowSymbols” field in EA settings as it is described in the Manual. Please don’t attach the EA to both charts, as it can cause instability in the MT4 platform. If you would like to change the settings, you’ll need to remove the EA and attach it again with the desired properties. Also please check if the DLL file isn’t blocked by your system, firewall or antivirus software. We also recommend using separate MT4 platform for USD/JPY and USD/CHF currencies.

  280. Hello Doug:
    Under FinFx, I created 2 platform, and named them FinFx1 and FinFx2. In one platform I opened EUR/USD and in the other one GBP/USD. And both charts caught the EUR/USD trade at the same time. It was weird, but yes it worked indeed.
    Then I wanted to see if I open one more chart under different broker account,whether it would work or not (3 charts at the same time). It is a demo account and I would not loose anything. Then I opened GBP/USD chart under different broker account. That time,3 charts caught EUR/USD trade at the same time. Shortly, it worked really well. Since brokers are closed now, we will see whether it is going to be ok when the market is open again. I think under same IP address, anything is possible. However, I have no idea for different IP addresses. Hope that helps.

    Merry Christmas.

  281. Hi Denise,

    yes, that seems to work. Different brokers at the same time and same IP. You only need to install LTP in Eur/USD in order to trade GBP/USD also. Or vice versa.

    You´ll need a second instance, only if you want to run the USDCHFJPY robot too.

    Did anyone notice, that LTP only opens Eur/USD and GBP/USD positions in their 1331 account? I wonder, why not in USDCHF or USDJPY.



  282. Hey. Bought bout a week ago. Had trouble with crashing MT4. Have opened a new MT4 (demo atm) for 1 chart with this EA and have cut down the crashing to maybe once or twice a day (24hrs). It has so far traded 5 times with 5 winning trades (70 pips profit). One trade still open at close of market (11 pips down). It closes trades not necessarily at tp (sl?). So far only eurusd/gbpusd ea has traded a bit concerned the usdjpy/usdchf ea has no trades. Waiting for a losing trade but fairly impressed so far.

  283. I can’t get LTP to connect now. When I try to attach it to a chart on one system it goes thru 3 connection attempt for both main and backup server and then notes it can’t connect. On my other system, it tries once and then I have a pop up that there are too many simultaneous connections.

    Is this just a weekend thing that will resolve when the markets open?


  284. My guess is yes. Many Ea’s that I have loaded won’t completely load until the market is open and moves by at least a pip.

  285. I bought this system the day it was released. It crashed numerous times until I downloaded Finfx, then it seemed to work ?? Although I have the smiley face and all the coloured bars it has not taken one trade yet.
    I emailed them with the problems and they did get back to me abouut the crash and asked me to send files, my computer is not running the same , extremely slow.
    They have not got back to me about not taking any trades.
    I do not understand what you are supposed to put in the risk level and min lot size and max lot size. Do you change all of them??
    If the time is not right for trading as it is christmas why would they release it a week before ?? That time is eating into the trial period !
    I actually think the only way to make consistant profits is to read the markets yourself and manually trade , as many other people have said on here if it is that great why would they share it and secondly if it is supposed to make you vast amounts of money surely they would charge more . I think i will claiming a refund.

  286. I have segregated my 2 LeoPro charts into separate MT4’s and no crashes seen thus far. So this is a good thing.

    Is anyone going to be live on LTP this week or are you choosing to not open new trades? I’m running my demo this week but have shut down opening new trades on my live account


  287. Use logmein.com to log in remotely.Set up on your home computer(where your mt4 is installed), then you can log in from another comp in your home or from 2000 miles away.No IP problem……

    “This next question may be more for my account/broker people.–> If my home computer is on and logged into my account with LTP running, but I am 2000 miles away with a laptop, can I log into that account (and work/affect it) from the laptop??? Or will I get “kicked out” because the 2 different computers are not allowed account access at the same time?? If there’s no away around this I might just have to shut the home computer down and take the laptop with me. But then there’s the possible problem of 2 ip addresses not being allowed, thus not allowing LTP to work with the laptop (the 2nd computer).”

  288. For the experts..

    If you can leave the setting for say a $500 account, so that everyone would be close to the same page, that would be a big help, since support is non-existent (overloaded).

    Also, is it necessary to open a second account with the same broker in order to run usd/jpy.

    It would be interesting to see everyone running these robots, rather than listening to them having problems..so let all help if we can..if they work, we’ll all have some fun. Good Luck n Thanx

  289. Anyone know how to change the inputs while LP is running? (pending a trade).

    This board is going to become popular is their slow support continues.

    What it all boils down too is..u have 60 days to easily get your money back (if they dont run off lol) so theres no reason to bash these bots. If they dont work for you, or you dont think they’re not up to your high standards, please post one that is..then ask for a refund. I personally are enjoying playing around with them and i’m sure most others are also..if not, refunds abut a click away..so lets have sum fun with them and help everyone get theirs up and running…just sayin

  290. Here ya go…

    60 Day Risk FREE Money Back Guarantee

    If at ANY time within the next 60 days, for ANY reason at all, you aren’t happy with Leo Trader Pro™ then simply e-mail us and we’ll refund every cent of your purchase.

    No questions asked, no ifs, no buts, no whys! Your satisfaction is our success and if we can’t fulfil that, then we don’t want your money.

    So no bot bashin needed.

  291. received email from leo,leaving on thru the holidays. No JPY or CHF trades yet. Running both eur and jpy on same mt4 platform. no problems, no crashes

    Norm–no same acc but you may want to use 2 platforms to run both,1 on each platform. I will change to that later

    Found cheap vps with 100% uptime. LInux.cpanel. easy 4 to 6 mt4’s running. I going live acc, a must have. GLTA

  292. Re: no JPY trades. There are 2 rather negative JPY trades in play now, so additional JPY trades may be unlikely until these close

  293. Ya Marty. I’ve learned a lot abound LTP looking at the live accounts. Now if only the open EURUSD trade closes for a gain in my live account I’ll really be happy (about 5pips down as I type); I’ll also be tempted to let LTP open new trades this week . . . . But my better judgement tells me not to.

  294. I am still running on demo. Going to leave running to see how leo performs. I would close a live acc and leave demo running. eur 6 pips down entered 1.31264 GLTA

  295. Whats the point of running a demo account when you can open trades for 10 cents a pip?…30 pips 3 bucks lol then you can write home and tell ma you’re makin money at last!

  296. Doug–more then welcome.

    Norm—funny stuff…lol

    well,well in profit…hummmmm

    Have a tactic in an extreme drawdown on acc. Must be a seasoned trader though. Not for the faint of heart. Will share if and when leo faulters….if anybody is interested.

  297. Hey Marty, I have a great fear of extreme drawdowns..thats why I play fake breakouts..i wait for the big boys to set em up (stop hunters, God luv em)..I’m only in the market for 30 seconds..and longer than that and my life flashes before my eyes lol.

  298. Hey, if these things work..we’ll be sittin on sum carabean island with a bunch of dancin girls…gettin flashed all day long lol

  299. what leverage LTP is using ? their fxbook says 100:1 but with -5.1 pips and 0.40 lot only $-2.04 negetive!!!

    12.23.2010 19:38 EURUSD Buy 0.40 1.31263 1.31513 1.27963 -2.04 -5.1 0.0

  300. heres 2 trades running on usd/jpy at 1:15am new york time

    buy 83.809
    buy 83.704

    positions are trading right now about 100 pips down. might wanna jump in lol

    80.424 yup you heard it 300+ pip stoplosses whew!

    lemmie know if i’m wrong..gl

  301. “They” took usd/jpy sideways for 47 hours and finally broke below support…i gotta feelin it was a false breakout…looks like LTP thinks so too (LTP hasnt cashed out) should be interestin.

  302. is there a separate finfx live acct # and investor password for the jpy and chf pairs? I sped through the checkout and feel like I missed it somewhere.

    anyone tried the robin hood system their giving away?

  303. norm –jump on 82.550 may not go there…but I got this funny feeling…lol

    I know why they run with such a large SL…BROKER HUNTERS..kinda like hunter killers…

    r we going to tag eur…within 3..

  304. Hi guys, I am out of the EURUSD with 24 pips profit, my platform did not receive the trailing SL change. This was the first time I have not received a signal from LTP. Wondering why.

  305. Hey Marty, usd/jpy got within 10 pips of 82.55 looks like its turnin…good call 😉

    EUR/USD LTP gettin close to cashin out with a $12 profit..its 2:30 am est. trailin stop is at 1.31549 gl

  306. I forgot that it was Sunday today. The market opened and I forgot turning on my computer to continue my trades. Then I realized and opened them and got shocked really: Leo already had profit and closed the trades after wards. I have never seen that kind of EA before. While I was having holiday, my demo account got a lot of profit. It is weird,isn’t it???

  307. Yea, nice surprise..dont quit your day job just yet…soon tho lol

    Here’s a message i got from support.

    Thank you for your e-mail.
    In the average robot makes two trades per day. But due to the holidays the market is extremely volatile and EA’s trading frequency has been reduced in order to prevent losses. So, please, be patient else a little and robot will make a profit for you.

  308. I hv been trying since 22nd Dec. but no luck. I didn’t get a single trade. Looks like the setup is correct – connected to Master server etc. Still waiting ……hmm…

  309. I am running the EA on a live account and I use a VPS server.The first trade was made on 23 dec on the EURUSD at 1.31272 (buy). It has closed today 27 dec at 1.31513. it made 24.2 pips , Lot size 0.1, profit 18.33 EUR, using Alpari UK.

    Th SL and TP where not hit, that means that the SL is a protective SL and the close of the trade is based on the the logic in the programme.

    I have still one problem I can not change the settings of the EA when it is running. Does anyone else have the same problem? please let me know.

  310. Hi Dropje,

    You cant change LTP settings/properties F7, while it running. This is LTP bug too. So if You want to change settings, You have to remove LTP from chart and reattach it back by changing settings, this is the only way.

  311. @Doug. What is the difference between 0.06 (which they have recommended) and -2. I can’t see doubling the acct every month with 0.06. Is -2 the pre 19th Nov setting? Thanks.

  312. -2 is as aggressive as I am willing to go. If original SL of ~330 pips is hit, a -2 setting would result in about 20% of my investment being lost. I don’t know how LTP calculates lot size based on the risk level you enter, but it doesn’t seem to be intuitive.

  313. Not 100% sure I get this but here’s what they said about running both robots in the same account.

    NOTE#2:In case you want to use both EA versions EURUSD / GBPUSD and USDJPY/USDCHF simultaneously in the same account.

    Install a 2nd copy of MT4 from your broker and log into the same account from each copy of MT4 – that would allow you to run the 2nd copy of the EA from the 2nd copy of MT4.

  314. Now you can change LTP settings with F7, while it running.

    “So if You want to change settings, You have to remove LTP from chart and reattach it back by changing settings, this is the only way.”

    No more!!

  315. Hi to all,

    May I know why I go to their LTP invester live account, I can’t found where is the smiley face on their chart to show that their account running LTP?. And on that their invester account, what is the time frame they use actually?

  316. Norm you said trailing stop hit on your eur trade?
    mine hit target and out…1.31513

    3432717 2010.12.23 19:39 buy 0.47 eurusd 1.31264 1.27963 1.31513 2010.12.27 08:48 1.31513

  317. They’ve given away the robinhood strategy with steal pips as well. Sounds like steal pips has re-invented themselves. How ever if the EA makes pips, who cares?

  318. Been trying to log in using the investor password. says the acct number is changed I am using 1331 and the password from the add anybody have any suggestions?

  319. For USDJPY LTP account:

    Account#: 2729
    Password: LTP15112010
    Server:      FinFx-Live

  320. Marty, may have hit TP i, i thought it hit ts was very close. hey nice call on usd/jpy came within 9 pips of ur call..now up 20 pips..hasta climb nuther 35 pips just for LT to break even..i’m in manually.

  321. Thanks Doug I dont know what I am doing wrong cant seem tpo get the appropriate screens up with activity. Have deleted and reinstalled FIn FX Metatrader several times


    Before attaching robot to the chart ensure that you don’t forget to enter Risk Level(Must be differ from “0”).

    Didn’t see it mentioned anywheres on this board..thanks guys. default setting is 0.0 and it wont run at that setting.

  323. Norm–thought maybe it would touch the 55 area but…
    eur–out on tp @ 1.31513
    pete– uninstall everything, I mean everything including the dll and ea in files as well as ea in mt4. then reinstall if you can’t get it to work right. I have both the eur and jpy running on 1 platform with no problems at the moment.

  324. Thanks Doug

    For USDJPY LTP account:

    Account#: 2729
    Password: LTP15112010
    Server: FinFx-Live

  325. Marty, did you happen to go long when usd/jpy was at 64? LTP was down over 115 pips at that point.

    Oh, btw do u have a foreign acc. need to open one prolly with Finfx..we’re losein trades not being able to hedge.

  326. I have 2 different MT4 aaoucnts. One is running the EURUSD pairs and the other is runing the USDJPY Pair.

    But I Don’t have any trades that opened as of yet. Pretty frustrating I am In Phoenix AZ.
    IS anyone else from the USA or all of you good people that have open trades are from Europe?

    ALSO, the time zones are all messed up. The LTP Times for London Tokyo New york and the GMT offsets on the LTP Robot are all not correct.
    Would anyone know if there is a way to change the time zones to the correct time?

  327. I can hedge with ATC Brokers, a US firm, because they have set up their system to meet the rules and still allow hedging. Their spreads and commissions are good. I also opened account with FinFX so I also have some funds offshore.

  328. LTP still down over 100 pips at approx. 4:30 est monday trading usd/jpy.

    Gonna take this baby a while to make up those 100 pips plus a profit…should be interestin…no big loss on a micro account…dont think a hedge fund would be havin fun now lol

  329. Norm–NO, I am not manually trading at this point. Want to learn what Leo is capable of doing at this point. Will trade man later.

    Have 2 accs. 1 at fxcentral. very high commissions though
    2nd at finfx….both allow hedging

    Has anybody tried using a 1/2 % such as 1.5% risk?

  330. Doug:
    yes my risk level is at -5
    Are you in the USA? or Europe?

    The time zones on my LTP are not showing the correct times for New Yrok Tokyo London and I might suspect that that is why I don’t get any trades.

    Did anyone get any trades today int he past 10-12 hours?

    Would any of you know how or rather where to adjust the GMT offset?

  331. hi, i am in Asia and my time also all wrong… i have changed my PC time zone to GMT since last night but so far no trade yet (it’s about 10 hours already) Marty, may be you try to change your PC time zone to GMT and see whether it works or not… regards.


    I missed the very last trade 1331 made–and is in now, and have missed 2 of the last 5 trades. My settings are fine–support even told me so. My system never crashes, runs smooth other than missed trades. I don’t know what else to do on my end. There were no errors in my journal on the last missed trade—like the broker never received the trade signal. I told support with 1 missed trade in the last 4, I needed another 20 or so to know if the one missed was a fluke (not Leo’s error). But then I missed the next trade, so now 2 in the last 5 are missed. I’ve just sent them an email asking what else I can do, OR IF THEY ARE STILL WORKING ON MISSED TRADES FROM THEIR END.

    But I wanted to know from you all if you’ve been told THEY ARE STILL WORKING ON THE MISSED TRADE PROBLEM?

  333. I have missed trades on FinFX demo account but not on ATC Brokers live account. I took my live account offline for this week and am now testing ATC broker demo account. I haven’t elevated misses to LTP support yet.

  334. Thanks Doug, and I forgot to mention my account is a demo account thru IBFX, maybe it won’t miss trades when I go live.

  335. I missed the last trade as well. My system is running perfectly though. I only missed the last one and the change of SL amount. So it accounts for 2 in a row! Not good!

  336. I had a missed trade. My LTP is running on a VPS, Demo account, EA (EURUSD, USDJPY)attached on seperate platform (one account), no crashes, all timezone & GMT offset shown correctly, risklevel: 0.02, pending order size: 0.02 lots, no error messages shown in the journal.

    Submitted a support ticket, waiting for their reply.

  337. I didn’t get the G/U trade either. In fact, I got LTP on the release day and haven’t gotten it to trade yet. I finally got the MT4 crash problems resolved (except I could never get it to work on a IBFX micro account) but now it just sits there.

    At this rate, my time using LTP will be VERY short.

  338. This is a bad couple of weeks to release robots..they probably are only releasing to a portion of traders to see how it goes..they know how nasty forex traders can become if they stub their toe.

  339. missed the gbp and the chf trades.now i am having problems.

    yes I see norm….if it blows through ..next stop could be the 81.50 mark

    got some work to do on this

  340. 330 pip stoploss I doubt it’ll hit it whew! 330 pips ok for micro acc. lol

    Thnx e-trader, I’ll check them out..need a good hedging broker so we dont lose trades with these bots.. they hedge some trades as u prolly know, and we can’t with us brokers ( for those that don’t know).

  341. Hey e-trade, Smarttradefx seems to be an excellent broker, and an ECN also..has all the bells n whistes including gold n silver, plus hedging for our sweet lil bots that r gonna make money lol Hey, if they dont, they’re more fun than watchin tv. thnx for the broker..oh and they speak english! and you dont have any dumb login and password..that looks like a first.

  342. Missed the last two trades here too, gbp and chf. Running a live acct at IBFX.

    If you live in the US you won’t be able to use a foreign broker.

  343. hey guys, I am new in forex market. i am looking a great robot. is leotraderpro ‘s robot great? you all using now right? can make profit? i view the mt4 (investor password), is only can be used on two pair. can it use on other pair? hope you guys can answer me.

  344. I missed them 2 and entered them manually, not sure it was a good move… They are together 143 pips against me… 😮

  345. “If you live in the US you won’t be able to use a foreign broker.”

    Where did you hear that? I think you can..actually they could have insisted we use their broker in Finland or charged us more…thats what I would have done..They probably didn’t want to overwhelm the guy. If this thing works the way they say it does, i’ll open an account with their broker if they get a commission from them.

  346. Hang in there cutie if you’re on a micro account…LTP isnt wrong very often. Im sure some think u should bail, but if its a micro account, you may wanna hang on…or get out if price breaks major support…then get back on when it comes back up…LTP may be hedging in foriegn accounts..we can’t do it in us. grrrrrrrr

  347. hey guys, I am new in forex market. i am looking a great robot. is leotraderpro ‘s robot great? you all using now right? can make profit? i view the mt4 (investor password), is only can be used on two pair. can it use on other pair? hope you guys can answer me.


    Dear forex new bird,

    Time will tell with this Leo Trader Pro,anyway, and trade EURUSD,GBPUSD with it regular robot(USD149) and it upsell bot is (USD97) which trade USDJPY and USDCHF.

  348. “If you live in the US you won’t be able to use a foreign broker.

    Where did you hear that?”

    It came from our wonderful government. The same law that reduced our leverage to 50:1 made it so that we can’t use off shore brokers offering higher leverage to circumvent that law. As a US citizen, I had to close my UK and Australia accounts.

  349. Update of my previous post:

    A customer support staff member has replied to your support request, #564575 with the following response:

    Hi Thu,
    Thank you for your e-mail.

    Please send us screen shots of the “Expert” and “Journal” tabs. Also provide us with a screen shot of the chart the robot is attached to and point your broker

    Did anyone also receive similar email from the support team?

  350. yes, i did receive the same feedback. anyway, i think i hv solve the problem by myself… no further feedback from the support team after i attached all the screen shots.

  351. @ BEN… you likely had to close your UK and AUSSIE accounts because they were based in the US (like IBFX and FOREX.COM perhaps).
    That doesn’t mean that you can’t open an account with a broker who does NOT have offices in the US because YOU CAN.

  352. Hi, everyone – the LTP team hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas and are preparing for a memorable New Year, too!

    Having read this entire thread, we thought it would be worthwhile clearing up a few issues as there seems to be some confusion…

    1) if you bought the main LTP EURUSD-GBPUSD version then attach it to **ONE** chart ONLY – it doesn’t matter which but we suggest EURUSD so that you have an indication of the pair(s) it should be trading. To activate it, you must enter the ClickBank order number for the EURUSD/GBPUSD version into the ReceiptCode field.

    2) if you bought the optional USDJPY-USDCHF version then attach it to **ONE** chart ONLY – it doesn’t matter which but we suggest USDJPY so that you have an indication of the pair(s) it should be trading. To activate it, you must enter the ClickBank order number for the USDJPY/USDCHF version into the ReceiptCode field.

    3) The RiskLevel setting has been changed so that a value of ZERO will trade the minimum fixed lot size permitted by your broker

    4)The updated system (1.00a) released at 17:30 GMT on the 22nd has resolved the issues of MT4 crashing as far as we can tell – if you are still experiencing crashes then ensure that you have installed the very latest files and be certain that you are not running more than *ONE* instance of LTP per ClickBank order number within any single copy of MT4.

    5) Our servers are configured to limit the number of connections for a given ClickBank order number. As from January 1st, that will be set to 2 connections from a maximum of 2 IP addresses so you can either run 2 copies from a single PC or 1 copy from each of 2 different PCs.

    6) Server capacity – the server upgrades implemented between the 16th and 20th were tested to in excess of 80,000 connections – significantly higher than we will require during normal operation.

    7) Missed trades – although communication between our server and your LTP replicator EA should occur within seconds, there are circumstances that may cause a signal to be ignored. Obvious ones would be the normal MT4 disconnections from your broker’s server which could make the signal “too old” to be processed (remember that the default lifespan is 120 seconds!), too much variance between our entry price and the price available from your broker, and simply slippage.

    Future releases of LTP will indicate the reason why a particular trade was not placed.

    8) Brokers – LTP will work with *ANY* broker. We suggest that users may wish to consider FinFX because they have excellent spreads HOWEVER, the main reasons are:

    a. the account opening process is extremely fast
    b. US clients are not restricted in any way

    Are there other brokers who can offer “normal” leverage, hedging and no FIFO to US clients… YES! We simply have not bothered to locate or use them as we found FinFX catered to our requirements perfectly.

    As far as we understand, the criteria for offering “normal” trading facilities to US clients is simply that the brokerage in question must have no US presence i.e. no staff, no offices, no banking and no deposit handling on US soil.

    9) Support – we have a fully staffed support team managing tickets and emails during market hours. We do NOT provide support at weekends because it is not possible to carry out tests or confirm any aspect of the system operation without data ticks from the brokers involved.

    Contact details for the support team are clearly shown on the product download page.

    Please note that the download page is NOT password protected for two reasons:

    a. it makes access simpler for clients
    b. the server security makes illegal copies of the replicator EA completely useless

    10) Chart timeframes – the timeframe of the chart you attach LTP to is totally irrelevant. Signals are generated by our server and are timeframe-independent.

    11) Replicator settings – all replicator settings are totally discretionary on your part – with the exception of RiskLevel, all other settings will filter out trades taken on our main account. To obtain the closest match to the trades shown on our live accounts (allowing for trades missed due to the reasons stated above), leave all settings at their default values.

    12) RiskLevel – the percentage risk level calculation is based on available equity, the catastrophe SL distance and the minimum lot sizes permitted by your broker. Within a reasonable margin, should the catastrophe SL be hit then the loss for that trade should equate to the specified percentage risk per trade.

    Hopefully the above comments will clarify things and allow users experiencing issues to identify the reasons / causes more easily.


    The Leo Trader Pro Team

  353. hi Thu,

    i guess the LTP support team has answered most of the questions, but us in Asia with time zone difference of +8, we will need to change our PC time zone to GMT in order for the LTP to work properly. I did that then i have got the two trades on 28/12… good luck.

  354. Hi Chai,

    I am using VPS. Do you mean I have to change the VPS time? My Broker time, GMT offset, etc. are all correct.

    Please explain further.


  355. FX Cutie: Per support, trailing stops are set locally, not by server, so a miss in a trailing stop is not the same as a miss in trade. I guess if a trailing stop is “missed” it is due to subtle differences in broker pricing and entry. My LTP didn’t “catch” the trailing stop change you mentioned either.


  356. Some follow-ups…

    1) Timezone – there should be no need to adjust the timezone of your PC or VPS. Provided that GMT is correctly shown on the chart then the system has already adjusted for the difference internally.

    2) Trailing stops – changes in SL and/or TP are replicated as necessary from our central account and are not managed locally by the replicator in the normal fashion. If your system is not mimicking our central account then there may be a connection issue and restarting MT4 should resolve it.


    The Leo Trader Pro Team


    First of all, let me start by explaining why the system they created is dangerous to trade with!
    OK, let’s start! I don’t know what are they doing. They hold positions for a nasty pair like usdjpy for more than a week, even at this time of the year where market is in total chaos. Now just look carefully at the total drawdown, they are now as I write, in more than 350 pips of drawdown. Look at the amount of money in floating, sooner or later if this downtrend does not retrace, this account will blown up completely I am confident to speak of this.

    PEOPLE, the reason why at the EXPO you saw their projector presentation where they show you the live account (account number 1331 trading gbpusd and eurusd, maximum DD is only less than 1%, that is simply because they HAVE NOT COMPLETELY LOSS A TRADE IN -100, -200, -300 etc of pips so the MT4 recorded it as less than 1%, because so far their real loss in trades are only a few dollars so to speak.
    If you ever take the initiative to study their every trade and trace them down your MT4 charts and you start studying the pattern involved when every of their trade was in live action, you will see and realize there are a great number of time where they are holding HUGE NEGATIVE pips before the trade went above their break even point and eventually close the trade in tiniest number of pips, those that are in RED COLOR in their MT4 ACCOUNT HISTORY. The trailing stop are taken to action in helping to trail as much of a profit as possible. Again, why the account detailed statement showed <1% MAX DD, because as I said they have not let loose any of their trades (NOT YET SO FAR) in huge number of pips losses. MT4 only record trades that are close in MINUS as Drawdown, live action drawdown you will have to see back the chart pattern in a particular trade in specific day or time of trade.

    Well the best example of what I SAID ABOVE you can easily witnessed the proof for their usdjpy and usdchf account. See to it that there are suffering huge number of – pips in total floating now? Trust me, they are going to hold these huge floating trades for as long it has not hit the 300 pips+ massive SL they set for each trade (they claim to avoid dirty hands from broker but in REAL FACT that is to protect their own trades from suffering massive recorded MAX DD in detailed statement so all newbies traders will fall for them as though the real DD is only like <1% which is only a few dollars LOLZ).
    Maybe in a week's time when the downtrend for usdjpy finally started to retrace, they will eventually close them all in profits which in RED color thanks to their trailing stop. SO, YOU SEE NOW WHY THEIR ACCOUNT IS BEHAVING SO NICE THAT NEWBIES ARE SO BLUR TO KNOW WHAT IS THE REAL SITUATION BEHIND THE SCENES. So you really think that with trades that have 300+ SL will have a nice MAX DD OF <1%? WAKE UP PEOPLE, THIS WILL ONLY HAPPEN TO SYSTEM OR STRATEGIES THAT TRADES USING +300 TO +500 PIPS SL. Yeah, sure at the end of day their detailed trading statement sure looks nice, because many trades MANAGED TO SURVIVE A RETRACE and did not hit the +300 to +500 SL. If it ever hits that, like what happen this year on MAY 2010 for YEN related pairs, trades that trade at high risk will have their account totally wiped up to ZERO, A COMPLETE STOPPED OUT!

    Before you do anything, don't just see their account trades history where you see GREEN AND RED and start to count on them. Study their every trade details and see how they fare in charts, see the chart candle high and low and compare with their entry and exit prices. Not forgetting that they are only trading low risk of micro lots with these few trades of USDJPY. Imagine what happen if they trade higher risk level? I am sure even the most stupid trader will know the outcome.

    TO close it all down, I have to admit that their GBPUSD and EURUSD account is doing a lot better. I do not know why they come out with USDJPY and USDCHF Neural NET. It is spoiling their reputation and slowly destroying their legacy as the best Neural NET ever created in the history, as what they said is supposed true.


  358. They just open a position to buy eurusd when the market trend is in obvious sell, simple indicators along with higher timeframe chart can even verify and confirm the downtrend.
    What the hell they think they doing with many of the traders real money at stake here?

    You see, just look at the amount of negative pips they are into now. What is happening behind the brains of Neural NET???

  359. Thu,

    I am not a LTP user. I will not be a LTP user. See the real picture yourself, as I said be your own judge. I can only lay down with what my view about this neural network trading that they are offering. What I mean is try to understand every behavior of the trades. Either you do it right or prepared for a wild ride where dangers can come at anytime. If you already traded with their system, I suggest you manually monitor all open trades, not just hook up in a vps and forget about them. You gotta trust your own capability and knowledge in forex trading even though the system is trading on autopilot for you.

  360. Leo Trader Pro Team: Thanks for the information. It is very helpful to clarify and correct misunderstanding. I, for one, appreciate the customer support that you provide. Regarding your post, I only have 1 comment, regarding item #12:

    You state: 12) RiskLevel – the percentage risk level calculation is based on available equity, the catastrophe SL distance and the minimum lot sizes permitted by your broker. Within a reasonable margin, should the catastrophe SL be hit then the loss for that trade should equate to the specified percentage risk per trade.

    I don’t find this to be the case. I have set my RiskLevel to -2, so, based on your explanation, I’d expect a max of 2% loss if SL is hit. But based on the lots traded and the ~330 pip stop loss it appears to be ~10 times that.

  361. eurusd buy @ 1.32097 TP: 1.32197 SL: 1.28797

    This trade is going crazy. Drawdown is getting bigger…

    I don’t think this is a right signal entry at all. Anyway let’s see that this trade gets into profits soon. Don’t tell me this is a fake movement that neuro net misses it. It is going to be many more trades like this in the coming weeks and months.

  362. LeoTraderPro Support.
    Thanks for your follow up on SL and trailing stops (item #2 above, 9:24 am). “Trailing stops – changes in SL and/or TP are replicated as necessary from our central account and are not managed locally by the replicator in the normal fashion.

    Here is the response I got from the support website:
    “The trailing stop is set by your LTP, not from the server.”

    Can you please clarify?


  363. I have my risk level set to -5.0. I have had 2 trades so far on eur/usd none on usd/chf. The lot size that the trades opened with are .75. I am using alpari and .75 should be $.75/pip. But what is happening is $7.50/ PIP .With a 5% risk level the max drawn down of my account (demo with $5000) should be $250 I am currently down about $700 on 1 trade. That is 14% of the account balance. Has anyone else experienced this?

  364. William: see my comment at 11:14. I don’t think the calc is correct. My guess is that -5 setting would result in about half account value loss at catastrophic 330 pip SL

  365. I’m just curious, think if you are leveraged correctly with say 3% risk that even if the market fell by 500 pips, so what, that’s only 3% of your account. Ok, now say you risk 3% per trade and say all 4 pairs open a trade and all 4 go bad at one time (VERY UNLIKELY), you just lost 12%. I’m not sure of the history of USDJPY and USDCHF but the GBPUSD and EURUSD history is 100% wins. So, if that continues, your “draw-down”, (worst case) would be less then 12% of your balance. Am I missing something?

  366. Guys, I’m new to Forex, but I know you don’t wanna put much risk into the market at this time of year, until say Jan. 4. Leo even sent an email saying they’d leave the system running, but if you are risk sensitive you may not wanna let it trade until Jan. 4. The only reason I’m letting it trade is because I’m not using real money and am more concerned with fixing the “missed trades” at this point, than if the trades win or lose.–I will judge that after Jan 4, and the W-L record was good (and still is) for the last few months prior to Christmas.

    I got this last/current EUR/USD trade. So mine has got 4 of the last 6 trades with the EUR/USD GBP/USD package. I use IBFX here in the USA, $200 dollar mini demo.

    Support said this to me about missed trades, this morning.

    “”Trading results can differ within different brokers. For example, various connection speeds may result in missing of a trade or a different signal. Also, a minor price difference between different brokers can be the cause. That’s why we strongly recommend to use FinFX broker.”””

  367. Trav: if you are actually risking 3%, then you are correct. But be aware that setting the RiskLevel setting to -3 does not risk 3% of your account value-it risks substantially more. For EURUSD, the dollars you are risking = lot size x SL x 10

  368. Dave, ok guess I’m not quite sure how risk is calculated. I would think if one knows the SL, then they could just risk the amount of $ per pip to equal 3% or whatever. I’m not a user yet so I am guessing the system automatically changes your values even if you set it to low-risk settings.

  369. If you look on your screen you will see the PENDING LOT SIZE right after you set your risk level..I have mine set at 0.01 so if price changes, its 10 cents a pip..100 pips = $10..330 sl = $33, about 4% of my account..if all 4 pairs hit their stoploss, my total loss is 16% of my acc. 4 trades all hitting stops @ 4% = aprox. $140. odds of LTP hitting all 4 stops on all four trades are extremely low..and even it were to happen, I still have 86% of my account left.

  370. Call me nervous, but I choose the refund option today. Thanks to Fx Live Trading. You are absolutely right about the “invisible” DD. And you see the inconvenient truth at the moment in these open positions.



    I’d like to thank you for taking the time in reading the many posts on this very informative board, and we all hope you will visit and leave your comments often. All of us here will try to help your efforts in any way that we can. Your in-dept explaination of the settings helped very much to all the readers here..I thank you, and thanks for allowing many to be a part of the release of LTP and for being a part of your family.

    Our moderator of this board does an excellent job in insuring that all comments are appropriate..and many of us will help Him in that effort.

  372. I don’t see anything “invisible” maybe i missed something the stoploss is there for all to see..whats so invisible about it? We dont know how LTP trades but we can see the performance..thats all I’m personally interested in.

  373. Norm, I think the point of view expressed by some on this board arises when you confuse drawdown (which is the decrease in account value due to closed losing trades) with open trades that are in negative territory. LTP currently has 4 trades that are in negative territory, and some of them very substantially so. But you and I know that the game isn’t over until the trade closes; I for one will waIt for the data that will enable me to calculate the expectation of the LTP system.

  374. I’m sure we will have visits from the competition from time to time..and I doubt they will like having to compete with LTP..so be ready for comments like the one’s above. They really haven’t discovered any deep dark secret that LTP is hiding..so for those of you that are refunding..good luck on your hunt for that EA thats worthy of your money..but I doubt you will find it.

  375. Everyone please listen. These ‘signals’ are just awful, the very, very, very worst since Forex Ambush. This EA will ruin you. It’s just a dreadful guessing machine with a silly little graph thing in the top right hand corner going up and down to make you think it’s doing something really mesmeric. Just rubbish. The support is eastern European generic tripe. The settings will never get you to 100% a month but will ruin your account. Look at the positions, my dog could guess better. Claim your money back now before it’s too late.

  376. Doug, I understand your concern to be cautious..and with so many scams out there I dont blame you..we’ve all heard the claims. I personally am sceptical also..lets hope they have a winning formula..I’d like to think thy do, and so do many on this board..it would be nice if all would keep an upbeat attitude untill proven otherwise..lets all have fun with LTP.

  377. You must work for them Norm. This is the worst since the Forex Ambush nonsense. And cut the sarcastic remarks. Oh my dog has just put his paws on usdchf and is nodding vigourously suggesting an immediate short with a 3000 pip s/l and a 2 pip gain. Jump on in Norm.

  378. OMGG I will have lost $3.30! whew, may not be able to sleep at night..you can set the risk level at 0.01 I do believe..NO ONE should be using a higher setting than that till we see how it goes..If I’m wrong..please point it out..Appreciate all of everyone’s comments good or bad..they make it fun.

  379. A guidence from he support:
    “In case you want to use both EA versions EURUSD / GBPUSD and USDJPY/USDCHF simultaneously in the same account.
    Install a 2nd copy of MT4 from your broker and log into the same account from each copy of MT4 – that would allow you to run the 2nd copy of the EA from the 2nd copy of MT4.”

  380. They are the Megadroid team, Norm. Look, any one can put out a signal with a 300 pip loss at 0.6% loss and eventually after days or weeks it will turn to a profit. Ask my dog 😉

  381. I’m running LTP on EURUSD chart side by side with three brokers; FinFX, Alpari US, and FXCM. All settings are identical, all have same starting balance. The US brokers have hedging option turned off.

    First of all, I agree with above posters. This EA SL levels can easily cause margin call especially with over-leveraged accounts. Having said that, I’m seeing huge discrepancies in trading behavior on FinFX vs. other brokers. Both Alpari and FXCM have spreads equal or better than FinFX, I confirm this by running indicator that plots spreads over time.

    For example the LTP entered long position when the EURUSD was falling, ended up -178 PIPs today. The LTP EA closed with losses this afternoon on Alpari and FXCM, however FinFX
    keeps trading (still huge loss atm). Also EA does not enter trades as often with other brokers compared to FinFX. I have compared the chart price in excel for each broker minute-by-minute, and do not see much price discrepancies.

    This leads me to believe this EA has some kind of affinity to FinFX

  382. Hey john..maybe you can show us these trades lasting weeks or months in their live account..sure they can go in and doctor the account..thats why everyone should trade on a demo account for a while to see how it goes..I’ll give them a chance to prove their case. Most on here know what they’re doing.

  383. Just a wild theory, however I often wonder why it hasn’t happen before.

    What if LTP and FinFX are together on this? What if EA was created to lure more traders to FinFX brokerage? The account we see there is controlled by broker. The MT4 server can be controlled by FX broker. They can close or modify position at will, also the trade history can be changed.

    I’m gonna start taking daily snapshots of FinFX investor account and save them. Later in 30 days I will be comparing it for changes. If they change history on particular ticket number, the older reports will have discrepancy vs. new.

  384. Folks, one reason the large stoploss is necessary is to protect against stoploss hunters..the big money boyz can and do drive price all over the board hunting your stops and they know exactly what they are doing..they constantly hunt stops looking for easy marks..so everyone just relax.

  385. Hey Grin..good idea, please let us know if you find anything..but I doubt you will..thats too obvious..i’m sure lots of people are watching every trade. will need proof of any findings.

  386. @Norm

    The SL is part of MM strategy, how else do you stop losses when a trend reversal or news spike occurs? A 300 to 400 PIP movement on $1000 account equity and 0.2 position size will cause margin call. Just simple math. If we do not know where the sops are, how can you know the position size to enter with?

    I trade manually for number of years, and seen and used many EAs. Most are curve fitted to trade in a trend by taking guesses and using wide SL. This works for a while as long as EA takes trades in the trend direction and SL are wide enough to carry trade until a retrace.

    What will happen when a major reversal like last year Dubai news? Day 1 had 480 PIP movement followed by several weeks of major bulls. What if EA takes position with the current trend and market reverses? Peoples accounts will pop like firecrackers with such SL levels.

  387. The stoploss hunters have to work between certain ranges..Im sure LTP is fully aware of them and have designed their robot to exploit those ranges..again, this is just my humble opinion.

  388. For example there are open source EAs, my favorite is “Blessing” http://www.jtatoday.com/get-b3.html

    I have made multiple modifications to code and have several private editions that trade very well in particular trend. However all of them rely on my sentiment to input correct mathematical parameters and constants. It’s an adaptation to known trading methods with custom MM logic.

    The reason I don’t sell my custom EA copies, is because I know each one will fail sooner than later. Only the MM that I program keeps losses in check and shuts off EA after number of consecutive losses. Some of the editions can trade with profit for many month until market fundamentals are shifted.

  389. I am seeing equal to better performance of LTP on ATC vs FinFX. Openings on my 2 broker accounts look very similar to LTC published data on FinFX. Closings also look similar. The data set is only 8 trades thus far, with 2 of these still open in my accounts and at LTC FinFX.

    I have evaluated 4 EAs in 2010, and service and support for LTP is tops, followed closely by FAP Turbo. Service at FXNitro was non discript and by Forex Bully was non existent-worst by far. As far as data “proving” performance, LTP is the only group I’ve ever seen with read only access to the trading account. My ability to verify trades real time has bolstered my confidence that LTP is not a scam.

    Now as to performance on my machine, only time will tell.

    My request is that we get back to discussing facts and data and that we avoid histrionics. Thank you all in advance for your input, questions, and answers.

    Here’s to a blessed 2011 to each and every one of you.


  390. Grin, im sure LTP is fully aware of news spikes and is quite capable of dealing with them..unless the stop is gapped over, all stops have to be honored..I’ve never seen a 330 pip gap..BUT i have seen tons of false breakouts..most likely caused by stop hunters. Being in the market with a 20 or a 50 pip stop for any length of time is a joke..right John

  391. The problem with wide SL and narrow TP MM strategy is that it has the characteristic to make many small wins, followed by catastrophic loss. In many cases losses can exceed 50% of account equity.

    Think about this, if you loose 50% of your account, you will have to double it to make back the losses?

    Also, there is nothing wrong with 40 pip SL, all depends on time frame for trade. Most scalping strategies have narrow SL since you enter/exit market multiple time a day. A SL level should express the price level at which your strategy has failed. The stop hunting concept is silly. Market is simply a price at which you can buy or sell stuff at this very moment. I have multiple accounts with major brokers and monitor spreads and chart data in real time by plotting standard deviation index. Most are 99.9% identical to each-other. The suggestion that “Evil” broker sends spike signals is silly.

  392. I think LTP has found a way to exploit certain ranges..they are pretty confident..lets wait and see..should be fun and interesting..just keep your trades at the minimum..AND you may not want to try and think you can take trades when LTP is in a deep drawdown.. if you do, you either need to be able to hedge your position or respect the breaking of S/R ..remember the hunters luv taking your money…again JMHO not necessarily LTP’s
    Oh, I do recommend opening a small test accout with Fixfx, only because LTP needs to hedge certain trades..otherwise you will not receive those trades..you can open an account with any foriegn broker that doesn’t have an affiliation with the usa..make absolutly sure they dont, otherwise you will have wasted your time..one broker mentioned was smarttradefx in canada..just remember…LTP has been working with Finfx.

  393. Grin..i didnt say “brokers” hunt stops..to think that the markets are truly honest is Naive ..ask the many traders if things didn’t look quite right when they took trades..I dont have the faith you do in humanity when it comes to money..jmho

  394. LTP now just did something weird on my MT4. This last trade on EUR buy @ 1.3209 , just closed @ 1.3117 with -92 pips without any notification. But this trade still runing on LTP site and they live account. I am running LTP on FinFX demo.

  395. Thanks God, my live account was NOT receving ALL trade signal!
    My 10.000USD DEMO account @ FinFX made a loss of 873 USD
    3487072 2010/12/28 06:26:54 Buy 1.00 USDCHF 0.95595 0.92309 0.95689 2010/12/28 16:24:25 0.94767 – 7.00 0.00 – 873.72 – 82.8

    Anyway, my live 1.300USD account made a 50USD profit today, while we were skiing on holiday in Slovenija:
    14951048 2010/12/28 00:21:32 Buy 0.18 GBPUSDm 1.54803 1.51528 1.55078 2010/12/28 11:53:23 1.55078 0.00 0.00 49.50 27.5

  396. I look at the market as a price level over time. Even if its manipulated, which is what we do when we take long or short positions. Market however has trends and cycles that are what we all try to recognize before they happen.

    My understanding of MM algo trading strategies says; regardless how many times you win, eventually you will have a loss. From the observable MM of LTP EA I deduce it uses wide SL and narrow TP augmented with certain logic. In my previous post I have outlined how such strategy works, its a statistical certainty.

  397. The leo trader system SUCKS.
    no customer support, no trads in 6 days.
    No help from the support team.
    I would suggest a refund & find a sysyem that works or has customer support.

  398. Here is closed trade on Alpari US that is still running on FinFX. Same thing occured on FXCM

    Tiket #:13678346
    Date: 2010.12.28 15:24
    Type: buy
    Size: 0.15
    Pair: eurusd
    Price: 1.32100
    SL: 1.28797
    TP: 1.32197
    Close Date: 2010.12.28 21:57
    Close Price: 1.31191
    Profit: -136.35

  399. Norm – it was closed. It was a Buy USDCHF 1.00 Open @0.95595 S/L 0.92309 T/P 0.95689 and it was closed @ 0.94767 @ FinFx…
    minus 82 pips 🙁

  400. By the way thats 330PIP SL in that trade for a 9 PIP TP!!!!

    With 0.15 lot size that trade risks $495.00 loss for a $13.50 win? Slot machines in Vegas have 98% payback ratio, if you do risk analysis. You are safer playing slots over long run than this EA.

  401. @JTX

    Im certain the EA has internal SL and TP levels that are not sent to MT4 broker. The SL/TP levels we see are just in case of disconnected client.

    However what puzzles me, is why all bad trades were closed with loss on all platforms other than FinFX?

  402. Jay: I know how frustrating poor customer support can be. For me, LTP has been good in support. You can post issues at leotraderpro.com/support. They have also answered e-mails I sent to support@leotraderpro.com. Regarding no trades, ensuring RiskLevel has an entry and that you see the colored animation in the upper right of the chart are 2 places to start.

    Hope it gets better


  403. Grin..do you have a profitable EA over time that you could share the password with all of us..would be fully appreciated.

  404. My EURUSD trade at ATC Broker is still in play-so is one with FinFX. I did have a trade close before it hit SL, but this was associated with. LTP crash that required MT4 restart.

  405. Ahhhh ya gotta luv all the guys that want this to fail lol will be a killer when they hafta eat crow..i’m gonna love it..shame they cant be blocked from buying in.

    just waitin for the next attack lol

  406. Grin…did you actually buy this bot? you sound like you didn’t…if you did, you sound pretty negative towards it..sounds like your best bet is a refund..they may disappear overnight just sayin.

  407. Would be great if they could exploit these imaginary stop hunters..ya think! oh well, we all know the fx market is perfectly honest…just the rambling of a wise ole man.

  408. Wow—this is gonna be fun…I have no losses..only 7 trades though. There seems to be a huge Q about the 330 sl default settings. Ok first things first—-Ea systems are not stand alone systems. At best, I would call them Trade Assistants. You must have the ability to trade MANUALLY. It’s like this, if you can’t trade then learn. As far as a trade that has gone against your position, you have to be able to attack that trade on small retractions of 20 to 40 pips manually. Another thing one can do is if Leo puts on a trade, your shaking your head WTF…close the trade and move on. There is nothing stopping you. If you think maybe the trade has a chance but not to sure–move the SL up to a more technical position and or a SL you can live with. EA’s at this juncture in time simply cann’t be left on there own at raise havoc in your acc. You must intervene from time to time….Boy that was fun…wish you all good Luck trading

  409. Hey Marty..how ya doin..yes this looks like its gonna be very interestin..as far as anyone changing sl and tp orders, I’d almost doubt that the average trader can outsmart this bot..there are reasons for the way it trades..probably well thought out ones. As you said, this should be fun. sheeesh this place is like a morgue.

  410. Hello,

    My demo account caught GBP/USD trade and I dont see any T/P and S/L, they are all zero’s. Why did it happen? Does anyone have any idea?

  411. Hi Denise is it a demo account? if so you can ask support i’m sure they will answer quickly…you need to enter a stoploss if its a live account..if its a demo, wait and see if the information shows up..but ask them what happened…let us know.

  412. It is a demo account. I will ask support then. I will let you know if I hear anything from them. Thank you Norm.

  413. Ooops, sorry, just seen it was a demo acc. When did u receive the trade and whats the buy price..my account doesnt show it.

  414. Hey norm–hope you took some profit on that jpy scalp. Seems everybody’s in I do-no mode..lol.
    here’s one for ya…jpy buy @ 82.55 tp 82.90 sl 82.10 only take on momentum/break…if I were trading man of course…hummmm…What ya think there Norm

    Next Leo trade I will modify sl and tp, Call me crazy..

    EUR not giving me a direction as of yet. But as you know things can change extremely fast.

    Denise—check live acc then modify trade to match..If you are not sure where to put them. GLTA

    In no trades as of right now

  415. Marty, if people start trading this robot manually, they will incure big losses..I have no doubt, and they will post here that they didnt touch the trades, mainly because they lost and need something to blame..I have a feeling thats going to start showing up.

  416. GBP/USD
    Time: 19:33 NY time
    Price: 1.53810 Buy
    S/L: 0.00000
    T/P: 0.00000

    Scary really 🙁 what if it was a live account. I would have had heart-attack.

  417. hi Thu, have you got your LTP running? if your VPS is not in UK then probably you can think of set up a British VPS… no harm to try as this may solve the problem. regards.

  418. Quote by Norm on December 28, 2010 @ 3:02 pm
    I’m sure we will have visits from the competition from time to time..and I doubt they will like having to compete with LTP..so be ready for comments like the one’s above. They really haven’t discovered any deep dark secret that LTP is hiding..so for those of you that are refunding..good luck on your hunt for that EA thats worthy of your money..but I doubt you will find it.


    Let me say it straight out. People have their right to speak their views out and whether is honest or not you guys have all proof to see for yourself. Since you all missed pass history trades in the past 5 months or so now it is the best time to eye witness for yourself how this system works in live action. I am sure many by now have found the answers to it.
    What I did, I tried to inform traders about the danger side of this system, that’s it! You see many still go in to trade, some said they want to test the data and see if it is well worth it or not etc… Well I just don’t care that is all your own money in your own trading account. Even you decided to trade only on demo so? The fact that you traded demo is to find and hope that 1 day this system satisfies you or meet your requirements so you could then start to earn real money. Of course, because this is what we all hope for isn’t it?

    Those that will do pretty well with this LTP system is those that know what they are doing, know how trades are folded in actions, know how long a trade is risk at the market and at what time of day because you might wanna keep an eye for upcoming major news release that will impact the movement of your trade in positive or negatively. Monitor all open positions at all time. If necessary close trades to minimize losses when you know a particular trade is not going to survive it then why let them hit the -300 SL? Cut the losses you have to live with losses in trading! Playing it smart, plan your money management wisely and not over trade their account. Forget about getting 100% a month because to get this you will have to risk a lot more higher which might kill your margin. Take down your greed.

    I am sure by now I have done the job to inform those that are still in the misinform mood about this system, those that about to jump down straight at it without knowing how well they know about this system first that will trade for them, and go with full force! Okay, why not? They thought… After all this is so damm good with only few dollars of losses to date. Better still, their live statement showed only Less than 1% of Drawdown, and with more than 100% gain in equity a month.

    You see, not all traders are good to know type and that is practically why they keep looking, in search of a great ea to trade for them, again hoping to earn money from it. When something so good as LTP arrives, they think ‘this is it’ and after eye witnessing their real trading account with great performance, they go all out! Some will see that since this Neural Net system is so low on DD, why not trade bigger risk or lots and start earning the big way? You see, I just see that this might hurt some of the traders out there that are greedy and misinform.

    BTW, what have I got to gain by writing a view (you might call it a negative review about LTP) but guess what, you like it or not, I just don’t care at all! To say that negative viewers are some competitors you are out of your god damm mind. I disagree!

  419. I emailed support. I will let you know as soon as I hear something.
    The weird part is that my ATC demo account got the signal and FinFx demo account did not get the signal, and ATC is trading at this moment. It is going up and I have no idea when it is going to stop.

  420. FX Good warning to all…many will overtrade their accounts and blame LTP, as I have stated..its a shame but LTP isn’t to blame.

    Thanks for the warning, hopefully most will listen but I doubt it. They have to learn the hard way.

  421. It is unbelievable. My trade is just closed. Although the T/P and S/L was zero, it reached a point and closed itself with profit. I started believing that system really has some kind of T/P and S/L adjustments inside. Wow, really weird 🙂

  422. Now seeing the Leo Trade website, they also closed the GBP/USD trade with profit. I think everything is controlled by these signals coming from them, i mean everything, unless we don’t touch and close the trade manually. Weird indeed…

  423. Hi Chai, (comment @8:59pm)

    I’m still waiting for their reply, just give them a bit more time. Appreciate very much for your kind concern. Will keep it update here.

  424. Its well known that this week has wild swings in it probably from manipulation because of lite volume..most SMART traders are afraid of this week lol but you dont see LTP shyin away..we got a tiger..all the girls are sittin on the sidelines, skeered lol


    We hope you’re doing well with Leo Trader Pro so far however, our support team has highlighted some questions which seem to keep cropping up so we wanted to be sure that you had the information in hand…

    The important thing to remember is this: DO NOT attach Leo Trader Pro to more than *ONE* chart using the same ReceiptCode (ClickBank order number)!

    Leo Trader Pro works on the basis of a “User License” so if you purchased the main product then you have a user license for trading EURUSD and GBPUSD which means you should attach *ONE* copy of Leo Trader Pro to *ONE* chart only (we suggest EURUSD).

    If you also purchased the optional “upgrade” product then you also have a user license for trading USDJPY and USDCHF so you should attach *ONE* additional copy of Leo Trader Pro to *ONE* additional chart (we suggest USDJPY).

    Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you have more than ONE copy
    of Leo Trader Pro running with a single ReceiptCode (ClickBank order number) and, if you also purchased the USDJPY/USDCHF license, no more than TWO copies of Leo Trader Pro running inside a single copy
    of MetaTrader.

    In fact, if you have purchased both licenses then we strongly suggest
    that you install a 2nd copy of MetaTrader and run just ONE copy of
    Leo Trader Pro in each.

    Please also note that while running Leo Trader Pro, you *MUST NOT* attempt to change either the chart timeframe or the currency displayed by that chart!

    Certain other signal replicators (and most EAs) wait for the next price tick from your broker before checking for a new signal. This can result in a signal processing delay of up to 10 minutes during the Asian session which is totally unacceptable!

    Leo Trader Pro uses a special mechanism which allows it to check for new signals approximately 1-2 times each secondregardless of trading session (the actual speed is indicated by the “Processing Status” bar on the chart) and attempting to change the chart timeframe and / or chart
    symbol will invariably result in MetaTrader crashing. If you absolutely must change either the chart timeframe or the chart symbol then please remove the EA from the chart first as explained in the manual.

    Happy Holidays!

    The Leo Trader Pro Team


    Are you seeing the smily face and the colored bars in eur/usd?

    whats your risk setting?

    Im sure you have your receipt code entered properly..do you?

  427. This is for Leo Trader Support,

    I purchased 1 license for LTP EUR/USD & GBP/USD, so what your saying is I should ONLY open 1 chart preferably the EUR/USD chart using my ClickBank receipt # and that ONE chart will allow for trades to be opened and closed for the EUR/USD & GBP/USD pairs simultaneously?? Which also means I should not open a 2nd chart for the GBP/USD using my same ClickBank receipt # that I used in my EUR/USD chart?


  428. Mohammed–yes the colored bars should be moving up and down as well the processing status light should be moving from left to right. If no movement–no trades as well

  429. Thanks King…yes i got all the lights active include in the processing status…that why Im bit worried too….may be i am doing something wrong…coz all the lights been working for whole last week and LTP live account is well and truly trading but not mine….Im very close to asking for a refund…seems like I have paid only for some fancy lightings
    which just illuminated my meta trader ….any ideas?

  430. Hi Norm
    Yes I got colored bars,smiley face,…bars are moving up $ down,…process status light moving left to right…everything as per the book….
    My risk setting is -1….

    only one thing missing is TRADE…..

  431. I just tried to hedge on alpari-us says prohibited.

    Will open a hedging account with finfx, since their software works best with them..LTP should be an introducing broker..its wild that they aren’t..no link provided. maybe they get a cut from ever license installed..hope they do, they could insist.

  432. Mohammed, I’m sure support will figure it out, hang in there, this is all new..takes a while to iron all the bugs out..you have 40 or so days left to decide..no big rush.

  433. Mohammed–who’s broker?

    pending order size lefthand corner?

    local time in chart should match your time

    risk setting?

    You say lights active,I gotta ask…are they moving?

  434. I cut and pasted my code from my clickbank receipt from email comformation everytime I had to reinstall. Can’t be wrong that way.

  435. The market makers filled the gap in eur. they did a sloppy job..overshot it..will have to go bak into in for a while. IMHO <– have to put the caveat

  436. Hi Guys

    pending lot size is 0.04 for euro/usd …I bought the upsell too and they are on separate platform…support didnt say anithing regarding the trade…they just keep advising me about the crashing prob which has been fixed…

    one thing though …the local time doesnt match with my chart time….is it a prob?..if so, how do i fix it?
    If LTP live account trading my live account should trade too…..it cant go without a trade a whole week….support isnt helping much guys…

  437. yes Marty …lights are moving…license no. has been enetered correctly….one for euro/usd and the other one for usd/jpy….

  438. Hi Norm

    My broker is axistrader..
    Pending lot size is there on the left side corner….
    local time on chart doesnt match my time though …its one hour difference due to the daylight savings I guess and I cant change it one the chart either coz there is no option for it….

    risk setting is -1

    dont know whats happeneing…

  439. Mohammed

    10) Chart timeframes – the timeframe of the chart you attach LTP to is totally irrelevant. Signals are generated by our server and are timeframe-independent

    wait till the next trade or two show up.

  440. Hi Norm,
    Can you help me please,my problem is the same as Mohammad, i already email the support team and they reply : )
    saying that all other chart have to be close and i already done that, but still no trade for me until these very day.

    p.s don’t want to miss the fun anymore!

  441. Hi Norm

    Thats what I thought about the time too…but the prob is its not placing any trade…not even one in the whole week…thats really weird…
    out of curiousity, any manual trade that I place should not interven the bot or should it?

  442. Mohammed, do you have trades open in the same pairs?

    I wait till LTP makes a trade, before i trade, but it shouldnt matter.

    you and Mr GTO can watch the live account and trade off of it, thats what I was doing until my trades started.

    Both of you may want to open accounts with Finfx..they say its super easy and fast, may be the way to go till you figure out the problem..i know its extreme but i bet it works.

  443. Mr GTO, I suggest that you take screen shots and your journal and send then to support..they will need all of them..only way they can see if everythings ok.

  444. Even I never got any trade since I purchased this EA. I tested EA on 4 different brokers and 2 different computers and still no trades. Support asked me to send the screen shots which I did 2 days back and still no reply.

    Any thing with you Mohammad?

  445. You can watch the trades taken in the live account..then place yours..I did that twice when the pairs were at good support, both pairs were in deep drawdowns..if they broke support I just bailed..with a micro account, it all in fun for now..try it risk 0.10 till this thing proves itself..have fun and play with 10 cent pips for awhile.

  446. WARNING


    Just had two trades closed…system crashed out of the blue.

  447. To prevent this problem happening to you i strongly suggest that you install the upsell into a different copy of metatrader..that may help with the problem if you run into crashes.

  448. I think this happened on my end..too many open programs and not enough memory..I had over 1/2 dozen windows open, so be careful if you overload your system memory..that very well could have been the cause..anyways, its very rare.

  449. I have 5 trades going that i took when LTP was in deep drawdown..3 are in profit..2 to go. I dont have any LTP trades at the moment..will exit were LTP had its buy in’s.

  450. I’ve installed the LTP since the first day it release, no trade for the past 8 days. Today, I notice my VPS time is 5 sec fastest than the FinFX broker time. I try my luck to set the VPS time sync with the broker time. Surprise, I got my first trade open, USD/CHF. Shall monitor whether I will miss the subsequent trade.

  451. EUR/USD could run up 200 pips here..soon as it breaks 1.3150 check it out market makers need to clean up their act..sloppy trading higher up.

  452. LTP just closed the last EURUSD. 107 pips, 430USD profit. 🙂
    14968438 2010/12/28 19:41:46 Buy 0.40 EURUSDm 1.31121 1.28797 1.32197 2010/12/29 18:05:41 1.32197 0.00 0.80 430.40 107.6

  453. yup got the chf trade…not to sure I wanted it though. May have to hedge it….naw…going to let Leo do its thing for now

  454. JTX: I have same exit price on EURUSD close but significantly different entry price. You doing anything different (or maybe it’s me)?

  455. Hi Ahmed
    Naa man …no luck…I just dont understand this robot..It should work same for everybody …But thats not the case with LTP…

  456. The thing seems to be working well for me. I shut down about 3 days around Christmas but started up again yesterday the 28th. Have had 5 trades in all and all winners. LTP put on a long EURUSD with a TP of 0.00097 from entry and then the pair fell out of bed. I manually put on a X2 position and that was the money play when both hit the same TP.

    I have lowered the MaxLotSize to 1.0 down from 10.0. Has anyone adjusted the EquityLimit? I have set mine at 0.33 but don’t know if that will do anything.

  457. Doug: Still cant understand why, but my LTP does not pick up all the trade from the server. So what can I do? I made the trades manually. Fortunately all the time I made manually, my entry price was at significantly better level…
    It is guite nice, but I wish not to made by hand, but leave it work automatically, as a ROBOT…

  458. Grant. The manual seems to imply that a dollar value should be entered into the EquityLimit field. I’m not using it-yet. However, given that balance is used to calculate lot size ( when risklimit is entered as a negative value), I may start using it soon.

  459. JTX: Forgot you were manually entering trades. I have no idea why you don’t grt trades. Have you looked in the Expert tab? I know some EAs indicate when settings are blocking trades. I haven’t looked there buy I’m going to now.

  460. JTX: Don’t see anything of help in Expert or Journal tab (I have had some missed trades and was hoping some clue would be there).

    Have you elevated to Support?

  461. Now that’s interesting. I added the USDJPY with the same setting as EURUSD with the different ClickBank Order # and it crashed the platform within 5 minutes.

  462. Grant: You may want to read the string above-esp. The posts from LeoTraderPro Support. If you run both EURUSD and USDCHF you should run them in separate MT4s and you will avoid crash

  463. Doug – I have some journal items such as follows:

    01:07:55 Old tick EURUSDm60 1.30883/1.30901
    01:07:58 Old tick EURUSDm60 1.30895/1.30913
    01:11:48 Old tick EURUSDm60 1.31001/1.31019
    01:12:02 Old tick EURUSDm60 1.31019/1.31039
    01:12:02 Old tick EURUSDm60 1.31018/1.31040
    01:33:40 ‘28520’: instant order buy 0.11 GBPUSDm at 1.53808 sl: 0.00000 tp: 0.00000
    01:33:40 ‘28520’: request was accepted by server
    01:33:42 ‘28520’: order buy 0.11 GBPUSDm opening at 1.53808 sl: 0.00000 tp: 0.00000 failed [Trade context is busy]
    01:33:42 TradeDispatcher: trade context is busy
    01:33:43 ‘28520’: order was opened : #14970556 buy 0.11 GBPUSDm at 1.53808 sl: 0.00000 tp: 0.00000
    04:15:17 ‘28520’: close order #14970556 buy 0.11 GBPUSDm at 1.53808 sl: 0.00000 tp: 0.00000 at price 1.54022
    04:15:17 ‘28520’: request was accepted by server
    04:15:20 ‘28520’: order #14970556 buy 0.11 GBPUSDm closing at 1.54022 failed [Trade context is busy]
    04:15:20 TradeDispatcher: trade context is busy
    04:15:21 ‘28520’: order #14970556 buy 0.11 GBPUSDm at 1.53808 sl: 0.00000 tp: 0.00000 closed at price 1.54022
    18:49:02 MetaTrader 4.00 build 229 started (Exness Ltd.)
    18:49:29 Expert MTILivePublisherEA EURUSDm,H1: loaded successfully
    18:49:31 Expert LeoTraderPro EURUSDm,H1: loaded successfully
    18:49:35 ‘28520’: login
    18:59:42 Old tick EURUSDm60 1.31946/1.31965
    18:59:42 Old tick EURUSDm60 1.31940/1.31960
    18:59:42 Old tick EURUSDm60 1.31940/1.31961
    19:24:57 Old tick EURUSDm60 1.32343/1.32368

  464. MAGIC NUMBERS – by support:

    “There is no Magic Number setting, and has inbuilt value that can’t be changed manually. “

  465. Yesterday I was checking my zero S/L and T/P section then I saw the ID number. I think ID is the magic number. When you go to order number with your mouse (without clicking- just let your mouse cursor stay there), you will see an ID number will appear there. Then I checked all the trades with LTP and each time the ID was different. I think they change their magic number for each trade. Please check it yourself and let me know if I am wrong.

  466. I think, they are assigned by the main server remotely, and they are just random numbers. I believe that is good. So, everything is controlled by them. All we have to do is get money, get broker, enter risk number and click-bank receipt number. Let me know if I am wrong.

  467. And I did not get either EURUSD or GBPUSD on either broker that I am using (even though I had smiles and lights). I entered manually a pip or 2 more favorable.

  468. So, we have two fresh trades goin at about 6 pm new york time on eur/usd and gbp/usd both sells..check live demo..no tp or sl just 00000’s sl and tp are on charts tho.

  469. Support says that lots are calculated (when RiskLevel is set to negative number) based on total account balance, but my observations would indicate that available margin is used. Anyone else have any opinion on this?

  470. Hmmmm I’m getting to believe LTP doesn’t care about support and resistance.. the “catastrophic” stop is placed just a bove major support. fig that one out, its tradin as if s/r doesn’t exist.

  471. nope I did not get the eur or the gbp trades. seems I am only getting about half of the signals. wonder if it has anything to do with the strenght of the neural net signal levels. mine are only about half or less most of the time.

  472. could it be that Leo is only sending out 1 set of signals and that some or all of the data is getting lost so to speak.

  473. Hey Marty,how ya doin…I got a feelin LTP isn’t giving everyone trades..may be giving them out in sections..dont want to overload them case of problems..just sayin

  474. good Norm…you?…hope the boyz get it together soon. well i could enter the eur trade man but I will skip it. bout 30 pips diff right now. haven’t looked at the gbp trade. want to take this live but right now…that would be abit insane..for me anyway. markets crazy right now. going out to play. catch up late tonight.

  475. If you are talking about the euro trade from yesterday that was down about 200 pips… it closed out in profit this afternoon

  476. Hi guys, I here missed the 2 last trades either… Disappointing, the bright side is that I entered them manually now with 90 pips in my favor. xox

  477. i do not understand some of you? god sake seem some want too get rich overnight???????????hes impossible sure the robot has too be adjusted time too time?????????anywhere the live account do not lye right so if you buy the robot then followed the set up same has they have you cannot go wrong sure he may no trade for 4 days but hes not losing money has the others do clean up your account grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
    so what do you want win the lotto?????????????????
    just be patient then i am sure they will show you how the robot hes a winner a small one but a real one if some of you can trade manually making a killing good for you but dont put bad comment some of us want only too make extra bucks?????

  478. That’s a demo account anyway 🙂
    But as I jumped in late, both are in profit now. Just lucky, I did the same with the 2 USDJPY that are stuck forever, got out with 60 pips profit.

  479. here you are

    2010.12.29 08:45:57 Old tick GBPUSD30 1.54529/1.54538

    2010.12.29 08:45:57 Old tick EURUSD240 1.31852/1.31856

    and then theres this,been logged in the whole time

    2010.12.29 12:31:19 ‘10695’: login
    2010.12.29 12:49:01 ‘10695’: login
    2010.12.29 12:58:44 ‘10695’: login
    2010.12.29 13:09:22 ‘10695’: login
    2010.12.29 13:11:35 ‘10695’: ping failed
    2010.12.29 13:11:37 ‘10695’: login
    2010.12.29 13:12:43 ‘10695’: login

    so the Q is why am I having to log in so often….or rather why isn’t it staying logged in

  480. Marty..may want to try your other broker for a while.

    Cutie, w2g..careful when u go to sleep.

    Glibert..thnx for the headsup.

  481. Ok, heres my take on LTP.. it obviously doesnt start trades at or near support and resistance AND it scans for many hours for the right setup..it must need several things to fall on line..whatever that may be.It uses the whole 330 pip range for the trade AND it knows how to hedge. That may be the reason we need a foreign accout, so that it can hedge a losing position. The bot could put on a hedge at pip number 299, or wherever,if it has too (hedging is just an order in the opposite direction, offsetting the trade) for those of you that dont know..a very good strategy..the hard part is taking the hedge off..apparently the bot knows how. Looks like the designers have found a new way to trade..they seem to be pretty sure of themselves.
    I do see why a big fund manager couldn’t use LTP..imagine starin at a 300 pip loss with a few thousand contracts lol

  482. Thanks Norm. My concern regarding hedging is, if it is initiated from there server, that the signal would be missed. This seems to be an issue that many are having. I for one didn’t receive sell signals for the last 2 trades on 2 dif brokerage accounts (one of which is FinFX). But I hope that hedging is initiated locally so that missed signals aren’t an issue.

  483. Hey Doug, thnx..we may have to wait and see which brokers LTP works best with, plus the designers will improve the feed that LTP is sending and receiving..don’t forget, dealing with so many brokers en masse will take a while..we just need to figure who the best ones are..LTP seems to think its Finfx. Their funding and withdrawl needs to be alittle easier..I dont want to pay $30 to make a deposit (my bank fee) or a $30 withdrawl fee (their fee) on a few hundred dollar test account..(I dont believe in demo’s) but we do need a broker that streamlines things and works well with LTP..I have no doubt that will happen.

  484. FinFX fees are worse than that Norm. My bank charged $45 for the international wire and their bank charged $25 to deposit it! I need to look into this more-seems a bit steep.

  485. Listen, surely you can afford 10 cents a pip..you can easily spend $50-$75 on a night out (guys, I doubt ladies do lol) demo accounts don’t have the same feeds, no matter what a broker will tell you. So, you may want to think about opening a live account..just remember..you do not have much of a chance in fores..if LTP doesnt work, run for the forex exits or lose everything you’ve worked hard for..most people will tell you this game isnt rigged, but trust me it is, and will stay that way until the day that low life hedge fund and bank managers become saints. When you “play” (not investing lol) in forex you’re trying to take the big boyz money away from them..do ya really think you can..statistics prove the vast majority lose..wonder why? Do ya really think the big bankes will let YOU take their money, or will they take yours? Hopefully ya gotta chance with LTP..time will tell. GL

  486. update for my previous post (28Dec 11:20pm)

    After sending my screenshots to the support, my LTP starts to work & having three trades opened:

    Buy USDCHF @0.9514
    Sell EURUSD @1.3219
    Sell GBPUSD @1.5484

    (LTP run on VPS, install on seperate platform (one account), Risk Level: 0.02, all settings remain by default)

    No crashes, no error messages in journal tab.

  487. Guys, what is this LTP ? I was under impression that it is a fully automated trading system but after reading most of u here it looks like that all u guys are wide awake while dealing with LTP.

  488. Bharat, We just like to watch it go into deep drawdowns lol and LTP if fully automated..go get a copy n have fun..it’ll keep you busy.

  489. Norm,

    Honestly after reading all u guys here I m so much confused about LTP and specially when I m not that much experienced forex trader like u guys.

    thanks for ur input though.
    will wait for few more days before I get my copy.


  490. I still can’t believe they’d bring this robot out this week of all weeks..this week puts fear in the hearts of all the hot traders that show up on this board or that will. But we aint skeered, are we lol. LTP aint afraid of nuthin..bring em on lol…thats what a lil spiked eggnog will do to you.

  491. This is more of a Question than a comment but I will comment on LTP as well.

    How is it that LTP can trade the EURUSD and the GBPUSD on the same MT4 Trading Platform with Fix FX and they don’t have the problems of Crashing like we do?

    I have had LTP running on my Net book computer with only the EURUSD trading and it has only opened up 1 trade since I bought it on the 20th of Dec.

    What gives?

  492. I have not had no one trade since I bought LTP. All it seems to be OK. (smile face, message: pending order.., color indicator, expert, journal, without crashes)

    I have LTP on 2 accounts: FXDD Malta (4 digits) and ThinkForex (5 digits)

    What is wrong?

  493. Ron, LTP has been working with Finfx since last may I believe..they’ve got it down to a science..thats why they STRONGLY recommend we trade thru Finfx..they could insist that we do.

    As far as only one trade..I think they only give out a portion of the trades so they can watch the servers and that support has the ability to respond in a timely manner..you know how traders can get if they aren’t catered to instantly. Thanks for your question…interesting you’re only trading eur/usd.

  494. I have a trade going on gbp…no smiley, no pending order,no color bars, nothing lol 330 pip stoploss is there tho..makes ya feel all warm n fuzzy.

  495. I have not had no one trade since I bought LTP. All it seems to be OK. (smile face, message: pending order.., color indicator, expert, journal, without crashes)

    I have LTP on 2 accounts: FXDD Malta (4 digits) and ThinkForex (5 digits)

    What is wrong?

    Iam trading EURUSD and USDJPY.

  496. Dunno, maybe you have to have the charts up for all 4 pairs, or maybe at least the same two. I’d have them all open the way they were designed..increases your odds of a trade…try that and let us know.

  497. Ron, you were offered usd/jpy and usd/chf as you were purchasing eur/usd and gbp/usd..usd/jpy and usd/chf are called an upsell..meaning you could purchase an additional pair..the additional pair is called an upsell.

  498. I have not had no one trade since I bought LTP. All it seems to be OK. (smile face, message: pending order.., color indicator, expert, journal, without crashes)

    I have LTP on 2 accounts: FXDD Malta (4 digits) and ThinkForex (5 digits)

    What is wrong?

    Iam trading EURUSD and USDJPY.

    Dear Joze,

    I’ve managed to solve my problem(no trades since 21/12/2010)
    by changing my VPS server time to broker time,i think i’ve you using a pc or laptop try change your pc time to your broker, i would suggest you use a VPS for trading with LTP.

    I got this from the post here, i can’t remember which one but thanks for sharing.

    Another thing you should consider, just attach LTP to only on chart, i don’t buy the upsell just primary bot that trade only EURUSD and GBPUSD, just attach it according to their suggestion ,which is EURUSD.Hope this info will help you Joze,

    Happy Profitable New Year

  499. Hello Norm- do you trade with more than one platforms too? Did you get these last trades with all of your platforms, or not? My ATC demo account caught the trades and FinFx demo account could not, and this is second time happening. I am not sure why. Do you have any idea? Thanks

  500. Hi Denise, I only have one copy of metatrader with all 4 charts going…actually, I couldn’t figure out how to put the upsell into the same folder as the other one, naturally when i did i got a popup that said “do you want to replace this file” so i renamed LTP to LTP2 and have gotten just about all the trades including the last two.

    I think that the guys running the servers are rolling the trades out in sections so theres no overload.

    I do plan on using two separate copies of metatrader..they highly recommend it..its logical, so there are no conflicts.

  501. Hi guys,

    I would like to share my experience of using LTP. I purchased this robot on the 27 Dec and i started to installed it on the same date. Guess what??? I face the same problems that most of you had commented above. But i must give good credit to the support system that managed to answer my question during that time. On 28 Dec, I managed to overcome all the problems that I’m facing. And I am overjoy to see the system is working. The currency strength (the colour equalizer bar)is running like it should!!!! But I was frustrated having to wait from one day until the other. Until today the robot has not done any trading in my demo account. I have checked, where does it goes wrong and i have done exactly like I am supposed to do. I have enter the risk level to -5. But there is still no trading until today!!! IT HAVE BEEN 3 DAYS AND MY COMPUTER IS RUNNING WITHOUT FAIL FOR 72 HOURS!!!

    Does anyone have the same problem like mine? I thought of asking for refund.

  502. Norm, you said 4 charts in one MT4? is it FinFx? Doesn’t it give error though? Did you catch all the trades? My FinFx demo did not catch the last 2 trades and I did not understand really why actually.
    Thanks for the help.

  503. Dear NR

    I’ve managed to solve my problem(no trades since 21/12/2010)
    by changing my VPS server time to broker time,i think i’ve you using a pc or laptop try change your pc time to your broker, i would suggest you use a VPS for trading with LTP.

    I got this from the post here, i can’t remember which one but thanks for sharing.

    Another thing you should consider, just attach LTP to only on chart, i don’t buy the upsell just primary bot that trade only EURUSD and GBPUSD, just attach it according to their suggestion ,which is EURUSD.Hope this info will help you NR,

    Happy Profitable New Year

  504. Denise, I do use Finfx as my demo for 1331 and 2729 and I did receive both trades on it…eur/usa and gbp/usd..i have 2 separate accounts (1331 and 2729) both trades are on 1331.

    On my live IBFX account I only have 1 copy of metatrader running and i do have both of the trades on it also.

    Btw, LTP DOES NOT use support and resistance when placing trades..they use a totally different method involving the 300+ stoploss and hedging tactics, IF your account allows hedging..if you want the maximum amount of trades you will need a broker that allows hedging..some trades will not be taken if you have a us broker, a hedging broker cannot have any affiliation with the usa.

  505. Hey all.running demo on finfx
    I think my problem may lie with my dsl service and an older computor.

    Norm—somebody posted this somewhere above in the tread. will have to thank he/she later

    When you install the software it is saved in a metatrader file and a shortcut is created. This is what I called the first platform. Rename this shortcut for example: Metatrader4 Alpari#1 UK. Include the #1 somewhere in the name. Next go to program files in your C drive and create a new file and name it Alpari#2 or whatever your broker name is(I’ll refer to it as Alpari), just make sure it’s labeled #2. Install the the MT4 software again but this time when it prompts you,change the file it loads to to Alpari#2, the new file. Finish the install and you should have 2 shortcuts on the desktop. Relabel the second shortcut Alpari#2.You can now open two separate platforms and use the same login and password for both.

  506. F*CK. LTP is sucked me, with this 0000 S/L and 0000 T/P.
    LTP just closed the last EURUSD sell, but only at my account, not on its public account!!! There it is still open!!!
    The close: Sell 0.26 EURUSDm 1.32197 2010/12/30 08:04:42 1.32383 0.00 0.00 – 48.36 – 18.6

    It meda me a loss of 18 PIPS, -48USD!
    Why it is closed just on my account, without any S/L or T/P????

  507. Mr-Gto you suggested we should use a VPS service..whats the advantage of VPS..and what VPS service do you use? thnx – Norm

  508. JTX it happened to me also..my metatrader crashed yesterday and i lost the trade with negative pips grrrrrr
    We may have to use a VPS service to eliminate that problem..I think mine crashed because of low memory resources..but anyways, maybe a VPS service will prevent that from happening. plus i read where they install your EA for you..not that its that hard.

  509. Marty, thanks for posting that EA install..I read it but have a question with it, so I couldn’t use it. thanks, i’ll study it and see if I can figure it out.

  510. Oh Great JTX..I’ll ask support whats going on..actually I was taken out of 2 trades yesterday. They should know what problem is..it could get expensive AND we cant trust the trades.

  511. Hi Norm. Can you please post the reply you get from support, while I like the theory of LTP, I don’t like all the discrepencies, and like you say it could become expensive and untrustworhty

  512. Hi Mr. Gto.

    I am confused!!! Why do we need VPS. But when purchasing the robot they did not mention that we have to used VPS. So you mean that we have to subscribe VPS? Is there any way that we can do, since I am already demotivate with this robot and if possible I do not want to spend any more on this “unknown outcome”. Does the VPS and robot (LTP) give you the a good result ? Have you made any profit from LTP? Or does anyone of you out there ( using LTP) has gain profit for every trade ? Pls share with me, before i ask for refund.

  513. Norm: re, crashes and unintended close of position

    Did your crash generate a crash report? The vast majority of crashes that I have had with LTP happened when I had 2 or more LTP charts open in a single instance of MT4. The crashes generated crash reports that pointed to LTP. The first of these crashes resulted in a premature closure for a loss. As you are running multiple LTP charts and has a recent crash and premature closure, I thought I’d point this out.

    Of course your crashes may be due to something entirely different


  514. Hi NR,

    Hope you still following this thread, i’m publishing my result doing manually with LTP and doing trendline(the info i get from http://leotraderpro.com/blog

    P.S i’m only make it public just for this thread for only 2 hours time, i don’t want my VPS to be overloaded by traffic,


    it a live account, special thanks to Norm for the information about news release,

    just for this 2 hours.

    Thanks for the post here,it really useful

  515. ive got no trades in two days one Usdchf is dragging, i changed time on computer to same as broker and meta4 got error message, but after restart runns fine will report if i get any new trades

  516. Doug, here is what Support had to say about the settings on a $2,000 account. I thought I would like to use the negative RiskLevel and allow LTP set the lot size. Since I changed EquityLimit to $400.00 from 0.33, I haven’t had a trade.

    “Thank you for your e-mail.

    We suggest you set next settings:
    1. MRiskLevel 0.12
    2. MinLotSize default is at 0.0
    3. EquityLimit default is at 0.0

    If you use both licences on different accounts. Or set the Risk level About 0.05 or 0.04 per $1000 if trading all 4 currency pairs on one account.

    The Equity Limit setting defines the minimal account equity in your account currency, upon reaching which, the robot will stop trading to prevent any further losses. This value is specified as a percentage of money amount.
    Note, the Equity Limit is %. We recommend use default 0.

  517. Grant: so they indicate the equity Limit should be entered as a percent. For you that would be 33. I would guess that 400 would mean it never trades. I think that a risk level value of -2 would yield a lot size of ~0.12 on a $2000 account. Try this and see if pending lot size is about 0.12. If not, just adjust risk level until it is. Be aware that 0.12 lots in a $2000 account risks about 20% of account value should the 330 LTP SL be breached.


  518. A customer support staff member has replied to your support request, #461826 with the following response: Hello Neil,The risk level is 5%

  519. Neil: once you enter -5 what is the pending lot size? Multiply this by $10/lot/pip; multiply this by 330 ( the stp loss) once you have this number, divide it by the account balance and then multiply the value by 100. What value do you obtain? I think you will be surprised.

  520. Doug – to be honest although I have purchased LTP I have not installed it at all (neither demo or live), there are too many discrepencies and bugs for me to trust it, certainly at present, If these issues are resolved then I may consider installing it but for the time being I am going to sit on the sidelines

  521. That’s certainly your choice. Loading only 1 LTP chart per MT4 results in a very stable product. If/When you do load, be sure to calculate the % equity at risk (equation above) before you start using a “5%” (-5 in RiskLevel) setting.

  522. Good Afternoon everyone…I hope all of you are having funnn lol
    I havent received an answer about the two losing trades that the robot dropped from my account when it crashed. I sent the question into support as to why this event occured..I can deal with a system crash but not taking a losing trade with a 330 pip stoploss.
    I am going to force the system to crash, to see if it will drop more trades..if it continues to happen,the robot will be worthless to me. unless support can guarantee the trades..this could happen to anyone at any time. its happened to others also.

  523. Hi, All

    It seems like this thread has been busy since our last post but I’ll try to cover all of the questions that have been raised since then…

    First, please read right to the end of this post – it covers a lot of important information.

    Next, the way LTP trades is not going to suit all traders (and we appreciate that) but the details of every single trade was made very, very public prior to the system being released so I think it’s a bit sad that certain individuals have tried to make themselves look important (and/or attempted to make others feel stupid) by “bashing” LTP and how it functions – it’s always interesting to note that the people who write those posts and complain about proven and successful systems never seem to make their own trading records public! 😉

    Now, on to the questions…

    No Trades / missed trades
    All trade signals are broadcast to all users but remember that LTP will automatically filter out “old” signals and the default lifespan of any signal is just 120 seconds. You can obviously increase that value but the first thing to do is to ensure that you have synchronized your PC clock with the internet time server so that the UTC time we mark signals with is as close as possible to UTC time that we calculate on your computer.

    A related issue is that of “old ticks” – some brokers have a very poor price feed and/or access to very restricted liquidity which means that trades on certain pairs can be far less frequent than for brokers with good liquidity pools from multiple providers. When an “old tick” is reported, it means that MT4 cannot confirm the available price for a currency pair and that can prevent a trade from being opened if the price confirmation is received beyond the lifespan of the signal we have broadcast to you.

    Please also be aware that if you have a US trading account (and therefore have AllowHedging set to False) then LTP will not open more than one position on a given currency pair as FIFO must be respected in addition to the lack of hedging facilities. This can give the impression of missed trades when teh signals were actually received but rejected due to your own or your broker’s requirements.

    Lot Size / RiskLevel
    The calculation determines the risked percentage of available equity and divides that by the catastrophe SL distance (330 pips) to get the $ risk per pip. That value is then divided by the Tick value to obtain a lot size which is then rounded up or down based on the value of the broker’s minimum lot size and lot increment size plus the minimum and maximum lot sizes specified by you. Small accounts with larger minimum lot sizes will generally result in higher-than-desired risk but the proposed lot size will be displayed on the chart before a trade opens so you have the option to allow the trade or not.

    My XXXX platform got the trade but my YYYY platform didn’t…
    Remember that our system does *NOT* allow unlimited logins / connections – a single ReceiptCode will only permit TWO instances of LTP (which can be on the same or different computers) to receive signals. You do not need to specify the brokerages / account numbers / computers involved – the process is totally automatic and handled by our server.

    Trailing Stop
    There is NO trailing stop (in the usual sense) employed by your LTP replicator – what you are seeing is the adustments to the SL on our master account being replicated.

    “The system just opened a Buy when the market is clearly falling…”
    LTP is trading *its* plan… not yours! What IT sees in the market is the result of the most recent neural net re-training and is not going to be based on what you can see on a chart. If the system makes the wrong call then that is going to be an unfortunate but, eventually, inevitable aspect of trading. The point to bear in mind is that you almost certainly bought your license to achieve the same kind of win rate that our live account proves we achieve – if your own trade calls were half as accurate then you probably wouldn’t need or want LTP.

    USDJPY – USDCHF license
    If you have the license for the additional pairs (USDJPY and USDCHF) then please install a 2nd copy of MT4 and run it from there. There are various technical reasons for this but the most obvious one is that MT4 is only able to cope with one EA sending trade instructions to your broker at a time. This is not usually an issue as most EAs are tick-activated and trade on different timeframes but LTP is checking ultra-frquently and the possibility of a clash is therefore heightened, resulting in a “Trade context busy” error. By running the 2nd license from a 2nd copy of MT4, this issue is immediately resolved as each copy of MT4 can leave its trade context process available for the single copy of LTP running on it.

    A future release of LTP will allow multiple ReceiptCodes to be entered into a single instance of LTP which will then trade whichever pairs you hold a license for.

    We have no special arrangement with FinFX beyond the fact that we trade there. You are free to use any broker of your choice. Please, however, be aware that there is a vast difference between the spreads offered by different brokers and their ability to provide fills at the prices shown (resulting in significant numbers of requotes). This situation is impossible to assess on a demo account which, by its nature, is an instant execution environment since there is no counter-party to your trade. Please also be aware that some large brokers show their tightest spreads (from commission-based feeds) on all demo accounts to give a better impression but these spreads cannot be attained with their micro or more classic accounts. By contrast, you should find that FinFX demo accounts match the equivalent live accounts in terms of spread and, from our experience, requotes have been non-existant.

    Note for Norm: If you feel like taking daily snapshots of the account to look for Tippex-covered “corrections” then go for it – I assume that you’ll be shouting from the roof-tops just how accurate and unadulterated our account records are once your investigation period is concluded 😉

    FXCM VPS users
    It seems that FXCM’s VPS service is actively blocking the ports that LTP uses to communicate with our server. We are in contact with FXCM regarding this issue. If you are an FXCM VPS user then please contact their support department and explain that your VPS requires TCP access to ports 1000 thru 2000.

    EquityLimit setting
    This is a MONETARY value i.e. you have a $1,000 account and want to limit things to 25% so you would enter 750 – LTP would then ignore new signals while the available equity was below $750.

    Trading manually
    There is no issue with placing manual trades. LTP uses its own “Magic Numbers” which are all negative to avoid conflicts with other systems and/or manual trades.

    I hope that the above clears up some of the issues for you and wish you well with your New Year celebrations. 🙂


    The Leo Trader Pro Team

  524. Hi Norman/Marty, I found another way to “reinstall” the MT4, to run the second pair in a different installation,
    Simply go to C:\Program Files and there you will find the Folder of your MT4 installation, select that folder and do a copy and paste, all ready you have now the second installation with the same setting of the original one. To open it, open the new folder you’ve just pasted and execute the file called Terminal.exe (you might want to add a shortcut of this file on your desktop). xox

  525. Leo Trader Pro Team: Thank you. Your consolidated communications go a long way toward clarifying things.

    Please be aware that my XP system, MT4 program crashes if internet connection is lost. This appears to be driven by LTP because only MT4s running LTP crash-all others keep running. I have also seen MT4 crashes on my Vista system running LTP but have not isolated the cause. I am only running 1 LTP chart per MT4 on all systems.

    Finaly, when trades are opened by LTP with blank SL and TP, what should we do?

    Thanks for your support!


    I’m not saying your account is or has been adulterated..obviously you misunderstood..i’m saying your robot closed 2 of my trades that were in deep drawdown..that should never have happened, and if it happened to me, it has happen to you also, over the 5 month of testing before the release, I’m wondering why that problem hasn’t been corrected in the 5 month testing period. I and all of the board and all future comers to it reading this post would appreciate a detailed answer as to why this event can occur. I requested an answer 12 hours ago and still havent heard back..can you please respond asap. I hope i’ve made myself clear as to the 2 losses in my account. Thanks
    P/s If you need proof of the happenings, I can provide it.

  527. Hi Norm, have you checked for journal/expert logs for margin errors?? With another EA I had one close at about 50 pips down. My lot size, small balance, etc didn’t leave enough margin. And there were error codes to indicate MY BROKER closed it for this reason, not the EA. After using smaller lot size it stopped doing that, in my case.

  528. Hi Dave, The price didnt trigger a margin call..I did check the logs..the two trades disappeard from the chart when I opened my account right after the crash..its strange that it happened..I’m sure that support can see the trades and how they were closed..Im waiting for a response from them, will probably be told that they were closed manually..hopefully it won’t continue.

  529. I’m going to install LTP into two different folders..eur/usd and gbp/usd into one,and usd/jpy into the other. Hopefully that will correct the problem..it probably will..I may have a conflict with two copies of LTP in the same folder..and thanks FXCUTIE for your help.

  530. I have had good results with Leotrader ever since I took a closer look at the pdf. and actually installed it correctly. I found that I can not run other EA’s on the same mt4 platform with leotrader as it seems to occassionally crash. Since installing a second instance of mt4 specifically for leotrader, no more issues whatsoever. It has been trading and so far so good. Maybe the developers should have been more clear about the installation to begin with because this probably caused their support to backlog severely. As for myself, lets see during the next few months if I can see the same results as they showed on Finfx. Happy Trading, from Canada!


    I will try your suggestion of having only one license per folder..as I mentioned, I probably had a serious conflict by the way I installed the two copies into the same folder..most likely my mistake. Sorry for the mishap.

  532. Hey Norm
    OK now I know what you mean my upsell. Yes I bought all 4 with 2 different Click Bank #s. I tried there updated version by trading the EURUSD and USDJPY on 1 MT4 Platform just to see what happens and it thing still crashes even with the 2 different CB #s. It’s a good thing I’m not flying around I’d never get nowhere, I’d keep crashing LOL.
    I’m thinking about using a VPS system but the VPS thing is all new to me. I’d have to learn how that works as well.
    OH well who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
    Happy New Year to all and Happy Trading.

    Who knows May 2011 will be the year we can all retire with LTP and have fun finally.

    Happy New Year.

  533. Only install leotrader on one chart. Euro/Usd 1 hour chart. It will trade the GBP/Usd without the Gbp/Usd chart. This may seem odd, but you only use one chart to trade both currency pairs. Otherwise, your system will crash. If you bought the upsell, you need to install a second instance of mt4 and open just one chart for that one.

    Took me a little while to figure that one out myself but if you read the pdf. carefully, it will explain this.

  534. I have set up LTP on an H1 demo chart with my broker and use this for keeping an eye on the development of the program before live trading.

    It has occurred to me that LTP could be setting up trades on an assortment of time periods – to suit their program design.

    If one looks at the current USDCHF trade on an H1 chart, the price is approx halfway between t/p and the scary looking s/l.

    Have a look at this trade on a D1 or W1 chart and it looks quite normal with there being large rises and falls in pips over a daily or weekly period.

    Things don’t look so scary, do they? And trades appear to vary in periodicity and are therefore sometimes meant to be regarded as longer period trades and not necessarily intraday.

    I prefer to see LTP in this light and accept that I need greater patience with some trades. The initial trades were over much quicker periods with much less s/l and t/p.

    Make sense???


  535. Sorry, I meant to say that the above comment refers to the size of each hourly, daily or weekly candle in relation to the trade s/l and t/p values.

    Cheers, Larney

  536. okay i have the robot on demo on EURO/US how the robot then can trade GBP/US?????????????????ALSO WHAT THE TIME FRAME TRADING 1 HR,4HR,30M,15M,OR WHAT EVER all same okay smiling and the colour chart then they say pending order size lot 0.10 lots so what mean all working good right.
    many thanks if someone can confirm that
    happy new year too all

  537. Asked for a refund from LTP coz I never had a trade placed by the robot……..The support asked me to windows time settings…which I did…My current setting on the chart is ..
    Broker 23:48:09..GMT OFFSET 0……LOCAL 10:48…..GMT 23:48..LONDON 00:49..TOKYO 08:49..NEW YORK 19:48…

    Now with this setting London and Newyork time is 1 hour ahead than current.By the way im from melbourne…does any one have any idea if the setting is correct or not?…or what else can I do…

  538. Gilbert,

    Your settings are correct. You can use any time frame but recommended is 1hr. You only need the Euro/Usd chart and it will trade both pairs. Don’t open the Gbp/Usd chart as this will cause it to crash. This is not a regular Expert Advisor. It is a trade replicator. The trade signals are send from the Leotrader server. It will send trade signals for the Euro as well as the Gbp. I know it is a little odd, but this is how it is set up. So you are correct in your settings. The pending trade means that it is looking for apotential trade of .01 lot size. They give you this information in case you want to change it. If you change it however, you have to remove the ea from the chart and re-attach it in order for it to work.

  539. Albert oh thanks sir i appreciated i just want it have the same set up has the live account of Leo trader then i be very happy fews extra bucks make me happy and contented
    have a very happy new year

  540. I also use a program called MSFX Tick Sender. You can google it and download it. You just leave it running on your desktop. Takes care of old tick issues.

  541. Hello Mohammed:
    Broker time: 23:48
    GMT : 23:48
    therefore GMT offset: 0 which is correct

    London time: 00:49 (does not match with your GMT, it does not match every time, but this time of season it should be the same with GMT)

    Tokyo is 9 hours faster then GMT, so
    Tokyo time: 08:48 this almost matches with your GMT which is good but it does not match with London time which is weird.

    London time is weird here, I am not sure why.

    You said you are from Melbourne: Your time should be: 10:48 AM (you said also) which is 12 hours different between you and your broker, which is also correct.

    You do not have to set your GMT time, which is automatically set by LTP but the weird part is London time in your information is 1 hour faster then GMT time which is wrong. Try to correct your times, but I am not sure how it is supposed to be done. Have you sent these times to LTP support. Use the email they just sent you today. That works faster than tickets and other replying method.
    That is my opinion, I am sure you knew this already. But I am sure the support can help on this. Take care.

  542. Thanks very much Denise..The prob with support is they just say what they want to tell you….this is the 4th time I have written to support…everytime, they asked me to attach the chart on different platform etc. today they asked me to change the windows time settings and thats about it.No further instructions or help.they dont concentrate on individual’s problem.Just giving an overall advise is just not good enough for this ridiculous EA.

    The London and New york time is 1 hour ahead and I just dont get it how…and how its effecting the trade I got no idea.

  543. Hey Ron

    Yea, i’m gonna spend all my money on dancin girls..take em all to the caribbean to my lil island lol
    We just received the charter membership cool huh

  544. The problem could simply be with your broker server settings. You should try a demo account with a different broker.

  545. I didn’t receive the charter membership. Just an email saying it was going to be given. Not sure if they give it to members who didn’t buy the upsell.

  546. I need to buy 5 more licenses for friends before time runs out..wish they would extend our time to come up with the money.Would be nice if they’d give us more than one day to call friends and tell them of the amazing offer..1 day, whew!

  547. Mohammed, Hang in there, things will straighten out..you’ll kick yourself if LTP proves profitable. you have 40 plus days left, and support knows it..trust me, they’ll get ya up n runnin before the 40 days runs out.

  548. Mohammed:

    Albert is right. Maybe you need to try another broker. What do you have right now? FinFx or something else? The broker has to offer low spread also. That timing issue may possibly be caused by your broker.

  549. Hi Albert,Norm

    I know..I dont want to give up..We didnt buy it to return it in a week..Right?…but this EA got too much complications ..just driving me mad…After all the crashing issues are over, now its sitting there over a week doing nothing..I would understand If i had even half of the trades placed that LTP live account had…it just zero result..
    But I will listen to you guys …I will close the refund ticket and wait for a miracle..

  550. Hi Denise
    I am using axistrader at the moment.two reasons I dont want to change the broker righ now..firstly, I dont want to change the broker without knowing that the actuall problem is occuring because of the broker..otherwise I move to the new broker and the problem might still exist.
    Secondly I want to stick with an onshore (Australian) broker if I can , than having too much issues such as money transfer.withdrawal issues,fees etc. with a broker in overseas.
    I would be glad if LTP support at least could tell me where the prob is.I even sent the screenshots to them which in return they said “change your windows time settings”.

  551. Mohammed, how about opening 2 other demo accounts from 2 different brokers..1 Finfx and 1 from smarttraderfx..both are easy to aquire..then install one pair in one broker and one pair in the other. you’ll get up n runnin..also, you dont want to lose the charter membership..trust me, this ea is amazing, and worth the trouble.

  552. I sincerely hope your issue can be resolved. But, please do try the demo with a different broker to iliminate broker issues. Talk to you later.

  553. just Checked with my broker regarding the London time..and they confirmed its due to the day light savings 1 hour…so there is nothing wrong from my broker side as long as the GMT is fine…They asked me to contact LTP for not recieving the signal.


  554. I spoke with my broker Interbankfx the other day, we were just chatin about customer profitability,. and he said they had 30,000 accounts and that 30% were profitable and 70% were not..interesting.

  555. Hi Guys

    I think I have found out what might be the problem.I have to open up the port for LTP.Coz my VPS firewall is in protected mode.And its blocking the robot to recieve any signals.
    I dont want to open the port up for everything.Does anyone know what the port name and NO. would be for LTP?Thanks guys.

  556. Thats right Norm ..we all were expecting an amazing EA..and hope it will come true…lets see if I can get the port name and no. to resolve my issue.

    By the way I have changed my refund ticket to a tech support.
    Lets see what happens.

  557. Mohammed: forward port 1000 TCP service or use port triggering for port 1000 TCP Service

    Let me know if it works


  558. Hi Doug

    When I go into firewall settings and select add port the following window opens up

    Port name:
    Port NO.:

    would you mind to ellaborate a little what exactly I should put under those boxes.Many Thanks.

  559. Is this under a settins name like port forwarding or something similar?

    Port name: if editable, call it LTP or something similar
    Port NO.: 1000
    TCP- you want to enable TCP forwarding
    UDP-I don’t know if it is needed, but you can enable this also

    Hope this helps


  560. Hi Mr. Gto

    Thanks for sharing, but i did not the chance to have a look at the account. But at least can u pls share, whether you have gain profit from this robot and does it trade as same as the Leo Trader Investor account.

    Hi Albert and Mr. GTO,

    Can u pls share how to synchronize the broker server time and our laptop time. Is there any specific way to do it or just go to clock time and click. Cause if that is the way, i have done it, but the robot haven’t done any trading for my account since the past 30 hours ago.

    Dear Anyone,

    Can anyone pls check whether i have enter the right amount.
    Min lot size = 0.0(as default setting)
    Max lot size =10.0 (as default setting)
    Risk level = 0.06
    I have equity of 3000USD in my demo account. Pls advise me what to do!!!


  561. Mohammad, you need to turn the firewall and anti-virus off for a while..I haven’t run a firewall or anti-virus for years..yes i may be lucky, but i never have those damn blocking issues you’re having..turn em all off for a while and see , then add one at a time. thats probably your whole problem..be sure to run them in separate folders also.

  562. Awesome Doug .. thanks very much…now do I have to do anything with 1000 thru 2000 term or entering 1000 would be just fine.

  563. Between the time I was finalizing my trial with Turbo Pip Sniper, hi Marty and Bharat, and waiting for Leo to start, I tried Forexhacked.com. All the while you’ve been trying to figure out LTP, and I’ve followed every blog entry, I’ve profited, albeit demo, $3000 on a $2000 account. Considering this is during Christmas time, December, I would say it is an accomplishment. You all have tried so hard to make LTP work. Think about trying forexhacked. They have a guarantee, too. You may be surprised. I only offer this opinion because we’re in the same boat. If it was a clickbank product I would include the shortcut, but it’s not. It’s just IMHO. Cheers.

  564. Mohammed: LTP Support did mention ports 1000-2000 most recently. When I asked a few days back they communicated port 1000 to me. I am only doing port 1000 and things work fine.


  565. Hi Norm
    If this 1000 thing doesnt work..I will definitely turn the firewall off…Lets cross my fingers now…hopefully this will solve the issue.

  566. Hi all

    This may sound silly but my LTP has only traded 1 time and that was on the 12 27 2010 with the ERUUSD.
    And as of this writing NOTHING. Has anybody else having better luck than I am??

    I hope so. I looked at the FinFX live account and they had a trade on the 28th for the EURUSD and the rest were GBP trades.
    Well good luck to all and happy trading.

  567. HELP..!!!

    I bought this EA the first day it was sold. I have tried it on AVAFX, InvestechFX, and finally on FinFX (as they have their live account there).

    – The chart is set up on only 1 chart EURUSD, only on 1 MT4 platform. with setting of 5%. Account balance is about $2750.

    – I have downloaded the 2nd version which they say is avoiding crashing problems.

    – The MT4 is still crashing…on which ever broker, so it can not be a broker problem. It fails/crashes on Finfx also.

    – I have raised many tickets, their response it too slow… and anyways worthless….as it does not help.

    – Not a single trade taken till date

    Looks like your version of LTP is atleast working…
    ANY HELP..!!!?

  568. MR KAUSHIK please remember they respond only in working hours they did responded in 30 minutes when i did rise an issue perhaps they are too busy too reply then new year co min up wrong timing grrrrrrrr yes mine did crash also so did deleted all then loaded again all fine now did you enter your purchased clickbank receipt

  569. I’d suggest turning off your firewall AND anti virus and leave them off for a few days..no ones gonna steal all your stuff lol
    Hard for a special signal to get thru all that crap sometimes..try it.

  570. Norm…I guess we will have to make some money first in order to get stolen..lol..so I will turn it off for a little while just to try it out.Thanks mate.

  571. Hi Norm,NR

    1.For me it really important to have a VPS when trading forex using an EA,the VPS has a stable connection and run 24/7 and keep on running your MT4 Platform 24/7 too whether you log in our logout.

    2.In my opinion if you run your EA from your computer then you have to switch it on 24/5 for catching the trades(correct me if i’m wrong)

    3.If you going somewhere else and left the pc or laptop at home,then you cannot monitor your trade from other pc,and this will not happen if you have subcribed to VPS service, for as long as you have your VPS I.P address and username and password you can log in anywhere else that have a internet connection and a pc.

    4.If your pc crash, what will happen to your trades?If you doing manual trade with no stop loss or take profit what will happen?

    5.For me i’m using entry level Forex VPS which cost me about USD12.00 and i’m using ucvhost.com.I don’t have problems with them(support) or their services.There are many vps services out there which is more cheaper or much better at much expensive price.do googling a bit.

    For NR,

    1.I will share my results only on weekend ,hope this will help you ; ).I’m a newbie too in Forex,and still learning and wish to have a profitable years ahead.

    2.I’m using -0.05 RiskLevel and it trigger 0.01 lot.Just don’t want to risk higher than that due to my small account size.I do manual trade copying LTP.But i do it at my own risk.I do not suggest you to do the same.It up to you,it your account.; )

    3.I’m only adjust the window time on my VPS and sync it with my broker time…and start catching trade from LTP.try to flush your dns,type run command prompt it will show something like this c:\Users\your computer name>,then type
    ipconfig/flushdns and then exit and then restart your MT4 Platform… hope it will work for you.

    Happy new year all.Best wishes for 2011.



  572. Yea Mohammed, they wont get much outta me either…i’ve hade my anti virus off for about 6 years..i get the free one, think its zone alarm) when they say there’s an attack coming..then delete it when its over..norton anti virus is just over priced memory hog pain in the butt..firewalls are as bad or worse..can drive ya crazy at times, like now..wouldnt surprise me if these blockers were the problem. TURN EM OFF FOLKS!

  573. gusy, i think LTP is in another bad trade with EUR/USD as its Bullish. USD/JPY is still bearish, USD/CHF might turn around. LTP will be in trouble if trades go bad.

    lets see

    happy new year to all.

  574. You still have problems with installation… amazing. Two MT4 in different directories, 2 copies of scipt, and only one chart 1H. Turn it on and don’t touch.. that’s all.

    Better think about trades… Look at 2729 account – 4 trades almost 250$ (1/3 balance) drawndown, acconunt 1331 eur/usd – 1 trade more than 140 pips drawndown.

    Do you still believe this is “neutral network” ?

    I think it’s a bullshit. I think there are 2 people or 4 (or maybe more) – first one for usd/eur, second one for usd/chf, etc… putting orders no matter which way. They are praying now for trend change because this can put them out of bussiness 😉

    Next EA for free ? Sure – they must tell us something if they don’t want to have 70k refunds today… (in a next few days).

  575. Hi All

    My Grandmother had a phase she use to tell me a long time ago.
    Quitters never Win and Winners never Quit.

    If this thing does really work don’t give up.

    And if it does work then we will be laughing all the way to the bank.

    Happy New Years to All.


  576. Hey Guys
    Have you seen the FIN FX chart for the EURUSD The thing is going up and up.
    I’m suprised LTP didn’t go long instead of short.
    Maybe it’s a End of Year or Friday thing, Happy trading all

  577. d U no y I chose the refund? It is because of these massive “invisible” and now visible minus trades. Thanx for giving us access to 2729. And now it is visible in 1331. Don´t no if it is neural at all.


    PS: happy new year to all

  578. Happy New Year Everyone… I wish New Year will bring us a lot of positive trades and lots of luck… Be happy… 🙂

  579. sailmail— good to see you here..looking at least

    will check out the hacked fx you suggest ..thankx

    Happy New Year Folks

  580. Hey Marty, I may have spoke too soon. It appears I was running too aggresive settings with too little capital running both EUR and GBP. With the large upswing in those markets it took the whole demo account:( I may have messed it up because I shut it down over night. I think I lost the continuity of the hedges. The demo account with the broker I’m with will only do mini lots so I’m just going to try GBP this time. When I trade live I will use micro lots until I build up the capital. I still have to say I’m pretty impressed with the EA. Good luck. I hope we all make some good money this year! Happy New Year!!


    2 minutes out of sync with NIST.gov is all is takes to miss every single trade that LTP pumps out. I was missing trades before but now things are running more predictably.





    Did I mention that you should really sync your system clock with an internet time server?

  582. Good reminder T. I have LTP running on 2 systems. The system that missed more trades is also quicker to get out of sync with universal time. So I obtained atomic.exe and used it to increase my time sync frequency to every 6 hours on the bad system and 12 hours on the other one. Be sure to give atomic.exe admin permission so that it can reset the sync frequency. I don’t know why but I have to run it 2 or so times to get the frequency to adjust.


  583. Hi all, I totally agree with Grin on MM logic mgmt…

    In whatever game we are betting, there can only be 2 results, or as with any other casino games. (Even in Forex, if one remove the terminology of the game). For at the end of the day, it all just boil down to only 2 outcome…it is either Head or Tails, Red or Black, and Up or Down. That it! Like the bet of tossing a coin. No need to complicate & confuse the goal with rocket science. After decade of experimenting, the following may help some who is still struggling on the negative side of the 95%.

    To think straight, imagine you found an opponent to play a game of tossing coin, to accept the 3 conditions below. It is not an exaggeration to say that in the middle or the long term, you will come out ahead if he goes by the rules below:

    1) He is willing to pay you more when you win, but accept less when he does win. (Win/lost ratio mgmt).

    2) Allow you to continue the game if you’re on a roll/win, but quit once you lose a little. (Let profit run, but cut lost).

    3) Allow unlimited bets, by whatever method/system, at anytime and in any market condition. (Trend riding theory)

    Forex has evolved (due to technological advancement) which now make it possible for currency retail investor to participate easily with a touch of a button, and if one is armed with a good MM logic, proper SL/TP setting, plus emotionless cum disciplined trading attitude with a well planned strategy, you may locate your cash-cow (that curve-fit the 3 requirements above),sooner than you think.

    This msg is not an ego statement nor am I selling anything -I am neither for, or against LTP. I pray it will work well too.

    Happy new year! 🙂

  584. Well, Good Morning and Happy New Year…to all those that woke up to their Charter Menbership in LTP..I have a feeling this is going to be a fun year. As you can see, LTP does’t trade the old fashioned way of using support and resistance (as you can easily see). LTP quite obviously uses a reveloutionary way of trading..the days of support and restance trading are long gone..welcome to the world of neural net trading. Its easy to see that LTP has been formulated to think for itself..LTP has the ability to see “things” that humans cannot, as it constantly analyzes many aspects of market conditions like no human possibly can. LTP doesn’t look at a trade the way you would..not even close. The designers of LTP have come up with a whole new strategy of trading, once again, thats very obvious. I’d also like to thank the designers of LTP for creating the Charter Membership, and allowing us to be a part of it..Thanks LTP and I have a feeling this is going to be a Very Happy New Year!

  585. Ok, the first thing everyone needs to do is to install your robot properly..eur/usd and gbp/usd MUST be in its own copy within the metatrader platform. Then you need to create another folder (copy) and install usd/jpy and usd/chf in another folder so that its isolated from eur/usd. If you’re not sure how to do it,just ask. Also, support states the the clock has no bearing on whether you receive trades or not, so,its not necessary to spend time on learning clock settings..the main concern is to have the 2 folder installation completed for the market opening sunday night..if you need help,just ask.

  586. Doug-I’ve read this board top to bottom-seen you have tried FAP Turbo. I have a demo acct. with the broker they suggest and was wondering if they would be good for LTP…they have low spreads and welcome EA’s, and they also offer free VPS with a live acct.

    Another thing, I have a live acct. with a different broker on a separate MT4…EA turned on for FAP Turbo also turns on for my live acct…turn off for live acct also turns off demo. how can this be on two separate platforms? Any suggestions? I want to figure everything out before I set up ant more EA”s

  587. If you are speaking of IamFX, they would prob be OK for LTP, but I can’t say for sure because I have used them. Their spreads are pretty good and they allow EAs. Regarding your question about running on 2 separate systems, I don’t understand what you are asking.

    Good luck


  588. Doug-
    I have 2 different MT4…1 with demo EA with IamFX, and the other is a live acct with Forex that I trade manually. If I shut off “Expert Advisors” on my live acct it shuts off on my demo acct and the bot won’t work. It’s not really a problem but the spreads are large and only makes pennies on winning trades on the live acct, Will I have a problem when I go to set up another MT4 for LTP?

  589. Remove the EA from chart if you want to address the issues you are having. If you have separate MT4 and you load dif EAs in separate MT4s, you should be able to shut off EAs in one MT4 and keep on in the other EA.


  590. Thanks Doug. I am going to buy LTP tonight and set it all up for Monday. I think I will go with FinFX, since it has been proven to work with this bot the best. Thanks for your responses so far. I will let you know how it goes next week.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend,

  591. Got it all set up. I put USDJPY and USDCHF on Smartrader and all seems good to go, got smiley face and network levels showing. I put EURUSD and GBPUSD on FinFX. I do have smiley face but not network levels. I got a pop-up that said “too many IP addresses”. What do I do about that? Why would it work on one and not the other?

  592. KBB “too many IP addresses mean or you didn’t activated your account log-in or you didn’t on expert advisors properties activated your clickbank receipt try 2 times something hes slow up too 2 too 3 minutes remember you have too have 2 meda trader one for EURUSD/GPPUD THEN ANOTHER ONE WITH USDJPY/USDCHF if you did purchased the extra one

  593. Hi Ron,
    I am using a VPS. I asked admin what risk I should take and they recommended 4 to 5%, otherwise everything else is set to default. Every time the bot is removed, it is important to re-enter your receipt code. Good luck on 4th

  594. KEEP THIS IN MIND…lets hope they’re right.

    We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for purchasing Leo Trader Pro. In a way, we‟ve all made history together… us by developing the next generation of automated FX technology …and you for being amongst the first in the world to take advantage of this revolutionary Forex product.
    It‟s been a long road for us getting to this point, but we honestly believe that we have created something truly remarkable – something that traders will benefit immensely from …and something that will change the lives of those who choose to embrace it. The technology that is now at your fingertips is some of the most advanced computer code in the world.

    *Keep in mind all of those that didn’t buy in, they missed out on the charter membership…Not sure why they didn’t use good judgement with a 60 day no questons asked guarantee..oh well, the world is full of those that can’t see a good thing when its presented to them. Plus we will see the low-lives that enjoy trying to put people down..Hoping LTP fails..at the moment they have crawled back into the woodwork, but I’m sure they’ll poke their lil ugly heads out the first chance they get…should be interestin.

  595. Hi Ron,
    Another thing I meant to say is when you reduce the risk, a message appears telling you to reduce your lot size from 10 to 8.

  596. Gilbert-I have two platforms. USDJPY and CHF are all set to go. EUR and GBPUSD are on their own. Started from scratch-set EA properties, set LTP properties and “expert advisors” is clicked on. I set up both the same but on EUR and GBPUSD on FinFX MT4 I still get message “too many IP addresses”. Maybe I should try changing brokers? I am in Canada…would that have anything to do with it? Would it help if I waited til markets are open? I’m stumped…had no prob with other broker acct.

  597. Sorry guys-had receipt code written down wrong. Alls good now. This bot is easy to install if you just follow instructions and proper digits. Can’t wait to see this thing trade. Thanx for responses.

    Have a good day,

  598. Hi Norm, all I can interpret from this blog is that LTP is very complicated!

    You wrote above:
    “As you can see, LTP does’t trade the old fashioned way of using support and resistance (as you can easily see). LTP quite obviously uses a reveloutionary way of trading..the days of support and restance trading are long gone..welcome to the world of neural net trading. Its easy to see that LTP has been formulated to think for itself..LTP has the ability to see “things” that humans cannot, as it constantly analyzes many aspects of market conditions like no human possibly can. LTP doesn’t look at a trade the way you would..not even close.”

    When you have a moment, it would be good to know what you mean. Hanxs,

  599. Hi, All!

    Congratulations to all those who got charter membership 🙂

    This is just a quick post to confirm that the main reason for trades not opening appears to be time differences between actual UTC time (Greenwich time with NO DST adjustment) and what we are able to calculate from your PC clock.

    We are currently testing updated versions of the server and LTP in an attempt to resolve this issue permanently.

    In the interim, please try to update your PC time – there is a function to do this within the Time and Date section of Control Panel though the default time server chosen by Windows often seems to fail during manual updates (probably during automatic updates too which would explain the time drift on individual systems!)

    If manually updating fails then a temporary workaround is to increase the default MaxTimeSlip value to something higher than 120 though we would not recommend anything above about 300 unless you are able to keep an eye on the trades that open.


    The Leo Trader Pro Team

  600. Open trade on EURUSD has automatically closed out at a loss of 11% of my live account as soon as the trading started this evening.
    This is bad, looking to refund very soon.

  601. KDB eehhehehehe well if you put the wrong code he wont work hmmmmm anywhere nice too see you got it??????
    bonne chance

  602. Phil: were your SL and TP filled in with values or were they set at 0? I have had trades close prematurely when this is the case. The other time this has happened was upon crash of MT4 due to multiple LTP charts open in a single instance of MT4.



    Please keep these details safe and save this email for your records.


    Here is your special access link to order Stealth Forex Signals
    right NOW before we go live to the public on Monday at 9am.


    Only a handful of people have received this special link, so
    please do not share it with anyone. I want you to be one of
    the first people to get your hands on the software.
    You will have 60 days to trial the software risk free, if
    aren’t happy with all the winning trades and the state of
    your Forex account balance at any time then I will personally
    refund you your entire investment.

    Before you buy this breakthrough software, make sure to watch
    this video in full…


    This link will expire in 12 hours, so please take action now.

    Please take care and have a great weekend.

  604. Didn’t notice Doug, the numbers come and go frequently..all i know is..need to keep live account to a bare minimum..I can handle a few small losses. I’m sure this is all new to them ..can go to demo if need to..will give them the entire 40 odd days left to fix things..need patience i guess..they could have insisted we use a demo…i’m ok with it for now.

  605. When the brokers closed market on Friday, the trade was crazily negative. I said this is not good. But today the market is opened and the trade is going back to its good shape again, which is unbelievable (for me). Since I have only demo account, I am testing all the possible crazy actions with this EA and it has never lost so far. I hope it will continue being like this all the time. I even closed the MT4 in the middle of trade and restarted the pc, and it continued trading from where it stopped actually. This is good I believe. When I started before the market opened this morning, it even crashed, then I closed and restarted when the market opened again, nothing happen, it got back to its trade without loosing anything. As I said this is only a demo account. I have no idea how it will do with real live account. I think I will learn this soon as well.

    The only thing I did not like about it, FinFx demo account missed couple of trades. I still don’t know why.

  606. okay i have the leo trader on demo since i did open this account i cannot open they live account only saying waiting for update hes anyone have the same problems please

  607. Norm: look in your history. If TP and SL are 0 there, then they were 0 during the trading time and at close.

    Denise: note the posts above about the importance of time sync for getting trades opened in LTP. I use atomic.exe to enable more frequent time syncing on my PC.

  608. Doug:

    Thank you very much… I will try but I have no idea how to use it. Where is this exe file located and how am I supposed to adjust that with my trades?

  609. Denise: this site not letting me post URL for atomic.exe. Just google it and download. See my notes from above on it’s use. Ask if you have questions.

  610. Hi guys, I am not 100% sure on this, but I think most of the people misunderstood the time synchronization thing.
    You do not have to set your computer’s (or your VPS’s computer) time to the same time as the Broker. What you have to do is:
    1) Double click your windows clock;
    2) Click on the Internet Time tab;
    3) Then check the checkbox “Automatically synchronize with an internet time server”;
    4) You can keep the default time server: “time.windows.com”;
    5) Click “Update Now” button;
    6) Click “OK”;

  611. FX Cutie: good clarification. The default auto time sync is 7 days. I have a computer that was getting off by 50 s in a week. That’s why I used atomic.exe to reset the time sync to a day. In addition, atomic.exe can repair the windows time sync if needed.

  612. Cutie, you’re right… but on the other hand, I don’t believe there’s any misunderstanding.

    The broker’s time should be synchronized to that of time.windows.com or any one of the nist.gov servers. Regardless of the source (i.e. NIST, USNO, etc.), if you’re not involved in any kind of atomic physics, there is only one time standard, called Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

    In short, [your broker’s clock] = [the internet time server’s clock]

    And ideally, [your broker’s clock] = [the internet time server’s clock] = [your PC’s and/or VPS’s clock]

    If the broker’s clock differs from UTC by more than a couple seconds at the most (a very unlikely situation), then the broker’s clock is inaccurate.

    I can personally vouch for FinFX. Their market clock and UTC are one and the same (+2:00 GMT). My VPS on the other hand, well that’s another story altogether. I swear that thing uses a hamster wheel to keep time..

  613. Doug, i have been using all the standard settings. the only thing changed was the risk factor and the equity limit.

    I will have to decide what to do about this robot, its lost more than its won.

    Happy new year to all.

  614. Still not receiving LTP trade signals on my brokers demo account. My PC and location time is GMT +2, but my brokers time is GMT. And my PC time is syncronized with internet time server as well, i even did everyday manual re-update for time syncronization in case if time differs, but its not. Should i set my PC time the same as brokers time. Its weird, because on FinFX demo i receiving all LTP signals.

  615. all seem very weird please anyone can logg on they live account cause i cannot loog anymore but i remenber 1 week before christmas was no trade for 5 days so maybe that the situation again let be patient

  616. eur/usd gap filled 115 pips From lowest point today. Stop hunters drove price down just over 50 pips before taking price up into gap. JMHO

    Next gap to be filled is gbp/usd. 100 pips away at 8:45 new york.

    70% Of all gaps are filled within 24 hrs

  617. for me nothing going on no trade grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr all seem working good but nothing i start feed up uhhuuhuhuhuh???

  618. Per the LTP FinFX account, there have been no trades opened since 12/30. A few interesting things from these accounts:
    1) for EURUSD/GBPUDS—GBP pair was open 10 days beginning 10/18 22:40 and got within 50 pips of SL before closing for a profit
    2) for USDCHF/USDJPY—beginning 11/23 both pairs had multiple trades in negative territory (150-200 pips down) before all trades closed for a profit.

    Point is the data are there for all to see (with a small effort on your part) and that the drawdowns we are seeing now have been seen before and were exited for a profit. Of course, this doesn’t mean current positions will close favorably.

    These facts also do not address the troubling fact that some have seen premature closure of positions that are not reflected in the LTP FinFX accounts. I have also seen this occur under 2 conditions:
    1) when SL and TP are not filled with values (are 0). As I have seen this, my short term solution is to manually update the position with the values posted on the LTP FinFX account. QUESTION TO LTP SUPPORT: If we do this, is the trade still linked to LTP control?
    2) when I experience massive MT4 crashes. This happened early on when I had 4 LTP charts loaded into a single instance of MT4. In getting the charts reloaded, I when thru 3 or so crash cycles and during this process a negative territory open trade closed (SL and TP were filled in appropriately.

    Have a good day one and all


  619. I doubt there will be any trades…eur,jpy and chf are all in hugh losses at the moment..with the exception of gbp. May want to come back in a few days lol

  620. If you enter all 3 trades at this point (9:30am monday est.) and 2 hit tp and 1 hits sl..you will smile all the way to the bank. lol chances of LTP hitting 2 sl’s are slim and none. JMHO

  621. I think once the eur. gap is filled, the downtrend will continue,closing trade at a profit.

    Jpy appears to have bottomed.

    chf looks to have bottomed also, its got a lot of work in front of it..a several points of resistance..lets see if LTP is right..if it can close at a profit on all 3, that will be amazing lol..whew!

  622. The EA can’t work in FXDD. The support only ask me to use FinFX. Why do i need to do so? The EA suppose to compatible to the MT4. Till now no 1 trade is open yet. Too bad. If they can’t solve this I’ll ask for refund.

  623. LTP in their email says they have had 12 trades since their release, and all 12 that closed, closed with a profit (not counting the 3 that are still open)..thats a pretty good record BUT the 3 open now are over 500 pips negative.

  624. If price drops below the low made yesterday in jpy, most likely the 330 pip stop will be hit..it will be interesting ti see if the robot puts on a hedge, so as to not lose the rade, maybe one loss every now and then doesn’t matter…interesting.

  625. hi every one,

    I read all of u guys comments about LTP. I am watching LTP live account past one month. They are doing well.
    Their stratagey is enterly different from other FX robots.
    The main thig is that we guys all are thinking about instant profit from fx market. I not telling its is not possible, its possible but it is not stable. But they r thinking and doing different way, it is so far good. But let see what will happen in future. Now am watching their EUR/USD. They started the trading from 30-12-10,but it is still open in -160 point. In this case am really worried about this, what will happen this trade. I am doing there sl/tp ratio in my fx robot which i brought. with littile bit changes. so far its doing good around 25 trade got profit no lose.
    i think it is pretty good.

  626. I have 1 trade open down 180+pips. I have had a total of 2 winner and 1 loser. Both losers got down over 120 pips before they came into profit. I am very sure that this program is an account buster! Just a matter of time before your account goes to zero. I think that loe trader will be getting a lot of returns in a month or so.

  627. I may have a “cure” (at least for me) to prevent a trade from closing during a platform crash, but it is too early to tell yet. Let me explain. On Sunday night (here in the USA) when my broker opened back up to the market, my platform (which was already on) crashed right at that moment. But this time I had not lost an internet connection, it appears to be my first crash not related to a lost connection, and possibly just a broker fault when the market opened back up. But I had that same error screen wanting me to click OK. I did not want to click OK because the trade was in the red. So I did a control-alt-delete function on my windows XP. I closed only the ‘terminal’ process manually. When I reopened the platform my trade was still going! As soon as I get a chance — a trade going in the green, I may purposely dis-able my internet connection to cause a crash, then try my technique again to see if this is something I can count on to keep a trade going. I’ll let you know what happens.

  628. Great Idea Dave, I hope it works..this closing trades in big drawdown sucks. we end up paying more for LTP good thing we’re charter members…so dont click “OK” do a delete, glad you found this lil tip.

  629. Order at the LTP website (near bottom of page) before midnight PST on Jan 4 and you will be granted charter membership.

  630. I have had this EA since they first went on sale. No trades, lots of crashes (initially). But have been trading solid for well over a week. I’ve been told that no trades is a problem with my computer time not being in sync with the mt4 platform. It is, but the GMT time is out?? If they wanted to sell this to the public then all these bugs should have been sorted before launch. For me, any EA that goes negative that many pips isn’t working as it should. We can all manually trade and end up with profits if we are willing to set our stops that far away from entry. This is for the REFUND bin.
    Good Luck

  631. well on they live account of $ 500 since the 30/12/2010 no trading???????????????????so i dont know ,when they live trading make some progress then will see what happen too all of us or bought the robot only time will tell i give 30 days if not happy will ask for a refund

  632. Gilbert the trades that are made are recorded real time on the investor password site LTP has with FinFX. The LTP website has instructions on how to connect. You can learn a lot by looking at the trade history there.

  633. I e-mailed support to try and get the updates version 1.00a and they sent me a link. I downloaded the robot and the .dll file and under the inputs section it still shows version 1.00 ??


  634. Brandon. Yep says v1 still. Website for download indicates files were updated Dec 22. During market hours when LTP is loaded correctly you will see a pending lot size on the upper left of the chart. That’s how you know the latest version is loaded.

  635. “We can all manually trade and end up with profits if we are willing to set our stops that far away from entry”.

    Hey Michael, if you can make profits from a 330 pip stop loss..you are right..but I bet you can’t out trade this robot. AND I bet you cant make profits long term…just sayin

  636. Hey Sailmailman

    Good to see u man, will sure check it out. I m not in to LTP yet. reading out these folks here. Will sure get in to this soon.

    Marty, how u doin bro.

    Wish u all a very happy belated New year.

  637. Doug,

    Thank you for the reply……shouldn’t the input section show version 1.00a ?

    I am showing a pending order size in the upper left as you stated!



  638. Doug, order what exactly? I already have the LTP Eur/USD license, anything else i’m missing???

    Order at the LTP website (near bottom of page) before midnight PST on Jan 4 and you will be granted charter membership.

  639. Usd/Chf is down approx. 210 pips from entry…I’m going to go long as soon as price crosses above trendline 200 pips away…let see if LTP is right and closes those 210 pips into profit…

    I doubt LTP will make a trade with 3 out of 4 pairs in deep drawdowns.

  640. Hi Michael

    I am with you mann..absolutely…to be honest none of the guys here actually experienced real performance from the robot..everyone just watching the robot in their live account and pretending to be excited.the LTP team should have fixed all these crap long before they throw the ball in our court.

    just think about it for a moment everyone guys..WHAT DID WE GET OUT OF THIS ROBOT SO FAR?…its a big zero eguys seem to be excited here is either just happy watching the robot performing in LTP live account or trading themselves manually which is just not right(why should we sit in front of the pc and watch the robot and place trade manually.
    I dont think if LTP team even knows how to get this robot to trade for everyone.
    Im giving the last week to this EA and will be claiming for a refund.TO me LTP might give us 20 pairs to trade with but what i gonna achieve if it doesnt even place a trade.

  641. Inside day on eur/usd…will it break up or down…LTP needs a break lower…chart seems to indicate a break higher..imho

  642. Mohammed…good luck in your trading..but if you refund , I bet you’ll be back. whats your rush…you find a better bot..please share..but i doubt you have..just sayin

  643. oh, Mahammed, Btw, with 28 pairs I think you will have plenty of trades lol AND you will pay $150 for each pair…I have to post this because your posts could cost alot of people a lot of money if they listen to you…I really dont care either way…just sayin

  644. Thanks Mohammed. Norm, I will easily out trade this bot because for me it has made no trades.. I’ve had 2 manually so I’m way out in front. I hope they fix the bugs for you and you all make tons of money. Me. I’ve asked for a refund and will rely on myself. This is actually a scalping method with a 330 pip SL?? Scalping should be 10 – 30 stops.

    Take Care

  645. I think it’s unfair to judge this EA over their performance during the Holiday. They even sent out an email saying that it’s not wise to trade during the Holiday but they would continue to run their EA master server during that period. In hindsight they probably shoud have chosen a better release date. I am a bit worried about the recent drawdowns, but I’m willing to blame it on a bad trading period and I look forward to January results. I know they have had MT4 crashing problems but I believe those have been fixed if you follow their instructions and use the updated EA.

  646. I personally would like to see the robot put on a hedge…if its capable of taking it off, it will be interesting to see. As you know, smaller stoplosses could be hit during the news, AND LTP is obviously striving for a perfect record. The bot should be trained in high accuracy hedging. If hedging starts to be used often, we (those in usa) will need a foreign account, and it may as well be with FinFx..unless someone has a better broker. Smarttrade in canada looks interesting. Don’t forget, LTP has to deal with the feeds of many brokers, I’m sure YOU would have some difficulty with that also..They’ve only been is business for two weeks..give em a break.

  647. Looks like LTP’s stoploss in usd/jpy is safe, its 120 pips off of the bottom..c’mon LTP…bottom looks pretty good on usd/chf also..be amazin if all 3 pairs turn positive…the odds are 40 to one that they will..not bad odds lol this bot wants nothing but 100% winning trades…not a bad reputation to have…ya think?

  648. Hey Michael, you’ll be back..mark my words BUT you will be paying full price on all the future pairs. And, btw do you hit 97% of your trades? Also, do you really think you can out trade this neural net? Maybe it hasnt made any trades for you, could it be you dont have it set up right? its unusual not to have made ANY trades. You knew how this bot traded before you purchased it..once they get all the bugs out and many more pairs are released i’m sure there will be plenty of trades. The stoploss has no bearing, only thing that does have a bearing is its winning percentage..97% aint bad.

  649. I have a feeling two more pairs will be released very soon, probably just after the charter membership passes, and the release of several pairs before the 60 day guarantee expires. IF they fix most of the bugs with so many different brokers.

    At the moment they only have Gbp left to trade, and if it went into a deep draw down also, the crying would be heard all over the place, so, they have to release more pairs to keep the natives from becoming restless lol look for more pairs very soon (this week).

  650. Doug, I only purchased the EUR/USD pair way back in the beginning of Dec. I did not purchase the other pairs. Am I to be considered a charter member still? Also can I confirm this with Leo Trader Suppport????

    Leo Trader Support Team, can you guys please chime in and re-inform us on exactly who and how we in fact get and maintain the charter membership before the June 4 midnight cutoff date?



  651. Hey William, you said you had one losing trade..can you check your accout history and post the entry point of that trade? Thnx

  652. Looks like Gbp is headed for the gap..I have a feeling its going to shoot way past the gap. I’m long 3 of the 4 pairs..only one i havent entered into yet is eur. Once the price puts in a strong base, its like taking candy from a baby…gotta have a lil faith LTP is right…LOVE the deep draw downs.

  653. I asked LTP about Charter Membership: regarding who gets it who does not.

    Below is their answer:

    “Thank you for your e-mail.
    Everyone who has bought the EA till 1 Jan will get the bonus. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve purchase the upsell or haven’t.”

    Of course, they change the deadline later on.

    Just wanted to share.

  654. Thanks Denise, may be a good idea to purchase a few for friends and family..Imagine their appreaciation when you give them this robot, if it works. Hey, if it doesnt work, just ask for refunds at the end of the 60 days. The designers say LTP is going to be life changing..they may be right. of course, you can always buy in at a later date and let the profits purchase additional pairs. Next few weeks will be interesting.

  655. Gbp/usd just blew right past the gap..160 pips in 2 hrs time straight up. eur closed its gap, a 60+ pip move, also blowing right past the gap, eur/usd is in a 130 pip draw down..usd/jpy and usd/chf are starting to make their moves.

  656. I purchased Leo Trader Pro, after struggling to get it going without much success, because it keeps on crashing they told me they solved the crashing, but now it freezes up and one cannot enter the properties.
    I have just requested a Refund, because I have other EA with different Brokers running on the same PC Leo Trader could endanger the Whole PC, I think these fellows have a long way to go. Eventually I got one chart working but it never made a trade a month.

  657. Minus 600pips! Wow, cool. What is your profit target?
    Assuming worst case 1:1 risk/reward, you should at least be heading for a 600pip profit. No pain, no gain 😉

  658. Hein, that is terrible… you will have forfeited your LTP Charter Status! On the other hand, you won’t have all those other pairs to cause a crash 😉
    Good Luck

  659. Shame, you will miss out on that 600pip profit then! 😉

    It seems quiet here just now. You would think that it would be buzzing and every one would be getting excited about their future gains on these trades! You don’t think that LTP will close them all for a 10pip gain do you? Surely not?

  660. email from LPT (part of )

    Charter Members, on the other hand, will receive *all* new currency
    pairs at no cost!

    ** Please note that the existing, optional USDJPY / USDCHF license
    offered after purchasing the main Leo Trader Pro license does not fall
    into the Charter Member category so must be purchased if you want
    those pairs.

  661. Has anyone had a trade on EUR/USD or GBP/USD today? I noticed that 1331 had a very brief trade on GBP/USD about half an hour ago for about 5 minutes and made $2

  662. Doug:

    Does ATC normally catch the trades? Or is the problem only with the ATC live account? I am running the demo account both with ATC and FinFx, they both caught the GBP/USD trade. Can you inform me about the both live accounts of ATC and FinFx please?

  663. ATC demo caught all trades when I first tested. ATC live has missed most of the trades (but only 3 have come out since I went live). But ascribing issue to ATC live may be premature. The computer I’m running ATC live on was about 30 sec off correct time even though it was syncing daily. I increase sync to every 6 hours. Thus the miss could be related to the 120s time thing.

    It would really help if LTP indicated in Expert tab when parameters where exceeded and trades were thus prevented. It would really help with troubleshooting. right now I feel like I am flying blind. I’ll just have to wait for the next trade to see if ATC live catches it.

    I am glad that FinFX live caught the trade though. It had missed several before that and that system was far off correct time. I have it syncing every 6 hours and it is right on the correct time.


  664. I am running LTC on Think Forex on their VPS and though I had six trades before Xmas, have had zilch today. I have the smiley face and the neural network levels showing, perhaps I should re-load the EA? Doug, how do you sync your computer. This is new to me. Would I have to Sync the VPS or my laptop?

  665. One thing that has confused me recently is that the LTP animation in the upper right corner of the chart was different between my 2 computer systems. I have one broker running on one computer and another broker on the second. I discovered that differences in animation (how many bars in each column at any given point in time)indicate that the 2 computers have different clock times. Once I internet time sync the 2 computers, the animation then syncs.

  666. was a trade on they live account GBPUS but nothing happen in my account hmmmmmmmmmmm what the problem then i am puzzle i got the same sittings all run fine?

  667. Hi Guys
    I keep getting this Charter Membership Email even though I bought both Lic for the 2 they already offered.

    Is anyone else having this problem?

    I thought you were a Charter Member already when you bought the last 2?

    What gives.

    Happy Trading to all

  668. Hi all

    I have yet to purchase and try out this new robot for trading. I have a question : does my laptop always have to be on for the robot to trade or can the robot trade regardless? i used a robot before where i ad to host it on an external server to keep it trading 24/5, can anyone help here with a answer please

  669. i just loaded all pairs on one mt4 account and it looks like it is wrking fine i will let you know if it takes new trades

  670. nednoode yes you have too keep your laptop on but i beleived they offer also an external server but not sure

  671. Ron, you dont, just 2 per folder..not all 4 in 1 folder.

    Everyone notice usd/chf is up over 200 pips from its low…LTP is getting ready to cash out.

  672. Hey Norm

    I m in the game finally. Bought my copy of LTP and now in the group of charter Members 🙂

    I have not installed it yet. will keep u guys posted as it goes.

    Are there any steps I should take from beginning which are not explained in the manual?


  673. Norm Marty
    can anyone explain me the input values for Trade Scheduling pls

    Sunday ? – ?
    Friday ? – ?

    I m in Toronto, Canada.


  674. Is anyone having issues with the trade station failing when the LTP tries to place an order ?

    My LTP is running without problems, but the moment that it tries to place an order(from what I can gather) the trade station bombs out.


  675. Whoever is using LTP with FXDD Malta broker? I got no one trade but all seems to be OK. Computer is sync.

    Thank you.

  676. I have seen lots of craps (products)with forex. but this LTP outclassed them all.this is the first time paid for something and waiting for that miracle to haapen so that this robot will place a trade.waiting for more than 2 weeks NOT A SINGLE TRADE TOOK PLACE.WHAT A JOKE!!!!!!

  677. Bharat—I or norm will get back to you on that…or…ok, depending on where your broker is located..simply the hrs that the bot will or will not trade. Some traders do not like a trade going into the weekend so they will limit or restrict the bot from putting on a trade from xxx time on Thrusday or early Friday morning. I have left mine at the default settings. It will trade all available hrs no matter where you live…..guess I will double check my inputs as well..Hope this answered your question.

    Well.B….welcome …thought you bought both pairs already.

    I would leave everything at default. leave risk at 0 or -0.05 enter clickbank # from email confromation ( cut and paste )

    If you have been following the thread, you should have no problems. GL…if needed we be here

  678. Moh—not LTP fault no trades…everyone has gotten trades..maybe not all of them but some. I would look at broker or install inputs….If you haven’t got a refund yet I would completely uninstall everything ..dll files everything ..and then reinstall one pair at a time. Make sure that one is working before installing the other pair. GL

  679. I missed the GBP trade as well. Finfx acc. looks like they have more to fix. hummmm going to try something….will get back

  680. Corrie: I have never seen that. Have you elevated to support?

    Joze: I recall a post in the thread above that LTP does not work with FXDD

    Marty, Bharat: Risk level must have a positive (lot size) or negative (“%” free margin} for LTP to work. An entry of 0 will not work (I get a notice to update value if I try to load with 0)

    Marty: you are running with risk level of -0.05? That seems really low. In a $10,000 account if I enter -0.4 I get pending lot sizes of 0.12 lot.

  681. Doug 10000… .12 lots 330sl 396.00 dollars or almost 4% of acc per trade RISK….X4 Seems a bit high to me on a live account. I always think,,How much can I LOSE NOT HOW MUCH I CAN WIN. but thats just me…GL trading

  682. Doug–thought I read somewhere in the tread about risk level…they fixed it to except or leave 0 as input. Leo would then trade min broker lot…Maybe I’m wrong

  683. This question is to anyone that has good knowledge of math and probability. I don’t claim to be the best guy when it comes to being analytical but I have common since. If you look back at the trades that were made in history, take for example the trade on 11-09-2010 buy at lot size 1.80 EUR/USD 37 pips profit 66.66. It looks like a good trade but if you were to figure the original SL of 330 and it was to happen, the loss would be 594.00. LTP claims that the live account is set at -5 which would be approx. 110.00 but the SL would be a 27.24%. I requested this from support but haven’t received an answer. Anyone that can explain this to me, would be greatly appreciated.

  684. Marty:
    Thanks. I was more asking about the lot calc than risk calc. A -0.05 Risk level means about 0.01 lot size on a $10,000 account; so for a $1000 account it would be 0.001, which is rounded to 0.01 if you can do micro accounts.

    Anyway, just wondering. And regarding risk level, LTP stated a 0.06 lot per $1000, which is about 20% risk per trade. Which brings me to my favorite topic: RiskLevel is supposed to be % risked per trade, but it is not. It is off by about a factor of 10. Entering -2 roughly translates into a 20% risk at a 330 SL.

    Have fun


  685. Ton: if you have a $10,000 account and you enter -5 in RiskLevel, the pending lot size calc’ed by LTP is roughly 1.5. So what is the dollar risk if 330 SL is hit? 1.5 lots times $10/pip times 330 pips equals about $5000 or 50% (!!!!!) of account value. As free margin is used in the calculation (as near as I can tell-LTP says it is account balance, but this answer is incorrect), a second trade would risk roughly 25% and a third about 12.5%

    Hope this helps

  686. omg, the euro is taking a small dump right now. Somebody can slap me if the eurusd trade closes positive. Go dollar, go dollar!

  687. No matter what I do I cant seem to get the pending lot size on the screen.
    Have reloaded the new software, reinstalled it and have the smiley face and the coloured bars all going OK. Broker times updating. On Finfx, no trades all day. Deeply concerned that haven’t got the V 1.a software running. Anyone else out there without the pending lot size indicator, and have you had any trades?

  688. Doug:
    Yes I submitted it this morning as I had to wait for a trade to take place first to confirm the dump.

    Initially I had issues with some Windows services which was disabled and therefore prevented the LTP from communicating with the server, but I have started almost all services now which sorted out the communications problem.

    I can do man trades and the LTP is running, but seems that something is causing the trade station to dump when a trade should be executed and I am out of things to try at the moment.

  689. well dont know some get trade some dont hard too beleived so confusing but none of the team of LEO TRADER live a message saying something they dont care anymore same has the others soon you buy it they all disappear huhuhuhuhu so sad

  690. John – could you explain more detailed?
    “and you can attach it to any chart you like for that matter. . . .”

  691. Thanks Doug for your input! The thing that concerns me is how to manage an account like this. How does it make a decision to go from .20 to 2.00 lot opening size? I don’t understand the money management. Risk reward seems to be way off from desirable. I don’t know how they were even able to open some of those lot sizes without having very high leverage! It had these lot sizes of .90 to 2.00 in November and now it is opening lots at .20 and .40. The way I understand MM is as your account increases then you lot size increases. Why would it go from one extreme to the other?

  692. JTX: You can open any chart with any pair you like and it works. We are being up sold on a hoax.

    Tonster: Their leverage prior to 19th Nov was at least -20 or 20% of capital risk. Look at the lot sizes and work it back. Then they cynically altered their risk level to 0.05 in order to avoid a large loss prior to launch. Say no more.

    Have you ever known an EA with so many problems and cover ups?

  693. Thought I’d take a closer look in January, but bought the EA end of December ’10, when an email mentioned benefits of Charter Membership for members joining before Jan 1st. What is the first thing I see on the other side? a further invitation to buy an upsell!
    Hello, isn’t the reason I purchased LTP EA because I was told that as a charter member I would get all other currency pairs free?
    Their whole marketing campaign was one of open-ness and transparency, but like all others typically go and do the typical of doing exactly what they claim not to be doing. What I was told eventually, their first response did not at all answer my actual question (laughable) was that i would be entitled to future currency pairs, but not the upsell.

    Ok, nvm… that was just a bonus anyway, right?

    A few days later and I’m glad to have stumbled upon this site. I see that a ton of people had nightmares just loading the EA.
    I missed that chapter and mt4 appears stable having apparently successfully loaded the EA. However, I have not got a single trade yet. I am currently testing on a 5k demo account (for obvious reasons) with FX Open. The idea was to eventually move it to my live (fxcmuk) account, given it proved itself on the demo account.
    I checked LPT finfx account and they didn’t appear to have any new trades since the new year either. Can anyone confirm this?
    One of the primary issues I have with this EA right now is the tie-in with their server. This seems to throw up all kinds of possible and potential problems.

    thanks in advance

  694. Happy New Years to all of you.

    I purchased both licenses in late December 2010 and I have also been testing LTP using an Alpari UK account and a FinFX account at the same time.

    Like all of us here I do want LTP to succeed.

    For that, two things have to happen:

    1st. LTP has to be the real thing they claim it to be (I think LTP is the real thing), and we have to allow them a month or so to see what happens.

    2nd. we have to be able make the same trades LTP makes. This is not an EA, this is a replicator and they have to send our PCs the signals and our MT4 platforms have to send the signals to our brokers to place the trades.

    To me, this is going to be a real issue for LTP. If they make the right trades, they will show them in their real accounts to which we all have acces, and that is fantastic, but the second step is also crucial, we have to be able to replicate at least 95% of their trades.

  695. From support, reply why the zero s/l and t/p, and why it was closed with loss:

    The only fixed value is the initial 330 pip stoploss.The initial target is normally about 25 pips but that can move.The visible trailing stop varies and the system may simply close a trade if it decides.”


  696. Hey Dave, In regard to your message about LTP being such a great EA if you understand Neural Nets, please enlighten me, I am not trying to to tear it down, I want to understand it. John made a good point about how lowering the risk prior to launch. According to support, the setting have been -5 risk since the opening of the live account and I want to understand the way things are calculated because I can’t see it! Do they think we are not going to go back and see these extreme changes in lot size? I want things to be right with this software but the more I learn, the more disappointed I get!!

  697. John: You mean a licence will work on ANY pair? Or just the 150$ licence will work not on the EURUSD and GBPUSD but also on the USDJPY and GBPJPY? And/or vice-versa?

  698. Tonster: Look at 18th Nov for example. 2.1 lot vs 2.5K in the kitty. 2500 divided into 210000 equals 84 times leverage. The -5 they said they were trading at the time equates to 15 times leverage. To achieve their results you would need to be at least -20. They are simply not telling us the truth and I’m surprised no one has spotted this.

    JTX: The licence works on any pair you care to choose.

    Seems to me LTP risks a lot for very little return . . . .

  699. Listen, this stuff you’re dealing with is MINOR crap that will get resolved sooner, or MAYBE later..if so, thats the way it is…if this thing works even 1/2 what they claim, you’ll all be rich..it gets kinda boring to listen how “I” “me” have’t gotten any trades or whatever the problem or problems..deal with it. Most likely SOME of the problems are on YOUR end OBVIOUSLY. So, try and keep it down to a low whine..not many on here are interested in hearing what YOU think about LTP if its negative… all we want is to get it running smoothly. All of us are interested in your POSITIVE comments.

  700. Telling blatant lies is not minor crap in my book. Treating people like idiots is not minor crap in my book. What is minor crap are people who think these issues are minor crap.

  701. Did anyone who had the last EURUSD trade running get a SL change? I didn’t but the LTP FinFx account showed a SL change. The trade showed the following results ($ values are after commission and swap:
    LTP FinFX: 29.2 pips ($369/lot)
    My FinFX: 24.4 pips ($221/lot)
    My ATC: 26.7 pips ($258.50/lot)
    One of the reasons LTP FinFX is higher is that the SL was trailed up in LTP FinFX, so they got a few more pips.

    I’m delighted with this EA’s results in my live accounts but still concerned about it’s ability to reliably open trades and update them as the trade proceeds. As I have mentioned previously here, there is no easy way to identify the reason for missed trades. This is because LTP is performing as a black box with no communication in the Expert tab when parameters are exceeded (like slippage, etc)

  702. Looks like all three trades that were in deep (and I mean deep..keeps the riffraff out) draw downs, may turn positive. And, no, we aren’t interested in your “hahaha you went thru a 200 pip drop to gain 10 pips”… we dont care (least I dont) how many pips in draw down we face, as long as 97% of the trades end positive.. Whats the winning percentage of all YOUR winning trades..I doubt it even in the same universe.

  703. Hi there,
    Since 2010.12.06 (one month), LTP made $126.70 on FinFx Live account. On 2010.12.06, the balance was $2914.27. That makes a 4.35% return in one month of trading.
    Could someone calculate the risk on each and every trade on eur/usd (0.20 lots) and gbp/usd (0.40 lots)? How much is it in terms of percentage of the current balance?
    Hope it’s useful.

  704. John: The LTP FinFX is a special micro account, so what shows up as 1 lot is actually 0.1 lot, or $10,000 risk. (This fact is documented by the LTP folks.) Because of this, your calc is off by a factor of 10 (R/R is ~8).

    I have not seen any blatant lies. Sometimes support’s answers are not as crisp or consistent as they could be, but blatant lies?? Nope. No FOREX bot maker has ever provided the level of transparency that LTP has. I can look into their 2 accounts and seen trade times and outcome-real time! And when I compare my openings with theirs, the data match (opening time, price).

    Treating people like idiots. That’s not fun. But they have never treated me like an idiot. I don’t know what your reference point is, neither do I know how they have treated you, but I have entered 14 support tickets since Dec 20 and 13 of them are closed.

    My biggest frustration with LTP is documented just above this post. In addition, the roll out of the bot left much to be desired. But I am making money. If a trade is missed by the replicator to my account, I can go into their account and manually enter into a trade.

    In short, I am having fun watching LTP and learning more about trading. I am sorry if your experience is not like this. I guess my reference point has been permanently altered by my encounter with Forex Bully. Absolutely no support with a mindless bot that triggered off 3 buys in rapid succession in a falling market and then proceeded to lose all the trades. When I pointed out the issues to FB support-silence. When I asked for a refund-denial. In contrast, LTP has a no questions asked refund policy and I have not seen anywhere that they are holding back on refunds.

    I see that I have written a book. Sorry for that.


  705. Well, now that most pairs are closed out, we should see some new trades as soon as LTP can spot them..I’m sure several things have to fall in place..just get ready for the next round of whining lol

  706. Hey Doug, Excellent Post..Thank You for that. Hopefully LTP can resovle the problems caused by the myriads of brokers out there, I’m sure LTP would have liked if we had worked with Finfx, but they would have been easily overwhelmed also.
    It may take another two weeks before most begin to see the light of day, hopefully sooner. As far as deep draw downs go, they could be interesting, as long as the bot doesnt start hedging lol

  707. Norm: I really wanted to but I refrained. Although the LTP FinFX account shows great results, I decided to not do any manual trades until I saw it exit profitably in the latest EURUSD trade. So I’m going to start. I’ll wait on adding the USDCHF pairs until the JPY exits profitably. Once this happens, it will be full speed ahead.

    BTW Norm, have you decided what RiskLevel will you be using in your live account?


  708. Doug, I haven’t used much risk yet..gotta see if i can find one of those 1-1000 margin leverage brokers so i dont get margin calls…start out with a small account and crank up the risk lol should be interestin.

  709. I don’t know if this has been discused as far as risk and MM, but I recieved this from support when I asked them how to go about adjusting the Risk and MM. Maybe this will clear up some of the misunderstanding.

    A customer support staff member has replied to your support request, #692675 with the following response:

    Hi Jon Hilker,
    Thank you for your e-mail.

    The lot size of your a/c is defined by the risk level parameter.
    Risk Management is the option which controls the amount of money for each trade. If you set a value that is >0 it means that the value will be recognized by the EA as a lot size for each trade.
    But if you set a value which is 0, for example 0.01 is the fixed lot size, and LTP will open trades with this lot, or the minimal allowed with your broker.
    <0, for example -5 means you will risk no more than 5% of your account per trade.

    Any other thoughts/comments?

  710. Jon: See my posts above on the topic. -5 will open a trade that commits in the neighborhood of 5% of your free margin, but this risks far more than 5% of your account should the 330 SL be breached.

  711. i have bin putting my trades on when they where in heavy drawdown just because i got in late but with 97% win rate i will take those odds any day my account looks great since sunday $1300 profit.

  712. John you are spot on…I must say out of hundreds of people here only few if not couple are over excited about LTP(dont know why though).even though its not placing any trade for 90% of us here some of you are still dont see any problem with LTP.I dont want to argue with the quality of LTP coz I dont even see its performance in my account.
    To me I only care when i see those trades replicated in my account and being successful too(thats what the EA meant to do).
    This EA been marketing their products for a while now before they have released it.and after the release its been few weeks now that 90% teh customers are not being able to receive the signals. which is teh vare minimum expectation from any EA.let alone judging the performance of it.

    And I dont agree with you Doug about their refund policy.They do nag about the refunding.I asked for a refund and they did not refund it straight and changed to a tech support instead.And now I am waiting for it to place a trade.
    I want LTP to work.I wish it every success So that we can reap teh benifits too.And thats why we all purchased it.but one thing for sure I DID NOT PURCHASE IT FOR WATCHING ITS RESULT IN LTP LIVE ACCOUNT(BUT NOT MINE)AND PRAISE IT FOR HOW EXCELLENT ITS NEURAL NETWORK IS AND BLA BLA.
    end of the day it matters what it does for me not in their live account.I am still waiting for it to trade for me.I am reclaiming my refund first thing on monday morning 10/0/11 if it fails to trade for me next few days.I did give enough time to this EA.

  713. All the hot shot big mouths are watchin the usd/jpy trade, just salivatin, can’t wait to come in here and tell us how we got screwed..although it was touch n go there for a while lol LTP was down over 300 pips. Made about 240 of em back…they knew there was no way this bot would survive that! lol fooled em, shame they gonna hafta pay for all those new pairs when they’re forced to join. I think LTP should shut down the live account so these hot shots can’t take trades off it..you know they wont buy in if they can get away with it..you know..kinda parasitic..feed off their host types..Screw the designers out of a lil profit if they can. LTP needs to think bout shuttin down the demo’s soon.

  714. Mohammed: Sorry it’s not working for you.

    Regarding them nagging about a refund. I didn’t say they wouldn’t nag, I said you’d get your refund. If you request it and don’t get it, post here and I’ll make more noise to them than you do.

    Regarding your statement: “I asked for a refund and they did not refund it straight and changed to a tech support instead.” On Dec 30th you said: “By the way I have changed my refund ticket to a tech support.” So which is it?

    Regarding frustration from trades not opening: I feel your pain, but not as badly as you do because I’ve caught at least 50% of the trades. Also, I’ve been able to manually enter trades that I missed (‘cept the one that closed in 11 min). I’m definitely approaching this from a “when life gives you lemons make lemonade” perspective. I am also assuming that, at least for me, missed trades are related to clock sync (I realize that there are a myriad of other possibilities, but clock sync seems to be culprit for me).

    So, I guess if its really bothering you, get a refund. But you should also consider putting in manual trades based on their account. It seems to give good signals thus far, and a windfall could be had by entering when at massive drawdown. They may take the investor account access down soon and only provide access to members (at least they better continue providing members access).

    By the way, could you remind me what brokers you are demoing/live trading?

    Good luck Mohammed,


  715. Hey Norm,

    You seem to the big fish in here who knows a lot about nothing.

    Do you work for LTP or are you an affiliate of theirs?
    At least with people like Mohammed and John you get an objective perspective of LTP.

    I don’t see people whining here, only asking for guidance and advice in getting LTP to work for them.

    And to state that LTP is right when if suffers a 300pip DD just to make a 10pip gain, is absurb. I asked you a question a few days ago. I note you conveniently ignored it.

    Finally here is post from another forum:

    “LEO folks are refusing my refund, can you believe that? I am so sick if these scammers. Do not believe the guarantee they put on their site about a 60 Day risk free…. no questions asked… blah blah blah… now they want to get on your VPS and verify your settings and a whole slew of other crap to waste your time. Clickbank isn’t helping either. It’s getting crazy.

    60 Day Risk FREE Money Back Guarantee

    If at ANY time within the next 60 days, for ANY reason at all, you aren’t happy with Leo Trader Pro™ then simply e-mail us and we’ll refund every cent of your purchase.

    No questions asked, no ifs, no buts, no whys! Your satisfaction is our success and if we can’t achieve that then we don’t want your money.”

    And don’t get me wrong, I am interested in LTP and will be delighted for you all if it succeeds. However I am sitting back at the moment and observing before I make an investment.

  716. Mort: Nothing makes me more aggravated than delays in refunds. This is why I use Paypal in my purchases. When Forex Bully and their front Plimus denied my refund request, I elevated to Paypal with my rationale and complaint and got everything back (a requirement for 21 day performance history in the total and complete absence of any customer support is absurd).

    I know that LTP routinely looks at this forum, so I ask them to note the complaint listed above and address the issue. Doing so on this forum would be optimal.

    Now for me, I’m not getting a refund. I’m happy with what I see and will be sticking with it until my long term returns tell me otherwise. There are a lot of things that can be done with this system by leveraging LTP and manual trading.

    Good luck everyone,


    P.S. to All–My momma always taught me to speak to others as I want to be spoken to. I hope that we can do this in this forum. I have learned a lot from you all and I want to return the favor as cordially as I can 🙂

  717. I think that judging LTP is to soon, because this is first real trading week after holidays and holiday trading, where market is with low value and many traders taking a break of this period, because its not recomended period for trading. Only thing we could judge is LTP technical and compability issues, but not trading results. Even LTP team did inform us about holiday trading. This was first experiance for LTP too in this holiday period. So lets give LTP a chance to prove his performance in normal market conditions which mainly starts from next week. For me LTP looks much more promising product if we compare with other random trash out there.

  718. have had LTP running since Sun. night and only seen 1 trade of a $7.50 profit. maybe my settings are off. just a side note, though…FAP Turbo? I changed some settings on it and made a lot of difference. over $250 in 2 days on $3000 acct-is there a forem site like this for FAP?

  719. KDB: There has only been one trade opened and closed thus far this week (GBPUSD). 3 other trades also closed but were opened last week.

    I’d be interested (very!!) in hearing more about your FAP Turbo tweaks. FapTurbo has a forum at their member site, but I don’t know how active. DonnaForex also has one-may be better but I do not participate. I am trading FT now (scalping only) and am profitable but not as good as you have stated. What parameters do you find to be key to obtaining your results?

    Thanks much


  720. I do believe LTP is the real thing, and from what people are posting and from my own experience, I also believe that their weak point is the difficulty in us getting at least 95% of their trades. I am not sure that this is a clock sync issue because, for example, my Alpari account missed today´s sell of GBP/USD and the price was available, and I was there looking and the PC´s clock was in sync and I had left 600 seconds as waiting time, someting else seems to be damaging LTP.

    Yes, we could place the trades manually, but with a full time job plus a family to attend many people could not possibly do it, and, wasn´t this meant to be autotrading?.

    If this issue reveals itself to be a persistent one, there is another option, they could send the signals directly to our brokers.

    LTP needs a month to show what its strong and weak points are, let´s wait and let´s keep on posting.

  721. Felix: Interesting. There was no GBPUSD sell today–it was yesterday. Was your GBPUSD position opened by LTP? Did it have SL and TP values entered?

    just wondering


  722. @Doug
    “My momma always taught me to speak to others as I want to be spoken to. I hope that we can do this in this forum.”

    Thank you Doug, wise words.

    This is very true Andy, it is very early days to make a judgement on LTP and hence many including myself continue to watch.

    But you have to admit that claims of trading genius on a trade with a 300pip DD and 10pip profit is neither helpful nor constructive. As in many forums, one has to filter out the noise 😉

  723. Doug-thanks for the forum info. On FT all I did was set my LRR to 20, make sure MM is on true and at the end of the week I adjust equity LMT so I will not lose what I just gained. Before this it actually lost money. Since Sun. night:

    15 trades
    only 1 loss ($4.50)
    over $250 gain on $3000 acct
    **2 days**

    I want to try a couple of other tweaks on demo before I get too carried away

    any suggestions would be appreciated.
    Thanks again,

  724. Hello Doug,

    You are right, the sell GBP/USD was yesterday January 4th. 19:25 FinFX time 0.20 lots , but I stand by everything I said, the price was available in Alpari UK, and I was there watching and my PC clock is in sync and even the spread in Alpari UK is lower than FinFX´s. And the trade was missed in my Alpari UK account.

  725. Hi,frusterated folks:-)
    Just wanna say that my LTP is working fine,on a $5000 demo-account I’m up $951.26 to $5951.26…
    The LTP have done this in 2 weeks of trading.
    Remember that an EA,perhaps, will not trade every day,so give it a chance…You have 60 days to try it out.
    Happy trading:-)

  726. mort: Thanks. I gotta tell you though, LTP trades on paper are far better that FapTurbo long term bot. This may not be saying much however 😉

    I haven’t looked at all LTP trades in detail over the last 5 months, but one thing I note is that trades being open multiday (>3 days) are rare. Nevertheless, in the 9 or so times this has occurred, with associated large drawdown, the trades have closed for a gain (2 these are still open and 50-60 pips down at the moment). I do not believe that drawdowns typically exceed 30-50 pip, but again I haven’t (and won’t) analyzed the data.

  727. Hi Andy

    I agree with you that LTP advised us regarding low frequent trading over the holiday period.I am not sure if you misunderstood the point that some of us trying to make.
    The issue is LTPlive account is constantly placing trade (even during teh festive season) but its not replicating teh trades in our account.I wouldnt have any problem if it wasnt trading at all due to teh low volume issue.But thats not teh case here.It failed measurably to carry out teh signal to teh members platform.

  728. Hey Mr. GTO and yALL, just FYI I am not the same Dave as the one spelled “dave” (no caps) who commented about neural nets, “Dave” is me, “Pontiac Dave”.

    However in addition to the positive comment by the other “dave”, I must tell you my results are starting to get really positive. It hasn’t missed any trades since getting the atomic.exe for my pc clock. But if it does miss any more trades I have a feeling it can be fixed by kicking up the MaxVariance and/or MaxSlippage and/or MaxTimeSlip. I’m sure of this because things happen fast in forex. If the market is spiking up/down very fast when LTP gets into the trade, by the time your system gets in it may be too late to be allowed. The default maxvariance setting is 5 pips, well on one trade mine got in at a 4 pips difference, or very close to missing the trade. The way things are working now, I don’t have to worry about altering those settings until another trade is missed.

    The only losing trade was from a trade that won in the longrun, but my platform crashed (due to a lost internet connection, rare for my system, maybe once in 2 weeks) while it was in the red and the crash closed the trade. I had another rare internet connection loss during a trade, but did this time did not click OK on the error screen, I did a control alt del on the terminal process. When I reopened the platform the trade was still going, but I’ve not had the chance to test that procedure a second time.

    Regarding the SL settings, I would say about LTP what I said about another EA (a good one, but not as good as LTP) to some users on another forum —->

    “”””If the stoploss was low it would hit it all the time.- Often in forex even winning trades have to go up and down before they “win”. In trying some EAs I’ve found that “making the right decision of when to trade” is FAR FAR more important than the SL setting. A conservative SL is no good if you have a piece of crap that makes lousy decisions. I had turbopipsniper with a low SL and it made BAD decisions and hit it all the time, it would sell when even a rookie trader (like me) could see an upward trend, etc. It made a trade at a clock time of 00:00, EVERY DAY. It clearly was trading randomly (or at specific programmed times) and not looking at the market at all. No doubt this EA looks at the market, I’ve had like 7 trades in one day that were all winners, then no trades for a few days.”””””

  729. KDB: what pairs are you trading with FT? are you using default TP and SL values? Default open and close times?

    Felix: I don’t doubt you. For me, I think it is clock because the system that was spot on time got yesterday’s GBPUSD trade while the system that missed it was ~30s off. It could be related to MaxSlippage, MaxVariance, or TimeSlippage (not related to sync) parameters being exceeded, but we cna’t tell cause LTP doesn’t tell us. Or it could be due to something else. Have you ever got any LTP initiated trades?

    Shell: What RiskLevel are you using?

  730. Hi Doug
    My broker is axistrader.And regarding teh refund issue…Yes i had to change it to a tech support coz the way they replied my refund request was to get help from support and give it more time.which i did.but the tech support only gave me general advice which all been applied to my issues already but teh problem still exist.
    At a glance …I have got no time sync issue …I turned off my firewall so teh EA can recieve signals from teh main server…..I changed teh time slippage to 240 instead of 120 so I dont miss out on trade coz of teh time .I got risk set up -1.and yes its a live account.

    And yes i totally understand that I can copy the trade manually esp. after a big draw down I can enter the trade and reap some profit.But Thats not what I want to do.I do manual trade myself and it does the job ok.Its need soem attention though and constant monitoring.hence I wanted an EA to boost up my account a bit.
    By the way,if manual trade was teh way to go then we didnt have to pay for the automated trading.LTP live account is open for everyone and the whole universe can copy it.why pay for it?

    Thanks Doug

  731. Pontiac Dave: Great post. Thanks. If I miss the next trade, MaxSlippage and MaxVariance is where I will be looking.

  732. Mohammed: Yep, the system operating and troubleshooting characteristics for LTP leave much to be desired. They could take a lesson from FapTurbo. And I hear you on the manual trade thing. I want a “set it and forget it” system. LTP is not there yet. So I do manual trades out of necessity when LTP trades are missed and I do manual trades for increased returns when extreme drawdown is seen.

    I do think the open live account access will go away, but for now, you’re right, you get it for free.

    Thanks for the reply. I wish I had a magic wand to fix your LTP woes 🙂

  733. @mort

    your revelation that they are refusing refunds is very disturbing. Could you link the forum site you refer to please?

    I see on their site that one trade ticket#1164280 eur/usd sell order closed for 2.00 at 19:25

    Evidently, my EA on FXOpen didn’t sync with their system and I did not get that order. I don’t know whether there have been any others on eur/usd since. Their site indicates not.
    Felix earlier summed it up perfectly in 2 points. The second being the issue of our systems syncing correctly to replicate the trades at least 95% of the time.

    His first point in essence, referred to the authenticity and credibility of LTP. This is of course primary. If they are now showing to refuse refunds when they have offered this unconditionally, this reflects and tells me everything I need to know about the character or characters behind this operation.

    Why release a system at Christmas? with so many issues clearly unresolved that should have been sorted in the beta testing phase, before releasing unto the market. But whether it is genuine or not reneging on their own word would be wrong in principle period.

    If they believed in the long-term success and genuine value of their proposition there would be no need to rob anyone.

    I hope LTP see this

  734. Livingdaylight: the trade you refer to was opened 12/30. Were you running then? I was, and the trade did not register on either of my systems, so I opened manually. This was before the importance of internet time sync was raised. I synced my systems and then got the GBPUSD trade yesterday on one system but not the other. The system that missed was somehow 30s off. I hope I have now corrected that issue.

    Have fun

  735. Hi Felix,

    You said that Yesterday You missed LTP trade on GBPUSD running Your Alpari UK account. I dont know in which side the issue are, but You can check forexreviewsrated_dot_com , where they running LTP on Alpari UK too and they got that trade on GBPUSD.

  736. A simple solution would be to do as ZuluTrade does, the signal providers send the signal directly to the brokers, so LTP´s master account and our accounts would all receive the signal at the same time.

  737. Hello Andy,

    What Forexreviewsrated has is an exact image of LTP´s account.

    They are showing what happened in 2010 exactly as LTP´s FinFX account is. Forexreviewsrated goes on to tell you exactly how to log on to LTP FinFX live account. This is NOT their own demo account trying to get the trades.

  738. Hi Felix,

    Maybe You did see Live test 1, but please check Live test 2 at Forexreviewsrated. This is they own test on Alpari UK, opened since december 30, and it made 3 trades so far.

  739. @Doug – thanks for that. That clarifies things. No, I hadn’t setup 12/30 therefore I was not entitled to expect that trade – my . Normally, I’d hope and expect to get the next eur/usd signal given that everything looks good at my end however hearing that they are not providing refunds forces me to put in my own refund request now.

    @mort – thanks for the link

  740. Doug,

    Here are my parameters:

    Max Time Slip=600
    Max Variance=5 >>> now 6
    Max Slippage=3 >>> now 4

    Also, I synchronized my PC with time.windows.com, now I have used time.nist.gov

    Yes, in 2010 I got several trades.

  741. Thanks Felix! I’m going to wait and see if I pick up the next trades. If not (and you do) I may try your settings.

    Thanks again

  742. Did try Atomic Clock Sync 3.0, but i not able to make a Sync. When i pressing Sync Now i got error message. Does anyone has that kind of error with Atomic Sync?

  743. Andy: You might want to try using the tool to stop, unregistered, reregister, restart (I think this is on the 3rd tab).

  744. USDCHF trade hit top of the hour. Did not register on either of my systems. It is near 10 pip TP now.

    I have modified my parameters to Felix’s except Max Time Slip = 180

  745. Hi guys, I have also missed this one (USDCHF). Do not know what is happening. I have everything working as expected, but trades are not coming in. I got several trades before and changed nothing. 😮

  746. Ya Cutie, I caught yesterday’s GBPUSD on 1 of 2 systems but this one blew by both of them. I’ve opened a ticket.


  747. When you request refund, they usually change the ticket into Tech Support. I believe this does not mean that you can not get your money. You can change it to Refund Request again. They may again change it into Tech Support, but you can change to Refund again. I know that is not good,and not like as they promised, but unfortunately they try their chance of keeping you in the group. They try this 2 or 3 times, but just change it to Refund Request and copy and paste the same explanation you did before. Then, they refund the money. I learned this from someone I know. He got frustrated and scared too, but then he was ok and got used to the situation/procedure. And “Yes”, it is always better to pay through PayPal (just in case).

    Just wanted to share. 🙂

  748. Dave & Doug: Wher could set the MaxSlippage and MaxVariance?
    I had MANY missed trades… 🙁
    Sorry if it is a newbie question…

  749. doug
    trading eurgbp, gbpusd, eurusd, usdcad, and eurchf. TP and SL are default at the moment. on LTP, I was going to try the parameters that Felix stated above, but isn’t 600 MTS a bit excessive? default is 120…hmmm, maybe I should try it.


  750. Hi, All – apologies for the apparent absence.

    It was good to see that quick GBP trade yesterday and the EUR trade close nicely today plus the JPY trades are back in play too 🙂

    As we said, Christmas through to New Year is not a good time to be in the market but we deliberately left LTP running to show people 1) what can happen in terms of floating drawdown and 2) that we were confident in LTP during that period.

    Now, I’ve had a quick scan of the recent posts so I’ll try to clear up and/or go over a few things again:

    If you have a license for the MAIN LTP product then you should attach the EA to *ONE* chart – any pair and/or timeframe and enter the ClickBank order number into the ReceiptCode field

    If you also have a license for the OPTIONAL product then you should attach the EA to *ONE* chart – again, any pair and/or timeframe (though, ideally in a DIFFERENT copy of MT4) and enter the ClickBank order number for that purchase into the ReceiptCode field

    Someone made the comment about being presented with the sales page for the optional USDJPY/USDCHF product after purchasing the main product and thought it was strange as they were already a Charter Member. The benefits of Charter Member status were very clearly highlighted in the emails sent out… “all *NEW* currency pairs” – the USDJPY/USDCHF product is not new… it was released along with the main EURUSD/GBPUSD product on December 20th.

    Someone mentioned refund delays but as far as we are aware, there aren’t any! Refunds are handled by ClickBank, not us – they simply ask us to respond to requests as part of our service agreement to see if the customer placed the request because they don’t want the product or because they’ve had trouble contacting us and/or getting support for some reason, so that’s what we do.

    Finally, some good news is in the works that will resolve all the timing issues so watch your inboxes over the next couple of days…


    The Leo Trader Pro Team

  751. LTP Support: thanks again for engaging us here. Your presence is appreciated. Missed trades are a significant issue for most of us. Will the timing solution address this? Are there other improvements in the works that will make receiving trade signals more robust?

  752. JTX: when you load LTP to a chart you get an EA Parameters window. The parameters are there.

    KDB: I set my MaxTimeSlip to 180. I have no idea if the changes will help, but I’m giving it a shot.

  753. Doug-opened demo acct with another broker…wanted to put FT on it but could not find file to set it up. Do I have to buy another licence to put on this new acct.?


  754. WOWWWWWWWWWW hes nice too see the support team making an update i was worry they may disappear?????????????

  755. LTP support,

    Thanks for the message, this EA of yours looks like a tiger, walks like a tiger, sounds like a tiger and hunts like a tiger, this sync problem can´t stop you.

    Best wishes.

  756. There you go again

    LTP team comes in talk about their charter membership and all.and same old timing issues bla bla.He said he read most of the posts here.
    And conveniently he did not even mention once about the probs we are having recieving the signals.

  757. KDB: yes, remove expert, then drag it back and resetup parameters
    Re: FapTurbo, you can set up 1 live and 1demo account. If you have already done this, then you need another license or go thru their support to shut down pls and start up new

  758. Marty Doug Felix

    folks I have LTP running since last 24hrs but I dont see any trades ???? I have been following the thread here and have made the settings accordingly ,, what else I have been missing???

    Thanks guys 🙂

  759. I bought LTP 2 weeks ago on 12/20/10 and installed it on my FinFX live account and a demo account with another broker but have not had any trades on either of the accounts. I see those Old Tick entries in the Journal like most others here have stated even though I have my computer synced perfectly to internet time.

    My opening balance at FinFX is $700, $200 more than the opening balance on the LTP account but unfortunately my smallest lot size is .1 lots not .01 lots like the LTP account. FinFX does not offer Micro accounts with minimum .01 lots to the public but is somehow providing that to the LTP folks. So if any of us out here in trader land are to be able to trade with the same risk ratio as the LTP account we would need an opening balance of $5,000. Hmmm…. Anyway, maybe this isn’t such a problem at this point since most of us are not getting any trades.

  760. WELL we are all in the same boat but new year time been always bad time trading????????we have all too wait i guess?

  761. (yawn) I’m going back to bed..wake me up when LT is in deep draw down again, we’ll have some fun…those 3 trades were a hell of a ride! lol Oh, the low lifes will start tradin off the demo’s..they’ll laff all the way to the bank and not pay a cent for LT’s hard work…maybe support will pull em completely..you know, keep the riffraff honest..ya right

  762. LTP made a trade of USDCHF 10 pip profit, but it was a 24 minutes trade, and my copy of LTP didnt received the signal. So missed…!!!
    It was missed, because both of my USDCHF (demo with FinFx and acive with Exness) was crashed down at night…

  763. All of you, experienced people: LTP support asking me:
    “please provide us with VPS login details so we’ll check your issue. ”
    Would you give it to them?

  764. Hi Guys, I have just missed another trade. LTP went short on GPBUSD and made a sweet 25 pips profit in only 16 minutes.

  765. Hello guys
    For my surprise I did got the gbpusd sell entry, first entry since I bought this robot and it was a winner 23 pips.
    I did not change anything or change the setting since I set it up for a 1 percent risk.By the way it was in my live account with FXDD. Hope this will continuo receiving the entries.

  766. I also missed the most recent GBPUSD, and have followed all instructions, EA is only on one chart and all smiley, synch via Windows Internet time every day and the time clock MATCHES my broker within 1 second .. have already increased MaxTimeSlip to 150, MaxVariance to 6 and MaxSlippage to 4 … and nothing .. I see the EURUSD is now trading and yet I missed that too! What on earth is going on? I miss about 80% of all trades from LTP!!

  767. Angel, did you get the subsequent EURUSD or not? I would be interested to know if you got both or just got lucky on your GBPUSD trade?


  768. First time ever got two trades euro/usd and gbp/usd but both stopped out with -1.92 and .52 loss respectively.
    No idea why.any one knows?

  769. At least now i receiving LTP signals on my live account. I dont know is this because i every day syncing windows time or not. Received signals differs with 1 pip offset, but its normal i think.
    @ Kona
    LTP guys using FinFX managed ECN account with mocro lots which is not avaliable for public, only for them. But i heard that FinFX working for providing micro accout with normal micro lots, because 0.1 lots for 500$ account is crazy. But if You have 2.5K, then FinFX ECN accout which they offers is a top class for this type of account.

  770. Hi Traders,

    Last week I claimed a refund for both LTP´s, but at the moment I think about to buy at least the main LTP (EUR/USD – GBP / USD). Does anyone know a good affiliate, who gives some bonuses?


  771. My MT4 crashed twice yesterday for both ‘licences’. This thing is full of bugs and problems and should never have been brought to the market in this scandalous state. It’s a horrible mess.

  772. Ticket 1171395 2011.01.06 11:28 sell eur/usd closed with 5.0 profit.

    Anyone get this today? My demo account did not.

  773. Have LTP explained why or does anyone know why the lot sizes have decreased instead of increasing with time?
    They started in August with 0.2 lot sizes and gradually increased to around 1.4 lot sizes by October and since then gradually decreased back to 0.2 lot sizes.

    Its my understanding that lot size is calculated by the percentage of one’s equity one is willing to risk on any one trade, increasing proportionally as one’s trading account increases. It’s odd therefore to see a trading account increase but lot size decrease.

    Any thoughts on that?

  774. @ livingdaylight

    I think You did mean GBPUSD not EURUSD. The only trade @ 11:28 was on GBPUSD.
    Before when i was running LTP on FinFX demo i got absolutely all trades without any time syncronization or settngs change at all. From this week i running LTP on my live account and so far i got all trades from LTP. The last one on EURUSD still running.

  775. YES THEY HAD A TRADE ON THEY LIVE ACCOUNT GBPUS BUT NOTHING ON MY CHART WELL IF WE HAVE THE SAME SITTING WE SHOULD GET IN INDICATION???????????what going on i am sure they changed they sitting too look good?????????????
    i make 2 platform one meta trader 4 finfx then another one in iamfx mt4 both show the same??????????grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  776. Hi Guys,

    I purchased LTP on 31 Dec and have been following this site since I started to experience problems with it crashing MT4 (FXCMUK – Demo acct).

    My plan was to run it in demo for a week and then move to a live account, but the chashing problem HAS to be sorted out first. A few deep drawdowns coupled with a crash or two will wipe out my account. So I am waiting for the system to stabalise first.

    Two questions to all of you;

    Anyone know if the system modifies the S/L during a trade? If not, how do they explaine the small loss of -3.24 on 2010.10.22 @ 16:04 (EURUSD)?

    Secondly, WTF are the blinking lights in the top right hand corner, and how do they relate to either open or potential trades?

    Really enjoying this site BTW.



  777. Good morning to those in Europe and for those in the USA and other parts of the world, just keep sleeping.

    OK, there have been 3 trades in the LTP´s master account but with a twist:

    open 2011.01.06 11:28 sell 0.20 gbpusdmam 1.55113

    close 2011.01.06 11:44 1.54863 with a profit of $5

    open 2011.01.06 11:55 buy 0.40 eurusdmam 1.31164

    this is still open as I write this.

    open 2011.01.06 01:00 buy 0.20 usdchfmam 0.96584

    close 2011.01.06 01:24 0.96686 with a profit of $2.11

    The twist is that I got the same first two trades but LTP closed my trades at exactly the same time they were opened, and I missed the third one.

    Perhaps this weird behaviour is due to my changing the parameters yesterday to Max Variance from 5 to 6 and Max Slippage from 3 to 4. I have moved them back to their default values.

    This is really strange because I got the two trades half a pip away from LTP, a perfect entry.

    LTP support is more than welcome to verify this, I will give them my Alpari demo account user and password if they want them.

  778. Hello Paul,

    I think LTP modifies the exit point according to the circumstances. That is how I reason it because otherwise they would always get either the defaultprofit target or the default SL.

    I believe the seven columns of blinking lights reflect the computations of the seven nets LTP has monitoring the market.

  779. Morning all!

    Both of my systems caught the GBPUSD (now closed) and EURUSD (still open) trades earlier today. One trade for EURUSD (FinFX) did not have SL or TP values entered. I manually added them

    Bharat–you have got no trades recently ’cause there have been none, except the EURUSD one earlier today

    Kona-the old tick issue is a broker issue, you should talk to them–more info in posted earlier here by me

    Paul–yes, it modifies SL, although I have not seen this happen in my account yet

    Felix–was your SL and TP values filled in for the trades that closed prematurely?


  780. Hello livingdaylight,

    I have no idea about why the lot sizes are lower now, but they are certainly a consequence of a human decision, either by setting the risk level to a percentage of by setting a fixed lot size.

    So, we would have to ask LTP directly as to why they decided to do so.

  781. Regarding what the LTP light grid means (answer from LTP support): “This graph shows you levels of prediction with each part of neural net. Each one has it`s own algorithms of prediction. When all parts synchronize – EA will make a trade.”

  782. Let´s be patient.

    The most important thing is that LTP makes winning trades and they have said they are working to solve the synchronization issue.

    In the meantime here is a nifty utility that will keep our PC´s in sync as often as you wish with the US government atomic clock.

    This freeware, Atomic Clock Sync 3.0, can be obtained at


    I have set an interval of 900 seconds to verify my PC´s clock is ok.

    I hope this helps.

  783. Hello Doug,

    My trades had the SL in place, never touched them and the trades were closed right after they were openened, inside the same minute.

    I am begining to see Casper´s hand in here.

  784. Hello,
    I have been missing trades since 3rd Jan 2011. I’m running two demo accounts on VPS – one on FinFx and the other on IBFX, and each time trade signal arrives the MT4 just crashed. I have had to restart the MT4 twice so far. Did anyone face similar issue? Or am I missing some setup parameters?
    The account had just one trade with $20 profit since the time I ran the demo account. Please share your experience if you had encountered similar issue. Appreciate your help.

  785. LTP just now did close this EURUSD trade @1.3027 for me with -90 pips on my live account. I dont know what to do, should i remove LTP from MT4 and place trades manually, because i got closed trade before on FinFX demo account too. And support ticket still didnt answer about this case.

  786. Major low at 1.2970 in eur/usd ..I MAY enter trade if things look good…will bail out if 1.2970 is breached…gotta watch momentum

  787. Felix: you may have already done this, but look at expert and journal tabs to see if there is any info there to help understand why trades were closed so soon after open.

  788. @ Doug

    Trade just closed itself without any notification @ price 1.3027 and i didnt change anything on this trade. I checked my logfile and here is a row:
    18:05:17 ‘XXXXXXXX’: close order #3785345 buy 0.05 EURUSDFXF at 1.3117 sl: 1.2786 tp: 1.3137 at price 1.3027
    18:05:18 ‘XXXXXXXX’: request was accepted by server
    18:05:18 ‘XXXXXXXX’: request in process
    18:05:18 ‘XXXXXXXX’: order #3785345 buy 0.05 EURUSDFXF at 1.3117 sl: 1.2786 tp: 1.3137 closed at price 1.3027

    How can this happen. It looks like normal closed trade. I dont know does this broker fault or LTP. I asked about this trade to my broker too, maybe it is broker hand. Its weird, because i got closed LTP trade on FinFX demo before, where is no point to close or interrupt demo orders.

  789. Guys in addition to all the other reasons that could close a trade, when a trade is 100 pips down like the current EUR/USD trade, some people might hit their margin if they have a small account balance and/or a lot size that is NOT small, or have 2 or more trades going–pulling the margin down even more. My $200 demo account (now $226) is in that trade now with .34 lots and -$34.00, but the trade is still open. I was in a worse/lower situation on that EUR/USD trade that went from the last days of Dec until yesterday when it finally closed in the green.

  790. I forgot to mention on the trade that closed yesterday which started in late Dec, the margin line started to be highlighted in red for me, it was getting close but never hit luckily.

  791. I have 5k account and with 0.05 lots per trade there is no way to reach margin level even close. I running LTP on live account with micro lots just for testing, but even that makes problems. Gonna reduce lot size to minimum, because i cant trust this thing at the moment. Waiting answer from LTP support and my broker too.

  792. Does anyone use Forex Overdrive?

    You might be interested to learn that LTP made the exact same trade as Forex Overdrive. Buy eu @ 1.3115

    Two different robots, exact same trade!

    How would you explain that Norm? Or am I just a whining low life?

  793. Doug,

    I just sent the Log folders to LTP support, all of it. The lines I saw tell me what happened but, unfortunately, not why.

    I also offered them access to my Alpari demo account since I have stopped using the FinFX account. The reason is that the last message left here by LTP support told us that we were allowed only one chart per license and I was using two per license.

    Have a nice day.

  794. Andy,

    I got the same problem with my closed trades for no apparent reason, LTP has my Log folder, they asked me to send it to be analyzed.


  795. Hi Felix,

    Yeah, i sent log’s too, hope to receive answer. First time when i sent log’s from FinFX demo about closing trade, as answer i received nothing. Now i did open new ticket about this problem. Looks like this all LTP release is more like some big beta testing stage playnig with customers demo and live accounts.

  796. Felix: they told us to attach LTP to ONE chart, meaning don’t attach it to both EURUSD and GBPUSD. But you can use the single LTP license to run LTP on 2 separate accounts as long as the computers running reside at a single IP address.

    From their Dec 30th post here:
    “Remember that our system does *NOT* allow unlimited logins / connections – a single ReceiptCode will only permit TWO instances of LTP (which can be on the same or different computers) to receive signals. You do not need to specify the brokerages / account numbers / computers involved – the process is totally automatic and handled by our server.”

  797. Felix and Andy: I have seen LTP trades close before SL reached only when TP and SL were empty or when i was running 4 LTP charts in MT4. I have never seen a LTP trade close before SL under any other conditions, but the fact you have makes me VERY nervous.

  798. Doug

    It makes me nervous too, because my MT4 running fine without any crashes and i receiving LTP signals. Also LTP is attached only to the one chart. In my case SL and TP levels where placed as it should.
    One thing, is when LTP trade did close itself, i had running another manually opened trade on EURUSD too, buy from 1.3050. Maybe this manually opened trade cause LTP to close his trade. If so that it is LTP bug, because when i trading manually i have 4-5 open positions and still far from margin level. I will post there, when receive answer from support and my broker about this.

  799. Doug

    As i mentioned before i had closed LTP tade even on clear FinFX demo account, where only EA was LTP. Its gonna be very bad if LTP works only with his own trades , without allowing to open manual trades. The thing is that i do belive in LTP performance and opening trades manually from LTP drawdown and sup/res levels to the same direction as LTP, This is a way how to get more profit. Like now We could open buy trade on EURUSD from 1.3000 with TP 1.3100 and get additional 100pips later.

  800. Let me clarify my nervousness at trades closing before SL is hit. If the same behavior was noted at the LTP FinFX investor account I’d be fine with it. But the fact that some people see their LTP trades close and the investor site and my account don’t–well, that makes me nervous. It is similar to the fact that not everyone sees all the trades show up in their active trade list. It is worse in that it closes trades before they can ripen to a gain.

  801. Andy:: I have a manual trade open along with LTP trade, the first time I have done this. So far so good. We will see . . .

  802. Doug

    I completly agree with You. Its even worse than another EA hits huge SL, but i can agree with that, because everything is clear, SL is SL and if EA hits SL many times that means it is useless and going to trash.
    But in case with LTP, when trade is going in drawdown i need to pray so that trade stays open.
    Temporary option for this : Next time experiencing LTP drawdown i gonna open my manually trades according to may strategy by placing TP and SL and shut down my MT4, so that LTP wont close his trade. And meantime i gonna open FinFX demo account for monitoring whats going on.

  803. Hi Doug,

    Regarding my question as to the relevance of the “blinking lights” in the top right. your reply was;

    Regarding what the LTP light grid means (answer from LTP support): “This graph shows you levels of prediction with each part of neural net. Each one has it`s own algorithms of prediction. When all parts synchronize – EA will make a trade.”

    Well, how come my internet connection has been down for the last 30mins, but the lights continue going up and down as if still connected?

    I am beginning to wonder if this is all just crap!


  804. Doug

    Keep us posted how this works out. My LTP trade closed after 20min, since my manual trade where opened. This all is freakin weird, because i done this by opening manual trades from LTP drawdownd many times on FinFX demo too, till i got only one LTP closed trade itself. And now the same i got on my live account. Interesting fact of this, that both demo and live LTP closed trades was with -92 and -90pips. Now i did set fixed lot size for LTP, so that LTP can’t affect with his acoount risk level. I dont know, hope this will help.

  805. Refund:

    I am happy to announce that my refund request was honoured. But, yes, not without being made to ask twice as has been reported earlier already. After my first request I got an email:

    “Please, explain the reason of your asking for refund. And we are always ready to help you with any issue regarding our robot, just submit a ticket following the link http://www.leotraderpro.com/support and you will get helpful support. Please, be patient. You have a lot of time to find out if the robot is suitable for you or not. We will help you to install and adjust the robot correctly. Please, give the robot ability to make at least one trade and you will see that Leo Trader Pro is able to give you good profit.”

    Well, needing to prove to myself that there were no issues with refunds, having heard the reports of issues in that regard, I felt it necessary to insist on getting a refund. A 100% unconditional no-quibble guarantee shouldn’t require explanation or justification but I gave the same reason as I did first time – Product unsatisfactory.

    Aside from needing to satisfy and prove that there were no issues with refunds it was becoming evident to me that I wanted to step back from this EA.

    Like everything in life it is about trust and confidence. With the apparent proof of several months trading I was happy to look closer at this EA. However, there have only been issues so far.
    1 eur/usd trade in 5 days or so for a profit of $2 risking 300 pips for several pips is not a great formula imho.

    Furthermore, the issues of syncing and replicating the trades remains.

    60 days is not really a long time to assess an EA. I did not buy this EA to provide invaluable feedback as a beta tester.
    I don’t know why LTP released this EA when they must have known or should have known that it had all these issues. Hoping people will give them the necessary feedback over 60days to iron things out?

    I hope this EA eventually turns out to be the holy grail or even half of what it promises and will keep an eye, but shall politely bow out at this stage.

    Good luck everyone. I’m glad I found this site; nice to meet people giving genuine feedback and helping one another…


  806. Hi Doug,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I still have over 50 days to seek a refund. But I need some fundamental issues resolved by LTP.

    1. The crash problem must be fixed before I go into a live account.

    2. The missing of trades by my MT4 platfome must be sorted out, and,

    3. They (LTP) need to demonstrate the transparancy they claimed in their presales blurb. So far, all I have seen from them is “ducking and diving”.

    I will give them the benefit of the doubt, but only for so long.


  807. Oh my, I hope we dont have to worry about trades closing by themselves when LTP is 200 pips in draw down..a couple of trades like that would be disastrous, especially when trading other than a few micro lots. A lot of winning trades are small, we would be giving some of our profits back..hmmmmmm

  808. Andy & Doug:

    So hold up now, let me get this right, is it in fact possible to get out of a trade that’s going DD deep by simply shutting down the MT4?? Now, if that is true, then I can avoid losing a lot money that I already have in my live account.

    Fill me in on if this actually works guys.



  809. @Doug
    Hi, haven’t had the time to check the historic statements of both eas yet. Will find some time at the weekend and let you know. However, thought I would share the current information sooner than later. Of course, could just be a coincidence.

    Best wishes for the future. Like myself, you can now enjoy the experience of sitting back and watching. And if it all goes okay, then you can easily buy it again. I will be waiting until at least end of March before I make a decision. And if I do buy it, I will have a huge debt of gratitude to all those currently beta testing LTP!

  810. @Paul
    Regarding your disco lights still flashing when your internet connection is down, I would ask has anyone decompiled the ea?

    Not much to see other than the comms and order management code, but you would be able to determine the source driving the disco lights 😉

  811. OMG!!!! LTP was closed the EURUSD trade far above the S/L!!!
    LTP made a loss of 104 PIPs!!! Actually loss of 530 USD!!!

    2011.01.06 16:36:50 ‘28520’: close order #15150579 buy 0.51 EURUSDm at 1.31169 sl: 1.27861 tp: 1.31373 at price 1.30132

    It was the LTP, but WHY???

  812. JTX, are you referring to the investor account or your own account? If yours, are you sure it wasn’t closed because of a margin call? If yours, please state your starting balance, lot size, and available margin% when the trade was opened!

  813. @JTX,

    Welcome to the club. Are this LTP trade was the only one opened trade on Your platform when closing happened or where others manually opened trades. I You had only one LTP open on Your platform at all, then we have big problem here. Now i removing LTP from my live account, because there another trades going on.

  814. King: Andy is talking about shutting down MT4 to prevent against the possibility of LTP prematurely and erroneously closing the trade. He has observed LTP inititiated trades closing before SL is reached (while the trades shown on LTP’s FinFX account (and mine for that matter) remain in play.

    We do not know why this is happening, whether it is due to LTP, the broker, the computer running MT4, how LTP was installed, or a combination of these factors.

  815. Doug,

    And most importantly, MARGIN! We don’t know if these trades are getting closed before SL because their accounts are not large enough to handle the drawdown based on the risk level they have chosen.

  816. Steve: good clarification. Margin is critical Andy has stated that this was not an issue of margin in his case. His specifics on this are posted by him above.

  817. Steve: the starting ballance was about 1.700USD, the LOT is 0.4, the margin is about 270% (I dont know wher could I check the initial ballance and margin at the time I opened that trade)
    I just checking online with my broker, what happened

  818. I had two trades opened and closed right after, it is a micro demo account with almost $50.000 and it was for 0.09 lots. The closing had nothing to do with a margin call.

  819. Janos | 01:22
    Hi Tikhon, could you tell me, why my trade was closed?acc 28520,2011.01.06 16:36:50 ’28520′: close order #15150579 buy 0.51 EURUSDm at 1.31169 sl: 1.27861 tp: 1.31373 at price 1.30132

    Tikhon Tretyakov | 01:24
    ok, whatis your request about?

    Janos | 01:26
    I need to know, why was this trade closed. I beleive the margin was enough. the S/L was quite far away. I didnt closed it manually.

    Tikhon Tretyakov | 01:28
    so it is closed manually – not automatically

    Janos | 01:28
    u mean not from your side, but from the MT4?

    Tikhon Tretyakov | 01:29

  820. Andy: yes, I have a few manual trading on that platform, where the LTP was opened and CLOSED BEFORE HIT THE S/L.
    I made those trades manually, BECAUSE my LTP bot was not receiving the trade signals.
    I am really very-very angry to LTP guys. It is a live account, and I lost 530 USD.

  821. JTX,

    From the info. you show above, with that starting balance it would seem that you did not have enough available margin to handle that drawdown. Your broker most likely closed that trade out because of this. With a starting balance of 1,700 usd and with a lot size of 0.51, that is a little over $5 usd a pip. That is absolute suicide. With this bot using a SL of 330, you would need an account size of at least 10K usd and a lot size of no more than 0.1 or 0.2 to handle these drawdowns comfortably! Unless of course you are going to trade a micro account which is what LTP’s live account is using.

  822. I should add that the reason for 0.1 or 0.2 lot max, is because you don’t know when this bot is going to be in more than one trade at a time! You could have both eur/usd and gbp/usd in trades at the same time. With $1,700 usd at a lot size of 0.51 with leverage of 1:100, you would not be able to carry one trade with severe drawdown let alone 2 trades going on at the same time!! You really need to understand margin, available margin, and what your broker’s margin requirements are and when they initiate margin calls!! some are at 100%, others less and yet others more! So, in one trade with drawdown of just over 100 pips, it took roughly 30% of your starting capital! You should never expose yourself to more than 3-5% of your capital in any one trade!! That means being able to expose yourself to a 330 pip loss and it only affect 3-5% of your balance. I really hope that helps because too many people get greedy with forex. It is a double edged sword! The high leverage that some of these brokers offer is very enticing, but you have to understand what your risk exposure is when you play with leverage that high.

  823. Really good words Steve. I’ve heard of some using a -5 setting with LTP. Near as I can tell, that setting risks about 50% of starting capital with a SL of 330.

  824. Doug,

    YES…greed kills! If this bot works as well as the creators have touted, then reduce your risk by half of what you would normally be able to handle. They are using a micro account with minimal risk, and they have been able to grow that account very nicely in a short period of time.

  825. Hey JTX, Hang in there you’ll make it back..I lost 3 trades over a week ago.. You need to cut your lot size way down until they can find out why LTP is closing trades prematurely. the cause can be anywhere, hopefully they’ll find it. thats why i said it hasn’t happened in THEIR platform in 6 months (unusual), but its happining in ours..we feel your pain, it will happen to some of us also.

  826. Steve: Thanks for your guidence! Just clear out:
    1. My initial balance was 2.300USD
    2. My leverage was 1:200
    3. LTP was set to -5 (5%)
    4. It was trade by LTP, so the LOT was set by LTP (as far as I learned)
    5. It was closed clearly by the MT4 (so LTP) not by margin call (my free margin is still 2.000 USD, after the loss)


  827. JTX,

    With leverage of 1:200 your loss would have been a lot more than the $530 you state from a more than 100 pip loss at 0.5 lot size! I really can’t give you more insight because your numbers don’t add up to what you say your account parameters dictate. At 1:200 leverage, it’s no wonder your trade was closed out with a balance of $2300 usd!! You would have certainly had a margin call based on that.

  828. I’m surprised they let anyone trade out of micro lots..mainly because margin COULD be hit by some..they don’t need to tie up support people on possible margin hits. Most likely you just took a random hit. I took 3 of them..its been over a week since.

  829. Just talked to ibfx ..they say it most likely wasn’t a margin call..the log would record it if it was..the broker would know.

  830. If I could make the suggestion for anyone just starting out or fairly new to trading the spot fx market, I would look past any broker that offers leverage more than 1:100! I have seen brokers that offer 1:1000 leverage which is just plain laughable. I would stick to brokers that offer an ecn with no bridge. They have the tightest spreads and don’t hunt stops like a market maker. Again, leverage of no more than 1:100 and preferably 1:50.

  831. Steve, I am beginner. The 1:200 leverage is right now, I cant check back what was at the time of this trade opening.
    I am sure, if there was no margin call.
    I just want to understand…

  832. Hey Norm,

    Yes, you would definitely see if you were in trouble of a margin call as your screen would give you a warning first that you are in danger of a margin call, then again when the order is being closed! Not knowing exactly what happened to JTX, I can only go by the info. that he has given us to know that he would have definitely run into a closed position due to a margin call. Unless of course he is not giving us all of the information or incorrect information. I’ve been trading forex for quite a few years to know, and I get the feeling JTX is quite new at this. So, we may not be getting the whole story.

  833. Steve, yes, I am new to Forex. I have different account at the sam broker, wich on I was definitel ran out from margin. That was my fault, made by my own hand. And my broker detailed me online chat, which trades were closed by margin call and which one from my side. Since I was not closing THIS trade by my hand, it must be the LTP. Thats all.

  834. Excellent & Wise Wisdom Steve and Norm, I officially place the both of you as this board ‘LTP Elder Counsel’ 🙂

  835. JTX,

    Call your broker, and find out if the trade in question was closed because of a margin call. The numbers that you have given here just don’t jive with what you are stating. At 1:200 leverage and 0.51 lot size and a more than 100 pip drawdown is quite a bit more than the $530 you say you lost on the trade! If you’re using a standard account, not micro, then that would have been a loss in excess of 1K usd!! Something isn’t right with the information that you have given us.

  836. Steve, as I told, I already discuss with my broker. He was certify, it was closed not because of margin call, but from my side. And I was not stupido enough, to closed @ minus 530USD… So LTP only.
    I wrote to LTP support also, but still no answer.
    Here I cant show you screenshot, but beleive me, it is 100 pips and 500USD loss…

  837. We still have premature closing trades reported that at first glance don’t appear to be margin related.

    Andy, Felix: please keep us in the loop as you seek resolution with LTP


  838. Well,

    It would seem that this bot has some issues to work out. I would not trade this on a live account until they have come up with a resolution, and even then only trade it on a demo account for at least a couple of months before letting it loose on real money. Happy trading!

  839. Actually JTX’s trade at 0.51 is approx. 50 cents a pip..

    His actual trade should have showed 5.0 thats $5 a pip x 100 = $500.

    I believe if you insert 5.0 in risk, you will be at $5 a pip.

    1.0 $1 a pip

    0.9 is 90 cents a pip.

    0.8 setting is 80 cents a pip.

    0.4 is 40 cents a pip.

    0.1 is ten cents a pip.

    0.01 is 1 cent a pip…or a nano account.

  840. Norm: If I set 0.1 RISKLEVEL, then the Pending Lot Size will be 0.1 on the chart. If I set -5, then the Pending Lot Size will be 0.04.

    So, which is the safest?

  841. JTX A risk setting of 0.1 will display a pending order of 0.10 or ten cents a pip. Forget that -5 stuff for now.

    At this setting, if you lose 300 pips, you will have lost $30. (30 dollars or about 23 euros).

  842. I would say that trades being closed at a loss are 100% LTP’s error… In a few years of trading I’ve never had a trade closed accidently.

  843. Hey Guys,

    I just got through reading all of today’s post and it sounds like a lot of the same issues are accruing with no answers. I want to share the main concern I have and if we can’t see an answer to this, the technical issues want really even matter. Someone mentioned earlier that the investor account has made a nice profit on a small account with low risk. I suggest that you and everyone else take a closer look at the history! Since the launch, I believe they have set the risk at -5 and that would be a low risk but the profit from 12-5 to now has only been a little under 135.00 and that would give you a daily average of under 5.00 per day. From 8-1 to 12-04 they profit was 2,437.50 and they had to be running times at high risk and they have a special account that is ECN with a 300 leverage. Please someone explain to me how we are going to make any money without high risk and leverage?

  844. LTP traded as high as 1.50 a pip in november (1.50 x 300 pip loss = $450.00) it took a pretty high risk for a $3000 account. They showed that LTP could handle high risk (obviously). Then they cut it way way back, for good reason.

  845. JTX, I just noticed you said your account was a mini..alot of brokers call their accounts a mini account, and the lowest risk setting will be 1.0 or $1 a pip. ($1 x 300 pips = $300.00.

    Then you have other brokers that have mini accounts BUT they go lower than $1 a pip…they go down to 10 cents a pip. those accounts are called Micro accounts.

    Then you have a brokers like (IBFX) that have mini accounts that allow even lower trading of 1 cent a pip. those accounts are called Nano accounts. Most brokers don’t have Nano accounts.

  846. Norm, actually higher than that! 2.10 on Nov 18th. The investor account should be consistent to show us how well it can trade. The high risk days with high returns should have continued if they had full faith in their product. A SL anytime in the near future will not create the true picture.

  847. Ton: a setting of -5 is not low risk at 330 SL. It equates to about 50% of your capital if the SL is breached.

    Currently there is a trade of 0.04 lots in EURUSD (the account is a micro account and a lot in that screen = $10,000). 0.04 lots = $0.40/pip, so 330 pips = $132. The current account balance is about $3000, so they are currently risking about 4%. When they started, they were risking about 8%. By mid Oct, they were risking around 25% per trade. It may be more or less. I did these calculations in my head using my iPhone screen to pull the data. If they ever were running at a RiskLevel of -5, then they were risking about 50% of capital per trade,

    So, my spot (not extensive) analysis would indicate very aggressive risk (~25% per trade) was taken to generate 100% per month and this was racheted down around the holidays to the upper limit for most Forex professionals (4-5% risk).

  848. Doug, I agree with you that -5 is not low risk but I was comparing it to the type of risk they were using before the launch. You are very close on your 25% per trade. We don’t have to be spot on to see that these numbers are not reasonable yet support wrote that we should risk .06 per 1,000 dollars in your account. How could we make any money trading at that?

  849. I think the 0.06 per $1000 means 0.06 lot per $1000. This equates to about 20% risk at 330 SL, and yes, you could make LTP type profits if everything worked on your system as it did in their FinFX account. BTW, a RiskLevel of -2 is in the same ballpark as 0.06 lots per 1000

  850. Disclaimer: I am not recommending risking 20% per trade nor am I suggesting that everthing will work on your system as it did in theirs. Anyone who has worked with LTP knows that this is not the case . . . yet. But I am still very positive in this EA. Everyone of my trades (‘cept when I had a crash on day 1) has closed for a gain.

  851. Jeeez— ok I did not get either the gbp or the eur trades again.hummm well–well margin calls. here’s the deal—I put on 2 eur trades at 1 full lot each on a 5200 acc.Ya Ya,I know dont ask…point is about 1400 was used for margin with a 1:200 lev..which left 3800…divide by 2 leaves 1900 or about 190 pips or there abouts before a margin call. Look in your trade terminal for used margin

    come on—look 1.00 –10.00 pip standard
    .10– 1.00 pip mini
    .01— .10 pip micro
    LPT is on a special account. when they show .20 it is 2 micro lots not mini

    nano accounts? who on this semi green earth trades nanos? nuts

    No way I will use this EA on a live account untill they get it together..not on this on this semi green earth.. GL trading

  852. Tonster, I think they ran the risk way up to show that LTP could handle high risk. Then they dropped the risk way down so that newbie’s wouldn’t be copying their high risk factor. The account was run very well..it started out at low risk and ended at high risk just before launch…they had to drop the risk way back.

  853. Hi all,

    Here’s a thought. When you place a manual trade in MT4 you must first place the trade naked, i.e. with no Stop Loss or Take Profit positions. You then open the trade and enter the S/L and T/P with a second instruction.

    If LTP employs this same mechanism when placing trades, and given that some brokers take up to a few seconds to execute a trade instruction, it might be the case that the first instruction is executed, but that the second is lost – much in the same way that most of us have experienced lost trades which show up on LTP’s MT4 platform but not on some of ours. This excludes me of course, as I’m still waiting for my platform to enter its first trade! BTW, it crashed again last night.


  854. Aint gonna argue with ya marty We are talkin MINI’S NOT STANDARD ACCOUNTS. some people like to trade nano accounts. If you dont like them dont trade them..but dont put people down that do. people get put down enuff in this business.

  855. Paul: that could be. BTW, one of my brokers (ATC) allows setting SL and TP with trade opening; the other (FinFX) does not.

  856. Hey Paul, makes sense, now how do we cure it?

    You havent had any trades? that seems impossible, gotta be something wrong in your settings, dont see how tho, they’re pretty basic…do you have your receipt code in all caps?

  857. norm–not putting anybody down for trading a nano.just don’t know anyone who does. did not mean to offend anyone.

  858. Hi Norm,

    Yes it’s all in caps, and (trust me) I have read the manual, LTP’s updates, as well as every other post on this site, and they are most definately correct. I have also sent images of my parametes together with a printout of one of my (many) crashes to LTP – but, no response as of yet! They are really slow with support. But then, if you think about it, there are probably many more owners of LTP out there needing support that are not contributing to this site than there are here. Poor sods!


  859. Random question: what does the “man” at the end of currency pairs mean? I see this on the Fin FX LTP account.


  860. ***** First Post *****, I have been following this thread for several weeks now. To those who have bought and persisted with the product, I wish you well (with the exception of 1 nasty individual who means others’ harm).

    You have unwittingly become testers of a beta product. As someone who has worked in IT for decades I am aware that a product can be tested in all conditions, but it can only prove it’s worth once it has gone live. That is the nature of the beast.

    I hope it succeeds for you all (with the one exception) and once these issues become resolved and more positive postings are found I am pleased with my decision to defer my purchase.

    I hope LTP support can back up their claims, and if they do, I hope they are able to cope with a second wave of demand for their product.

    Happy trading……. Steve.

  861. Hi Steve,

    In some respects I agree with you. I too come from an IT background – going back to when we all coded in COBOL using coding pads (Ahh, those were the days). I would have been fired if I ever released a product with this many problems!

    I don’t think they even bothered to desk check this mother!


  862. Sorry, I’m sure that most of don’t know what a coding pad is. But those that do will know that I’m showing my age, again!


  863. wow the lowlifes are up late tonight..told ya they’d slow up..just another loser in forex.. did yas get it?

  864. @ Paul, I started when they had punch cards and core storage was being phased out. Did you come accross any of that?

  865. Not only, but I could use a hand punch! And the first IBM 360 I programed on had 32K of oil cooled core, and 4 x 5Mb removable disk drives. Ahh, the good old days.

  866. Norm, Might be it is a very newbie question, but as u said “A risk setting of 0.1 will display a pending order of 0.10 or ten cents a pip. Forget that -5 stuff for now.

    At this setting, if you lose 300 pips, you will have lost $30. (30 dollars or about 23 euros).”

    But my results on MT4I.com show me on EURUSD pair: 0,1 LOT does 1 PIP = 1 USD. So now what?

  867. Hey Norm, Some really don’t like you on here. I don’t know what you did to make them mad but I haven’t seen anything you have said to make anyone feel that way towards you. In answer to the question about “mam” I don’t know where I saw it but I read somewhere that it stood for management account. On another note: Norm, thanks for your replies to my posts! Again, I want LTP to be successful but I am going to question every thing that doesn’t make since. Norm you gave your thoughts on why the risk was raised and I can respect your opinion but if they had not raised the risk and left it at -5, thirty days worth of trading only had a profit of 140.00 and there is still the risk of the 330 SL. I can’t see good profits in that. Pip wins from 10 to almost 30 per trade is not much of a reward and it is just a matter of time that the SL is going to happen. Please anyone give me a good picture based on what we already know and experienced with other systems in the past.

  868. Hello Steve:

    Would you please help me calculating my margin or some good percentage value for the live account of mine?

    Let’s say I opened $5000 live account with ratio of 1:50.
    To be able to survive in LTP trading and their big SL , what is my risk value supposed to be? In this case what is my margin value and when do I usually get margin call?
    Can you also tell me what will 1 pip equal to after these settings?
    If you could help me on this I will be thankful.


  869. @ Doug, i think it is ‘mam’ not ‘man’,it stand for ‘managed account m….something like that.(correct me if i’m wrong),

    @ Norm, is there any any news release today?

    @ Pontiac Dave,thank you for the clarification : )

    @ NR, I would like to share my result here for this weekend,i hope the positive result will continue for all of us LTP users and betatester : )


    happy profitable 2011.

  870. Still not received answer from LTP about closed trade. But looks like LTP might close its trade, when manual trade is open from LTP respectable drawdowm. This is ridiculous, The closing had nothing to do with a margin call in my case, because its not even close, im sure about this. Usually i running 4 manual open trades without any prolems.
    From our experiance LTP closing trade when its experiencing drawdown around -90 – 100 pips while manual trade is running. We can only imagine, how it might be if we gonna try to opem manual trade from bigger LTP drawdown -250-300pips, then propably LTP might close its trade immediately. Many of us knows forex overdrive EA, there is also huge SL and never been problems with closed trade before SL. So its LTP bug, hope they gonna release new version after this.

  871. hallo to all .
    i am very happy to see all the reviws about leo ea.
    i see his good performence .
    the connection problem between the system server
    and the client server is too complicated and this is
    not the big reason to say it is bad EA .
    some brokers will not be happy with good EA and they
    can make troubles to stop it or make it not proftible.
    i would like to test it in the condition like leo pro :
    same size account and same lot size ,but not automatic !!!
    watch it and do it for free in your account and will see …
    if some one pay for the EA i like to ask him if the EA can
    send email or cellolar message ???


    On Jan 6th and 7th my Alpari UK demo account got disconnected at about 00:40 Alpari server time. I asked them about this and they answered me that yes, in fact they do disconnect their servers to reset them and that they give priority to their real account clients.

    This could account for some missed trades (midnight trades) in the case of those who have opened demo accounts with Alpari UK.

    By the way, I did get the buy USD/CHF trade at 00:40 Alpari UK time, and shortly after they disconnected. I reconnected the MT4 platform and I still have the trade open as it should.

    Tonight I will leave the FinFX platform running to see if the same happens.

  873. i dont know nothing about trade but they live account was working very good but since the robot has been lunch no many trade almost none so i am not blaming the LTR BUT?????????? something going very wrong i dont trust those fat professional traders????they dont want the middleman too have some win ????????????so what next just sit and wait pray maybe one day we will have some trade

  874. Paul: you are correct. A risklevel of 0.1 = 0.1 lots = $1/pip

    Andy: I have both an LTP initiated trade for EURUSD (same as one that closed for you) and a manually initiated trade for EURUSD that are both still open. So regardless of the cause, it has not yet shown up for me.

  875. @Norm
    You were doing quite well the last few days. Your posts were more helpful and informative to all. Don’t let any baiting make you revert back to your old ways. This is one of the most informative blogs on LTP, and if everyone shows respect for others, then new contributors will also partake here. That can only be beneficial to all.

    Tut Tut 😉

    the “mam” indicates it is a Managed Account

  876. Denise: A RiskLevel setting of -0.4 should equal about 4% risk assuming a 330 SL. The way you calculate this is:
    1. enter -0.4 into RiskLevel and see what pending lot size is
    2. multiply pending lot size by $10/pip (if you stop here you get your $ risk/pip) and then by 330 pip–this gives you your total dollar risk should the 330 SL be breached
    3. take the product of #2, above, and divide it by the free margin in your account; multiply this by 100 to convert to %–this gives you the % risk per trade. Near as I can tell, LTP will risk this amount based on the free margin available at the time of the trade.

  877. Hi Steve,

    No, I didn’t work for IBM back in the old days, just worked for a company (or three) running their hardware.


  878. Doug,

    I thought you had an account with Alpari, no I have read your message again and I see it is with ATC and FinFX.

  879. Doug,

    This is from LTP support last message:

    “If you have a license for the MAIN LTP product then you should attach the EA to *ONE* chart…”


    “If you also have a license for the OPTIONAL product then you should attach the EA to *ONE* chart…”

    Perhaps part of the problem is that we have been attaching the replicator to two charts (me included). Right now I only have each license of LTP attached to a single chart each.

    Let´s see how it goes.

  880. JTX: I’d manually add it in based on data in LTP account. I had this happen to me and have provided files they asked for to them. No reply yet.

  881. Some of you were wondering why the lot size was increased and then decreased in the LTP account. Here is the answer that I received from support when I had asked the question on Dec. 23rd…

    Hi Jon,
    Thank you for your e-mail.
    The lot sizing decreased lately as the neural nets signalled risk reduction mainly because of the known market behaviour during Xmas time and most of the month of December.

    Also here is an answer to a question that I had on risk size and MM…
    Some of it may be redundant…

    The lot size of your a/c is defined by the risk level parameter.
    Risk Management is the option which controls the amount of money for each trade. If you set a value that is >0 it means that the value will be recognized by the EA as a lot size for each trade.
    But if you set a value which is 0, for example 0.01 is the fixed lot size, and LTP will open trades with this lot, or the minimal allowed with your broker.

  882. JTX: I had same thing happen for 2 GBPUSD trades that closed today-no SL or TP. Both closed for a gain. This occurred in each of the 2 accounts that I am running, for a total of 4 trades- all closing for a profit. In contrast USDCHF trades are only being caught by my ATC account currently, although my FinFX account has caught them in the past.

  883. Doug: I am running 3 accounts, and all done the similar gain close: 1.55273, 1.55287, 1.55287. The Investor account was closed @ 1.55276. The Investor made 24 PIPS, me 12-13 PIPS.

  884. JTX: Yep, looks that way, although I’m sure that Charter Membership was created as an effort to “reward” us for sticking with them (’cause they don’t want to see $149/customer disappear). Nonetheless, it is frustrating.

    On a positive note, I’ve not seen any crashes this week (although others have), am now catching all EURUSD/GBPUSD trades across 2 brokers, am catching all USDCHF/USDJPY trades for 1 broker, have not seen premature closure of any trades (again, others have), and have seen all closed trades this week end in the positive.

    But boy, the current EURUSD trade is ~200 pips down. Yes, the last one was also down this much and more and closed for a gain, but wow, this is testing my intestinal fortitude.

    We are still early on and I’m staying the course. There will always be trades at risk; I will continue and see how LTP performs. I am having fun and learning much.


  885. Maybe. But as long as I keep seeing green, I don’t mind playing the rat. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, right?

    Me, my account completely missed the GBPDUSD sell but instead doubled the 2 buy trades (that’s 4 in all). It’s a little weird, all this inconsistency, but I gotta tell ya, I love waking up to tp’s. And this morning, I woke up to 4 of ’em.. 😉

  886. Look at it this way, Doug. The account has closed 208 trades so far. Out of those 208, it’s won 207. There’s your Pepto Bismol right there..

    207 out of 208. Good f***ing grief, that’s a forex statistician’s wet dream..

  887. Yep, attached to one chart, one account.. any more and it likes to crash, as I’m sure many of us are aware..

  888. Yes, the history is amazing and the data are compelling. But I have looked at many EAs, all with stupendous claims (though none with investor password to account). All of them, LTP, go on and on and on (and on)–I mean, can’t any of them be succinct in their marketing?

    But you hit it right on T. The data are there and it matches trades being made real time now. I’ve never seen such transparency. And the bottom line is that my closed trade account value is up handsomely.

    Now where did I put my nembutal?

  889. Oh, and might I add, this thing closed 5 trades between Christmas and New Year’s and came out unscathed.. Everything else aside, that is impressive.

  890. Hey all, new to this board, but I’ve been using LTP since it was released, with all the problems you have all had as well. Since I finally got it up and running correctly there have been several winning trades. However, most of them I had to initiate manually by running the FinFX investor account to monitor it for trades. Many of the trades were not initiated on my accounts automatically, so, I am getting my refund and just monitoring the FinFx account to see if I want to take the trades or not.

  891. Another thing I will say is that 2 of the trades have gone to 200+ pips in drawdown. One did close for profit, the second is still open at -163 at the moment. You can see this trade on the FinFx account as well. 🙂 Cheers.

  892. T: you in a live account? Did you by the upsell? How many trades does your LTP catch? Do you also enter manually? What about entering manually upon large drawdown? What RiskLevel are you using? Sorry for all the questions? Just wondering.

  893. My answers:
    Live account: yes
    Buy upsell: yes
    Trades caught: currently all EUR pairs (live); half CHF pairs (demos, catch on ATC but not FinFX)
    Enter manually: yes, upon ~100 pip drawdown
    RiskLevel: -1

  894. I’d say it only catches about half of the trades compared to the FinFx account which has only been about 8 or 10 since the release. I am using a fixed lot size as I don’t trust their complicated MM settings. There was one trade where I got the open signal, but not the close signal and had to close manually (for profit thankfully!!!) I can’t advise as to whether you should open on large drawdown. Use your own judgment on that. When one of these trades hits SL all hell is going to break loose!! USE VERY SMALL LOTS!!!

  895. T: Thanks for sharing. I have waffled between -0.4 and -1 for risk level. I think I will drop risk to -0.4. I think I understand their MM based on my observations. They risk based on free margin, which is good.

  896. Has anyone else noticed that the FinFx account has no trades other than EUR/USD and GBP/USD? Yet they up-sell USD/JPY & USD/CHF. Interesting!

  897. @ Doug,

    Good point about free margin based risk. But still it means, that LTP is very sensitive when margin level changes and somehow deciding to close his trades while another manual trades are running, even if free margin is more than enought. Now i gonna try to open manual trades from LTP drawdown with fixed LTP lot size on demo account. Im not sure about this, but maybe in this way LTP wont be able to close its trades. For example, why LTP didn’t close its trades on USDCHF USDJPY account experiencing big drawdown before and with 4 open trades at the same time. LTP team also uses fixed lot size not risk level.

  898. Looks like the USD/JPY trades opened on 12/20 reached around -300 DD on 1/3 and are still -78 & -68 pips respectively.

  899. Andy: I am running with MM enabled and no issues. I am also running another EA in a separate MT4 but same account. Both LTP and the other EA are on MM based on free margin. When one EA opens trade, the other drops lot size based on decrease in free margin. Same thing happens when manual trade is opened.

    Just wanted to convey what I am doing. I hope your approach works and you don’t have prematures closes when in the red. For that matter, I hope I don’t see this either . . .

  900. Hi JTX and everyone needing to understand margin and leverage.
    Please, read these lessons here. It is a MUST if you want to be a trader and if you want to survive.

    Another thing, after the loss you get your margin back, so saying that your margin is still 2000 after the loss does not make any sense. You need to understand this things before you can continue.

    why do you have 3 accounts? LTP clearly says that maximum is 2, and signals will not be sent for more than 2 accounts with same receipt code.

    I do not want to sound like your mum here, because I certainly am not old enough for that, but you need to be careful. And we ALL warned you before.

    Quotes from the past:

    For the records: I put it on a live 500USD account. The 5th trade is closed with 350USD profit. So the price of the bot is back!!! 🙂
    Comment by JTX on December 23, 2010 @ 4:05 pm

    Mr.GTO – the size was 1.0
    Comment by JTX on December 23, 2010 @ 4:49 pm

    If you have your live account with a leverege 1:1000 you will kill your account in the next few days, try to download your leverage to 1:100 it will be more safe for you.
    If the LTP open a position and it went down 100 – 150 pips you will be dead with your account and it will not be the EA
    Comment by George on December 23, 2010 @ 5:37 pm


  901. helo DOUG i did check the live account wowwww very good $ 250 deposit then got already $ 551 on 2 months hmmmm impressive wish i can do the same
    thanks anywhere

  902. Hi All,

    I have been demoing LTP and have been getting some of the trades. I hope when I go live on the recommended tradestation that I will get all the trades. I have started a $500 LIVE account 6 weeks ago that I trade manual.
    It’s now up to $735 from my own trading. But it takes away from my family time, sitting at the computer making $4 here, $3 there, and a few in the $20’s and high teens.
    Once i get the account to $1000 I will open two live $500 accounts with FinFX. A few good setups from the Euro crisis should get my target quickly trading .10 and .15 lots. If it takes me longer than expected to reach my target I will just do $500 & $250 accounts; wich I can start today but I am still playing with the demo (play with risk levels and so on).

    Also, I am watching closely the currently LTP open buy trade (EUR/USD)that is already taking a big hit downward. I am watching closely because next week is shaping up to be further sell off for the Euro as I stated. I really want the EUR to sell further because after all we are in testing/demo mode to see what will happen to LTP, taking into consideration the 300+ SL.

    Stop the fuss, some of you guys. If you buy the product just utilize the 60 days and then make your decision. $200+ and $1000 in live trading is a risk I am willing to take. If it does not work out, then my kids won’t miss a meal, I will not miss a car payment, etc., etc… I don’t have the money to put $100,000 into rental property and I probably won’t take that high risk because that it good money when talking about kids college money. But again, I am willing to risk $1200 to make the college money. I still have a fulltime job but those who don’t have any income and on their last $1200, then its a different story.

  903. well I caught both the GBP trades today and both hit t/P.
    I noticed that the live acc did not hit T/P and was closed early on both trades. Yes I did get the sl and tp signals.

    since I missed the EUR trade, I manually entered ( as noted in an earlier post ) and took profit this morn. GL trading

  904. Hi All
    Got the Refund today.Thanks very much everyone doing the beta testing here.I wish you all the luck.
    Surely, will buy the robot again if LTP can fix their issues and get a smooth operation of the robot for everyone not only for a small group of people or their live account only.

  905. can someone explain me why some got trade then some dont with the same setting has they live account ?must be an explanation hope someone can help that would be very appreciated
    many thanks in advance

  906. Hi JTX and everyone needing to understand margin and leverage.
    Please, read the lessons at babypis website. It is a MUST if you want to be a trader and if you want to survive.

    Another thing, after the loss you get your margin back, so saying that your margin is still 2000 after the loss does not make any sense. You need to understand this things before you can continue.

    why do you have 3 accounts? LTP clearly says that maximum is 2, and signals will not be sent for more than 2 accounts with same receipt code.

    I do not want to sound like your mum here, because I certainly am not old enough for that, but you need to be careful. And we ALL warned you before.

    Quotes from the past:

    For the records: I put it on a live 500USD account. The 5th trade is closed with 350USD profit. So the price of the bot is back!!! 🙂
    Comment by JTX on December 23, 2010 @ 4:05 pm

    Mr.GTO – the size was 1.0
    Comment by JTX on December 23, 2010 @ 4:49 pm

    If you have your live account with a leverege 1:1000 you will kill your account in the next few days, try to download your leverage to 1:100 it will be more safe for you.
    If the LTP open a position and it went down 100 – 150 pips you will be dead with your account and it will not be the EA
    Comment by George on December 23, 2010 @ 5:37 pm


  907. ****Bharat,

    Correct, I bought LTP on the 20th. Again, I said, that I started a LIVE $500 account 6 weeks ago that I am trading on my own. It has nothing to do with LTP. Only thing I’ve done with LTP is demo. Please read again… Here is the quote, [b]”I have started a $500 LIVE account 6 weeks ago that I trade manual.”[/b] Note that what I said’ “”trade manual””. This mean that I get of work, which is when all sessions are closed; there I trade small swings (mostly EUR/USD). I’ve been in forex before LTP.

  908. Doug:

    Live account: yes

    Bought upsell: yes

    Trades caught: EURUSD and GBPUSD are picked up with a fair amount of consistency; USDJPY and USDCHF have got some serious issues, however. It corroborates your situation, as I too have a FinFX account. USDJPY and USDCHF have not placed one single trade. I think USDCHF tried a couple times last week, but Metatrader crashed at about the same times that the trades should’ve take place. *hint hint*

    Enter manually: Nope, I’m ghost-ridin’ this bi**%! I don’t want to have to watch this sucker all day long.

    RiskLevel: 0.3 on 100:1 leverage

  909. Hi, All – apologies for the late response but I hope the wait will be considered worthwhile…

    We are currently 99% through testing a *completely* re-engineered LeoTraderPro (and associated replication servers) which we aim to have it available for download within 48 hours.

    The new version is designed not just to eliminate all of the time-related issues that users have experienced but also to address a number of other issues.

    For anyone experiencing crashes, you will be pleased to know that the new version has proven incredibly stable – even our deliberate attempts to crash it have failed!

    One of the annoyances with the current version is the fact that it’s very difficult to see why something happened – especially in terms of trades being (not) opened or closed. That has changed – lots of information is added to the Experts tab log with more important announcements also being presented in pop-up windows. For more technical issues, a new “log to file” feature with selectable “event depth” is also included but, be warned… at maximum event depth, this is capable of creating multi-megabyte log files in no time!

    Big advance #1: you now need just one instance of MT4 with just one instance of LTP on just one chart… this new feature allows multiple ClickBank order numbers to be entered into the ReceiptCode field on the Inputs tab i.e. XXXXXXXX,YYYYYYYY,ZZZZZZZZ, and all appropriate trades will be managed.

    Big advance #2: when starting up, LTP will check currently open trades and compare them with the current trade pool. Any which are not found are prominently reported so that they can be manually managed.

    Big advance #3: the new design of LTP means that things like clicking the smiley face and changing settings, changing chart timeframe, changing chart symbol, etc. are no longer an issue.

    Please keep an eye out for the official notification email and/or check the download page from time to time.


    The Leo Trader Pro Team

  910. leo support.
    i am interesting in your EA .
    can i get more details about using your EA ?
    can i set up lot size ? email allert ?
    what is the trailing s/l or t/p strategy ?

  911. @Gabriel: Bro, do yourself a welcome favor and simply read through this forum from the beginning all the way down to the end. All you need to know about Leo Trader Pro is already shared out here within the forum. Mostly posts from Norm, Doug, and the Leo Trader Pro Support Team is what you’ll want to sticky.

    and that’s the Kings’ 2cents in a bucket’ bump it 🙂

  912. I see their are keep getting profit. however, they had to wait alot for some of their positions to hit their take profit. i belive this is very risky method as we can all open a trade and wait untill it hits the profit. their stop loss is very large and in case you hit by stop, you loose a good amount of money.

    here is the stats and review again:


  913. My apologies to all if I caused alarm with a previous post that pointed out that the LTP made the same trade as Forex Overdrive.

    Having now analysed the statements, and whilst one or two trades maybe similar, there is nothing to suggest that these bots are the same. From the statements, they look very different indeed!

    Hope the new update goes well for you all…. and the current eu trade!

  914. LeoTraderPro Support. Thanks guys! I really appreciated all that you are doing. The new version sounds great. It will really help troubleshooting.

    Mort: Thanks for getting back on this. I appreciated not only that you posted what you saw initially, but that you got back to us to give a more complete update.

    Hey everyone. This is going to be an interesting week. Have fun!

  915. Does anyone know how I can access trading on my PC with my laptop? I’ll be on the road for a couple of days and would like to check in on my accounts…


  916. @KDB

    Windows inbuilt > Remote Desktop Connection, or any other VNC client like “teamviewer-teamclient”.

  917. Looks like eur gapped down..getting close to 250 pips down..i’m waitin for a base to buy in at. be interesting to see what LTP does at the stoploss..could start hedging..may just take the loss.

  918. Hey Mr.GTO Here’s a real good calendar…


    I don’t see much going on until thurs…maybe someone sees something of importance from one of the other countries.

    Hey KING, Thnx for the mention..should be a fun week..things are getting better slowly. I hope they cure closing the trades in minus territory… May want to keep risk at 0.4 (40 cents a pip) or lower, till we see if the new refinements work. I don’t recommend that newbie’s use a percentage of risk until you understand it completely.
    You may want to use 0.1 (ten cents a pip) until all the bugs are worked out.
    As far as beta testing, its really no big deal..the Charter Membership was sweet..could save us hundreds. So, everyone relax and have fun..be very glad you’re not involved with all the many guaranteed losing EA’s out there.

  919. FX Cutie, first of all, thanks for your guidence! I will be more carefull. That was my first forexing, and I had a BIG luck at the first days, thanks God!
    Now I turned down the leverage to 1:200, one week ago.

    3 account: one is for my company, one is for my wife, and one is for me. We bought 3 licenses of LTP…

  920. EUR/USD analytics

    The EURUSD had a significant bearish movement this week, made a big bearish candle on weekly chart, hit 1.2900 support area and slipped below the neckline of the head and shoulders pattern as you can see on my daily chart below, suggests potential bearish continuation scenario testing 1.2700 – 1.2600 area next week especially if price able to make convincing move below the neckline and 1.2900 support level. Immediate resistance at 1.3020 (Friday’s high). Break above that area could trigger further upside correction testing 1.3150 region and lead us back to a range market, but unless we have big surprise on Euro fundamental condition that could create a sentiment shift , I think overall the pressure should remain strongly bearish.

    There is always hope GL trading

  921. It should retrace to at least 1.3158 before the market decides what its gonna do. cant fight physics(technical indicators)! fundamentals are short term fads.

  922. KDB,

    You may want to give TeamViewer (www.teamviewer.com) a try.
    This is a fantastic product which I have been using for a while now without any issues. For personal use you get the full product which is really gr8 !

    I connect to my trade station when I get to work and stay logged in the whole day where I can manage my trades.

    Corrie 😉

  923. Trade Station Dumps :

    I just want to share something else that I picked up which might resolve some issues with trade stations crashing (see :http://www.forexfactory.com/showthread.php?p=2020822&highlight=windows+services#post2020822) :

    To solve this issue you should enable DEP (Data Execution Prevention) for essential Windows programs and services only:

    1. Click with the right mouse button on the ‘Computer’ link on your desktop and select the ‘Properties’ item.
    2. Select the ‘Advanced system settings’ item.
    3. Go to the ‘Advanced’ tab.
    4. Click the ‘Settings’ button in the ‘Performance’ section.
    5. Go to the ‘Data Execution Prevention’ tab.
    6. Select the first item (‘Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only’) and click Ok.
    7. Click Ok in the ‘System Properties’ window and close the ‘System’ window.
    8. Restart operating system.
    9. Start MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal.

    Hope this helps

  924. For those that care…..GBPUSD Forecast

    The GBPUSD was corrected higher on Friday, topped at 1.5578 and closed at 1.5544. Overall this pair is still consolidating. Aggressive intra-day traders may short(around 1.5650) or long (around 1.5400 – 1.5370) with tight stop loss. A clear break above the bearish channel could be a serious threat to the technical bearish outlook while a clear break below would confirm the bearish continuation scenario targeting 1.5000 this week. The bias is bullish in nearest term testing 1.5650 resistance area. Clear break above that area and violation to the bearish channel could be an early signal of a bullish reversal scenario. Immediate support at 1.5500. Break below that area could trigger further bearish pressure testing 1.5400 – 1.5370 key support area.

    Have pending orders in. How about you.

  925. TOO the Leo traders team well hes very encouraging they working very very hard too solved all the little problems at last you are very responsible guy nice too see at last a very professional team very dedicated too they success
    many thanks

  926. Hello,

    This morning I see that Leo has shut down the EurUsd buy. 13.5 pips above the StopLoss???? Meanwhile the same trade in the public FinFX is still in trade. Others have same experience? And what to think about that?

  927. Ben, the EURUSD price is still 100 pips above the S/L.
    Anyway, it happened some days ago, the LTP closed a trade without hit the S/L. There were other, hand trades on the same platform. Do you have manual trade as well in the same MT4?

  928. @Gilbert I agree its very encouraging to see LTP working very very hard to solve problems. I just wish they had worked this hard to discover the issues and resolve them before unleashing on the market. If they require beta testers then they shouldn’t be made to buy a license. Or at least the deal should be clear and upfront, because I thought I had bought an EA ready to replicate their success.
    But looking forward now to seeing how the new release will resolve all issues.

  929. Thanks for the answer. I’m looking at exactly the same trade, starting at 6th of this month at 11:55, which equals my time.
    Right now this trade is still going on in Leo’s chart at a loss of about $90.
    Mine had been closed by Leo at 1.28865 (indeed it is 100 pips away from the SL 1.27861. I made a mistake there).



  930. Ben, Are you sure it was the LTP, who closed the trade? Not a margin call?
    By the other hand, as I told you, it happened with me and with others, the LTP closed a trade without hit the S/L, WHEN other manual trades were open at the sam time, same MT4.

  931. WELL they did rush too put on the market before Christmas then they didn’t expect those issue we did jump one step behind hope next time we can jump two step forward and get trade mine crash again today grrrrrrrrrrrr hope they will resolved that crucial issue

  932. Thanks,
    No, no margin call. The trade was in a 60,000 demo account the only trade, lotsize 1.0 .
    I have sent a message about this to support. I hope they’ll answer soon. But, even better: fix the problem! This was second time this happened in same account. I have only one LTP attached to one account in one chart and I didn’t change anything (TimeFrame, Pair) while running the EA.


  933. @ Ben adn Norm,

    Do You have opened manual trades, when LTP did close its trade before SL. Im sure that LTP trades closing issue is nothing to do with margin levels, it is LTP issue. I had closed trades too on demo and live accounts, when manual trade where opened from drawdown. And they still can’t answer on my two tickets about LTP closed trades from last week tuesday. Hope they gonna fix this issue with new version of LTP.

  934. I closed my eur trade out when price broke major support..I’m surprised LTP took the trade just before non-farm payroll AND stayed in when price fell below support after such a positive news announcement..not sure the logic in that.

  935. I will reenter the eur trade when price stabilizes (its bouncing around too much)..will also enter usd/jpy trade when price shows some momentum.

  936. Looks like LTP team bullshitting us or they dont know what to answer about this. This is the secont answer in the same copy-paste style. In my ticket i noticed that i got closed trades esspecially on FinFX demo. Third ticket still waiting answer from last tuesday.
    Answer what i got from LTP support about closed trades:

    “Thank you for your e-mail.

    Trading results could differ within different brokers. For example, various connection speed may result in missing of a trade or a different signal. Also, a minor price difference between different brokers can be the cause. That’s why we strongly recommend to use FinFX broker”

    What a nightmare.

  937. Rather Disappointing to hear that they are fixing errors on the EA after releasing it into public domain. They should have traded the thing for a few months to iron out all “little problems.

    Rather unprofessional…

  938. We have to be patient, it is still too early to say anything. What is the point in bashing LTP right now?.

    Let´s give the LTP support team and designers some breathing room.

  939. Is any one having problems opening demo account on fin/fx or loging in to your ex. demo account please let me know

  940. I’m having the same problem. If I go to the live LT acct, I can see the active trade at the bottom of my screen but all the graph windows say “waiting for update”. But it does say I’m connected.

    If I go to my demo account that has LT on it, I get nothing. It shows “no connection” and says waiting for update on all the graphs.

    Is this what everyone else is seeing?

  941. when it says waiting for update try to close the chart window and reopen another one that should take care of the chart isue

  942. I have bin runing demo on Forex.com and have had less problem then with fin/fx all so i have all the pairs loaded on the same fx account and have bin getting most of the trades.

  943. First and Foremost, ladies and gents, I think everyone who has commented on the authenticity of LTP as well as mentioning that LTP has closed its current live trades early and has done so in the past…….. (clears throat)

    …..(heighten ToNE oF VOICE)

    Always check YOUR MARGIN Everyone! If you keep getting your current trade (trade signal placed by-way-of the LTP replication server) closed before the stop loss, then 10/10 you DID hit over YOUR MARGIN CALL.

    Leo Trader Pro Replication Server still has this trade open, it’s been open!!!!

    I’ll even provide everyone with a url to the screenshot of my MT4 FinFx terminal showing this. Mind I keep mine running non-stop, and yes I am running Win7 not that that matters as well.


  944. Thanks Craig! Actually that did help on the LT Live acct. But when I go to my Demo account that has LT attached to it, its still not connected or showing graphs.

  945. Looks like its connecting now. I didn’t do anything to get it to connect. So I assume it was on LT’s end. But for some reason I’m not getting strength meters on my EURUSD. But I am getting it on my GBPUSD graph. Any ideas?

  946. Wade– do you have Leo on both the EUR and GBP? If so, remove Leo from the GBP chart and only run Leo on the EUR..1 chart

  947. ok, but this from support…straight from download page.

    Leo Trader Pro works on the basis of a “User License” – if you purchased the main product then you have a user license for trading EURUSD and GBPUSD and so you should attach *ONE* copy of Leo Trader Pro to *ONE* chart only (we suggest EURUSD).

    If you also purchased the optional “upgrade” product then you also have a user license for trading USDJPY and USDCHF so you should attach *ONE* additional copy of Leo Trader Pro to *ONE* additional chart (we suggest USDJPY).

    Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you have more than ONE copy of Leo Trader Pro running with a single ReceiptCode (ClickBank order number) and, if you also purchased the USDJPY/USDCHF license, no more than TWO copies of Leo Trader Pro running inside a single copy of MetaTrader.

    In fact, if you have purchased both licenses then we strongly suggest that you install a 2nd copy of MetaTrader and run just ONE copy of Leo Trader Pro in each.

  948. Hey Guys, I had a couple of straight forward questions to support and I am going to give you my question and the response from support. I would like feedback from this board as to what they think of the answer given by support!

    Thu, Jan 6 2011 6:07pm
    OK, so you have a special ECN account that we don’t have or can even get and the Risk Level you are recommending is not what you are using on your live account. You might be using -5 for risk now and since the launch but I want to know the settings to your live account from the start. Please answer three simple questions? (1)When the live account was first opened,what were the risk setting? (2)Did you change the risk settings between 8-1-2010 and 12-4-2010? (3)What were your risk settings on 11-18-2010.
    In order to properly evaluate the LTP I need to be comparing apples to apples not apples to oranges!

    Thank you for your e-mail.
    The replicator you have and the master system use totally different risk computations and you *cannot* mimick our lot sizes.
    The master system was created before the product was released and is specific to our account parameters – the replicator has to be more generic as there are so many possibilities with the various brokers and account types that people may be using.

  949. I’ve just downloaded this LTP four days a go. Sometimes it locks out. I restart. No trades yet. Can someone give me a reference page for seeing the live trades at LTP so I can enter them manually? As I read all the above e-mails it seems like very few people have LTP making trades for them on their own desks. What are the ‘majic’ settings to get LTP to trade automatically?

  950. One of my major concerns is the closing of open positions, which do not occur in 1331. Their positions remain open. I hope they solve the problem ASAP, because I don´t want this to happen in my liveaccount.


  951. WADE do off the screen then start again then installed the robot make sure you click your account then put the chart in 1 hr than the expert ad visors on then dont forget too enter your click bank number

  952. i had the LTRP since the 01/01/20011 but no one trade yet they live account show trade on the 04/ on the o6/on the 07/ 2 trades why i did not not get trade????? 11 days nothing surely my settings must be wrong or LTRP enter everyday they settings manualy too generate trade???/
    please anyone or have succes what are your settings please still have a demo account of $ 5000

  953. i am no expert but is a ero/usd buy and a usd/jap buy going in differant directions it would look that way to me.

  954. **GILBERT

    It did that to me at first then I kept the risk at 0.0 and that way it started taking trades. I had three winning on GBP since then.
    When u keep the risk at 0.0 the EA will open trade with the smallest possible lot.

  955. Marty

    if we enter the trade manually, will LTP take care of that trade ? or will that disturb LTP in any ways?

    thanks 🙂

  956. Thanks for all the posts. Please bare with me, I’m a Forex newbie, 1st AE.

    Installed LTP on 1/3 with all default settings (per manual/pdf); never specified any pair . New $10K demo w/ Alpari : 50:1 leverage.

    ‘Activated/Installed’ LTP AE on EURUSD chart ONLY. It took 36+ hours before the first 2 transactions – successful GBPUSD’s – $467 total. I watched these trades occur and noticed that even thoug the S/L & T/P were set in the order, LTP seemed to monitor the progress and actually intervened, completing a trailing-stop type close; i.e the trade was already profitable, once the gains went down ‘enough’ the trade was closed.
    At thispoint I was impressed but curious as to why the EURUSD had not been producing; changed Min Order to .01, increased Risk, primarily intersted in stimulating an order – it had been more 3 complete days.
    Then on 1/6 @ 10:55 (EST) : BUY 1.58 @ 1.31165 w/ S/L: 1.27861 T/P: 1.31373 CURNT PR: 1/29430 (DOWN $2,744). S/L & T/P have been the same since opening. I bring this up b/c this is a huge dip (potential loss) and is also limiting other trades due to the drag on EQ/Margin available. Even worse it had more than $150 profit, early on – 10 mins.
    -On the GBPUSD trades, was it LTP that intervened? Alpari?
    -Is it possible that LTP has ‘lost track’ of this trade (as it did not w/ the GBPUSDs)? Any way to check?
    -Is it better to enter a Min Order size value? (anything other than 0?)
    thanks for your time / feedback. Enrique

  957. Enrique

    do this,

    Risklevel : -0.5 (i dont know what u have set here)
    Min lot size: 0.0
    Max lot size:10
    EquityLimit :4000

    the trade u have floating in negative is no different then all others, difference is that ur lot size is too high and that is scary. a typical SL is 300 pips away when LTP places a trade and if it has took a trade in the size what u have mentioned then u will sure see a huge figure in DD.

    hope this helps , keep posting.


  958. Corrie

    my settings are same as u have explained but it still crashes if I load both products on one plateform.

    #6, what do u mean by select ? select to disable or select to select?

    thanks for ur input though.


  959. It looks as if they are going to be using ClickBank to purchase their product. I have paid for and received refunds from about 10 bots that I purchased and didn’t work. The refund was given immediately upon asking. Since that is the case, I will try them and then get my money back if it doesn’t work. No harm there.

  960. some of you guys are very experienced on trading my demo hes on $ 5000 since the 01/01/2011 never had a trade our my setting wrong please can someone help even with the recommended settings i get nothing??????????????????
    many thanks

  961. Hang in there Gilbert..support is working on several fixes.

    Looks like the crashing has been corrected..you can change time frames without crashing. If you need to check all of your settings, or to change your risk level, hold down the F7 key until the setting box appears. No need to remove LTP to make changes.

    Was interesting to see SUPPORT post to this board, and not sending emails out in regards to their latest fixes..the fixes seem to becoming along well.

    Ok, stage two beta testing (SUPPORT), We need two more pairs, hopefully soon (natives are becoming restless).

    Two more pairs will keep everyone guessing instead of heading for the refund line, tying up all the support personal with scare tactics. You may just want to mention they will lose their charter membership and it will cost them over a $1000 to buy back in..then let them refund. That way you could use support to help those that are sticking with you…just sayin.

  962. Bharat—you can enter a trade manually but LTP will not take care of the trade. You can manually trade as much as you like, Leo will not notice except that it will consider how much margin is left to open new trades. Hope this helps.

  963. Bharat

    thanks yes i have the risk at 0.0 i always have but nothing thanks anywhere will wait for the update

  964. ***GILBERT

    u said ur account is now at $5ooo. Why dont u try the settings
    I suggested to Enrique in the post at 9:45PM on January10th.


    Leo closed EUR trade in nagetive in mine (-$165, ) 0.1 lots.
    was that same with all of u?

    Got one winner (US/CH) overnight


  965. First time ever: both my broker accounts caught the USDCHF trades this morning. So right at this moment I am catching all trades on both the EURUSD and USDCHF sets.

    By the way, here is info from support reaffirming that you can run on 2 accounts with 1 license: “You can use the LeoTraderPro EA on two accounts (regardless of demo or live).
    Also please note that there is a limitation for the EA run of two physical computers only.”

  966. Received today at 1:02 AM. For those who have problems with no trades or failing software:


    Received today at 1:02 AM

    Hi David,
    Thank you for your e-mail.

    We are aware that some users have experienced issues with Leo Trader Pro crashing and/or not opening trades that are shown in the master accounts on the website.

    There are various reasons for this which range from simple, time-related settings requiring adjustment through to potential software crashes on individual computers. We have not ignored the situation and have spent the last two weeks re-engineering Leo Trader Pro and the replication servers to resolve all issues that we have been able to identify.

    The new version of Leo Trader Pro is significantly enhanced and scheduled for release within 48 hours so we suggest trying the new version.

    We hope this response has sufficiently answered your questions. If not, please do not send another email. Instead, reply to this email or login to your account for a complete archive of all your support requests and responses.

  967. Hi King, Since we’re LTP’S official Beta Testers, we would need the next pairs as soon as possible..before they are released to the masses, so they can be extreme tested (wink)..LP (the robot)needs all of us (invaluable beta testers) to be wired into his/hers neural net , providing a wealth of information that we as a collective can offer…If getting wired to further the success of LTP, will help, we as a whole are glad to do it..preferably early evening…Oh, maybe we can get admin to be the designated driver..ya think 😉

  968. Dough,

    I also got the USD/CHF trade today plus I haven´t had any crashes at all during the last week.

    If the new release solves the sync and the missed trades issues (we should get at least 95% of the trades) plus the information it will provide then we will be set for a very interesting month.

    This can be really great news for LTP because they will have a stable system that can not be pirated and for which they can collect a monthly fee or a one time fee. Whatever suits them best. Probably their marketing plan is something like:

    1-Beta testers, one payment for all licenses. Polish the product.

    2-Second push into the market with a sleek, bug free interface. Build client base with a one time payment for each license.

    3-Change business model to a monthly fee service for each license. At this stage LTP will be a recognized trademark and will charge premium prices.

    I wish LTP every success, for them and for us.

  969. Hey guys!! Have they come up with the updated software yet? If so, do I need to un-install my current one to then re-install. I have had mine running since Sunday night, but have not had a single trade yet. I even set my risk level down to 0. Any suggestions?

  970. Doug,

    I also got that message about being able to use LTP on two accounts, but perhaps it reffers to us having both licenses so we can set each in one account. But in case you are right, all the better for us.

  971. Wade,

    Go to http://www.worldtimeserver.com and get the synchronizing utility they give for free, also make sure you have a low spread broker.

    The last trade was not during the Asian session, o the spread should not be an issue, but some trades are opened during that session.

  972. I got e-mail that asked me to download the newer version of leo-trader-pro but it looks like that is the same version they have had since dec/24 or around that time does any one know if the versoion they where coming out with in 48 hours is avalible yet or when that will be avalible.

  973. Bharat,

    You mentioned risk size above…

    “When u keep the risk at 0.0 the EA will open trade with the smallest possible lot.”

    Will the EA, as the account size increases, increase the lot size with the setting at 0.0
    Thanks for all of the help and suggestions you guys are offering. Onward and upward…LOL

    1. NEW TRADE .

  975. Spartanltd,

    Yes, I did experience the same pop up. I’m not sure what it means either. I thought to myself, what the heck did I do Now!!…LOL… However, After I reentered the receipt code ( I had the wrong set of #’s ) things turned around and the software seems to be working properly.

    I do have a question about the time and the synchronizing utility @ http://www.worldtimeserver.com.

    How does that get synchronized into the MT4 ? I guess I don’t fully understand the connection. Please help, as I am not to swift when it comes to some of these technical computer upgrades…LOL….Thanks
    I’m sure there are others that may experience my pain…LOL

  976. Hm, yesterday I left a comment on here but it seems to have disappeared. I was asking if any one had any trades on EUR/USD & GBP/USD yesterday as I got none and the same today so far. I have transferred my account to a new but much cheaper VPS which came recommended by MT4Live.com. I wonder if that could make a difference. It does not have so much RAM as my last one, could this be the cause of not picking up the signals? Does any one know what “Equity Limit” is for? There is no mention of it in the LTP PDF. Should it be set at default? Any ideas?

  977. Q1:Having a live account running with the EUR/USD-GBP/USD pairs helps users identify new or closed trades. Why don’t they have a similar account showing trades for the USD/JPY-USD/CHF pairs?
    Q2:I have two VPS running LTP on on both. When you press the “F7”, the settings page shows up as expected on one of the VPS, the other VPS running with the same pairs pressing “F7” does not work?
    Q3:On some charts runnig LTP (as q2), there is a line on the upper left side with the remark, “Pending order side:.01 lots”; the size of the lots changes when you change the risk size?
    Q4: LTP has been able to capture all trades initiated with the EUR/USD-GBP/USD pairs but none with the USD/JPY-USD/CHF pair?

  978. LEO, they have the live account for USD/JPY-USD/CHF pairs live account too.
    The account details:
    Account#: 2729
    Password: LTP15112010

  979. Jon,

    The Atomic Clock Sync utility will synchronize your PC to the US government´s atomic clock system and I am sure that broker´s clocks are all in sync to that same atomic clock system from the US government, so is LTP, and that will make your PC and your MT4 platform be in sync to LTP´s.

    As you see, this is a US centered world.

  980. Ok, guys – this post is coming bit later than I hoped but its good news…

    I’ve been testing the system with the main development team and we all worked right through last night to try and get you the new version sooner. Actually, most of us hit the sack at about 9am my time today and were back testing again at lunchtime so if there are any typos in this post, cut me some slack as its now past midnight again for me.

    The EA is done – the new servers are online (anyone running a firewall, etc. needs to have port 2000 open) – the manual has been updated (but will be redone again shortly) and we’re just waiting for the installer to be created before putting the new stuff on the download page so either wait for an email or check back from time to time over the next few hours.

    Now, remember…

    Version 1.10 allows BOTH ReceiptCodes to be entered into the ReceiptCode field if you want to trade all 4 pairs on the same account i.e. you do NOT need to have 2 copies of MT4 logged into the same account now.

    You CAN click the smiley face to change settings – no need to remove the EA from the chart then re-attach.

    You CAN change chart timeframes, etc.

    You WILL see a lot more information on the chart and in the Experts tab log – I suggest leaving the log-to-file option turned off (default) unless you (or our support team) really need the output… we racked up a 1GB log file this afternoon!

    Will this release be 100% issue free? I doubt it – there are a LOT of you guys and each one of you has a different PC configuration so be sensible… think how many fixes Microsoft have issued in the past 12 months! Will we be here to help resolve them – of course.

    Now, upgrading is actually very simple…

    1) REMOVE the existing EA from your chart(s)
    2) install the new version
    3) start MT4
    4) drag the LeoTraderPro expert to your chart
    5) enter your ReceiptCode(s) and preferred settings

    …and away you should go 🙂

    The system will tell you about any obvious issues with MT4 setup and/or the Inputs tab settings. If there are orphaned LTP trades in your account then the system should notify you about it when the replicator connects to our server.

    That’s about it I think… please provide feedback on v1.10 so we can continue to make this system even better.

    For the guy asking about email and cellular notifications, no – that is not included in this version but is a good candidate for a future update.


    The Leo Trader Pro Team

  981. Jon

    as far as I know, if u keep the risk 0.0 , LTP will keep taking the trades at the smallest possible lots regardless what is ur account size. Which I think is the safest way to get familiar with this EA. start with 0.0 and once u start to understand the EA then only start manipulating the risk level, I m doing this all on Demo , I will suggest u the same.


  982. Here’s an excerpt from a repsonse I received from tech support. Goes right along with what LTP Support said about 1.10 above..

    We are aware that some users have experienced issues with Leo Trader Pro crashing and/or not opening trades that are shown in the master accounts on the website.

    There are various reasons for this which range from simple, time-related settings requiring adjustment through to potential software crashes on individual computers. We have not ignored the situation and have spent the last two weeks re-engineering Leo Trader Pro and the replication servers to resolve all issues that we have been able to identify.

    The new version of Leo Trader Pro is significantly enhanced and scheduled for release within 48 hours so we suggest trying the new version.

  983. Yes, Norm – you are correct but there was only one trade with an actual pip loss… the others were a culmination of commission and swap which took the trade profits negative.

    Quick update… the automated installer is going to be another couple of hours but the updated download page is ready so we just put it online for anyone happy to install manually.


    The Leo Trader Pro Team

  984. LTP Support:

    The new Input Options tab only has one field to input a receipt code. Do both receipt codes go on this line?

  985. Disregard, I’m an idiot. It’s in the documentation, right where it should be..

    “Please note that if you also purchased Leo Trader Pro for USD/JPY and USD/CHF then you will have 2 different receipt codes. In this case, you can either enter the both receipt codes (separated with a comma but no spaces i.e. A1A2A3A4,B1B2B3B4) or, you can trade the additional currency pairs on a different account by installing a 2nd copy of MetaTrader and adding LeoTraderPro to it.”

  986. LTP Team:
    Clarification–upon loading the new version of LTP, I get above error message. My codes are correctly entered, I have no instances of LTP running. When I try to load 1 instance of LTP with both codes entered as directed, I get the too many connections error.

  987. LTP Team and Everyone: Here is what I have tried–
    -entered both receipts
    -reversed order of receipts
    -entered only 1 receipt
    -rebooted system
    -updated router to allow port 2000 triggering
    -updated router to allow UPnP
    -tried initializing LTP on both brokerage accounts
    -closed down MT4 with LTP attached (and paused due to too many connection error) and reopened to see if would connect.

    All above to no avail–too many IP connections

  988. Hey all, might have to uninstall leo off your pc and MT4 completely-dll files and all. Then reinstall a the totaly fresh verion. I am….GL trading

  989. Guys, I just turned my firewall off and it eliminated the ip address problem, and logged in. I just turned firewall back on and it’s still working (but will it receive signals?). I shouldn’t have had to turn firewall off because I’d already tried opening port 2000 prior. Maybe I typed/entered something wrong when I did it—I had to manually enter it, and the “services name”…and I just guessed “Leo Trader Pro” as that service.

  990. I think they just “turned something on” at the moment I turned my firewall off. Because now the program restarts and opens even with the port I created, deleted, and firewall on.

  991. LTP Team:

    I now note that the animations are different between my 2 systems. Previously, the animations between machines synced when the clocks were in sync. Also, the processing status flashing green bars are not moving at all.

  992. Re: port 2000–I set it (port triggering) through my router. I don’t know that it is required, but I have set it up just in case. When my computer sends a signal out through port 2000 to the LTP server (I assume this is the right port based on LTP support post above), it automatically triggers that port to be open to communication from the LTP server.

    Re: UPnP–it’s universal plug and play. In case my port 2000 is not correct, UPnP automatically detects communication and opens ports as needed. Theoretically, UPnP is all I need–I open it at the start to make sure things work. Once i think things are OK, I will shut it down and let port 2000 triggering do the job.

  993. LTP Team: animation is static on ( and different between) both systems–bars don’t move up and down, processing bars do not flash. Is this normal behavior?

  994. Hi Doug, I do not think it is normal, mine are moving just as they used to do! Try to reopen your MT4 once again.

  995. anyone did upgrade the new version i did at 9.30 am Philippines time then see what happen
    please post if any positive outcome
    many thanks

  996. Thanks Support. No go. I have port forwarding on both 1000 and 2000 now with UPnP also turned on. I’m seeing this on both XP Pro and Vista Home systems (2 separate brokers).

  997. King…

    It(Eur) looks like its getting ready to take a big dump after the Portugal Bond auction…shouldn’t go much beyond 1,3034

  998. I have tried :
    -turning off windows firewall
    -turning off router firewall
    -turning off both windows and router firewall
    after doing above and restarting, animation is still static.

    Anyone else have the “zero divide” noted in Expert tab?

  999. mine has been in the initiating mode for 30 mins…Ive tried opening and closing MT4 3 times with the same results. I thing the LTP team may need bigger servers. I had similar problems when J-Charts were in their early stages.

  1000. Doug – please remove the EA from the chart then re-attach.

    This time set the LogDepth = 3

    When you see that zero divide error, right-click the Experts log, “copy all” and paste into an email. Then remove LTP from the chart and attach the LeoTraderPro.log file from the experts/files folder to the message and send to admin at leotraderpro.com

    LTP Admin

  1001. I have seen the popups telling what trades were missed and all the other info on the screen. Everything looks OK except 1) no animation (I see the grid, but it is static) and 2)the zero divide thing in the expert tab (don’t know if this is a problem, but “zero divide” doesn’t sound good).

  1002. this is what I have going

    2011.01.11 18:21:57 LeoTraderPro EURUSD,H4: cannot call function ‘BeginTicks’ from dll ‘LeoTraderPro.dll’ (error 127)

    2011.01.11 18:21:57 LeoTraderPro EURUSD,H4: expert stopped

    going to try to reinstall dll file

  1003. now I have this

    2011.01.11 18:32:35 LeoTraderPro: cannot delete file C:\Program Files\meta trader finfx#2\experts\files\LeoTraderPro.log

    2011.01.11 18:32:35 LeoTraderPro EURUSD,H4: cannot call function ‘LogStatus’ from dll ‘LeoTraderPro.dll’ (error 127)

    2011.01.11 18:32:35 LeoTraderPro EURUSD,H4: expert stopped

    well,well Might have to start from scratch….anybody?

  1004. Hello All

    Has Anybody heard about a new verson or updated verson of LTP coming out?
    I got an Email today saying that a new verson or updated verson will be out very soon.

    Has any body else heard about this????

    Happy Trading to all

  1005. whats up with these errors….
    cannot call function ‘BeginTicks’ from dll ‘LeoTraderPro.dll’ (error 127)

    cannot load library ‘LeoTraderPro.dll’ (error 126)

  1006. OK….I uninstalled LTP 1.10

    reinstalled the original

    got all the bells and whistles

    now lets see if it trades sometime in the near future.

  1007. LTP Admin: Setting RiskLevel to 0 or a positive number works; if I set to negative number it does not. If >/= 0, I do not get zero divide error.

    I really want to use MM on LTP. Will this not be possible, or is the fix in the works?

    Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.


  1008. I just installed 1.10, everything looks fine, no errors so far. connected to server in 10 seconds. will update if any error pops up.


  1009. LTP Admin and everyone: I get pending lot size of 0 when I enter any RiskLevel of >/= 0. For example, riskLevel of 1 yields lot size of 0-chart says insufficient margin (not true)

  1010. Doug,

    Ditto. My risk settings are the same as before, but now it says I have “insufficient free margin available”. I too have a positive value in RiskLevel.. and I have plenty of margin available.. I wonder what the deal is…

  1011. Everyone:

    I have been in communication with LTP Admin for fixes to the issues I have been seeing. Hard work has not yet provided a solution. The issue in short is:
    1) get zero divide error (expert tab)when RiskLevel/=0, get active animation, but pending order size is 0 due to “insufficient margin.”

    When I learn more I’ll pass it on

  1012. Spartan… error code 126 means that you haven’t put the DLL in the right place, hence error 127 – it can’t load BeginTicks because the DLL containing that function isn’t where it should be. Also, you can’t have “all the bells & whistles” if you’ve re-installed the old version because they aren’t in the old version – you need to re-install 1.10 properly.

    LTP Admin

  1013. ..and then when I set it to a negative number, I get the now familiar “zero divide” error.

    This sounds like a math coding typo to me..

  1014. Sorry for last post–fat fingers deleted point 2


    I have been in communication with LTP Admin for fixes to the issues I have been seeing. Hard work has not yet provided a solution. The issue in short is:
    1) get zero divide error (expert tab)when RiskLevel
    /=0, get active animation, but pending order size is 0 due to “insufficient margin.” So if RiskLevel = 1, pending order size = 0

    When I learn more I’ll pass it on

  1015. Don’t know what is going on with my post–let’s try a third time


    I have been in communication with LTP Admin for fixes to the issues I have been seeing. Hard work has not yet provided a solution. The issue in short is:
    1–Get zero divide error (expert tab)when RiskLevel is less than 0. The animation is not active but the pending order size is calculation appropriately
    2–When RiskLevel is greater than or equal to 0, the animation is active, but the pending order size is 0 due to “insufficient margin.” So if RiskLevel = 1, pending order size = 0

    When I learn more I’ll pass it on

  1016. When Risklevel > 0, “Pending order size: 0.00 lots – insufficient free margin available”

    When Risklevel ≤ 0, “zero divide”

    1.10 is broke.

  1017. LTP Admin and Everyone: Here is how I fixed the problems I noted above.
    For my ATC account,
    1. I deleted my current installation of MT4.
    2. I reinstalled MT4 in the same location
    3. I set my computer user login to have full access permission to all folders within my MT4 installation. I checked this by seeing if my computer user login had full permission to modify expert/files within the MT4 installation. I DO NOT KNOW IF THIS STEP IS REQUIRED, BUT I DID IT BASED ON CONVERSATIONS WITH LTP ADMIN.
    4. I reloaded ex4 and dll from LTP (Note to LTP Admin: The ex4 file was the one from the download page).
    5. I loaded LTP to a chart and entered values. I am using -1 for RiskLevel.

    Everything seems to be working. Also, if I enter RiskLevel = 1, I get a pending lot size of 1 now.

    I repeated steps 1-5 for my FinFx account, and now it works also.

    Only strange thing is that the animation between my 2 broker accounts was not in sync. When I check clock time, one was off from nist–once time was updated on this system, the animation was in sync.

  1018. Additional was to fix problems I noted above.

    Everyone: This from LTP Admin:
    “One workaround may be to run the installer (coming shortly) in “Run as Administrator” mode.”

    So there may be an easier way to fix the issues I was seeing, but I didn’t want to wait

  1019. Hi Wade. You should get access to the LTP accounts so you can see for yourself. The account and passwords are in above posts; instructions on how to setup are at leotraderpro.com.

    There have been no new trades since the new version.

  1020. Ad-min….ok this is what is happening now

    2011.01.11 21:35:56 LeoTraderPro EURUSD,H1: Connected…
    2011.01.11 21:50:57 LeoTraderPro EURUSD,H1: No heartbeat – restarting…
    2011.01.11 21:50:57 LeoTraderPro EURUSD,H1: Disconnected
    2011.01.11 21:50:59 LeoTraderPro EURUSD,H1: Connecting to server – attempt: 1
    2011.01.11 21:51:05 LeoTraderPro EURUSD,H1: Connected…
    2011.01.11 22:06:06 LeoTraderPro EURUSD,H1: No heartbeat – restarting…
    2011.01.11 22:06:06 LeoTraderPro EURUSD,H1: Disconnected
    2011.01.11 22:06:08 LeoTraderPro EURUSD,H1: Connecting to server – attempt: 1
    2011.01.11 22:06:13 LeoTraderPro EURUSD,H1: Connected…
    2011.01.11 22:21:14 LeoTraderPro EURUSD,H1: No heartbeat – restarting…

    seems like it is every 15 min and 1 sec…LOOP
    this is not good—just got a EUR trade and if I continue to be disconnected every 15 min..well thats a huge problem

  1021. So Marty, LTP entered you in a trade even though it’s disconnecting every 15 min; or did you just see it had happened?

  1022. And LTP account entered at 1.56371. So would 1.56401 be rejected with a 3.0 MaxSlippage value? Or is delta calculated off of some other value?

  1023. hummm–401 may be excepted. It’s within maxslipval if set at 3….. 402 may not. Live already….brave…new world…

  1024. Hi all,

    i am back coz LTP issued their latest version 1.10… i just downloaded it and set everything accordingly… BUT, it keep on ‘initializing…’ and no further action… i repeat a few times and shut down my computer but still the same… got smiling face and colourful bar but no processing… anybody any idea?? thanks.

  1025. hey guys, my LTP working properly now (i guess…) at least it shows me that i missed the trade and hopefully this is a good sign… thanks LTP support team.

  1026. Hi all this is addressed to all of you who might be experiencing problems installing the new release of LTP, AND to the LEO TRADER PRO support team.

    Here’s my sixpence worth.

    I run Windows 7, with one licence for LTP (EUR & GBP/USD)

    I downloaded the pdf, dll & ex4 from the website

    I then deleted the old ex4 from the experts folder and deleted the dll from the experts/libraries folder

    I then copied the two new files into their respective locations

    Next, I opened my MT4 platform and selected my LTP profile

    Then I rightclicked on the smily face and removed the LTP EA

    I then attached the new EA by dragging it from the Navigator pane onto the EUR/USD chart and set up the parameters as per the new manual (more on that later). The only changes from the defaults I made were;

    RiskLevel = 0.1
    MinLotSize = 0.1
    MaxLotSize = 1.0
    EquityLimit = 500.0

    Then I put in my receipt code, clicked OK

    Lastly, I clicked on the “Expert Advisors” button, changing it from Red to Green.

    So far, everything seems to work, the Times and other text messages in the top left of the screen all appear to be corect, and the blinking lights all blink – the bars go up and down, and the rotating processing status green indicators rotate.

    I will let you know if my platform takes the same trades as LTP’s account – so far (with the old version 1.00, my platform missed ALL of the trades since installed on 31 Dec).

    As for the manual. I noticed that LTP say that they intend to rewrite it. When you do, please, please, please put more information in it regarding the following points:

    1. More detail on the setting up of the parameters.
    2. An explanation of how the neural nets decide to take a position.
    3. How trades are managed once taken. Particularly, how and why S/L positions are moved.
    4. More information on why a 330pip S/L is initially taken, and if and why this is ever moved.
    5. Information regarding the blinking lights. You say in the manual that the bars represent the “current strength” of the seven neural networks – which, I presume, run on your serves, this being a replicator based system. Then, how come, on several occaisions have my bars continued to move up and down when my PC has lost connection to the internet?

    In the mean time, thanks LTP for delivering v1.10, and good luck all fellow traders with running this new release. I look forward to taking some trades and moving my current demo account to a live one and making some cash.

    Cheers for now.


  1027. Dam! Just noticed that I installed it too late to get the GBP trade.


    (BTW, serves in my previous mail should be Servers)


  1028. WOWWWWWWWWWW with the new version first opening trade GBP/USD I DONT BELEIVED for the first time since the first of january my first trade i think we got it right this time thanks guy of LEO TRADER

  1029. Hi Paul,
    Enter the trade manually and copy stop loss and take profit.
    If the trade is negative now, even better for you!!

  1030. Anyone who purchased this bot, like me, is a beta tester. It is severely premature. The “updated” version that lets you run all 4 currency pairs on one chart is still not receiving signals properly. Tested on various operating systems, demo accounts and VPS. What’s worse, it just opened a trade and then missed the signal to close the order. Instead of closing it gave a small pop up within mt4 saying that the trade must be watched and closed manually. Well, if I had been asleep or away from my computer that would have resulted in a huge loss. The support team is accepting no accountability and can’t really help because they don’t really know what’s wrong. They need to just recall the bot and issue a huge apology and re-release when it’s ready IMO. I am not giving up yet but if you haven’t purchased yet – WAIT a while. Right now it’s a waste of time.

  1031. Everything’s working fine..alot of problems can be eliminated by using a set risk factor such as:

    and so on

    Trying to force LTR to calculate a percentage of risk may
    in some cases cause lost trades due to the vast complexities of the many brokers and operating setups out there..keep it simple until all the problems are ironed out.

    I recommend the above risk settings until all variables are figured out.

    I have not downloaded the new fix, and so far I’ve received the usd/chf trade and the gbp/usd trade..everythings working as it should.

    Note: I did delete my anti-virus and firewall to eliminate their possible interference…I will add them back after the trades progress.

    Thanks for all your efforts LTP SUPPORT! GL Everyone

  1032. Question: How important is syncing my computer to NIST with the new LTP version? Can we still miss trades if our clock is way off (say 60-120 sec)?

  1033. Norm: Don’t know that I agree. I have run LTP with MM on since inception and I have not had any issues with it. Near the end of v1.0A, I was catching all trades. Since v1.10, I have caught all trades (all one of them:) ).

    Appreciate your posts,


  1034. Gbp trade just closed a few minutes ago, approx. 24 pips.

    Eur trade just blew right thru any resistance..possible closure today, freeing up another pair.

    When a few more pairs are added, we could be in for some wild riding..I’m sure support will have everyone up and running smoothly very soon..Quite an amazing robot!

  1035. Hi Doug, Thnx.. I think there are many people here that are new to a trading robot, such as myself. I preferred manual trading to any of the EA’s. And until we/they have LTP up and running smoothly I will leave the risk percentages to the more advanced, such as yourself. Keep the posts coming, they are a great help to all, and especially to LTP support.

    Thanks Again, and let the fun begin! – Norm

  1036. Another Gbp trade has just opened..Hopefully everyone is receiving it/them..if not, hang in there..LTP is very stable, try the risk settings I recommend.

  1037. Seem the silly bears are trying to take control of eur/usd..don’t they know that LT is never wrong! ok ok, one losing trade in 200 WOW! Can you say cha ching lol

  1038. All 4 pairs are now in trades..if you haven’t received all or any of them, be a little more patient. As these trades close and more pairs are released you will be watching many pairs trading at once! Be very glad you haven’t refunded.

    Oh, If you need help, maybe Doug can share a few pointers with you..its best not to bug the guys in Support so they can continue to tweek this awesome robot. GL/HF

  1039. Hello, I’m new to the forum. Since visiting this forum a few days ago, I have to say… tremendous effort, I look forward to joining in when I buy the product.

    Keep up the great work guys 🙂 Cheers, Wes

  1040. Hi All
    I have re entered LTP group.Now, downloaded the 1.10 and caught the gbp/usd signal but after an hour or so got the following message under teh expert tab

    2011.01.12 21:46:39 LeoTraderPro EURUSD,H1: Orphan order(s) identified – ticket number(s): 13652432

    Along with along with “LTP may not manage the trade,manage it manually”

    Can Any one interpret this please..

  1041. Just had dual crashes. Here is the sequence of events:
    1. Alert window indicated connection lost
    2. Separate pop up indicated that there was a discrepancy between open trades and current trades pool
    3. Upon clicking on OK to discrepancy, got a crash window.

    This sequence happened on 2 separate systems at the same time with the exact same characteristics. All open LTP-initiated trades are now to be managed by me, not LTP, to avoid accidental closure (honestly, fine with me as SL and TPs are all filled in). All SL and TP values are
    identical to trades shown in the LTP account at FinFx (so I don’t know what the discrepancy is). No trades that were
    manually opened by me (in the MT4 running LTP) were referenced.

    I provided this to LTP Admin moments ago along with various screen and data capture information.

  1042. If you chose to manual trade, keep your risk VERY low..the swings are going to be VIOLENT..you may want to ask your doctor for a lil valium lol. Share your find with Him, He may love ya for it. he he

  1043. Mohammed: I would interpret that the indicated trades are not “owned” by LTP and you need to make sure you pay attention to them. I don’t know if the referenced trades were a) manually opened by you or b)opened by LTP but now (for some reason) “disowned” by LTP. If it is point b, then it is like what I saw recently (post above). The important point is to make sure that the referenced trades have SL and TP filled in. If they do, then MT4 will manage them per these values and LTP will not step in to modify any values between now and closure.

  1044. Got this message and then system crashed:
    LeoTraderPro found a discrepancy between open orders in this account and the current trades pool!

    Please check the following open trades carefully and manage them manually – to avoid accidental closure, they will *NOT* be managed by LeoTraderPro:

    5761556 5782831

    Anyone else?


  1045. I just wondering why LTP has sometimes the same trade entries as FX Overdrive. At the moment FX OverDrive has two open trades on EURUSD and GBPUSD which are the same as LTP right now. One more thing, LTP offers USDJPY USDCHF license as bonus purchase, but FX OverDrive also supports those two pairs by default too. And people who had experience with FX Overdrive knows that sometimes it opens trades with wrong entries, like now on GBPUSD, bying trade from res level. I hope, that these trades work out with profit and LTP really is true neural net system not EA as FX OverDrive which has similar trades, SL levels and the same 4 currency pairs.

  1046. I’m sure that fxwhatever will open similiar trades IF they are near s/r..but that bot should’t be mentioned in the same breath as LT until they reveal their account password AND can show an over 99% win factor over 200 trades.

  1047. Andy: note post from mort on Jan 9, 10:30. In part it reads:
    “. . . a previous post that pointed out that the LTP made the same trade as Forex Overdrive.

    Having now analysed the statements, and whilst one or two trades maybe similar, there is nothing to suggest that these bots are the same. From the statements, they look very different indeed!

    Hope the new update goes well for you all…. and the current eu trade!
    Comment by mort on January 9, 2011 @ 10:30 am”

  1048. From LTP Admin (THANK YOU ADAM!)–Preventing the crash I reported.
    “Ok… one thing we discovered is that a lot of people have Data Execution
    Prevention aggressively set within Windows – this is a death knell for many
    applications using DLLs and is best switched to monitoring Windows services
    only. You can, of course, keep the system enabled and just opt to tell
    Windows which applications to exclude but that becomes a pain in the

    To change the setting, go to the “classic” view of Control Panel, then
    System, Advanced Settings, Settings, Data Execution Protection.

    If your system is set to the lower option then we suggest changing it to the
    top one (Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only) – it
    will greatly simplify your life, though it does require a reboot.

    Alternately, click Add and locate the copy of terminal.exe to exclude from

    Regards, Adam”

  1049. Back with a quick tip…

    We discovered that a lot of users have Data Execution Prevention aggressively set within Windows – this causes a problem for many applications using DLLs and is best switched to monitoring Windows services only. You can, of course, keep the system enabled and just opt to tell Windows which applications to exclude but that can become annoying after a while.

    The easiest way to change the setting is to go to Control Panel and select “classic” view. Now go to System, Advanced Settings, Settings, Data Execution Protection.

    If your version of Windows is set to the lower option then we suggest changing it to the top one (Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only) – it will prevent almost 100% of application crashes without compromising Windows in any way though it does require a reboot to begin using the new settings.

    Alternately, you can click Add and locate the copy/copies of terminal.exe to exclude from DEP.

    Regarding the “orphaned trades” window… if that pops up then you can always just press F7 then click OK to restart LTP – sometimes the current trade list that gets broadcast immediately on connection arrives incomplete – it is the internet after all! – so rather than make a mistake with an order, LTP will set it aside temporarily.

    It is only a temporary thing as the list of unmanaged trades will be reviewed each time LTP reconnects to one of our servers (we have the main server in Las Vegas and our fail-over server in Atlanta) and you’ll see the system switching between them when restarting, if your broker connection gets lost, if your internet drops, etc.

    hope that help a little.


    LTP Admin

  1050. I dont know about other win versions, but For Win7 x64 – “Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only” is turned ON by default. So there is no problems at all.

  1051. The easiest way to change the setting is to go to Control Panel and select “classic” view. Now go to System, Advanced Settings, Settings, Data Execution Protection.

    In my version of Windows XP, the pathway is:

    Control Panel,System, Advanced Settings, PROGRAM Settings, Data Execution Protection.

    For those that aren’t fimiliar with advanced settings..most likely your setting is correct, as its a default setting.

  1052. Well, I picked up the two GBP/USD trades today. Think I’ll wait until the second one is complete before I try the new version!

  1053. Hey Bob, Welcome and thnx for the post..we all like to see and hear how others are doing.. for those of you that don’t post often, let us know how you’re doing…It helps Support also.

  1054. Gotta be careful with those percent settings, Cutie. Looks like LT may need a lil more tweeking in that department..Lots going on when It has to figure Account Balance, Leverage,Margin,Risk Percent, etc in milliseconds.

  1055. HI FX Cutie,

    Thanks for the suggestion, and sentiment. As you thought I was too late to enter the trade.

    I finally got into a trade, (the second GBP trade), however, I experienced the same sequence of events some of you have reported – Pop up window warning, followed by a crash. Hope that LTP are still monitoring this page.



  1056. yes… me too! got a crash few hours after the second gbpusd trade opened… i m using win 7 which ‘DEP for essential Windows programs and services only’ is turn on by default so i doubt the crash due to this… anyway, will try to add the terminal.exe to exclude from DEP.

  1057. Finfx MT4 crashed , and IBFX didn’t but had alert window with client error code. I’m running live accounts on VPS. However it caught all the trades and came out with profits !!!
    I followed the steps as put down by the LTP team:
    Control Panel,System, Advanced Settings, PROGRAM Settings, Data Execution Protection.

    I had to manually close the trade which had an alert window on MT4 that says something like below
    “Please check the following open trades carefully and manage them manually – to avoid accidental closure, they will *NOT* be managed by LeoTraderPro”.
    Haven’d had crash after that, time will tell.
    – Dez

  1058. My LTP seems to be trading perfect with the GBPUSD, but not picking up the EURUSD trades. I keep getting the following message.

    2011.01.12 09:40:21 LeoTraderPro EURUSD,M15: Alert: Ignored ‘OPEN’ command for signal reference 1171528 – Signal is 539092 seconds old

    I have gotten this message a few times now this morning. Any suggestion?

    Thanks for your help everyone!!

  1059. Hi everyone,
    It seems Norm is the only trader happy with LTP on this forum.
    All others complain and try desperately to help each other fixing the numerous bugs and glitches of the product they bought. How many hours do they stay glued to their PC screen?
    Probably Norm is the only one here making BIG money from LTP. That’s why he’s so happy with it, and supports and promotes it so heavily, bravely ignoring all the ‘minor problems’ of this ‘miracle EA’.
    The facts: Since Dec6 (one month + one week), LTP made $151.89 on their Live FinFx account, that is 5.21%. Really not too bad, but so far from the monthly 100%+ claimed on the sales page, especially when nobody is able to replicate it on their own account yet.
    Let’s wait for the bugs to be fixed by the ‘team’, but don’t forget to keep an eye on the 60 days deadline if you want to see your money back (unfortunately not your valuable wasted time!). If this product proves a good one in the future, you’ll always be able to buy it back then.
    Don’t pay to play the beta tester part!
    Greed leads to loss.

  1060. Thanks Norm. Second trade finished in profit. Am trading with £s not $s and ended up with £15 profit today. Am now off to install new version

  1061. well –still have the 15 min disconnect loop going on.
    missed the CHF trade
    2011.01.12 00:14:21 Old tick USDCHF240 0.97544/0.97554
    nothing fron admin yet. caught 1 gbp trade

  1062. Thanks Goldwing, Actually I’m only tradin micro lots..just bein safe for now, but I have entered a couple of trades over 200 pips down (anyone can do it), knowing the trade will turn positive is a no brainer..just hold and relax, stress free.
    As far as losing time beta testing and wasting it in front of a computer, I’d much rather waste it testing LTR for the guys so that YOU and everyone can enjoy an amazing product, and I’m sure you will also.
    There have been many people trying to find discrepancies in their LTP account, and most if any are minor. I’ve seen this bot in action every day and night for 3 weeks, and it hasn’t lost one trade..I think thats something to get excited about..actually, thats beyond amazing, and I’m happy to be apart of it. I’m not so sure about most people on this board, I don’t see much enthusiasm, except for KING..maybe they’re all jaded..only a few have complimented the LTP team..maybe they wanna keep it a secret lol

  1063. Hi KinGSolomonsPools,

    To get your photo up , one of the method, you can login to: Gravatar


    Sign up an account (it’s free), upload your photo, then you will see it appear here.

    Anyone has experienced in your Experts tab with LTP keep disconnected, and connecting to server, after every 15 to 20 minutes of login?

    Is it normal?

  1064. Spartan all my values are default..risk varies between 0.3 to 0.5 I do not recommend % settings..actually I see no point in them,they may be causing trouble. GL to you

    P/s I did delete my anti-virus and firewall, but its probably not necessary.

  1065. Norm,

    My LTP seems to be trading perfect with the GBPUSD, but not picking up the EURUSD trades. I keep getting the following message.

    2011.01.12 09:40:21 LeoTraderPro EURUSD,M15: Alert: Ignored ‘OPEN’ command for signal reference 1171528 – Signal is 539092 seconds old

    I have gotten this message a few times now this morning. Any suggestion?

    Thanks for your help!!!

  1066. I’ve been following this thread since the beginning and overall, there does seem to be progress being made in the learning curve for this EA and improvements by LTP. As there were initial questions about the credibility of this EA, I backed off of buying it. My summary this far is that this may well turn out to be decent product, however looking at the posts above, it clearly has not been validated properly for use. In software development generally, applications have to go through a process of unit testing and user acceptance testing. As previous posts, effectively it’s you guys that are paying for the privilege of carrying this UAT out for LTP. Sure there are a lot of variances in user’s platform set-ups and small tweaks to the operating systems may need to be done by individual users. Had the testing been executed properly, most of these issues would have been identified and should have been clearly explained in the manual. As a technical author myself and having tried dozens of EAs (99% crap), I am appalled by the shoddy standard of manuals. It seems as if most of the publishers of EAs have no knowledge about creating a software product.
    To end this diatribe, there must be a an awful lot of ‘me’ type people sitting on the fence seeing if LTP ever delivers the hype. So the message is ‘come on LTP, address the issues, improve the manual on and make these traders happy, then all us fence sitters will come on board’. I think the clock must also be ticking on the click bank refund scenario.
    Don’t get me wrong, I hope the EA is ultimately successful for us all.

  1067. response from admin on loop issue That’s why every 15 min

    The reason you have the heartbeat restart is that you are receiving no signal from our server. We are trying to identify what might be causing this issue as it’s something occurring at the user’s end and a few others have reported it today.

    In the absence of any trade updates, our server actually sends a heartbeat every 850 seconds to let LTP know that the connection is still active. If not received within 900 seconds, LTP will assume the connection is compromised, drop it and attempt to reconnect to one of our servers again so, in contradiction to your comment, I’d say this was very good indeed.

    Anyway, can you tell me what internet security system and/or firewall you have on your PC as that’s my first thought regarding the cause of the issue. It’s also possible that your router is blocking the inbound data packets so that’s somewhere else to look – in both cases, you need to ensure that port 2000 is not filtered in any way.

    Regards, Adam

    anybody else having this issue? checking all

  1068. Wade, there’s only been one eur/usd trade, and its been ongoing for about a week..would be nice to see it turn into a runner.

    Looks like a few trades may come off today or tomorrow (ADR has been exceeded), we can look forward to several new trades (2 a day avg.) soon…Imagine 6 or 8 pairs..two a day lol

  1069. BobO, guess they were in a hurry to give everyone a christmas present (or whatever). I’m pretty new to EA trading and I had no problem with the manual getting the robot up and running. I’m more interested in the time they spent on the neural net than the manual. As far as fence sitters, they may have made a mistake in not buying in when the Charter Membership was being offered.
    The profits will pay for this EA very quickly AND you still have the 60 days..looks like a win win…doesn’t matter to me how many come on board..the more the merrier.

  1070. Thanks Norm for the info. But I’m still getting this message.

    2011.01.12 12:19:25 LeoTraderPro GBPUSD,M5: Alert: Ignored ‘OPEN’ command for signal reference 1171528 – Signal is 548625 seconds old

    Any suggestions?

  1071. Wade, maybe Doug has an answer for you..I think He had a problem along those lines..Someone will figure it out, maybe BobO, He seems pretty knowledgeable.

  1072. Everyone: EURUSD closed positive including 130 pop manual trades I put in at drawdown. This thing is real. Data at the LTP account say it and my wins since Christmas say that. I am gettin every trade across 2 accounts for both the pair of pairs and the upsell. The DEP mods is the last thing I did and my system is rock solid.

    Interestingly, LTP did close the trades it earlier had “orphaned.”

    Wade: your popup means that a really old trade from the past is not going to be opened in your account now. That is a good thing. I would just ignore it. If you want to know more, send it in as a tech support question.

  1073. @Norm, I agree with ya, you’ve have to give LTP time, it by far is a VERY well engineered EA, that should of been offered at $400 USD value, I mean honestly it has and does give back what you put into it. Just have to be able to possess the patience of a lamb on this one. Ride it through safely and smoothly. Stay aware of your margin, oh and one more thing…

    Norm don’t you be giving away our little “BiG” secret on how to ‘Ride the Wave’ LOL.

    Rule#1: Teach em, but dont teach em every damn thing. They can watch, learn by example and study how to scan the water for the right ripple. 😛

  1074. Marty: Does your router have settings for port forwarding or triggering? I’m using port triggering on 2000 (and 1000 also cause I’m paranoid), plus I turned on UPnP for good measure. Will turn that off once I know things are working (which they seem to be). Triggering works for multiple stations within an single IP address; forwarding would work if you only have 1 computer system at your IP address.

  1075. Hi King, I agree with you,its fun to learn the tricks..but most people have been screwed over so bad in the forex I kinda feel for them. Acually, its pretty simple to make money when you know direction..thats how the big money boys do it..they watch all the pee on’s with their 50 pips stoplosses until they know they have them in their nets,,then they drive the price right thru all those stops..you heard guys complain..”my stop was hit, then price reversed and went up”
    If you tell em the market is rigged by big money they look at you like you were crazy lol..Hey big money has the games rigged in Vegas..same goes for here..I’ve seen posts from more than one money manager on how they hunt stops AND how they do it. LTP has figured a way around them..and no, they ain’t gonna tell us what it is 🙂

  1076. Wade .. the answer to your question is actually pretty simple and obvious if you think about it… especially if you’ve checked out the explanation of the Inputs parameters in the manual.

    The MaxTimeSlip specifies the maximum age of a signal that should still be actioned by the replicator – the default value of which is 120 seconds.

    When LTP starts up it looks at all current positions in the master accounts, compares them with what open positions it finds in your account and decides if the missing ones can be opened.

    If a position was opened in our account almost 550,000 seconds ago then it’s a bit more than 2 minutes old so LTP is telling you that the trade is not going to be considered for placement in your account because it’s waaaaay older than the MaxTimeSlip value.


    LTP Admin

  1077. I loaded the new version of LTP. The data on main screen keep reloading with message Connecting to server attempt 1, In the Expert tab i f reflect the following since I loaded it 6 hrs ago

    2011.01.12 14:56:42 LeoTraderPro EURUSDFXF,H1: Connected…
    2011.01.12 14:56:37 LeoTraderPro EURUSDFXF,H1: Connecting to server – attempt: 1
    2011.01.12 14:56:35 LeoTraderPro EURUSDFXF,H1: Disconnected
    2011.01.12 14:56:35 LeoTraderPro EURUSDFXF,H1: No heartbeat – restarting…

    Should I ignore it or is there something wrong?

  1078. Hello Traders, here’s my 2 pips worth based on the BASE LTP (EUR/USD & GBP/USD) System:

    To date:
    *Total trades closed 6
    *5 G/U & 1 E/U = 100% win/0% loss
    *First trade on Jan 6
    *Risk Setting @ -5
    *Starting Demo Bal @ $5000
    *Avg lot size/trade @ .68
    *No trades were manually adjusted
    *4 trades hit T/P for exit
    *2 trades exited by LTP (assuming)
    *Up $881.80 or 17.6%

    Haven’t had time to compare the “official” LTP trade log to see what trades were missed.

    Purchased LTP on 12/24 and it did place 2 positive trades during the last week of Dec however, didn’t include in these stats.

    Uploaded the new version yesterday while the E/U’s still in play and it still managed the trade. At the same time, also rec’d the “LTP not managing existing trades” message along with MT4 crashing after hitting “ok”. However, 1 trade was closed out per the T/P and the E/U closed just before hitting the T/P.

    I’m gonna say so far so good. Not crazy about the 330 SL and risk/reward factor. Would like to understand LTP’s logic behind this as it goes against everything I’ve learned. Is the SL what it is so the win/loss ratio is can look impressive? Are they showing what the LTP portfolio looks like after a few losses? I’ll most likely reduce my risk setting to an est. -2 when/if I go live.

    I’m still very skeptical as there’s no such thing as a “holy grail” in trading. For the most part, nothing can beat manual trading if the system’s reasonable and emotional trading is kept to a minimum. In any case, good luck to all as I’m looking forward to seeing how this performs further.

  1079. Very interesting . With FX Overdrive EA i got the same last 5 trades on my live as LTP on my demo. Maybe they both has similar trading algorithm and LTP is just more tuned EA because it is newer. Besides FX Overdrive are very good EA. Later gonna try FX Overdrive on USDCHF USDJPY for compare trades with LTP, never tried it for these pairs. I do belive in LTP performance and hope that it is real neural net system. Dont know are they fixed LTP closing trade problem with this latest release.

  1080. Hi Guys,

    Just thought I should let you know, LTP, in it’s reincarnated form, now seem to be working well for me. It did crash once (as per my last posting), but it picked up and paid my first trade (GBP) and is now into my second.

    I will continue to watch it in demo for a little while, and if all goes well will move it to a live account shortly.

    Thanks to LTP team, and good luck to all you traders!



  1081. Okay I have a Comment/Question…

    I noticed in comparing the lot size versus the profit amount between my Sim account and Leos is way off, ( mine is larger Dollar wise, by about 5X’s ) and I am using the same lot size 0.10, as theirs. For instance the present GBP sell in their acc is down about $2 and mine is down about $8, What gives? …


  1082. my account leotrader 12 days
    FinFx Trading Oy

    Account: 19376 Name: ckessler Currency: USD 2011 January 12, 23:07
    Closed Transactions:
    Ticket Open Time Type Size Item Price S / L T / P Close Time Price Commission Taxes Swap Profit
    3606331 2011.01.01 01:57 balance Deposit 5 000.00
    3618820 2011.01.03 18:01 sell 0.25 eurusd 1.33571 0.00000 1.31947 2011.01.05 15:15 1.31947 -1.75 0.00 -1.98 406.00
    3618848 2011.01.03 18:02 buy 0.25 usdchf 0.93485 0.00000 0.95689 2011.01.04 14:32 0.94457 -1.75 0.00 -0.27 257.26
    3618875 2011.01.03 18:04 buy 0.25 usdjpy 81.678 0.000 83.954 2011.01.04 14:32 82.219 -1.75 0.00 -0.19 164.50
    3619172 2011.01.03 18:15 sell 0.25 eurusd 1.33867 0.00000 1.31947 2011.01.05 15:15 1.31947 -1.75 0.00 -1.98 480.00
    3671632 2011.01.06 04:56 sell 0.25 eurusd 1.31310 1.31406 1.31275 2011.01.06 05:46 1.31406 -1.75 0.00 0.00 -24.00
    3676318 2011.01.06 07:15 buy 0.25 usdjpy 83.268 80.424 83.954 2011.01.07 01:58 83.322 -1.75 0.00 -0.18 16.20
    3702186 2011.01.06 15:03 buy 0.25 eurusd 1.30972 0.00000 1.31373 2011.01.12 20:48 1.31373 -1.75 0.00 0.04 100.25
    3716706 2011.01.06 17:55 buy 0.25 eurusd 1.30408 1.30333 1.31373 2011.01.06 18:00 1.30333 -1.75 0.00 0.00 -18.75
    3717638 2011.01.06 18:08 buy 0.25 eurusd 1.30228 0.00000 1.31373 2011.01.12 20:48 1.31373 -1.75 0.00 0.04 286.25
    3740534 2011.01.07 07:02 buy 0.25 eurusd 1.29917 0.00000 1.31373 2011.01.12 16:23 1.30314 -1.75 0.00 0.03 99.25
    3746178 2011.01.07 15:30 buy 0.20 gbpusd 1.54782 0.00000 0.00000 2011.01.07 16:45 1.55094 -1.40 0.00 0.00 62.40
    3746861 2011.01.07 15:32 buy 0.20 gbpusd 1.55046 0.00000 0.00000 2011.01.07 17:01 1.55185 -1.40 0.00 0.00 27.80
    3752336 2011.01.07 19:22 buy 0.25 eurusd 1.29248 0.00000 1.31373 2011.01.10 20:42 1.29533 -1.75 0.00 0.01 71.25
    -22.05 0.00 -4.48 1 928.41
    Closed P/L: 1 901.88
    Open Trades:
    Ticket Open Time Type Size Item Price S / L T / P Price Commission Taxes Swap Profit
    3784521 2011.01.11 20:05 buy 0.25 usdchf 0.97594 0.00000 0.97876 0.96624 -1.75 0.00 -0.26 -250.97
    3808333 2011.01.12 21:59 sell 0.25 gbpusd 1.57644 1.60921 1.57371 1.57708 -1.75 0.00 0.00 -16.00
    -3.50 0.00 -0.26 -266.97
    Floating P/L: -270.73
    Working Orders:
    Ticket Open Time Type Size Item Price S / L T / P Market Price
    No transactions

    Deposit/Withdrawal: 5 000.00 Credit Facility: 0.00
    Closed Trade P/L: 1 901.88 Floating P/L: -270.73 Margin: 322.06
    Balance: 6 901.88 Equity: 6 631.15 Free Margin: 6 309.10

  1083. Jon: per the LTP web site, a lot in their account = $10,000 because they are using a special micro account. So 0.2 lot there is actually 0.02 lot

  1084. Leo closed EURUSD trade in nagetive in mine too (-$165, ) 0.1 lots. @ price of 1.29626. Was that same with all of u?

    This happened before installing LTP file updates from 11th Jan. Once they were installed I tried reloading LTP but kept getting below error on platform?

    2011.01.12 20:58:35 LeoTraderPro EURUSD,H1: cannot load library ‘LeoTraderPro.dll’ (error 126)

    My patients is wearing thin, with continued errors, who cares if they offer members LTP on all pairs. Average Risk/Reward Ratio of 25 pips to 320 pips still bad!

  1085. Baker: welcome. No, my EURUSD did not close for a loss, it was a gain, closing today. Regarding your error message, what folder did you put the dll file in?

  1086. Gotta luv Neil Diamond

    I thought love was only true in fairy tales
    Meant for someone else but not for me
    Love was out to get me, that’s the way it seemed
    Disappointment haunted all my dreams

    Then I saw her face, now I’m a believer
    Not a trace of doubt in my mind
    I’m in love and I’m a believer
    I couldn’t leave her if I tried

    I thought love was more or less a giving thing
    Seems the more I gave, the less I got
    What’s the use in trying, all you get is pain
    When I needed sunshine, I got rain

    Then I saw her face, now I’m a believer
    Not a trace of doubt in my mind

  1087. Even trailing SL works the same on LTP as FX Overdrive. Im talking about GBPUSD sell trade @1.5761 which running now.

  1088. Yes, I’m getting the same results as the individual in the quoted post below. And I had absolutely NO trades with the previous version of LTP v1.00, ran for 3 weeks, but so far I’ve only had 1 GBPUSD Trade with the new version, v1.10, Profit $21.00 with a $3,000 Demo FinFX acct.

    I loaded the new version of LTP. The data on main screen keep reloading with message Connecting to server attempt 1, In the Expert tab i f reflect the following since I loaded it 6 hrs ago

    2011.01.12 14:56:42 LeoTraderPro EURUSDFXF,H1: Connected…
    2011.01.12 14:56:37 LeoTraderPro EURUSDFXF,H1: Connecting to server – attempt: 1
    2011.01.12 14:56:35 LeoTraderPro EURUSDFXF,H1: Disconnected
    2011.01.12 14:56:35 LeoTraderPro EURUSDFXF,H1: No heartbeat – restarting…

    Should I ignore it or is there something wrong?

  1089. Per Marty’s post above, LTP is working on this. Firewall, antivirus, and/or router may be involved. No heartbeat means signals not getting through. Just after Marty’s post, I give ideas for port forwarding/triggering that may/may not help. You should also elevate to support

  1090. @ Andy: How long on FX Overdrive? How profitable are you now? Stats? Reading more positive than negative so that’s good. I did see a couple of big losses (around 300+ pips), which I find interesting.

  1091. CRAIG i dont understand why you got so many trade in 12 days??????????cause some of us got nothing something wrong there.i got $ 5000 demo account only did get trade with the new version perhaps you did buy the full LTP ??????
    anywhere good for you???? love too know your setting please
    many thanks

  1092. KING SOLOMONSPOOLS Norm don’t you be giving away our little “BiG” secret on how to ‘Ride the Wave’ LOL.

    Rule#1: Teach em, but dont teach em every damn thing. They can watch, learn by example and study how to scan the water for the right ripple.GRRRRRR????????????
    NORM hes a gentlemen or try too help too the best of hes ability why not teach us all if i was a very successful trader sure will give my secret too anyone why not???/why be selfish we only human been hes nice too see a gentlemen or devoted hes time too help others god bless NORM

  1093. Anyone on here using FXOpen? If so, what is the best and reliable way to withdraw funds from out of your FXOpen account?

    Not looking to withdraw at this moment, just want my withdrawal to be seamless when i decide to. 😉

  1094. Thanks Gilbert for the kind words…hang in there. When we start tradin 6-8 pairs its gonna get wild.

    King, Check out FXopen, they looked interestin, need a hedging broker, preferably one that speaks English. Spread costs dont matter..easy withdrawl would be good.

    Well, lets start ridin those waves..Oh, and pray for deep drawdowns. lol

    God Bless the both of you..Good guys

  1095. Norm

    Have you started trading live yet? If so, How much did you start with and what is your risk level? Hope I’m not being too nosey. Just curious. Just trying to decide myself when to start.

    Also, how do we get the other 2 pairs of currency that are out now?


  1096. Hi Norm, I still have not figured out the percentages. I am using -5 to test in my demo account. I will use fixed lots sizes and will increase them gradually according to my risk management rules. I will use fixed lots even if I think I have figured out the %s, because I know odds are I will be wrong 🙂

  1097. Hi goldwing,
    I never believe in those 100% per month. They made 500% in 5 months, I am not good at math really, but 500% in 5 months is way different than 100% in 1.

  1098. Hi Norm,

    When you see a drawdown, you enter again, even if you’re already on the trade? Funny, but very interesting 🙂


  1099. I have the default settings, but the Risk % is -5 and the EquityLimit is 750.0.

    I do not have the Firewall enabled on my Dell Notebook PC running MS Windows XP Pro, and the Firewall is disabled on my router as well, but the new version of LTP v1.10 is doing the 15min loop deal, missing the heartbeat.

  1100. Mine is running on a VPS. Same problem, disconnected-connected, missing heartbeat, loop every 15 minutes.

    Any solution?

  1101. Hi FXcutie, First, I do not recommend a demo account for several reasons..IBFX has a live account you can open with $10, and you will have 1000 pips to play with…plus, you will have an open live account that you can deposit more funds if you want to increase your risk a little more. And there will be a party to your trades..IBFX will match your buy or sell orders with someone else or a bank. That doesnt happen in a demo account. Its far more interesting trading a live account, and at 1 cent a pip, there’s almost no risk..its like playing penny poker..10 bucks goes a long way. Your risk factor setting would be 0.01 in a live account at IBFX thats the lowest you can go.
    If you are getting all the trades you can stay with the % risk setting..I personally like to select my own amount to trade..some trades are riskier than others, and its easy to switch a fixed lot real quick. On a Mini account you can start with a risk setting of 1.0 (1 dollar a pip) then move it up to 2.0 then 3.0 (3 dollars a pip)..by the middle of the year you should be at 10.00 (10 dollars a pip) on a live account by august 1st LTP’s anniversary lol..If I’m here, you will be there lol A good goal for you 🙂

  1102. Hi Cutie, shhhhhh King does’t want me to give all the secrets away, but yes, you would enter a manual trade even tho LT is in a trade in that pair..but only when certain conditions are met, stay tuned, you’ll see how its done.

  1103. Thu-Craig, I have tried everything to get the loop stopped. completly uninstalled, new platform, broker, firewall shutdown, virus protection down, etc. Still have loop issue.
    Q1..what version IE are you running? linux?
    ..only thing I haven’t tried is the wireless router (2000 port). Was installed from/on a different computor. Will get back with update.

  1104. Hi Wade, I use a small risk factor in a live account..you can start with an 0.1 risk (10 cents a pip) and move up from there…even at a 330 pip drawdown you’re only out $33, and a live account is much more like reality trading than a demo..I recommend live trading highly…have some fun, LTR wont let ya down..He’s amazin. The team did a hell of a job whew! Thnx Guys

    I haven’t heard how Support is handling the second pair now…mention my name and you’ll get the rollout price..yea right! lol

  1105. I’ve had LTP since 12/20/2010, since that time until a few hours ago I had “0” trades. I loaded up version 1.10 and made sure my 2000 port was freed up and in a few hours I’ve gained 504 USD with 3 trades and risk @ 5%. What a shock.I was getting pretty doubtful weather this EA might have a chance. Obviously their were software issues.I’ll let run for a couple of weeks and see the proof of the pudding.These robots are like x-spouses you never know what their going to do next!
    I tried running LTP on forex.com vps and it just locks MT4 up.
    Does anybody know of any other brokers in US where LTP runs normally. I know— a good joke. Thanks Guys, The Shadow

  1106. Appears LTP’s adjusted the current G/U trade parameters to 2+ S/L for a free trade & T/P to 44+. Nice adjustments I must say. First time I’ve seen this with LTP….interesting.

  1107. Hi Admin..Is there any chance to upgrade this board to the board like kitco uses. LTP is going to be bigger than Walmart, and we need a board with all the bells n whistles on it..like post editing, etc and the many other features..just curious if it were possible. thnx

  1108. anybody else get this at startup. By that I meen when you exit platform and then restart. In experts tab

    2011.01.12 20:56:36 LeoTraderPro EURUSD,H1: Starting timer

  1109. Well, it looks like an uninstall and reinstall of MT4 fixed the problem. I added terminal.exe to the DEP exception list, so that may have also had something to do with it.

    Fixed lot sizes work once more, and I can sleep a little easier. 1.10 is operational, and I’ve gone from three instances of MT4 to one in the blink of an eye..

  1110. Hi all,

    Looks like the guys at LTP are comming right! The GBP trade on my PC is being managed exactly the same as the one on LTPs acount. If they can keep this up for another week I’ll be switching to a live account.

    I want to keep my existing broker (FXCM-UK), but does any one out there know of a good relaiable VPS provider which is UK based (I want to maintain hedging).



  1111. Hi folks,

    I hv installed the new version yesterday. Since then, I keep getting the messages like below and no trade so far.

    2011.01.13 14:56:18 LeoTraderPro EURUSD,H1: Connected…
    2011.01.13 14:56:12 LeoTraderPro EURUSD,H1: Connecting to server – attempt: 1
    2011.01.13 14:56:10 LeoTraderPro EURUSD,H1: Disconnected
    2011.01.13 14:56:10 LeoTraderPro EURUSD,H1: No heartbeat – restarting…
    What could be the problem?

  1112. astro,

    I have the same problem. I just got a reply from the support:

    Please try to reinstall your robot.

    What an answer from the support team??!!

    The number reinstalltion & testing from us is countless!!


  1113. This is the second reply from LTP support:

    Sir, we are getting many complains from customers

    Sorry, We are aware that new version isn’t stable on java based vps and we are currently working to solve this problem

  1114. Hi Norm,

    My criticism of the manual is not necessarily about setting up the EA. for those of us who have used EAs before, it’s all much the same and attention to the detail is obviously important. The new guys, who must be seen as a large market for LTP definitely need concise and very clear instructions, lots of read warnings etc. What I was really concerned about is that going by some of the other post, there is very little background information on how this EA works or the strategies involved. Questions about the function of the 300 pip SL and the fact it seemed to take a few pages of this forum to realise it was a signal EA linking in to LTP servers. Clearly not in the manual, unless the users on the forum were blind (:) I think to be successful at trading, we must understand as much as possible about the underlying functionality and strategy of any EAs.

  1115. Thu, Craig, Marty, Astro: First, if you’ve been around, you know this site has plenty of info on it. Read it over to see what you can learn. Second, run with/without firewall/antivirus to see if that helps. Third, if you are behind a router, port forward/trigger port 2000. You also may want to try enabling UPnP. Fourthly, if the auto-installer is now posted at the LTP site, re-install LTP using the “Run as administrator” function Lastly, reinstall Mt4 and the robot as a fresh installation, making sure that you are running MT4 as an administer and have security set so that all folders in the MT4 installation can be written to by your user ID.

    May your journey be fruitful and His blessings be yours in abundance.

  1116. In all honesty in order to achieve some sort of risk reward vs timescale of trade closures value, you are better off waiting to see if the draw down reaches 100/150 pips on any trades and then take a position using LTP’s entry point as your t/p. Sitting for days to make peanuts is nonsense. Sitting for days for 150 pips makes some sort of sense.

  1117. Hi folks,
    Did anyone get trade today? Now, I installed LTP on VPS. Surprisingly, it stopped disconnecting. But another problem cropped up
    2011.01.13 16:11:23 LeoTraderPro EURUSD,H1: Alert: Ignored ‘OPEN’ command for signal reference 1131824 – Signal is 2067952 seconds old
    2011.01.13 16:11:23 LeoTraderPro EURUSD,H1: Alert: Ignored ‘OPEN’ command for signal reference 1132116 – Signal is 2057148 seconds old
    2011.01.13 16:11:23 LeoTraderPro EURUSD,H1: Alert: Ignored ‘OPEN’ command for signal reference 1187274 – Signal is 150372 seconds old

  1118. Doug, thanks for your advice. I have been following this forum since the beginning. I have already done all that mentioned, & my professionals from the VPS support also done all they can. What I am waiting now is the solution from the LTP support team.


  1119. I have all Firewalls disabled, the one on my PC and router, so do I still need to forward port 2000 on my router? How about my PC? Which port, UDP or TCP?

    Actually, I do have ports 1000 to 2000 UDP and TCP forwarded, on PC and router, but still have the loop problem.

  1120. Do you see a doubling happening this month? Of course you don’t. No one does. It’s there for all to see. Don’t be clever because you’re not. Look at the leverage they are using and you will be forever trying to double your account. May be in 2 years if you are lucky at $5 win per three day trade. To double your account you would need to be using -25 risk level as you/they were prior to the ‘wonder launch’ and Nov 19th 2010. Given your aggressive reply you must be working for them. Own up, it’s obvious.

  1121. I heard the running bell on my PC, the sound of a trade being placed, but when I looked, the MT4 crashed. What gives?

  1122. FXCutie:
    Regarding RiskLevel settings
    -5 is insanely aggressive: ~ 50% equity risked per trade at 330 SL
    -2 is very aggressive: ~ 20% equity risked
    -1 is aggressive: ~10% equity risked

    A RiskLevel Primer:
    I am not privy to the actual algorithm used for MM in LTP; my understanding is based on observation and the small info presented in the manual.

    When RiskLevel is entered as a negative number, lot size is calculated based on free margin available (or something closely related to it). For example, a setting of -1 will result in a pending lot size of about 0.025 to 0.03 per $1000 of free margin. Because it is calculated on free margin, the size of successive trades decreases because free margin decreases with each trade. Thus, this approach safe-guards against committing more than you have to lose under catastrophic conditions.

    Some examples from which to learn:
    Let’s suppose that you have a $5000 account and are running fixed lot size. You decide to risk 0.3 lots per trade. You are running the base and the upsell, so you could have 4 and up to 8 trades in play at any moment in time. If you have 5 in play, then you’d have a total of 1.5 lots, which equals $4950 risk at a 330 SL. Throw in a couple of manual trades, and you’ve exceeded your $5000 starting capital under catastrophic-loss scenario. Here’s what it looks like (“equity remaining” is calculated assuming catastrophic loss; “broker margin remaining” is calculated assuming 1:100 leverage):
    LTP Trade 1: 0.3 lot (80% equity remaining; 94% broker margin remaining)
    LTP Trade 2: 0.3 lot (60% equity remaining; 88% broker margin remaining)
    LTP Trade 3: 0.3 lot (40% equity remaining; 82% broker margin remaining)
    Manual Trade 1: 0.3 lot (20% equity remaining; 76% broker margin remaining)
    LTP Trade 4: 0.3 lot (0% equity remaining; 70% broker margin remaining)
    LTP Trade 5: 0.3 lot (-20% equity remaining; 64% broker margin remaining)

    Note above that at 1:100 leverage you can bet more than you can afford to lose under catastrophic loss conditions.

    In contrast, if you set RiskLevel to -2, you’d get the following:
    LTP Trade 1: 0.3 lot risked (80% margin remains)
    LTP Trade 2: 0.24 lot risked (64% margin remains)
    LTP Trade 3: 0.19 lot risked (51% margin remains)
    Manual Trade 1: 0.15 lot risked (41% margin remains)
    LTP Trade 4: 0.12 lot risked (33% margin remains)
    LTP Trade 5: 0.10 lot risked (26% margin remains)

    You can safely trade either way if you know what you are doing. But if you want to do so without having to manually keep track, MM does work in LTP. The point is, know what you are risking. If you are betting 0.3 lots on a $5000 account, then be prepared to lose $1000 at 330 SL. You want to make money and still be able to walk away from catastrophe.

    My approach:
    At the beginning, I am risking 4-10% per trade (calculated at 330 SL). Once my account has grown, I may increase or decrease risk level based on circumstances and my willingness to lose. Sometimes I increase beyond 10% per trade, but this is risky (and when I go there I am prepared to take the loss). In the final analysis what you risk is up to you, and when you lose big, well, it was your decision or lack of knowledge that were prime candidates for getting you there..


  1123. Blessings to you as well, Cutie. Please read my post as it is the only way to make this ea work for you regardless of the wonderland that some people live in. Here it is: ”In all honesty in order to achieve some sort of risk reward vs timescale of trade closures value, you are better off waiting to see if the draw down reaches 100/150 pips on any trades and then take a position using LTP’s entry point as your t/p. Sitting for days to make peanuts is nonsense. Sitting for days for 150 pips makes some sort of sense.”

  1124. Doug,

    Thanks for that great post on risk level. that really sheds a lot of light on a dark area.

    I needed that. As i am very green to all of this risk and leverage language.


  1125. Astro: what you are seeing is not a problem

    Craig: I have 2000 TCP triggered to allow TCP/UDP

    John: I think 100% returns are possible if you are willing to risk 20-40% per trade (assuming 330SL). All the info needed to calculate this is shown in the LTP account. I’m happy with performane and returns now. Buying at drawdown definitely works.

  1126. 0.3 risk = 30 cents a pip. $100 x 5 trades = $500 loss if all 5 trades hit their 330 pip stoploss. 10% in a $5000 account leaving 90% or $4500.

  1127. Doug or anybody,

    I Am using the old version, and am still getting the trades ( with problems still cropping up I will wait till those become nill before running new version ) on a $500 sim account. So, I was adjusting my risk level with a (-) in front of the numbers this time, instead of a straight number. I hit load/save and okay, but no matter what number I use ( -1,-2,-3 etc. ) the pending lot size stays the same on the chart. Why? Thanks for your answer.


  1128. I don’t recommend that anyone use only $5000 in Standard account when trading 8 pair with a 330 pip stoploss. Oh, Doug, you did’t mention your calculations were using a STANDARD account. And I do know what the pip dollar amount amount is in a STANDARD account, thnx

    A mini account is fine.

  1129. What is pending lot size? With only $500 and a minimum 0.1 lot size, you will be a min lot of 0.1 until RiskLevel is less than -6 to -8 (or so)

  1130. Norm: my post was meant to show how MM works, not present scenarios for trading. The point is that some are trading 0.3 lots in $5000 STD accounts, and if they applied that across base and upsell, they would be in trouble. MM does provide some level of protection to that

  1131. I am still using the the previous version V 1.0, and I have had about two weeks of a perfect score. My Alpary UK account mimics LTP´s master account within half a pip.

    Doug, thanks for your explanation on risk.

  1132. Doug, would have been best to use a $50,000 account, not a $5000 account.

    No one in their right mind would use a $5000 account when trading 8 pairs with a 330 pip stoploss.

  1133. Who says Forex traders are in their right mind?

    All my calcs stand, regardless of account size. The point is that -2 setting in LTP RiskLevel does not risk 2% of your account at 330SL. Whether micro, mini, or standard account, this setting risks about 20% of your account.

  1134. Norm: I could be wrong on that last statement. -2 might risk 2 in micro, but it risks about 20 in standard. I don’t know about micro cause I’ve never used anything but standard accounts.

  1135. Doug, I’ll be doing some manual trading and I hope many others will also, and depending upon were the entry points are I will change the lot size a small amount depending on how deep the drawdowns are to take advantage of the situation.

    For those that just want a set and forget method. yours is perfect;)

  1136. Ok, here’s a thought..If you continue to have problems with the LTR installation, you may want to install it on a totally different computer, not necessarily one that you already are using or have used. But, I’m not sure if LTP is monitoring our I.P. and Mac addresses in our computers..if they are, you may have a problem with too many addresses. Best to check with support before you change computers.

  1137. Doug,

    Was this comment of yours
    ( “What is pending lot size? With only $500 and a minimum 0.1 lot size, you will be a min lot of 0.1 until Risk Level is less than -6 to -8 (or so)” ) directed at me? If so, yes I have a pending lot size of 0.01 showing.
    I don’t quite understand this part of your post “until Risk Level is less than -6 to -8 (or so)”
    And how do i go about seeing what type of account this Sim account is . standard, mini or micro.
    I know these are probably all dumb questions. but how else do you learn…LOL


  1138. Jon: Yes, directed at you If pending lot size is 0.01, I assume it’s a micro account. What is your free margin and leverage?

  1139. Actually, they are monitoring our Mac address, to make sure no one is giving away or selling their product. It would be a good Idea to inform Support to get their thoughts on it so you don’t have problems when upgrading or just switching computers to trouble shoot problems..

  1140. Here’s how I read the pending lot size on our chart screens.

    When you see the word “lot” after the amount, I disregard that word in regard to a mini/micro/nano account (works the same for all three), actually for a standard account also.


    pending lot size 0.01 = 1 cent a pip (nano accounts only).

    pending lot size 0.10 = 10 cents a pip (micro accounts).
    pending lot size 0.20 = 20 cents ”
    pending lot size 0.30 = 30 cents ”

    pending lot size 1.00 = 1 dollar a pip (mini account).
    pending lot size 2.00 = 2 dollars a pip
    pending lot size 3.00 = 3 dollars a pip

    pending lot size 10.00 = 10 dollars a pip (standard account)

    Check with your Broker to make sure you haven’t opened a STANDARD or a MINI (That doesn’t allow micro trading) account by mistake.

    If you want to trade UNDER a dollar a pip you need a combination mini/micro account.

    If you want to open and trade a live account rather than a demo account, IBFX has live nano accounts (1 cent a pip)and you can fund them with 1 dollar if you chose.

    No, I am not affiliated with IBFX, actually I will be moving my account out of the usa to take advantage of LTP’s hedging abilities.

  1141. I got an email from LTP supportsaying:

    “Felix Hipolito, A customer support staff member has replied to your support request, #738343 with the following response:

    A single license can be run on 2 accounts only, both accounts must run from one IP-address. You may trade both currency pairs per license, just attach LTP to the EUR/USD or USD/JPY chart only and it will trade both currency pairs per license.”

    Two accounts, two computers, but only one IP address.

  1142. Norm: in my account, 1 in RiskLevel = 1 lot on screen, a pending lot size of 1, and $10/pip

    If 1 of my 2 computers broke and I had to load on new computer, I would do so and see if I got “too many connections” warning. If not, and I saw animation, I’d move on. If it didn’t load I’d contact support I guess. I don’t know all the specifics of how they are monitoring.

    BTW Norm, whatdayathink about current open LTP trades? You see a good manual entry point coming up?

  1143. Ok, thnx, they just drop the zero’s and decimal point. I never had a use for a standard account.
    I like the fractioning of a mini/micro account, its easy to manage small live trading, rather than using a demo (I personally would never learn to trade manually on a demo) its great for robot trading..BUT if trades will be managed, I prefer a live account..you dont experience the same fear and greed using a demo..not even close, (for those on demo’s).

    It seems the dollar is gaining some strength..both usd/jpy and usd/chf are in free-fall at the moment..need to see them both start putting in a base, indicating the dollar run is coming to an end (we will know it here first) then we can start searching for a safe entry point.

  1144. Have someone tried open trades manually when LTP going into deep drawdown and manual trade also experiencing some drawdown.
    This week LTP is back on demo, because i wondering about LTP closing trades. I want to trigger LTP with manual trades during drwdown and see whats gonna happen with this latest LTP release. LTP support also is not able to answer about this LTP bug, just standart copy-paste sentences in last 2 weeks.

  1145. Andy: I rode the last EURUDS from beginning to end with an LTP initiated trade, a manual purchase at about 100 pips down, the subsequent slide to around 250 pips down, and the rocket back up to a nice gain around 1.31275. Haven’t done it with new robot version yet

  1146. One can set out a strategy to take a position every 50 pip draw down using a low leverage and the 300 pip s/l.

  1147. @ Doug

    Did You use risk level or fixed lot size for LTP, how big is Your demo/live account, and used lot size.
    I just trying to understand why i got closed LTP trades on demo and live account, both are more than 5k. On my live account when i tested LTP i did set risk level with calculated lot size 0.03 lots small + 0.03 lots manual trade and i got closed LTP trade anyway. So twi trades with 0.06 lot size total for 5k account is nothing. This is why i dont understand how is this possible to get closed trades from LTP.


    I’ve gotten all the EUR/USD GBP/USD trades since I’m gonna say — late December. I use IBFX out of Utah.

    These people in Utah are very helpful, a live person has always answered my questions very quickly. You can call them at 1-866-468-3739 https://www.ibfx.com/. They have many “”HOW TO”” videos, etc. When you get ready to install a “”live”” or FREE “”demo””, go to this link http://www.ibfx.com/Platform. There is no minimum deposit required for either account type.

  1149. Geoff.

    It seems that if you have a manual trade with a LTR trade using the same currency pair you get a close trade to early from LTR.

  1150. Everyone havin funnnnnn lol wow, quiet in here.

    We need a place where we can keep “sticky” threads to refer back to.
    Not real big on typing this stuff over n over.. Takes valuable time..rather spend it on looking for entry points.

  1151. I asked Support as to when the robot will start hedging (was hoping for an answer about the 330 pip mark being a hedging point every time)…Here’s the answer I received.

    LTP will open a hedging trade, when LTP will receive a signal from our neural network. It depends on neural network activity.

    Lol, no really..

  1152. Hmmmm I wonder why they don’t have a robot trading the robots trades..I’d buy that.
    Robot starts scanning for an entry point after 150 pip drawdown..I need to get paid for these idea’s lol

  1153. Cutie, did you open a live account yet? those demo platforms are only for learning where stuff is. They’re useless for learning how to trade, and you can see LTP
    s Master account. No need to duplicate it when you can do it live. IBFX is the only place I know of in the US where you can open an account for $20, and instantly too. Check em out sweetie…Hey sumbody gotta help out the ladies.

  1154. I experienced an unexpected closure of the current USDCHF trade at about 113 pips down. No other trades were in play. This occurred with v1.10 LTP. I know some have seen such closures with v1.00A; has anyone seen it with v1.10?

    The expert tab indicated that the trade was not in the current trade pool (this is not true) and so was closed. Really stupid logic. Previously I had instances where I was notified that trades would no longer be managed by LTP, but they were not closed. I have elevated the issue to LTP. For now, I have changed my AllowClosing parameter to false. This will prevent any immediate closure commands from occurring by LTP. This means that trades closures will be managed by the SL and TP values set at trade open. I have asked LTP whether the False setting will also prevent modifications to SL and TP by LTP and will let you know the answer when I receive it.

    I am glad that I practice good money management. The loss represents a fraction of the gains by LTP since the New Year. Nevertheless it was an unacceptable loss and one that shows the kinks in the current LTP system. Kinks notwithstanding, however, I’m in it for the long haul.

  1155. Doug, do you still have both usd/jpy trades? wonder why only usd/chf. If all 3 went wow..chf is droppin, check carefully when you reenter.

  1156. Doug:

    Was this a live account? Did it happen to your demo account too? I am wondering, why doesn’t this happen to LTP’s account and always happen to us? I opened a live account and so scared about this. It did not happen to me but what if…?
    How can we stop this?

  1157. Oops, I mean jpy is droppin, chf looks like it wants to break above 0.96500 may be a good reentry point if price behaves.

  1158. Denise, relax, He can reenter and manage the trade. there’s a glitch somewhere, it may never happen to you..just keep your lots small for now if you’re on a live account.

  1159. Norm: didn’t have JPY trades. It’s a live account. I reentered USDCHF.

    Denise: I know how you feel. I am willing to continue live because I set allowclose to false. So LTP will not close trade- SL or TP will

  1160. Oh, you didn’t receive the two usd/jpy trades either? ok, so we don’t know if all 3 trades would have been closed. The jpy trades may be coming up to an entry point, maybe at the London open, when the big boys show up (3am est).

  1161. Norm: I was not using LTP for upsell when JPY was entered. But if I had been, they would have exited. I think this because the last time this happened, I was notified that none of my LTP initiated trades across 2 systems were part of the trading pool. But at that time it just “warned me”. It didn’t do anything.

  1162. I had three closures over 2 weeks ago, and none since. And only LTP trades closed, none of my managed trades closed..I doubt LTP has access to trader initiated trades. They should be able to figure the problem out now with the new upgrade. May be a good reason for everyone to install the upgrade.

  1163. Now that I think about it, being in the US and not having the ability to hedge..I wonder how many losing trades I would have had in those 5 months. Hmmmmm not a good thing for all US accounts. So there could be a BIG disparity. All traders having usa accounts may be looking at an account that has a big advantage over us..now I wonder about the losing trades. I bet that information isnt available to us.

  1164. If they go into a hedge (offsetting trade keeps trade open) at minus 330 pips, our trades would be closed. Their trades would remain open..so their live account is accurate for THEM but may not be for the usa traders, and we are looking at their account as if it applies to us also, so, we need the number of hedged trades and the price they were put on at, plus each trade’s outcome..we arent being told.

  1165. Hi guys,
    So I’ve been a user since the inception (Dec time frame). Haven’t got a consistent comparison between my Demo acc and Live acc. Looks like my demo account performs better, almost all the time it has one extra trade.

    Question on the setup. So I’m setting Leo on a Demo account on my home PC, and a live account on VPS (Photon VPS). I read somewhere only one IP address/license. But so far I got away with running this setup, it is just not consistent.

    Wondering if any of you ran into the same problem…
    I just changed the DEP setting as recommended above, and I’ll see what happen tomorrow.

    Also running the Fapturbo at the same time, has the same symptom. My demo account performs better.. has more trades. The Fapturbo did the 15:00 trades thing.. and at around 17:00 US market closes. When this happens, I missed the opposite trade (2nd trade). (Buy then Sell) Even though the 2nd trade is not near the US market close. It just didn’t produce. With the demo account it always trades, so 2 total trades, as opposed to 1 trade on the live. But this doesn’t always happen, today my live did the 2 trades. so I think there’s some kind of reliability issue… even though Fapturbo is not a replicator.. I think it is a standalone.

    Happy pips

  1166. Hi Norm,

    thanks, I did not even see this before, haha. So LTP will open positions and close them by SL or TP but no longer unforseeable, right?


  1167. Happy Pips: demo accounts give you an idea of, but do not completely represent, reality. For that you need a live account.

  1168. Hi Doug,

    It is really bad to hear about Your closed trade from LTP. But You said that You reentered USDCHF trade manually and it closed anyway , so You don’t have USDCHF version of LTP? Does this mean, that LTP has access to manual trades? If so then this is really bad.
    Please explain “wrong trading pool”, what does it means?
    If You set Allowclosing -false, then LTP gonna close trades only with SL or TP levels reached, not in a middle of drawdown, am i right.
    Please let us know what LTP support gonna answer. For me they keeping answer standart copy-paste sentences about recomended broker, internet connection last 2 weeks, they just dont know how to resolve this issue and they ignore it.

  1169. Norm: if hedging had been used in the past to keep way underwater trades open, we’d see it in the data. I have briefly looked at the trades that have been open over 3-5 days, and none of them appear to be unusual. If a ttade had been hegded to keep it open, then the initial SL would have needed to be modified. I didn’t see that upon casual inspection. It wouldn’t be all that difficult to copy dara to excel and calc dif between open price and SL. Outliers would be apparent and candidates for further investigation.

  1170. Andy:
    1. LTP opened trade
    2. LTP closed the trade when it was 113 pip down
    3. I manually opened a trade to ride the wave back up to mitigate the loss I experienced
    4..LTP does not close manual trades you make
    5. I set AllowClose to false to prevent reoccurrence.
    6. LTP does not yet know why this is happening
    7. When I know more about 5 and 6 I will tell you

  1171. Hi Doug, I had the “not in the pool” message too and the trade closed on me. I reopened manually. Let’s see what LTP team will say about it.

  1172. @ Doug,

    You got the same problem what i got and other people here around. I also got closed trades on demo and live when LTP experienced -90 pips drawdown on both accounts and i had manual trade opened too.
    This is the reason why LTP is back to demo , i want to trigger LTP with manual trades from drawdown and see how LTP gonna handle it.

  1173. There’s a saying that I think is appropriate to what seems to happening to LTP at the moment


  1174. #1: Lucky I had LTP on demo..It closed the (FinFx)USD/CHF trade #1187274 initiated on 2011.01.11 18:55 (and still open on LTP FinFx platform) with a loss of -116.54$; my Mt4 platform is runing on a VPS.
    The log indicated that there was aconnection issue…not too smart programming is LTP drops a trade just because there is an interuption of sorts; which I am certain was not the VPS since I have several other Mt4 LTP platforms runnig and they have not recorded such a disruption.

    #2. I don’t know if some of you came across this add which was buy one get one free LTP. I posed this issue to LTP and they said they were not responsible for affiliate representations: By that time I had missed out on their last minute joining the “Charter Member Status” when buying another copy… I asked them to at least give me that previlage if I were to purchse a new copy and they refused…does that sound like they are under control from a marketing prespective as well?

  1175. Setting AllowClose to false prevents LTP from being able to close trades immediately. It dies not prevent it from resetting SL or TP.

  1176. There not much happing on the eur/usd and the gbp/usd at the moment on LTR. its been at lest two days with no trades.

  1177. Andy: If it is set to false LTP can’t close trades directly–so this should prevent the problem we are seeing. But it can reset SL and TP. SL and TP are then managed by MT4.

  1178. 12:57:27 MetaTrader 4.00 build 229 started (FinFx Trading Oy)
    12:57:28 Expert LeoTraderPro EURUSD,H1: loaded successfully
    12:57:30 ‘20734’: login
    Here you go Doug..thanks for the interest

    12:57:34 ‘20734’: login
    12:59:59 Expert LeoTraderPro EURUSD,H1: removed
    12:59:59 MetaTrader 4.00 build 229 stopped
    13:01:53 MetaTrader 4.00 build 229 started (FinFx Trading Oy)
    13:01:53 Expert LeoTraderPro EURUSD,H1: loaded successfully
    13:01:55 ‘20734’: login
    19:52:43 ‘20734’: connect failed [No connection]
    19:53:14 ‘20734’: login
    19:53:45 ‘20734’: login

  1179. Sorry..wrong log:
    00:13:48 Old tick USDCHF60 0.97544/0.97554
    03:27:24 MetaTrader 4.00 build 229 started (FinFx Trading Oy)
    03:27:26 Expert LeoTraderPro USDCHF,H1: loaded successfully
    03:27:27 ‘20734’: login
    03:27:31 ‘20734’: login
    10:20:01 ‘20734’: close order #3690930 buy 0.10 EURUSD at 1.31169 sl: 1.27861 tp: 1.31373 at price 0.00000
    10:20:01 ‘20734’: request was accepted by server
    10:20:01 ‘20734’: request in process
    10:20:01 ‘20734’: order #3690930 buy 0.10 EURUSD at 1.31169 sl: 1.27861 tp: 1.31373 closed at price 1.31265
    12:48:08 MetaTrader 4.00 build 229 started (FinFx Trading Oy)
    12:48:10 MetaTrader 4.00 build 229 stopped
    19:39:44 Old tick USDJPY60 83.00000/83.01000
    19:52:43 ‘20734’: connect failed [No connection]
    19:53:15 ‘20734’: login
    22:04:06 ‘20734’: login

  1180. In reference to someone mentioning not much activity on EUR/USD and GBP/USD in the last 2 days. Probably normal because I have another EA that did the same thing. I have pips4idiots too, trading 6 currencies. It had 17 trades from the start of Monday just till the end of Wednesday. But then no more trades, it stopped about the time LTP stopped, so something in both “their” criteria does not wanna get into the market. And of the those 17 pips4idiots trades from Monday to Wednesday, none of them were EUR/USD or EUR/GBP (not a single trade in 5 days from those pairs). The 17 trades by pips4idiots this week were EUR/JPY GBP/JPY GBP/USD USD/JPY. I wish there woulda been trades from my pips4idiots and LTP (I have just the EUR/USD GBP/USD package)in the last 2 days, but at the same time it sounds like kinda a good thing they were both doing lots of trades then suddenly stopped in the last 2 days.

  1181. Doug,LTP says they have hedged some trades..we dont know at what price or how many.
    All accounts not in Finfx may show a different outcome (loss), that means the only way to come close to duplicating their performance is to have all accounts with Finfx.

    (In conclusion)
    We know they may have hedged trades, but the duration and frequency are not showing in their live account (as far as I know).

  1182. JTX: Yes I have this message “System interrupted… Connection to broker has been lost!” But then was EA connected once again.

  1183. Norm: Thanks. Interesting about the hedging info. If I was in the mood for data mining I’d pull the data into excel for a look see. But I’m not in the mood . . .

  1184. Leo,

    Since this is an LTP forum I won’t speak much about pips4diots (just this one post), you can go to that forum page the administrator here just mentioned. I will tell you many people fault it or get a refund because it may not trade for a few days after the day they purchase it. It sometimes does 8 trades in one day on just one currency, then none for a week on that currency. Pips only uses a program inside an operating file, and looks at the past chart graphs, but is unaware of of worldly events (neural nets, etc) like LTP. But on the other hand it does not crash because it does not run off a remote server or have that sophisticated system that knows worldly events like LTP. I am running it on a demo to see what happens, and you can see my comments on that forum.


    1. I would probably use LTP on a live account.

    2. But if I was ever out of town on vacation for 2 weeks with no VPS service, then I might leave pips4idiots to trade for those 2 weeks (with low profit/risk settings) on my home PC. Because if LTP crashes I’m not home to reset it.

    At this point I’m only in demo mode for both, I want to insure I can go a few weeks with no closing of trades in deep drawdown before I use real money. The last time that occurred (on LTP, pips4.. doesn’t crash/close) was about a week and a half ago before the new update. But some people here are reporting the problem still occurring after the new update. I gotta be sure before I use real money.

  1185. Doug, It would be interesting to see the frequency of hedged trades..Don’t let it get to ya, we all may have to go with Finfx to come close to duplicating their results.
    They are running a “clean install” compared to every one elses “dirty install”, since their account is thru Finfx.

  1186. Norm, the “not being able to hedge” in the USA has bothered me from day one, I worried about “”what if I miss say 60% of trades because of our commie government and stupid laws?””. But to my knowledge/relief I have gotten the exact trade scenarios as the master account (EUR/USD GBP/USD) for 2 weeks or so. Even if we can’t hedge and it becomes a factor, WE CAN do what I’ve been doing since December, and what some others here are now starting to do. Since Leo had not lost a trade since like Oct, I figured “”the next time one of these is in deep draw down, why not do a manual trade since I know it’s coming up based on LTPs good record””. I’ve doubled my money a few times doing that. I’ve done this manually on the same platform/Chart LTP is running on, with no problems/crashes or interruptions of the LTP trade next to it. I use IBFX here in the USA.

  1187. LTp is approaching 15 or so trades with no losses. Thats not bad..even with 1 330 pip hit, that wouldnt be bad, if they can continue that win percentage..guess we will see.

    Doug, It may just be a matter of switching to Finfx..oh well.

    P/s Manual trading may be the way to go.

  1188. Also, IBFX informed me there is a way to hedge in the USA, but not with the same money pot. If you have 2 different platforms/accounts, you can do a buy on one, a sell on the other, and it’s legal. Only thing is, if you only have say $1000, you’d have to have to split the money withy 2 accounts, like two $500 accounts … which obviously “less money” money won’t multiply as much as if the account had double the balance, but you would have 2 accounts working.

  1189. “Important! LeoTraderPro found a discrepancy between open order in this account and the current trades pool!
    Please check the following open trades carefully and managed them manually – to avoid accidental closure, they will *NOT* be managed by LeoTraderPro: 15299133”

  1190. Doug: If i understand correctly, if AllowClose is set to false, then LTP wont be able close its trade in case of drawdown together with manual opened trade , but only LTP will reset/delete its SL and TP levels and trade will be open. So this workaround may bring to us LTP trade without SL and TP levels, which can be managed manually or what.

  1191. I double checked: this is the public acc:
    2011/01/11 18:55:00 Buy 0.20 USDCHFMAM 0.97577 0.94277 0.97876

    and this is on my acc:
    2011/01/11 16:55:07 Buy 0.20 USDCHFm 0.97575 0.94277 0.97876

    Where is the discrepancy…?

  1192. JTX I got that “cant manage trade” error too, but LTP still managed/adjusted and closed the trade at the correct time to the master account. But I haven’t had that, or any errors since just a few hours after installing the update, hopefully it continues to work. I’d even gone w/out crashes, then had a crash right after the new update (no more since then), I think they were tweaking the servers that night. Again, no problems since shortly after the install of the new update.

  1193. Hi Dave, Thnx for your post. Yes, Manual is the way to do it, but it just looks too easy.

    Just put on a trade when drawdown hits 250 pips, place an 80 pip stoploss and let her rip..back up to the buyin..then bail.

  1194. JTX I’d wait/watch the master account and see if your trade makes the SL/TP trailing stop adjustments (if applicable on that trade) and closes at the correct time. I’d be curious to see if it does, because mine still did what it was supposed to despite getting the error. Hopefully this is an “over sensitive glitch” triggering an error even though everything is still “within enough an acceptable window to work properly”.

  1195. One thing that can make manual trading in deep draw down “not easy”, is your margin, if you’re not careful (greedy). I had my margin get dangerously close once, but that’s because I opened not one, BUT TWO (greedy) manual trades next to the LTP trade, and all 3 went even more into the red after I opened them LOL. Almost got one “called” on a margin, but they did finish in the green!

  1196. Hi Dave, I just had similar adventure! I was sooo quick, and did put some more money from my creditcard to my account, to not to have margin call… Wow, that was hot!

    (Frankly, I had my first experience, and lost 450$ by three margin call, almost at once…)

  1197. Yep JTX, I’m glad I’m learning—will have a good idea of my margin limits before I go real money and do that. It made me think—I don’t see LEO losing me a trade, but I could lose a trade because of not knowing my margin. There’s still plenty of room to do a manual trade as long as we understand our margin, and some of us with smaller balances might have to use 1/2 the lot size of the LTP auto trade, etc.

  1198. yALL may have noticed how if LTP opens a second trade (two at once) it cautiously uses around 1/2 the lot size on the 2nd trade. Another EA that I have (and probably most or all) doesn’t do this, it uses the same size whether it has one or six trades going at once. Good thing LTP does/calculates this, because if the day ever comes where were are trading say 6 pairs at once on LTP … one minute everything is dead, then all 6 pairs start a trade at once, other EAs could get you in trouble with margin whereas LTP will adjust/calculate/open the trades with a smaller lot size.

  1199. Jtx. Once a trade hits 250 pips (any pair), you would enter a manual trade, then place a 80 pip stop..LTR would start to hedge at 330 drawdown, we can’t, so our stop would be hit. Not many trades get to -250 pips..when they open several more pairs, things will get very interestin.

  1200. Yes Norm, I got it (and did it 😉 ), just what I dont understand: why you glue to this 330pip SL? I see this is 330-250=80, but have no knowledge, why we should keep this 330pip deep? Why not set more than 80pip, when we are @ 250 pip and make a manual trade?

  1201. Everyone:
    ATC is a US broker that follows FIFO and can hedge in a single account. Don’t ask me how, but they can and I do. Their min account size is $5000.

    With AllowClose set the False, LTP behaves exactly as it does when set to True EXCEPT LTP will NOT do instant close of it’s trades. For example, look at the last EURUSD trade. LTP did an instant close that was just under the TP. When set to False, instant closes don’t happen, so the risk of LTP closing in drawdown is eliminated (at least on paper).

  1202. Norm, when they open several more pairs, things will get very interesting as in Wild Wild West. Can you say MM to the rescue!!! Duck Tales A whooo – oooo!

  1203. Jtx, The bot is trained to play within the 330 pip stop..if it goes outside that play area its in BIG trouble, it has to start hedging , or lose a trade..so we would have to bail out on our trade..no telling how deep the drawdown would go..its really not a problem as long as the win percentage stays above 95%.. thats 1 loss in 20. If win percentage falls to 1 loss in 10 or 90%, that could be a problem..be interestin to see if they only hedge once in every 20 times or more.

  1204. Pontiac Suggested we could open a 2nd account and just place our own hedge..that will work. Problem is waking up at 3 in the morning and trying to close the hedge trade in the 2nd account. Its tough to do when fully awake..try it when you’re half asleep…can you say whipsaw lol

  1205. Norm, I agree with “it not being worth the trouble”–(pain in the butt like you said) to hedge with two USA accounts, so I’ve NOT opened up a second account. I’ve decided to just try and offset that lost benefit (here in the USA) by doing manual trades when LTP is in deep drawdown. Like I told a friend “”time is money even if a trade closes, so dammit if a trade is gonna go on for days then I’m gonna make that time WORTH MY MONEY!! — i.e. executing some manual trades next to the LTP trade going on for days and/or in drawdown”.

  1206. Ok King Relax, I see you chompin at the bit lol I doubt we’ll get any more pairs as long as this trade problem persists 🙁
    Such a shame this problem crops up, maybe there’s a work around 🙂

  1207. @ Doug

    LTP may close its trades when is second manual trade opened. At least i didnt hear that single LTP trade where closed before SL or green zone.

  1208. Andy: not my experience. My bad LTP close happened on the only trade that was active. There were no manual trades open at the time

  1209. Doug,

    So it means that there is a chance to get closed LTP trade with or without opened manual trades, this is very bad. I hope “AllowClose – false” will help until next version of LTP.

  1210. Btw,The reason we arent getting any trades in eur and gbp is, they most likely had reports BEFORE Doug experenced His problem, so they may have turned the robot off on those pairs for now..we’ll see.
    Oh, I heard ATC is well liked. but the smallest trade is probably $1 a pip…no micro accounts.

  1211. Andy, I’m sure they do get trade closings on all 4 pair..they must have known they would get them. They may not be able to tell why because of all the intracacies involved.

    May be a good Idea to purchase a new bare computer and turn everything off/delete (firewall, anti-virus)maybe even hard wire it also, then open an account with Finfx. grrrrrrrrr

  1212. I’m a pro trader and have been for years. I can set everyone up with my brokers and VPS with no problems at all. let me know.

  1213. Norm, I was thinking, that the way how to avoid those closed trades is to use trade copier EA, which could copy all trades from LTP investor account and place trades into our live account. LTP EA is not even required at all and You can open manual trades as much as You want without any failures. Of course trade copier EA is not for free.

  1214. Hey Andy, Sounds very interesting…trade copier copies the price as it moves? great! we need some backup approaches. Thanks!

  1215. I’m just looking at LTP as another indicator really. But so far it has shown no logic at all, no technical ability and just seems to be guessing at a very, very low leverage with a huge draw down which is a ‘hope and pray’ strategy that the market will turn it’s way eventually. So far it has worked, but for how long. The neural nets thing is a gimic and nothing else, so are the flickering graph lights. I suppose it’s good for marketing but this is pretty much a gimic ea with no logic and huge draw downs. If it was a ‘clever’ bot you would be in and out of trades very quickly not days on end. It’s not the real deal I’m afraid.

  1216. Norm, I did some research on trade copier EA’s before, and Yes copiers can copy every move what master account makes. Also it depends of trade copier license tyoe, like how many accounts it can slaving together, but even simplest local copier can replicate trades from master account as 1:1.

  1217. Place an entry order 150 pips in to the draw down makes more sense and much more fun for your risk reward ratio.

  1218. Thanks John,Andy, I have 7 instances of LTP, for friends..maybe I can get a bundle discount lol, Excellent Idea, Thnx

  1219. John, I do agree that the flashing lites are a gimic, but if the entries were just simple entry points without much thought, there’s no way they could hit 200 trades and 1 small loss..gotta be more to it.
    Their entry points don’t even bother to use any form of price momentum..no support and resistance..they forgo all of that advantage for something better, obviously..what is it?, yet their ability to hit 99+% is incredible. It gives us the ability to trade it with impunity.

  1220. Hi everybody,
    I’m with LTP since the beginning and have been reading this post since day 1. My question is if someone here finally could give the right parameters for different account sizes. I mean starting from nano to standard as an example for people who want to start live-trading.
    I have the latest LTP (2 licences) running on 1 computer with 2 different brokers (FinFX and Interbank FX: both demos with $1000 mini accounts)but I’m not getting trades with FinFX. To open an account with FinFX should we use ECN? Which leverage? Which starting amount (this because it’s way different with $3000 on a demo than $200 on a real account.
    Thanks and happy trading

  1221. You’re on a very dangerous road if you think you are trading with impunity, Norm. The system has worked so far because they use a very, very low leverage and a huge s/l. It’s a ‘hope for the best’ system and it has worked so far. We have studied all the indicators, flows, correlations etc, every thing and there is absolutely nothing to suggest any clever technology at all. This is a ‘hope and pray system’ with no logic which has so far been simply very lucky. the timescale of each average trade is a dead give away. Be very careful and don’t have blind faith and be dazzled by those foney lights in the top right hand corner . . . .Disconnect your internet connection and they keep on moving !

  1222. Infact, just had a look at some charts and the flashing graph is moving up and down analysing a market that is closed. What does that tell you? It’s cobblers.

  1223. Hey uhhhh John, guess you haven’t heard of the term Neural Network technology…….have you? LTP is built upon that, it is an artificial intelligence based EA that uses it’s data analysis methods and algorithms to make predictions and perform pattern recognition and categorization based on the found hidden dependencies within a given chart. Now, you and I dont get to see all the raw data that makes up the components of the Neural Network that this EA is connecting which i assume is located on LTP’s master replication server, and that server in fact would probably be running the Neural Network scanning day/night upon the market open hours.

    Whatever the reason is for LTP’s consistent success, I at this point dont even question it, and I have yet to see it to prove to be fallible. With that being the case, as the age old saying goes, “if it aint broke, don’t try and fix it”. In this case, if it’s consistently making profit, then why peg it for some obvious suprising disaster trades.

  1224. Thanks for your thoughts John. I’m trading with “vegas money” $2000 I would have thrown away in that place once every 5 years. Should be interesting which gamble pays off better. let em roll lol

  1225. Hi John, The the multi-colored graph is probably a lil marketing gimic..I don’t fault them for that, they could easily turn it off when our connection was off.
    I dont think any trading system showing live results in a password opened account has ever come close to their win percentage. If I calculated the odds of their results over a 6 month period due to “random luck” I doubt it could happen, given the many variables that would come into play over such a long time period. It’s an Interesting challenge to see if a formula is at work, and to figure out what it was..we know what it isn’t..it disregards obvious advantages..if it were just dumb luck, why place trades in obviously bad locations, hurting its chances of success even more? Be interesting to see what the odds would be of random luck producing their results. If no hedges were used (account seems to indicate that) that makes it even more interesting. There’s a lot of smart brains reading this forum..like to hear their thoughts. Thanx again, John

  1226. King, lucky you, treat Her good..a pretty thang, as the say down south 😉 Does she know you found the Holy Grail? lol

  1227. I have to agree with John that LTP’s premise of being based on neural net technology is a gimic, but clever marketing to catch sales in this ever growing market of ea’s. I would look at this investor account of theirs as an additional indicator tool for trading manually. One could use a strategy of only placing trades when LTP goes into at least a 150 pip drawdown. At that point, you could scalp that position one, two, maybe even three times depending on risk management. I for one have been doing this as an added tool for my trading. I will never let an ea trade my live account without some kind of intervention parameters.

    happy trading!

  1228. Doug,
    Thanks for reply. Right..I learnt that the demo account doesn’t account for liquidity. And so why the difference.

    Question for you.. I’m debating whether to open another account with FinFX or ATC (the one u mentioned) for this hedging opportunities. FinFX is overseas. Do you know anyone here uses this company? How do we handle Taxation?

    Has ATC been thoroughly reviewed, it took me awhile to find MB Trading.

    Happy Pips

  1229. It’s not about big SL and luck. If it were, FAPTURBO set to a 20 pip TP and default SL of 500(!) pip would be a 98% plus winner over 5 mo too–but it ain’t. You see massive drawdown with it too, the difference being that it blows past it’s SL monthly. Don’t know how or what LTP does what it does, but it does it and I can look into their account and see it and compare this to my account and confirm it. Given the gumption, I can look at their account and see that massive drawdowns were also seen in the past. It’s the way this puppy trades, and though I don’t particularly like it, I can’t argue with the steady increase in my account value. The only reason people are talking about manually trading off of LTP when it’s 150pips down, is because there is some sort of realization that eventually the trade will go the way LTP picked it. Would anyone use FAPTURBO in like manner? I wouldn’t– it’s long term trading algoritm is not reliable IMHO. But LTP’s appears to be.

  1230. Happy pips: ATC seems to be a very good broker, low spreads, $5000 and 0.1 lot minimum. Taxes? Ask your tax advisor.

  1231. All: ok, I re-read my post, and I should have said “one of the reasons” not “the only reason.”

    Have fun

  1232. All well said and done about LTP but there are two questions that no one here can answer until we see what takes place after the 60 days expiration and they collect our money:

    1- What if they decide to cut off the signal or ask for a charge after that for it, we have NO assurances otherwise and if they break their “promise”..who are they and where on this planet can they be located?

    2- What if in fact, there is NO neural net behind the cloak but a real good trader who is sending out the signals…that would be a laugh…that is the test of an artificial intelligent machine…can anyone tell the difference?

  1233. LEO you just mentioned 2 things I’ve wondered about, but have kept silent in my mind until you just mentioned it now. It’s possible, only time will tell, I hope the worst scenarios don’t come true.

  1234. There is the possibility they are reserving the use of a hedge to maintain their almost perfect trading record. Maybe they haven’t needed to use one yet (account doesn’t show a hedged trade), if thats the case, then there is a “magic formula”. Only remaining question…why share it with the public with all the associated problems it can bring..sell it to a fund for millions. This robot is indicating that support and resistance is a thing of the past..interesting.

  1235. Leo, How much would you pay for a perfect trading system?

    They could have a monkey back there trading, long as he’s perfect…

    If they run out..we’re out a weekend getting smashed.

  1236. Thanks Leo:

    Re #1–couldn’t the same be said of any purchased EA? While othe EAs are not replicators, they could have epiry dates that are not communicated until after the warranty period. It has been said, “No one knows the heart of man” and this is ultimately true. I can, however, compare past statements made by LTP to the know facts now and arrive at some comfort. “We will provide good support” and they have (no, not perfect, but it exists and I have over 15 issues closed). “We will have a new version out in 48 hrs” and they did. If they renig on their promise of product support or one time fee, or charter membership, I will do what I did when Forex Bully did not meet their promised–elevate to PayPal and get my money back. And where are they? Near the same timezone of FinFX, but that’s about all I know for sure. Everything else seems to be rampant speculation.

    Re #2–it’s a black box at this point. They say it’s neural net and I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt, but I have no idea how they do it. If it’s a person, s/he’s good and has delivered 98% plus trades closed for a gain over 5 mo. I also don’t know exactly how FapTurbo works; I judge it by it’s performance to my pocket book. I am judging LTP the same way.

  1237. I am sure the LTP team have made their numbers and have considered the different alternatives they can take.

    1-Keep it to themselves.
    2-Sell it to a large financial institution.
    3-Market it themselves, reach all possible buyers directly.

    And they have chosen what they have considered to be the best course of action.

    If this ultimately proves, as it is doing (with a few open trades showing a drawdown, a bit scary), to be what they claim to be, they have no reason at all to lie to us about the one time fee or the free additional pairs and they have every reason to honor their word. We are but a tiny sample and their showcase to the rest of the world.

    Having said that, I am sure that eventually they will switch from a one time fee to a monthly subscription for new members. Once they have established their track record with multiple user accounts (us), then they will switch because people will be begging to be let in. No more guessing whether the EA works or not, no more agonizing about optimizing an EA and wondering if you got it right or not. Just set and forget. And cash in. And that commands a lot of pricing power.

  1238. Norm: Copier works as long as LTP account is open for all to see. You think they’ll shut it down for all but members? I would if I were them. You thinking of using copier routinely instead of LTP?

  1239. Doug, I brought it up to LTP support about “maybe making the investor account only available to us LTP Members in the future””. They replied “we don’t see this as being a problem at this time”.

  1240. Doug, We have our own account..just copy it to another duplicate account…that way Leo can’t close the trade.

  1241. Thats interesting they would say that, because a certain % will copy the trade from their accounts..guess its a small number.

  1242. Actually it free publicity..guys stealing the signal..making money..telling all their friends on the forums..the majority buy the product..the few of those steal the signal…tell their friends..on n on lol

  1243. Me? I guess I’ll find out if AllowClosings = False does the trick. LTP Admin told me he’s “completely at a loss” by issue. That was Thursday. Hopefully they will be able to reproduce so they can nail it.

    I’d like to track the issue by using the new log reporting function. Has anyone tried setting reporting to level 3? Whenever I try it, I get Expert Tab message that LeoTraderPro.log cannot be deleted. My MT4 folder and all subfolders are set to write access by everyone.

  1244. Doug, Now that you mention it…we can copy THEIR master account at Finfx (we own that right) and never miss a trade.

  1245. Doug, Ain’t that easy as flippin a switch I bet..never know when we’ll get hit again..1 hit pays for a copy service for a year.

  1246. They have a danger on non-farm payroll days or interest rate changes of hitting the stop…looks like they arent worried about most other days. They may have to hedge on those days.

  1247. Felix: I cannot get it to work on either my XP or Vista systems. The log will grow to GB size in no time-for diagnostic use only

  1248. Hi Gals and Guys,
    Did any one get any trades on EUR/USD & GBP/USD on Thursday or Friday? I see 1331 did not trade on those days. All my neural nets etc. seem to be working. I am trying “Signals Machine” on the same VPS and am hoping the different signals will not interfere with each other! Any thoughts.

  1249. Denise, Fxcutie, You guys need to tell your girlfriends about Leo..He’s hot!!! 12 pack abs and a nice butt lol. We need more ladies round here. DON’T tell the guys..we got nuff hairy armpits around here.

  1250. Hello Astro…
    did you get the problem of Ignored ‘OPEN’ command for signal reference 1131824 – Signal is 2067952 seconds old..

    I get 3 such reports after each input adjustment…
    If someone could please advise what this means…I am searching through the posts at the moment but no luck yet….


    I have placed a question re the problem with “support” however i am not given a ticket number nor do i get an email saying the ticket has been received… when should I get a reference ticket number…


    I have

  1251. Fossil: the trades are old trades and > 120 seconds old so they are ignored. The pop up is just informing you of this fact Support will get back to you. They are overloaded and it might take a couple of days.

  1252. Thanks Doug…It was a bit of a worry incase something was wrong with my installation…I do get fluctuating heights in the Neuro bars so I imagine all is OK there…

    Question Plz
    are we supposed to get a ticket number once it is submitted…how do we keep track without a ticket number I wonder..

    Yes I can see they would be stressed…I will wait…



  1253. Found this: Finfx

    I did more than 100 trades right now on a live ECN account, and I have to say that, so far, it is the best broker that I’ve tried, among the retail forex brokers.
    No requotes so far, but being an ecn account requotes should not happen because all orders are executed at market.
    About 50% of the stop losses incurred in negative slippage, which was 0.2 pip on average, with the maximum at 0.5 pip. About 3% of the stop losses incurred in positive slippage.
    0% of take profit orders had slippage.
    I think this is normal, because in ECN, stop orders should be stop market orders, and take profit should be limit orders.

  1254. Also this on Finfx:

    FinFx ECN account opened

    I took the leap and opened an ECN account with a $2500 deposit. I’ll update this thread as the results come in.

    The application process was quick and easy. I submitted my passport and driver’s license. My account was setup in about an hour. I used my license since my utility bills are all electronic and can’t be used to prove residency/address/location.

    Funding takes 2-5 days via wire transfer from the USA. I usually pay myself twice per month, so I’ll update info about withdrawals in mid-January.

    Richy mentioned their comm’s are high, but compared to ATC and MB Trading, they’re $.50 less per standard lot. ATC and MBT charge $4 per trade and FinFx is $3.50. I don’t know of any ECN that charges less? MBT charges $3 on USD based pairs, but I rarely trade them.

    Thanks to Calculated Risk for the spreadsheet . If you plug in comm pricing for non USD based pairs, FinFx looks even better on cost. I trade whatever is moving, but most of the time it’s EUR and GBP crosses. MBT and ATC are usually higher on spreads and always $.50 higher on comms. That will add up over time with the volume I trade.

    The most important reason for wanting to trade with FinFx, other than cost savings, is to eliminate CFTC regs on FIFO, hedging, and leverage. In the last two years, those regs have really made it more difficult for me to trade my system at times. FX traders with US brokers have been handed one bad deal after another by the CFTC lately. They’ve really wrecked the system for no good reason that I can see.

    If FinFx executes my trades well and I don’t have any withdrawal issues, they’ll get more of my volume. We’ll see in the next couple of weeks.

    I’ll assume everyone on this thread is interested in FinFx for similar reasons. Are there any other brokers you could share info about that have similar cost/regulation?

    Thanks to Kostas for starting the thread

  1255. Oh, is there anyone on this board that thinks 200 perfect trades in a row over 6 months is just “lucky”? Just sayin, It could be..if it isn’t…

    Seems our only choice for the moment, given the problems with closed trades is a trade copier, or some type of an alarm to notify us so that the trade can be manually placed back on. They will figure it out, may take a lil while.

    Lets hope they don’t restrict trades because of it..they may have. Does anyone have reason to believe this isn’t the real deal? Keep in mind the 200 trades. And no, I don’t work for them. I’m an eternal optimist..lets hope they hit 300 perfect trades!

  1256. Thanks Doug Bye the way, I trade with “Think Forex” and find them very helpful with very few issues. Their spread is small and they are not subject to any American regulations.

  1257. Hi Doug,
    I am running 3 EAs on a live Think Forex platform on a VPS, Leo Trader Pro, Signals Machine and Forex Steam The last two have only been put on over this weekend. It will be interesting to see if the signals from “Signals Machine” will interfere with LTP though they claim it should not. I am not sure were Think Forex is based but they run on GMT.

  1258. I have just found out that the UTC time that LTP shows is one full minute behind the real UTC.

    I am running the free Atomic Clock Sync utility from World Time Server and it is running one minute ahead of the time LTP displays a s UTC time. I just reported it to LTP support.

  1259. Hi…I dont imagine so, but is there any way to run both LTP and the LTP Live account on FinFX at the same time on the same PC?…I would like to check when trades are made so as to see if my LTP is functioning OK…
    I guess if if have to use another PC it is possible but fiddly for me to do..

    Any ideas?..I wanted to use FinFX so as to have the same broker as LTP works with..and that is the broker that my LTP account is currently running on…



  1260. Fosssil: install multiple instances of MT4 on your computer. Run your account in one and view LTP account in another.

  1261. Hay Doug…how long have you been using “FapTurbo” and how would you rate it from 1-10 in terms of successful EA’s you have seen todate?

  1262. Leo: it’s among the better that I have looked at (scalping). I’d rate it as a 6. It can give periods of consistent gains but there are periods where it closes trades a max loss that, in my experience, wipe out much of the gains.

  1263. Thanks Doug…Yes I worked it out soon after posting and as well as the demo in FinFX I installed the LTP live account which worked OK, so then I thought, why not 3 accts…so instead of running the Upsell pairs on the same account as standard pairs, they now have their own FinFX account, which keeps everything separate.
    so far has not been tested by any buys…


  1264. Is everybody getting the changed live account ie LTP’s live FinFX account 1331 ?? …Mine is showing last sale on 12th and profit of 45.21…

    What happened to the 5 or so months of trading???

    or have I missed something?


  1265. Yes Fossil that is correct. No trades on EUR/USD or GBP/USD after that one on the 12th. Interesting point,I have pips4idiots running on a demo running 6 currencies and it made 17 trades from Monday to Wednesday, then like LTP totally stopped and did not make a single trade on TH or FR..I guess something in the their criteria saw it as risky to enter the market on those days. Hopefully there’s more activity this week.

  1266. Its OK..just a bit of brain fade…forgot to allow all history..however that said…$45 this month is not exactly stellar…I will make allowances for the advent of Xmas etc.


  1267. Fossil,

    If you right-click the list of trades and select “All history” you can see the trades from 8/2010 onwards.

    I am also eagerly waiting for new trades. Nothing since the 1.10 upgrade on 1331 account.

    SG Tiger

  1268. From the Account history you can actually see how they increased the trading lot size from 0.2 to 1.9 … and then pulled that back to 0.2-0.4 level to manage risk after 06/12/2010

    SG Tiger

  1269. I hope this silence without new LTP trades since 12.01 is a reason that they working on new version of LTP and fixing trades closing issue on other bugs. No response from LTP support since last week too. I just dont understand why they did not use some big commercial trade copier EA for they neural net EA signals and then there won’t be any problems.

  1270. Actually Paul, Stayin rather busy puttin on trades on jpy and chf…trades are getting old in the tooth..should be comin off soon. If you see some hellacious rallies, you may wanna jump in soon.

  1271. The base in usd/chf is 9 days old..I’m lookin for “them” to rally price real hard straight up 100 pips, then once “they” suck all the longs in, and squeeze the short, price should drop below that base…sounds good to me lol

  1272. Of course, “they” could just have a lil fun and just drive the price right thru the base..oops srry, forgot, the market is perfectly honest and since the big bankers and fund traders became saints, they don’t do those things anymore..ya think? lol

  1273. Hi all…..v interesting exchanges. My problem is I haven’t had a single trade since installing it even though I’ve tweaked and tweaked it.
    Can anybody tell me how I can access the trades that take place on the master platform….thanks in advance.

  1274. Wade,

    You can check out pips4diots here http://www.pips4idiots.com/ and here –> https://www.forexmachines.com/reviews/pips-4-idiots/

    It’s early yet, it had 17 winning trades from Mon to Wed last week, but that was with 6 currencies and it hasn’t traded since then, it’s still in a USD/JPY trade from Wednesday. I’ve heard stories of it trading for a while, then never trading again, we’ll see in my case. For being a 11k file in the computer it makes pretty good decisions, but does not look at worldly events that could suddenly drive the market up/down by 300 pips like LTP does with neural nets. I had installed it in early December, it made a bunch of winning trades over a week, then did not trade for a week (that was on one currency only that time). After that one week LTP came along and I removed it and installed LTP. Then recently I decided it can’t hurt to reinstall it and let it run on it’s own during this time I am also evaluating LTP for a month or so before going with real money.

  1275. Does anyone know a script, macro or something which could close a trade AND open a very same one at that moment? On the MT4 platform, of course.

  1276. Hi guys.
    Is anybody using LTP on Alpari (UK) live and missing trades after installing the new version of LTP?
    If so have you found any solution to the problem?
    Could it be that Alpari (UK) is playing tricks on us?
    I would get an trade replicator as a last resort but what if LTP don’t keep their word and stop showing the 1331 FinFX account? I don’t think LTP would like the whole world to replicate their signals for free. A good trade replicator is less than the price of LPT. You can even get one for free if you know where to look. But I didn’t get LTP to be using my own trade replicator. Morally it’s not correct either. But if I continue to miss trades like this I will be left with no other choice. Hope we see a solution soon. (Just miss the last GBP/USD trade, damn…)

  1277. Folks, I fixed the problem of the “No heartbeat – restarting” loop issue, here’s how:

    First of all, the firewall on PC is disabled, then configured router in applications & gaming section to Forward Single Port 80 – TCP to the IP address of the PC running MT4, then Forward Port Range from 2000 to 6000 – Both TCP & UDP, for the same IP Address of the same PC running MT4.

    Now I’ve got the GBPUSD trade running that opened this morning, so now hopefully I’ll get trades.

  1278. Franklin, sorry no Alpari is my broker, but Exness, and my 1.1 LTP is receiving the trades fine, thanks God! 🙂
    Open a demo at exness.com They have hedging as well…

  1279. Well today LTP took a trade on GBPUSD and Signals Machine trade cloner EA on the same VPS stepped in and took it out at a loss. Grrrr.

  1280. Wlc Franklin. If u use the long path of “http://www.exness.com_/a/28520” then I will receive few cents after your active tradings. If u dont like it, then just use the short domain name for registering.

  1281. Norm, I just checked out EXNESS, .. (.<.) hmmmmmm

    Seems almost too good to be true,…I'll try them out and see how they add up with LTP and my trading style.

    If it dances with me, then we may be on to something Norm. Oh and JTX, you will be the MF Man!

  1282. Made 4 extra manual trades on the last GBP trade (5 total) when it wasn’t quite hitting the TP and kept dipping down …. man that’s the way to go.

  1283. Sure is Pontiac Dave, just be cautious of your lot size and the amount of trades you manually put in in the in-between drawdown from the TP. Too many too much can drain you quick. Even measured always keeps things afloat lol. 🙂

  1284. King you are so right, a couple of weeks ago I had two extras open, then it dipped another 100 pips, margin came real close. That’s why I’m doing this on a demo to learn, starting to get a pretty good idea of ‘the numbers’ game–my limits for my balance, etc. I’ve decided to only have 1 extra trade open, and because I usually get plenty of opportunities, those 4 extras were all done individually. Another thing you have to allow ‘space’ for, is for — if LTP opens up a EUR/USD trade when you have 2 trades already going on the GBP.

  1285. Actually, we need a spread sheet showing what % of the time Leo hits TP compaired with how far away he is…maybe theres a corralation..prolly not tho.

    Scapling trades while a trade is on is prolly no advantage..price could go equally either way.

  1286. If 2 go the other way we’re screwed. LTP is the only EA I trust, and I part of what made me decide to start trying that was when I discovered it hadn’t lost a trade since like October. Still risky, which is why you should run conservative lot sizes to leave some breathing room.

  1287. When I said trust, I meant trust to scalp beside it’s trades. Haven’t had a “closure” problem in a while, if this will just keep performing good for a little while longer I’ll put real money into an account.

  1288. New User of it, however first trade with LTP worked out well, let us see, I think I’ll stay on demo for a while because I don’t want to be standing too close to the fan when all goes wrong, it’s not nice to get hit with a big chunk of S#%T Anyway I purchased the program will before Christmas and haven’t had time to get going, you guys out there who know what’s come up with it could you get back to me on the best way to set up, sometimes I think the user manual was written up for people who work on it other than people who try to use it. So far through my brilliance and cognitive ability I believe you set this up with only one LTP program on one time frame one hour, and then you add all your charts, so is that how it works, I’m doing it this way because every time I add LTP programme to other monetary pairs it crashes every single time, I think it has an aneurysm type of problem, he can’t think too much.

  1289. Norm, yes, u can use 1:1000 if u want at Exness. I done at the very first two trades before christmas, and I was lucky! But since then, I also made loss on another small account, because of the margin call. Now I use to check how about the free margin, and onetime I just put quickly more deposit, against the margin call. Fortunately it is very convienent and quick, trhough my credit card.
    Funding is easy, I made by credit card. Ceartanly needs to upload a personal ID fro credit card funding. No need identify for several e-payment (Money Bookers, etc.) funding. Withdrawal is easy if you are using e-payment, and only one kind of e-payment you using for funding. Wire is possible also, although it is slow (2-4 days depend on country). They could withdraw the amount back to your credit card, what you were funding from. The rest is withdraw by wire or e-payment.
    Actually I did not withdraw yet, since I want to pumping up my deposit, to let make more LOTs… 😉 I want to pumping up to 10.000usd. My deposit was 500usd, now my balance is 5.049usd… after 27 days…

    If you would using the link of “https://www.exness.com/a/28520” for opening an account, I will receive few cents after your trades (28520 is my acc no). Frankly, I opened accounts fro my honey and for my company this way, suggest anyone the same…

    Hedging orders: is it possible at Exness, will pay 25% margin for the hedging orders, they just told me (they have a very responsive english online support system)

  1290. I think this response from LTP regarding how many accounts can be traded with one license is a very good example for further ref by new people who may have that question:

    A single Receipt code can be used in no more than two copies of the replicator at any time. For example, costumer who have bought the up-sell license have 2 licenses and could be set up in any of several ways with several copies of meta trader :

    main license in MT1
    upsell in MT1

    main in MT1
    upsell in MT2

    main in MT1
    main in MT2
    upsell in MT3
    upsell in MT4

    main + upsell in MT1
    main in MT2
    upsell in MT3

    main + upsell in MT1
    main + upsell in MT2

  1291. anyone got a trade on GBPUSD i didnt have even on there live account i did enter on demo this morning manual then still on but i did stop that the result on demo

    3790117 2011.01.12 02:22 balance Deposit 5 000.00
    3792866 2011.01.12 08:20 buy 0.10 gbpusd 1.56374 1.53071 1.56621 2011.01.12 10:30 1.56621 -0.70 0.00 0.00 24.70
    3795328 2011.01.12 11:51 buy 0.10 gbpusd 1.56694 1.53388 1.56964 2011.01.12 17:55 1.56964 -0.70 0.00 0.00 27.00
    3808168 2011.01.12 21:55 sell 0.40 gbpusd 1.57618 1.57570 1.57021 2011.01.13 09:05 1.57570 -2.80 0.00 -2.55 19.20
    3986292 2011.01.18 08:39 buy 1.00 gbpusd 1.59477 0.00000 0.00000 2011.01.18 12:14 1.60289 -7.00 0.00 0.00 812.00
    -11.20 0.00 -2.55 882.90
    Closed P/L: 869.15
    $ 812 was once past $ 1000

  1292. King and Pontiac Dave: I used to use spreadsheets to track my trades and make sure I was not overcommitting on my equity. On occasion, However, I would get into margin call trouble when I put on too many trades. I now am using LTP MM. For LTP initiated trades, I commit one half of my typical lot size; this leaves additional capital that I can commit manually during the life of the trade (scalping, additional drawdown trade, etc). Because LTP shows the pending lot size based on your RiskLevel, I just use the lot size shown just befor I open the trade (adjusted per the current situation, as needed) in my manual trades. Because pending lot size is calculated on free margin, I find that this approach keeps me comfortably away from margin call (even in cases of deep drawdown).

  1293. Admin: thanks for hosting this site.

    I recently noted that a post that I responded to disappeared around the time my post was listed. Was there content issue (ie, off topic)?

    Just wondering

  1294. Well I was one that received a refund after a few days and I admit it. There were too many issues with the install, manuel sucks (still does, but now I know after reading this post,THANKS)and support was terrible.

    I kept reading all your post and was seeing their improvements too see how it was working out.

    Anyways I took their offer to buy again like I never left and still receive the charter deal.

    Everything went fine, just waited a few days for a trade to hit and it did (with a profit, BONUS). Support was great, I guess they overloaded at the start up.

    I’ll be the first to admit I was wrong, just that being a NOVICE trader and a first time robot trader, was scared to have my computer crash.

    It’s working good so far just waitng a month or so before going live.

    Thanks to for your helpful post.

  1295. CriagM: thanks for the post. It takes time to get your Forex legs, and yes, LTP start up left much to be desired. There are still issues, but I can’t argue with the profits I am seeing. One issue that is still open with me is I experienced an inappropriate trade close when in drawdown (v1.10). Because of that I am running with AllowClose=False. This prevents LTP from making instant close of positions but still allows it to modify SL and TP. I haven’t heard if anyone else has seen this issue with v1.10.

    Good luck

  1296. On their live account, since the 20th Dec LTP has made $105.20 on the eur/usd – gpb/usd pairs and $16.01 on the usd/jpy – usd/chf pairs. Hardly the stuff dreams are made of. It’s there for all to see. . . .now I’ll hand over to the Defence. . . .

  1297. @Doug: I don’t remember removing any post lately. Note that due to a big number of posts, it only shows the last 200. You have to scroll up to the first post on the page and click ‘Show all’ to see everything. Maybe it was just pushed out.

  1298. my LTP still crushing anyone have the same problems i do have the new version did crash twice today grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  1299. Doug,
    We have to wait for bigger LTP trade drawdown (at least -100pips) for v1.10 and then we will see, if AllowClose = false helps to avoid this issue or not. One thing, if AllowClose = false , then it means, that LTP wont be able to close its trade for example in a middle of profit zone or few pips before TP level. Before we seen, that LTP did close its trade 1-2 pips before TP level. I dont know why LTP did that.

  1300. Yeah Doug I too often use half the lot size when opening a trade next to LTP in a drawdown. I like how LTP lowers/calculates the pending lot size as the drawdown of a current trade goes down, and also raises it if the current trade is going up, other EAs I’ve used certainly don’t do that.

  1301. A little help! LTP have yet to place a trade.

    I have reinstalled 1.10 with RiskLevel 0.06, MinLotSize 0.01 (which I verified with my broker), MaxLotSize 1.0, and EquityLimit 500.0 on an $850 account. I have double checked my two ReceiptCodes separated by a comma with no spaces. I changed the Sunday trading time to 20.00-23.59 and left everything else at default.

    I have a smiley face and the colored indicators are working and the Pending order size: 0.06 lots.

  1302. So far, so good. I see that LTP is a scalper, but it does so at any time of the day or night, it uses any session where it finds an opportunity. I still intrigues me why LTP lets those GBP/USA rallies go away.

    The one thing that I can see against this method of trading is the huge stop loss compared to the TP, 330 pips vs. 20 pips. If LTP can maintain the number of losses under 1/16, it will make money as it has so far, but we have to be ready for that one trade when the SL is reached and we lose, in that one trade, the proceeds of the other 15.

    LTP could hedge that one dangerous trade and thus put it on hold, but we would still have part of our margin taken. OK if the final result is profitable.

    I do not pretend to diminish LTP´s trading methods, which are far better than mine, all I do is say it as I see it.

  1303. HI GUYS,

    Have left this thread for a while; I come back and can’t even follow the conversation anymore!

    After I got my refund I decided to wait to see how things play out with LTP. Did anyone else receiving their refund get an email from LTP a few days later asking one to come back to the ‘family’ and re-purchase their EA within 48hrs to regain Charter membership. Apparently, “98% of all our charter members have had nothing other than phenomenal
    performance from Leo Trader Pro so far…”
    I’ve paste-binned it here: http://pastebin.com/vh95kPrP

    Funnily enough they were here saying the exact opposite! and it sure felt like it was more than 2% of LTP users experiencing issues.

    Anyway, just wondered whether the release of their patched up EA has resolved all previous replication issues for one and trades being closed out of the blue.

    Can their account still be verified? Either LTP EA has not placed any trades in a few days or that account is no longer in use.

    Much obliged for your comments and answers

  1304. Here it is: On their live account, since the 20th Dec LTP has made $105.20 on the eur/usd – gpb/usd pairs and $16.01 on the usd/jpy – usd/chf pairs. Hardly the stuff dreams are made of. It’s there for all to see. . . .now I’ll hand over to the Defence. . . .

  1305. @ livingdaylight

    I experienced very difficult conversation with LTP team too. Almost 3 weeks passed without results in our conversation. I asked about LTP closed trades, but they just keeping promoting they FinFX broker, VPS services with monthly prices, MM risk levels and talking about that poeople not receiving they LTP signals, because of bad internet connection. I getting all signals on my live and demo without any problems and my internet connection works perfect. They trying to get away from question what i asked, and answering not like support, but some sales marketing team, which they are i think.

  1306. Hi, All – back from the wilderness at last!

    First, version 1.11 is due for imminent release – this is essentially a minor update (more chart details and less confusing messages) but does resolve one specific issue…

    We were a bit swamped last week with people seeing the “no heartbeat – restarting…” message which we finally tracked down.

    Essentially, Cisco (the router people who seem to also sell under different brands and/or provide sub-systems to other router vendors) decided to use port 2000 (the same port used by LTP 1.10) in some of their products to listen out for their own router management software but neglected to make this information particularly public.

    Consequently, quite a number of users were experiencing a unique set of circumstances whereby the transmissions sent by our server were partly or fully “eaten” by router equipment so this may have been responsible for the errantly closed trade that some people saw.

    We have also been assisting some VPS companies who experienced an issue with LTP locking up. This is a platform incompatibility that *only* affected the 2 or 3 VPS providers who use Linux and Java (rather than Windows) but we’ve been working with them to iron out incompatibilities in the way their systems emulate Windows.

    Until version 1.11 is released, if anyone is getting the “heartbeat” message, please press F3, add a new entry – call it “LTPPort” (must be spelled exactly as shown and without the quotes!) and set the value to 1100. Restart MT4 and all should be fine.

    For those worried about prematurely closed positions, setting AllowClosing = False will prevent LTP from closing ANY open position, regardless of reason – in order to close, trades will have to hit either TP or SL. This is not ideal as LTP frequently closes positions a few pips above break-even and before the SL has been pulled up to lock in some pips. If this happens and the market subsequently retraces, positions may not get closed when they should and could experience some drawdown – if you use this feature, we suggest disabling it again once v1.11 is available.

    Trade copiers: Although tempting, do not consider this route – we will shortly begin changing the investor password specifically to prevent people with less-than-honorable intentions from using copiers to access trade signals that honest users have paid good money for.

    Hedging: LTP does not specifically “hedge” though it can open positions in both directions. Mostly, however, additional positions for a given pair will be in the direction of the initial entry.

    NN Levels move when the market is closed: Yes – they do!… our servers run permanently and, just as we haven’t managed to travel back in time (yet!), we also haven’t managed to make time stand still at weekends so you will notice that the NN levels continue to fluctuate because market data is still being assessed in relation to time. The UTC offset (difference between UTC and broker time) will also “grow” until the market re-opens and a new broker time signal can be applied.

    Will we still be here/will the signals stop?: Simple answer is that we’ll be here for as long as people want to keep using the system.

    Will it always be “one-off payment”? – I think that depends on the users involved. Running the servers and maintaining our development and support facilities is not a cost-free element for us and people in this niche certainly have a very peculiar outlook on life…

    On one hand, they see banks offering 2-4% per year and, on the other hand, they see a system which is as transparent as could possibly be and includes absolute proof of results beyond most people’s comprehension. Even so, many seem to have an “I put $250 into a live account on Monday (if they even bothered to do that!) and when Friday came, I still wasn’t a millionaire so I want a refund!” mindset.

    Obviously, if that mentality pervades then we may need to switch to a monthly payment scheme but, for the time being, single payment will remain.

    Hope that helps a few folks to see the wood from the trees 🙂


    LTP Admin

  1307. Thanks Admin. Regarding prematurely closed positions, do you yet have any leads as to cause; is it related to heartbeat issue? I have seen occasional heartbeat issue on my system and also have had 1 premature closure. Thanks for the info.

  1308. Fighting talk…
    “On one hand, they see banks offering 2-4% per year and, on the other hand, they see a system which is as transparent as could possibly be and includes absolute proof of results beyond most people’s comprehension. Even so, many seem to have an “I put $250 into a live account on Monday (if they even bothered to do that!) and when Friday came, I still wasn’t a millionaire so I want a refund!” mindset.

    Obviously, if that mentality pervades then we may need to switch to a monthly payment scheme but, for the time being, single payment will remain.”

    Why should anyone consider running this EA on a ‘live’ account of any size when this LTP has as many ongoing issues as it has and still does after several weeks still?

    Yes, there is apparent proof of the system working, but replicating those results is clearly not the same thing.

  1309. LTP: Do you honestly believe you should have released this product when it is obviously completely under developed and tested?

  1310. @ LTP
    Thanks for the update. Promising product however, too many bugs to work out still? I’ll stick with the demo acct for now. Lot of work to be done before I’m convinced to go live.

  1311. @livingdaylight

    I completley agree with You. LTP EA going trought BETA testing stage and still has a many issues, but they thinking about monthly payment. Looks like they getting greedy. Im very dissapointed about they attitude.

  1312. LTP admin has answered the question I was going to ask about monthly payments. Another forum has many people reporting $77 monthly payments, apparently not true. What are the advantages for charter membership and when does it end, if any one of you knows?. Thanks in advance for your answer.

  1313. Guys, we are losing our perspective, the LTP team have worked devilishly hard to solve our concerns and the solutions have been found and implemented. I now have a stable system and for those that do not, LTP will make sure they will. We have no reason at all to think otherwise.

    LTP has proved to trade consistently, they are trading now in the same manner their statements show, except the lot size, and this should give us reason to trust its future profitability.

    As for returns, we have to balance the expected risk we assume with the expected return we hope to get based on LTP back statements. -This is, account size balancing the lot size in relation to the 330 pips of drawdown which LTP sets.
    I would be more than happy to achive a stable 50% yearly return with low risk, this is with enough margin to cover 10 consecutive direct hits and still be able to continue in the game.

    And lastly, this will be a subscription service sooner or later, don´t you doubt it, now we have paid a one time fee and we have been granted all future pairs for free, and they will honor their word. But eventually LTP will become a recognized brand name and they will switch to a monthly payment system because they are business people, they are not nuns in a convent working for nothing, they have offered us a deal that if taken the right way, taken as a long term deal, is excellent. and I would certainly turn this into a monthly subscription and make people pay for a good product.

    Best wishes to all.

  1314. Have you noticed that the bogus flashing graph in the top right is EXACTLY the same for both licenses? ‘Neural Nets’ analyse the market on the weekend when there is no market to analyse so say LTP Support above. Don’t make me laugh.

  1315. Ron,

    LTP have been absolutely clear that we will never ever have to maka additional payments. Future customers area different matter.

    They will honor their word because of two reasons,

    1-They are honest, just like that.

    2-It is a good business practice to honor your word, it brings in more customers and that means social respect and money.


  1316. Once again, people choose not to read what was written – this is actually the cause of 99% of “issues” experienced by users and referred to our support team 🙁

    1) Please refer to the comment from Felix above regarding monthly payments – he is 100% correct… we are not nuns and our intentions are long term! I doubt very much that any of you who are gainfully employed go to work without the expectation of a paycheck at the end of the month so why should we be any different and how does that qualify us as “getting greedy”?

    2) I have no idea which forum is being referred to but if someone is running around spouting off about $77 monthly charges then they are completely deluded.

    3) Charter membership is now closed. If you have it (because you purchased prior to the deadline) then you retain it for as long as you remain a valid license holder and your license will be expanded to include additional pairs we release in the future.

    LTP Admin

  1317. For the No Heartbeat – Restarting issue, I pressed F3, that opened up Global Variable screen, I added the LTPPort with value of 1100, just like Support stated, and restarted MT4. It did not fix the heartbeat issue, still got it, so I went back to the fix I came up with that works.

    I have a Linksys Cisco router, so I forwarded ports 80 and 2000 – 6000, that takes care of the problem.

  1318. Shouldn’t this LTP EA simply be a plug and play, a set it and forget it? Like Megadroid for example? It’s one nightmare after the other.

  1319. i want to ask leo a question .
    because of the ltp limmitation and server problems
    and many other small things to solve that takes time and money for the team .
    did you think of another cheaper way for most of us :
    for two trades avarage in 24 houres
    is it more easy that the EA will send sms or email
    message ?
    for the expensive way do it monthly pay and people
    will choose what service they want .

  1320. OK LTP Admin, I read your post again and you answered my question as to potential cause for premature closure of trade. I look forward to v1.11.


  1321. The email way would be way too slow (some emails are delayed by 30 minutes), things happen FAST in Forex. It’s be better/quicker to just watch the live account and open up a trade 10 seconds later if you miss it. Mine is working perfect lately, they invested a lot of money/time into fixing server issues, it be wrong to stop perfecting it and change to a more primitive system when they’ve invested this much time/money.

  1322. Hey John,

    To answer your question about set and forget, there really are only two ea’s out there that could possibly be considered worthy of being let loose on their own: and neither of them are LTP or any other bot that has ever been reviewed on this site for that matter.

    1. cloverix ea
    2. forex shocker

    I for one do not trade live accounts with bots, but I do track them as indicators for potential manual trades on my own accounts.

  1323. Doug it’ll be v1.86 before this EA is sorted, believ me, if ever. They should never have released it. It’s even corrupted my VPS.

  1324. Was the latest trade from LTP the GBPUSD from yesterday? That is the last trade I’ve hit on, so just wondering if any more trades I’ve missed.

  1325. Not to mention all the trailing stoploss and SL / TP adjustments it often makes to trades once open, in addition to opening the trade.

  1326. Of course, this is just my humble opinion. I’m sure there are folks out there that think fap turbo or overdrive are the bees knees, not me!

  1327. @Pontiac Dave
    did you read all my words ?
    i said about two ways of using the product .
    for you maybe it easy to pay monthly and for others not.
    the “primitive” users will see the server all day as they
    like . so what is wrong with that ? somr time to enter
    lately profit more then 100 pips in the last two weeks .

  1328. Another reason for wanting preferring the signals, is so you don’t have to sit and babysit it all the time, and put in trades it missed (and adjust trailing stoploss, etc), which luckily on mine it hasn’t missed trades lately. It’s nice to get the best of both worlds, have it work when you are gone, but add some profit for yourself when you are in front of the computer and see a LTP trade in deep drawdown, then enter a manual trade next to the LTP trade.

  1329. Hot damn, just read the LTP Admin update, ummm….for all of you naysayers…..ADMIN WENT IN ON YOUR CHEST!!!!

    CHEAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!! LTP 4 THA WORLD!!!!!!

  1330. @Andy

    thanks and yes, have to agree with you on the attitude side. Unnecessary fighting talk and bravado.

    @Felix, honest? maybe their trading account has been made available but that then has become a smokescreen for other claims to pass under the radar. All the marketing hype and subsequent letter telling me that 98% of clients were not experiencing any problems (so, I’m in the 2% exception group) is baloney.

    It was advertised and sold as ready to go EA and has proven anything but. Fact is people were recruited to be beta testers – fine, but be open and transparent about it – why not? and don’t get defensive because the EA is not meeting the expectation we’re entitled to expect given how it was sold. Yes, they’re working hard to resolve the issues – great, but not just for ‘us’ but for themselves! And this is a mutual relationship where they clearly need a lot of people to provide them with all the bugs and problems so they can then create an EA truly worth advertising and now i hear selling on monthly subscription for even greater profit, lol.


    so, you are not nuns doing altruistic work for the benefit of mankind? Its all about the bottom line again – who would have guessed it?
    Ok, then the relationship and arrangement is clear and simple – its a financial business arrangement. So, please no more emails about “welcome to the LTP ‘family'” please.

  1331. Doug, Thanks for asking. I installed 1.10 on the news that “if you haven’t updated in the last 30 you need this one.”

    Not sure if I did that twice.

  1332. Doug, do you agree with my settings as presented above? The default MaxLotSize of 10.0 gave me an error.

    Also, on the EquityLimit, I wonder why they don’t use a % to risk of you account balance so that we don’t have to keep resetting this field? RiskEquityLimit 33% rather than 667.0 on a $1,000 account.

  1333. In light of what I’ve read here, I simply and honestly feel that I need to say this,

    Gents and kind Ladies, please bear in mind that you and I alike have bought into a product that has been stated/proven to perform/profit very well in comparison to the other myriad of EA’s that exist in the FOREX world. If by chance you have become frustrated that you have not profited simply because of your own technical error while using LTP, please do not bash or hate the product. For 1, it has surely added more funds into my bank account and a host of other users as well, giving us more than a good amount of additional extra income.

    Simply put, if you can ride the wave then ride it. If not, dont stay pouting and speaking rotten to the rest of the bunch that’s gotten happy from LTP.

    I wise elder once said to me, … “Never bite a hand that’s feeding you..”


  1334. @Steve

    I have heard FapUltra has been proven over time. Do you (or anyone) know better/otherwise?


    By the way everyone. Anyone, here heard of ForexAmbush. They were in coordination with HQFreesignals were providing signals on a 100% succcess claim. LTP has a similar ring to it. Their TP was 20pips and 500pip SL which effectively meant no sl. They had a run of nearly two years with a 100%success strike until they didn’t. It took only one trade around this time last year on the eur/jpy that dropped by over 700 pips. When FA went into drawdown it was always seen as an opportunity to re-enter given that it was always successful. You can imagine how much money people lost that day.
    To a perfectionist like myself there is something aesthetically pleasing about seeing a 100% record, of course, but there is something ugly about huge sl and small tp to achieve it. Great while it lasts, but losses when they do happen can be devastating. Should the entry not be correct with a sl designed only to cover if not? then the skill lies in a higher strike rate than losses and gains being higher than losses as way of increasing one’s equity.

    You can catch some of that story here
    http://goo.gl/zLsUh at fpa

  1335. And one more thing…



    If you enjoy anything from the use of the product then say and speak on it, if not, ….


  1336. Grant: settings look fine. So maybe default maxlot size triggered an error because your account equity can’t support 10 lots?

  1337. @Steve,

    thx for those endorsements. Will have a look at those. I’ve also heard FapUltra has proven itself over time. Anyone know either way? What I’ve found so far is that robot and EA review sites all have different top “EA’s” and none I can think of give proper reviews imo.

  1338. Hi Guys
    I don’t know if any one else has been getting the Emails for Copypastepips, if you have don’t get it unless you want to pay out 69 bucks a month for it.

    Theres a catch that goes with it. Sure they are offering it for 69.00 dollars but you have to look closely at the Click bank order form.

    It says 69.00 dollars for the first month and then 69.00 a month for the service.

    It’s up to you. I thought I would just give you a warning .

    Happy Trading

  1339. This LTP replicator reminds me a lot of ForexAmbush. Anyone here used them? They also had a low TP (20 pips) and high sl (500). FA and HQFreesignals provided signals that were advertised as being 100% and for just under 2 years and 200 odd signals they did indeed provide 1 winning trade after another. However around this time last year eur/jpy went in the wrong direction by over 700 pips and the system was only (“only”, lol) designed to withstand a 500 pip or so drawdown. Previously, whenever the signal went into drawdown it was considered an opportunity to go in heavy, being as the signal was always 100% and finally win some pips as in reality it closed out with tp of 4 or 5 pips on average, very seldom the actual whole 20. This usually happened around once a month. Some people managed their money to have some available if and when this should happen other waited and traded only those drawdown signals.

    Well, you can imagine how everyone got margin called at this time last year and lost A LOT of money.

    Hence I do view these low tp with high sl EA’s with some skepticism and trepidation having been bitten personally.

    There is something aesthetically pleasing to any perfectionist at any rate of seeing a perfect success rate I’m sure. But trading doesn’t require 100%. Only that the success rate is higher than the loss rate or even if it is 50/50 that the wins are greater than the losses – ideally a combination, right?

    I mean shouldn’t the entry be correct and a sl be there just in case it is wrong? I don’t know that this is the correct way to trade.
    Anyway, there are a couple links regarding the HQfreesignals debacle. There should be a moral of caution for everybody in this story.

  1340. Ron, have you seen the amount of trades CopyPastePips has made in a year? Not very many is the answer. What’s wrong with these people just preying on the gullible and inexperienced. Have you seen how ill ‘Rob Colmer’ looks as well? Where’s the access to a real live account? It’s just immoral.

  1341. Marty, just checked with Exness and they are not accepting US clients at this time.

    I’d be interested in good, reputable, reliable brokers with free VPS service for US residents if you guys can recommend any.

    I’m aware of FXCM but I keep hearing about their spreads being on the high side.

  1342. ***Marty

    “Trading limits for U.S. citizens

    Starting June 1, 2010, Exness will no longer be able to service U.S. citizens. As of the date this release is published, Exness will not be opening new trading accounts for U.S. citizens.
    Clients from the United States will not be able to make deposits to existing accounts, but they will be able to execute trading operations with no time limits. They will also be able to withdraw funds from their accounts according to the Company’s terms. These new limitations are due to changes in…
    01 Jun 2010 ”

  1343. @livingdaylight and @KinGSolomonsPools
    Hey Guys, I’ve been on this thread since it started (I check it every two or so days) and I must say I agree with @livingdaylight. The LTP product was not marketed correctly from the outset and the LTP website is still misleading to many out there, who may still be buying it without the benefit of being offered a charter even thought the product is still in development.

    On the otherhand I also agree with @KinGSolomonsPools in the sense that LTP appear to be focusing their efforts on improving their product so they can remarket it when they iron out most of the bugs. In addition some users have made a little money from it… good point… so who’s complaining about getting a little money in the process.

    In light of the current marketing of LTP, I personally think it would still be a great guesture from LTP to extend their money back offer to existing users and reintroduce their Charter to all new buyers until the major issues with the product are ironed out.

    @LTP, I think all users should all be rewarded for investing in the development of the LTP product, LTP only stands to gain later by claiming a very large number of very satisfied users, who all may give testamonials of the LTP support & product… just an idea that may be in the interest of all parties.

    Happy trading 🙂

  1344. There is no such thing as a free VPS. They will get you on the larger spread they charge. Try ForexVPS for $35 / mon. Yes you can get it cheaper eg$19/m from India, but it was a nightmare …lost connections, no restart of robots etc.

  1345. Dear Leo Trader Pro Support,

    Thank you for your above post @ Jan 18, 2011 @2:02pm

    “Until version 1.11 is released, if anyone is getting the “heartbeat” message, please press F3, add a new entry – call it “LTPPort” (must be spelled exactly as shown and without the quotes!) and set the value to 1100. Restart MT4 and all should be fine.”

    I have done all the above steps by pressing F3, add “LTPPort” to the Global Variables, set value to 1100, and restarted MT4.

    Unfortunately, problem remains unsolved.

    VPS provider: ForexVPS
    OS: MS WIndows Server 2003 Enterprise x64 Edition

  1346. @ Wes

    I love win/win arrangements based on mutuality, and the understanding the implied dignity and respect accorded to ALL parts of the Whole as being necessary to create a harmonious experience, for everyone, not just some, accords. This is the Integral Way.

    Relationships based on power and hierarchy are becoming more and more part of the past.

    It has irked me that LTP has not been upfront about where they actually are in the development of their service and have underplayed the value they themselves are clearly benefiting from in this relationship. All of which I consider disingenuous.

    But you have put it better than I have and therefore I warmly welcome your words and hope LTP heed your suggestion – indeed.

  1347. @livingdaylight
    I’m glad you share the view… its all about WIN/WIN for all parties. Your added comments hit the spot. I’m confident most of us know they were not upfront (whether intentionally and or otherwise) however they now seem to be doing their part in terms of the product and we’re all optimistic in terms of the product. I believe next (and I’m relieved you agree and I hope others here too also share these views) LTP should work in parallel on the goodwill / support of all founding users who helped improve the major issues with it.

    It’s really a small investment for brand credibility and future marketing opportunity.

    If they were to go with what was suggested and or whatever else reasonable to the founding users, I for one would be prepared to give them a huge credit when their done re their product, support etc… Collectively, they may have a fair few credits to market later and draw in more users under whatever future model they decided to sell it under. What they need now do is consider if the users here are worth that kind of investment or not? Not sure maybe others here have a more enlightening view…

  1348. Whatever, but in it’s current state/shambolic mess, this Leo Trader ”’Pro”’ should never have been brought to the market.

  1349. In my ATC Account, thet EURUSD trade that closed this morning made about $15/lot due to hitting SL that LTP trailed to closing. In contrast, my FinFX account (and LTP account also) made about $150/lot due to hitting TP (SL trailed but not hit). This is the first time that I have seen such a discrepancy between accounts. Dud anyone else have a closure that hit SL?

  1350. Wes,

    As I mentioned in a previous post ‘way back’, that there must be an awful lot of us sitting on the fence, who would invest in this product if the existing users were happy. whatever the reason, most on this FF appear not to be.

    As LTP, have quite rightly stated they are not nuns, come on guys this is a business, we ALL want to make money, we’re all capitalists at one level or another, but cannot LTP see it’s bad business not to ensure all the users are happy, so Wes’s comments are good.

    Meanwhile, I and others sit on the fence! LTP over to you.

  1351. @Doug,

    Morning trade on EURUSD for me opened and closed with TP @1.3502 exact as LTP account, but trade on GPPUSD which running now did open @1.6030 comparing with 1.6034 on LTP account. So quite big difference on this trade with my live account. Never seen before 4 pips offest comparing with LTP demo account. At least +4 pips will be in my favor:)

  1352. Andy: I’m seeing imilar things. I got open 1.60309 on ATC and 1.60353 at FinFX. This is about the biggest difference that I have seen thus far.

  1353. To LTP Admin: I’m not necessarily looking to make $1m per week (though it would help with the bills) but we would all like to know the honest truth regarding the Risk Setting prior to 19th Nov 2010. What was the Risk Setting for the EURUSD and GBPUSD pairs prior to Nov 19th 2010? We know it wasn’t -5, what was it?

  1354. Geoff: do you have a “trade context is busy” message in your Journal tab? Also, note that the SL was modified in the LTP account. I have one account just like yours-SL not modified, trade closed at TP. I have another account where SL was modified like LTP Account but, unlike LTP. it closed at SL. I guess this is due to small differences between broker feeds?

  1355. I posted before and here’s an update.

    I received a refund and got back on the the updated version. The first time I had no issue with the firewall port 2000, next time I did. I have a Cisco E2000 and all I did was open the 2000 port on my computers firewall didn’t touch the routers. I’m probalbly jinxing myself but wanted to share since I getting good info from everybody else posting.

    So far I have 3 trades, 2 at a profit and one running now. It was pretty cool seeing a trade to place at a profit while I was sleeping. Didn’t notice until my margin % was different than I left it.

    As for all you BETA Testers, give it a shoot! I was very taken back by this but it is getting better. There’s alot of stuff with this, I know for computer people it’s probalbly easy but to have this on your computer running 24/6 and not some issues is unreal, there has to be some. The first time I installed it was all jacked up, this time it was smooth.

    You have 60 days and if it is not for you then get your refund. I received mine and all they asked for was why and beleive me I let them have it!

    I took the gamble and it’s good so far with my demo. I’m not the everyday trader so I don’t have the funds to just try it out live. Giving a month or so then I’ll give it a go.

    Craig M

  1356. Doug, FYI, by reducing MaxLotSize from 1.0 to 0.1 LTP has placed two trades and the first one made $2/pip and closed at TP. The second trade is still on and currently down $2/pip.

    This feels like an improvement.

  1357. Hi Doug, I did not get a trade context is busy” message in my Journal tab. You could be right about the differences between broker feeds.

  1358. Grant: Glad you’re getting trades. Be sure you know how much $ loss you would incur if a trade were closed at 330 pip loss.

  1359. KING, I agree with you. I opened a live account on 20 dec with 500usd. Now I got 5.300usd, in 27 days!!! The LTP driven me to got this money, although the bot made a few mistakes (closed the trade in minus 400usd, etc.), BUT I eard 4.700 usd net profit! And LTP did teach me some good trick…

    So, all the guys wh are just complaning, please focus on the solutions, and happy trading!

  1360. Chet: tiz a broker issue. There was a post by me on this blog-can’t recall all details but what I googled suggested broker connectivity issue.

  1361. I hope LTP gonna hit TP on EURUSD and GBPUSD pairs. Thing is that now i got 4 open trades because 2 of them were made by fxOverDrive EA. Exact the same entries as LTP. Also i not belive that there is such thing as Neural network EA what LTP developers claims. For me it looks, that LTP are better tuned EA comparing with FOD. Also i running FOD with manual tuned settings, not defaults, so maybe this is a reason why i got the same or similar trades with with this EA.

  1362. Had a winning trade this morning and two more still running. Small glitch on Friday, I think, when for no reason LTP closed on a small loss after only running for about 5 minutes. But seems to be OK now. I do like LTP team’s attitude, more sincere than other EA vendors I have come across. I have bought Copy Paste Pips as someone was asking above but if you keep refusing to purchase and can get through all the upsells, it can be had on a 7 day trial for 2 X $4.95. (Copy Pips Client & Copy Pips No Loss) It is a little difficult to load as there is a third dll. file that they don’t mention in the PDF

  1363. Welp looks like they fixed the lost internet connection platform crash trade closure problem. Without thinking I switched my internet screen name to another browswer which loses the connection for at least 5 seconds and maybe a minute. Instead of crashing, LTP knew what was going on, it displayed a timer that said “internet connection lost for 20, 21, 22 seconds, etc”. When the connection came back I still had the current GBP/USD EUR/USD trades. That had been my only real concern in the past – about going real money with that trade closure possibility ……and not LTP losing trades because it hasn’t lost a trade in months.

  1364. Of the 9 closed trades, only 2 were manually closed by LTP. Therefore, 7 of 9 reached the Target Profit. I did see 1 trade adjust a few times with trailing stops. Bottom line is 9 for 9 winners. Currently 2 open trades with the typical 300+ SL.

    In 2 weeks, up 24.10% or $1205. Risk setting @ -.50 on a $5000 demo acct…which is too aggressive. Will most likely reduce to -.20 when going live. Cheers!

  1365. Correction: 1 of 9 closed at the SL for a gain. This is the same trade where I saw a few trailing stop adjustments per LTP.

  1366. Thu says

    I have done all the above steps by pressing F3, add “LTPPort” to the Global Variables, set value to 1100, and restarted MT4.

    Unfortunately, problem remains unsolved.

    I have done the same and my problem with the loop still remains.

    Thanks guys for the update on Exness.

    Still trying to find a good solid broker outside the US.I’ll keep looking for now. GL trading

  1367. Doug,
    If no trades are open, pending lot size seems to avg around .80.
    *Currently, both E/U & G/U trades open showing in the negative of est. $600
    *Current closed balance @ $6513.
    *Current free margin @ $4780
    *Current pending lot/order size @ .65

  1368. Grant, Not so special settings:

    Version 1.10=Leo Trader Pro
    Section 1==== Trade Controls ===
    Section 2==== Trade Management ===

    But I ride manually, sometimes… 🙂 Now it is hot, much minus in open poaitions…

    You can check here: http://www.mt4i.com/users/szjexnesslive

  1369. If you want a solid broker outside US try the Australian Axitrader. The Ozzie financial system came through the best during the financial crisis due to their banking and finance regulations.

  1370. I understand LTP upsell extra pairs. Where are the results for these extra pairs? Why the secrecy? Why not run the results live also on the Fin-Fx account?

  1371. Marty, why dont you use your …UK friend address to signup at exness…? And u can use moneybrookers.com for funding and withdrawal instead of card.

  1372. Currently down GU: -66, EU: -61. I’m very worry… opened 8 lots (mini) each. But I remembered when it was down more than this 1-2 weeks ago.. and at the end came out positive. 🙂 Looking at the H1 chart, I myself wouldn’t dare opening a long position, I would have gone short.

  1373. Marty, actually InstaForex is way better than Exness. Exness took my $100 deposit and ran with it! Their support tries to be too slick and not help you one bit, like I’m some neophyte :(.

    FXOpen and InstaForex for the Green Planet. Yeah I said it! For the Green Planet baby!

  1374. JTX: If your Money Management is -5.0, I guess this means you are risking 50% of your entire live account per trade. Great to hear that you have made so much money already in your account, I do just wonder that if you do hit SL in any trade you will wipeout pretty much everything you have made, possibly and more??

    Am I correct, would be interested in your thoughts!


  1375. Aspro, You are spot on.Axitrader is fantastic.I deal only with them and they are awesome.

    And to answer your question about the other LTP pairs is that they do have a live account for usd/jpy and usd/chf.You have to log on with a different account no. and password on finfx to see those activities.

  1376. anyone had a trade on GBPUSD was a sell for about 30 minutes made up about $ 160 but was too busy too get out of it was a short trade again the ltp didn’t pick up the sell started at 7.30 am England time finished 30minutes later 173094169 2011.01.20 07:30 sell 0.25 gbp usd 1.59563 1.59563 1.59013 2011.01.20 08:13 1.59210 0.00 0.00 0.00 88.25

  1377. Peter, yes, if a would hit s/l, then my account could be zero…
    First, it is very far (although possible) to hit the 330 pips s/l. If might be going closer, I would fund some more cash… Of course it needs to check sometimes my account, so it is not “set & forget it” methode…

    Also, I could run out from margin, what I also should check, time to time.

    But this is the period of growing up my account, so thats why I make this aggressive trading. My plan is, I will do more carefull setup, when I rich 10.000 usd.

  1378. King, what is the meaning of “Exness took my $100 deposit and ran with it! “?
    When I opened our 3 live accounts with 500usd each, we got 50usd bonuses, each. and the live support was very helpful to me, also.

  1379. GILBERT, there is no such GBPUSD of tday morning. not even on the LTP public account! from where is your info about it?

  1380. JTX, thanks for your settings.

    According to your account activity, there have been 29 closed trades:
    20 EURUSD/GBPUSD profit $3,028.18 average $151.41
    9 USDJPY/USDCHF profit $2,322.37 average $258.09

    Open trades 12:
    2 EURUSD/GBPUSD loss -$385.48 ave. loss -$192.79 1 day old
    10 USDJPY/USDCHF loss -$2,097.32 ave. loss -$209.73 10 days old

    If you closed out today:
    EURUSD/GBPUSD net profit $2,642.70
    USDJPY/USDCHF net profit $ 225.05

    I wonder if a guy could lower their risk by just trading the EURUSD/GBPUSD and lowering the RiskLevel to say -3.00 until there was a little more money in the account?

  1381. 4055728 2011.01.20 12:03 sell 1.00 gbpusd 1.59962 0.00000 0.00000 2011.01.20 16:25 1.59349 -7.00 0.00 0.00 613.00
    WHY WE MISS ON THAT ONE ALSO??????????????????????

  1382. I have been running the old version ( 1.00 ) of LTP since 1/10/11 with no apparent problems, ( and the time that every trade was executed, other then the fact I am 2 hours behind them, was spot on with LTP public account ) have caught every EUR/USD, GPB/USD trade except yesterdays GPB/USD trade, it never hit, and my journal does not even show an attempt to open a trade. What do you suppose happened?

    Now here is a weird thing… I have a GPB trade that opened and closed at 7:34. price at the time was 1.6036. Did any one else have that happen to them?

    Also, what what does old tick mean in my Journal. I have received 4 of those messages so far, three of them this morning, and one yesterday.

  1383. JTX i got my trading there has an indication at forex morning trade the soon the trading open he give me an indication that the prove 173094169 2011.01.20 07:30 sell 0.25 gbpusd 1.59563 1.59563 1.59013 2011.01.20 08:13 1.59210 0.00 0.00 0.00 88.25 $ 88.25
    on the 18 i got 3986292 2011.01.18 08:39 buy 1.00 gbpusd 1.59477 0.00000 0.00000 2011.01.18 12:14 1.60289 -7.00 0.00 0.00 812.00 $ 812 rigth
    i did joint FOREX morning trade so when london open hes a trade most of the time not all profit but most of them they chut down very fast but make running longer in another platform did get over $ 1000

  1384. I am woderring “if LTP is listenning”, if it were better to have MaxOpen = to the maximum open positions at any one time
    rather than, “AllowOpening”:
    I for one, would like to limit the number of open positions at any one time as a protection mechanism against catastrofic events. Having 5 or so positions opened ( with a 300 s/l) at any one time by LTP or more when there is a catastrofic event won’t help. But by my monitoring my open positions and knowing my risk, I can limit that possibility by preventing the addition of further trades.

  1385. Grant, thanks. That is might be because I am an enterpreneur, about 25 years ago… I always had to go-for-it… no one gives me, nothing 🙂

  1386. GILBERT, I am not able to find sich trades on the public account of LTP.
    Yesterday was one nice open and close, in less then 20 minutes:
    2011/01/19 07:16:44 Buy 0.33 EURUSDm 1.34826 1.31518 1.35022 2011/01/19 07:34:02 1.35022 0.00 0.00 64.68 19.6 PIPS
    And yesterday LTP opened one trade:
    2011/01/19 16:49:24 Buy 0.27 EURUSDm 1.35015 1.3171 1.35252

  1387. LTP is celebrating 34 days in a row without gaining a dollar from the usd-jpy pair the last positive trade was 16 dec 10.

    Also full celebration with 1 month from 20 dec 10 with 2 open trades in the same pair and are still losing… how are they going to make a 100 % a month with that kind of trades ?

    I good like a god answer

  1388. A good english answer for you george is that it’s a load of cobblers. We have paid to be guinea pigs for a bogus replicator.

  1389. Looks like both open E/U & G/U trades barely touched the TP during the London session, but not enough to exit. Still in.

    IMHO, not a fan of trading the U/J. Both currencies tend to move in the same direction the majority of the time as they’re considered the world’s safe haven currencies. Therefore, it’s slow moving the majority of the time. Not to say there can’t be discrepancies but just saying.

  1390. Hi. A question to LTP Admin.
    1. When ive tried to start LTP on VPS (Linux+Wine), my metatrader freezing again and again.
    Without Leo plugged in, MT working perfectly…
    So what is the cause of this and is there working solution for such issue?

    2. I guess it may be right way to move charity membership period deadline at least to 11th January 2011 when working version was released. Have you forgotten about those who bought it in a period from 4 to 11 January? They too got that buggy version, but remained with you and didnt got their money back….isnt it a some kind of charity?

  1391. JTX yes hes not my apology what i say they miss that trade i have another robot or give me signal on the open up in LONDON ONLY GBPUS so when the trade open i enter manually also in LEO that all sorry about the confusion

  1392. E/U just closed at about +22 pips. Phew…what a relief!
    Sometimes I feel this initially losing trade is based on “hoping it will come back”. But has anyone tried making own EA that triggers on monitoring 200pips fall and with 330 SL, hoping it will come back? Does that work?

    I’m thinking of playing long term ~ 2 months.. with small lot. I noticed that on Weekly chart, it moves 1300-2000pips in 2 mos. Daily chart to fine tune and find reversal. Then wait 1-2 mo for new trend. Contract Expiration: 3 mos.

    I noticed this trend on weekly chart. Wait for about 1 month to find a trend, then enter and wait for 2 months before closing.

  1393. Hi Folks…can someone please tell me when the last sensible trades can be made on Fridays (or when the exchange closes and when it starts up again after the weekend…all in GMT if possible…

    Thanks for your help..


  1394. Just wanted to thank the LTP team for introducing us to this incredible software! I’ve gotten hundreds of pips and thousands of dollars using LTP as an indicator, as well as its own profitable trades! I also enjoy reading posts from those who are successful manually trading the DD’s and helping others with their set-ups and/or “bugs”(king,jtx,doug). Wishing you guys much success!!

    What I DON’T LIKE is having to read posts from ungrateful impatient and bitter rookie traders (john,ldl) who instead of finding solutions to their problems would rather waste that time posting derogatory statements on this site. You’re the kind of people who could be given a million dollars to trade and would lose it all in a matter of months, not because of a system, but your “half empty” ATTITUDE!

    If having this much success means being a so called “guinea pig” I’m all in!

    Thanks again guys and take care!

  1395. Hi folks,

    My EUR/USD closed at tp today of +24 pips. One more trade running as of now. Hope it reaches tp fast. I am a happy camper !!!


  1396. george, i have a 500usd live account with LTP since 20 dec.
    i made 5.200 net profit on it by manual. this is one side. LTP made 640 usd profit and 580 usd loss. BUT that loss happened because of malfunction (opened w/o sl and tp, and closed in drawdown w/o hit the sl while a manual trade was open for the same pair). it seams they repair those malfunction. if so, the LTP is done the 100% profit per month (500 vs 640 usd). at least with the malfunction it done 12% for a month… (500 vs 60)
    i hope it will work w/o malfunction in the next months, than it will be the best.

  1397. KING, i just checked InstaForex. Sounds very good, especially the withdrawal tools (cards). But listen for the SPREADS. it is THREE times more, than @ Exness… check it.

  1398. In answer to Gecko, just thought everyone should know that this morning Forex Peace Army have given up on LTP! So much for the ‘ungrateful impatient and bitter rookie traders’ , I’m sure the guys at FPA will start their mentoring courses immediately.

    Just to support their statement, they have given up not on trading performance, but because they could not get it working on their platform.

  1399. Hi…Just incase you missed my Questions that I need some answers for please..below in Quotes…
    But before that.apart from the emotional stress, is there any difference between operating a live account and operating a demo account..Of course we would have to set it up…but what i am meaning is the day to day running…does the demo give better results, for example??

    the earlier question was re opening and closing times of Forex on the weekend…is it written anywhere?? times etc

    “”””Hi Folks…can someone please tell me when the last sensible trades can be made on Fridays (or when the exchange closes and when it starts up again after the weekend…all in GMT if possible…

    Thanks for your help..”””

  1400. Since I reinstalled LTP 9 days ago, I have $103.61 profit on 3 trades with one running still on my demo acount with FinFX(I increased the lot size for fun, what the heck it’s only play money). Guaranteed I won’t do that if I go live!
    I’ve had no issues since my install, couple times it lost connection to my broker during a trade but it came right back.
    I will agree seeing the stop loss in the next timezone is scary but it has been good so far.

    Just giving my 2 cents.

  1401. GILBERT, I did not trade before LTP. I just began to trade manual, since installed the LTP (although I did lear some trading on a one week training, four years ago…).
    And all of those manual trades was inspired by LTP. so, thats why. 🙂

  1402. Fossil,

    “But before that.apart from the emotional stress, is there any difference between operating a live account and operating a demo account..Of course we would have to set it up…but what i am meaning is the day to day running…does the demo give better results, for example??”

    Real money trading is a different ballgame, brokers show you their best behaviour on demo and your trades go through seamlessly on demo, also, no spikes, some brokers send spikes just to trigger your stoploss, at that time they get you out at a loss, they get in and they close what was your trade, only at a profit into their pockets.

    When trading with real money you should consider that your number one goal is to stay in the game, not to get rich overnight. In case you are scalping, like LTP does, you have to be extremely careful with the risk you assume. Consider that for a micro account each pip is 10 cents, so a 330 pip loss, this is the level of the actual stoploss, means that you can lose $33.00 in a single micro lot trade whereas your profit expectancy is of $2.00, more or less. If you trade 0.10 lots then you can lose $330 in a single trade gone sour, so if your have $300 in your account and this happens, it can, you are wiped out of the game.

    The only way to go with scalper is to have more than enough margin to cover such contingencies, to remain in the game and to allow your profitable trades overrun those hits. In essence scalpers are extreme players with lots of action.

    Now, what we have to see is if LTP has an edge that will allow it to more than compensate those big losses that inevitably will, at some point, occurr. You can accummulate many small wins, but if you have a couple of lingering trades in the red, then it is a source of concern. If the winners keep comming in then your buffer gets bigger, perhaps to the point where you just forget about those lingering trades.

    Let´s see what happens with those USD_JPY trades.

    You have to decide what kind of bot is suitable for your personality.

    Best wishes

  1403. @Gecko, for sure my fellow trader, I applaud you, and yes I’ll buy your insurance. 🙂

    @JTX, InstaForex I use as my 2nd broker, however my main one is FXOpen, and they seem to let me break away the higher profits very easily with a standard acoount/low deposit….which is why i like them so much 😉

    @Norm, where you at buddy, we kinda miss you on here ? ? ?




  1405. Ummm Gyorgy, a little lite on the ALL CAPS please..

    Some of us can’t see with all of that in Uppercase writing.

    Thanks Bud.

  1406. Gyorgy, вы русски? Английской языком как второй язык будет сука, да? 😉

  1407. For the record: 48 hours before my open balance was minus 3.000 usd. Now it is minus 1.300, BUT my real balance is higher by 930 usd…! I love Leo!

  1408. JTX, when you shared your settings with us, you had “AllowClosing=0” so my question to you is does LTP close it’s own trades or do you have to close each trade manually?

  1409. Grant: with AllowClose = False, closures are done with SL or TP that is established at time of trade open; LTP will never do an instant close. So if LTP “decides” to close just shy of TP, you run the risk of not having your trade close (until TP or SL is reached).

  1410. Thats right. T/P is closed LTP’s trade. By the other hand, it should be fine to set AllowClose=True if and when LTP has no malfunction, because closing a trade 1-2 pip sooner then T/P is better than waiting one more day to hit that T/P… IMHO

  1411. JTX & Doug

    Thanks but when I put in JTX’s settings I get a fault message. It doesn’t seem to like RiskLevel=-5.000. When I lower it to -0.5 it’s Okay but the pending lot size is 0.01.

  1412. Anyone or is everyone noticing the current GBP/USD trade is steady right at 1.6009 below its TP mark of 1.6059 ??? Market shuts down the shop at 4:ish…so I’m kinda wondering should we go ahead and close the trade out. Dont want to look up on Sunday at 5:30-6:00PM and see the bottom fall out LOL. 🙂

  1413. Grant: I don’t know for sure. What is your account balance and free equity? What is the fault message specifically? It could be margin requirements set by your broker? Try settings of -1,-2, etc, to -5 and see where problem occurs. On my system at setting of -5 risks about 50% of my equity, so honestly, I’d never run at that setting.

  1414. King: I have three acconts, all with 1:200 leverage and -5 RiskLevel. Where free margin is 1.200 usd than pending LOT is 0.12, FM 1.500 p LOT 0.15, FM 3.500 p LOT 0.35.
    I did not edit the file, but set in the properities (F7).

  1415. I have discovered from my VPS supplier that LTP has a “memory leak issue” (Whatever that is?) and if you are running a VPS with just enough RAM, as I am to save some money, to allow 4 EAs to run, you will find that your RAM will gradually deplete and cause the EAs to loose their signal. The solution is to re-start your MT4 once a day or between trades. If you close down your MT4 platform when trading, on re-loading, LTP will usually not be in control of your trades but your SL and TP will still be in place. Just thought I would make this aware to all who maybe interested.

  1416. Hi Guys,

    I am wondering if the GBP/USD trade couldn´t reach higher levels. So I think about setting the TP higher too. What do you think?


  1417. Hey Bob and everyone: In view of the imminent release of v1.11 and Bob’s post, I asked LeoTraderPro Admin 2 questions. See below for the entire reply. It’s quite lengthy, but maybe it’ll be helpful.

    Question #1) so now (with v1.11) ports 1100 and 2000 are used by LTP? Any others?

    ANSWER FROM LTP: Only port 1100 now

    Question #2) I’ve heard rumors of a memory issue with LTP (memory leak, not releasing memory). Does v1.11 address that?

    ANSWER FROM LTP: No – V1.11 doesn’t address that as there is no memory leak to address so please don’t listen to rumors. . . . We actually had that suggestion passed to us last week via our support desk – it was a comment made by the support staff of a user’s VPS company who obviously don’t understand how MT4 works.

    Our DLL was actually checked with two different memory monitoring and debugging utilities and it’s totally leak-free. What people are seeing is memory usage increasing as data ticks are stored in the memory-based history that MT4 maintains for each EA.

    As we use a “tick pump” in the newer DLLs, that will register “ticks” all day long and MT4 keeps track of them. It’s actually the same when running any EA though the increase will be more obvious with LTP as MT4 is going to
    be storing all of the real ticks plus the extra 1 per second that we push in to keep the replicator running smoothly.

    Generally, MT4 will take about 10,000kb of memory just to load itself up and that’s assuming there are no EAs running. Attaching LTP to a chart means the tick pump will result in memory use increasing at about 4kb every 70 seconds or so. There will also be larger increases for the first few server disconnections and reconnections but this tops out fairly quickly and is just normal memory management. These figures obviously don’t account for the
    increases caused by real data ticks from the broker but, either way, there’s nothing abnormal happening.

    Just for comparison, I checked one of our servers which has a number of MT4 instances running different utility EAs that we use. These are not instances of the LTP replicator but “helper” and “statistical” EAs which do not use the tick pump. Most of these MT4 instances have been running for weeks and the memory usage reported for each varies from 28,444kb through to 174,356kb but if the EAs are removed from the charts then re-attached, memory use
    drops back to around the 10,000kb mark. The same thing happens with LTP if you remove then re-attach it though memory use won’t drop back to the “just loaded” position as MT4 retains copies of DLLs in memory until you close MT4
    down, even if the EA that used the DLL has been removed from the chart – that’s standard practice which is covered in the MT4 documentation.

  1418. One quick thing regarding the memory usage issue, an easy way to reduce MT4’s memory consumption is navigate to Tools—>Options, select the Charts tab, and decrease the number values of “Max bars in history” and “Max bars in chart”.

    These values shouldn’t be super-low, but they shouldn’t be gigantic either. The only useful reason I can think of for there to be enormous values there is for backtesting purposes, and let’s be real, who here can honestly say that they backtest extensively? Especially when we’re all so involved in an EA where backtests are irrelevant..

  1419. Message to LTP Admin: Kindly make sure you email everyone once 1.11 is ready for download. frankly you should have emailed everyone telling them that 1.11 was being prepared and to look out for the download email. If it wasn’t for this site many people would simply be clueless that 1.11 was becoming available.

  1420. King: I lloked at FXOpen. My demo account with them did great but I was concerned about their location and I heard about issues in getting withdrawals. I also heard that they are not regulated and they had some kind of law suit (I think by the regulatory agency in their area) I have decided to open an account with ATC. Do have any concerns about FXOpen?

  1421. Doug. Thanks for that. For whatever reason, memory is being used up and my VPS gets critical at the end of the day. I suppose I could not be so mean and buy more memory but it is no skin of my nose to restart Meta Trader and I will try T’s suggestion to reduce max bars. Thanks. Looking forward to new version but have not had much trouble with last. Anyone know how it will improve?

  1422. This thing is driving me crazy.

    I have reinstalled the program (still getting 1.10), used JTX’s settings set it up for RiskLevel-3, MaxLotSize 1.0 and get the following message:

    Switch to the ‘Imputs’ tab and resolve the following:
    -RiskLevel range is 0.01 to 2.00 for fixed lots
    and -0.01 to -100.00 (%) for risk-based lots

    A setting of 0.00 will use the minimum lot size permitted (0.01)

    When I return to the chart after OK it says “System paused”

  1423. Grant, I tried few times now to change my setting to -3.0 and the MaxLotsize to 1.0. Sorry, it is working for me, nothing “System paused”.
    I guess, it is not because og these settings. It could be a communication problem with the LTP server. Check your receipt code, for example…

  1424. Hello,

    Today, 24 Jan. 2011, LTP closed a 2011.01.19 GBP_USD BUY position in my account, but it still has that position open in the master account. I sent a file that shows a screen capture of my account and LTP´s master account to LTP support, let´s see how it goes.

    Well, I was so happy sailing along.


  1425. @Felix, was your free margin in the -negative and also did your Equity amount reach pass 0 when the close occurred. Check your broker’s trade history per that trade being closed. It may very well be that your brokers margin call limit had been reached Felix.

  1426. DON’T USE LTP ON A LIVE ACCOUNT, I DID..its a risk I took BUT it confirms beyond a shadow of a doubt NOT TO TRUST IT ON ANY LIVE ACCOUNT; this version does what the previous version did…IT DROPS TRADES WHEN THERE IS AN INTERUPTION! It dropped at least six open trades (GBP/USD) installed in three different VPS at a lost of 337.65$ real money!


  1427. @King,

    None of that, I am testing LTP on a demo account with 49,000 euros of free margin and 0.01 risk level. The EUR_USD trade from 2011.01.19 closed in both my account and LTP´s master account, but the GBP_USD remains open in the master account and was closed in mine.

    I will post the answer her when I get it.

    Now I am going to catch some sleep…. GMT+1

  1428. I am using LTP on 2 live accounts run on 2 separate computers. I have AllowClose = False. I will continue with this parameter setting until I am certain that premature closings will not happen. For those of you that have seen premature closure, please communicate the following:
    1) was AllowClose = False?
    2) was closure associated with loss of server/internet connection?
    3) what version of LTP were you using?

  1429. I too had the GBP/USD trade closed prematurely.

    My settings:
    1. AllowClosing : true
    2. No – not associated with internet connection, running it on VPS.
    3. LTP version: 1.10

    I’ve sent experts tab screen shot to LTP support, waiting to hear what have to say about it!!

  1430. Ladies and Gents the new version of Leo Trader Pro is up!

    Leo Trader Pro v1.11
    (released 23rd January 2011 – 23:00 GMT)

    @LTP Admin, hope you and the LTP devs don’t mind my doing this… 😉

  1431. Hi, All

    Please get across to the download page and get v1.11 installed at the earliest opportunity – especially if you are running on a VPS from Gallant or ForexHoster and still using v1.00 or 1.01.

    Apart from the visible improvements over earlier versions (more chart detail and less confusing log and pop-up messages), we switched v1.11 to use port 1100 to assist users with port 2000 issues.

    We also added additional functionality which specifically monitors for lost trade details during unexpected disconnections and, after spending most of Thursday and Friday forcibly dropping connections under various sets of circumstances and bouncing LTP between the main and fail-over servers about 100 times in each direction, we were unable to get a single trade to close out unintentionally.


    LTP Admin

  1432. Forgot to mention – if anyone is with FXCM and unable to use LTP from their FXCM/Boston Technology VPS (because BT refuse to open the ports used by LTP), please contact FXCM directly and ask for Andrew Bruce.

    He will arrange for you to transfer your VPS to another provider that FXCM use and who have confirmed that LTP ports are open. There is no cost associated with the changeover.


    LTP Admin

  1433. LTP Admin: Thanks for the details on your testing regarding disconnects. My upgrade to 2 systems went flawlessly.

  1434. @LTP Admin, it appears that in this new/current version it doesn’t like my Risk setting of 0.012

    I get the system message that the default Risk setting is:

    0.10 – 1000.00 for Fixed Lots
    -0.01 – -100.00(%) for Risked Based Lots

    How should I set my Risk setting accordingly within the new version so that it is still equal to my previous settings of:


    Many Thanks LTP Admin,


  1435. JTX, the people who have purchased LTP should already know where to download it. If they don’t, they can contact the support team.

    There’s a reason why the download URL was revealed to you AFTER purchasing. Don’t publish the download location of intellectual property for all the world to see. All that does is make it easier for the hacker community to get a hold of. Do you honestly think that the receipt codes of legitimate users can’t be duplicated? Think again..

    Bravo, it looks like you can’t just delete your own posts either..

    LTP Support: I’d change that link if I were you, but I’d appreciate if you would since I can’t..

  1436. Just installed 1.11, had to uninstall 1.0 first and I messed up with installing the manuel way. Tried the auto version and it going. Hopefully it doesn’t kick out again.

  1437. T, each user/purchaser of LTP is being tracked by IP. There is no way to re-duplicate the receipt codes as well with the IP tracking in place.

    I think the LTP Support know exactly how to keep tabs on their product.

  1438. That’s not entirely accurate, K. The LTP servers make sure that no more than 2 connections are running from one IP address per license, but they have absolutely no way of knowing who a particular IP address belongs to.

    If the slot for any license is vacant, then the servers don’t discriminate; any IP address in the world can fill that slot. It doesn’t matter if it’s me or some jackoff from Nigeria.

  1439. I too had GBPUSD close out prematurely today, it closed at a loss despite the same trade being open on the LTP master account .. what on earth is going on!!??

    I will set allow close to ‘false’ until I hear otherwise .. and upgrade to the latest version … we all seem to be guinea pigs!


  1440. By the way, haven’t received any email yet that the update is available. Would only know from this site. Come on LTP!

    Was smooth sailing for almost 2 weeks until now!


  1441. Pete: look at your expert log–notice to upgrade is there. If your LogAlerts parameter remains at default value of True, then you got a popup notifying you of upgrade availability.

  1442. Now, how the hell we would know if the 1.11 version fixed this malfunction of closing, if everybody set to False the AllowClosing…?

  1443. Thanks Doug, good advice!

    JTX: I’m nervous about leaving Allow Close to the default ‘true’, in case my live account loses more money with a premature close as happened today! I’m not running demo anymore, so I guess we will have to wait and see and hear back from this forum!


  1444. The GBPUSD Buy trade I had open closed earlier today as well. Good thing I opened a manual Buy just before it spiked a little on Friday; I actually closed a net profit between the two of them.

    I’d be sincerely interested to know why it closed prematurely though. I could’ve potentially closed those two trades with 2-3x the profit. :/

  1445. I install the 1.11 version. Since the beginning there is no trade.
    Someaone can help or explain me how to fix it.
    excuse me for my english but I’m french.

  1446. Hi all,
    It looks like the new version is on LPR site.
    Leo Trader Pro v1.11
    (released 23rd January 2011 – 23:00 GMT).

  1447. King: Unless you are trading a nano account then you can’t possibly stipulate a fixed lot size of 0.012.

    Do you mean 0.12 (which would require a micro lot account) or are you actually trying to use risk-based lot sizes and want 0.012% risk?… if it’s risk-based then you need to enter -0.012 (a negative value)

    Lucky: There have been no new trades yet this week so what exactly do you want to “fix”?

    Please read the manual thoroughly to understand how LTP works and refer to our live account to check for new trades.


    LTP Admin

  1448. @Doug

    ) was AllowClose = False?


    2) was closure associated with loss of server/internet connection?

    I don´t think so. I was looking on and off, grabbing a bite and drinking a coke, MT4 was always connected.

    3) what version of LTP were you using?

    At that moment I was using V 1.10

    Thanks Doug.

  1449. My GBPUSD closed prematurely at 01:11 24/01/2011 … anyone else close out at a loss [1.59931] early at a similar time?


  1450. Hi Peter,
    Mine closed prematurely 00:11 at 1.59923
    I have now loaded the latest version 1.11 which was released at (23rd January 2011 – 23:00 GMT).
    I hope this sorts the problem out.

  1451. Sounds like your 00:11 and my 01:11 are exactly the same time, give or take time adjustments .. anyone else close out for a loss GBPUSD automatically at around this time?

    Let’s hope this bug is sorted in the new update .. I am cautiously positive .. have set allow close to false for the time being!

  1452. I also had a loss on the GBPUSD because of a premature close. But I was thinking, since the market changes constantly, maybe it is sometimes necessary to close out a trade sometimes with a loss. I only lost a small amount, and the gains from previous trades were so much bigger.

    I’m guessing here, but maybe this is part of “the system”??

    Trading without sometimes a loss is almost undoable I think. And it is the art to keep the losses as small as possible.

  1453. has the gbp/usd i was watching on another forex signal the soon i did see will lost it i did stop i make a little grrrrrrrrrrrrrbut on the eur/usd did enter manualy did get
    4117176 2011.01.24 08:38 sell 1.00 eurusd 1.36088 0.00000 0.00000 2011.01.24 09:14 1.35888 -7.00 0.00 0.00 200.00

  1454. lucky oui your english hes good je ne comprend pas ta question tu as la nouvelle version est tu as le euro/usd est GBPUSD oky cela combien de temps car apres le 19 pas de trade hmmmm on a tous ce problems ne panic pas sa va venir\
    a bientot bonne chance

  1455. Hi Guys,

    I also experienced the GBP close out around the same time. Looks like this might not have been a random event. But I checked LTP’s live account and their trade is still running fine! I have also installed 1.11, hope they are getting closer to fixing this problem, as I’m all but ready to go live on this system.



  1456. I jus experiencing alert messages from MT4:
    “Attempting to modify an order – ticket #15299133 (Price: 0.97575, SL: 0.94277, TP: 0.97876)”
    It is the current open USDCHF trade, but seem nothing modifying…
    Anybody has the same? Anybody knows what is it for?

  1457. JTX: not seeing USDCHF order modification alert here on either of my 2 systems and they are both set to AllowClose=False

  1458. @Paul,

    I got closed trades from LTP on GBPUSD @ 1.5992 01:11 time. Didnt see any log message or journal maeesage why i got unexpected trade closing. Last week i even tried to manyally to interrupt internet connection while LTP trades were in drawdown, Then i got messages when connection was innterrupted, but after connection was estabished trades still stayed open. This is definetly LTP fault, because many of us got closed trades exact at the same time and at the same price. They wont get away from this, by lying again that it might be broker or internet connection fault. This is They fault. Did they fix this error in v1.11 or not.

  1459. For the USDCHF modification, I found those messages in the logfile:
    13:42:00 LeoTraderPro EURUSDm,H1: Alert: Attempting to modify an order – ticket #15299133 (Price: 0.97575, SL: 0.94277, TP: 0.97876)
    13:42:00 LeoTraderPro EURUSDm,H1: Server reported that the order modification did not actually change any parameters
    13:42:00 LeoTraderPro EURUSDm,H1: Redundant modification of ticket #15299133 (, Price: 0.97575, SL: 0.94277, TP: 0.97876)

  1460. @LTP Admin, what if someone is too nervous about being near to the chatastrophical minus 330 pip, therefore modify the S/L deeper (at buy) manually? Is it make any malfunction in LTP bot?

  1461. JTX
    If your account allows hedging, LTP will start hedging (hopefully lol). For all USA affliated brokers that don’t allow hedging (dumb), you can allow the trade to close, then watch to see where LEO takes the hedge off (He knows). Then just place the trade back on. Thats assuming the hedging goes well. No reason to get excited as long as you didn’t use up too much margin…if you did, you may want to add a more funds to your account. Great buying oppertunity.

  1462. Thanks Norm. I use to double check my free margin, till the 330… 🙂
    My broker is allowing hedge, its not a problem. But its my shame, still dont understand, how could hedge the Leo, when the trade is already deep-down…?

  1463. Leo WILL hedge the Master Account…be interesting to see if the robot will hedge all accounts, I would think so..its a good idea to place an offseting trade in the opposite direction from the original one once the stop is hit, that way your trade is still alive and you won’t incur any further losses, then just wait until Leo takes the hedge back off (thats the hard part, the robot knows when). Accounts that don’t allow hedging will need to be traded manually..just a pain having to do it yourself..its extremely rare.

  1464. Yes I did notice that too Norm. Which is the main reason why when LTP puts in trades like the current GBP/USD one, I place a sell directly below the buy position and just let it ride on down with the drawdown. Sured safe win both ways, of course, my SL for that sell is as close 2 point above the initial buy trade that LTP puts in. 😉

  1465. Hi King, Thats ok IF you don’t get whipsawed..wish it was that easy. We can have some fun with something like that during news trading.

  1466. thats two diferent story: make an opposite trade right at the beginning, ala King, and/or make an opposite trade just before hit the SL…

  1467. GBP/USD steady holding on the 1.5995 mark, hmmmmmm…wondering what could be choking it from going upward to TP mark.

  1468. Hey King. Thanks for the post-I hope you’re right.

    I’m really interested to see how the open USDCHF trade fares in the meantime.

  1469. What open USDCHF? I do not have that trade running on LTP, and I purchased the USDCHF/USDJPY license.

    I do have the GBPUSD still running.

  1470. Happy pips: ATC can do hedging while following US Regulations. It is an over simplification to state hedging can’t be done by US brokers, but I don’t know any other US broker that does it.

  1471. LTP Admin: What version of LTP are you selling on the LTP.com website? Would apprciate knowing so I can go ahead. Cheers

  1472. LTP is on the test folks…..The hell broke looooseeee for all the pairs……dont know whats gonna happen….

  1473. Hi everyone,

    I have two accounts but both with this issues every day:

    2011.01.24 22:07:05 LeoTraderPro EURUSDt,H1: System paused… Connection status: Offline
    2011.01.24 22:07:00 LeoTraderPro EURUSDt,H1: Connecting to server – attempt: 1
    2011.01.24 22:06:57 LeoTraderPro EURUSDt,H1: Disconnected
    2011.01.24 22:06:57 LeoTraderPro EURUSDt,H1: System interrupted… Connection to broker has been lost!

    But my connection is ON line!!!!

    LTP stays paused!

  1474. @ Mohammed

    When people get huge SL hits on GBPUSD, USDCHF and USDJPY they gonna ask for refund. About USDCHF, USDJPY for me it looks more than clear at the moment, we dont see any result improvements since LTP release on those pairs.

  1475. 2011.01.25 04:57:25 Old tick GBPUSD1440 1.57777/1.57787
    2011.01.25 04:57:25 Old tick EURUSD1440 1.35821/1.35827
    2011.01.25 04:49:04 Old tick GBPUSD1440 1.57899/1.57911
    2011.01.25 02:59:58 Old tick EURUSD1440 1.36663/1.36671

    These are in journal, I only have the first pairs. Everything seems fine with 1.11 so far just wondering if mine missed these trades?

    To be honest I didn’t want to update but when it closed it self for -$90 or lost connection some how I had to.

  1476. Andy…I know ….I actually dont understand the behaviour of usd/jpy and usd/chf pairs…the usd/jpy trade took place about a month ago …and still going…I hope they wont turn up with a huge loss after such a long period… Time will tell i suppose…gbp/usd and euro/usd is much more stable and reliable till now than the other two pairs…lets see what happens…gbp/usd trade opened in the right direction though ..it just need to turn around ..

  1477. anyone trade on eurogbp wowwww uge uge ?????????????
    4145284 2011.01.25 11:40 buy 6.00 eurgbp 0.86096 0.00000 0.00000 2011.01.25 12:54 0.86242 -42.00 0.00 0.00 1 380.61
    then still going wowwwwww i got it fron another robot

  1478. We’ve just been advised that Boston Technologies have relented and decided to open port 1100 which is used by LTP 1.11

    If you are an FXCM VPS user there is now no need to contact FXCM to arrange a switch to their other VPS provider.


    LTP Admin

  1479. @ Craig M
    What was Your lot size on GBPUSD closed trade. I asking, because before on the other LTP trades i experienced closing on two trades with -90 pips. Total i got 3 unexpected closures since LTP release with -90, -90, and -43 pips. My account with LTP right now would be in negative balance, but thanks to manual trading balance are positive. It happened in FinFX demo. I asked to LTP support are this trades closing issue is fixed oa not in v1.11. Waiting for answer.

  1480. This is the beginning of the end I think. So far LTP’s trading skills are highly questionable. Yes they show no losses but that is fairly easy to do with a 330 SL and a 20 TP. Eventually… today on the USD/CHF… you will get stopped out and you have just taken out 16 good trades with one loss (What if this had happened on one of their larger positions instead of a smaller position that they seem to be taking of late). The risk reward with these guys is crazy.

    I know, I know…. their system of trading is not my system but it would be interesting to go back through all their trades and do the opposite with a 20 pip SL and a 40 pip TP. I think you would have done as well or maybe even better… maybe when I get some time I’ll go do that… in the mean time I am glad I didn’t bite and just hung on for the ride. This is a good forum for EAs to be tested and evaluated, for me LTP just got a failing grade. I have actually made some money taking their trades after they are in big DD and then settling for either their TP or getting out when I felt I should with a small TP. I actually made some money on the USD/CHF trade but I got out when it appeared to me to be heading down again. Thanks for all the comments, I have found a new place to check out EAs before I bite… which most of the time turns out to be a good thing 🙂

  1481. So, LTP made us stupid beleiver (some of us).
    Norm, LTP was not hedging the USDCHF, I lost a lots of money 1.400 USD).
    If I know LTP would not modify S/L, I would do it!!!

  1482. @JTX
    My thoughts exactly. I thought when I first started following LTP that they had a 330 pip sl for catastrophic reasons and that they would modify as necessary. Nope juts let it ride into the sunset. I think the GBP/USD trade is heading into the same scenario. Time will tell.

  1483. LTP ADMIN! Could we modify the S/L manually, to down? Wouldnt make it any problem in the LTP “mechanism”?

    LTP ADMIN, why LTP is closed at original 330 S/L? Why did not modified the S/L?

    I think we request an answer ASAP.

  1484. JTX, last night early in the morning my time EST, there was nothing but whipsaw action on the GBP/USD, there was one moment when in 1 sec the pair went for a dip about 90pips OMG, my heart choked…and the account dropped.. definitely not a good feeling..

    Now I did notice this with LTP version prior to 1.10, LTP was actually changing the SL in realtime, now I dont see this happening anymore…..

    @LTP Admin and Support: What happened to the realtime SL modifying ability of Leo Trader Pro???!! I remember seeing this and this is one major feature that I love about the EA.

  1485. Hi All – just been reading the last few post and thought I’d respond…

    1) Yes – we had a losing trade today but, come on… there have been 275 closed trades over almost 6 months and we have *one* real losing trades to our credit. Anyone who thinks this (and/or the collapse of GBPUSD today… probably related to the sad deaths of the British travelers killed in the Moscow airport suicide bombing yesterday!) is the beginning of the end for LTP (or the end of the world in general) should probably resume their search for the Holy grail and report back how quickly their account gets blown! – we *will* have losing trades and we *will* recover from them quickly but anyone expecting a 100% perfect, winning trade record ad infinitum is totally delusional and in the wrong business completely – stop trading and put your money back under the bed.

    2) I’m sure that those currently laughing and telling everyone how smart they are for already getting their refund will be back buying licenses again (without charter status!) in the future as we continue to make more than many other Forex systems combined.

    3) Nowhere and at no time have we *ever* stated that LTP will hedge trades – I think some people got confused over this because of the AllowHedging setting and the myth has just perpetuated through this thread. Official: LTP *does* open opposing trades on the same pair from time to time but not for the purpose of hedging and it does *not* hedge positions with an alternate pair.

    Ok… here endeth the sermon.


    LTP Admin

  1486. It’s not the losing trade but the poor trading in general. Look at your USD/JPY trades. over a month in DD meaning you can’t take other trades because your margin is tied up in big DD. You guys seem to be long term scalpers. Yes you had an amazing track record previous to showing us all live and yes we can go back and see that this is your first losing trade on this account. But since you have started marketing the results have been no where near 100% a month as originally advertised and even shown on this account before you went public. I didn’t expect that to continue to be honest, and no I am not searching for the holy grail but I am searching for a system that has a more reasonable risk reward.

    It is just common trading sense to not risk 330 pips to make 20. I understand giving a trade room to breath and that is what I thought you were doing initially but since no counter measures were taken such as scaling in another position or getting out once the trade is obviously going in the wrong direction you just hang in there and hope that the 330 SL is big enough. When it’s not move on. But for many that one loss just wiped out a good chunk of their gains so far since they bought your system.

    Your response is telling. No I won’t be buying it down the road, the trading style is just too crazy for me. Holding trades for days and even weeks to get 20-50 pips of profit is just not my style. For those of you who like it, great. But when the loss happens it really makes you wonder if it was worth the ride for such a small gain. Just my 2 cent sermon. Peace to all.

  1487. @ LTP Admin,

    Yes we seen how great are LTP report in the past, but so far i got 3 unexpected closed trades with total -223 pips. So for me lTP are still in negative balance. Many of Us got closed trade on GBPUSD 1.59923 exact at the same price and time. And it is LTP fault, not internet connection or broker, and i never seen before any other trade copier from signal providers with such probems as LTP has. Why dont get bug-free big commercial trade copier and forget about problems. How long You want us to be free of charge beta testers for Your programming problems. Thanks to manual trading my account balance are still positive. Charter member status, at least for USDJPY license more than month nothing happens. Maybe the same picture are on charter pairs and this is reason why You cant open those charter pairs now.

  1488. An optional upgrade is now available on the download page.

    Version 1.12 has been created with kind input by Doug.

    This version includes even more detail on the chart plus a new option: AllowExiting

    This feature is a half-way house between AllowClosing and not. With AllowClosing set to False and AllowExiting set to True, LTP will still be able to close trades which are in profit on your account without them needing to reach the TP level.

    There is also an extended user manual which explains each of the items displayed on the chart as some may not be 100% obvious.

    So, if you want the extra information and/or feature, install v1.12 – if not, stick with v1.11


    LTP Admin

  1489. LTP Admin, sorry, I dont mind your previous closed trades, before 20 december. But I mind mine profit and loss. LTP did me almost 1.400 USD loss, on 3 of our accounts, just right now! 990 PIPs at once (329.8 x 3).

    LTP made 640 USD profit and 1.280 USD loss on my 500 USD account. Double the loss as the profit! So it is a net 640 loss… 🙁

  1490. Hi Matt, thanks. Actually I already done the modification, just as usual…
    I have a second chart for the same pair, without LTP.

  1491. Just a question of course, LTP Admin, why are alot of the pair trade “buys” that usually go/move into a good deep drawdown being hedged by the LTP EA. For the past 3 days there were in fact good moments to profit this way.

  1492. King: The system is basically trained to target winning entries – it isn’t built to trade a specific strategy.

    In simple terms, during training it will take ‘virtual’ trades every time the market feeds it’s monitoring change.

    The statistical collator keeps tabs on the results of each virtual trade and the feed conditions that trigged them.

    At the end of the training, the trigger conditions that gave the highest number of wins get applied to the entry moderator and that’s what signals our MT4 to trigger the trades you see on the live system (which is then replicated out to you guys).

    The fact that trades may go into deep floating drawdown is not something that we have the statistical collator configured to worry about – the objective is trades that can close positively.

    Once you start trying to pull in extra criteria, reducing the initial SL, etc. you just end up with a curve-fitted mechanical strategy that looks like it should work based on back-tests but never really does once you trade forward with it.


    LTP Admin

  1493. King: I am not an LTP rep, so this is my opinion only. The bottom line answer from the LTP team could be “Because it is not designed that way” or “The last 3 days are not indicative of LTPs behavior in the long term market.” But either of these answers are probably unsatisfying, so bear with me as I wax philosophical.

    Every EA is built around a limited number of indicators. The EA mechanically applies those indicators, along with SL and TP, to place and close trades, hopefully for a profit. For all intents and purposes, the indicators used by LTP have been set. From their communication today, it would seem that classic hedging is not commonly used in their system. Their past success has been predicated on however their system was designed. It is not designed to execute trades like you would execute trades-it only executes trades that meet its criteria. Now I may be able to fault its trades or caution against its R/R, but based on however LTP trades, it has amassed an impressive success rate.

    Now, everytime LTP loses a trade, I might be able to think of a way to have prevented or mitigated that particular loss. However, wholesale application of this “tweak” could well result in worse success rate overall. For example, how do I get out of a protective hedge if it is only a transient reversal, and more importantly, how do I codify the rules and put them in an EA?

    Sooooo, it is what it is. It makes 10 to 30 pip wins with a typical 330 pip SL, has a significant number of its trades go into deep drawdown, and has some trades open for a month before delivering 20 pips (at a risk of 330). I can always second guess its trades and how it does what it does, but until I find another system that delivers its success rate, I’ll be paying attention to its trades and incorporating it into my overall trading process.

  1494. Thanks LTP Admin, I commend you and the rest of the LTP team on the continual efforts to produce positive results.

    @Doug, excellent synopsis. I will remain trading with LTP, however much much more carefully, in the same way I handle my butterfly hour-glassed shaped of a woman. 😉

  1495. Well I will say this though Doug, we definitely can make a sure profit with LTP. For safeties, I will stick to placing a “sell” position right below the initial buy trades that LTP makes so as to cushion my self on the semi-intense drawdown, of course adding in a comfortable margin to work within too.

  1496. Doug, I just started entering it in manually that way I can either put the opposite direction trade on the exact entry position mark if not closest to it.

  1497. I am not concerned about the closed trades issue nor about any other issue related to the replicator as such, because even though they are important, they will get solved soonner rather than later.

    What I am concerned about is the extreme way LTP trades. Yes, it has amassed an impressive chain of winners but the way it is designed means that it “disregards”, for lack of a better word, the imbalance between TP and SL in the quest for winners.

    Also, another thought I have is that LTP may not estimate the chances of profit an open trade in the red really has, it only asesses the chances before taking the trade and once it is open it is left on its own. I am not a Mathematitian, but as an Economist I know that the odds you compute at one point do not remain the same as time passes. What is the point of keeping open trades with a low probability of success?. I am not saying you curve fit a system, I am saying that having a hold on so much Mathematical technology, then why not use it to evaluate the success expectancy of an open trade, this would allow for two things, first, there would be no need for a fixed TP as you could allow winners to move on, and second, you could have variable SL as situation dictates. Surely those odds can be computed as they were computed to decide to open a position.

    I am not trying to teach anything to anybody nor tell the LTP team how to design EAs, but just to express the modest thoughts of a non Mathematitian.

    Best wishes to all.

  1498. If gbp/usd hit the stop loss…Thats it, I will be getting out of LTP…so much for 200 winning trades….with 15 take profit as opposed to 330 stop loss ….absolute unreal….esp. when you have two SL hit in a row…entire bank account will be emptied…And trust me everyone if LTP gets hit by the second ST with gbp/usd….LTP will be history soon ..at least a sensible forex trader wont trade with this EA…

  1499. @KINGSOLOMONsPools…With all due repect to your strategy…You dont need any EA to apply that sort of strategy…you can do this at any given time….open up a new order in one direction and open another one the opposite direction …and eventually wait for a time when its on profit and get out of the trade….any low profile indicator will be just perfect for this…

  1500. @ Andy

    Lot size was .02 had $5120 in demo acct. Lost $90 and it is on FinFX.

    I FEEL for you JTX, sorry.

    I did get the eur/usd trade, my first one since 1.11.

  1501. Mohammed,
    I’m trying to envision your strategy by buying in opposite direction… but I started thinking and thinking and still couldn’t find how doing so would finally come out with profit… Wouldn’t they cancelled out?

    E/U just closed at 1.36965, 13 happy pips.

  1502. Hi Happy pips

    I actually dont like this idea …some of the members here trying to do kinda hedging Against LTP trade so in case of ltp heading towards the stop loss you wont lose the money…and if it goes towards take profit then you close the trade that was in other direction with a small loss and take the profit from the original trade which was placed by LTP.

    But specifically for ltp…you cant hedge its trade in early stage beacuse the take profit for ltp trade is just not big enough to cover the loss from your hedge trade..

    I would suggest dont go down that path unless you absolutely understand the money management and where to start and where to stop stuffs….Most of all in the long run your account will come out as a loss(this is my opinion)….because the whole point of LTP trading is making small profits and making lots of it over the time ….
    if you hedge it in early stage and ltp trade hits the TP without a large drawdown your hedge trade will hit your account real bad if you dont come out of it right in time..
    Only way to gain from hedging is when there is a large drawdown and surely the trade is heading towards SL…but it has to be done precisely….coz you must get out of one trade in order to make profit ..and thats the most difficult part of the hedging….getting out of the losing trade…otherwise the price might start moving towards teh direction that you have just closed….

    to sum it up…soem of us here were hoping that in case of a large drawdown esp. when it obviuos that ltp is hitting the SL it will take a hedging position to save the trade with some sort of intelligence….but with our last usd/chf loss we didnt see any hedging or any other intelligence from LTP….and thats where it all started…

  1503. mannnnn..this usd/jpy is sickening me….just hung in there like there is no tomorrow…more than a month now…just to achieve 15 pips profit…

  1504. LTP Admin,
    after such a 330 pips loss, made by LTP, will very hard to recover, since after such a loss the pending LOT is VERY low. So even with new trades with profit closes, the profits will be LOW in money… as it happened now: the loss of 330 pips take away 700 USD @ 0.2 LOT, but the EURUSD 13 pips give me only 9 USD @ 0.07 LOT…

  1505. Mohammed , I sometimes hedging LTP trades, but these hedged positions are based on my manual indicators based trading system. So if LTP opens trade and after that my manual system shows that need to open trade in oposite direction i opening it. The same i doing, by opening trades from LTP drawdown in LTP direction. Like now i holding open GBPUSD buy trade @1.5805 since yesterday. Also i hope that H4 will close as bullish and then it will be good signal for my system, that LTP trade work out with profit.

  1506. LTP team
    yesterday usd/chf loss 330pips out of 257 trades its not a problem even happens a big loss for this particular trade in order to again furthur cant continue this type of trade and this loss never we want to face so can take step LTP to successive profits 100% growth we hope this we are expecting for all of our opinion take action in future never face again this too much loss trades
    thank you awaiting LTP reply

  1507. LTP 1.12 seems change the risk managment. With the same setup (RiskLevel -5.0) the pending lot was 0.15 @ LTP 1.11
    Now the pending LOT is 0.01
    More secure, less profit?

  1508. JTX, 0.01 is 1 cent a pip lol That will take you 70,000 pips to get your $700 back (less commissions, that is) 😉

  1509. Guys, could u confirm, the new risk managment is just one tenth of the old one? LTP 1.12 vs 1.11?
    So with setup of -5.0 results a very poor profit realize on pips…

  1510. JTX: The RiskLevel was corected for some account types in v1.12. Previously, a setting of -1 risked about 10% in my account; now, a setting of -10 risks about 10% in my account. So, just increase your RiskLevel parameter to be 10 times what you previously entered, and your pending lot size will be identical to what it was under v1.11

  1511. JTX: Please note that only negative values yield different pending lot sizes. A RiskLevel value of 1 still will make your pending lot size to be 1 (assuming you have sufficient free margin); but the MM function when using negative values is not corrected as I stated in my post above.

  1512. So, generally speaking, the calculating method of MM with negative values of the previous edition of LTP was wrong?

  1513. Yes. MM functioned fine, but -1 setting did not risk about 1%. With v1.11 and previous versions in my standard account (can’t speak to other account types), -1 risked about 10%. Now with v1.12, -1 risks about 1%, so the calculation is more correct now for my account than it was.

  1514. Andy ..you are on the right track…if you want to hedge ltp trade you gotta have soem sort of indicators which will tell you when to enter and when to exit……its all good…

    To me, hedging ltp trade is not a good idea at early stage when the trade is just opened…..coz the trend is not established at that point….it might hit teh TP within 10 minutes or it might hang around with extreme DD for 2 months (eg. usd/jpy)…obviuosly I dont want to open another trade in opposite direction and locked up my margin for eternity….

  1515. Hi Guys
    I just downloaded the new version 1.12 and as soon as I rebooted my computer this thing took off like a bat. I don’t know just what it is that they did but I hope they keep it up and do the same for the rest of the currencies.
    Also it would be nice if they could finally run the 2 currencies on the same MT4 without crashing all the time and without having to get a VPS system.
    Any one else getting good trades?

    Happy Trading to all.

  1516. Only one of my account received the EURUSD trade. Two other account did not received the signal. All of my live account on the same broker, same VPS…

  1517. Ron M: all currencies now trade within a single instance of MT 4 on one chart

    JTX: I don’t know but license is limited to 2 accounts behind a single IP address

  1518. Doug, nope, we have 3 licenses for the basic pairs, and 2 for the upsell. Just I “supervising” all of them.

  1519. 00:17:04 LeoTraderPro EURUSDm,H1: Alert: Attempting to open a Buy order (Lots: 0.01, Price: 1.37092, SL: 0.00000, TP: 0.00000)
    00:17:04 stdlib EURUSDm,H1: loaded successfully
    00:17:04 LeoTraderPro EURUSDm,H1: Retryable error (1/10): 129 – invalid price
    00:18:23 LeoTraderPro EURUSDm,H1: Retryable error (2/10): 129 – invalid price
    00:18:23 LeoTraderPro EURUSDm,H1: Retryable error (3/10): 129 – invalid price
    00:19:15 LeoTraderPro EURUSDm,H1: Retryable error (4/10): 129 – invalid price
    00:19:15 LeoTraderPro EURUSDm,H1: Retryable error (5/10): 129 – invalid price
    00:19:21 LeoTraderPro EURUSDm,H1: Retryable error (6/10): 129 – invalid price
    00:20:38 LeoTraderPro EURUSDm,H1: Retryable error (7/10): 129 – invalid price
    00:21:08 LeoTraderPro EURUSDm,H1: Retryable error (8/10): 129 – invalid price
    00:21:08 LeoTraderPro EURUSDm,H1: Retryable error (9/10): 129 – invalid price
    00:21:20 LeoTraderPro EURUSDm,H1: Retryable error (10/10): 129 – invalid price
    00:21:26 LeoTraderPro EURUSDm,H1: Non-retryable error: 129 – invalid price
    00:21:26 LeoTraderPro EURUSDm,H1: Maximum retry attempts (10) reached
    00:21:26 LeoTraderPro EURUSDm,H1: Failed to open a Buy order after 11 retries (EURUSDm, Price: 1.37092, SL: 0.00000, TP: 0.00000)
    00:21:26 LeoTraderPro EURUSDm,H1: Last error: 129 – invalid price
    00:21:27 LeoTraderPro EURUSDm,H1: Alert: Skipping signal reference 1402911 – Signal is more than MaxTimeSlip (150) seconds old
    01:06:21 LeoTraderPro EURUSDm,H1: Alert: Attempting to modify an order – ticket #15536785 (Price: 1.60371, SL: 1.57049, TP: 1.60599)
    01:06:21 LeoTraderPro EURUSDm,H1: Server reported that the order modification did not actually change any parameters
    01:06:21 LeoTraderPro EURUSDm,H1: Redundant modification of ticket #15536785 (, Price: 1.60371, SL: 1.57049, TP: 1.60599)

  1520. JTX: so ya, you should have received. I have one licence running 2 broker accounts and I have received all signals since v1.10.

  1521. I just put 1.11 and 1.12 on different accts. to see which gets the next trade.
    The signals are so far apart with eur/usd and gbp/usd, couldn’t swing the $97 for the other 2 at this time and kind of glad I didn’t after what happened.

  1522. Hi Mohammed
    Thanks for the write-up. You really took the time to explain it. If only I placed the hedge just below the Entry price… won’t ever take the plunge again like the other day, and still haven’t recovered.

  1523. the robot cannot adapte too the new market was working good before but now nothing i do trade manualy even i dont have experience then i making more money????
    i am about too ask for a refund cannot see any changes overnigth ?????????????

  1524. @ja ja ja ja ja

    Guys, please, this is an English speaking blog, I can read and write Spanish perfectly but we have to be polite with our friends here.

    Let´s just stick to English.


  1525. hi happy pips

    yes thats right.I think i will just stick with Ltp trades only and lets see if it can deliver consistant small profit …otherwise it will be another EA that came and lost the battle like other thousands out there unfortunately….and as usual we will be the victim…

  1526. Hey guys, thought I’d share some thoughts with you.

    1) do not risk more then 5% per trade. HINT-The big money players only risk .05%-1% per trade. The bigger your account, the less you should risk per trade.

    2) if you are trading DD’s exit ltp trade and the DD trade when you are in a “decent” profit. If you have to ask, dont do it. A win is a win.

    2a)if your not trading DDs, let em ride! you’ll do fine.

    3) do not blame LTP when you risk more then 5% and you have a sick feeling in your stomach when the SL is hit.

    4) if you risk more then 5% per trade realize that you are gambling and accept responsibility for your mistake if the SL is hit.

    5) do not spread yourself too thin. Too many extra (manual)trades can be every bit as bad as hitting SL.

    6) risking 5% or less will allow you to sleep at night.

    7) elliot waves are a great way to determine when to exit trades. Level 3 semafor is a good visual of the waves. Its an art, not science. demo trade till you are comfortable with it. It got me out of usd/chf trade with a nice profit. Again dont ask. Go research and practice, practice, practice.

    8) LTP is an exceptional piece of software. Over 270 profitable trades. If you dont understand how incredible that is you shouldnt be trading. Be patient and have some respect for LTP and the market(its not your enemy). If you cant be patient, trading is not for you.

    If u follow some of these suggestions, your biggest problem in the near future will be deciding between a BMW or a mercedes. I chose a BMW 🙂

    wishing you all much success!

  1527. Just picked up the eur/usd trade on both my accts. which is good. One was later than the other because I received alot of pop ups asking ok for certain things but it still took the trade. I think it was late from being just set up on a new meta 4 plus it is the 1.11 version.

    Also, I did a “King” trade but I went with it just had my T/P @500 with a lot size of .10 and made a quick $100.

    Still going on a demo, just want to make sure before the live acct.

  1528. Hey, guys … (JTX, especially!)

    Please take a look in your Experts log and see if you have any order placement errors reported over the last 12 hours or so – we spotted issues with some brokers on our test accounts… mostly “invalid price” and “common” errors. These are MT4 and/or broker-related errors that were simply reported by LTP.

    Anyway, if LTP is busy trying to deal with a server-reported error while closing an existing trade then please bear in mind that it may not be able to free itself in time to open positions for new signals before those signals fall foul of the MaxTimeSlip limit.

    We’re really not sure if MT4 is having some kind of mid-life crisis but we even experienced multiple “requotes” in the Strategy Tester last night!

    Gecko: well put – respect!


    LTP Admin

  1529. JTX,

    Sorry was snowblowing.

    Enter price 1.37398
    S/L 1.36766
    T/P 1.37500
    $102 gain

    I’m a Novice’s novice. I took a gamble because at the time it was moving very fast and bumped my lot to 1.0 (what the hell, right) and it paid off.

    I do agree with King in the hedging because almost everytime LTP places a trade it goes in a drawdown before it comes close to the T/P. Looking at that trade now I should have done that this time just to make more on the deal.

  1530. @LTP

    Everything is fine now, I copied everything in my FinFX acct.. Still received the pop up’s, I answered yes to the ones I needed and it took the trade.

    The auto installer is awesome, especially with the updated versions coming out.

  1531. I have LTP on on Forex VPS (UK based) servers and LTP consistantly misses trades because it’s takeing 10 minutes and beyond for trades from LTP servers to hit my account. Support have been useless in resolving this problem dispite detailed descriptions and screenshots. 24 or 48 hours to respond, and when they do, it’s useless advice or they say things like we recommend putting it on a VPS after I’ve just explained that it’s on a VPS with 500GB connection speed, then they ask if the VPS AV is blocking it, after I’ve pasted in comments from VPS second line support stating that the problem is at LTP server end (probably a DDOS error due to insufficient capacity). I’ve paid for an EA and am actually manually trading. What the hell is going on. I have other EA’s on the same VPS that run like clockwork. I’m angry!

  1532. PS, i’ve been very patient with LTP so far and am only posting here because i’m not getting any sense out of Support. Phew!

  1533. Facts:
    Since 2010.12.16 (exactly 6 weeks), LTP’s USDCHF+USDJPY FinFx account lost -6.80%.
    During the same time, LTP’s EURUSD+GBPUSD FinFx account won +4.40%.
    The 2 accounts combined lost -2.40% in 6 weeks of trading.
    So the people here complaining about their replicators not taking trades because of the so numerous unresolved bugs and glitches in the product they bought, should be happy: they saved money not participating into LTP’s trades!
    The next step is to ask for a refund. This way, no money lost! (Just time and energy, though!)
    So happy to have stayed away from this problematic piece of software!
    Sorry for you, guys! Next time, better wait a while after the launch, and watch the forums (unvoluntary beta testers) before risking any money, time and energy into an over-hyped product. (I know I’m not pleasing our internet marketers saying things like that!-)

  1534. @goldwing

    I still have to see an EA that does not show any loss, it simply doesn´t exist and scalpers take occasional hits, this is just how they are designed. There are some commercial EAs that cost over $260 and they lose occasionally, thet have a 4to 5 pips TP and a 40 to 50 pips SL, and it all revolves around the same principle.

    The issues with the replicator are really a pittance, what really matters is the brains behind this EA. I do not personally know the developers of LTP, I wish I had been at the Trader´s Expo, but I wasn´t, so I have to rely on how their account performed and is performing.

    LTP has a big advantage over other scalpers and it is that it is not constrained to the Asian session, and to me it is a big plus.

    The loss on the USD_CHF was good for all of us (not for those that lost real money) for a reason, it put our feet on the ground showing us that we can not just jack up our risk for short term gains, it has taught us that, as with everything in life, a balanced approach to trading is a must and it has also taught us that our main goal is not to become rich overnight but to remain in the game and build our accounts.

    I think that in the end people will have to decide based on their personalities, this is the first time I buy a scalper and I still have to pull myself together to accept that this is a different strategy with many small winners an an occasional hit.


  1535. Jay: There is categorically no “DDOS” affecting our server – we currently have approximately 1/40 of the simultaneous connections our servers were tested with prior to going live.

    Even at full capacity, broadcasts were received by all of the test clients within 2 seconds so the issue is most definitely not transmission of data. That only leaves 2 possibilities:

    1) you’re not connected a lot of the time

    2) you’re not receiving what’s being sent

    Post sufficient details for me to find you in the ticket system and I’ll arrange for someone to contact you about checking your VPS.


    LTP Admin

  1536. OK I really would appreciate that. It’s contracts @ joelhouse.co.uk, there should be several tickets in your support system. Also phone number on last one I sent.d

    Many thanks


  1537. Craig M, thanks. Just that was not a hedging ala King, but ride up on the wave, imho. Try to do with live account… 😉
    it is good for the hypotonic… 🙂

  1538. Hi LTP Admin, thanks for the info. Thats something what could detect and solve, probably.
    What is still pain, is the 330 S/L loss, which did not took away 700 USD from me, if LTP did not state in the manual: RiskLevel -5.0 means 5% of risk of the fre margin. Now we already know, that was 50% of risk, that is why my 700 USD real money is gone. And LTP was not modify the S/L down to survive… So it is a pain, still. It will be a long-long way to recover, if any…

  1539. Appears V 1.12’s got the risk factor more in line with what it should be.

    My 2 pips worth…it’s all about risk mgt & patience. LTP’s proven to be a high % winner but we MUST be prepared for the rare loss. Therefore, adjust/prepare for this. LTP now shows what’s at risk in $ terms so adjusting risk level’s a no brainer.

    As for hedging, I may add a few lots by going in the same direction in another platform when it’s in the red by 100+ based on the high % of success. However, I have no plans to mess with the LTP triggered trades.

    Good luck to all!

    Way to go LTP on the latest revision.


    Is it possible to add a “REVERSE” parameter in your EA.so that the EA will acually open up a reverse trade.
    for instance if the signal is to open a long position it will actually place a short position for the users who wish to choose that option.if the reverse parameter is true then it will open up the reverse trade instead of the original one.if false then it will continue with its normal position.

    I have seen EA with this option(which is fantastic).Esp. what I have seen so far with LTP trades, this option could be phenomenal and far more profitable than the current settings/trades for the users who wish to use it.

    I will be sending you an email too requesting this.

  1541. FOLKS…..I have a request to everyone….please ask LTP support team to add that above mentioned parameter to the EA…If all of us made a request they might consider it.

    Just imagine …a reverse trade with 350-500 TP and 150 SL this will be truly a revolutionay forex software that will change everything…the result will be truly phenomenal…no tweaking ..no gluing to your pc to find the opportunity of hedging or entering the trade when there is a large drawdown…so far 99% of trade had at least 500 pips drawdown befor hittning the TP…
    so the TP will be lot higher..and once in a blue moon when it hits the SL it will be only 150-250…..I wish I was the part of LTP developer team..

  1542. @JTX

    Sorry I was a novice! I’m learning, I agree that if the system can other trades on the opposite way and then make more on the trade even if it at a lose. If I understand correctly.

  1543. I still don’t get how a Reverse trade would win in the end? But I did notice LTP trades opens with initial drawdowns.. but not 500 pips drawdown? I’m confused… really. Could you explain how to win this way?

  1544. I’m a bit worry with more E/U long positions being placed by LTP. But then when I looked at the D1 chart. Man… Can’t stop this train! I can feel the momentum. Even those two white spots on the slope can’t stop it. 🙂

    I think the higher you zoom out… W1 chart especially, the stronger the momentum. I should just probably open another account to do Long trades with small lot size. And wait for 2 months.. the contract won’t expire for 3 months right guys? This way I have seen 1000-2000 pips movement. 🙂

  1545. Happy Pips…sorry about the confusion…i use in both di 5 digit broker..I should have said …50 pips instead of 500 …

    But not to confuse you any further my post was not about a hedge trade ..in another word not 2 trades opened at the same time in both direction…

    I was talking about opening a reverse trade…for example you have noticed ofcourse when LTP opens a trade it always has few hundred pips drawdown(at least) before hitting the SL….would you agree?(lets take it a buy position for the demo purpose)
    Now what happens if this drawdown turns into your profit buy opening a short position instead of buy position.
    This can be done by setting up a parameter called “REVERSE” to the EA which will allow the users like me go in a different direction than original LTP trade and get the higher profit more efficiently and quickly with no DD.

    Not to mention the users who want to stick with normal LTP trade they can do so by setting up that parameter to false.

    Trust me if LTP developers listen to us and give us this opportunity LTP will be phenomanal in forex market.Its profitability will sky rocket than what it is in their live account at the moment.
    with the current settings I just cant brand it as no. 1 EA.

  1546. sorry everyone …because of 5 digit brokers i am used to add 1 zero after the pips ..so dont get confuse when i say 300-500 pips.it would be 30-5o pips and so on.

  1547. Mohammed,
    I kinda get your thinking there.. how would you set the T/P though… (for the winning drawdown) Would the T/P be reversed as well? I guess lemme give you an example..

    Lets say for example today the E/U entered, we had drawdown about 20 pips (I’m using mini account, so 1$/pip), now had you had this setting as Reverse = True. This 20pip drawdown would be your gain (due to sell position). Then would the T/P be reversed as well? say.. -10-20pips down of entry level? Then the S/L would be reversed as well +330pips above entry level? Hey I can see the picture now 🙂

    I think I’d like it. Because the usual drawdown on LTP can be 10-30 pips regularly or more, but rarely. So we’d close at TP and grab the profit. Nice!

    Lemme think worst case first here.. Assuming LTP wins most of the time… So now say you didn’t hit the TP at -30pips. Instead, the trace goes back up and in the positive region. Your S/L would be at +330pips. BUt… LTP would close the trade by the time TP is +30pips on non-reversed trade (the time is the same no matter which direction you choose). Would it confuse the MT4, because now… to close it, it broadcasts Sell command. But for you (reverse trade), you need Buy command to close it.

  1548. Mohamed, I like your idea. But there were some long trade on the last days, when were no DD, just a very quick win exit @ T/P in few minutes… and the price is still rising. In that cases the Reverse trade would stick, wouldnt it?

  1549. Hi Happy pips

    you got it slightly wrong.Let me excite you with some examples.I am sure once you understand this you will be overwhelmed by the possibilities of it.here we go…

    lets take all teh current LTp trade that are in place at the moment…

    1. euro/usd buy entry 1.37349
    SL 1.34049
    TP 1.37599
    At this very moment teh DD for this trade is 30 pips.it will go even further.

    Now what I am suggesting with teh “REVERSE” parameter is

    sell entry 1.37349 (will very because of the
    SL 1.40649(it can be as little as 1.37849)becaus eLTP never hit TP without a 40-50 pips DD any given time.
    TP 1.37049
    follwoing this parameter this trade would have been long time ago with a clear profit of 30 pips within an hour or two.And there wont be any 2ns trade.Hence while the normal LTP trader is facing a DD we will be smiling with a nice 30 pips profit and waiting for another trade to take place.

    example 2.

    current Usd/jpy opened on 20/12/10
    buy entry 83.809
    SL 80.529
    TP 84.059
    Thsi trade still going for over a month now with a DD of more than 200 pips.

    With my suggestion it would have been following

    Sell entry 83.809
    SL 87.109(could be as little as 84.309)
    Tp 83.509

    Thsi trade would have been cloed within an hour or two after the trade was opend about a month ago.As mentioned there wont be any 2nd trade.so again with this setting we didnt have to sit around here with a 200 pips DD.instead our account would have added by another profitable trade a month ago.

    Apply this formula to gbp/usd trade(current one) too and you will see how powerfull it is.
    I just urge everyone who understand this suggestion to make some noise to LTP team so they can add this parameter to the EA and make it teh best robot ever created to date in forex market.
    Forgot to mention not everyone has to use this parameter.If you dont want, just stick with normal trading and do all your hedging and all.

  1550. JTX …i understand what you are saying..I have got that covered too…
    here is what gonna happen …99% of trade has at least 30-50 pips DD before hitting teh TP.You can forward test it as teh ltp opens it trades over teh coming days.with my settings if teh TP is 20 pips It will be almost impossible to lose a trade given teh trades have been behaving since LTP came live.

    hence if teh SL is set to 50 only instead of 330.the winning percenage and teh profitability will be beyond all of our imagination.
    Here is the summary
    we win More than 90% if not close to 98-99.and when we lose we lose only 50 pips.
    Now you do teh math and forward testing.I am already doing teh forward testing as LTP opening its tardes up.and I can only beg LTP team to give us this parameter.

  1551. Mohammed, got it. Then tow more parameters for seting up: ReverseSL and ReverseTP. Then everybody could adjust by his/her own vehemency…

  1552. Sorry Mohammed, King, JTX and co. But I don’t follow the logic of having parameters for reversal of either T/P or S/L. Surely the LTP “engine” is trying to make winning trades? So why try and bet against it?
    Also, I feel that these comments of 99%, 90%, etc are all untested and based on only a few “selected” trades which support your argument. In any data set, it would be possible to find instances supporting your theory. But in reality it can only be proven by a full and detailed analysis of all of the trades taken to date by LTP.
    Just my thoughts.


  1553. @Paul
    If hanging around in the market for quite an extended period of time to make 15-25 pips profits and risking 330 pips is a good idea than getting out of teh market in much shorter time frame with same if not more profit(and no more than 500 SL ofcourse) does not sound good to you then I really dont know what to say.
    I have given clear examples above with the current trades that are placed by LTP and what would have happened had those parameters were on.And those results are nothing but astonishing.
    And I have also mentioned that you can do teh forward testing all teh ltp trades that will be opening over the coming days.Do me a favor and write those results down and work out teh percentage yourself.
    I am not giving a gimmick or so called theoritical logic.I am talking based on real time LTP trading.Match it yourself.
    However, you can always set the parameters to false to continue with teh trading teh way it is going.I have mentioned this few times on my above posts.So who doesnt see teh potential of teh changes I am suggesting can continue the same way.No hard feelings.

  1554. @Mohammed
    I do see where you are coming from, and I understand what you are trying to achieve. But, let me explain my position. I have been trading live (and making profits) for just under a year. Prior to that I traded a number of different systems in demo. I only trade two systems live, Forex Rebellion, and Pipsqueaks Divergence method (if you don’t know it, Google it). The reason I am demoing LTP, is that I want to add a third strategy to my trading regime without expending too much effort. So a system like LTP – even if it only make a quarter of its clamed returns – fits my requirement. I have only been trading it for a couple of weeks, and only with the EUR and GBP pairs, but so far, apart from the stability issues (which they seem to be ironing out), its working fine for me. I run it in a $2000 demo account and have set it up to trade 0.1 lots for each trade. This way I will need 17 wins for each 330 pip losing trade. I will continue to test it on this basis for another month, if by then it’s still performing I will move it to a live account and run it on a VPS. I don’t expect to retire on its profits, but if it can double my account in 4 – 6 months, I will be more than happy.

    If you want to trade against it, AND, you apply indicators to your charts which support such trades, well and good. But, I just don’t see the logic in simply betting against LTP hoping for it to go into drawdown – I’ll will bet you that the developers of LTP didn’t start out saying, “Lets design the system so that it first goes into a massive drawdown and then recovers!”. If that’s how you want to trade, why buy and use it?

    Just my (continued) thoughts.


  1555. Hi Paul I highly appreciate your thought.I am on teh same boat as you.I do use couple of other EAs and recently stopped manual trading due to time affordability.The other EAs are not bad and they are actually much better than LTP.I am using LTP just as another weapon in teh arsenal and if they can deliver half of what they have promised it would be good enough for it.
    But when you start live trading you will see what i am trying to say here.basically teh way ltp is trading, drawdown is an obvious part of it.not one or two almost all of teh trading had DD.For your information they got an usd/jpy trading going on for more than month now.the trade was opened on 20/12/2010.and teh drawdown is more than 200 pips.
    and teh other pair usd/chf just experienced a loss of 330 pips recently.and all teh current trades are runing at the moment you know already how much DD they had.and its no different to the other trades in their live account last 7/8 months.if you monitor their trades you will see what i mean.
    so,what would you belive that all the DDs are just coincidence or thats how it works?excessive draw down is not good for a trading account.margins are just locked up ,stomach is charning…not a good feeling.
    instead with the suggested setting the trade wont be opened for more than few hours and still get the same profit with no drawdown whatsoever.you just accept a small loss once in a while(just like the way a good system or EA should work).
    Anyways i have decided to keep all teh trading records for LTP V the suggested settings in excell format and will be keep you guys posted about the winner from this point onwards(include in teh current trades that are running at this very moment).I will be running them with 25 SL and 25 TP.we will see who turns out as a winner.

  1556. Hi Paul
    Its good to mention that when it comes to judging an EA in demo account is far away from testing it in a live account.here is why—-
    In demo you upload teh EA and check teh result every now and then if teh account balance has gone up or not.The larger balance always looks good and credit goes to teh EA without being worried about DD etc.But in teh live account you have got few variables to consider such as margin,DD,length of teh trade etc. Esp when you use 2/3 different EAs or systems at the same time.
    I have been actually glued to may laptop almost the whole last week because of LTP.You know why?because if teh DD of usd/jpy,gbp/usd after losing 330 pips on usd/chf goes even further down it will start affecting my account.I had to keep monitoring teh margin beacuse I didnt want my other EAs to stop working.they dont trade often but when they do i didnt want to miss teh trading opportunities for them.Coz other EAs open teh trade and close it with a little loss if teh trend turns out to be in opposite direction.hence I never have to be wooried about them .I know they will take care of my account.even with 1% of the account few trades add up real big.

    And yes ofcourse,I will keep you posted my records.I might have to email it to you since I cant upload anything in teh forum.

  1557. @Mohammed
    Good call,about reverse entry. Your concept might work, just need to test it. But also i would like to add that not always LTP experiencing respectable drawdown. There must to be applied reverse trade mechanism only in case when LTP opening mistaken trade at the top / bottom of the trend, when trend is about to change in oposite direction, like it did on GBPUSD trade.

  1558. Hi Andy

    I fully understand that some of ltp’s trade is a quick prifit taker…but that ratio is very small…if it is a qucik profit taker we will accept a loss of 25 pips.Thats much better that getting into a draw down for 200-330 pips and just pray that it will come back to teh right direction after a month or so.
    with the suggested setting 25 pips is so achievable that you will be surprised and would mind at all to take soem small loss of 25 pips every now and then..at least we will be saved from teh pain of those DDs and still have a healthy account.jsut watch teh ltp trades for next week and judge yourself that how often we can win with this settings.
    As I said I will be keeping the log from this point onwards.

  1559. @ Mohammed
    I agree with You, TP 25 pips for drawdown is nothing and totally achievable level and if there is a chance to add TrailingPips then even better. Let us know about Your results on (LTP)vs(LTP + reverse trade).

  1560. What can I say…just look at it guys…right at this moment the 4 trades for LTP is having teh following drawdowns-

    2 usd/jpy together 320 pips DD
    gbp/usd 200 pips DD
    euro/usd more thn than 100 pips DD

    altogether a single account is having more than 600 pips DD with the chance of going even further down and teh possibility of hitting the SL ..may be 800-1000 pips down….If it doesnt scare you or than what will?
    And if you still dont see teh potential of my settings then …..what will excite you?…
    All these trades would have been closed with 100 pips profit altogether giving you peace of mind …no intensed trades opened that will occupy your mind with the thought whats gonna happen next week with these 4 trades……

  1561. Hi Paul

    I dont want to nag ..but just to give you some feedback on your post-

    (But, I just don’t see the logic in simply betting against LTP hoping for it to go into drawdown – I’ll will bet you that the developers of LTP didn’t start out saying, “Lets design the system so that it first goes into a massive drawdown and then recovers!”. If that’s how you want to trade, why buy and use it?)

    I dont know what is LTP’s logic behind their trading.but if you read all the posts here since it started trading live you will see that how often teh memebrs here were trying to hedge LTP trade or entering the same position after teh large DD hoping that teh trade will come back towards the TP.My point is everyone could think that way is because you cant have a profitable LTP trade without large DD.
    I thought I clarify this Thats all.

    Thanks Paul

  1562. Thanks k-Boy…I am pretty sure that we are onto soemthing…a few more LTP trades will confirm it…as I said you can forward test it with teh forthcoming LTP trades…

    But if you believe that it will work plaese make soem noise to LTP team so they can consider those couple of parameters for us and give us teh opportunity to make it truly a profitable software.
    At this stage they said “NO” to me.

  1563. This strategy may work IF all 275 trades are examined and is shown that over 90% of the trades don’t hit T/P BEFORE moving in a substantial draw down (50 pips or more). I doubt the number is that high, but if it is, its worth trading against the robot with the realization that the robot will end the trade in profit at some point.

  1564. LTP will never trade against its robot..if you want to trade that way, it will have to be done manually.. If the 275 trades show that the vast majority go into draw down before T/P is hit, then the strategy will work, but the trades will have to be placed manually or with a trade copier.

  1565. @ Norm…First of all we are not talking about 50 pis DD..we only need 25 DD which will be our Target…And we all know LTP trade target is anywhere between 10-25 pips anyway….
    And i am sure if there is a way to find out we will have more than 90% strike rate that ltp had at least 25-50 pips DD before taking teh profit….

    secondly I am not asking LTP to change its signal or change teh way it trades…
    All I am asking is set up couple more parameters so some of us can use them by swtching true or false..this option is available to another EA that I am very familiar with.they have no problem if I reverse my trade.But the thing is that EA is good as it is.it does not need to be reversed its trades.
    Just imagine Norm what those 2 settings will do for us.it will be phenomenal.

  1566. One further note:

    The robot is working in a time/price/day cycle..once the robot moves outside of those parameters, it loses the trade (obviously,usd/chf wasn’t hedged) so that shows the robot lost control of the trade somewhere in the time/day cycle. The 275 trades need to be examined to see how long the robots time cycle is that it trades successfully in. LTP will not reveal when its robot has moved outside of those parameters, so they need to be studied so that losing trades can be TRANFERED to trades that are still in the robots time cycle.

  1567. Norm..manual trade is not possible…if it was I would have doen that a long time ago…teh reason being you have to enter teh market exactly teh same time when the signal is out..coz 25 pips movement will happen very quickly…and obvoiusly we cant glued to our computer 24/5 just to wait for teh ltp trades to take place.even if we do we will have two trdaes opened one by ltp other manual..which wont make any sense..coz we are not trying to hedge teh trade…we only want one trade…and only way its possible is using those parameters…

  1568. Mohammed, Does your spread sheet show the number of the 275 trades hitting T/P before going minus 20-30-40-50 pips? Need exact numbers to present your case.

  1569. I would think a trade copier could be set to place a simple trade on any pair that its watching when it sees the trade open. maybe just a simple EA could do it.

  1570. oh forgot to mention Norm….to make a decent profit we only need 70% strike rate….
    we are using 25 SL and 25 TP

    7 winning trades =+1750 pips
    3 losing trades=-750
    1000 pips clear profit……no DD..no margin lock up….teh biggest of all no sad faces thinking whats gonna happen next…it will be quick and ez..and a healthy account…
    Tell me everyone ..do you have any doubt at all that ltp did not have 70% if not 90% rate of going in DD for at least 25-50 pips in all of its trades….you do teh math…

  1571. Na Norm…unfortunately i never thought that i might have to present it for record….
    I have just started yesterday to keep the price movements of teh ltp trades to show me how much movement teh trade had before hitting teh TP and how much time it will need to make those 25 pips with teh suggested setting as oppose to their usual trade….

  1572. Norm teh trade copier will place teh exact same trade..i dont know if Any copier will open a new trade though..

  1573. As I said using my setting the 700 pips DD combined all 4 pairs right now would have been history for us….we would have been sitting on 100 pips profit instead last week…..without caring a bit if any of these pairs gonna hit SL or not…

  1574. comn guys …i am giving you real time examples that are happening right in front of our eyes and hurting our account…make some noise please…..join the group and make it happen…set those parameters up by LTP team…

  1575. JTX…you know what …this is just teh start of teh beginning…can you imagine with our charter membership we have 2 more pairs to trade…and all 6/8 pairs are in deep DD…teh combined DD could go down to 1000-3000 pips….I cant even imagine that sort of situation in my wildest dream….we would be just stranded…700 pips DD for 3 pairs …6/8 pairs DD?i leave it upto you guys to do teh math….
    here is teh most scary part….with this much DD you wotn be able to use any other EA or system you may have in your account……………………………because of teh margin and fear…………….

  1576. Isn´t this amazing?,

    LTP is being sold as a set and forget trading solution and here we are designing a counter-LTP trading system that will:

    1-Prevent large drawdowns
    2-Prevent large periods of our money being tied in an iffy trade
    3-Will produce a much larger TP than SL.
    4-Have us babysit the puppy.

    It is amazing how the world turns!

  1577. A simple EA could open a trade (in any direction) when it sees the robot place one on the Master account. What am I missing..anyone?

    Still would need the exact numbers..I doubt 90% of the trades go negative enough, but if they do, you have proven your point…

  1578. No harm in daydreaming…manual trading will produce more profit that the robot will. But you don’t see LTP telling you that.

  1579. Yeah felix…I wish you had read all teh posts correctly before open teh mouth…..I was suggesting for a parameter to be adopted to teh EA……not manual trading……

    and obviously it seems you dont have any problem with LTP trading DD issues…you might let your account go dry (or you may have too much money in your live account to let it happen)…But some of us dont appreciate this….

    It is amazing how teh world turns…

  1580. It is amazing that you guys were the same people who were talking about entering the trade after a large DD…or hedging teh trade manually….now when I am suggesting soemthing that truly amazing some of you already having problem with that…

    Oh Dear!!!!!!

  1581. There is a point when the robot loses control in the price and in the time (number of days/price. No neural net can predict the price of TWO currency’s several weeks out, usd/chf AND usd/jpy.

  1582. @Mohammed,

    Cool down pal..

    I see the problems as much as you do, but I have been careful enough to DEMO LTP, so that I can afford to see it in perspective and without an emotional load.

    I have read your posts and I commend you for trying to find improvements, I just think that your plane is not going to fly because ALL commercial EAs have to offer a clear course of action and your modifications introduce an element of doubt in future custommers.

    Just imagine the message: “LTP will take care of your Forex trading unattended but if things go wrong, we have this little button here that you have to decide whether to use or not in case you wish to play the game against our neural networks.

    LTP is offered as a set and forget trading system, they would have to change their whole marketing concept.

    Shabbat Shalom

  1583. @Mohammed,

    It would be much much simpler to just set the SL to a reasonable level, no more than 50/60 pips and to enter in a plullback, but LTP is not designed that way.

    Shabbat Shalom

  1584. Mohammed, I’m all for your Idea, I was thinking the same thing awhile back.
    When the trade goes against the robot, it has no clue when the price will hit T/P, it just knows that it will in a specific time/price period (be nice if we knew the time period).

  1585. @felix
    Now its constructive…I fully understand your concern…
    Actually, as mentioned before I am familiar with an EA who has this option to go againts their trade(it clearly stated in their trading manual that using this option can be quite risky as a disclaimer)….Its not quite about questioning the EA’s performance…its more about the way you trade suiting your personality….To me, trading should be as less stresfull as it can be I dont mind having losses as long as it comes ahead with profit in teh long run without giving me anxiety…..another thing is if changing tactic was the biggest concern the idea of hedging(for an instance) would not exist…for the simple fact that if a trading strategy is good enough why hedge a trade then….but it still does exist because of teh volatility or behaviour of market or a system to get a better result..My idea was to make LEo one of teh best one …esp when you do see teh potential in it…
    its all about how we see things…we cant deny teh fact that DD is a big issue for LTP…imagine trading 6/8 pairs like this…
    Anyways,enough said…I will try to copy the reverse trade following the link andy just given me…and will be monitoring teh result closely..

  1586. I dont think that there is such thing as nural networks in LTP case. Why, because i running FOD EA, which opens exact the same or very similar trades as LTP and works exactly in the same way with the same TP, SL and trailing SL, and it is standalone EA. Even when LTP places TP 10 pips, FOD places TP 10 pips too on the same price entry. How is that possible. My point is that LTP is EA which has good algorithm based on indicators and other tools which are avaliable to predict next price move, like any other EA out there are based on rules what runs the market. Also if it was true neural network EA it wont take TP 10-25 pips only, it could take bigger TP depending on price move.

  1587. I agree with you Norm…and thats what we can possibly use it in our favour…LEo knows teh TP profit will hit but simply doesnt know when…and that gives us lot more room to go in a different direction….
    If LEo had 50-100 pips profit target my idea would be devastating….but its not…its only 10-25 pips….this can easily be used in our favour using it as a SL in a reverse trade…
    See,if I didnt see any other commercial EA using this option I would not be thinking about this even in my dream…but sfter I have seen that its possible commercially to go against its own trend it gave me the courage to make my suggestion… thats about it….

  1588. And I would still say that if anyone agrees with me please make soem sound ..we might get a result from ltp team…nothing is impossible…

  1589. @Felix
    another thing i must say is that you got the same perspective as Paul (see above).I think its because both of you are using LTP in demo account.Perhaps You have not felt/seen teh impact of LTP draw downs.

  1590. Andy, LTP does not use support and resistance..if not, how is it trading? It obviously is using time/price trading..I doubt your EA comes anywhere close to trading like that (regardless of where your EA places trades), using a simple support and resistance logic trading doesn;t work over the long run because of the markets constantly changing personality..no support and resistant trading EA will work over time unless its manually traded.

  1591. @ Norm
    I dont know either, what trading algorithm uses FOD EA, but it dont use sup/res levels too . I see, what i see, that FOD EA places exact the same trades or very similar as LTP. So, there is a chance, that traiding algorithm might be similar for both EA’s.

  1592. Andy does that EA place trades just BEFORE LTP or after..surely not the same instant..if it does..its copying, I would think. If I someone sells an EA , they could copy LTP’s trades and sell them as their own. I doubt your EA is structured to trade time price..can you tell us its winning trades over a 6 month period?

  1593. @Mohammed,

    That is what demo accounts are for and that is the reason wise people use them, to see if there is water in the swimming pool before jumping in and breaking your teeth, to avoid the impact of emotions overloading yous neurons and to let you see the pros and cons very clearly.

    Shabbat Shalom

  1594. Norm, FOD places trade exact the same time-minute or maybe second as LTP does. Of course price sometimes may a little differ in 0.5-1 pips range, because LTP sending signal from they server, broker , which may cause a small offset, but opening time always are the same. I dont think, that they copying each other, because FOD are in forex market long time before LTP. Now on my live acc i has 2 open trades on GBPUSD one form FOD, and second trade from LTP, at the same price, time, and date. But last EURUSD trade i got only from LTP. What i trying to tell, that LTP propably using very similar algorith as FOD has, maybe LTP is more tuned and runs on ECN broker, which is good for EA’s. There is no always exact match in trades, because i used custom settings for FOD, like slippage on different brokers, which is very important point, how FOD EA opens trades, and sometimes skips trades which LTP opens, like last on EURUSD. Before i got many exact the same trades from both EA’s. Now i installed FOD to FinFX demo, for compare on all 4 pairs.

  1595. Andy you said FOD was around much longer than LTP.. whats FOD’S win/loss ratio..I think everyone would like to see the numbers. Can you share them?

  1596. Andy, plain and simple..FOD is obviously copying LTP’s trades..if so, I would think they (FOD) will face a lawsuit from LTP..Now if the exact same trades were placed by FOD “Long before LTP’s was around” then FOD would have a very high win percentage..do you know what it is?

  1597. Norm,
    FOD hasnt such record as LTP has. I mean 99% of wininng trades. Also it maight to differ depending of broker, slippage, spreads, which for LTP hasnt. Thats why FOD results differs if we compare FOD on Alpari UK vs FOD on FXPRO, and other brokers. There isnt copying from each other, because FOD are standalone EA, not signal copier, im pretty sure about this. My point is, that LTP is newer and maybe more tuned, but with similar / same base algorithm as FOD has. That why i can get big part of trades with FOD as i get with LTP, but not all. Also i running FOD with custom settings, not defaults like public demos.http://www.forexpeacearmy.com/metatrader_expert_advisor/forex_over_drive/demo

  1598. Hey guys,
    Been checking out FOD and their trades seem to be very similar to LTP. Including the 330 SL


    For whatever it’s worth, their website’s showing current stats since 05/10. Plus there’s info on ForexMachines too.

    Things that make you go hmmmmm….

  1599. @Mohammed, keep moving with the spirit you have on you right now. It’s a given that the more you dig into finding the right parameters for the reversal LTP option, then YOU WILL eventually get there and make it happen. I’m with you all the way Mohammed. Let’s just not forget to name the parameter or option ‘A la King’ 😉

    @Felix, mahkoreh gever? Kahdeemah eem ha tohkneet Mohammed. Ahni koshav ze lo biayah po Felix. Mah nu!

  1600. @Felix

    Thats right….So you actually havent found out how much impact LTP trade will have on your emotion….coz you havent used it in live account….
    Its imperative to use any EA in live account too in order to make a decision…..in demo you only see teh pros..coz you just looking at your balance which is eventually growing …and you are thinking WOW…but if you knew how its doing it and playing around with your real money ..you would have had different opinion… you are not aware of the cons…

  1601. Hi Andy..thanks a lot for the link…Thats exactly what i needed…I actually dont need to ask LTP now to change the parameters….I can do it myself ….reverse trading is just a matter of time now…I cant wait to see the results when LTP opens up its next trades over the coming week…stay tuned mann…we gonna make it the way we want….I will definitely let you know teh settings that I will be using if it is successfull…I am sure it will be…

  1602. Very high point Mohammed, …this can only be understand fully with a Live account. JTX, Norm, along with myself and others alike, have ALL experienced each of our Live accounts go through the whipsaw !@#!@#$*& action that LTP can throw at cha when it goes nose diving into the usual DD it loves to show off in the pairs.


  1603. Oh and if I didnt mention it before….

    I personally WILL get my khesiv/deniro/mula/money/pesos back that I lost on LTP’s DD’s. No one likes losing a little of their hard-earned or extra cash to spend money. No one!

    Given that, the way to profit on the reverse will be found! LOL

  1604. @Mohammed, King. I’m also all for the Happy Pips man… This option sounds good to me. I’ve seen those DDs on my live account myself. For the past 2 weeks I’ve been placing manual safety nets. Luckily I made something along the way. Thing is.. the LTP doesn’t read the news for fundamentals. It’s purely technical I think. But sometimes I think technical & fundamental is related. It’s almost like a chicken and egg problem.

  1605. FOD has way too many losses to be compared in the same breath with LTP..Now that I see the many losses, it looks like they are not copying LTP’s trades. I personally can’t see using an EA that loses so many trades. Also, I can’t use a method that is only correct 70% of the time (trading opposite Leo)..the string of losses can be 8 to 10 in a row..the losing streak is way too long..not good for emotions or accounts.
    Btw, I’m not totally sold on LTP either, since their inception, their record has been far from steller..not sure why yet, but I will figure it out, if there’s something hidden. Still don’t believe they released their amazing robot to the public out of the goodness of their heart or for so called good business reasons. I highly doubt they like dealing with the public like they say they do…would you!

  1606. You cannot believe how long it took me to find this system, I’ve been searching over 25 years and now I’ve found it.

    I have 2 dogs. One of my dogs I named him short and the other one I named him long. Every time short shits in my backyard I go short and every time long shits in my backyard I go long. I’m making over seven figures income, this is the Holy Grail!
    Quote from Forex Humor


  1607. Hi King..dont worry …i got my way around yet….I am going live very soon with LTP reverse….and you and couple of other member here will be the first to see my results…..

    And also, to shed ligth on Norm’s concern-
    dont worry about 8/9 losing streak as well….trading 4 LTP pairs and having 8/9 losing streak is almost out of league…Even if I do consider this (which I dont have any problem with to accept that circumstance)my total loss would be (In a worst worst case scenario 9*25=225 pips which is still 105 pips less than LTp’s 1 bad trade .I am not counting whats gonna happen if 2 ltp pairs encounter teh SL at teh same time…..Most of all when 4 pairs are in extreme DD at teh same time..we all (live traders)know how much that hurts..dont we?

    Do The Math…..

  1608. Andy, LTP might be using a very well parametered FOD at their server, then replicating… think so? Anyway, if so, its not a problem. Just make pips!

  1609. Mohammed, so u bought the Signalcopy, and try to tune to make a perfect reverse trade? Go for it! I have to get back my money lost by malfunctions and habit of LTP. Thats 2.700 USD… in real, live accounts, no demo pals!

  1610. JTX…Yes its all been set up perfectly….as of monday i will be trading live (obviuosly when ltp open their first trade /only if it can survive teh EXTREME 700 pips DD it is experiencing at the moment)….
    Thanks andy for the link….I had to pay for it…but its ok…I didnt want to do teh trial version coz it was restricted to demo account which was preventing me from using it teh way I want to use it….but hey..if it works that wil be money well spent…And if it doesnt work out, i will take it as a compliment to myself…at least i made some afford to do something better instead of just taking about it…wont u agree?….

  1611. I read you guy’s post and am encouraged but I haven’t had good results so far. A couple of little wins and I am 3 days into a large DD but it hasn’t closed out yet so there is still hope.

    I have AllowOpen, Exit, Close, and Hedge all set to true. RiskLevel @ -30.0, MinLOtSize 0.0, MaxLotSize 1.0 and EquityLimit 0.0. I left everything else at default. I haven’t had a U/Y or U/F and the big DD is on the P/U.

    Are you guys doing things differently?

  1612. BTW, I am live and running 1.12. I do have a different EA running on AUDNZD and it gets most of the trades right but they are small profits (better than losses). I don’t know why a trade can loose $100 but only make $6. If it can loose $100 it can make $100.

  1613. @Grant

    Thats what we are trying to get LTP to do for us…get teh profit in much more efficient manner…with 50-50 if not more risk reward ratio…and no DD… and ofcourse fully automated…

  1614. @Grant
    No.. we wont get any more trades than you would…whatever trades ltp open up…we all get the same….

    Thanks for your willingness to help..I much appreciate it..but its all good…when i get at least two weeks of result in my live account..I will let you guys know preferably via email.

  1615. Mohammed, tell me please, does Signalcopy has an option to set lot size for reversal trade? I’m too looking for a hedging ltp trades by placing an opposite trade but with 50% of initial lot size. sl for this trade will be the same point as tp of Ltp’s trade and tp for reversal trade will be 50 pips. Could it be done by signalcopy?

  1616. me also going to buy Signalcopy. Mohammed, would youd drop your setting to me? szj003YOUKNOWWHATITISgmailYOUALSOKNOWcom

  1617. Someone wrote a small robot. It makes pending orders under the LTP trade, to 30, 60, 90, 120 etc. I did similar job manual last days, but it is a hard work… He will pass me this bot, I will see how it works…

  1618. I like very much this idea of Mohammed! Already for long time i think about the success (not only in forex) could be located in a totally different (and often may be will be shown as much easier)way of viewing and handling the things we are already doing too long time in the way we are guided and programmed to do.
    (For example “why not setting up a kind of martingale-ea who doesnt increase the lots in trading related to a specific pair/chart in the traditional stupid way as we al know it longtime, but let its strategy trading…related to a complete account, wich may include as many pairs/charts and strategies as you like… one trade after the other…?)
    Did you know that where are services online available for small money (20$) which can change the programs of your ea in the way you like it? It should be no problem to send f.e. your own FOD to them and get it back in 2 days with the new features you ordered.

  1619. Facts:
    Now 6 weeks since LTP’s launch. Results:
    – EURUSD+GBPUSD: 4.45% (-2.87% floating)
    – USDCHF+USDJPY (upsell): -8.23% (-18.05% floating)
    – Combined (50/50): -3.78% (-20.92% floating)
    Where are the monthly 113%+ claimed on the sales page?
    Another internet marketers’ achievement?
    Most customers don’t even ask for a refund: they just abandon LTP after not being able to install it because of the too many bugs and glitches, and then they probably rush to the next scam. They massively don’t post on forums. Don’t ask me why, this is just ClickBank stats… Internet marketers know that fact better than me & you…

  1620. Guys,

    I have not buy this LTP as I still reviewing results from users.

    Could you give me your honest advise, should I buy this LTP or not ???

    Thank you

  1621. Alfredo

    Is not exactly what they said.

    100 % a month …..hummm…… is from the original deposit amount, not from your free actual margin you do some math.

    500 deposit a 100 % a month = 500 1 month + 500 2 month + 500 3 month + 500 4 month + 500 5 month then you have 3.000 that they have now.

    Is not 100 % of your actual balance is form the inicial deposit. and 1 more thing this last month did no make it.

    Wait 2 – 3 weeks to see how it goes, I hope it can do it well

  1622. I noticed the last time the EUR/USD and GPD/USD were at the “take profit” points for the current trades, was in November, I hope we don’t have to wait a couple of months or longer for these to get out of the red…..like that USD/JPY trade from Dec 20.

  1623. Alfredo, at this time, LTP is not a “setup and forget it” type robot. Some of us hope, it will, but who knows?
    I was able to learn many things while used LTP on live account. But sometimes it was more gambling then trading… 🙂
    Anyway, buying now just the basic LTP is not a risk, u could study and learn, and after 60 days u could make your own decision 🙂

  1624. Mohammed,you need Signalcopy master and slave licensies ?.
    Also you need both to be configured only to get the reverse trade.
    Anyway this is a very interesting approach.
    Simpler reversing solution can be found ?.

  1625. Looking at the two accounts, LTP has never had a trade open more than a few days..only once for 10 days.
    Now they have 2 trades over 30 days…something is fishy.

  1626. Has anybody had any glitches today? I had the eur/usd trade close out at $302 loss, not even close to the S/L.
    It was acting funny and the meta 4 closed and I only lost that one trade.

  1627. george… i am busy searching the link of the (indonesian)ea-programmers.
    i now have the finfx-mt4 with the leo-investorpassword running, the history and actual open trades are perfect visible, but no chart… its still “waiting for update”… any advice from a mt4-specialist here?
    criag… the eurusd is still running here(actual 150 pips in loosing position).

  1628. Its 7:20 sun, New York time…I’m going long GBP at 1.5827 if price drops below 1.5820 (7 pips) I’m out.

    Reason for trade…30 pip gap needs to be filled.

  1629. Thanks George & JTX

    Well I am sure I will not be rushing to buy LTP at this moment, will wait for few more weeks hoping to see more positive reviews from users.

    Anyone know how legitimate and independence Finfx from LTP ???
    Are they in the same glitch ?

    Thank you

  1630. For USDJPY LTP account:

    Account#: 2729
    Password: LTP15112010
    Server: FinFx-Live
    2 orders still open since 12/20/2010

  1631. Hi Jtx

    Yes i will give you the settings..Just let LTP make couple of trades and let me find out if I am on the right track…
    I will definitely tell you guys what to do…I am live with my settings and just waiting for trades to open…cant wait..

  1632. @ Trainee57

    Basically when you pay for your licence you will have to choose the licence type….you have to choose on basis of your requirements.

  1633. Norm…its good to see, you smelt it a little fishy too…You were the biggest fan of LTP….No Offence mate…I just couldnt resist…lol

  1634. I hope everyone is trading eur and gbp on the way back up. Keep an eye on jpy for a breakout.
    Yes Mohammed, its a lil fishy, but maybe just bad trading luck..my neural net said to not go long any usd currency.
    Gbp and Eur got hit with this Egypt crap, so robot couldn’t figure that in..looks like they’re coming back.

  1635. Norm,

    I was working the eur/usd last night and this morning making up for the glitch last night made everything back plus some more for the trouble.

  1636. Hey, did you guys notice GBP dropped 286 pips, that’s 44 pips away from stop…bet the LTP boys were sweatin that one lol
    Keep an eye on jbp breakout..robot may have lost that trade long ago. Need a strong dollar..yea right.

  1637. I bailed out of all my eur trades except one…the ADR has been reached for today at 140 pips. Transfering the trades to usd/jbp when a breakout/pullback occurs. Keep an eye on 82.205 must be a STRONG breakout and a pullback, then a continuation..

  1638. King, I’d be surprised if eur reaches 1.3747 today, prolly tomorrow. Gbp has away to go today..may want to load up on any pullbacks.

  1639. GBP looks like it wants to run up to 1.5950..that’s over 120 pips for the day..I will bail out of a couple of my trades near that number..keep some powder for the jbp breakout..don’t get caught in false breakouts..wait for the pullback continuation.

  1640. JTX, CHF is putting in a pretty good base..big money is supportin the price..little money got killed long ago..when big money gets involved they may know things we don’t..if the upside breakout occurs we can ride their backs..we’ll see.

  1641. Maybe this robot will spot the bottom in CHF..its down almost 4000 pips from its high..be fun to ride it back up.
    Big money hasta have a ton of contracts..they need to dump them much higher..dollar may start showin strength..stock market is boomin.

  1642. GBP is up 140 pips today..Must be around ADR…don’t get too greedy if you have other trades on..could pull back some.

  1643. I’m sure all the guys that were tradin eur and gbp are happy campers lol..be nice if both pairs would close today so that new trades could start.

  1644. HI guys,
    Still waiting for the LTP trades to payout on the EUR and GBP. But just to let you know, I will sleep well tonight, closed my (live) GBP trade for 135 pips and my EUR for 98 pips. Not a bad day!



  1645. Norm,
    I like your idea of sharing trades. I have tried this a couple of time in the past, but was working with folks in Austrailia, (I’m in South Africa) so time zones became a problem.

    I would be up for it if there are UK/USA time frame traders interested.

    Time for a botle of wine!



  1646. We need some new posters..now c’mon all you folks that would like to post..just say hi, we dont bite! Let us know how you’re doin or if you’re havin problems.

  1647. Hi Paul, Yes, would be fun to see others Idea’s..and don’t worry if the trades go south..we can’t be right all the time..maybe LTP will bail us out anyways! So post your Idea’s everyone..let have some fun.

  1648. Follow daily discussions on this forum
    From 1 February in the last 150 meters in deciding whether or not the preservation of this robot.
    Tuesday February 15 please the most active members of this forum to tell their personal opinion about LTP.
    When I bought this robot I proposed that if LTP will produce a yield between 30 and 40% per month will be satisfied.
    It seems with the help of technical solutions on this forum can get more.
    I am a beginner and I think you have to learn many things that you can trade a real account with LTP.
    I hope this machine to keep the bar up and over a year and still be ranked among the five robots that are given on the market as I recommended him to Steve from FapTurbo.
    I using VPS from UCV Host
    I installed the new version 1.12 of the LTP.
    I opened the FinFx Demo Account.
    We comply with the installation manual settings.
    Till now I have satisfactory results but I’m glad for Norm, Doug, Felix, JTX, King Mohamed, Andy and others who see that better results were obtained with the robot and were able to play with the settings.
    Many of you see that you have a rich experience in trade with these robots.
    I personally have traded with FapTurbo on a real account and would like LTP not letting me and I can enjoy it long time.
    I appreciate the idea of Mohammed and his more than two weeks awaiting the outcome is even possible that the idea will cause the robot to have a good yield of 100%
    I am sure that many reading this forum and you can help them in making decisions.
    I am convinced that in time will occur one unofficial guide proper use of the robot and many other versions adapted to market needs.

  1649. Paul, If you see a trade developing, just post the number (1.3600 or whatever)..try and include why you think its a good buyin point..helps with confidence..just a number by itself leaves a lot to be desired…so add a lil info with each trade..(very strong support..wedge breakout..etc). We wont be right all the time..hopefully we’ll be right enuff times. Lets do it!

  1650. Hi Gyorgy, stick around..get set up for a live account..LTP should be giving out lots of trades in the next few days..everyone, just be careful to go slow on risk settings for a while till LTP gets back into the swing of things. If this robot starts hitting on all cylinders, it could be a fun ride.

  1651. Cool idea Norm. Turned off the station for tonight (just added 12 pips to the tally), but will be up and running again tomorrow morning. Would be useful to know which time zone we all sit in. I am GMT +2.

    We should set up a simple formula for trades that we all can recognise.
    Pair: GBP/USD
    B/S: B
    Price: 1.3714
    However, 80% of my trades are taken using Alan Dewett’s “Pipsqueak” method, and are taken on the 15 or 5 min charts (GBP mostly, but some EUR and ASD). So, they come up and need to be entered immediately. Maybe we should consider alternatives to posting trades here. Perhaps a Skype group.

    Just thinking.



  1652. As I’m typing this, gbpusd is 1.6044, 10 pips in profit and up 225 pips since its opening hour low of yesterday. A lot of us let emotion get in the way last week when usdchf gave the first failure to s/l that LTP has had and makes us think that LTP is a failure……not with one trade going to s/l out of more than 270.

    LTP will keep us in profit if we trade the drawdowns in the direction that it selected. It seems a sure bet if a trade is at least 100 pips down, that you will close with a profit.

    I think that it is important to look for alternative ways to profit though. I will look to open a hedge trade when LTP opens a sell trade with no evident resistance or a buy with no evident support, and try to profit from both directions when it eventually reverses to close at a profit.

    Looking forward to Mohammed’s results on reverse trading.

  1653. Hey Ron C, Great advice..we need to test all the options for placing trades..maybe others have idea’s also..someone mentioned placing trades every 50 pips.
    If trades are posted, pleaseeee add the WHY you think its a good place to enter the market(pennant,triangle,wedge etc)..just a number is kinda useless.
    Paul, skype could work also…I haven’t figured out GMT time yet..I have a hard time figgerin out where the time zones are in the USA muchless the world lol

  1654. Hey King, Good call..almost hit your number..maybe we’ll get another run at it..be nice to close this eur trade out.
    Now if we could just get jpy fired up..

  1655. Ron C, Its interesting that the robot can’t deviate enough to place trades at breakout or support points..it seems to need to be exact in the placement..interesting. I think we can almost tell that the trade is going to have difficulty in making the 20 or so pips by the trade placement..we can make side bets as to whether the trade will make it or not before the close of the day.lol

  1656. Eur/usd is coming down..the 50% level is at 1.3653 even better is the 61.8 Fibonacci number at 1.36325..good entry would be between those numbers..any break below 61.8 and I’d bail out.

  1657. If we can get jpy back up to the highest buy point..thats about 170 pips..we may be on a “wing and a prayer” on this one tho.

  1658. I mentioned hedge strategy before, like many of us here have talked about. Just wanted to mention, to be clear, that I use 2 brokers so that I can hedge if necessary. Many of you know that hedging is no longer allowed in the U. S.

  1659. Hi George..I just remembered, I put the GBP trades on manually..I didnt receive the original one. My buy point was a few pips lower.
    Chet, I heard your vps was having trouble with the robot..you need to bypass it until forexvps solves their problem.

  1660. This is were we need a couple more pairs…make up for last month, but doubt we’ll get em..we was bad boyz lol

  1661. Norm, come on and saddle up wit me partner, time to ride the GBP/USD on down, follow the trend boys 😉

    GBP/USD is past its Daily High, my Indicator is showing the trend to move on down with profit on the Sell.

  1662. Hi Norm,

    GMT – aka Greenwich Mean Time – as in, we the ones who started the whole time thing. As in London UK, as in a few hours before you guys wake up. Never mind, we’ll sort it out. But for now, it’s 23h10 my time – off to bed. (Boy, did that bottle of wine go down well!).



  1663. Paul, here is GMT+1, 00:14. I’ve got my bottle of vine, so dont panic… 🙂

    Norm & King, unfortunately my manual AND LTP GBPUSD did not hit the T/P… 🙁 (OK, some small manual USDGBP did, but those were carefully smalls). So, now let we jump to down, by sell…? Whats the deep?

  1664. Guys, it is really strange, as we did a LOTS of more profit on manual trading inspired by LTP, than the LTP itselfe (which is still in LOSS)…
    Paul, I got wine, not vine of course. Nice dry Hungarian red wine… 🙂

  1665. Both of my trades eurusd, gbpusd are still open? Anyone’s trades still open? Analysts on DailyFX.com say that both pairs will advance more — enough to hit TP. Let’s hope so.

  1666. MRF, yess, still open both of LTP trade. Few of us did manual trading below, what done already. If you set your LTP RiskLevel low, than dont have to worry… but a hope and pray could help, and no pain… 😉

  1667. There has been a very large drop in the % profit per trade since 1 December. ie if you divide each trade profit by the size of the account trades before 1 dec averaged 1.08% profit (165 trades) and after 1 dec trades averaged 0.22% profit(45 trades). Does 1 dec coincide with the system going live? Does this mean the robot is about to fail like all the others eventually fail? By the way what evidence do we have that there is any neural network input at all?

  1668. My only trade in a long time was the GBPUSD which open Jan 19 and just closed Feb 1 with a TP of $17.50 on 0.06 lots.

    I think I’m going out to celebrate!

  1669. gbpusd closed!! eurusd almost there. Hope LTP will fix their robot so that big DDs don’t occur too often. Too much of a waiting game not to mention anxiety.

  1670. Will it mess anything up if I closed a LTP trade? I would like it to close in profit before it hits its t/p that’s a ways away. Especailly the way the eur has been.

    It’s only in a demo acct so it won’t hurt me, just 1.37599 seems like forever lately.


  1671. Hi JTX, I’m glad you’re recovering well…we need to keep the dollar amounts to ourselves..large losses can affect some people, if you know what I mean…may hurt them to see you lose 😉

  1672. Yes, gbp was down around 285 pips lol whew! Came screamin back. That was cuttin it a lil close..gotta love those draw downs…waitin to see jpy and chf come screamin back.
    The robot’s not interested in support n resistance, just time and price…there’s a cycle in there somewhere..notice how the vast majority of trades come back in a few days…interestin

  1673. I’m still at a loss as to why LTP bought eurusd at 1.3731 when it was clearly at resistance levels. Now the pair needs so much more push to hit TP. I always thought we should buy low and sell high, not buy a break above and sell a break below. But with 215+ winning trades and 0 losses, who am I to say. Wish I had that kind of record.

  1674. Yup, you got it MRF..pretty impressive record..but you are very correct, the overhead resistance in the eur is daunting. I don’t think LTP had a choice..it must enter a trade at a perfect time and price. Actually, it kinda proves that the robot is precisely calculating several variables at once..I doubt there’s an algorithm that can achieve LTP’s success. The nice part is, they’re training it to not make the same mistakes..so, it may get even better. Not sure why it wasn’t trained to not go long usd lol…thats a no brainer

  1675. Hey guys, it’s 1:30 AM and I’m going to Sleep Happy!

    1. 1/19 G/U closed @ +29.8 Happy pips!
    2. 1/25 G/U closed @ +65.1 Happy pips! (Manually placed)
    3. 1/31 E/U closed @ +29 Happy pips! (Manually placed)
    4. 1/30 E/U closed @ +39.5 Happy pips! (Manual)
    5. 1/27 E/U closed @ -99.9 Sad pips…(Manual, S/L too small)
    6. 1/27 E/U closed @ +25 Happy pips. (Manual, didn’t get signal from LTP) Lucky me, avoid the DD a little..

    WOW what a ride for the past 2 weeks. I need a good massage. Anyone interested? 🙂

    Man, with this kind of trades I really need to hedge / place reverse trades like you guys mentioned. It’s driving my nuts!

  1676. @ Happy Pips, way to go! Where have you been entering on these LTP hedge/reverse plays?

    Noticed LTP made several adjustments on the existing E/U trade once in the profit zone. Just got stopped out for a 10 pip gain.

  1677. Is anyone else seeing spontaneous disconnect from LTP server where reconnection can only be achieved by stopping and restarting MT4?

    Thanks in advance for your input.

  1678. Doug
    Have you tried looking @ the connection to the LTP server ?
    Try TRACERT in a DOS window (Server is in Las Vegas from what I can see). It takes me roughly 21 hops from South Africa to get to Vegas. From there I start getting Request timeouts once I hit the gig4-1.core1.dwdtechllc.com server.

    Just my 5cents worth
    p.s. I got the ip address from earlier expert logs

  1679. Of all the trades LTP has performed on my MT4, all of the 7 trades thus far, have only been long (buy) trades, no short (sell) trades yet.

    What’s up with that?

  1680. Had the same exit on E/U per trailing stop. Interesting how this trade was managed so tight.

    Anyone take the hedge trade on this? This is where it could be questionable to hedge, as the trend is so strong. But then again, when are we ever going to know this for sure since LTP never seems to enter on retraces?

  1681. Yepp, the EURUSD exit was so strange, how the LTP is modified many time up and up the S/L… Why not just did a simple EXIT in lower profit?

  1682. It seems, most of the pairs are moving just slideway… what will happen?

    And I have minus 2.200 pips pending on USDJPY and USDCHF. More than 6.000 USD minus pending…

  1683. And no, Norm, I cant ride up from this DD of U/J and U/C. My free margin is EXTRA DRY, no place for further risk.

  1684. JTX You’re not in usa..you should have plenty of margin. I just placed a trade in usd/jpy..got stopped out a while ago.

  1685. Norm, u placed a buy for usdjpy?
    what do u mean i should have plenty of margin? i just have a few hundred usd free margin…

  1686. @ Exness:
    Account balance \ Maximum leverage (for mini accounts)
    USD 1 – 999 \ 1:1000
    USD 1000- 4999 \1:400
    USD 5000 -14999 \ 1:200
    USD 15000 – \1:100
    Leverage is changed automatically depending on account balance.

  1687. JTX I vary the lot size depending on how the market is acting..when support is strong, or the formation looks good, i’ll increase it.

  1688. Normally I wait for the breakout/pullback/continuation move before placing the trade. That way I dont get caught in false breakouts.

  1689. @ K-BOY, These are same direction trades I need to take advantage of the down-turn… which are risky. I realize I shouldn’t have done that… Cause, what if that particular trade had really gone S/L. Then I’m risking more than the original lot. The better way would be to try to hedge or reverse this thing like these guys discussed it here…

  1690. @Doug. I missed that one E/U trade (didn’t get a signal from LTP) I have to manually put it in after work… Which is sometimes good, as I skipped some of the DD.

    But when I checked the Journal… It think it happened after I got “disconnection from server” then when it comes back up again, it said the signal is how many seconds old.. so it skipped it…

    But I don’t need to restart MT4 though..

  1691. JTX, Draw a line at 81.440, wait for the break above on 1 hr chart, then go to 15 min chart and wait for the pullback..then watch price go back above first breakout..thats your entry point..stoploss just below 81.440

    Pullback must not go below 81.440 or just a litte is ok. watch for the continuation above the breakout. entry point is above the breakout top. If pullback drops much below the line then trade is cancelled.

  1692. Norm its

    Almost in 81.44 in usd/jpy I enter in 81.38 buy tp 81.60 and exactly at that point made a reversal from 81.60 to 81.40 in the firt 22 pips and in the reverse 20 pips at 23:01 my time.
    And now where is going to go the aud/usd aud/jpy I nedd to go down, hope the gold woes down 100 pips so i can say seeeeoo and save those positions

  1693. I have 2 mentors and they say usd/jpy sell at 81.60

    well we will see in the morning tomorrow here is 22:30 I am going to my envelop.

  1694. Does anyone know if Alpari UK allow US customers? The Alpari US is a bucketshop looks like. The UK version is ECN.

    I just registered with ATC Brokers for my hedging account but looks like I’m signing up with FXCM not ATC brokers… wierd.

    There are some mixed reviews with FXCM.

  1695. nvm…

    Please note that due to global banking and regulatory restrictions, we are unable to process any applications from residents of the following countries/territories:

    United States (except Eligible Contract Participants)

  1696. Happy Pips: ATC Brokers uses FXCM Backoffice amd account funding channels but have their own MT4 and processes that allow hedging while observing stupid NFA FIFO rules. Tracking your account in the backoffice to reconcile with MT4 is a bear due to FIFO, but ATC service and support is great and their MT4 platform is top notch.

  1697. Doug: Thanks. So the hard part of keeping track is due to opening two trades in sub-accounts?

    I just talked to FXCM guy he said it’s NDD, better than ECN. Ok Sir! 🙂 The ATC demo quotes looks pretty tight though. I put the spread indicator on both MBTF & ATC, they are comparable! Sometimes the ATC is smaller by 0.2, 0.3, 0.4. Looks promising. hopefully spread is good not just for lot size of 1 lol.

  1698. Oh man… USDCHF keeps going down, DOW keeps going up. Does that mean those with offshore swiss accounts come back to wallstreet? (exchange CHF to USD to rush back to the stock market?)

  1699. Well, this is different…latest eurusd trade, order 1438490, had a TP of 70 pips! trailing stop closed it with 5.2 pips profit.

  1700. You folks have to realize that support and resistance trading isn’t the way to go, otherwise the robot would be using it. The Team that comprises the makeup of the neural net has found that support and resistance trading is vastly inferior to their way of trading.
    Trades are placed at an exact moment AND price, hence the 275+ profitable trades. To try and guess why a trade was placed is way beyond our way of thinking…until you can figure out how the neural net works, it best to just go along with the trade. This way of trading is far superior to ANY algorithm that all other robots use..if you’re using them they will self destruct. Obviously LTP is using a neural net type of learning..be very glad its improving constantly as the market changes its personality..Imho

  1701. I generally try to place trades at a particular place in time, when that place coincides with a price. I look at the market as being highly controlled. When trades are placed I try and figure out what the controllers are up too. I realize that most people think that the forex market is way to large to be manipulated, thats one of the reasons why I believe that it is..another reason is, the larceny of peoples hearts, especially of the rich..they have a burning desire to take from the not so rich, just as YOU have a burning desire to take from the market (them). This neural net has apparantly found that way..it should be interesting..just some of my silly musing’s..sorry about that 🙂

  1702. I placed a trade on usd/jpy with a stop just under the newly made low in hopes that that was the final low as I look at the market manipulation. Odds are I’m probably wrong, so trade at your own risk. I didn’t wait for the buy point of 81.60, so my stop may be hit..not a big deal..I’m bottom fishing..that usually doesn’t pan out. If I get stopped out I’ll enter back in at 81.60 if that number is hit.

  1703. The problem is, the market is being held in a very tight range (usd/jpy)..when that happens there’s usually a very hard down spike that take out all the stops just before price moves up very quickly causing the market participants to chase it (quickly higher prices cause buying)..thats why all markets move in a zigzag fashion..the buyers rush is as the price is advanced quickly..then dropped hard, forcing them out with losses that keep them out as prices are once again advanced..just more musing’s..your comments welcome 🙂

  1704. If I were LTP I wouldn’t show big money where all the 330 pip stops are..just have the robot close them all. No need to draw attention to thousands of stops all in one place…

  1705. King, to get the license to the other pairs, you probly hafta get refund, then re-order as new customer. Of course, then you’d lose charter member status if you have it.

  1706. €guman,

    Go to your VPS and open a web browser. Open the LTP download page in the browser. There you can do all your downloads to your VPS.

  1707. Norm, I too got in the bandwagon… U/J.. and U/C a couple days ago. The chart looks too enticing. 🙂 Still waiting for 81.60…

  1708. “$guman” (Can’t find the Euro sign!)
    Get”Dropbox” and load it from your computer into “Dropbox” where you can extract files onto your VPS. A very handy tool and it’s free.

  1709. €guman, that was not me but Del & Bob who gave advice for u. Unfortunately I was busy with my core business, from where the living cost come from, yet… 🙂

  1710. Go to the 1 hr chart on jpy…draw a trendline down those tops…see how price hit trendline and stopped cold, today.

  1711. King, did u check @ forexegg, the daily analysis against the monthly analysis for usdchf and usdjpy? do u try on live the short period? Because the monthly is die for me. I have too much open long position…

  1712. To err is human – said the quillhog and left alone the scratch-brush…
    I have too much open long position…

  1713. I believe the phrase went like this.

    To Err is Human Forgive Devine

    To really F^$K things up requires a Computer

  1714. Norm, check out the EUR/USD short that just posted at 1.3793, its’ set to a 1.3808 TP, ummmmmm aynt that only what ?? 15 pips???

    By the looks of it, Trend-wise, I’d say the EUR is due to head back up Northwards pass 1.381

  1715. Money management is a crucial part of trading. Can someone explain to me why the Lot sizes taken since 1 Dec have been so small compared to the lot sizes taken before then. There is no way LTP would have made so much profit if it had been using the small lot sizes it recently uses. How do we know the larger lot sizes taken are the truth?

  1716. anyway, yesterday i made 15 manual trades, which made 370 usd profit. i have to work manual, to get back all the loss made by LTP… it is a motivation… kind of.
    Thanks Norm, your opinions help me – and us I think.

  1717. I use to made more small Buy Stops, while going up. I mean a series of Buy Stops, for 3 pips profits, and have a 2 pips gap between the T/P and the entry price. 1 pip gap was not enough sometimes, since the price moving was too fast, the above Bus Stop was also opened, so the two Buy Stop together takes double risk on free margin. I using 0.3 lots for these small Buy Stops.
    That way I made 100-120 pips a day.

  1718. King, EURUSD is OK with 13 pips profit, BUT what about the GBPUSD??? 0.3 pip profit??? its a joke…
    Interestingly, the GBPUSD trade made 3.8 pips profit on the public account of LTP. Why such a BIG difference?

    Anybody out, how much is your pips on he last GBPUSD? Magic number 1445391

  1719. Look at the public account: there is no secounds at the times, I mean all the open and close time has 00.
    By this, I cant compare why the entry price was 1.62594 @LTP account, and why the entry price was 1.62629 @ my accounts (we have 3 accounts, this trade was open the exactly same price and time on all the 3, 2011/02/03 09:28:15)
    LTP account time is 2011/02/03 09:28:00

  1720. Broker: 10:06 UTC Offset: 0 UTC 09:51 Local: 09:59 London: 09:51 Tokyo: 18:51 New York: 04:51

    Isnt it some problem to drive? But LTP support said, it is nothing problem with the time differences, since LTP 1.11. Or do?

  1721. JTX: it’s variation due to broker and entry timing. My GBPUSD entry prices were 1.62569 at FinFX (while LTP account was 1.62594) and 1.62597 at ATC. The trades were all opened at 28 min past the hour. So all we can ay about timing is that they were opened within 60 s of each other

  1722. Well, dont know about that JTX, but as I have been laying her in me bed, I did hear my MT4’s chimes go off, so what did I do, I checked the Journal, and lo and behold the robot had been modifying the TP and the last minute of the trade??

    This was on that latest GBP/USD trade your referring to.

    I opened a manual trade for GBP/USD in the same direction and was able to hold it longer and profit out more. Go fig…lol 😉 Damn robot be a trippin’

  1723. Now, strange. EURUSD trade opened @ 1.37659. SL 1.34359.
    I have seen on the alert panel, LTP wanted to increase the S/L to 1.37. But then it did not realized. I seen, swear.

  1724. I have LTP on 2 accts and both opened at diierent times. On Finfx closed at the S/L and the other on Forex Meta at a later price and closed at a $.50 loss.

    Entry prices were FinFx 1.62547 and Forex Meta 1.62637 everything else was the same.

    Just wondering if having it on the same computer is messing it up or just the broker delay?

  1725. Criag: There’ lot of reasons you see differences, but given how high the Meta entry was, I’d say that a good portion of the difference is due to broker spread-Forex Meta doesn’t look too good

  1726. @Doug

    Thanks, that’s what I figured because the ticker/price is off on that one and no comm. Were the FinFx shows comm and the price and ticker are the same.

    Just wasn’t sure about having 2 platforms running would delay the trade.

  1727. Guys, I am getting very little activity and when I looked at the Journal there are a lot of attempts but no trades. The latest one was a buy EUR but looking at it this morning I’m glad I missed. Here is what I am getting and there is a string of these with the time stamps every minute and the same ticket number.

    2011.02.03 00:08:36 ‘10148’: order #226427 buy 0.05 EURUSD closing at 0.00000 failed [Modification denied. Order too close to market]

    2011.02.03 00:08:36 ‘10148’: close order #226427 buy 0.05 EURUSD at 1.37924 sl: 1.34622 tp: 1.38081 at price 0.00000

    Are my settings off or should I be on a VPS? If I need a VPS, is there one that is proven with LTP and not too much money?

    I just reset the platform to see if that helps.

  1728. yahp,

    I think so, you have the reason Norm they are not doing good prediction.

    Hey eur/usd 1.3625, and our Leo is in 145 pips dd.

    Mohamed how is your experiment

  1729. Just looked into my MT and found no closed/open trades today. No any alers, no oldticks or something like this. I simply missed last 3 trades…
    Ive contacted my vps support, they said everyting is ok…so i dont know what happened with my ltp and what to think about it?.

  1730. My G/U closed at a loss actually. 1.62665 -> 1.62627. This is on MBTF spread. Wow. I just synchronized my times.. can’t believe it.

  1731. Happy Pips: have you compared your broker’s spreads to other brokers? My GBPUSD trades opened at less than 1.6260.

  1732. Doug,

    What I meant was I “had” LTP on 2 and one always has issues. It must be the forexmeta, it wasn’t just the LTP trade it was all my trades. I was gambling on the eur/usd and I was losing BIG time and I lost 2000. Thank god it was on a demo acct. That could be the issue also.

    I’m not blaming LTP at all, I think the system wiil work. It was more the brooker or the connection it was on.


    Yes it does look like the old LTP now after the past few small trades it made.

  1733. Doug: I’m comparing MBTF v.s. ATC demo at the moment.. using the spread indicator.

    Steady-State values:
    MBTF: 1.9
    ATC: 1.2

    MBTF: 0.9, 0.9
    ATC: 1.0, 0.9

    The G/U is worse, but E/U is comparable … think I’m moving leo to ATC 🙂

  1734. Who think that we could make a buy in eur/usd at this moment with this drawdown

    Norm ?

    Doug ?

    Jtx ?

    King ? and all others LTP users

  1735. IMHO, I’m waiting to enter. E/U just broke through the previous low of 1.3570 from 1/31, with plenty of momentum to the downside.

    Gonna be interesting to see how close it gets to the SL. About a 130 pips away….

  1736. I think that the impact of a -330 pip SL hit is more hard-hitting now because we just started using LTP. So we’re getting hit in our “start-up” capital.

    If we have 200+ trades with 95%+ winners, then a -330 pip hit every now and then would not be that bad — albeit heartbreaking.

    Acct#1331 can afford a -330 SL hit but we can’t. If we stay with LTP and let it (hopefully) build profit, then we won’t feel so bad if we get a SL hit.

    We’ll just have to see how the Sunday opening goes.

    Just my 2 cents.

  1737. So true MRF. On that note, risk mgt is the key IMO. I know we all want to grow our accounts on a fast pace however, each trade must be set up knowing one can survive the SL and live to trade another day and then some. I know we hear this over and over again but I’m thinking this is a good way to survive and maybe profit in the long run with LTP….or not.

  1738. I suggest to leave/ or not to use this EA. Risky with SL with smaller TP only.

    There is still others are better than this.

  1739. Hi Guys: I am looking for VPS in UK to host my LTP. Can any help thanks. I’m using FinFX and they say get VPS close to them. Is this bullship or not. I keep getting old ticks. Thanks for help chet.

  1740. I don’t agree with those of you who say don’t use LTP. Use it with micro lots an make your real money from coming back to entry point from entering on drawdowns, like the dd right now on eurusd. Look to make 200 pips with it. That’s the real value of LTP, IMHO. Remember, it has only hit it’s 330 SL once and it averages about one 100 pip dd every week.

    Another reason to only use micro lots with auto trading is the current month and a half old usdjpn trade….the lost opportunity value of your tied-up margin. Even if(when) it comes back, you only make a few pips for this long term trade. We gotta save margin money for the dd, where the real money is made.

  1741. Not wrote on this before but have been following. As an excercise I quickly aprox added the pips on the gbp leo since i bought it on the 20th Dec and it comes to aprox 567 (don’t quote me on it) so even if it loses the eur, by rights you should still be up. I cancelled and received a refund for the chf leo but have confidence in the gbp one. I’m just trading .01 micro lot so not in the same league as some people but learning. I did try and trade on the dd of the chf which lost and it back fired so keeping away from that strategy.
    Keep up the comments great reading !!

  1742. Looks like leo does using several trading strategies depending on signals from different neural networks. As you can notice, there are at least two types of trades – short one where it turn on trailing stop right after first signs of positive moving appears, and the second one where leo does see the future price level in longer time distance and dont worry about possible dd. It is interesting to find the reason for the last e-u trade and several earlier trades that go into deep dd based on its similarity. so we can find which trade needs to be hedged and which doesnt.

  1743. Found this:

    When market is too volatile or doesn’t have certain direction the main server prefers to reduce trading activity.
    [End of Quote]

  1744. In addition, delays in execution could be prevented by following the recommendations below.
    1) It is not recommended to use a wireless internet connection for trading.
    2) It is not recommended to have more than one MT4 platform installed on your computer, especially from several brokers.
    3) It is not recommended to run many (or large) applications on your computer while trading.
    4) If you are trading with an EA that is connected to a VPS, please ensure that there are no delays from the VPS provider. Tadawul FX servers are located in Germany and France and we recommend that you choose a VPS provider located in these regions.

  1745. I think 100% per month can be made, the question is “how much” will you have to “put up”? With high enough risk settings and/or additional/manual trades in deep DD it can be done. There was one day I did like 5 manual trades in parallel next to one single LTP trade as it went up/down several times before getting into the profit zone (that particular day I was probably averaging 250% per month). But tonight, I start with real money for the first time, so I won’t be near as bold that’s for sure, at least until I’ve doubled my account and got the deposit back.

  1746. I’m looking for a gap down at the opening..that will be my entry point. I’ll place 2 lots..and close one as the gap closes..there may be several trading points in the gap area. The market makers (big banks) like to fill the gaps very thoroughly. Have some fun..we know where price is going eventually.

  1747. If I can get jpy down around 82.00 (round number) I may enter there..keep in mind the robot may have lost this trade over time.

  1748. Fibonacci is at the 23.6 area (jpy)..Im looking for a move down to the 38.2 level..small traders like Fibonacci..big traders could care less (Imho). Have to see how price acts if it get to the 38.2 level (82.00 area).

  1749. Hello Doug:

    When you set “allow closing: false” in Leo EA, do you enter your S/L and T/P manually? How does this work? Can you inform me on this please?


  1750. Price is in the 2nd gap (5 min chart) if price moves lower than the gap , exit could be takin to see how far drop continues..if it does.

  1751. Since no major selling came in at the opening, me thinks the price may be finished on the downside..we’ll have to see after the gap is filled..remember,you can exit the trade just below the lowest point today and wait for a lower entry point if price continues lower..most likely, price will continue above the gap..should be interesting.

  1752. Jpy looks a little lazy..we may see price break the 23.6 level (82.150) and head toward 38.2 (82.00 round number).

  1753. Price is ranging nicely (jpy)..lets see if the lil guys can break it up or down..the big boyz will be coming to play at 3am new york time.

  1754. Denise: I set AllowClose to False and AllowExit to True. LTP sets SL and TP automatically and LTP can modify SL and TP whenever it wants. AllowClose = false means trades cannot be instant closed by LTP. If I also set AllowExit = true, then LTP can close trades that are in the money (but will not close trades in drawdown–The SL handles that).

  1755. Doug: That is great! However, I could not see the “AllowExit” part. Where is this? Is this the version 1.11?

  1756. Hi guys,

    Been away for a few days, but catching up with the “back” chat, I noticed that there hasn’t been anything from LTP for a while. What do you think, good or bad?


  1757. Welcome Denise! It is since january 25:

    Version 1.12 has been created with kind input by Doug.

    This version includes even more detail on the chart plus a new option: AllowExiting

    This feature is a half-way house between AllowClosing and not. With AllowClosing set to False and AllowExiting set to True, LTP will still be able to close trades which are in profit on your account without them needing to reach the TP level.

    There is also an extended user manual which explains each of the items displayed on the chart as some may not be 100% obvious.

    So, if you want the extra information and/or feature, install v1.12 – if not, stick with v1.11

  1758. 2010-10-02

    Review: Hi all trading FXDD,

    Overall i never made money in FXDD and its entirely due to my own fault like greed and too much leverage.

    I have done a few withdrawals and its paid promptly, i do not have a doubt about that though.

    Just like to let you know though, that my mentor has been trading on this broker since like 7-8 years and he trades the full 50lots on FXDD mt4, he averages about 250,000USD a week sometimes more and has been getting paid promptly since years. He’s a multi-millionaire from trading in FXDD.

    So just like to let you know that there’s no need to worry in trading FXDD, your in safe hands and sky’s the limit to making money here.

    Their servers are good, support is prompt, withdrawals aren’t an issue. The only problem is their spreads which aren’t so good, and on some pairs are really too high like GBPJPY, CADJPY, GBPCHF, GBPUSD ect..

    EURUSD – 2pip (Ancient Average spread)
    USDJPY – 3pip (needs to be 2pip or less)
    GBPUSD – 4pip (needs to be 3pip or less)
    USDCAD – 5pip (needs to be 3pip or less)
    AUDJPY – 5pip (needs to be 3pip or less)
    GBPJPY – 9pip (needs to be 7pip or less)
    GBPCHF – 9pip (needs to be 7pip or less)
    CADJPY – 7pip (needs to be 3pip or less)

    I rate them 1 star less for spread and 1star less because i need profit.

    Overall if your trying to make it big in forex like 500k or more i would suggest using FXDD, i only saying this as my mentor is doing 250k or more a week on this. So i will be looking forward in the future goals in FXDD.

  1759. Hey Norm

    Maybe I have to change to your mentor….

    LTP is not doing more trades in this past days

    In their web page now they say 83% a month, not more 100%.

  1760. Norm thanks for the info. Actually anybody (hopefully me2) would looking for broker, to trust enough to play bigger… 🙂

    So more choice, better choose!

    I really dont know how would I do, but until today, I made quite good… http://www.mt4i.com/users/szjexnesslive/stats
    so I have a hope to continue, and wish to reach the 100% per month, till months… who knows? 😉

    Today I lost 110box, because my faith was low, and try to make a sell to hedge E/U at DD… I learned again. 🙂

  1761. The only miss is at my broker, I never did withdrawal, since now I building up my capital, still. But they have quite a lot clients (6.000 new clients /month) and trading volume 12 billion usd /month. So I do not worry.
    Oh yes, their spread is from 0.4… 🙂

  1762. How many of us think that the eurusd trade will close in profit? What happened to usdchf after the SL on 1/25/11?

    Quite impressive statement, JTX. How do you do it? Can I learn from you?

  1763. Hey George, you don’t need any mentors, save your money, put it in your acc..Leo may start payin off.

    Keep an eye on usd/jpy..I’m waitin for it to break to the upside..may explode when it does.

    Looks like Gbp/usd finished makin lows..should keep headin up..need to get all these pairs closed…they prolly won’t release any new trades till they are.

  1764. MRF, I am a novice trader, frankly. So, learning my way is dangerous, I even do not know many basic stuff…
    Anyway, in deep DD I put many buy stop all the way back. And pray. 🙂

  1765. Norm,

    Thank you for your post a few days back about running too many platforms on the same computer. I beleive that is the case in what happened to me, because it did it again on Sunday.
    I now have 2 computers running each with different platforms and everything seems fine.

    I do beleive in the LTP product, it’s going through learning curves but it will catch soon.

    Craig M

  1766. Went real money with LTP yesterday, starting with only $250 USD, already made $21, mostly from buying manually in this low DD on the EUR/USD.

  1767. Usd/chf has broken out of the channel to the upside..its at .9600 (round number) need a good move above, then a pullback to that number ..then a continuation before entering. Otherwise you could get caught in a false breakout…stop would be just below .9600 if you’re taking the trade.

  1768. usdchf is usually negatively correlated most of the time. So if this pair rises, eurusd falls. More big DD for eurusd?

  1769. As anyone tried to use another ea on the same platform as leo? I don’t mean on the same chart, but a seperate one but still on the eur/usd. I know they mention not to, just curious if any one has tried this, as pace of growth is slow on account from Jan

  1770. Hi Craig, We all blamed LTP for all of the bugs when some of the problems were our own..lack of patients on our part..there’s no way LTP could foresee all the problems. Now, if these draw downs would stop..once a week is fine, 3-4 a week messes up lots of margin especially at 50-1. Its a pain tryin to find a broker at 500-1, most have other issues. Should be able to fund by debit card and withdraw the same way with no limit and no fee’s. Right guys?

  1771. JTX, Wait for a good solid breakout of the channel (no wimpy breakouts)on jpy. then load up..just remember, LTP prolly lost track of this trade long ago..I doubt any group of humans can tell where 2 currency’s will range several weeks in advance..maybe 2 weeks at best..7 weeks I doubt it..they aint tellin.

  1772. That’s my outlook, I trust doing a manual trade if LTP is in a DD shortly after a trade, but if it’s 1 week or beyond you gotta assume it’s probably lost track—things did not go/close as planned (didn’t expect to be in the trade 2 weeks later).

  1773. Hi JTX and UWE…I am here…Have been tweaking my settings and all…My copier malfunctioned a little at the beginning ..hence couldnt get all the trades copied in my live account..but the good news is if I could,i would have had well above 90% strike rate thus far(I couldnt watch the movement for couple of trades,)…since I fixed my copier issue i have had 100% success rate with last 4 trades…(I dont have any trading pending right now (both closed with profit) when LTP got both of em still running)
    I had to do little more study/watching/tweaking….I would be patiently waiting another week or two before i go on full throttle and having firm belief on my theory ….

  1774. JTX – Where is your chart? Does that mean yes?
    I’ve had several issues only in the last week with leo, it as missed a couple of trades and also as closed a loss on the gbp trade but there account is still showing as live

  1775. To Mohamed: I.m.o. if you will succeed with your strategy, you will have much bigger success if you change the settings of the EA or may be change another EA which is good for this strategy and do more trading… some trades daily with the usual drawdown of the cheaper softwares…

  1776. I have a US tax question. Are there any US traders out there with experience in reporting Forex gains/losses in tax form 1040 Schedule D? Let me know and we can take our discussions off-line if needed.



  1777. Norm & Mr.GTO, I try to be calm and respectful… so not shouting around this gain…
    Although I was manual working a lot, now I bought a tool for some automated, instead of so many typeing 🙂
    I respect LTP, without it I never do such gains.
    May be a bit banzai…
    Yesterday was my best trading day, about 420 pips profit 🙂

  1778. I bought LTP 12/20. I set up an account with FinFX and installed LTP on my Forex VPS. In the beginning, I had the same problems that many others here had, crashing and old ticks. Then with version 1.1 it started working reliably and I was getting the same trades that I see on their 1331 account.

    Then about 3 weeks ago, I started having the old tick problem again. I installed version 1.2 but that didn’t help. I contacted LTP support and they say it’s a broker issue. I contacted FinFX and they say I must have a bad connection. I checked my log and I have not lost connection at or near the times of the trades that have been missed showing “old tick”.

    LTP and FinFX have been of no help to me. The end of my 60 day money back guaranty is almost here. I do see the potential in LTP but it looks like I’m going to have to reluctantly request a refund.


  1779. Doug,

    I don’t know if it’s dsl or cable (probably neither) because it’s VPS. When I look at the connection properties, it shows the connection speed at 1.0 Gbps.

  1780. @ Chris.
    Hi. I do trade a live account with several EA’s. GPS Forex Robot and Megadroid (Pro) are among other EA running on separate instances of MT4 (same account) on EUR/USD. I use to get LTP to open some trades and it also missed some in the beginning. Lately I’ve been missing all the trades. (New version 1.11 and 1.12). I’m on a VPS and I told them to sync the time for me thinking it would help. I’ve even put LTP on demo now to see if the problem could be broker related (Alpari UK). Still missed the GBP/USD on Feb 8th. I’m running out of options now. I’ve tried everything suggested on this forum. If I continue to miss trades for the next two weeks I’ll be left with no other option but to throw in the towel on LTP. It’s sad to see LPT make winning trades and I’m being left out. Opening a separate trading account just for LTP is not an option for me at the moment, neither do I think it will solve the problem. I used to get trades before. The problem could easily be solved with a “trade copier” as long as LTP leave the 1331 account available for all to access. But I’m not going that route, since I paid for LTP already.
    Hope my experience concerning using LTP on a different instance of MT4 (same account) with other EA’s on the EUR/USD chart was helpful.

  1781. @Uwe
    my EA is working now(it did open last 4 trades profitably)….just waiting for ltp to open more trades now…will be testing another 20 trades or so…if they are succesfull i would be able to trade with much bigger lot size without any hassle and bag some profit…lets see…

  1782. Norm,

    I was not blaming LTP, I had it running on a platform that I trade for the knowledge and I was trying to see the difference between brokers vs th elive acct.

    The reason I posted the last one was I lost big time, all the trades at once. That’s why I knew it had to be something with my computer or connection to the broker.

    Since then I use LTP on it’s on platform and trade on the other. In which I’m doing what everybody else is doing when LTP opens a trade, going against it for a bit and then going with it when it comes around.

    The real kick in the a#@ was I lost $2000 in the demo acct last year from lack of knowledge and was almost had it all back when it lost my trades. Also, I was placing too much on a trade at one time.

  1783. @ Norm.
    Hi. I thought about that. I’m using ForexVPS. I didn’t want to mention them before, ’cause I didn’t want to give them bad publication while I’m not sure if the problem is with them. I’ve been using them for quite some time now and I can’t say anything bad about their service so far. Remember I used to get trades before, although I did miss some. Let’s see what the next two weeks will bring.
    Thanks for the advice though. Much appreciated.

  1784. I have a very strong suspicion that jpy could drop 130 pips..its wed. night at midnight est. time. Lets see if they manipulate it downward…USD would have to show weakness..that would drive eur/usd up enough to close the trade out.

  1785. I’m amazed at how LTP picked the entries for the previous 2 trades and this existing E/U trade. How does it know they will come back in 1-2 weeks? Pure luck or Forward-looking Nets working? 🙂

    So far I have profited more than the original TPs by playing around in the DD region. Any of you guys did the same? I’m debating whether to continue doing this, or use hedging, or simply wait and depend on the 200+ win to 1 loss probability.

  1786. Hey JTX, how about posting a couple of trades here live so everyone can see how you do it..they all would like to learn from you..

  1787. Guys, LTP is modified the trade. I have no original details, what is Leo changing?
    “Attempting to modify an order – ticket #16065128 (Price: 1.37666, SL: 1.34359, TP: 1.37909)”

  1788. I have no website for trading forex. my websites are for very different business: garments, medical goods and electric cars (EV)… 🙂

  1789. Facts from 2011.01.10 (1 full month of trading):
    – USD/CHF+USD/JPY: -10.21%; 2 closed trades only; floating P/L around -10.5%
    – EUR/USD+USD/CHF: +2.44%; 18 closed trades; floating P/L around -1.85%
    With my 3.45% average per month (almost 3 years track record), I thought I was a poor trader… Thanks to LTP, my self esteem is boosted. So many people interested by a robot with such mediocre performance! They would probably consider me as the all time KING of trading!
    😉 (When is your refund deadline?)

  1790. jtx …

    thank you for your reply actually this statement is yours trading statement excellent profits and trades there is no link of to see investor password access to see on real any website for this link thank you


    gto explain about the statement


    Let me try to explain ; )


    Yes, the above link is JTX statement and it is a real account.

    2. JTX doesnt provide investor password because JTX is a user of LTP like all of us here.

    3. LTP do provide investor password for gbpusd/eurusd,that is:
    Login: 1331
    Password: LTP082010
    Server: FinFX-Live

    First you have to download the mt4 which you can download
    at http://finfx.fi ..just fill the demo account requirement and they will sent you the mt4 file to download and install onto your computer or vps.You also can found video on-how-to at http://leotraderpro.com, take your time to learn how to download the mt4.

    4. LTP also provide USDCHF/USDJPY investor password ,which is

    Account #: 2729
    Password: LTP15112010
    Server: FinFx-Live

    5. So if JTX or anyone else including you Saddam want to create investor password on your live or demo account, so here it is the how-to-create-investor-password…..

    How To Create Investor Password
    Account and Login
    Client terminal can connect to the server and work only using an account.
    There are login (the account number), master and investor passwords in the Client Terminal.
    To be authorized, one needs an account number and one of two passwords.
    The master password allows the full access to the account, while the investor one gives only a limited access.
    Being authorized with the investor password gives the right to look through charts, perform technical analysis
    and test expert advisors, but not trade. Investor password is a convenient tool showing the trading process
    at this given account.

    After the account has been opened and if “Keep personal settings and data at startup” option is enabled,
    its data (number, master and investor passwords) will be stored at the hard disk.
    At the program restart, these data will be used to connect the account automatically.
    If the option is disabled, a password must be entered manually at each restart of the terminal.

    The current account number and password are specified in the fields of “Login” and “Password”.
    Data of another account can be input in these fields, then, after the “OK” button has been pressed,
    the terminal will try to authorize it. If authorization was not successfully completed,
    the data given should be checked and re-authorized. If this does not help,
    the Technical Support service should be contacted.

    Having pressed the “Change” button, one can specify new passwords in the window appeared.
    Doing so, one has to know the current password.
    It can be found in the message sent from the server after registration of a demo account.
    The new password is input in the corresponding field.
    If the “Change investor (read only) password” option is enabled, the investor (not master) password will be changed.

    Data Export through DDE Protocol
    Quotes delivered to the terminal can be exported to other applications through “DDE” (Dynamic Data Exchange) protocol.
    To enable export of quotes, the “Enable DDE server” option must be enabled and the “OK” button must be pressed.
    Data delivery will start immediately. More details about export of quotes can be found in the corresponding section.

    Terminal allows to receive financial news promptly. They start to income just after connection to the server.
    No news issued when the terminal was disconnected will income in it.
    To enable news delivering, it is necessary to flag “Enable news”.
    In the “Terminal” window, the “News” tab will appear in which news will be delivered as they are issued.

    Attention: If the “Enable news” option is enabled, but no news were issued, the “News” tab
    will not appear in the “Terminal” window.

    6.Saddam, JTX do not own mt4i.com, that is not his website,JTX publish his live real statement through mt4i.com, you also can publish your statement within mt4i.com……hope this will help : )


  1791. all i do is wait untill the trade is around £20 down, which happens a lot, then place my manual trade in the appropriate direction, safe in the knowledge that my trade will come good sooner or later, then once im £20 in profit i simply close my trade. even if it does hit there stop loss sometime, who cares theres hundreds of winning trades before this happesns. also of course theres no need to buy the robot, just watch there trades in action and wait for the entry point. i estimate 200% profit a month at least, based on my profits so far since launch. easy peesy. no hassle, no settings to tweak etc

  1792. Hai JTX

    your mt4i statement was excellent actually what kind of strategy it works

    what is the stop loss

    this statement can be available always to check these statements

    awaits your reply from saddam thank u

  1793. DailyFX.com is speaking loudly of a powerful downside for EurUsd. I think if LTP closed the EurUsd trade now at -134 pips, LTP can make 7 or 8 profitable +20 pip trades to make up for all this lost time. Forget about the winning % rate, much time is being lost here.

    It’s probably better to cut off a losing trade at -100 and make about six 20-pip trades sooner so we can move on. Our accounts would grow in much less time.

    What do you all think?

  1794. It seems that this forum is running out of petrol

    And the time is coming to make a final desicion on what to do with the LTP and are about to end the 60 days warranty

    Or are all happy that no one says anything

    Mohamed what happened, king, norm, doug and others….hey

  1795. Oh we’re here George, LTP is in the equipment bag as my major indicator for my Binary Options business. And, yes it is working quite well.

  1796. Here’s a lil tip for ya:

    What about FXCM metatrader 4 platform, they seem popular

    sysopkc 1 year ago

    This is a Market Maker claiming to be an ECN broker because they do not have a dealing desk any more. But the one taking the counter position against your trade is the one that matters if they have view and control of the trade platform. If so, you will never be allowed to become very successful by them in the long run, unless it is with an Optimized carry Trade Strategy that is more difficult for them to sabotage.


  1797. Here’s another one:

    I’m just moving from FXCM to an ECN broker..FXcbs..amazing spreads and the demo has been incredible..i know feeds are better because of the way the EA’s have been producing mass wins as opposed to mass losses or barely break evens..but i was just after an opinion from a pro trader on the legitimacy on FXcbs…

    These are all Market Makers and will take the counter trade position against you. For this reason you will never be allowed to become very successful by them in the long run. FXCM is claiming to be transitioning to an ECN status, but be cautions if you see lots of requotes or delay tactics on your emtries and closes. That means Market Maker, not ECN, or at least that the counter trader has control of the trade platfform to there favor.

    ForexCoachingPros 1 year ago

  1798. This is whats been said about my broker, IBFX ..in their defense, they claim to have 30,000 accounts of which 30% are profitable. I haven’t had delay tatics as of yet..let me know if any of you have.

    Interbankfx is an agressive Market Maker who turns control of the trade platform over to their liquidity provider so they can claim to have no dealing desk. They are not an ECN broker, and the delay tactics of their liquidity provider are frequent.


  1799. Norm
    Please answer the first time on you and you’re reviewing.
    -I have a question for all who wish to ask his opinion.
    -Is someone who uses another robot signalcopy than LTP and is pleased with the results?
    Will you please tell personal opinion about the return earned on live accounts with LTP
    It would be helpful if you can specify a broker.
    Because we do not have a live account with LTP Displaying the result of Cam Forex
    forexreviewsrated.com/2010/leo-trader-pro / # forward
    Since February 15th is fast approaching when you need to make a decision if you ask for money back or not.
    – Will you please tell as many might think from that I regret not taking a wrong decision.

  1800. I personally am satisfied with LTP..Mainly because I like to manually trade. If you don’t manually trade, I’d suggest that you learn..its quite easy..the key is to start off very small, 10 cents a pip. You can start with a very small amount of money and you can have a lot of fun while you learn. If you just want a set and forget robot, LTP looked terrible in its first month or so..the draw downs were unusually high compared to the 6 months prior to their release..not sure why yet..time will tell if something is fishy. As long as LTP continues to trade successfully with only one loss, I will keep my license..were can you buy a trading robot with over 275 wins (if true) and only 1 loss, for $149. A Holy Gr*il for $150 hmmmmm…(I don’t type the word Gr*il because search engines would flood this place).

  1801. Btw – I still can’t imagine why LTP isn’t an introducing brokers with Finfx…they (LTP) could have insisted, or at least recommend rather sternly that we use Finfx…LTP is losing a significant amount of money by not linking their robot with Finfx..just imagine the amount of commissions each have lost to other less functional and poorly designed brokers that they had to deal with, with their release. Finfx may have become overwhelmed with all the new accounts, but there could have been work arounds devised. I personally will open an account with Finfx mainly because LTP has indicated their software works best with them..plus LTP will keep Finfx in line if problems develope. All in all..Finfx seems to be our best choice..they’re a very low cost ECN and a big brother will be looking over their shoulder (regardless of what they say). I would think they will become an introducing broker with Finfx and probably come up with some incentives for us to sign up with at Finfx.

  1802. Gyorgy, it isn’t necessary to have an ECN broker when dealing with micro lots lol..you can switch to one after you grow your account..although it is good practice. I do think that Finfx offers micro trading, but I doubt the trade fills go thru a big bank.

    IBFX allows you to open a live account with no money..$10 will get you 1000 pips to play with, plus they probably have the finest support department in all of forex. The drawbacks are no hedging and only 50-1 leverage, which drops to 30-1 if you trade euro and gbp currency crosses. They have fixed spreads, but who cares what the cost of the spreads are when you’re “investing” pennies..just be very glad they allow anyone to trade such small amounts. Open an account and have fun. Forget demo trading…its a false sense of success.

  1803. Regarding LTP: I’m keeping it. For this month it is on track to deliver about 10% ROI on my system with a RiskLevel of -10. I consider this adequate for a robot. I leverage LTP to guide some of my manual trades for additional returns. It’s ability to pick trades that eventually close for a gain is unsurpassed IMO.

  1804. @George

    There is no decision to be made regarding LTP.its pretty obvious, as you can see everyone here who is excited about LTP is just because they simply love the DD and make some r money.
    LTP on its own (the way its traditionaly trade)no way could boost up soemones account(it will, but in a very very slow manner).whatever their claim was before the launch of LTP is simply not justified.They did make 100% growth in their investor account by manipulating their lot sizes over the peroid of time (not by using same percentage of the balance).
    The irony is most of the members here pretend to be not seeing this fact against LTP.They are just happy to trade with LTP DD.
    Hence if this suits your personality you can use LTP in your favor.if you are soemone like me who wants to get what they paid for and get the EA to work for them then you gotta make your own decision.
    I do trade with LTP DD occassionaly.but I dont count on them because thats not what I wanted when i purchased LTP.
    Hwoever i am sure you have read my posts previuosly and aware of what I am upto.so far i have succeeded 100% (but thats only with 4 trades which cant be counted as a cold hard fact right at this moment)and awaitng to test at least another 20 trades in the coming days.

    Send me an email and I will respond to you when everything goes my way and will help you with the settings.. email is limonh@hotmail.com

  1805. That margin call perhaps means you put too much faith in ltp DD and it tell you that the market is not your friend and does not respect you.

  1806. Some brokers differ but mostly if you hit your margin call it will close out all your trades automatically, in profit or loss, be very careful with this as their may be small print with your broker where they could close them for different reasons.

  1807. Simply- this is how my broker works:

    i have 50k account- 10 open trades using 35k up in margin if my trades are at a loss and go to -15k they will close all the trades as i have hit my 35k margin. how yours works may be slightly different i would talk to your broker and ask asap to prevent any suprisses.

  1808. JTX,news trading release is gbpusd is going north just now sooner eurusd will follow,; )just don’t worry….let hope and pray.

  1809. The U.S. dollar firmed against its major counterparts overnight as escalating violence on the streets of Egypt prompted investors to trim exposure to riskier assets. The greenback, generally seen as a safe harbor during periods of economic or geopolitical uncertainty, usually benefits from a pullback in demand for riskier investments like stocks and emerging market assets. The dollar also gained from a bout of profit taking on its steep losses over the recent weeks as investors look to this morning’s ECB interest rate announcement and a speech by Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke. The U.S. currency could become vulnerable to additional losses if the head of America’s central bank plays down inflation concerns and emphasizes the outlook for the Fed to maintain its ultra-easy policy stance for the foreseeable future.

    The euro gave up some of its recent gains as investors trimmed their exposure to the single currency ahead of this morning’s ECB Governing Council Meeting. While no change in the bank’s 1.0% interest rate is expected, ECB President Trichet could flag rising price pressures as a key concern in is press conference. A hawkish tone to Mr. Trichet’s speech this morning would contrast the consistently dovish rhetoric of the FOMC and cement the notion that the ECB will lead in monetary normalization- a scenario that would likely fuel further EUR gains.

    Sterling hit a three-month peak against the dollar after an upside surprise to the nation’s services PMI report for January. The data, which showed biggest jump in factory input prices on record, is likely to further support the idea that the Bank of England may be forced to lift borrowing costs sooner than previously expected. Sterling should remain underpinned by that view in the near term, but could quickly become vulnerable if upcoming data shows that growth is slowing while inflation pressures mount.

  1810. EUR: The euro slipped as a result of the general pullback in investor risk appetite and on renewed concerns about the bloc’ debt problems. Investors do not expect policymakers to announce any new measures to deal with the debt crisis until a summit of EU leaders in March. Most recently, officials have been unable to reach any meaningful consensus on measures like increasing the size of the euro zone’s stability fund or allowing it to purchase debt of indebted peripheral nations. Germany and France have called for strict reforms on nations’ budgets, the retirement age and corporate tax levels to be enacted, which has prompted protests from much of the rest of the bloc. Bundesbank head and a known policy hawk, Axel Weber, announced yesterday that he would not seek to succeed current ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet. The development is being viewed as yet another sign that staunch fiscal and monetary conservatives in Germany are unable or unwilling to join a consensus with smaller euro zone nations. Additional signs that officials cannot agree on steps to deal with the bloc’s debt problems will keep the euro vulnerable.

  1811. News move markets but by the time you hear it its already moved thats where technicals come in to it, follow the markets big players and you cant go wrong, a trend is continuous and a reversal happens once.

  1812. @ Norm – you have to FinFx demo account and because I panicked interruptions although it is on the VPS.
    It is true that the difference between live and demo account especially if you can see many customers who have invested and are still on the demo all this costs money and when the broker tries to limit the hours of operation have a good traffic to those with live accounts .
    I understand the phenomenon and not as a broker to change that.
    I received an email from Bulletproof report in January that resembles LTP immediately after launch in December.
    “Leo Trader Pro crashes!
    Friday, January 21, 2011 5:46 AM
    In truth, Reported That Many Customers Leo Trader Pro
    Many times crashes copier trade. That’s the problem
    When you over-balance and note DID prepare properly for that.

    That’s on the technical side. Performance-wise, I think
    Would Be Trader Pro developers Leo embarrassed to see this …

    While the team only presented Leo Their 5-month performance,
    tissue Guys Have a track record full ONE YEAR money on a real-
    live account.

    This is good! ”
    @ Norm, Doug, JTX, Mohammed always have sent valuable information on this forum.
    @ Mohammed results you expect with signalcopy.
    For settings and I can bother you with an email?

  1813. If you want to know why he euro seems to go south today regardless to what you may think about the currency, mubarak has announced he will not be stepping down toaday contrary to speculation that he would yesterday and this will undoutably send a shock in the markets as the people will cause more disturbances which will creat uncertanty as to the stability in the middle east, he is being very stubborn which scares investors as he is not listening to the wests pleese.

  1814. @Gyorgy

    Of course you can email me.Anyone interested can send me an email.will be posted you guys once the result is concrete.

  1815. Eur dbl bottom is 70 pips away from the 330 pip stop. This is what its all about..you risk 70 pips (say $1 a pip)..you risk $70 to make $260, almost 4 to 1 R/R ratio on a program that has 1 loss in over 275 trades..not bad odds. If the stop is hit, you lose $70 (approx), the odds are in our favor that it wont be. I’m sure LTP isn’t too happy with all these deep draw downs. lol

  1816. Lol if only this was a game of monopoly, riddle me this does ltp know that 20 million egyptians are walking the streets of egypt with bats ready to die for their cause? does it know that their is no successor for the ecb president which will cause insecurity on the euro… i know you should enjoy your job and try and make it as enjoyable as possible but i think your going to misslead some get rich quick guys in here and theyll stake their house on it…you know how niave people can be when starting out,,,right!

  1817. Azz, they will bet their house on something anyway..the egypt crap is factored into the price moment by moment..you dont have a clue what will happen next..most likely nothing..the government with throw them all a bone to shut them up..
    The risk reward ratio is what it is..do YOU have anything better? I doubt it.

  1818. All i have to say is i would not buy the euro against the usd before news and hold it over the weekend when anything can happen over the weekend…how about gains on the euro gbp safer i think, thats where i am, think about it chap

  1819. Trading successfully requires a system and there are thousands of them. The only system that will trade exactly the way you want it to is yours. LTP trades how it was designed to trade, so it’s not going to trade how you would trade. So my advice is to come to peace with how LTP trades and ponder how you can add it to your trading approach (or not). And for those of you taking a contrary approach with LTP, it would be great if you would share your facts and data as they become available.

  1820. Gold ticked up a whole 30 bucks since these idiots started rioting…The gold market is yawning over the big upheaval.

  1821. Usd/chf is about 15 pips away from a break even trade had the stop not been hit, LTP missed the bottom by less than 50 pips. It has resin over 350 pips since the stop was hit.

  1822. EURUSD is about to change direction back to north. Just need to confirmation from my indicator system to open long position.

  1823. Hello Andy,
    Could you also let us know when you are sure about that please? That will be a good opportunity. Thanks.

  1824. Anyone experiencing MT4 crashes? Both of my systems crashed earlier today almost simultaneously. Also, one system spontaneously disconnects from LTP server every other day or so (selecting another server or restarting MT4 reconnects).

  1825. Guys, I have to tell you, USDCHF is done my T/P, which I tuned to 0.977 instead of LTPs 0.9787. That was one month exactly, and I made me lots of PIPs from the DD. As u remember Leo hit the S/L with this trade, took it 300 box from my pocket. Now I made the revenge, I made ten times more profit on it. Thank you Leo! 🙂

  1826. Success rate is nothing, a false sense of success!
    Most successful professional traders close every day dozens of losing positions with a few pips loss (or even close positions that go nowhere with a very small gain), and let a handful of winners run for hundreds pips.
    The secret is not success rate, but Risk/Reward ratio. Accept no trade under a 1:5 R/R ratio, and you’ll soon make a fortune even with a 40% success rate or much less.
    Success rate is just a toy for dummies (a reward for the ego), or a claim to sell crap to greedy mugs.
    Hope it’s useful.

  1827. If you really want to win at the trading game (any market you chose), you don’t want to take a losing (or poorly winning) strategy and try to enhance it! Focus instead on WINNING strategies (may it be a robot, a manual system, an indicator, a signal service, etc.) and work hard improving it. There is a handful of good forex products on the web. LTP is not part of them. Stop losing your time and energy trying to improve a desperate loser (330/25 odds work against you; sooner or later, you’ll lose your shirt fighting against the odds!).
    Hope it’s useful.

  1828. @goldwing

    absolutely mate…I agree…lot management and RR is the key to successful trading…there is no other alternative….and LTP is no where close to them…

  1829. Well, LTP had a great week..jpy, chf, eur all almost hit their break even points..eur is giving us two shots at an incredible amount of pips…Gbp had a nice draw down that allowed for lots of extra pips..once you learn to trade draw downs, imagine how fast you will double your account. It’ll take a while for most of you to get the hang of it..once you do, your account will explode..I set up a friend with an account…she couldn’t spell the word Forex..at the end of two weeks she had doubled her account..needless to say..she’s ecstatic. She can’t believe how easy it was lol

  1830. Hi Everyone
    the only reason I wanted to send you an email to me is I dont want to get involved in an argument with anyone about LTP…when I shared my thought at the beginning lot of people backfired with their vision of LTP….and lots of people shared the same vision as I did…hence I can help them out by communicating via email without creating a hype in this forum… that way only interested people will be advised …

    The forex robot market is full of craps and I am sure all of us here bought handful of them….its yet to find that perfect EA…since i hardly know anything about forex I follow a set of simple rules when purchasing an EA…
    1.if the RR is good enough to boost the account in the long term
    2.whats the DD
    3. The percentage of money (lot size)used of my balance per trade to gain in the long term
    4.and I always test it in my live account allocating minimal lot size and money to it.

    if all of the criterias do no match then I try to tweak it a little and try to make the purchase price back at least .if it cant even do that for me then I go and claim the refund.
    with LTP, I dont simply appreciate the way it trades..because I cant just rely on its DD and make some profit…but I did see some possibilities that a small DD and a respectable RR can be implemented in it (time will tell)…
    on the other hand its evident that LTP does not open up its trade by following a chart or an indicator or on basis of fundamental news…all we have is history of its past 5 or so months trading which purely based on a behaviour of a certain currency pair …and this is the same history I intend to use in my favor in a fully automated way …..should it be successful that way we will be laughing …it will be another bad experience for me otherwise…

    I thought to give a quick run down to the members who shared the same vision..thats all..

  1831. Norm, I agree, it was a great week! 243 trades, 241 winners. 76% grow on the account. Well, I just need 26 more similar weeks… 😉
    Although I was working a lot on this, but it is fun!
    Norm, could u drop me a message to my email box?

  1832. Hi John, I’m so happy you liked my lovely story. Not only does she know how to spell Forex, She trades better than most traders. Actually she used one of your recommendations of waiting until LTP’s trades went into draw down over 150 pips before placing a trade..a very good strategy Btw..and someone elses strategy of placing trades every 50 pips as the draw down continued. She got lucky on the first couple of trades, thereby increasing the account which allowed her to use more of her margin on subsequent trades.. At one point her free margin dropped below her initial investment, so I recommended she add to her account to keep the free margin respectable (she was using 50-1 leverage). She said the Idea of waiting until the currency’s were down over 150 pips before entering was a great Idea…I told her that a guy named John suggested it and said it was a very simple and effective strategy..And another John suggested placeing trades every 50 pips as the draw down continued. she liked that Idea of placing small trades at 50 pip intervals..they worked out quite well..She has three small trades open on eur/usd at the moment. I’ll probably have her open a trade if eur/usd gaps open on sunday. We’ll see how the account goes..since its a small accout, I suggested she trade it aggressively.. John, I’m mentioned to her that you seemed saddened that she had a spelling problem, and she wanted me to assure you that she not only knows how to spell Forex now, but shes learning how to trade it, thanks to you.

  1833. We are testing a small bot, which is make a pending order in the defined DD with a T/P equal to the entry point… 🙂

  1834. This is the only trader I recommend http://www.learnforexlive.com , He has a course that uses price action trading. I’ve watched Him trade live for years..His success rate is 70 to 80%. As far as I know, He’s one of the best in the business..He has/had close to 500 video’s of live trades..Ive watch the majority of them, and His trading method is very sound. You can watch many of the free video’s on His website, and if you think you would like to see His full course, you can have it for free, just by opening a $500 account thru Him, as He’s an introducting broker..once you open the accout He will send you His free course by email..if you want it on CD’s He will send them to you for a small charge for shipping and handling. I dont think its required to trade the account, so you can close it at any time and remove your $500 deposit if you wish…not a bad deal for one of the best price action traders in forex..Now I’m not 100% sure He still has the offer, just email Him if you are interested…enjoy!

  1835. The minimum lot is 0.1 @ FinFx, also @ FXcbs. But Leo would use 0.01 lot if the RiskLevel is arond few percent. Or am I missed something?

  1836. oh Norm, funding at FXcbs seems very difficult and long process. Even have to fill some form, and sign and send…
    You know, I looking for alternative broker to Exness, because I am fine with them, but some of my friends wants a broker not at Russia…
    But – similar what u mentioned to keep the free margin – I use to put some fund very quickly, in a minute by credit card to my Exness account, because it is very simple online application. Now, FXcbs using this Authorization Form, plus MoneyBooker… seems difficult and long process. 🙁

  1837. Norm, I’m very happy that I’ve been able to assist you. You’ll find the advice was from myself on both occasions, both the 150 and the 50 at a time. Ask her to drop a cheque in the post please.

  1838. Hi all. Can anyone tell me what settings I should be using to LTP to trade 0.5 and 1 lots on a 10K account please. Also a message to Norm. I would love to hear more about your strategy for tradeing DD. Would you be willing to expand a bit on that or send me an email if you have the time. Many thanks.

  1839. Hi Jay, The method is quite easy..After LTP places a trade, just wait until the trade is at the 50 pip draw down point..continue to place a trade every 50 or so pips. OR wait till LTP is down 150 pips..place trades every 50 pips to -250. OR place 2 trades every 50 pips..then scalp trade one…if you’re wrong on the scalp trade just leave it..then try another one next 50 pips till u get it right lol. Secret is..use very small lots..build your account while we figure out if LTP is worth keepin..so far it aint doin too great…sorry LTP, but thats rather obvious.

  1840. Oh Jay, Btw..If you are successful with Johns method, you owe John a royalty check..if you aren’t successful He will probably refund your losses, bein the nice guy that He is.

  1841. Norm, with the 50 DD strategy [if you were trading it] what would you do? … would you A] Place the T/P for every 50 pip entry at the last previous 50 pip trade entry, or would you B] set T/P at all levels entered e.g -50, -100, -150, -200 etc at the original trade entry price of LTP?

    A] seems safer whilst B] seems like greater profits. Interested in your thoughts.

  1842. Thanks for the quick response Norm, I’ll give it a try. For JTX, i’m very interessted in the Small Bot you mention. Will you be makeing this available to any other LTP user?

  1843. Peter, IMHO B] is wrong way, very risky (u know margin call). Even plan A] u should leave a 1.5 – 2 PIP gap between the trades, otherwise they could stick open both, and could drive u to margin call…

  1844. Hi Peter, I monitor my trades throughout the day..I place trades at various places, 40 to 60 pips depending on support and resistance..I’ll try to scalp part of my lot size depending on the strength of the trade..I shoot for 10-15 pips, if I’m wrong I just leave the trade and wait for the next one to come into play as the drop continues. I would have placed those trades anyways, so scalping part of them is ok to do. I don’t open trades against the robot.

  1845. There’s a flat top triangle forming on the 1 hr chart on usd/chf..plus a very strong dble top. I’ll be watching the breakout of that top, BUT I will wait for the pullback..continuation before entering the trade.

  1846. I will be looking for the very best trading opportunity out of the four currency pairs..only one trade a day is needed..so I’m looking for the very best trade for the day, if you have a pair showing a good trading pattern other than the four that LTP is trading, please post it..if we have 3-4 trading opportunities we can pick the very best one to trade..will be fun to see how they work out.

  1847. As i stated earlier i’m looking for a gap opening on the eur/usd to trade..I’m expecting price to gap down where i will enter the trade ..if price opens up, i’ll pass on the trade..I don’t trade against the robot..if i did i just may as well trade on my own.

    As to the best trade of the day..it may be the usd/chf or jpy breakout trade..that will be an excellent trade if a breakout, continuation pattern developes. HFGL

  1848. So yes, market is still closed at FXCBS and FinFX, btu Exness is open and working. Thats what I like at exness: they closing late and open early…

  1849. Denise, Exness is located in St. Petersburg, Russia.
    Check it: “www.exness.com/a/28520”
    But they cant accept US clients. I guess, why…

  1850. I placed a trade on eur/usd to close the gap that was created by an inbalance of orders…70% of all forex gaps are closed within 24 hrs. trade at YOUR own risk.

  1851. If you lose money on the trade I don’t want to hear about it because if you make money on the trade you surely won’t share any of it with me..got it?

  1852. Yes it is a pity. Although they have US clients, who are joined to them before this new regulation. Frankly, they would like to have US clients, but… u know…

  1853. Norm, my english is not so good, but sometimes, when I read you, I think my english is close to zero… 🙂
    Anyway, what was your entry point and T/P? On EURUSD now, of course…

  1854. JTX, your english is very good.. my entry is 1.35258 I will exit 1/2 my position 5 pips below gap closing and let the other 1/2 run.

  1855. Than my forex language is poor… gap closing means the last Friday night price? What was about 1.3549?
    Partly exit is possible by special EA or your broker allow it?

  1856. The gap closing price (last fridays closing price) is from a MAJOR broker..not just any broker. If you arent using a MAJOR broker..you need to download one of their demo accounts. (fxdd, fxcm, ibfx etc).

  1857. Thanks everyone for the additional trades..I really appreciate it..guess there were no other good trades in the other 24 pairs..thanks again…NOT!

  1858. Well I hope everyone exited their gap play..price came within 3 pips of completely closing..if you didnt close you prolly will get another chance.

  1859. King, I’m sure they do profit off the spread..so much so that they give you 15% back ater you lose all your money lol. Option players are losers..its a known fact.

  1860. wow is everyone dead on this board? I can see the lurkers with their noses over the fence and their knuckles on each side.. can u see em? I can..bunches of lurkers ready to pounce on the refund window lmaooooo

    LTP better hope eur don’t hit the 330 stop lol

  1861. I think eur/usd started going sideways. do you guys think this is a good sign? do you think it will start going up soon? any ideas??? if this thing continues scaring me like this, i will have ulcer soon 🙁

  1862. Denise, as long as price stays above the 1.35000 round number everythings ok..if price breaks below 1.3500 I will close a portion of my trades just to see how low it will go..we’re still 100 pips away from the stop..thats plenty of room..price looks good..you may want to buy more..j/k lol

  1863. Gbp/usd is in a nice bullish channel on the 4hr chart..I’m waiting for a breakout, pullback, continuation, and a run up to the dble top on the weekly chart..Ill sell just under that top.

  1864. If eurusd SL is hit, will LTP not trade eurusd for a long time just like when usdchf SL was hit. Will LTP just leave our accounts in loss without trying to trade to recover the loss? What exactly is happening with LTP? What is being done to fix it?

  1865. 1.38 is a l-o-n-g way for eurusd to travel. I think this trade is either going to hit SL or hang around for some time to come. Analysts on DailyFX.com are speaking bearish bias.

  1866. I hope you both are right. 1.3800 is still a long way though. I still think that LTP should have a smaller SL so that if it hits there can be a lot more 20 pip trades to make up for the small SL in a shorter amount of time.

  1867. LTP Admin, it would be much safer feelings, if LTP would modify the S/L down, when the price is so close (under minus 300 pips). I think, most of your clinet going to be nervous. Personally I just swiched off the EA, and modified manually the S/L… Dont want the same experience as last time -330 S/L hit.

  1868. LTP is not doing anything; no hedging, so adjusting S/L or something else to save the trade. I am not even sure how long it will go down. We are just holding our breath and waiting 🙁

  1869. 1.3450 level is a last support in the way to SL, but if LTP will surrvive this trade, it will be a miracle. Also i dont like how LTP acts lately, in the way how it picks trades. I mean LTP picks trades very rare 1-2 trades per week, which is not as advertised. We had much more trades even in period after LTP release, which was holiday time and wasnt recomended to trade. Maybe they something changed in LTP settings, and thats is a reason in poor LTP trading activity. My point is if we get SL, then it gonna take long time to recover this huge SL, with 1-2 trades per week.

  1870. Is anyone else on here useing Forex Overdrive EA. The trades are remarkably similar to LTP. For example, this current EURUSD trade, LTP Price 1.37659 SL 1.34359 TP 1.37909. Forex Overdrive opened a trade 1 and half hours later at 1.37504 SL 1.34224 TP 1.37754. I’ve seen this alot now. Sometimes trades open at exactly the same time on both EA’s with just 10 or 15 pip difference between price, tp and sl. I like to use Overdrive as confirmation that LTP is on the right track and visa versa.

  1871. Not to mention USA clients who cannot hedge. Opening more trades at lower prices is not desired as well because of FIFO rule. USA clients are stuck with the first trade opened, or close earlier losing trades before later ones. I think USA clients are screwed when it comes to Forex. Oh yes, USA clients cannot open accounts with overseas brokers to get away from hedging and FIFO rule because USA clients must keep funds within USA.

    I had MT4 account with broker that is both US and UK. Repatriation rule made me move my funds from UK back to USA. I live in USA. Ah, all USA clients must trade with 50:1 leverage.

    So many stupid rules for USA clients. eurusd pair is effectively disabled for LTP for a while now just like usdjpy.

  1872. Jay,
    I using FOD too on all 4 pairs, and Yes, LTP makes the same trades as FOD, even in the same time and price entries on EURUSd, GBPUSD. Of course all trades are not the same, because FOD trades much more often than LTP, aprox 2-4 trades per day on the one pair. Also FOD performs better on ECN comparing with MM standart. FOD is a one of the reasons why i think that there is no such thing as Neural networks in LTP case, just pure marketing.

  1873. Hey Andy, I didn’t know you could use FOD on other pairs, I thout it was just for EURUSD and GBPUSD, 5 minute. What else are you using it on and how is it working out for you.

    I’m with JTX on this one and have moved my stops out. Here’s hoping xXx

  1874. The US session open should probably fling the price up and down a bit and hit the SL before determining a direction. It shouldn’t be long now. Only about 10 minutes before US opening.

  1875. Is everyone bailing out? How many are still going to stay with LTP? This is only the 2nd losing trade of about 220 trades — only 4% of Acct#1331.

    It just hit us at the beginning of our time with LTP is why it hit so hard.

  1876. Jay,
    Recomended pairs for FOD are EURUSD, GBPUSD, but it works on USDCHF and USDJPY too. FOD takes a little less trades on those pairs 1-2 trades on pair per day. Still testing 2nd pairs on demo, but planning to set on live, because i got great record where i got 305 pips in almost in 1 day with FOD on all 4 pairs together. Main setting for FOD You need to tune are slippage value, this may improve trade entries for MM accounts. Also this is a reason why on true ECN, FOD performs so well, because slippage are ignored for this type of accounts.

  1877. OK great thanks i’ll give it a try on ecn demo. What settings would you suggest for slippage value on USDCHF and USDJPY and does it still go on the 5M chart, on both?

    Thanks for the info

  1878. Jay,
    I running with 0.85 slippage on my live account. I dont know how many its true about ignored slippage on true ECN, but i did set on all pairs 0.85 slippage for ECN demo too. Looks like for ECN FinFX demo, slippage is ignored, because FOD takes a lot of trades with so low slippage. So it might be a true. Rest of settings are the same with M5 timeframe.

  1879. Anyone know of a good EA? proven long-term, consistent returns albeit conservative, small draw down…

    LTP has proven its self over time but not yet, since making available on marekt.

    Two losses out of 200+ is a great record, but it is a big SL. What if instead of every 100 trades there is a spell of hitting SL in succession or higher rate then every 100, say every 50 even?

    All I hear is forget EA’s and learn to trade manually, there is no such thing as a good EA. Because markets change and difficult to build in experience and discretion (human factors)

  1880. Denise, my S/L is 1.3335 – 100 pips less than original.
    So the second 330 pips S/L did hit. We have to trade manual, and get back (although My LTP trade is still alive, since switched off, but my free margin is in big danger)

  1881. MRF (and any other US traders)

    Try FinFX … get their MT4 from here:


    Having just double-checked, they are still quite happily accepting US clients and impose none of the BS regulations that affect US brokers so you can enjoy high leverage, lots of hedging and no FIFO whatsoever. 🙂

    From what we understand, the requirement for keeping funds “onshore” that affected clients of Alpari, FXDD, FXCM, etc is only applicable to brokers who have a physical US presence so FinFX and their clients fall outside of that ruling.

    MRF… will people go for refunds? Yes, of course… the Grail-chasers will never learn (and never make any money from Forex either!) – they simply can’t understand the simple mathematics of profitable trading, even when the proof is staring them in the face! They will run off and buy the various scam EAs touted every week to simply compound their losses and end up requesting yet another refund until they blow their accounts completely and/or get banned for life by the likes of ClickBank for excessive refunding.


    LTP Admin

  1882. LTP is just not as strong as it was before the last updates… seems to be trading the wrong direction and very few trades! I’m trading with GPS Forex Robot as well. That robot hit a SL trade, but immediately opened another trade with the trend and in a few minutes erased the loss and made a sweet profit. I may either refund LTP or revert to the previous LPT(if possible) before the updates.

  1883. @LTP admin

    Why are you always so aggressive, vindictive and hateful in your tone towards anyone who mentions refund? With your words you seek to deride and humiliate and scare with veiled threats; which seems to me not just unnecessary and unprofessional, but also a poor reflection of your development as a human being.

  1884. I’m sticking with LTP because of the winning trading history in Acct#1331. Since I started, I gained about 270 pips, then lost 330 pips (this SL), net loss of 60 pips. I traded 0.01 lots so only lost $6.00 since the start. 60 pips loss isn’t bad. It’s just that it is at the beginning instead of down the road about 6 months for us.

    I’ve lost way more in the US stock market and gained it back and more. I suggest to give LTP a chance to build the history in our accounts as it has in Acct#1331. I sure wish I could trade 220 trades with only 2 losses.

    Since eur & gbp account is “reset” (no open trades), we can start fresh again. Hope to make the pips back.

  1885. Switched LTP off to avoid being stopped out, turned it on again just now, thinking I’m in the clear and it closed one of my trades M***** F*****!


    Well said mate, reading the posts on here leads me to believe that all the positive ones are off the same person, i shorly hope that these people conyinue to trade either with LTP or manual because the are the people i make my money off, their has been a few positive posts on here trying to give sound advice and they are hounded out which i find strange..

  1887. Hi

    Well I want to make some comments.

    The LTP from 20 Dec 2010 when is the launch date makes in

    Usd/jpy and usd/chf

    6 winning trades 76 pips
    1 lose -330 pips
    7 trades -254 pips

    In almost 2 months. “40 tradable days ”. originaly they said 2 trades per day x 40 days we should have arround 80 trades in this pairs.

    But only makes 7 trades and with this 7 trades, just loose -254 pips in 2 months, good record.

    I do not personally care the past time before the launching day, that does not count for me.

    What it matter is after the selling day, what is does.

    The LTP from 20 Dec 2010 when is the launch date makes in

    Eur/usd and gbp/usd

    34 winning trades 581 pips
    1 lose – 330 pips
    35 trades + 251 pips

    If you conbine the 4 pairs what you get is

    Usd/jpy usd/chf = + 76 – 330 = -254 pips
    Eur/usd gbp/usd = +581 -330 = +251 pips
    After 2 months you have won “ – 3 pips “

    Is that what you want, is that what you are waiting for, come on I know there will be a lot of people, that does not think in the same way, but this are the “true” numbers at the moment LTP close the eur/usd trade.

    Beside if you see their web page, before when they launch the LTP they said more than 100% a month, and that is not all true, it was 100% of the original deposit of 500 hundreds six month ago. Not 100% of your actual balance, see the diference.

    Last week the web page said 89% a month, when they loose the usd/chf.

    Now go to the web page and said only 76 % a month……

    The DD was less than 1 % before and now say less than 5 %.

    So what is happening now LTP ……??

    I know, at this moment I am a little upset, but I have 2 big looses (660 pips) in a real account in less than 2 months with LTP and only won “nothing” – 3 pips.

    And do not say how many pips you win trading against the LTP or in the same direction when it was in DD.

    Because that is not the point. The EA have to trade by it self and be profitable, and in this 2 months after the launching they demostrate in real time in real account that they could not do what they said or what they offer in their sales page.

    Besides the waste of time and the money loose, by now some of us have to deside to ask for a refund, because we have only 6 days left of the 60 days warranty.

    Seems that their web page was only another BLA Bla bla….

    Of course we can and have to trade manual to recover the loss, that is the correct way to do it.

    Sorry for my english.

    Good Luck, we will need a lot at this time

  1888. how long can EUR/USD continue going down? this is ridicules. when will it start going up again? do you have any idea?

  1889. George,
    I i agree with You, but You forgot to say about unexpected closed trades from LTP while experiencing drawdown before. With these loses we are far away from any profits.

  1890. :: Livingdaylight

    Please explain how you consider my comments “aggressive, vindictive and hateful” because I really can’t see your point of view.

    I’ve done nothing but state FACT! Read that again: FACT!! … 95% of traders lose money and this niche is populated by those very people. They do not have the common sense to stick with any system long enough to see it work for them and THAT is why they are losing money.

    If you look at almost every other system currently being offered then you will see the same things:

    1) “clipped” statements and odd runs of trades

    2) ridiculously unrealistic results… “make $7483.23 per trade” – yeah, right! Trading one full lot you can do that but how many people buying those systems trade one full lot?

    3) “enter here – exit here” chart images… I looked at one system over the weekend boasting how it made $1,000+ in one highlighted trade… shame it omitted the $8,000+ draw-down it ran into before it closed out!

    My point is that Grail-chasers lap up this rubbish and buy the next “big thing” which, in most cases, is based upon nothing more than a curve-fitted back-test (these are all the things we told people to look out for!) and they still think they’ll make their fortune from them.

    As we tried to explain to everyone in our launch material, the prevalent behavior of most people in this niche is to believe a load of blatantly (if you look carefully) misleading information which these people then entrust to their live accounts – when they get a loser, the first instinct is to scream “refund!”. That, in itself, wouldn’t be a bad thing is they actually learned from the experience… but they don’t – they simply repeat history time and time again, refunding as they go, until they either have no account left to trade or they’ve been banned by the payment processors for being serial refunders – either way, they’re out of the game.

    So, if you consider my FACTUAL view of the marketplace to be “aggressive, vindictive and hateful” then I’m sorry for you – you have a lot to learn… I’d suggest hanging on to the coat tails of people like Norm, Doug, Mohammed, etc who seem to look at trading systems more sensibly and are taking advantage of the strengths they find in them.

    LTP Admin

    PS ::Mohammed – how is your analysis of the reverse entries panning out? We have looked at it but haven’t reached a definitive conclusion yet

  1891. :: Jay – which version of LTP are you running?

    If it’s 1.10 or earlier then you should have updated long ago to guard against that issue.

    Versions 1.11 and 1.12 can ONLY close positions that disappear from the trades pool while LTP is running.

    If all you did was hit the green “Expert Advisors” button in the toolbar (so the smiley face was replaced with a cross) then LTP was not switched off, just “paused” and would synchronize the trades pool as soon as you clicked the “Expert Advisors” button again.


    LTP Admin

  1892. @friend

    Thanks amigo…

    yea, I agree about the hounding; we don’t want to see that – its just ugly. What makes this site great and frankly, quite rare is the real and honest feedback by actual traders using these systems, sharing their experience and lending each other support.

    Let’s keep it that way…

    I understand that people don’t like “nay-sayers” who are negative for the sake of it, and that can be (gently) pointed where that is the case. But “yay-sayers” who hoot and holla for the sake of it, like some act of bravado, as though, the only difference between success and failure is the mere conjured up facade of positivity and optimism, turn me off still the more.

    Of course, both personality styles exist and some room and allowance is necessary for the peaceful co-existence of everyone, but the bottom line and focus should remain the simple facts and figures – i.e. the truth… and allowance for the truth of others’ experience where it is different than ours…


  1893. LTP Admin, I was disabling EURUSD pair in LTP setup (AllowPairs=USDJPY,GBPUSD,USDCHF), so I survive the -330 DD. But now if I will allow the EURUSD, would the LTP close this trade, since it is not in your server’s tradepool? I guess it is looking for the ticket number?

  1894. Eur is going to make another run at the gap..we’ll see how strong the bears are this time..you can trade this next run up..closing your trade just below the top of the gap..if price continues above the 1.3500 level you need to wait for a healthy break above that level and a pullback to it..then a continuation back up before entering the trade..lets see how that works out.

  1895. There was only about 10 pips to be made on the chf trade..if you moved your stop to break even, it worked out a little..if not..the loss was small.

  1896. The bears will cover their short positions just above the 1.3500 level if price ever gets there..price may explode lol.

  1897. Yikes, 1331 has got a bad stain. Getting a refund, only way I can retrieve some of my loss. I think I’ll stick to Bots that have small DDs!

  1898. @ LTP Admin,
    pls give me your advise for the above mentioned question. I worry to switch back on LTP until I see clear…

  1899. Andy, whats the big secret you know that tells you all about the guarenteed direction of eur/usd in the next hour? please tell us.

  1900. ::JTX

    Removing LTP from your chart then re-attaching it (without excluding EURUSD) will cause LTP to warn you you that the offending trade wasn’t found in the trade pool and that you need to manage the trade manually.

    regards, LTP Admin

  1901. @LTP Admin

    It’s a common rebuttal to state that one was “just stating facts” Apart from “the fact” one can debate this, please note that I was also referring to your tone. The saying springs to mind: “It’s not what you say; its how you say it” Although, what is said also comes to bear.

    My observation and reflection to you is not based on just this one post but several of that tone and nature from the beginning of this entire thread. Considering, that the welcome emails upon purchase, speak of “welcoming” one to “the LTP family” etc, I have found your subsequent live and real conversations unnecessarily aggressive and belligerent when anyone dare express discontent or at the mention of refund. It’s feedback you in honesty recognise and take on board or not – not something I am going to prove, but the clue might be in disparaging terms of “grail chaser” and in an earlier post you referred to these people being better off keeping their money under their mattresses.

    On the one hand you put people down for not sticking long enough to an EA and on the other you accept that most are rip-off merchants that don’t deliver what they advertise? I note a contradiction there. It’s only right and people’s prerogative to get a refund if for whatever reason they are not satisfied without being insulted in the process.

    If you feel your product/service is different from the bad one’s out there then there has got to be a nicer way of explaining it that doesn’t alienate them. What have you got to lose? If you are truly secure in what it is your offering, then will succeed in the long run. If people leave out of their stupidity or whatever judgement you may have, don’t worry about it. Leave the door open so that it is easy to welcome them back when over the long run they see that yours has withstood the test of time. Its common-standard customer service – its good for business and good for your soul. That is my advice.

    Yes, other Ea vendors use tactics like you mention(1)clipping statements (2)unrealistic results, (3) simplistic “enter here – exit there” images of thousands of pip gains…. but why compare yourself to those?

    You are better than them – great – I mean I hope so, for they are not the standard. And it is places like this here that allows people by sharing real live experience to validate or not these EA claims – an invaluable resource for other intrepid entrepreneurs in trying to do their so called due diligence. Honest feedback will help to bring more honesty, and integrity to these EA vendors making it more and more difficult for scam EA vendors to take advantage by remaining vague and opaque as in the past.

    I want to add that not all EA vendors are of the type you describe; indeed, you are not the only one to provide live-statements, although, I think it is good that you do, and I salute you for taking this direction.I hope it is the only way forward for future EA vendors and Signal Service providers.

    Finally, regarding the facts. George summed up the facts in terms of numbers very well, at least in his experience. Do you honestly feel that your EA has lived up to what was advertised and asserted?

    I think you are also guilty of some of the advertising /marketing tactics you accuse others of.

    Yes, no system is perfect and perhaps this replicator of your system is very useful, like an indicator to help one’s trading. I’m not saying it is good or bad, but people are entitled to feel unhappy without being made to feel bad, is my point.
    Some here can manual trade these- fantastic, but the point is not to hang on anyone’s coat-tails and/or trade manually. This so-called EA /replicator is supposed to be something one sets and leaves alone; kinda defeats the purpose otherwise, imo. A matter of choice perhaps… and I respect that.


  1902. Norm,
    Direction is not guaranted per 100%, as all in forex, thats why we have SL levels, but i using FX U-turn trading system which works on price breakout turns. And i see that i need to open long positions. Only disadvantage is that EU trading sesions is over and price breakout move might not be very fast.
    Did open long positions on GBPUSD @1.6026 SL 1.5975, EURUSD @ 1.3495 SL 1.3422.

  1903. I’m not impressed by the bulls attempt at the 1.3500 level..pretty shoddy if you ask me…now let get it together…bears aint that tough. grrrrrrr

  1904. livingdaylight, very nicely written…you forgot to mention LTP Admin’s comment about “98% of our customers aren’t having any problems” lol.

  1905. @ Livingdaylight,,

    Nicely put, and thought out, Hopefully LTP Admin will take it to heart and comment on what you said…

  1906. I think 330 pips is a lil too tight of a stoploss…if eur/usd holds here and moves back up to the buy point (yea right) I;m going to extend the stoploss to 400 pips and cut my lot size a little..AND I will erase the two LTP losses..I think the robot needs a hair more breathing room..i may even make it a floating stoploss to around support/resistance. LTP may have wanted to use 400 but settled for 330…thats starting to show it being a lil tight..both trades just barely hit their stops. Obviously something is vastly different in the trading results from the previous 6 months…Like I said before..something aint right.

  1907. Hey Norm…
    Have you had any luck with what you posted earlier…

    This is the only trader I recommend http://www.learnforexlive.com , He has a course that uses price action trading. I’ve watched Him trade live for years..
    Are you using his brokerage that he offers?
    What type of support does he offer? If any..

    You can email me your thoughts. I would prefer that any way.


    Please put “Trading” in the subject line Thanks…

  1908. Another poster said something very bothersome as a hard truth. (w/out calculating all the trades to verify) he said LTP has made less pips since Oct than it’s won, but because one of those losses came with a low lot setting and many wins came with a higher lot setting, the scorecard shows a $2500 profit. If it truly has lost more pips than it’s won, then you’d lose money if that continues and you don’t change your lot size. And unless you’re physic you can’t say “oh I need to use small lots on this trade because it’s going to hit the SL”.

    But not letting LTP open trades—doing manual trades ONLY in DD and being safe/conservative of when to get out of them might prevent those losses. I stopped manual trading on the last EUR/USD trade after it had been a few days since LTP initiated it. My thoughts were, after a few days you’re gambling like if you did a manual trade totally on your own w/out LTP, because when LTP made that trade it did not know what the market would be like a week later, or expect to be in the trade a week later. I profited/added $50 to a small 250 account in 2 days, then after 4 days something told me to stop manually trading the EUR/USD but I did not listen to my innner thoughts.–So I lost $100 due to margin trouble from a 200 pip drop. I shoulda quit when I had made the quick $50. I’ve still got $200 to work with.

  1909. PS—in back checking, the other poster was adding up all 4 pairs together, the EUR/USD and GBP/USD have made like 250 pips since it’s start, the other 2 optional pairs are the ones that had lost pips. We all know that so far the EUR/USD GBP/USD has been a good trading tool, but the other has yet to prove itself.

  1910. :: Livingdaylight

    I take onboard your comments but still feel that you misinterpreted what I was saying.

    My comment was in response to another post and my point was only to highlight a common trait amongst traders who simply fall for scam after scam because they never learn from their mistakes.

    As a group providing a genuine product which has proven itself under the closest scrutiny of any product I have ever known, seeing people continue to follow this Grail-chasing approach is simply frustrating beyond belief – more so because we know that the two most likely outcomes are account decimation and/or a lifetime ban by payment processors for excessive refunding – we had numerous people asking us for alternate payment options (of which there were none) as they were unable to purchase through the normal channel after being blacklisted.

    As regards the claims on the website, we were very careful to truthful – up to the date of launch (which is what the sales page is based upon), the average was 2 trades per day. The fact that fewer trades have occurred since does not detract from the facts we present… there is no reason why LTP won’t pick up speed and exceed that rate of trading in the coming weeks – it’s all down to how the market moves and what the system sees.


    LTP Admin

  1911. Seems like some are wishing eurusd or gbpusd to rise. For Acct#1331, it doesn’t matter which way the pairs go as long as LTP can determine which way to trade. For Acct#2729, if eurusd or gbpusd rises (usd falls), that might mean that usdjpy might fall if the usd is the one that falls. That would put Acct#2729 into further drawdown. Lets hope that usdjpy can close in profit. Then all pairs will be ready to trade on track again.

  1912. LTP can’t open trades when many accounts are in deep draw down..because of low margin amounts..tripping margin calls or trade closings..its a problem.

  1913. well, the bulls gave up trying to charge the bears..they’re using a different tactic..stair stepping..well least they’re headed in the right direction..lets see if they can get and stay above the 1.3500 level.

  1914. There is the possibility that once the trade gets over -250 pips in DD..the robot loses it..it surely loses it at -330 DD. We may be on a “wing and a prayer” right now.

  1915. I’m looking at the jpy, chf and the euro trade..all came back quickly, with a few pips of either break even or T/P after being in deep DD Hmmmmmmm interesting

  1916. Today was soo haard… and I got 100 pips plus, by… u know 🙁
    Norm, if DD is coming back… no way… i am dry…

  1917. Jtx, I’m afraid we’re on a “wing and a prayer”..if eur breaks below 1.34750 I’m bailin out of this trade..there’s better trades elsewhere.

  1918. Norm, u r right. Just I have such some value open pozition up there… I know, it is not a good habit in forex, but I dont care good or even elegant habits… I always had to do mine stuff by my own…
    Anyway, we would exchange what we r doing, right? Now i go to bed, 1:20 am, local… 🙂

  1919. From pips to valentine’s day… interesting lol.

    Happy v day to EUR/USD. It better be a big V, cause I’m such in a DD it’s not funny anymore.

    Anyways, thought I’d share with you…over the weekend I’ve been looking at All indicators in the free MT4 library.
    Have any of you guys trade with Fractal indicator… ? I just discovered some goodies in the free indicator library that comes with MT4! Looks like out of those indicators, I found that Average Directional Movement Index & Fractal seem to be better than LTP *so far… If only I can write MQ4.. any voluntary geeks here? 🙂

    Then there is the most complex Toyota indicator: Ichimoku Kinko Hyo indicator. Holly shish.. there are so many lines in there, my chart looks like my nephew’s scratch board! Do you know how to use this one? Looks complex, eh.. must be good…

  1920. I’m watching the TV game show “Jeopardy”. There is an IBM super computer playing the game. It plays just like the human players. It is pretty good at the game. Is LTP like this super computer to trade the Forex?

  1921. ************The $132 EUR/USD loss by LTP basically wiped out almost all the earnings from since the launch date. The $70.01 loss in the other account on USD/CHF mean that that account is down about $55 since the launch. So basically there is no money made by LTP live accounts since launch. When you factor in the cost of the product, the cost for VPS, cost of time, etc…..
    NOW, WHERE DO LTP GO FROM HERE? The 60 days deadline is one week away and the LTP team must be sweating and hoping people don’t cancel.********************************

  1922. hi all, i have tried LTP since its launching and i feel the same like you guys but still give it a chance for another 3 months and see how…

    i have a Money Manager and i park a portion amount of my fund to the manager and help to make a return for me every month. If you know about Borneo Island then you probably understand why i need to invest in Forex for my living..
    i did purchased a few EAs as well and i leave it to run on different platform but the result not as good as the return by Money Manager. but of course, commission charged by Money Manager is $5 per 0.1 Lots but i think worth it…

    If any of you intended to have someone to manage portion of your investment and if you think that i can be trusted , you can write to me for more info.
    thank you.



    Hi There
    I am glad that you actually looked into my idea.To sum up the whole result –
    Since I seriuosly started thinking and observing the pattern I havent had a loss yet.
    But due to a copier malfunctioning I was a little late to implement it in my live account.However, since i Started live trading I had 4 trades and all of them are winner.I hardly had to wait 2 hour to get the trade closed with a profit.Not to mention I did not incur the loss from the euro/usd trade yesterday.mine was closed within an hour after the opening with a 22 pips profit.

    The system needed a little more careful thought about where to set the Stop Loss up.But it seems that i might have come accross a safe point where I will be able to overcome the whipsaw.

    I would be more than happy ( I am already talking to one or two members here via email) to share my thoughts and investigation with you to make LTP a truly powerful system.

    And not to mention if you put your hands and resources in it I am sure we can make it truly profitable.Please let me know if you have any queries regarding this.


  1924. @LTP admin, support team and all on this thread. Sorry this is going to be a little long, but you might find it interesting.

    I’ve read every posting on this thread since joining, and posted a few myself. I have followed with interest these posting, and in particular those from LTP. I keep hearing about facts, so here are a few of them from my perspective.
    As I mentioned in a previous posting, my purpose in purchasing LTP was for it to supplement my manual trading, and not to have to spend time trading against it every time it goes into DD. So, unlike some of you I have not been adding trades to compensate for the DD risk. If I want to trade manually, then I do that in one of my live trading accounts where I use two different systems which work.

    I purchased the system on 31 Dec last year and installed it on 4 Jan and have been running it in a $2000 demo account taking 0.1 lot positions. Given all of the problems with the initial (beta) version of LTP, my system has only been able to take 17 trades in 25 days, or 0.68 trades a day, which is far less than the 2 trades a day in LTP’s hype. In addition, several of these trades closed early at a loss, and I had to manually retake them. Furthermore, those 17 trades have resulted in a net loss on the account of $98.80, hardly the kind of returns illustrated by LTP – even the most recent revised down figures. And, incidentally, someone needs to explain to them how correctly calculate percentage growth.

    Now if you look at LTP’s FinFX trading account they have (miraculously) managed 22 trades without one trade becoming the victim of bugs. Now, if I were to apply my simple 0.1 lot strategy to these results, I would have made a staggering $10.80, or roughly 50c per trade. Now tell me that doesn’t want to make you get of bed in the morning and P!@S.

    Now let’s assume that LTP have fixed up all of the stability bugs (which does seem to be the case), and that LTP’s performance over the last six weeks can be extrapolated forward. Then in order to recover my $149 investment, using my simple strategy, it will take 83 weeks of trading (do the math), or a little over one and a half years. Not a good ROI methinks! Well LTP might argue that one would need to take an average of all trades taken in their live account since last August, and base the extrapolation on that. Good point. But, only LTP knows how the trades up until the system’s release were taken, we don’t. Read into that what you will.
    To be honest, I didn’t believe the initial clames of 122% per month, but a steady 10-20% with little or no effort on my part would have been fine. Clearly this is not going to be the case.

    As for the ranting and downright rudeness posted by LTP in some (if not most) of their postings, they seem to have been written by a frustrated sixteen year old who isn’t getting any leg over. To treat PAYING customers (which, LTP, we are by the way) is nothing short of pure arrogance and disrespect. Any business which treats its customers like this deserves all of the bad press which can be heaped upon it.

    So there you have it. The system doesn’t meet my objectives, doesn’t give a fair return, and to suggest that the system “works” is to quote Churchill, bordering on a “terminological inexactitude”. So, after giving it a fair trial and finding it wanting, unless LTP can convince me otherwise I shall be seeking the much touted 60day, no questions asked, refund.


    Trade with care, elephants crossing!

  1925. I confirm, after removing and reattaching LTP, it is not harm the original trade, so I can handle it manually.
    Actually I was not remove, just change the time chart to and back. It forced LTP to reattaching to the LTP server.

  1926. Hi Paul, very well spoken, thanks..

    In LTP’s defense (if there is any), they weren’t able to put on more trades because a lot of accounts were heavily margined, preventing them from initiating new trades.

    After watching LTP for 7 weeks, I’ve come to the conclusion
    that trades lasting more than 3 day OR 200 pips in DD are in danger of being lost (I may revise that finding, but not by much), any trades moving out of those ranges need to be moved to live pairs that are still in live zones (live time cycle and limited DD)..It appears that LTP is working in a short time cycle that produces the best results..its most unusual that the previous 6 months of testing showed only one trade lasting more than a few days compared to several trades lasting several days in a little over one months time…One has to wonder why the hugh difference..something doesn’t add up..its a typical picture of pre release and post release of all robots..this one suffers the same fate. The 200+ pre release trades are suspect..their performance certainly hasn’t been duplicated..the hugh DD’s will prevent future trades from being initiated at the pre release rate. One account trading is far different than hundreds of accounts trading even without startup problems. IMHO

  1927. They are back, sorry if i caused a minor panic but all my MT4’s lost connection, both locally and on VPS. Tried to access their web pages but they were offline too. MT4 seems to be connecting now. Check out that gap on EURUSD @ 13:47

  1928. Hi Norm,

    I know that you are one of the ones also prepared to give it a shot. I’m not saying that the results of the previous trades on FinFX are fraudulent, just that I can’t be sure (in my mind) that they were all taken with LTP. But hey, who am I to know. 😉


    Trade with care, elephants crossing!

  1929. Hi Norm,

    I am confused by your first paragraph. What do you mean by: “they (LTP) weren’t able to put on more trades because a lot of accounts were heavily margined, preventing them from initiating new trades.” ?

    Are you implying LTP judge, taking into account everyone’s trading account size/condition, as whether to enter the market or not? Could you explain, please?

    The impression I got, and what I “heard” from LTP Admin in response to the point raised of fewer trades placed than in the pre-launch phase and as advertised, was that this was simply due to current market conditions, going on to add that he hoped that this might pick up again in due course. Hence, I’m intrigued on your take on it, being different.

    I agree with you on the typical picture in terms of pre and post release performance; pity. I don’t however think that is, in this case, explained by and due to so many more people trading the same signals now. As we know, however many of us there are, it is insignificant drop in the forex ocean.

    But this disparity in pre-and post release performance now apparent seems like a natural focus of attention going forward. I’m also intrigued by Mohammad’s ideas and contribution to evolving this EA to being profitable.


  1930. Hi Living, When accounts are heavily margined, I doubt LTP will initiate any new trades because they could over-margin many accounts causing trade closings…something LTP doesn’t want. So, Imho trades were held back until LTP decided it was safe to initiate new trades..I could be wrong.

    Oh, I don’t mean to imply that the pre release trades were fraudulent..what I meant was, they were taken in a perfect environment… not having to deal with no massive multiple draw downs. The release of the second pair for our benefit may have helped in some of the margin problems LTP had to deal with..I think they were broard-sided by the massive DD’S.

  1931. Yesterdays longs on GBPUSD and EURUSD starting to develop, only EURUSD a litte struggling. I hope upward movement will be sustained.

  1932. Thanks Norm,

    You could be right; only LTP can confirm. As said LTP Admin didn’t suggest what you’re saying, so it would be good to hear from them on that.
    My own assumption is that they scan the markets and just trigger the trades when and as they come and it is everybody else’s responsibility to manage their own accounts.


  1933. Hi, I’ve been following this thread, since only yesterday. But reading most, if not all threads, I feel that I should at least post something to give you guys my experience with LTP.

    I’ve purchased LTP on the 21st Dec. And yes, LTP was a pain in the a$$ at first due to the beta version. I let it run immediately only finFX’s demo account but for 2 weeks leaving my PC on, I only got 1 winning trade from LTP, which sucks.

    But after they got us the first new version, things started to change, and for the better. With each revised version released, things got better and better, simple things like, more trades in a day (2 trades in a day), better connection to LTP’s main server, less disconnections and less MT4 crash.

    On my demo account of $5000, I have all winnings of an average of $100, then for some reason, I think LTP was trying some new strategy, by trailing the charts with the stop loss, so when ever the chart falls a little, bam, triggers the stop loss therefore making the lowest of $1.50 per trade. Then my last trade, where it was losing $300 – $400. (which is normal for me as I’ve seen LTP opening against a chart, all of my trades from LTP can go as far as -$800 but still closes at $100, winning) it just suddenly modifies the stop loss and closes my last trade at -$300. Which I’m shocked and confused as it has never done that before (making me lose)! And by the way, I don’t manually trade (just twice to see how the heck things go).

    I don’t know if it works or not, as I’m currently hanging if I should go with live or not. One foot says go, the other says no, due to the negative responses here. Ya, the positive ones are more than the negatives, but I’m a scaredy cat, so what? But I’m most probably going for the go.

    Anyway, here’s my question. Do you guys have any “safe” setting strategy on LTP? I’m planning to put in $650 in the mini account with FinFX (minimum is $150).


  1934. Here’s an Idea..LTP needs to insist that everyone use a PERCENTAGE of risk..not a fixed amount, that way the robot can calculate the amount of free margin in an account before initiating a trade in THAT account. If an account doesn’t have sufficient room, the robot will not place a trade…that way,everyone won’t be penalised because of a PERCENTAGE of accounts being over-margined…more of my mussings

  1935. @Norm
    and others

    I bet LTP opened a bunch of 500 Euro accounts at FinFX, possibly also other brokers in the period before December third 2010. They traded with relative big (up to 2.0) lot size and a different aggressive trading strategy on each account. The account with the highest performance is used in their marketing campaign; most likely some other accounts are whipped out. The reason why LTP has lowered the lot size is to minimize the changes of the account being whipped out. Imagine what happened with a 2.0 lot size contract and a 330 stop loss, everybody can do the math themselves.

    The claimed profit percentage is a pure marketing percentage (read big lie). It is probably able to make 500 Euros on a 500 Euro account. But if you would have a 5000 Euro account it is probably the same 500 Euros and thus a different percentage.

    Another thing is this Neural Net mystery; I do not believe they have one. I am fairly sure there is a human trader (which in essence could be seen as a Neural Net ) placing orders, possibly advised by some EAs.

    Although I am getting skeptic on LTP, I am not going for a refund, but give them a chance to recover my losses. I do not care how they did it, but 250+ positive trades in a row is impressive and if they manage to improve their lot size management it could be something for the future. LTP admin, please do not respond to my statements above, since they represent my opinion and I know for sure you will not agree with me…

    Additionally I have one question for the LTP team. Why is your software not placing a hedge to minimize the losses on the huge draw down? This should not be too complicated to implement.

  1936. USA clients cannot hedge. Although possible to open multiple positions on the same pair, it is not desirable because of the FIFO rule. One open trade per pair at a time for USA clients.

  1937. Hi folks…Account# 1331…Has anyone applied to FinFX to open the exact account as a live trading account?
    Any luck doing this?..jim

  1938. Norm, King, what do you think about USDCHF? Would it hit the 0.978? I have remain an unconfortable open trade @ 0.9775 with 0.5 lot…

  1939. Jim,

    I”ve contacted FinFX before, on 2 occasions, they say LTP is running on their micro account, which is not available for retail traders like us.

  1940. Traders, my 2 pips worth….
    Just rec’d my refund after 4 requests. Decided to call it quits on LTP for the following:

    *Even though the 330 SL is rarely hit, one must accept the fact it is going to happen therefore, must be prepared.

    *If the avg gains continue @ 15-20 pips, the occasional SL will easily wipe all/most gains out and take too long to recover.

    *Minimizing lot sizing helps reduce the risk but IMO I’m wouldn’t be pleased with the ROI (and I’m not talking about 100%+ per month)

    Good luck and may the pips be with you.

  1941. I gonna make my decision about refund in time of this week, 5 days left. For me it looks like LTP team made some changes into LTP settings, which maybe caused poor trading activity lately. I dont know whats going on, but something has changed.

  1942. LTP Admin, 60 days is too short period for us to find if LTP is worth its money. So instead of repeating about loosing our Clickbank accounts :), you can offer, just as an option, extending of LTP’s refund period….like those browser exit windows on CB merchant’s websites…. Easy solution, isnt it?

    Also, will LTP come to the next ForexExpo in Moscow?

  1943. If LTP doesn’t extend their guarantee, I’m afraid they’ll end with a boat load of returns..but they may be playing the percentages, knowing that a vast number won’t refund..if they are going to extend the deadline, they need to do it sooner rather than later..If they don’t extend the deadline, it would appear they are playing the percentages and are not interested in how their “family” feels about their 60 day results..I do feel now that things have settled down, so LTP can get back to allowing their neural net to begin making money as we all originally thought..GL LTP whatever you decide.

  1944. Hi Jan, I also thought how could a bunch of guys sitting around a table could come up with a plan to screw a lot of a certain type of trader (EA dreamers)…and I came up with the idea of finding a small time broker and setting up say 20 micro accounts..funding them with $500 each..then start the neural net trading them (I do believe in the neural net)then cherry pick the best account for release to the public with the hopes that the account won’t implode before the 60 days are up..if it does, it just cuts a lil into maximum profits, but overall a very rewarding venture… BUT I do think LTP does have a better way to trade, using their neural net..so, the eternal optimist that I am, I’ve discarded that notion.

  1945. JTX, mmmmm, USDCHF? Hit the 0.978???? My SpudFibo indicators show it to not be hitting any time soon,….

    but I may be off a little bit. ?Though JTX, did you get in @ 0.9775 ????

    If so, why so close?? Doesn’t appear low enough for TP.

  1946. King, that was the last piece of a series of trades (originally with the same t/p as the LTP trade), by my rythm (2pip gap 5 pip t/p). But I was working on three different account at same time, and didnt pay enough attention modify down this T/P enough, in time. So this 0.978 is not the original T/P (this is why so close its now). Meanwhile the USDCHF is DD, and I realize this problem now…

  1947. Hi,

    I just bought LTP, and installed it on my MT4 Platform in my VPS, I notice that this MT4 Platform that has LTP installed has low internet connection sometimes it has only 4kb so it went to crash.
    In the same VPS I also running another 2 seperate MT4 Platform running on Fap Turbo and these other 2 MT4 Platform running smoothly with fast internet connection.

    Anyone could help me with this kind of problem ?

    And also where is LTP customer support, I coudn’t find on their website.

    Thank you


  1948. Looks like LTP Team got the explanation about how NEURAL NETWORK works from this website:

    “http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~nd/surprise_96/journal/vol4/cs11/report.html” (without the ” ” quotes)

    identical in every word

  1949. please listen carefully,.you can profit from this bot, but please disregard all the above comments, think out of the box and make life easy.look, this is all you have to do
    1…access the live leo trader account
    2…keep an eye on their open trades
    3…any time their trade goes negative by at least £20 place a trade in the direction they are trading
    4…one of two things will now happen, either their trade will come back into profit, or it will hit their stop loss
    5…if their trade returns to profit, manually stop your trade and take your £20 or so profits, or…
    6…manually stop your trade when they hit their stop loss and accept the loss
    7…they have just hit a stop loss of £132 but i didnt, i made a profit of £36 using the above simple stratergy.

    ok guys, listen, since launch using the above stratergy, my LIVE account has grown from £1000 to £2824, and i have not had even one losing trade.

    its simple,its perfect all of the comments above are worthless, and complicated, and not required at all, but its up to you, make life as hard as you like, or, give yourself a break and reap the rewards. a final word, i always remember a a phrase from a by gone era, written by the late great joe karbo, he said “MOST PEOPLE ARE TOO BUSY EARNING A LIVING TO MAKE ANY MONEY” be one of the smart ones,and make some money, the easy way, best wishes to you all.

  1950. Frank, the reason I believe LTP is using some type of a neural net is simply because you cannot place trades in the middle of nowhere and score hundreds of successful trades..it simply cannot be done…only the results matters..if the results are true, they are amazing..would you buy a system that produces 1 loss every 100 times? how much would you pay for it regardless of the profits it produced? Just knowing the direction is all one needs to know..forget about the minor profits..the way they worded their ad campaign means very little. Thnx for bring it up tho..gets us thinkin

  1951. I’ve been refunded and then repurchased it. It has it’s quirks but I’m sticking with it because once these first pairs are set up and running others will be released. Then there will be 6 or more pairs trading then the little 20 pip profit from them would be good start to building an account.

    Also, I would rather lose the $149 and still trade against it and make money than go through this with all the other EA’s out there that get thrashed on this site in their own blog. I go to the others and read what’s posted and this site is mild, plus I don’t have to read one guys post (the one that thinks he’s a god in forex) because he’s on everyother post out there.

    Sorry, had to get that off my chest.

  1952. LTP needs to get with the program…stop all traders from trading fixed lots…otherwise when deep draw downs resume, no one will receive any trades..there’s no good reason why traders that manage their account responsibly should be penalised…like lately when jpy,chf, eur AND gbp were in draw down … NO trades were fortcoming..do you really think we didn’t receive any new trades because the planets didn’t line up? Actually , they haven’t any choice..if they don’t eliminate fixed risk their trading results will remain dismal, and no one will want this bot..
    Guys wanting to trade with fixed risk should do it manually.

  1953. Peter you’re right, or at least mostly right. I did not catch the last EUR/USD trade because LTP started it 2 days before I went with ‘live’ with real money. I got into that trade placing several manual ‘upward’ trades. In one day my balance went from $250 to $300. My mistake was not quitting after 3 days, I kept doing it and lost $100, bringing my balance back to $200. But I coulda won (was winning) at that trade even though LTP lost it. I’m confident I can improve my strategy.–Even though I’m a rookie ‘common sense’ told me to stop trading it after 3 days, but I kept on. After 3 days LTP has probably lost track of the trade and it’s like driving a car with the hands off the wheel–it will hit either the left ditch/SL or the right ditch/TP (flip a coin, it’s a gamble). But even when LTP loses, it usually gets some movement in the correct direction for the first 2 days or so–that’s how I made that $50. But be cautious after 3 or so days.

  1954. Starting on December 21 I tried running LTP on a live account at FinFX ($700 beginning balance) but LPT would not make any trades because the minimum lot size is .1 (mini acct.) not .01 (micro acct.) like the LTP 1331 account. At .1 lots I would be risking almost half my account balance with a 330 pip SL. FinFX does not offer micro accounts to the public and I feel like LTP deceived us by not disclosing this when they recommended FinFX.

    I’ve been running LTP on a FinFX demo account ($5000 beginning balance) since January 4. LPT made 8 trades between January 12 and February 4 (7 wins and 1 loss) then no more trades and back to the dreaded “old tick” problem.

    I have MT4 running on a reputable VPS and I installed all the latest LTP versions as soon as they came out (currently 1.2). LTP support keeps sending me canned responses that miss the mark every time. It’s really a mystery to me how they keep their own account running.

    I have spent a lot of time and effort trying to make this work but the bottom line is, it looks like I wasted my time and it’s now time for a refund.

  1955. I’m looking at the daily chart of thr eur/usd..trying to understand what went wrong with that trade..if you look at the placement of that trade you’d shudder..talk about buying tops or just under them wow! BUT at the time LTP seen a guaranteed winner, otherwise it wouldn’t have put the trade on…so why did it fail? I have my theories..whats yours..keep in mind, this robot doesn’t lose very often.

  1956. By the way, Peter isn’t ‘peter’ .. know what I mean, ’tis not me! Have appreciated this blog and the advice/discussion!


  1957. I said I agreed with Peter on getting into these trades manually on DD, but I did not mean I find these comments of no value, I do find the input from many people (all view points) valuable.

  1958. If we can figure out a logical reason for the loss we can disregard it..if you notice, the price (eur/usd) came all the way back rather quickly to just miss the buy point by about 30 pips. Had the T/P been hit, LTP wouldn’t have been in that trade…My theory is that the Egypt crisis may have hindered the closing of that trade…insiders were selling euro’s before the world public heard the news..once they started selling, LTP had no chance to recover because the dynamics had changed…that will be a good lesson to keep in mind for future events. I think LTP knows for sure, but they prolly don’t want to wimp out and claim excuses…more of my useless mussings lol

  1959. Hey, I’m planning to put $650 in FinFX’s mini lot, can anyone suggest what leverage I should put in order not to blow my account in the unlikely event faster than I could say -$hit!-? There are as follows:


    I’m sorry for the stupid question, but I don’t know much about forex, I’m only trading cause of LTP.

    And since you guys suggest that users of LTP shouldn’t use fix lots, so I presume you guys are refering to the RiskLevel it is that we should twick, right? If it’s so, what should I set then? I’m current running -5.0 in my demo account…

  1960. I’ve spoken to FinFX, the guy recommended that I put it at 1:200! But that’s what he said! He’s FROM FinFX, so I wanna hear the normal traders cause it’s our own money…

  1961. William, I don’t think you can trade lower than one mini lot at Finfx..that means you’d be trading $1 dollar a pip! One 330 pip loss would wipe out 1/2 your account. Oh, you can use a fixed lot, its just that most people are impatient when trading in Forex, and they start cranking up their lot size after a couple of wins. Once many start doing that (you know guys)then when a DD starts, they start to run low on free margin..Imho if LTP starts to sense that many of its customers margins are becoming low they may not put on new trades for fear of margin calls or trade closings, if that were to happen they’d have a bunch of screaming lunatics claiming their trades were destroyed lol

  1962. So what do you propose then? get a broker? Come on, Norm. Don’t leave me hanging…get it all out. I’m totally at “0” at this, man.

  1963. “Trade at 1 cent per pip, no min deposit required”

    IBFX.com may not be the best, being in the USA and all, and being 50:1 ….. BUT FOR THOSE PEOPLE SAYING THEY NEED TO USE SMALL LOTS –> YOU CAN TRADE DOWN TO .01 MINI-LOTS (thats .001 standard lots) ON A IBFX MINI ACCOUNT, AND UP TO 50 MINI LOTS (thats 5 standard lots). Even on the Standard accounts you can trade micro lots because it allows you to trade .01 standard lots, which would be .1 micro lot. Just FYI for anyone needing to trade small sizes, I’m using it because I’m starting with only $200.

  1964. William, if u r non-US, I would recommend Exness. I use them. They have 0.01 lot. “www.exness.com/a/28520” Thats my IB code.

  1965. Use use LTP on exness? and made 15K mostly by manual trading,right? but still depending on LTP’s signals? 15K, how long how you been running to get to 15K? This is interesting.

  1966. @ Norm

    Sorry had to sleep. The God I was mentioning was the one with the really longgg post yesterday. He’s other the blogs/forum typing away. That was all and that’s why I like this one because it is helpful and I get caught up on stuff I miss not someone standing on his soapbox preaching away.

  1967. Facts:
    Results since launching (2010.12.20):
    – EUR/USD+GBP/USD: +0.84%
    – USD/CHF+USD/JPY (upsell): -8.21%
    Everyone happy with this results and the overall technical functioning of the robot, and thinking it delivers what was stated on the sales page, shouldn’t ask for a refund!
    Robots’ sales page are an insult to your intelligence, and a praise to your greed.
    The only retail robots that work (just a handful, as far as I know) are based on (costly) monthly subscriptions. They don’t show you 100%+ per month results. The people selling them have other activities on their website (software programming, fund management, VPS services, etc.). They are professionals with real companies, real addresses, and real phone numbers.
    If you want to save your money (as well as your time and energy), definitely stay away of any robots’never ending sales page, being LTP or any of the hundreds others!

  1968. hi goldwing,

    Sound advice. Can you please name some of these robots that actually work? Thank you.
    I actually look to sites like this for real-time experience and feedback, because we all know that these EA sales pages are an insult to our intelligence as you say.
    I keep hearing, I think I’ve said this before, that one should forget EA’s and simply learn to trade manually. I’d still like to believe some form of automatic trading is feasible… just haven’t found any yet…


  1969. Whats going on, why LTP doesnt make any new trades? Are they trying to pass trough 60-day period and collect the money, or maybe they doesnt want to play against they own broker to much. Its obvious, that LTP team waiting for something, but its not right currency price for LTP or right market condition to enter into trade lately. More like customer threatening games going on, “Clickbank account ban” for example 🙁

  1970. And probably will be more if today, tomorrow and friday do not open a few trades and win it, after the wekeend is monday 21, the last day some of us.

  1971. William, 15k was 50 days. begin with 500 usd acc @exness. I had 660 usd profit at the very first day (23/12), so LTP and fund is got. Even those very first trade were manual, because of the syncing problems at the beginning beta version. You know, I didnt want to miss any trade, so I did manual. But since the price falled down bafore my trade, I realized possible to earn much more by manual 🙂 So all mine manual trades are depend on LTP trade. Strategy is similar to John’s, although more agressive…

  1972. George, check my statement and statistic. I am still working on the last EURUSD, quite profitable. Yday 775 today 696. I dont rellease the original T/P (although few pip less, for carefull).

  1973. LTP Support, Norm, everyone

    Last trade pair of LTP for EUR / USD, GBP / USD has been on since then and until today 2011,02,08 LTP has not done any trade.
    Please tell me what happens

  1974. Wow, JTX you da man, man! That’s really amazing! Please teach me your strategy! hopefully for free…
    But how long have you been trading? I mean before LTP came up. Please accept me, SIFU (master, in Chinese Kung Fu term) 🙂

  1975. György, the last LTP trade: 1445967 2011/02/03 13:28:00 Buy 0.40 EURUSDMAM 1.37659 1.34359 1.37909
    It was hit the S/L.
    First, I switched off LTP whe it was 20pip close to S/L, so its alive, still.
    Second, I made a lot manual trades, targeting the original T/P. These trades bringing the pips for me…

  1976. William, thx but I am nothing close to SIFU… 🙂
    Beleive or not, I was not trading forex, before LTP. Nothing. I just had a week seminar for stockmarket 5 years ago. But no trading…

  1977. William I don’t think IBFX defies the purpose of LTP, other than crappy leverage (but no different than any other US broker), no hedging, etc. Even without those benefits, I made $50 in one day on a $250 account. So in a good month with smart manual trading, it could be possible to double the account. The way LTP works on the risk setting is, if you set the risk for -5% but the smallest size lot your broker allows would be a 20% risk, then LTP uses the 20% risk size lot, because it has no other choice with that broker. My LTP risk setting works fine with IBFX (on those very small lots), as does ‘the fixed lots’ feature when I want to.

  1978. Hello!
    When i used LTP on demo account it worked “great”, now when i went live it open one trade 3feb EURUSD and i lost 10% of my account with -2 setting on risk (2%risk) and since then i havent gotten a single trade, and it keeps crashing everyday. Im really consindering to refund…

  1979. JTX, then how are you so good at it? I’m not saying you’re lying but, indeed, it’s hard to believe for me that you’ve trade before and manage to do so bloody good! can you teach me? Anyway, i tried running Exness but it keeps crashing… don’t know why…

  1980. Hi Joe and everyone
    Let’s subscribe to signals of a professional trader and share equally the payment of subscriptions.
    More talk on the mail.
    Read here:
    Hi there,

    Many of you know That I Might be on the fence about Trader Swiper,
    But I want to put my money WHERE my mouth is and let you try it for
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    Download Trader Swiper Right Now:

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    See You There,

    Bob Iaccino

    917 W. Washington, Suite 240, Chicago, IL 60607, USA

  1981. No I don’t, actually I tried to download the MT4 right after you rec, to see for myself. But the MT4 just crashes everytime ever since I attached LTP on it.

  1982. JTX, is your EUR/USD trade still open and running? Mine is still open and I am still waiting for it to be over. Hope that will be soon. 🙁

  1983. William, yes, there is a known techical issue with LTP and free VPS of exness, since it is not allowed internet, etc. I was working on it with exness support, but 1. have not enough time, yet, 2. dont want to crash on working hours, so lets try at weekend.
    Still I am using a payed VPS for LTP (UltraHosting) and Exness free VPS for manual trading, because its FAST!

  1984. King, thx again. Just I aint got it. I have no good education probably. What is the meaning all of stuff. It says: “It is found one patterns – for pattern N1 – Bullish Bat – 1.35618 <Range of the prices D < 1.35639. The actual price is 1.3564. So what?

  1985. Oh so… not butterfly, but bat…? How is this indicator refreshing? And on what time? M1 H1 or?
    You know, I am a novice. thx.

  1986. JTX, the Elemental indicator works on all timeframes. Did you watch the video tutorial in the 2nd link I posted. As well, in the 3rd link there a bit more detail on how to read the indicator. You basically have got to place your position right and the tail end of the indicators Butterfly wings (which were the indicator has found the reversal trend to take place and begin its momentum at.)

    Come on JTX, use the FORCE, just don’t force it though lol 😉

  1987. BTW, I would use it on M1 and H1, seriously though, for the pairs on move on, I have a separate M1 and H1 chart for each of them lol 🙂

    Norm, BiG PoPPA, where you at?? Give it a go Norm, and let me and JTX know what the good critic says 🙂

  1988. JTX, check out the KING VISION,

    ..apply the template and indicators into your MT4 directory folders per the instructions..and walla!!

    🙂 Can you now see what I see 🙂

  1989. KING, it is nice and easy (KING VISION)
    Have u tried several times?
    I prefer its T/P and S/L setup, especially… 🙂

  1990. Guys (any girls?), I am testing 2 days ago a monthly paying signal service from professional traders. I will see. I will share my experience after a few days, at least (hm, 2 days ago nothing signal). Its a 100 box per month gadget, with MT4 robot for easy use. Of course with 60 days refund. Let’s see…

  1991. OMG King, I just checked EURUSD by butterfly… says no rising up more, just bearish… OMG, I got lots of open pozition up…

  1992. yeah but JTX, whats the KING VISION showing you as well. I use the KING VISION to follow accurate trends for going up and going down. If it gives me a steady 5 pulse Red…its for sure going downtrend. If it gives me a steady 5 pulse Blue…its for sure going uptrend.

    So I use that very well in conjuction with the SpudFibo that lets me see that exact Day High values and the Day Low values, then given what the Butterfly reveals I make my plays at the lowest of a Day Low, and at the highest of a Day High and attempt to ride the reverse.

    I havent seen any other more accurate indicators out there. The only thing that I found wasnt so accurate has been either my emotions at times, or just the spirit of greed.

    So I just take em one by one, little by little. heheh 😉

  1993. I got to learn from JTX, he still haven’t answer me…JTX, just teach me how you do it, what you’re using, how you do it, and i’ll continue from there SIFU.

  1994. King, thanks for the indicator. I have tried it on MT4. Just learning on the entry level now.. Amazing stuff!

    Natural, organic based stuff works since the 1930s. Wonderful!

    thought I also read somewhere that Fractals is also based on certain natural patterns, like the snow flakes crystals…

  1995. Yeah please advise why no trades since the bloody nose on the Eur/Usd. My pips4idiots on a demo has closed 12 trades in the last 2 days, all winners, but that’s trading 6 pairs, but a few of those were on Eur/Usd GBP/Usd. It’s had 55 trades in a row in a little over 2 weeks with my totally different settings from default, and on 6 pairs. I think 2 more weeks of that success and it deserves a shot at real money.

  1996. I might add, the pips4idiots took that same Eur/Usd trade that ate LTPs lunch, at about the same buy day. But it took it at a slightly lower buy point, and did not hit the 300 SL, it came within 10 pips or so. That trade is still going on my pips4idiots. Good thing about 6 pairs trading, even if one or two of them hang it still gets 20-50 trades per week because you have 4 others that can trade. The 50 would be with no hanging trades, the 20 is when a couple hang.

  1997. Well, looks like i decided to make a refund too. I dont know what they waiting for, maybe they already agreed with refunds and planning new stuff to release later. Its obvious that they acting differnet lately and playing some games with customers, which is not right. The good thing of this is this thread of LTP and comments here about everything. Hope it will be sustained.

  1998. I’m hoping/thinking they are just adjusting/tweaking the robot, no reason why it can’t trade as well as it did before 2011, if it was calibrated back to whatever those calibrations were. Recently you can clearly see they might be testing things—like those trades that closed for like only 2 pips profit 1 or 2 weeks ago, they may not have been caring about profit at that time as they were/are /testing/adjusting it for better trading here in the near future. We’ll see.

  1999. Whats amazing in this business, you can name your robot “pips4idiots” and the idiots buy it lol..hey, I’m sure they think we’re all idiots to be fleeced, since THEY can’t beat the market, they know we can’t..thats obvious.

  2000. Pontiac Dave,

    True, I also honestly THINK that LTP is tweaking with the EA, or rather we HOPE so to decive ourselves? Whatever the reason, it’s not showing any good signs, many have op for a refund and that’s a very bad sign.


    I’ve tried manually trade with the Elemental Indicator on demo account, lost 3 out of 4 trades. Lucky it’s a demo…But it’s not that it’s no good, it’s me 🙂 , I’m still learning how to use it. Seems to work. Just haven’t found out how to take it to my advantage yet.

  2001. With all the negative comments on LTP, they really should do something to prove us (the negatives) wrong by improving their system fast before more people go for the refund. I still have till monday. I’ll be hanging on the fence till this sunday.

  2002. @Andy:

    If I am not wrong you said you use “Forex-U-Turn”. What do you think about it so far? Is it useful? Can you share some information to us please? Thanks…

  2003. I don’t like the ‘pips4idiots’ name either, I agree, but the fact is it’s had 55 winning trades (that’s not luck or guessing at trades) in a row in 2 weeks, and has had 100s of winning trades over-all for me. Two more weeks of this and I might use real money (a small amount like $100, what’s $100, not much). Only 1 of those winning 55 trades got even remotely close to the 300SL, all the others stayed under 100 with like two past 100. I don’t care about names, it’s the performance.

  2004. Not giving up on LTP; however, I’m taking them off my live account because something doesn’t feel right at the moment. Gonna watch both of their accounts. Will put LTP on live when I see they are trading normally again.

    Watching LTP trade, I’m now desensitized to 250 pip DD because I’ve seen 3 trades with that DD recover in profit. I used to think that 60 pips was bad DD. That’s peanuts now.

    I suggest not to ruffle LTP’s feathers because as long as our trading money is in their hands and they have the power to program their robot, they can make LTP trade to lose 100% of the time if they want. It’s just like working for my boss who signs my paycheck and puts food on my table and a roof over my head. My boss let me go so there I have it.

  2005. Denise,

    Yes, You are right, i using FUT indicator. Since i bought it i never planned to use FUT, but i got offer from MD team to buy FUT and as bonus i wil get MD Pro and Forex Scalpa EA for free, both are MD team EA’s. So main reason to buy FUT was to get Forex Scalpa EA. But now FUT became my main trading system, which allows to predict next price move. With FUT i can catch 1-2 main price moves per day for one pair. Actually there is no more than 1-2 for one pair. What i like in FUT, is that it can catch big price moves, whem market changes. At least for now EURUSD and GBPUSD going up. Lets see how far they will go.

  2006. hi guys, whos running this blog, my last entry was removed, it was valid comments, with useful advice, you know, everyones got an opinion, its no good cherry picking, just what you like, if this is removed too, well im off. if its left on ill once again leave my advice

  2007. I’ve removed posts with personal attacks. If there were valid comments within them, I’m sorry but I had to do it.

    This applies to everyone, please be respectful to each other.

  2008. “The makers of MegaDroid and Fap Turbo have released LeoTraderPro this Forex MT4 ea uses Revolutionary AI technology to predict Forex movements.”

  2009. “There’s been a lot of interest in Forex Neural Nets and the application of this technology to Forex since the International Trader Expo.
    Now, since most people don’t understand how this whole thing works, I thought I’d explain it in a little more detail.
    First and foremost, you need to understand is that you’re never going to actually get your hands on the Forex Neural Network Robot itself. Let me explain why.
    You need some serious micochips under the hood of your computer to crank this baby up to optimal performance. I’d wager that not 15% of the Forex enthusiasts out there have a rig that’s up to spec for running this kind of software.
    Not only that, you also need some massive bandwidth.
    It’s correlating data from multiple sources, analyzing past historical data and essentially considering thousands of different combinations of actions before it even performs ONE.
    It’s like taking the decision making cognitive abilities of the human brain and stripping it of all other senses and emotions… it is single minded and focused on only one purpose.
    Let me put it this way. If you tried running this on your home computer, you couldn’t check your email while it’s working.
    So, there’s actually only one way that you could theoretically use technology like this – the same way the Big Boys are doing it.
    You have the master bot sitting on a VERY powerful server with plenty of micropower flowing through it…AND… here’s where it gets really interesting…
    How does the end user actually USE this stuff if you don’t ever have it on your own computer? It’s very simple but at the same time… quite ingenious.
    They use replicator bots for your local terminal!
    How this works is that the Expert Advisor you install is just receiving instructions from the master bot on the server. This means that the demands on your computer are next to nothing. All the actual “thinking” is done somewhere else, and your computer just gets shot a few bytes of data when it’s time to do something.
    This is cool for a whole bunch of reasons. Here’s my top 3:
    1. Almost ZERO resources impact on your home computer.
    2. It makes it simple for the end user to get this whole thing running, because, and think about this for a second, Do you REALLY want to take a shot at configuring this on your laptop? Get out the door!
    3. Security, Security, SECURITY! – It only takes one moron to spoil it for the rest of us, and you KNOW this always happens. Awesome new tech comes out, we all get a copy, and two minutes later it’s on ebay. That can’t happen here. It’s impossible for an unlicensed user to reap the benefits of this system.
    Okay, so that’s pretty much it in a nutshell. Of course, it’s way, way more complicated than that but this is really all we need to know so far as it impacts us as users.”

    Dear Admin, if it is too long, u can delete it after a few minutes… 🙂

  2010. Hi Pontiac, You must be super cautious,this is some quote wow… “the fact is it’s had 55 winning trades (that’s not luck or guessing at trades) in a row in 2 weeks, and has had 100s of winning trades over-all for me). You do realize this bot will stop working..by the time you implement it (hundreds of winning trades for me) it will need to be reprogrammed unless its a neural net and I doubt that it is…least I haven’t heard that that’s what it was using…I’m wondering if anyone else has that good fortune with pips4idiots, as I sure could use a program than can produce 100’s of winning trades for me also. I never realised what an incredible EA that was.

  2011. At this rate the volume of junk robots, trade alert services, trade copiers, trading systems and courses will soon grow greater in volume than the forex market itself.

  2012. JTX, Wow! “What the big boyz use”…and just think, they will share it all with us for $150? thats incredible..LTP must have a heart as big as our entire universe! to share such amazing software like that with us..I’m impressed. A neural network thinking like that would probably never have a losing trade, and maybe only go into deep draw down once every few months since its so smart..probably have multiple trades every day also…where can I get one JTX…oh, you say I have one?…coulda fooled me 🙂

  2013. Here’s a little tidbit from the Forex Peace Army..one of the most respected reviewers in the world…regarding pips4idiots.

    Hello all,

    Just to warn you about Pips 4 Idiots. As it is late and don’t want to make a long email, here is the email I have just recently sent to one of the (many) affiliates promoting this piece of garbage:

    “Hello Xxx,

    F. here. I am one of your follower and I have to admit I have rarely been disappointed by your tips, advices and recommendations.
    Until now… It seems that we are inundated by all kinds of crappy expert advisors constantly. “Customers” are easy to catch with promises of easy money. And so I understand that the prospects of earning a few bucks in promoting those crappy piece of “software garbage” can be somehow attractive to unscrupulous people who earns money in affiliate marketing and not by trading the Forex.
    Xxx, you have a reputation here. Don’t destroy it!
    I have just acquired Pips 4 Idiots (which you are blindly promoting below) to prove to you my point. This EA is pure crap (as I already sensed when reading the sales pitch… always the same). Even the so-called live statements are doctored (so many “live accounts” with the same date, time and references for the initial deposit… come on). I have attached the decompiled versions of the file for you to see. It is as basic as it can get. Where is the “patented ‘Adaptive’ trader technology”? (how can you patent some lines of code by the way?). This EA was supposed to – somehow – connect all “traders” together and learn from mistakes, etc. blablabla… Well, a quick look at the code will show you how painful this scam is. The “creator” of this EA didn’t even bother to create a protection for his EA. You can share it to anyone. He didn’t even bother to encrypt the lines of codes. 11kb for such a “complex” EA. Please Xxx… And even the so-called “advanced” version is just a copy-paste of the classic version with different settings. You have a duty to let your subscribers know about this. I will not go into all the blatant lies presented on the Pips4Idiots website but someone needs to take action to bring an end to this insanity. Naive and fragile people are even putting their life savings into these scam!
    Please have a look at the files attached and please use your large audience reach to notify people of this scam. I’m sure you’ll do the right thing!
    Thanks in advance, and keep up the good work!

  2014. @Norm

    You are spot on with this Pips for idiots.I have read the above mentioned post too after refunding the robot which made me feel much better…..I bought it …put it on my live account..saw whats this all about…got my refund on the very same day……

  2015. As I’ve stated (no one else does), LTP does have me Intrigued by their crappy placement of trades (just under strong overhead resistance..at tops..in the middle of nowhere lol) that it keeps me fascinated..no software known (to the public) can produce a win ratio of better than 99% with those types of trade placements, and I defy ANYONE to prove LTP wrong in that regard.. sure they may be a lil cocky..wouldn’t you be if you thought you had the best trading robot in the world? Now, the BIG question is: are the prerelease trades real?..Kinda tought to prove otherwise..their post release trades kinda suck, (draw downs whew), even so..you cannot refund on what you have seen as of late..to do so would be foolish..BUT you can always buy back in..so it would cost you a few buxs more..I need to ponder a lil more lol..I know, my ponderin time is runnin out.

  2016. To see just how good LTP really is, you might want to publish the account history of both accounts to 2 different Mt4I accounts at http://www.mt4i.com.

    Briefly, here is a summary:

    Total trades: 226
    Profit: $2,497.04
    Profit Factor: 19.20
    Winners: 220 (97%)
    Losers: 5 (2%)
    Net Pips: 3,242.8 (divided by 6.6 months = 491.3 pips/month)
    Monthly Return: +30.6% for 198 days
    Weekly Return: +6.6%

    Total trades: 63
    Profit: $482.71
    Profit Factor: 7.15
    Winners: 59 (94%)
    Losers: 4 (6%)
    Net Pips: 623.3 (divided by 3.7 months = 168.5 pips/month)
    Monthly Return: +40.1% for 110 days
    Weekly Return: +8.4%

    I’m working hard to practice to get that good. I think LTP’s record is quite remarkable. The terrible thing about this is that one SL hit triggers in our minds that the system is trash. That’s not necessarily the case. If we cut LTP off after the first SL, LTP won’t have any chance of making back the money much less proving itself in our own accounts. Where these days can we get that monthly return on investment?

    Like I said above, I’m going to give LTP a chance to prove itself but in my demo account while things are being ironed out.

    Just my 2 pips.

  2017. Folks..got a feelin we’re makin big mistake refundin..got that feelin…there are clues..see if you can find em.

  2018. How do we get the other two pairs of currencies? I have looked on their website and they don’t mention anything about them.

  2019. Mrf, The losers you’re showing in both accounts are not actual losers..they are – trades because of swap fee’s. LTP has not had a loss in either account in prerelease.

  2020. I wont say anymore about pips4idiots after this post, because this forum is for Leo.

    They poorly market the product p4i, they should tell people “sometimes one pair may not trade for 2 weeks depending on the market, so you need to trade lots of pairs if you expect to see lots of trades”. All you hear about on the net is ‘no trades’. <–That won't happen if you trade the 6 pairs I trade. Many people start with one pair that happens to be in a non-trading period, then refund it a week later after no trades. I trade with 6 pairs and usually 2 or so pairs don't trade a single trade each week, those 20-50 trades per week are from usually 3 or 4 pairs that seem to hammer several trades out per day, then quit right before the price falls (it usually buys, rarely sells).

    I am cautious as hell, you are right, thanks. This is why since December I've not used real money on it. I put real money on LTP because it had a record 5 months back. But of late I am starting to develop my own record with p4i since Dec. In Dec I traded one pair, it knocked out several trades in the first week, then no trades for 2 weeks so I shut it off and devoted all my energy to LTP. Then in early Jan I got that idea about 6 pairs and thought it wouldn't hurt to demo it for a couple of months with 6 pairs, so far it is consistent every week. Many EAs do stop trading like someone here mentioned, it hasn't happened yet, not saying it won't, I'm still unsure despite a decent record of late, which is why I've not used real money yet on p4i.

    I want LTP to work out, but I gotta go on actual results and with what works. LTP should make a profit, it has, it can, it's just that as of late it's not trading enough. I understand not trading in bad markets, but that shouldn't last forever, time will tell.

  2021. Do you know that usd/chf is down 90 THOUSAND pips from its high in 2000..its 175 pips off the low it just hit…usd may be getting stronger..how would you like to ride usd back up 90 THOUSAND pips lol…think about it.

  2022. I can’t calculate how far down usd/jpy is..I get a headache. BUT this could be the mother of all lows…all we need is direction. USD stock market is startin to smoke..unemployment dropped 1/2%, thats big.

  2023. Hi MRF,
    I just thought your posting is funny (no pun intended)

    “Watching LTP trade, I’m now desensitized to 250 pip DD because I’ve seen 3 trades with that DD recover in profit. I used to think that 60 pips was bad DD. That’s peanuts now”.

    Lol like you, I used to think losing 30 pips is bad. Now I’ve seen the “this is it, forex is not for me” DD.

    Btw, you posted about FIFO for US account. I have been opening & closing trades during DD. Does that mean I’m in trouble? Anyone?

  2024. So I put this Fractal, Gartley (elemental) and Average Directional Movement Index indicators on. Wow! when LTP is asleep I can at least still be entertained. I opened a trade (very small 0.1 lot) at 1.3597, about 1 hr ago… and it’s on the way up!

    All three indicators correlates (with ADX a little laggy) on the entry.

    Somehow the Fractal arrow fell on one of the “butterfly” point. So, does Gartley uses same principle as Fractal?

  2025. Hi Norm,

    It looks like http://www.Mt4I.com does count swap as losing trades if the net profit is negative. I typed exactly as it was shown. Correction, only 2 losses in Acct#1331 and 2 losses in Acct#2729.


    Hi Happy Pips,

    I don’t think anyone’s gonna check who is violating FIFO rules. I figure if your trading station allows you to open and close trades in any order, then go for it. NFA rules are stupid. Can we repeal them?

    I have a Zulutrade.com account at Forex.com. Some of the signal providers (traders) I chose to trade my account, opened trades against the trend. My account went into 350-400 pips in drawdown. That’s crazy. Then they open more trades against the trend. I was so frustrated, I closed those trades in 300 pips loss twice. Unbelievable.
    That’s why I’m working hard to learn trading so I can trade my own account.


    Anyway, what do we all think is going on at LTP? What are they doing? That’s a mystery.

  2026. I have an EA that I have been using in my forex acct and It has qaudrapled my account in just three weeks. My acct balance went from £1000 to £4000 and am very impressed… It trades the Eurchf only and to me this has been the best EA I have used in my 4ys of trading career. I started using this ea after LTP ruined my other account with its huge drawDowns…

  2027. Hi all,

    LTP looked quite transparent and honest, but it seems to be a scam as well. Although I have to admit their track record of winning trades is impressive, most likely it is based on luck. Another thing is that the funny little graphs are not moving anymore on my computer, they are all 100% full, whatever that means.

    After doing some more research for a good EA I came to the conclusion that the EA market looks like one big scam. Since my entrance in the EA Forex world (November 2010), I have experience with FabTurbo and LTP, both of them have lost a substantial amount of money, even though I have used the fabturboexpertguide for optimal settings.

    To summarize, my experiences with EAs are one big disappointment. Nevertheless, the Forex market has got my interest. That is why I have decided to create my own EA, which I am fairly capable of, because I am a programmer for 20 years now. I did have a look at the way an EA should be build and it looks fairly simple. I have my ideas how money can be made in the Forex market, but I am not an experienced trader. So, if anybody wants to participate in this project; this is your chance to automate your trading strategy and get your own free personal Expert Advisor, you can send me an email to myownea@hotmail.com.

    This is not a company effort; I am a real person who can be contacted by email and phone. Another thing is that the code will be shared with you, so you can verify what the EA does and help me with testing to improve the used strategy.

    Let’s see who is interested to give me a hand. And to the admin, please do not delete this message since it is a direct result of my experience with LTP.



  2028. Lololol….LTP ruined his account….haha, what a spam. I bet, less than 0.1% of CB affiliates buys products before promoting it to others.

  2029. Norm,

    Even LTP support has been quiet on this just like the robot. We need Day lights to get them fired up again, atleast we’d know their still around.

    You would think with all this going on they come out and let us know what is going on.

    By the way, I figured why my ForexMeta kept closing my trades. I had so many going that I think it was margin call. I understand that but it closed out 2 on me yesterday that were only a little out.

    I’ll br sticking to FinFX when I go live, never had an issue with them.

  2030. Already made my request of refund. I dont know what went wrong, but how they acting lately is not good for business and customers. Even since release, when LTP EA were most buggy EA i ever seen, we still tested it. But now, when EA is fixed, they playing some mystery games, dont know why?

  2031. Andy,

    I mentioned before (don’t to sound like a broken record) I repurchased on Jan 4th, so I have until March to decide to stay or not.
    Really really hope something happens soon before it’s time to pull the trigger or not.

  2032. Umm DAVE, the link that you posted is not for a Forex Robot. Its’ for a Landing Page Robot. Dammit, give us a valid link or else!!! Just messin with ya. 😉

    Da Link aynt correct Dave. Ya Hearddddd

  2033. Craig
    Well my 60-days deadline is 20 feb. So i made my decision. But i still think, that LTP has good concept of traiding, only accomplishment wasnt enought good (buggy EA, 3 unexpected closed trades @ -90 pips, crashes at the beginning). Lets see how it works out. And we can make repurchase at any time.

  2034. hello mr DAVE DAVE DAVE…………..

    hello from saddam glad to meet u

    show me the 3 weeks performance proof statement as we are to buy the robot based on your reply

    Awaiting your reply

  2035. Sorry Joe,heres the link to the EA. … http://nonamebot.com

    Vyacheslav,this is a very solid EA I use myself and still using.. They use clickbank…so you have nothing to worry about.. It works in the EURCHF 15M and all market conditions. Also designed with the malicious brokers in mind..lol. Just try and see? As for me, I cant put my money with any LTP robot anymore…. 🙁

  2036. Criag, I think LTP has been quiet as of late (no trades) because of the euro being in DD so much, plus heavy refunds..as soon as the euro comes back and the refunds lighten up, they’ll be back. They still need to fix the problem with deep draw downs eating up too much free margin in many small accounts. There is the possibility that the markets are too erratic at the moment,also. They may have seen too much instability in usd/chf, usd/jpy..those pairs are probably on hold..Gbp/usd is all over the place. They look to be working on a time/price cycle, and nothing fits at the moment (I’m guessing of course).

  2037. Jan, you need to look for breakout, continuation patterns, but they may be impossible to program..London breakouts are most predictable I’d say..its a pretty complex pattern to code.. the swings are massive..you’d have to deal with false breakouts.

  2038. I agree with Saddam..the code is posted online..it may work for a short time but will destroy your accout in time. Lots of bad reviews on this EA that make some sense.

  2039. I received a message of Nostradamus, and mentions that the team of engineers, technicians, consultants and LTP genius are gathered by analyzing the new strategies that will be used.

    They are creating a new robot, once the neural nets give a signal going to sell the new robot will open a position to buy and in the same way as the neural nets give a signal to buy the new robot will open a selling operation.

    But it will have a TF of 20 pips and SL of 30 pips only.

    The positions will be contrary to what they were doing now.

    Is like Mohammed is trying to do. What happens is that since it is weekend and can not keep trying because they have no market signals, so until next week will not see anything new


  2040. George, Many work in perfect market conditions for a short time..LTP is the only one that has a chance to work by avoiding bad market conditions..once a trade is placed (eur.usd) and market conditions change (Egypt) nothing can prevent a loss. Its my opinion that eur/usd will hit the trade buy in point..we’ll see..odds are that it will.

  2041. George, imho they don’t have to do something with NN if they started to sell it. NN can educate by the past data and continue adapting under current conditions. If it doesnt do a thing, then its simple a crap NN.
    I too started to think about refund but not because of that two stoplosses. I have LTP installed Jan 17 so still have some time to let LTP show it’s strength.

  2042. Usd/jpy may be a good short opportunity at the 83.127 level..usd/chf has dropped and appears to want to continue to drop..if so, usd/jpy could break support.

  2043. Norm, egypt etc is just a one bad thing at a time. Nobody has an insurance against this.
    But there were so much very good signals…today’s eurusd, move, for example, was clearly showed by several indicators. Why LTP sleeping? Is it in coma after big loss?

  2044. Norm, i use simple wellknown combination of RSI(14) + ADX + CCI.
    Also yesterday ive installed king’s vision (thanks king) and now i feel myself like Sheikh sitting on a white elefant.

  2045. If anyone trades the usd/jpy I suggest waiting for the ppullback before entering the trade so as not to get trapped into a false breakout (stop hunters love them. There is the possibility of a breakout continuing without a pullback..if so, oh well.

  2046. I closed out eur/usd…ADR has been met..will wait for a pullback..will switch to usd.jpy while waiting if trade developes.

  2047. The pullback on usd/jpy may have been a lil too quick (may be a false breakout)..I entered aggressivly..stoploss 83.165 just above the 83.150 round #. A conservative entry would be just beyong the breakout tip. If you take the trade and lose, I dont want to hear it..thank you

  2048. Need to wait till the usd/jpy trade developes on the 1 hr candle..wait for it to close..need a full body candle no long wicks.

  2049. Hi, I know I’ve asked before but JTX may have missed out on me so would like to ask the others’ opinion. Maybe it’s a stupid question therefore JTX or anyone isn’t interested to answer?

    If I were to open an account with only $650, what leverage should I choose for a safe setting, and why?

    1:1, 1:20, 1:30, 1:50, 1:100, 1:200, 1:300.

    Your kind answer is very appreciated. Thank you in advance.

  2050. Usd/chf is dropping nicely..if you want to trade it, wait for the pullback to the last candle top that occured several hours ago..wait for the 1 HOUR candle to close (full body, no long wicks) then a pullback to the previous candle I mentioned NO penetration of the breakout line is permitted by the pullback..trade must be perfect..or dont take it..entry can be aggressive as soon as pullback is complete or a conserative entry a few pips past the breakout candle tip.

  2051. I got stopped out on usd/jpy ..was a lil too early..need to wait till the 1 hour candle closes or take a chance with a wider stop (not a good idea) best to wait for a full bodied 1 hr candle..I didn’t.

  2052. William, everyone has a different opinion on leverage…its nothing more than your broker loaning you more money to gamble with.
    If you are an expert trader (few are, I’m not) high leverage is great..you can make a ton of money if you’re good, and lose everything if you’re not so good..low leverage saves your account if you over trade. Others may have a lil different explanation.

  2053. Hey King,

    Where do i find the instructions…on that King indicator

    “.apply the template and indicators into your MT4 directory folders per the instructions.”

    I downloaded, and I now have a zip file on my computer, but I do not see a PDF file or Acrobat file showing me some instructions. Could you give me some guidance. Thanks in advance.


  2054. Unbelievable… I had to play it back to be sure my ears heard right: “…taken $2k deposit and turned into $1million net profit in less than3 months”



    that takes the biscuit. All for $39… (who wants to guess how many upsells are on the other side?)

    That’s what we’re dealing with out there people. They’re also promising investor password btw, in the members area as soon as one’s purchased their thingy first though (of course)

    Unbelievable or what?!

  2055. These EA pushers are making big $$$. The FX market is global so they sell 1 million copies @ $100 each. That’s $100,000,000 so they don’t care if 50% or even 80% ask for a refund. Win win situation for them. With all this money in their bank accounts they are glad for the day when the spotlight shift from them to another EA. There they would have only wasted 3 to 6 months responding to customers. After that they don’t have to ever work again.

  2056. Guys, did You check those 1250 and 5000$ account statements. This million $ EA made all 14703 trades only in 6 dates in time of 3 months. Actually it was made in time of one week in the december. Something unbelivable to generate 14k trades and get 100k $ in 6 days from 1250$. So it is around 16k per day. Very funny, what will be next 🙂

  2057. OK Guys,

    I submitted my refund request as per the no questions asked offer. And what do I get? Questions, questions, questions! Hopefully my answers will prompt them to pay me back the cost of the bot!

    BTW, it’s not the lost trade that caused me to ask for a refund, its the very few trades since the beginning of January that makes the system unprofitable in the long run.


    Trade with care, elephants crossing!

  2058. Jon, unzip the pretty itty bitty ZIP file that’s on your desktop. Open it up and have fun with it. The instructions are in the PDF that you’ll find inside the folder that gets unzipped.

    Use your head Jon, be wise, and don’t be greedy..and with that you’ll enjoy this.


  2059. William, imhothe safest is the 1:1. No risk and no odds.
    I use to 1:200, but sometimes my broker cut it to 1:100 (this is normal above 15k)

    But there is no chance without risk 😉
    I was begin with 1:1000. That was hot!

    READ THIS: babypipsDOTcom school leverage-the-killer.htm

  2060. @George
    I hope LTP does not reverse the trade as I am doing at the moment.there is a possibility they might think that way.if you read their last couple of posts here you will see they definitely looked into it.however, if they do all my work and copier will go to waste.they better tell us if they do coz my copier will be following the other direction (which would be disastrous for me) and give me the sweet experience of 300 pips DD again…grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    but hey ..trust me 30 pips SL aint gonna work….there are lot more into it when deciding the SL….

  2061. I tried LTP and sent it back for reasons already discussed
    I am curious about one thing though. There was a $97 upsell offered on ordering .. USDJPY was one of the pairs I believe (USDCHF perhaps the other?). I was wondering how they were doing?

  2062. Here is a mentor’s suggestion for next week:
    Buy Stop Eur/Usd 1.3700 or better.
    Stop Loss 1.3400
    Take Profit 1.4300
    King/Norm, opinion?

  2063. Mohammed, If you try and trade against this robot you will get whipsawed badly..I hate to see you go thru that, its not necessary, there’s tons on money to be made with this robot just the way it is…LTP needs the markets to settle down so the robot can begin trading…maybe the release of more pairs so that it has more to choose from.
    To LTP SUPPORT..You have an amazing robot, and I predict that all those that are refunding will not only buy back, but they will have all of their friends and family buy in also..THIS IS MY PREDICTION watch and see. Its a shame the foolish ones are tying up support because of their short sideness. They are fortunate if LTP doesn’t block them from buying back in…remember, LTP only has one payment method, and that is thu Clickbank. Those that are blacklisted are not allowed to buy back in..keep that in mind..if LTP doesnt block you consider yourself very fortunate..because they don’t need your money.. And no, I obviously do not work for them.

  2064. I’m hoping for a gap down at the opening on sunday night, hopefully from profit taking..I recommend buying in at that point or lower. You have a good chance to make 100 – 150 pips. Don’t miss out.

  2065. JTX, I haven’t looked that high!..you could be very right..use a trailing stoploss above 1.37600..they could take the euro down before 1.4300 is hit.

  2066. Norm, u can find him here: “http://leotraderpro4forex.blog.hu/”
    right side, down the second. I received this weakly prediction by email today, after bought the indicator.

  2067. I hate this high 1.430, since I have a lot SELL pozition already for EURUSD (check my statement…)… 🙁
    But there is no chance without risk

  2068. 1. Google is your friend
    2. No need to read, there is the picture on the right side, secound one from up. it s a small banner.

  2069. JTX, good call, my elementals are showing the same on this side too. So on the right side, second one from up …then I take a U-turn rightttt… 😉

    Ok, I think I got it. Just confirm to me that that is the right one JTX.

  2070. JTX
    Did You buy FUT indicator. This Buy Stop trade call on EURUSD are based on weekly chart, so that huge SL 1.3400 is normal for this timeframe. I got this trade call from Jason too. He shared great trade calls before for his indicator customers. Since i started using FUT indicator i made many great trades. I using FUT around 5 months.

  2071. Well the call is no big deal (t/p 14300, stop 13400) if its on a weekly chart..price could go anywhere…hope you have deep pockets.

  2072. Hey Guys: On the first of Feb. I took VPS off my $5000.00 Demo account. Because I was not getting any trades. I Tryed another VPS and still no trades. I left LTP on without a VPS. I just looked at it today. I recieved 84 trades from 1-27 to 2-18 76 profitble and (8 losses $808.55). With total profit $692.00. after losses. I have changed my mind I’m keeping LTP. How about that if I can make $100.00 a day thats great thats what I’m looking for in a EA.

  2073. King, Norm and others. I was type a tones since weeks. My fingers tired… I find a nice app. No need to use make trade window (well, not so fequently). The basic edition is free. The advanced is 150$. Here is the free: “http://comtex.hu/forex/gow_lite.zip”
    It is doing the 4 basic operation: buy, sell, close_all, and close_last, with predefined SL TP fast, just with a single keystroke, like Alt+B. Its fun! 🙂
    The paid version has a lots of functions, with a single keystroke, like: Buy Limit, Sell Limit, Buy Stop, Sell Stop, Shortcuts to Increase and Decrease Risk, Trailing Takeprofit,Virtual Stoploss and Takeprofit Let You Operate in Stealth Mode…
    This guy Just customize me the paid version, to make a series of Buy Stops…

  2074. Besides LTP and Exness, is there anyone running LTP on a different brojer that has 1:50 leverage and min lot of 0.01 with minimum deposit of $600?

  2075. For those of you that would like to see the price action trading system that I use, you can get it totally free.
    Hector Deville is one of the best price action traders in all of the Forex market. His $500 course is free if you open an account thru the broker he’s partnered with..its the only course I use and recommened..I have no affiliation with Hector..I just wanted to show you the sweet deal he’s running..here’s a link to several amazing trading video’s that He recorded totally free also..if you want to learn price action, Hector knows it well..enjoy!


  2076. I’m watching the AUD/USD Currency pair…Its showing a bullish flat top triangle on the daily time frame..this pattern has a high probability of a strong breakout in the direction of the trend. I’ll be watching for a full bodied candle breakout on the daily time frame..then a one bar pullback to the vicinity of the breakout point..one daily pullback bar..maybe two, but not three bars..thats too long of price meandering around the breakout point..need to see one or two bars only..then an upward continuation..once the continuation starts in the original direction of the first breakout bar, you can enter the trade with a stoploss a few pips below the origibal breakout point. This type of a breakout is profitable about 80% of the time.

  2077. @ Norm
    I am well aware of the whipsaw ..And i have taken into consideration too when I set things up for my trades…anyway its not an argument about which style is bad or which one is good….
    You are capitalising on DD and you dont want LTP to trade any other alternate way..

    I have got my own reason for which I dont want LTP to trade any other alternate way….

    So the bottom line is as long as LTP trades the way it has been doing all these months we all are happy….we all winner regardless of our personality…

  2078. Norm, I’m not sure if I read it right, but according to babypips, my true leverage should be 1:50 (not 1:500), for only having 650 in my account. I tried playing with 0.01, but can only see maybe about $-+4? so should be playing with 0.05?…

  2079. Sure hope LTP makes a eur/usd or GBP/USD trade soon! Have it on 2 computers and need to see if my second works. It’s been a big gap. For a while it was going good, the best is when your sleeping and it makes a winning trade (or any trade for that matter).

  2080. Trades will start comin…market needs to settle down..they’re bein extra cautious..thats a good thing. Be nice if they’d release 2 more pairs..keep lots from refundin. Don’t need all these &%^$#@ tyin up support.

  2081. Hey, I’m down to Gomarkets and HotForex as my brokers. (sorry JTX, Exness can’t support LTP) Anyone here using either one of them with LTP and making money? (or MADE money in this recent event where nobady’s making money from it cus’ it ain’t moving)

  2082. Should someone convince me otherwise? Cause I’ll most probably take on Hot Forex. What’s no swaps anyway? Does that mean there’s no charges or fees but positions are still allowed to open till the next day or no open position also?

  2083. if anything I think they send out Fundamental outlook for the week. I’m thinking most of the big moves/DD is caused by fundamental stuff…

    there were other books I was going to buy before my wife pulled me out of the store for spending too much time 🙂 but I think one called “black swan” and “Quant” something.

    Anyway I’ll share something I found interesting in her book.

  2084. I missed that usdjpy. Somehow LTP was stopped on my VPS 🙁
    William, what you mean, Exness not support LTP? I am using…

  2085. That miss was my fault, I didnt configured the VPS, let the user login automatically after a reset,. The VPS provider should made a reset at weekend 🙁

  2086. Well, JTX. It just keeps crashing when I use it on Exness’ MT4 when I attached it. Then I tried another broker (other than FinFx, which I’m currently running on Demo) and it works fine, no crashing (yet)

  2087. Hi, JTX & King. King, checked that out but I don’t know, I thought that Hot forex is offering some good offers. You guys should check it out. It’s got TradeSignals for free if you open with $100.
    Btw, ladies & Gents, LTP is back in business!!!

  2088. astro, also exness support has to give write access to LTP in the MT4/experts directory and under.
    Please note, Exness has quite strict security setup @ VPS.

  2089. LTP got the whipsaw in their favor and got both usd/jpy trades closed….
    I survived the whipsaw and both trades closed successfully staying within my tolerance of SL…not bad…so far 10/10 trades ….

  2090. JTX, I got cocky in the-middle of-the-night last night and decided to try my hand at trading Silver. Grab 1 good trade, then figured I could snatch it again. 2nd one wasn’t in my favor, well, it was just was at a low profit mark for my tastes. Let it run abit …but eventually, ..we..got greedy…wiped down to $250 which is what I originally started with LOL. Alas though, I feel I’m getting better experience wise, and eyes have become more trained on how to move in/out a trade. Heheh, all I wanted was a little silver 😉

    Oh well, time to climb back up to 6K again woopee!!

  2091. LTP Upsell active today: 45-47 pips profit closed between 3 trades with another USDJPY trade in play now. Price must have been moving fast on the this trade cause only ATC caught it; FinFX missed due to MaxVarience > 5. I increased this parameter to 6 on FinFX for now.

    Note to LTP Admin: It would be nice to see the 2 pair prices in Expert tab that give rise to MaxVarience number. Then I have facts and data to let me decide if I want to increase the parameter.

  2092. LTP was suppose to be a “set if and forget it money maker”.
    But the time that I had it I spend more time at that computer than ever before. Now that I ditched it I had the time to watch CNN and saw news that Newzeland had an earth quake. So while some of you looking to see the $5 and $3 that LTP made, I was enjoying the Newzeland (NZD) crosses after the quake. As a matter of fact, I missed trading the Australia flood because I was fiddling with LTP days in and days out.

  2093. How are you all feeling about LTP? Looks like it is getting back on track. I was the one who advocated, stick with LTP so it can prove itself, and yet I’m the most gunshy of all. Is everyone’s confidence level coming back?

  2094. @ King

    Not to worry mate happens to all good traders at the start, i lost a total of 12k before i learnt the market and started to profit.

    Gl mate.

  2095. Oh King, let have all the silver & gold other guys. Just focus on forex, my friend. There must be enough for all of us… 😉
    Be care.

  2096. Someone help me! My LTP’s got this error message: XXXXXX(receipt code): Connection refused – simultaneous IP address limit exceeded. What does this mean?

  2097. William, LTP is allowed to run one (or two?) IP address, same time. Might be you have a dinamic IP, and it was just changed…

  2098. What do you mean, JTX? I’m only using it on one PC, running with 2 different MT4s of different brokers.
    BTW, LTP is really aggresive now, never seen it like that before, opening so many trades at a time. It’s all negatives now, but LTP normally close it on a win. (and I hope this time it will too, or everytime for that matter)

  2099. Usually the ISP giving you dinamic IP, which is use to change sometimes, when you reconnect to the Internet. So, your IP address is not fix. LTP server could sense for a short time, if you are using two IP address. The former IP address of yours should purge, so than LTP server give you the greenlight.
    Just IMO

  2100. I hope I’m not saying this too soon, but looking at the way LTP is performing, seems like they wanna make the refunders regret of their decision…

  2101. Getting close to a triple bottom on USD/CHF…could be an excellent buy point with a stop just below the all time low.

  2102. William: I have had the “too many connections” error with LTP on occasion. It hasn’t happened recently, but it seems to occur most often after a crash of MT4 (or a shut down of MT4 without first removing LTP). If I try to reconnect LTP immediately, I get the error. It goes away after 3-5 minutes. My thought is that sudden disconnect of LTP disrupts LTP IP tracking and when you reconnect, it counts the previous connections (which are still counted as active by LTP for some reason–2 accounts in your case) plus the new connections (again 2 in your case) and says “oops, too many connections). After a few minutes, the old connections are cleared, and the reconnect is allowed.

  2103. JTX: Look at USDCHF on hour chart-2 low valleys have happened. First at year end/beginning and second early Feb–price is now approaching this low value-if it hits and recovers a bit its a triple bottom and a good time to buy

  2104. Also on AUD/USD …price is sitting on trendline..a break below..then a pullback and a downward continuation could be a fast drop. OR the price holds and moves up ..good trade either way lol…drop is more substantial and profitable.

  2105. Hi Norm: GBPUSD was at 2:46 est actually. And usdchf at 1:12 est. So including closed trades since late yesterday, there have been 4 upsell trades and 2 base trades-the 3/1 closed trades were for 80 pip profit

  2106. Thnx Doug, Gbp trade started at 2:46.

    On AUD/USD use DAILY candles only, if the trendline breaks..Need a break, then a pullback..pullback needs to be perfect if it happends…if it does happen perfectly..the drop could be fast and furious.

  2107. Actually its not open, once the stop is hit..means Leo lost control of the trade..probably once price crossed the -300 pip point..30 pip cushion. We’ll see..we may be on a wing and a prayer..they aint talkin..probably would say trade is closed.

  2108. JPY sell opened 5:05 EST–caught it with ATC Broker, Missed it with FinFx Broker. This is the second JPY trade missed by FinFX today. No record in Expert Tab (last one missed due to MaxVariance exceeded

  2109. Thanks Doug, got it. Anyway, now what does insufficient free margin available? If it’s “not enough money” LTP’s killing me cause they are opening 10 trades at once. fortunately, or unfortunately, I’m on micro. How do I settle this problem? Pump in more money?

  2110. Ok, I know, it’s not enough money. Just pump it a bit more cause found out that I missed the USDJYP due to not enough money. DAMN!

  2111. William, first u should set RiskLevel to max 5% in LTP. And use low leverage. Maximum 1:200. And read this one, all the lessons.
    Second: yes, at the first weeks, sometimes I pump some more fund, against the Margin Call. My initial fund was 0.5k. A few times I droped 0.5k or even 1k. Just now, the fund is 6.5k, all together. I will withdrawn when I hit 70k. Or later 😉
    And: BE CALM. 🙂

  2112. JTX, I deposited $150 (just to try and see if my account was funded or not, which it did) then, coincidentally, LTP suddenly started going “high” with so many trades at once. Then when I got up this morning, saw the “insufficient free margin” thing on my chart, so pumped up another $150. Will again pump another $300 later today.
    My leverage is set at 1:50, and I’m only playing 0.01 lots now. Don’t dare go more cause don’t know how this things work yet. JTX, wait till 70k only withdraw? not worried? I’d withdraw fast just to see if my broker really pays me for my winnings. Heard so many cases where they don’t pay.

  2113. William, of course I did try to withdrawn, but from another account I managed. That was 2k, and my broker (exness) did put it back to the credit card within 24hours. 🙂
    I using the RiskLevel set it to -10.0 now, wich means LTP risking 10% of Equity. At the begining, it was -5.0 for more safe.

  2114. Guys, anyone has a crash LTP in the last few hours? I run 3 copies on a VPS, it was stable, but all of them crashed within few hours.

  2115. JTX, that’s pretty high for me for now: -10.0. Anyway, I’m actually curious on how our withdrawals can be transfered to our credit cards. What? They transfer money to our cards, and if you wanna use the money, just use the card? Or you got to go to the bank and do a withdrawal for cash from it?

  2116. Nope William. This broker could withdrawn the amount back to your same credit card, what you did use for funding. Maximum amount what you did fund, by this quick way. If you want more withdrawn, the the rest is by wire or by some kind of e-money (MoneyBookers, for example).

  2117. JTX,

    Both of mine have been crashing ecer since yesterday. One is better than the other. The with XP pro is wired and looses connection the most and other I hate to say is Vista running on wireless.

  2118. I just change my VPS provider. Ultrahosting was until this time, but it was slow.
    Now I using cns, it is FAST! Windows2003 32/64bit or W2008 Enterprise Edition R2. Cool. Autoboot function, choose from 3 datacenter, which is near to the broker, for the low latency time (east coast, west coast or UK). Check it is you need it:

  2119. Thanks JTX, running with what I have available for the moment, I will be getting a new desk top in a few weeks so I can leave it running instead of 2 laptops. And you answered my question about 7 which is good to know.

    What is VPS, don’t mind my ingornance I’m not the most tech savvy person.

  2120. VPS – Virtual Private Server. It is a service by a technical provider. They prepeare a virtual computer for you in a very high-tech and safety datacenter, data-farm. It has 24/7 supervising, and must have a very high uptime for reliable working (usually 99.95% of the time, or higher). The good side is you dont have to worry about the running, the high internet conection and you dont have to keep switch on your own PC. Just use a terminal or Remote Desktop application on your low-end computer, to connect to your own VPS. The data traffic is very low, since only your keyboard typing data travel to there, and the monitor picture data is travel back to your computer. The downside is you have to pay a monhly amount, which depend the ordered memory. This amount is somewhere between 25 and 80 USD.
    Check the above link, you could learn it more.

  2121. Aud/usd daily chart gettin interestin..if dollar strengthens..this thing could break the trendline…if it does..look out below.

  2122. Did u check Instaforex? 1:1000…Someone already mentioned it here (Norm?). Although their spread is seem quite high for me, but maybe a nice broker…
    And Alpari UK has 1:500 as I know

  2123. The REALITY CHECK is that LTP was marketed with a ‘live trade statement feed’ as PROOF of positive performance over 5 months on eur,gbp pairs and 1 month on jpy,chf pairs. These live feeds showed NO substantial acc.losses over the test period. I (like others) purchased this product thinking: mmmm…if performance is all positive & this positive performance level can be sustained with NO catastrophic losses, then this trade model could be ramped up over time to produce serious profit! Since product release on 20/12/2010 LTP performance has been TERRIBLE! with catastrophic losses hit twice in the ’60 day money-back test period’. ‘HOPE’ is not a trading strategy & the reality is that LTP has not managed to even return its ‘purchase price’ over 2 months. VERDICT: LTP has not performed as vendor led us to believe and IS ANOTHER FAILURE!

  2124. JTX, I thought it was hitting bottom.. but still goes down.

    Both eur/chf and gbp/chf is in the same direction… and so I think CHF is strong..?

  2125. I’m only asking this is because I didn’t experience it with LTP, maybe it’s due to some times when I didn’t it leave on or connections were too bad to receive signals cause I get that rather often (MaxTimeSlip 120). Did LTP really lose on trades?

  2126. On LTP, what’s the difference trading between minimum lot size and risk level. I mean, what are the Pros and Cons for each of them? I’m currently trading on minimum lot size and LTP opened up about 10 trades for the same currency. Did this happen to those who (like JTX) are using RiskLevel?

  2127. Doug and George, it could be too soon to conclude but if Doug had only one trade opened base on risk level. Then the lot size should be rather big in order to compensate, and if you use minimum lot size, LTP will just keep opening trades (which it happened to me) untill you’re out of Margin to open new ones, that’s when I lost out on the JPY trades (not enough money). And yeah, I’m not lying. But unfortunately it was only for a day and only won peanuts thanks to my initial capital of only $150, but looking at percent, then its really good, at 20%. Yesterday LTP was sleeping, like how JTX put it. It’s true that LTP opened about 10 trades for each of GBPUSD (9 trades, 22/2/2011, open since 14:46 and close last trade at 17:26) and USDCHF (11 trades, 22/2/2011, open since 19:12 and close on the next day with last trade at 08:06)

  2128. And 20% is on 0.01 lots each. So yeah, few trades winning only cents…
    I’m pumping it to $600, then, I shall set at 0.02, and hopefully LTP won’t screw things up by closing a lose, or worst, a lot of lose trades for me and everyone that’s using LTP.

  2129. @ William. Mmmmm…something sounds wrong here William. LTP is a ‘signal replicator’ meaning: when the Leotrader guys send a signal to our computers to open a trade, we all get exactly the same trade signal & that trade opens on all of our computers worldwide. I have only received 2 signals on 22/2/2011…gbpusd sell 1.6160, T/P 1.6145 WIN, sell usdjpy .8281, T/P 82.53 WIN. Sure wish there were more signals…

  2130. When I post those comments, I already knew there will be people like youself won’t believe. Well, I can tell you that I’m not trading manually and it was all LTP’s trading. And no, I don’t work for them. I may have slept with one of them but don’t remember being drunk.
    Why don’t we just wait for more people to comment to see if there was something like that as mine,OK?
    BTW, I was studying LTP a bit earlier to know why it happened, so are you trading base on minimum lot size or risk level?

  2131. CometPete, you have to understand and believe me when I say I’m not here to make up stories or whatsoever, a good liar or a intentional liar should be knowledgeable in a topic that he plans to lie or shall face with bombardments should he ends up without a solid story to stick to or covering up. If you’ve followed my post all this while, you should be aware that I’m not familiar with forex and LTP for that matter. I’m only here to share each others experience with forex and LTP.

  2132. Thanks for the info William & yes I do believe you & your results. That is what is great about forums like these: we hear other ppls experiences with the products & can form a concensus. I am using a 6% risk level on a live AUD account. It will be interesting to hear if other traders are receiving large numbers of trades like yourself. Best wishes.

  2133. CometPete, again, it may be too soon to conclude and I’m still waiting for people to share here, especially the ones trading with minimum lot size.
    I may be wrong, but it’s the only reason i could think of, since you also said that you’re trading base on risk level and got only one trade open, like Doug. And I’m trading base on minimum lot size and got so many trades open could be due to one thing, I don’t know what suitable word to use but maybe – Balance?
    You see, yes, you’re right that LTP is a signal replicator, but they also did mention that they will calculate the most appropriate amount for the user (which is us) to trade. But no settings saying how many trades do we wish to open.
    So, if a user trades base on RiskLevel, say -5, LTP will calculate the appropriate lot size ( normally more than 0.01) and open a trade for that particular trade.
    Whereas if a user trades base on MinimumLotSize, say 0.01, it wouldn’t be fair for users like me if LTP only opens onlt one of that particular trade also. Imagine how much the difference would be between the two if they were to win, both with the same amount of capital. I’m sure that if we check our Account History, we’ll be able to see LTP has trades with different lot sizes (not fixed lots) and be able to see fixed lots for people who trade base on (MinimumLotSize set)it. So, I think this shall be the only answer to this issue.
    But to all here, don’t go changing from RixkLevel to MinimumLotSize cause like I said, it should be Balanced for all users to be fair.

  2134. William: trades by close date (based on EST)
    21st: 3 JPY; 1 CHF
    22nd: 2 GBP; 2 JPY
    23rd: 1 JPY; 1 CHF

    it sounds like you are getting multiple LTP trades opened for individual trade signals. If this is the case, then open time, SL, and TP would be identical for some of the trades. Is this the case?

    Do you have multiple LTP charts running on a single instance of MT4? You are using v1.12?

    Thanks for sharing

  2135. @ william

    I also am only seeing two GBP/USD trades on the LTP account, which is what ended up being traded on my account. I do not have the USD/JPY pair as I did not purchase that up sell. So I do not understand why you are seeing 10 trades on the 22nd.

    Very interesting…

  2136. Jon, Honestly I found it amazing and interesting like you. Until I thought of the reason behind it just now.

    Doug, you got it right man. But the open time is slightly different, as you know it takes time to open an order therefore the prices are also different. But the SL and TP would be identical for the trades. No, I’m only running 2 licenses on 1 chart on 1 MT4. And yes, using v1.12.

  2137. I have to correct myself on my post at 12:55am. It’s not that LTP will just keep opening trades until you’re out of margin, but just so happened that I didn’t have enough margin to continue with the JPY. And LTP was just trying to have a Balance among us.

  2138. Why hasn’t anyone trading with MinimumLotSize (MLS, got to do this cause it’s really long to type and type it again and again) I really wanna know is my reasoning right or not? I don’t believe I’m the only one here that has esperienced this cause it’s impossible in the whole LTP clients that I’m the only one that has. And please, share only honest experiences.

  2139. William…I use( -1 )risk setting 250$ account..opens just 1 position at .01 lot size….works fine( MM true )
    Give it a try …haven’t tried MM false..sorry…jim

  2140. Oh we’re here Sir William, just doing some deep testing on a couple new boties. PBP may just be my new thingy to let run 24/7. Been doing a steady 3-day demo run with it. So, in the meanwhile, like JTX said, why is LTP sleeeping man 🙁

  2141. I won’t be waiting…it’s 2am here, got to go. Will check on you guys first thing tomorrow. Hope that LTP will wake up and start kicking in some money. Love the feeling of getting up and see I’ve won some money. Miss that feeling already…

  2142. JTX —–check out the PBP. Run it on demo for about 4-5dys and do not do any manual closing of trades on it. Let it run for itself. I want to see what different results we both get since we’re using 2 different brokers. My ratio at the new broker is at 1:200

  2143. Oh King, I am just have my drink. This is not a good day fro me, I lost 6k on a second account. Margin Call, because of that stuck USDCHF… I am sad. 🙁

  2144. I was long hope to turn up that f**king trend on USDCHF, but NO! That USD is falling and falling, the Switzzy stronger and stronger… Dammned!

  2145. King, I bought PBP all the three version, but testing only the Turbo. Well, it is strange. Did some good profit on bigger (25k) demo account, but looks like driving to zero a small 0.5k demo account. AND it is running only on FXCBS accounts, not on Exness… strange

  2146. @ JTX

    I’m surprised that you guys bought PBP. After reading through the other forum for PBP, and seeing all the bad publicity for it, I figured it would not be a good idea….

    JTX, I saw your presence in there.

  2147. Jon, I made a refund for PBP after red the PBP topic here in forexmachines. It was a quick decision to buy. Anyway, it can be use after refund… so still testing.

  2148. Jon, anyway I like the idea about using 2 brokers data, to get a better result in profit. But looks like its a trap. I mean a scam. But may be Maurice would hack it. Hope. But dont off this topic too much with PBP…
    I’m goin to back to sorrow my 6k… usd is past. cny is future. 🙁

  2149. Oh, that hurts man. I feel you, sorry to hear that…So let us hope that LTP will find some good trades to win today.

  2150. JTX. I’m on the same boat on USD/CHF. Now -130pips. 🙁
    Kept going down.. EUR/CHF is similar.

    Although I did good on the GBP/USD Buy late last night. Thanks to the Butterfly indicator ala King 🙂

    I also got greedy last night tying to sell AUD/USD. Got burned. And EUR/GBP. Now I keep telling myself not to enter trade without indicator confirmation. So hard to be discipline. Maybe I need to learn meditation technique 🙂

  2151. Oh, sorry King. My bad. Cause I was reading your 1:05pm post saying you about your PBP running on demo so thought it that way…didn’t really read it properly…Well, let’s all just hope that LTP guys will find a or a few good trades for us all today.

  2152. @ JTX

    Great minds like alike !! lol. I too installed FOD yesterday. Nothing happened so far. May be we will see some action on monday.

  2153. JTX,
    I using FOD. It depends of Your broker . My point is that sometimes i got similar FOD trades on FinFX demo and Alpari UK FOD account with my GAIN cpt broker, but sometimes i got trades with different entries. I think, that main value for FOD that needs to be tuned are slippage. I did hear, that for true ECN (like FinFX) slippage doesnt matters, but for MM brokers slippage might cause differences into trade entries. So for my MM type broker i have slippage value set to 0.85. But if lower the slippage are, the less chance to get more trades, but trade entry with lower slippage are improved. So this value needs to be tested for Your broker. At least yesterday on my live acci got 5 trades total with FOD on GBPUSD, EURUSD pairs, but for FinFX demo got only one trade yesterday. But in Your case its weird that even with high slippage “3” FOD didnt take any trade.

  2154. JTX,
    Its really weird. Just now 13:15 FOD made profit trade on buy GBPUSD on FinFX demo. Maybe try to set slippage to 0.85 for FinFx too. At least i did it for FinFX demo to compare with my live account. I dont know, but maybe You running VPS and it might cause no trade situation.

  2155. JTX,
    Well, maybe try FOD to set up on PC. FOD is a standalone EA, so there is no point to run it on VPS. My broker offers to use free VPS too, but i never used it and i got all signals from LTP before without VPS. I pretty confident about my PC and internet connection. I hope You will get FOD trades soon.

  2156. IMHO VPS is essential, and much better then PC. Especially if you are moving between home, office, traveling with notebook, etc…
    Also, if the bot is standalone, still the latency time to your broker is essential… which could be not fix if you are using home internet connection

  2157. JTX,

    Maybe just test few days on PC and then see if there is any trade, then ask to FOD support why you doesnt get trades on VPS. I will let You know if today will be any FOD trade on FinFX demo. But seems for today FOD is quite pasive for my live account too.

  2158. Andy, is FOD confirmed to be 95%+ profitable. From the current takes on it, it looks so. I’m set to 0.10 with a 500USD deposit. We’ll follow it. JTX, Andy, post your breakthroughs if you have any.

  2159. Aud/usd is getting ready to break out of pennant on the daily chart..don’t get caught in a false breakout..wait for breakout,PULLBACK, continuation…if you play the breakout..monitor the breakout..enter 3-4 pips past breakout point..shoot for 20 pips only. close trade if price breaks below breakout point..DO NOT STAY IN TRADE IF THAT HAPPENS.

  2160. King,

    Today already had breakouts on EURUSD sell @1.3780 at midday, GBPUSD sell @1.6123 at morning. GBPUSD reached my TP, only EURUSD didnt make big enough move till TP. So no new trades and breakouts for today, i guess.

  2161. Guys any one useing trend patern indicator i just found a free candle stick recagntions indicator to use to verify it is working great check it out let me know what you think

  2162. You guys are funny..you screw around with bad ea’s even after you read all the bad reviews..and you’re making tons of money too…incredible..you must be magic.

  2163. King,
    If You are running via VPS, then problem might be somwhere outside, cant help about VPS, as i doesnt use VPS service, othervise on PC FOD should be run fine if smiley face is visible and EA is set on M5 timeframe. Its hard to say why FOD doesnt trade for You, because FOD setup is very simple. There is no way to set it wrong. On what broker You testing it. As i said before i got trade on FinFX demo and my live too. You could run FOD on FinFX demo, so that we could compare trades. FOD trades really good on true ECN like FinFX. I testing on FInFX USDJPY and USDCHF pairs too. On live i running only EURUSD GBPUSD. My FOD record is 305 pips in a 2 days on FinFX demo with all 4 pairs together.

  2164. The less is a slippage the less is chance to open trade. But for me 0.85 works fine. With default value “3” FOD definetly must to take trade, i dont know why for you FOD doesnt open trades. With FOD in a 10 month period i got 3 SL, on GBPUSD, EURUSD pairs. But i had periods when FOD wasnt turned ON 24/7. Like before i turned OFF FOD when tested others EA and LTP, because of LTP crashes before and other buggy stuff which messes with MT4. On my GAIN cpt broker i definetly get better results compared with FOD vendors Alpari UK account. We can see quite good FOD results at FPA, they also testing with different broker. Also looks like very good results might be achived with true ECN like FinFX. I testing on FinFX demo and FOD works like factory with this type of ECN, got one SL with USDCHF, but recovery was very fast with 4 pairs together.

  2165. The breakout on aud/usd appears to be false…need to use a 1 hr candle need 20-30 pips, then pullback, continuation..if trade goes negative…bail out.

  2166. King, sorry, my english is poor to catch your previous message. Pls make it more simple, more clear to me (“JTX, u got a # I can reach out to you at…)
    And no, I have nothing trade on FOD, still

  2167. Norm, yes it is an LTP board, still 🙂 Just because LTP is basterd sleeping, we should find alternative ways to got those pips. MUST earn…

  2168. King, send me an email to jtxYOUKNOWWHATITISfreemailYOUALSOKNOWWHATITIShu
    Then I will let you know my skype and msn. Is it ok?

  2169. Yeah, I missed the first one , as I did not have my platform on in time to grab it. Missed it by about 5 minutes. That trade went fast…LOL

  2170. Hey, are the EURUSD at 1.37157 and USDJPY at 81.783 close yet? I was having a little connection problems and now its in the negative, so just wondering if it’s me or everyone else…

  2171. Leo, what are you doing? Analysts at DailyFX.com are predicting 1.40 for eurusd. Glad I did not capture this trade. I went long at 1.3775 on my demo account. Uh oh, more big DD for LTP.

  2172. Yes MRF, it’s looking like a kid’s playing there, not NN or something like this.
    Guys, i was waiting for 2 months, but what i got? Nothing….ohh wait…excuse me…i have met a great people to learn from. King, Mohammed, JTX, Norm…wow, i must thank LTP just for this.

    But…anyway…Refund request sent :0

    KING, thank you again for elemental trader link. This pattern system works very good. I’ve made a good profit trading options and this indicator helped me alot.

  2173. Guys, just remember:
    “Here is a mentor’s suggestion for next week:
    Buy Stop Eur/Usd 1.3700 or better.
    Stop Loss 1.3400
    Take Profit 1.4300”
    That was for the last week analyst. Have you seen 1.43? neither me…

  2174. I hope you ladies made some gap trades last night..I showed you how..bet you didn’t tho…eur/usd and aud/usd were pretty easy…bet none of you took them tho (sigh) oh well.

  2175. Happy Pips, check out EUR/USD, NZD/USD. Alot of Bearish Gartly or Bearish Butterfly action going on tonight! And as always….. when all else fails…FOLLOW AND KEEP WITH THE TREND!!!!!!

    And trade safely.

  2176. JTX, Vyacheslav,

    Guys, did You only changed PC time or there is another way to get working Harmonic pattern?

  2177. No wonder I just can’t get FinFX to work…Thank goodness that’s only my demo.
    Criag M, if you got some little extra cash, open another account from another broker to avoid this crap.

  2178. MKS,

    You can download it, but it doesnt work, because trial period is over. Maybe You can decompile this exp.ex4 file and change trial period. I am not MQL programmer so i cant do it myself. Yes i can send to You download link.

  2179. Andy, Mks, yes, trial period ends today. Here is additional information about it: “tinyurl.com/4gxdrl3”. :0

  2180. MKS,

    In my side i see that mail was sent to Your adress, but please use Vyacheslav’s adress, what he gave.

  2181. Sorry, wasn’t really following. Vyacheslav, it’s a file to download… after downloading it, do I just paste it to MT4’s – experts folder like doing it for LTP? and to use it just drag it to the chart? Thanks.

  2182. Oh, sorry, Andy.
    And after that just drag to the chart? Sorry, I’m no tech expert. I’m actually currently still reading on how to deal with this liberty reserve thing which I’m planning to do my deposits and withdrawals. *sigh*, it’s like going to school for the 1st time…haven’t been there, haven’t done that.

  2183. I may be wrong, but I can’t seem to locate my post regarding the license’s issue where I can’t connect to LTP’s server due to something like “simultaneous address limit”? Just wanted to thank the guy who reply to my post by can’t really remember who…
    Why is post removed anyway?

  2184. William, if not finding your post here, two reasons:
    1. u broke tha rules of the forum
    2. ur post is not in the last 200, which is showing here default, to not slow down your browser and the server, in that case, u just browse up, and click on the “Show all 3,330 comments.”

    Guys I proud to be your mate in this so large topic, anyway… 🙂

  2185. JTX,
    If it’s #1, then I can’t think of any reason that I broke the rules, I didn’t argue with anyone or post post my affiliate link, so don’t know.
    If it’s #2, If shouldn’t be cause I’m quite sure it’s a quite reason one, around 1 March.

    And JTX, DAMN straigh right about it. I’m happy I got to know this forum and the people in it.

  2186. Vyacheslav,

    This link ( tinyurl.com/4gxdrl3 ) takes me to a page that has a message saying that info does not exist.

  2187. Oh man, when will the EURUSD close with a win….at least it’s going south now. hope it continues to.

  2188. I know this has been asked before but what is a good broker? I’m in the US so I know my options are limited, atleast until LTP hits it big and I can move! HA HA

  2189. That you got to ask the seniors here, King, JTX, Norm & a few more others, but not me as I’m not from the US.
    Damn! when will the EURUSD finally hit the TP mark? can’t sleep peacefully these few days…

  2190. The best USA broker is IBFX for small accounts…The best foreign broker is Finfx..minimum trade is $1 a pip…if the stoploss is hit, you’d lose $330..plus you have LTP keepin em honest. They (Finfx) are the best..don’t waste your time with other brokers, they’ll give you 200-1 leverage (if you like to gamble). I’d MUCH rather blow $1000 on LTP than a trip to Vegas…least you have a shot with LTP…to each his own.

  2191. Craig,
    I just closed two identical trades (small 5 pips trades to test slips) on my MBT & ATC Brokers accounts. Also, to test JTX Stop trades strategy (thanks JTX!):

    MBT: $14.40 & $14.80
    ATC Brokers: $20.00 & $20.00

    Would finfx take US account? The 1:200 looks good. 🙂

    I noticed a bunch of white columns on NZD/USD. Nice.. you hit the jackpot! Last night my Elemental stopped working. It has expired.

    I noticed there is another source for Gartley (1 of the four shapes). But it’s in MQ4 format.. if someone could figure out how to compile that… might save us what $2000? $2000?? really?

    Just search this on google:
    Forexfactory 209631

  2192. happy pips, what is the meaning? “I noticed a bunch of white columns on NZD/USD. Nice.. you hit the jackpot! “

  2193. Jon, try one more time please.
    Don’t know why they want that much money? I could buy it with big pleasure for reasonable price (up to 150) but 2000 sounds too greedy..

  2194. RSI(2)+ macd(2.3.1)+ buy/sell volume combination works pretty good. But when i also applied elemental trader, the picture became just amazing..really.

  2195. JTX, the tradefinder is a server based app. The access to this application is a part of Elemental Trader package..

  2196. Thanks everybody, I’ll going live in a few weeks. Need to set up everything with a better computer and connection, not like the soup cans and string I have now.

    @William, I’ve had some issues with the FinFX Meta 4 and not with my other. I think there’s a live update that is meesing it up. Both of my computers are updated and work fine now.

  2197. Craig M, how do you get the update for the MT4 for FinFX? I tried chatting with FinFX’s live chat, but the guy keeps blaming LTP…I told him it’s fine with another broker, but he still says it’s the EA…*sigh*

  2198. Oh man, 1st they open the EURUSD with no close till now. Then they go open the USDCHF with not so good results now. Why do they have the potential to lose that much but not winning that much…I mean, they can go down to -$60 but don’t seem to ever win $60, if so it’s only about $30 -$40 win for that particular trade…*sigh*

  2199. Thats is part of the neural nets, it open in the oposite direction just to make you suffer a lot, and after that it will win.

    If no pain no gain. thats part of the game.

  2200. Well, George. I hope you’re skippy about this. If not, I don’t think I can afford to be here anymore with you guys…

  2201. LTP just tried to open the GBPUSD but I got not enough margin left. Damn! And it’s all thanks to the EURUSD and the USDCHF trades that seems forever to close.

  2202. LTP works in that way, you need to have a little lots so you will not have problem with margin.

    Some times LTP goes in DD 100 or 200 pips and some times more, so be prepare, but it will recover the trade.

  2203. One question:- im hearing predictions of 14300 on euro/usd as the trouble in middle east takes attention away from debt problems in the euro and strong euro data and potential rate rises in the euro sees the euro as a safe asset :0 maybe stop losses on ltp isnt a bad idea better than 1000pip draw downs ey

  2204. Look at Leo go. Go Leo Go! More DD. Earlier I said DailyFx.com is predicting 1.40 for eurusd. We’ll see. usdchf, usdjpy under pressure, gbpusd the upside prevails. DailyFx.com says so for today.

  2205. Anyone else have any luck with this link that Vyacheslav posted…tinyurl.com/4gxdrl3

    This time just a million bits of code…Really weird.

    On another note, has any body that had not bought the LTP upsell noticed two more charts appear on the MetaTrader FinFx account platform. Mysteriously the USDJPY and the USDCHF charts appeared. They honestly were never there before. Interesting….

  2206. King, JTX, Norm, what does other indicators say about the EURSUD and USDCHF? Are we gonna win at last or die.

  2207. EURUSD 1.39 zone might be good entry to sell, the same on buy for USDCHF @ 0.92 – 0.9195, if we looking from H1 timeframe. Price must reach those levels.

  2208. Nope, William. Andy says, if u want more profit, better if u make a manual entry @ 1.39 sell. Then u could travel to south with LTP, but much higher gain! 🙂 This is our “veterans” style..
    Of course, be care about your margin…

  2209. William, nobody is sure nothing. We use to say our opinion. Sometime its help, sometimes not. As Norm use to say: pls do not complain if you have no profit but loss if you copy our method, since you wont share your profit, will it?
    So relax, I try to build your own strategy. The best way is if you make succes AND mistakes AND learn, while you are trading. With SMALL lots. Meanwhile you could catch some interesting ideas, here.

  2210. @William,

    I have no idea how I get the update. I’m using Vista and when I start up my computer now it asks for permission and an update.

    I did a window asking about an update for Meta 4. I don’t know, really new at this.

    Also, like JTX says “get use to LTP and the DD trade and enjoy the ride”. I’ve using it and trading against and with the LTP DD and my demo acct is up $1500. (Granted it is only a demo)

  2211. Yeah, maybe should try some manual trading…
    Craig M, I’m using Vista as well, with the opening window for permission and update but still not working for me…thank goodness it’s only a demo.
    It’s my live that’s now a rather worrying matter as it’s gonna come weekend and if the trades don’t go along with us, we’ve got lots of swapping to do…

  2212. But of cause when I bought the LTP, never thought of doing manual trading as that defies the purpose as someone else here said…Well, will just see about it…

  2213. I can see where using LTP by itself but when there are only 4 pairs trading and they do go in a DD it’s hard to sit only on them trades.

    I have mine set to .1 lot size and usually only there’s on ly one trade at a time. I watch it and trade against or with for small pip amounts. When they close quick I open another and gain as much as I can. Practicing for when I go live in a few weeks.

  2214. I tried FOD before switching to LTP, didn’t really out for me. Lost money even in a demo account with FxOpen. So how’s yours doing in live astro? Just curious…

  2215. I now made 16% of my account. it’s lesser now cause it’s got more funds inside. But now if this EURUSD and USDCHF don’t win. I’ll lose half of my account base on the amount it’s losing now. Oh God….

  2216. I thought of trying out to trade manually, with the USDCHF, looks like it’s going up. But got not enough margin, why does mine open so many same trades…

  2217. William

    Understand, reduce your lot, so in that way you will not have problem with the open trades

  2218. George, it’s a little embarrassing to say it here, but what the heck. I’m only playing with 0.02. With the amount I have, and if I put it at 0.01, the highest I won was $4. So thought of winning it double, that’s why 0.02. But I’m really disappointed that I missed out on 2 trades already due to not enough margin. AHHHHH!!!!!
    So finally the Good & Bad news. The USDCHF trade has finally close, with little profit, but better than losing…The EURUSD is now killing me, or us all. Let us all pray…

  2219. Quite an LTP ride. Since last evening EST the base closed 1 trade for 15 pip and the upsell closed 3 for 55 pip. Two trades are open, one (JPY) close to break-even and the other (EUR) 200 pips down.

  2220. Hope you guys get a runner in jpy…I bailed out just over buyin line..purchased at lower levels…dont care bout runners..hope it works out for you.

  2221. Wow! LTP is really going full swing after 2 weeks of sleeping. I’ve never seen it opening trades so rapidly. – few trades in a day. BANZAI!!

  2222. Anyone here has a programme that auto re-connects the internet if it suddenly disconnects? I have one but don’t know how to use it, the guy said if I were to give him my details like username, password, etc. He’ll help me set it up.
    Which I think it’s crazy to just give my personal details to a stranger. I don’t know much about these kind of things, so am a little worried if he could just maybe hack to my account? Furthermore, he’s a Russian programmer, which I’m more afraid cause (don’t mean to be a racist) I heard they’re DAMN good at it.

  2223. LTP must have mistakenly place us the wrong bid for the EURUSD. They wanted to press Buy but did with Sell instead. *sigh* It’s already 2000pips! imagine the amount of money we could have made.

  2224. Already there William, EURUSD will fly back down, it was borne to do so per the historical technical analysis, I beg to differ with those that say BUY EUR/USD, you can buy it for small plays, but in the long its back down it goes.

    BTW, did anyone notice that 1-2 sec spike that occured this morning on EUR/USD?? I jumped 25 pips in 1-2 secs and its been climbing up to the Resistence Level 2 range and High since then which will be about at 1.4022 – 1.4132

  2225. I’m waiting for a pullback to the 50% level in the recent run up of usd/chf or to the 61.8 level. I think the dollar is gonna get strong pretty quick..could be lotsa pips to the upside from the low in chf. With a stop just below the recent low.

  2226. JTX,

    Looks like the info you received is off a week and LTP is caught up in it. I had what you said in the back of my mind and did a small lot size going long and it paid off, thanks.

    Norm, do you use IBFX? I have a live acct set up (not funded yet) I will when I get back in a few weeks from business.

    Tomorrow is my refund day and I’m standing put, going to wait this out. I beleive it’s a good program just needs some bugs worked out and I’m quoting Nrom here “more pairs please”!!! Lets make this fun.

  2227. JTX,

    “happy pips, what is the meaning? “I noticed a bunch of white columns on NZD/USD. Nice.. you hit the jackpot! “”

    I was reading King’s posting before, he identified bearish gartley on NZD/USD. I said he might hit the jackpot with that Elemental Trader software. 🙂

    “Happy Pips, check out EUR/USD, NZD/USD. Alot of Bearish Gartly or Bearish Butterfly action going on tonight! And as always….. when all else fails…FOLLOW AND KEEP WITH THE TREND!!!!!!
    And trade safely”.

  2228. Dang… I was hit by a 140 pips E/U stick this morning.

    Wow. who’s got that many influence on it? IMF? European central bank? 🙂

    I thought forex suppose to be a huge volume that won’t allow market influence of a few..

  2229. Market is highly manipulated..LTP proves that.

    Criag, I use IBFX..not too happy with 30-1 leverage (eur pairs)..I do use the low leverage for a stoploss..I keep free margin under 100..so once in a while they take me out lol

  2230. Well, today EURUSD direction depends on “Non-Farm Employment Change” number. Lets see if LTP gonna survive this day or not.

  2231. Guys, I switched off the EURUSD pair in LTP, temproraly (in presets, AllowPair). I did it last time the same, so you could adjust the S/L of the LTP trade, to survive…
    Good luck!

  2232. JTX, all of us that caught the EURSUD trade are greatly worried about it. I’m really worried too myself.
    Well guys, if you don’t see me posting anymore, it’s cause I died of debt.

  2233. JTX: Thanks. I believe that if you set AllowClose to false and you modify the SL, that LTP will not close the trade when in DD

    Or am I missing something.

  2234. William, protect your trade from S/L as I described.
    Go to setup and “AllowSymbols=GBPUSD”
    Then, you will be able to modify the S/L up to 1.4200
    If you have upsell, then “AllowSymbols=GBPUSD USDJPY USDCHF”
    Also, if your account not big, you could drop few hundreds to fund a bit. I am not able, since I have limits…

  2235. Doug, if you not swith off the EURUSD pair, LTP will adjust back the S/L in a few secounds! SL is CLOSE the trade, no matter what AllowClose.

  2236. I can’t fund my account already too, as I’m actually sharing this account with my friend. We have to pay our 3 bucks to get 1 USD. So, I don’t know.

    Any indicators that say EUR will fall again?

  2237. JTX, we need your expertise here now, please explain to us in baby steps on how do you disbale the EURUSD in order for us to manipulate the settings of the SL.

  2238. But please allow me to give my steps and you check if it’s correct, JTX.

    According to the manual;

    1) Go to AllowClosing and set as “False”

    2) Go to AllowSymbols and key in “GBPUSD USDJPY USDCHF” (for upgraded purchase)

    3) Go to trades and right click to “modify trade” and adjusting the SL to a slightly higher value


  2239. William: that’s what worked for me, although I don’t think step 1 is required.

    JTX: Thanks. I’ve never changed SL on an LTP trade before, but sure enough, if you don’t turn it off for EURUSD, LTP changes it back.

    NOTE TO LTP ADMIN: It would be nice to have a parameter option (AllowSL Mod) to modify SL. When enabled, the user could modify SL from the original value provided by LTP. In the case that the new SL allows more DD, LTP would no longer manage the trade (cause it’s closed from LTP perspective). In the case that the new SL allows less DD, the new SL might close the trade early.

  2240. Yepp William, correct. Altough AllowClosing not necceseary, but AllowClose=False is a recommend setup, by me.
    (Sorry I was working @ my job…)

  2241. Oh yeah, dont forget to modify your setup back, “AllowSymbols=” after the price turn down to south. Let LTP trade againg with EURUSD…
    Or after the price hit the original SL (1.4048), so this trade will off from the server pool. Then it is safe to set back your setup.

  2242. William, S/L is “tökmindegy csak nagy legyen” 🙂
    for the exact meaning, u could try to use translate.google.com
    Hungarian-English… 🙂

  2243. And William, there is no silly question. First time. 🙂
    hm. translate.google is very…. polite 😉

  2244. JTX,
    You’re funny man! 🙂

    It’s an inspirational video man. After watching it, 200pips DD seems like 20 pips. And I chose “Better”!

    Tonight I’ll drink to the Better trades!

    hey, I wanna learn Hungarian. As usual, let’s start with the bad words first!

    How to say the 4 letter word in hungarian? 🙂

  2245. Well, The Ruskie’s (slang for russian’s) aren’t going to like LTP when they see back to back 300+ pip DD’s on eur/usd to make 15 pips lol

  2246. JTX,
    Wow. lots of inventions there in Budapest. Didn’t know the Rubik’s cube was invented in your hometown. 🙂

    Lots of Janos. Is it a common last name in Hungary? or are you a descendant of inventors? 🙂

    Guys, what happened to GBPUSD in the morning? I missed that 140 pips butterfly. Arrgghh.

  2247. Hey guys, My PC broke down and now I’m using my friend’s PC to do this while mine is being repaired.

    I haven’t switch it now for about 24 hours now and desperately wanna know about the EURUSD trade opened at 28/2 at 1.37157 and the USDCHF opened at 3/3 at 0.93174. Did I miss the closing? Please answer…

  2248. The EurUsd trade hasn’t really moved at all for the last 24hrs, it’s hanging at about 1.39750 right now, the SL is at 1.40489

  2249. Interesting last couple of hours. When I went to bed there were 2 USDCHF trades in play, both under water; when I woke up, there were 4 USD CHF trades closed, all for about 25 pips profit. Two trades had been opened by LTP over the span of 15 min (at 1:30 and 1:45 EST) and had closed 15-60 minutes later (coincident or nearly coincident with the 2 trades opened on 3/3 and 3/6). Sweet!

  2250. And now that the 2 USD JPY trades closed, a USDCHF sell opened to keep the lonely EURUSD trade company 🙂

  2251. William: I’m not seeing multiple identical trades opened, however, I am seeing all the trades open in my account that are listed in the LTP FinFX account. In the case of USDCHF, 2 additional distinct trades were opened this morning EST, and those 2 trades, along with the 2 trades already open, closed within an hour later

  2252. happy pips,

    Looks like might be good pattern in long term. Price reached very important support level too. There is no another big support near. Also we heard that OPEC decided to increase oil production quantity, which might affect USD strenght against CAD directly. Only thing risk/reward raito isnt at least 1:1 or better. This is daily/weekly pattern and price only reached PRZ zone, which is quite big. So better entry might be at 0.9650-0.9600. Must to watch how trade gonna develop from 0.9700 level furthner and then decide when to jump in.

  2253. My mistake OPEC still nothing decided, they thinking about oil production increase. Hope they gonna decide to increase oil production and then it will be good sign to open USD/CAD long trade.

  2254. Andy,
    Thanks for the fundamental tips. Didn’t know canada is a major importer of oil to US. I always thought of the middle east. USD/CAD just touch 0.97. I’m going in.

  2255. Has anyone given up on LTP’s EURUSD trade and close it manually (of course not too much lost)? Cause it’s not only the swap charges but it’s also eating up our margin to play more…

  2256. William I got unlucky and lucky with current EurUsd trade. Unlucky, I took the trade. Lucky, I trade with no more than a total of.45 lots (on a mini account, so thats .045 standard lots) at one time, with my current balance, if balance doubles I’ll double the lots, etc. Well I only got into that trade with .08 Thank God. So that leaves me .37 to play with on other trades. And the balance has increased during the time period this EurUsd has been hanging, my total lots allowed was like only .36 when it took that trade. I have the basic LTP package but have been picking up USD/JPY and USD/CHF manually when I catch them, preferably in the negative.

  2257. Pontiac Dave, you’re not as bad as me then, I set mine to 0.02 lots, but it opened 7 trades! Oh God…….
    But the the EURUSD seems to go south till quite low today, hope it continues to.

  2258. happy pips,
    Canada is one of major importer of oil to US soil, like middle east countries. But thing is about USDCAD pair that when US paying for oil to Canada the currency is CAD, so this is why USDCAD pair is so sensitive on oil price index . When oil price index goes down Canada gets less money for oil producing and USD becomes stronger in USDCAD pair.
    The same picture You can see in AUDUSD pair where major commodity are GOLD SPOT price.

  2259. Hi friends. I have something interesting for you all. Today i’ve found one more harmonic patterns indicator. I have both installed and attached to charts and it seems like this combination works even better.
    It’s name is korHarmonics and in addition to elem.trader it also show additional patterns such as zigzags and one2one.
    There’s an outdated trial version on the official site (tradingarsenal dot com) so i had to do something to make it work. The manuals are available to download on their site but quick registration is required.

    D-load ex4 here – http://tinyurl.com/6hec5mw (left mouse button –> save as)

  2260. Vyacheslav

    Where you install it ? expert or expert/indicators just directly or have to do something else

  2261. Vyacheslav, Great to see more indicators. Between that, el trader, ADX, and Double Bollinger Bands, will fill my lonely days when LTP is sleeping. :)Thanks<

  2262. Vyacheslav

    How do you use or how do you make the intretration of harmonic patter, butterfly. Hey el elementaltrdeder is still runing, mine in non

    Habla norman aporta con tus genialdades…

    El king que paso… no more opions

    Moahammed how is going your experiment..

    JTX how goe DOW

    Good luck friends

  2263. Hey guys, I just got back home and found out that my internet was disconnected and show the last figures of the EURUSD gone down really really low, but don’t know if I missed the closing or not. Did it close?

  2264. If it hasn’t close yet, any indicators saying LTP’s right on this trade? Or has anyone close it manually?

  2265. George, if you meant interpretation…it’s easy, just wait for a good reversal signal.
    Do you see that square box when pattern appears?
    For example in bearish patterns: the upper edge of this box is a stoploss level. If trend doesnt reversed in that area – you go.
    Butterfly isn’t very good signal. When it appears, wait to be sure that trend is reversed and then enter.

    Will, i have eurusd trade closed manually at 1.3790
    Already got refund for EurUsd version a few days ago.
    Still hope for good and wish good luck to you all with this Leo.

    Someone here playing stocks/options?

  2266. Oh, I meant to tell the Guy’s at LTP, Thnx for a great week, it was amazing! to say the least.

    You people that made money need to show a little thanks also..I’m appalled at how you forex people can only bitch and never show any thanks…its typical of your type.

  2267. The jpy trade could possibly turn into a 120 pip “runner”.

    On the downside I’d be looking to close the trade if it broke major support at 81.650 IF it looks like price wants to go lower in momentum..then buy back in at a good support point..problem is, LTP could care less about support and resistance..so, there’s no telling where the price would reverse after a drop..if that occurs.
    These 300+ draw downs suck..100 pip DD’s are fine guy’s (LTP).

  2268. Norm is exactly right. We await anxiously for more pairs to make trades while other pairs are in DD and will also make up for any S/L’s hit in a short period of time. When we get em, we’ll have a more steady stream of trades each week as well. Studying all previous trades I have come to the conclusion that LTP makes trades based on cycles that I believe occur frequently in the market. This, in my opinion, is why Ltp is as successful as it has been and will continue to be successful in the future. As we begin to understand how LTP makes it’s trades we can adjust our own trading style to it. As with any relationship, the more trust we gain with LTP the more success we will have trading.

    Only Two S/L’s hit in over 320 trades?? If you aren’t amazed by that then you’ve been risking more then 5% per trade and are afraid of hitting S/L’s.

    Thanks LTP team!

  2269. A nice gap has appeared in usd/jpy…may want to get in as low as possible..the gap was filled exactly 50% so far…price could go lower, but that gap needs to be filled.

  2270. Hi guys, and girls if there are any.

    I purchased LTP when it came out but i havent been running it, how is the performance? What do you think?
    I have been running it since friday but it hasnt opened any trades for me yet. Has it opened any for you?


  2271. Yes JTX

    The full version of GOW works fine to you ? it helps to handle your position when you open a trade manually

  2272. The EURUSD trade is all alone again as USDJPY just closed. My realized gains are up over 16% this month based on LTP trades alone. I am very grateful to the LTP Team.

  2273. I’m not trading manually at all yet, and LTP’s got me slightly more than 20% in 3 weeks, today’s the start of the 4th week to round up a month. Hope will get to the 80% mark very very soon. Thanks LTP for the 20% gain, but please be careful as not to open trades like the EURUSD one, it’s been opened for the 3rd week without any close.

  2274. LTP, no trades yet? Normally you would have opened a trade or two this time around to start off the week.
    And yeah, more pairs please…

  2275. Yes George, full GOW is working, akthough the documentation is not ready, still. but you can ask the support to tell you the full functions.

  2276. JTX, not only it says $67 now, it’s also dropped it’s result of profit per month to only 67%….. We’ve been duped. Wow! now it makes me wonder if I should’ve waited for now…
    It’s now charging less than half of what we’ve paid.
    Thanks LTP!

  2277. Hey, you know that our charts have this horizontal line with the current price of the pair on our right side of the screen, that should sync with the price on the trade’s tab, right next to the S/L and T/P?
    Mine doesn’t, and it’s a total difference of 20 pips, is this normal? And why is this?

  2278. QUOTE:

    “Leo Trader Pro™’s owners will make A LOT of money… and we are the only ones in the industry providing ENOUGH qualifying PROOF to be able to state that with REAL confidence”.


    “And by the way… have you ever wondered why it’s the MANUAL traders who are the ones making the REAL money?

    Because they have a brain! They have the capability for analysis …they THINK! They ADAPT”…

  2280. i have test and tried last two months test results are good try first on demo account if satisfied try on real account

  2281. The USDJPY pair has been incredibly active with LTP this month. Over night I had 2 USDJPY trades open and close: one, a sell, the other a buy. Profit of these two trades was about 40 pip, which, when added to the other USDJPY trade that opened on the 11th and closed last night, totals about 50 pips.

    My ATC broker account has caught all LTP trades over the last 30 days. In contrast, my FinFX account has missed around 2 or 3 trades, all USDJPY, due to MaxVarience exceeds parameter. I had it at 6 and am moving it to 7.

    NOTE TO LTP ADMIN: I suggest you indicate in Expert tab what the exceeded MaxVariance value is. Currently all I know is it is exceeded, but not by how much. Thanks for a great robot.

  2282. QUOTE:

    “Anyone passing on the Leo Trader Pro™ neural nets automated trading solution opportunity… is passing on the opportunity to grow rich FAST (remember, we stand by our claims… we PROVE the PROOF and will continue to do so FOREVER!).”

  2283. Hi again

    I have a question that you maybe can answer. I started running the LTP but it hasnt traded anything. On the metatrader it left this under experts –

    LeoTraderPro EURUSD,M1: Skipping signal reference 1611666 – Signal is more than MaxTimeSlip (120) seconds old

    Do i need to adjust something?

    Thankful for a reply

  2284. QUOTE:

    “we PROVE the PROOF and will continue to do so FOREVER!).”

    FOREVER means there’s no need to buy the robot..just use a trade copier.
    I would imagine LTP will start charging a monthly fee after the Russian trade expo..thats why the low price..suck everyone in, then start charging a monthly fee.

    If you can make people rich with the holy grail (their claim in quotes), what would you charge for it?

  2285. QUOTE from LTP:

    Ever wonder why it is that NO FX robot on the market works? We mean it… NO robot!

    LTP says all you guys using those other robots are a bunch of suckers. UNQUOTE lol

  2286. QUOTES from LTP:

    “Here are just a FEW of the many elements that go into the term market personality:

    – How a market moves at a certain time of the day

    – Amount of volatility during different periods of the 24 hour session

    – The relation between size of price moves and the time it takes for the moves
    to occur (i.e. 10 pips in 5 seconds VS 10 pips in 14 seconds)

    – How the market behaves when one session (e.g. EU session) closes and the
    next one opens (e.g. USA session).

    – How long a market trends per timeframe (e.g. market trends often for not more
    than X minutes on a 5 minute timeframe)

    – How muchliquidity there is at certain times of the trading session for any given
    currency pair (key for scalping)

    – Length of trends (again, per timeframe)

    – Speed of reversals (again, per timeframe)

    – Characteristics of fake breakouts

    Again… and we stress this… these are just a FEW of the elements that make up “market personality”.

  2287. And, last but not least!

    “By saying “current” market behavior, we mean: market behavior of the past 24 hours WITH relation to certain overall characteristics of the medium term market behavior (never ever more than 3 weeks)”.

    3 Weeks..thats interesting.

  2288. Gabor: If you only have the base LTP (EUR and GBP pairs), the last trade was on March 9. These pairs have not been very active since early March. The Upsell (CHF and JPY pairs) has been very active, with the last trades opening and closing a few hours ago. And regarding the MaxTimeSlip of 120 seconds, LTP will not open a trade on your system if it is over 120 seconds old-that’s a good thing and nothing to be alarmed about.

  2289. Norm: I wouldn’t be surprised if monthly fees became the norm for new subscribers but I would be very surprised if these fees were applied to those who purchased LTP for a flat fee.

  2290. I don’t mind paying them a fee..its interesting they dropped the price from $150 all the way down to $67? Wonder what’s up..guess business was slow..over $80 price cut. I wonder if theres an upsell..anyone?
    I’d like to buy more usd/jpy/chf pairs at a discount..be nice if They’d open up a couple more pairs.

  2291. Even tho They make it sound like They know what the market will do every second, They really have no clue as to the direction of a trade once They put one on. I can’t believe how bad They do in regards to scalping..if I recall, They hit one trade in 10 that doesn’t go into DD..Have you ever seen such bad luck in placing trades? They may have the medium time frame down pretty good, but their scalping technique sucks lol (sorry LTP)..but ya gotta love their win/loss record wow! Wonder why they don’t admit they have the holy grail?..320 wins and 2 losses..if that aint a holy grail…

  2292. Thanks for the reply Doug.

    Ok i understand, but i thought i had the hole package, on the metatrader screen it says in the text: Symbols: All

    But it still doesnt trade anything.

    If i dont have the hole package how do i get it?

  2293. Gabor, you’re supposed to get it right after your 1st purchase – EURUSD/GBPUSD. But you could always drop them an email asking if they could throw you straigt to the second sales page – USDJPY/USDCHF.

  2294. Wow! I just tried my hands on trading agaisnt LTP for one trade, so far so good…hehehe. I don’t know, It seems that LTP’s opening trades against the market for some time before it goes along with it…

  2295. OMG, the EURUSD is killing me…this is one trade that I believe LTP got it wrong. Well, it’s been opened for the 3rd week now!!!
    It’s gone right back up again, I’m losing $52 now, it went down to -$7, but I wasn’t at home to close it, and when it went back up to -$15, I should’ve closed it.

  2296. Sorry, a little off topic. But just wanna send my condolences to the Japanese that lost their loved ones…And may God be with you all.

  2297. Re: Cost drop of LTP. With my purchase of the base LTP in Dec’10, I obtained rights to all future pairs (except the upsell pairs), so the drop in price doesn’t bother me. I believe this was extended through January or so, so anyone who bought before the cutoff (whatever the date is) also get future pairs at no additional charge.

    NOTE TO LTP ADMIN: If there is a future pairs release plan, it would be great to see the rough, tentative release dates, timing, or release sequence. Thanks guys

  2298. Well, I still don’t think it’s ethical for LTP to charge us monthly fees, if they decided to.

    Like it or not, we’re considered pioneers, we made them this far in expanding them in sales, look at the people here, I don’t think it’s even 10% of their sales.

    There’s like about what? 25 people here? And if you say it’s 50% of their total sales are here, it means LTP only got 50 people that bought their product? I don’t think so…

    If they decided to charge a monthly fee, charge it on them late comers, not us.

    LTP’s already drop their price by more than half. It’ll somehow trigger people’s thought that they’re foolish to have rushed in, “why didn’t I wait?, I could’ve bought 2!!”

    For that I can excuse LTP, as this is a norm in business, either they put it high then go low, or put it low then go high. But what I can’t excuse is that they plan (if it’s true) to charge people a monthly fee soon, specially to us pioneers.

  2299. Gabor, LTP opened 2 BUYs for both USDJPY (14/3) and USDCHF (15/3), which I think you didn’t get it as both are from the up sells purchase.

    Will try to remember to inform you about the EURUSD & GBPUSD trades if they are open.

  2300. Good ole Leo, can’t scalp trade to save its butt..down 80 pips on both upsell pairs (sigh)..Ruskies won’t like that. Sadam has the right Idea…do the opposite of Leo…its the holy grail lol..you’ll make a fortune.

  2301. Don’t know Norm. Most of trades opened earlier in month closed within the day, with less drawdown. Maybe doing opposite for such trades does not work?

    Mohammed, how has your contrary LTP trading been doing, especially for trades made in the first 2 weeks of March?

  2302. Doug, you’re preaching to the choir..most have left LTP..why do you think the price drop. “They” failed their family and their family has abandoned them…the DD aggravation verses the small profit potential isn’t worth it to most…thats obvious. Tis a shame, but they are a victim of their own hype “all EA’S fail compared to their pre-release trades”. Two eur/usd trades IN A ROW coming within 15 pips of the 330 pip stoploss, that NEVER happened in pre-release, or the massive multipule DD’S..TWO hitting the 330 pip stop..the jury is still out on the other one..there’s no way people will buy this robot now..THATS why the big price drop..lots of tied up margin for weeks on end with little profit (if any) to show for it. Folks that come here want an objective
    and fair valuation of Leo Trader Pro..we owe it to them to show both sides, not just one. I personally luv LTP, but I manually trade…As you can see, they’re starting to go after the manual traders “manual trading is where the BIG MONEY is”…without manual trading, LTP will bump along the bottom in popularity until they catch on. They can hype their live account till they’re blue in the face, but the las two month’s of LTP’s trades will discourage most…tis a shame.

  2303. Both usd/jpy/chf trades now down over 100 pip from the buy in..doubt they’ll be back “witin the day”.

  2304. If the eur/usd stop is hit, I’m going to load up with a 70 pip stop (giving the trade 400 pips) before giving up on the trade..330 pips seems to be a lil close. Both losing trades were barely hit. Three losing trades in a 2 month period is not a good thing.

  2305. Btw – I DO think LTP is the best EA on the market by far! I wouldn’t waste my time with any other system or method (you hear that newbie’s?)..BUT you need to manual trade along with the robot..putting on SMART trade amounts..thats the key..SMART amounts at certain intervals..not getting greedy..figure out the EXACT amounts and the EXACT intervals..and hope LTP stays in business…you will do well.

  2306. Norm – you are right, I purchased LTP on January, brand new live account, looks like I suffered the worst last 2 months lol

  2307. Differ from Ed: that 2.5 months was fantastic (300% per month). But must did manual trading, side by LTP. No problem, just let the pips flow… 🙂

  2308. Hey seniors, JTX, Norm, King, Saddam, Mohammed, etc. yeah. I’d like to know what strategy do you guys apply in order to trade with LTP? I’m currently testing trading against LTP, when it opens a trade, when it reaches a certain -$, I’ll go in to trade against it, and setting T/P just near the OPEN price order’s border. I tried 3 trades, it worked. But don’t know if I was lucky. Please kindly share, you don’t lose your share anyway. Help us juniors please. Let us LTP family be rich!!!hahahaha!

  2309. “The Euro remains significantly overvalued relative to the US Dollar, with the gap between spot and the PPP-implied fair exchange rate widening through February after rising inflation figures encouraged a materially hawkish shift in ECB rhetoric”
    “What is Purchasing Power Parity?

    One of the oldest and most basic fundamental approaches to determining the “fair” exchange rate of one currency to another relies on the concept of Purchasing Power Parity. This approach says that an identical product should cost the same from one country to another, with the only difference in the price tag accounted for by the exchange rate. For example, if a pencil costs €1 in Europe and $1.20 in the US, the “fair” EURUSD exchange rate should be 1.20. For our purposes, we will use the PPP values provided annually by Bloomberg. We compare these values to current market rates to determine how much each currency is under- or over-valued against the US Dollar. “

  2310. @Doug

    Well, I guess I dont have to tell you guys how I am doing with the reverse trading.the way LTP is trading I am sure you can figure out that my reverse strategy is doing just fine.

    what i believed and said previously,all i can say is I was right.

  2311. Livingdaylight, we don’t want to talk about it. lol (it hurts our hearts{or emational pockets for that matter})

  2312. JTX, regrading your post on PPP, sorry. My English isn’t that good. Correct me if I’m wrong, but are they saying that the EURUSD is going down around end of March?

  2313. Big 3 in a row, perfect for LTP, thats is why they drop down the !&@sdb price.

    Norm you still belive in LTP

  2314. Anyone knows what happened with USDJPY and USDCHF???? WOW!

    I lost 3.000 usd on two usdjpy, but should regenate it.
    Anyway, LTP delayed on USDJPY, but DEFEND on USDCHF!!!
    IMHO, LTP is the best robot, but have to care and manual trade. I dont know better robot, till today.

  2315. LTP Admin:
    I beleive your strategy, BUT today world, could happen many thing so frequently and so suddenly (fightings, earthakes, cunamies…).
    To protect your trading, must create some kind of defending algorithm, to modify S/L to 0.0000 when the price is fallen (or rising) too quickly to the direction of S/L. Or amend it by 100 pips. Then your curent trades could survive… I hope so, I just lost 3.000 usd on your USDJPY, with 10% RiskLevel.

  2316. I lost more than half of what I won for the whole 3 weeks, for just these 2 trades. I’m really worried now man. $hit!!!

  2317. William, my english is poor, but as my long missed mate, King said: EURUSD has to go back down, where it belongs to. Or something like this… 🙂

  2318. Hi Norm, did u long USDJPY @ the southest point? I was lucky to be at the computer, so I was able to regenerate the 3.000 usd loss, already.
    But it was a WOW crazy. Some news:
    #2356: Japanese Finance Minister Yoshihiko Noda has said he will closely watch market moves, after the yen surged to an all-time high against the dollar. “Market moves have been nervous amid speculation while trade has been thin,” he told reporters, according to the Reuters news agency. “I will be closely watching market moves today.”

  2319. I am realy wonder on some of you guys. You buy a tool for 150 or 67 USD, try to use somehow, and begin to complaining if not giving the holly grail results in a few weeks without any attention from your part.
    I wonder more if u r living on the bright side of the world, where for 67 usd u have to work one day less or more (or even an hour). u know guys, in my country most of the people is working more than one week for 150 usd…
    But LTP is a best tool for trading among I tried. Better then all the robots I tried, and better then most of the indicators I tried. Just, as Norm said: “.putting on SMART trade amounts..thats the key..SMART amounts at certain intervals..not getting greedy..figure out the EXACT amounts and the EXACT intervals..and hope LTP stays in business…”
    You guys, anyone can check my statement, how is an account with LTP plus a novice manual trading… use your imagination and dont complain. Please.
    Of course, if u can not make a 150 usd profit while the first 60 days, make a refund. And look for another hobby.

  2320. I agree with JTX and Norm. Sure, I lost more than half of 3 weeks winning with just 2 trades.

    I thought to myself even a fool like me won’t go BUYing JPY, but rather SELLing (at least take the advantage of the going south, rigth?) Once things have settled. Then go Buy.

    But hey, with so many trades opened and closed for the past 3 weeks all are winners, right? Just because LTP loses 3 trades, it’s no good? Come on man, nothing’s 100%, never is and never will. (people always say putting a bullet in your head will kill you, no. a number of people lived after a bullet went in their heads, people always say jumping off a building (usually 5 stories) kills you, an Argentina woman jumped from what? 23? 27? floor but survived) nothing’s 100%. specially something that only cost you what? $147? or $67 now for that matter.

    If you think you can find a system that is better than LTP that offers the same price. Let us know.

  2321. “Given that time zone in which the yen’s rise took place, it would be speculators that bought the yen this morning, and not much-talked repatriation by Japanese insurers,” said Koji Fukaya, chief strategist at Credit Suisse.

    Alright guys… lets show some love to the quake victims ya?

  2322. Gabor, EURUSD has open just now. But I missed it as this stupid message. :LTP EURUSD, H1: Attempthing to retry ‘OPEN’ commend for signal reference 1747094 – Current available price exceeds MaxVariance (5) pips.

    It actually opened another time these past 2 days. sorry for the delay.

  2323. I would take one session at a time (London, then USA, then Asia) and see what the sentiment during each session is and trade accordingly. Follow the trade with a trailing stop for London and USA because of the bigger moves. Use SL *and TP* for Asia because of the smaller moves. For the big moves, if the SL hits (in profit), then look for another trade. If it doesn’t hit, then move the trailing stop until it does hit.

    I think I would check the daily candle. If it is bullish, buy dips, if bearish, sell rallies. Take it a session at a time. It’s hard to tell that far ahead to set and forget the trade for days or weeks.

  2324. shame, me and my wife were thinking about getting it as a set and forget and leave it for a long period of time, sounded really promising at first but i think robots will never be able to trade news events like we can.

  2325. Ok thanks William for letting me know 🙂

    I did purchase the USDJPY and USDCHF also and put in the ticket in LTP so now it openes those pairs fine but it missed the EUR opening for some reason..

    Do i have to download another version of metatrader and run two of them to make it work?


  2326. Eur/usd stop hit by 1 pip lol…as I said before, 330 pip stop in these markets is too tight..need to expand it to 400. As long as the trades return to the buy point I’ll dismiss most of the losing trades. Only thing that matters is the trade moves back to the buy point.The world events are unprecedented..no robot can predict these types of moves..markets need to calm down.

  2327. If the eur/usd breaks “solidly” below 1.40 I’ll put more trades on..with a stop just above the recent high..or you can place your stop a few pips above 1.40 after a pullback, continuation move.

  2328. lol leo now makes a buy trade putting fear in to the hearts of folks wanting the euro to go down lol, but then again if leo buys does that mean euro will go down at least 330 pips lol….who knows ey leo, i doubt it

  2329. zi’ve already disabled my EURUSD as it nearly hit the SL. So I missed the trade that opened just now. I’m manually trading EURUSD on SELL, I don’t know, but it’s gone up too high, should go down soon. I got to earn back my lost for this morning.

    Gabor, can’t really advice you on that, but maybe you could check if you’ve put in 2 receipt codes or not, restart your MT4, and see. If your still miss on the EURSUD/GBPUSD trades, you got to send LTP a ticket.

  2330. Yeah great! Seems like LTP’s trying to wash their hands clean on the EURUSD trades opened on 28 Feb by saying it will *NOT* monitor it from now on….Bloody hell.

  2331. I dont get it..eur/usd trade closed by 1 pip..now Leo is trading against that trade.. what if the 1 pip close was never hit?

  2332. I love this quote. lmao

    QUOTES from LTP:

    “Here are just a FEW of the many elements that go into the term market personality:

    – How a market moves at a certain time of the day

    – Amount of volatility during different periods of the 24 hour session

    – The relation between size of price moves and the time it takes for the moves
    to occur (i.e. 10 pips in 5 seconds VS 10 pips in 14 seconds)

    – How the market behaves when one session (e.g. EU session) closes and the
    next one opens (e.g. USA session).

    – How long a market trends per timeframe (e.g. market trends often for not more
    than X minutes on a 5 minute timeframe)

    – How muchliquidity there is at certain times of the trading session for any given
    currency pair (key for scalping) <— is this a joke?

  2333. what are you sellin…i might add…someones always got the holy grail they wanna share..ever notice that? (for money)

  2334. Ok JTX are you hungarian? i speak hungarian but not perfect 🙂

    I checked your mt4 profile, is all the profit from LTP?

  2335. Gabor, yepp, I am Hungarian. 🙂
    Your name is hu, as well…
    And nope. Using LTP as the only robot on that account, but doing a lots of manual trade, as well. But I have no forex knowledge, so using LTP as an indicator also.

  2336. Leo Trader Pro, In their web page now only says 63 % a month.

    Maybe if we wait until december they will say 0 % a month.

    Go to their live account in usd and gbp look to the close trades from 21/dic/2010 until now 17/mar/2011 and they have loss -76.18 in this 3 last months.

    Go to their live account in jpy and chf look to the close trade from 21/dic/2010 until now 17/mar/2011 and they have loss -159.00 in this 3 last months.

    So they have not win any money with that EA in their 2 live account in the last 3 months, just loose money.

    It is supose to work alone, if you do that we are going to loose more.

    Es una porqueria

  2337. Eur/usd was hit by 1-2 pips..i’ll short below 1.40 to return to the buy point.

    Usd/jpy stop was hit after hours in no liguidity..bunch of idiots drove it down in panic. The buy in is still alive.

    Not sure why the selloff in chf, but the buy point is still active.

    All the above could be good oportunities..leo will tell us when a trade will reverse.

  2338. Oh yess, Norm! u r right. The only important for us (for me) the profit on our own (on mine) account… 😉

  2339. Norm, King what do you think about this mentor advise:
    “The EURUSD looks to have still taken on its bullish sentiment. I still think we will hit 1.5000 in the months ahead… stay long!”

  2340. JTX, if the mentor’s right, then we are dead as LTP’s 28 Feb’s trades are already way down. And I don’t have enough margin to trade anymore to go buy if it’s true…..

  2341. Any strategies guys?
    What are you guys planning to do with the EURUSD trades for 28 Feb?
    Buy big EURUSD to 1.41 to cover loses?
    I got intel it’s going that high…

  2342. Well I was away for 12 days of trading and my demo is down $330. I really thought after the last 2 big loses they would have set something to help. The swaps are killer, even if it would close in profit. Atleast the loss was from what I had made against LTP and it is only a demo. I wouldn’t run this live with $5000. Not without a better track record anyway.

    I have been following your post and had to go to LTP’s site to see for myself. Are they trying to get back all their refund money? I believe people will forget about $67 more than $145. Their playing the Down Draw also, making money when it goes the other way!

    It is funny how they haven’t had any words here lately, maybe the $145 beta testers don’t matter anymore.

    I’m still going to see what it does and next week when I go live I’ll really watch it and adjust it as needed.

    Sorry for the rant. Thanks for the post and all the info.

  2343. Didn’t I tell you guys that I got intel saying it’s gona go 1.41? Well, i was right, but got no money to trade. Damn!

  2344. Hey, guys, I’m planning to close and lose some of my EURUSD so pump in money in order to continue trading. If not, I’m a sitting duck, good idea?
    So, I really hope you guys will help me and each other to share intel to win some together. Cheers!!!

  2345. Denise, Sorry. Watch too much movies. Basically, movies refer sources, resources, information, tick-off, etc as intel, short for intelligence.
    Intel = Intelligence.
    Sorry about it…
    But I prefer using intel rather than Indicators or Indi, sounds better anyway…

  2346. So, rather than saying “any indi to BUY or SELL on EURUSD?”, I’d say “any intel to BUY or SELL on EURUSD?”

    All this thanks to the US movies. Hehehe.

  2347. Happy Pips, WHAT!?!?! It’s no more going up?

    And it’s for EURUSD, right? though the price is obvious, but wanna make sure…

    And it’ll go down so low?

    I’m really confuse now, my intel says it’ll go UP till 1.4100, yours says DOWN to 1.4006?

    Happy Pips, it’s not that I don’t wanna trust butterfly, but I’ve already gone BUY, now you’re saying to go SELL. I’m in a dilemma now. Ok, now. No offence Happy Pips, I really need another person’s intel on this to make a final decision. Anyone?

    Seriors, HELP!!! Should I delete my BUY order on EURUSD? and go SELL? Or leave the BUY be, but also SELL? how about you, Happy Pips? What do you propose I do?

  2348. It is strange. Yesterday. the last USDJPY buy. LTP made it win, mine is in DD loss, almost hit the 330 S/L. Even the magic number is not match. What happen?

  2349. The last JPY buy trade that LTP made that won was opened on the 14th and closed on the 14th New York Time

  2350. Today’s my day worst with LTP.
    USDJPY hit SL and loss big, LTP, didn’t even bother to modify the SL. I had to close about 7 orders with a lost. OMG!

  2351. JTX szia akkor 😉

    I guess youre a really good trader then, with those results 🙂

    What strategies are you using? If i may ask.

    Maybe the opposite of LTP perhaps.. Im glad im only on demo with that, doesnt do to well these first trades 🙁

  2352. -= EUR / USD InTel =-

    Scenario for today
    Elliott: elongated flat correction up 1.4110

    Corrective dips should ideally halt near 1.3944 or 1.3908 for one more thrust upwards towards 1.4036 – 1.4092 area or 1.4164 in extention. Fall below 1.3797 puts it back on a downward path.

    **Warning: End of trend**

  2353. I have to tell you, I am a bad trader. MT4i is not showing the full true story. I mean, there is the full story in mt4i, BUT when it is displaying the profit rate, etc, it is not counting the pending trades. I have a huge pending trades in EURUSD. it was 47k!!! No I begin to colse them, since if the EURUSD rising up above 1.41 then I would loose my equity.
    So I am a bad trade, I was greedy. Although my technic is not bad, but dangerous.

  2354. Welcome back KING! Long time ago. What do u think, will the EurUsd move to 1.39??? Or so?
    End of trend means?

  2355. I just closed 4 old pending sell eu trades, 17k loss, just to save the equity. What a pain!!! :(((
    Learn, learn, learn…

  2356. Thank JTX, I see the EUR/USD shooting up 1.4110, maybe a bit past that, then should reverse back down, ending the Bullish Trend its been on and continue on Down lower and lower…

  2357. @ jtx

    i think you should step back for a moment analyze every single trade you have made, see what the average time it took to get the profit, analyze the average drawdawn of 100% of your winning trades then whatever the average drawdown is use that as your stop loss give or take a few pips and just take the losing trades on the chin, as long as you have more winners than losers you will be a very rich man my friend.

  2358. OMG! I just got back from dinner and saw all these dissapointing trades, getting bigger and bigger in debt hole, man. King, are you saying it’ll go down again? but it’s been so long and so high up. When do you think it’ll go down? I have all positions in SELL now…

  2359. Jtx, you lost 17k?..if so, you’ll get it back..just dont try to all at once..and be careful with jpy..use a close stop..get back in later. Good trades should be coming up..they cant get any worse lol

  2360. William, the art of the trade game isnt setup for you to set it and let it run on Auto-accumulate profits. It CAN be only if you set yourself up with a good strategy/plan to place each trade buy. Other than that, use the prime choice indicators, and stick to your fundamental analysis guns ..oh and always always remember that the market can get emotional and take you on a roller ride when it wants to. And when it does want, beware, and ride it safely. JTX has been extremely successful because his money management skills are on a tight-grip and he makes a lot of smaller lotted trades…which is very wise.

  2361. Hello everyone
    I learned a lot from this forum.
    It is time to give myself back in my little.
    If we are active as soon as possible to find a strategy that is profitable Holly Grall.
    Make download in all programs and all tested to.
    The link expires March 21.
    Can we find a trading program with LTP even if books are better and safer.
    Can we find a common strategy.
    Hapy trading

  2362. King, your intel says it’s going down, but when? I’m screwed here as I was desperate to recoever my losses but ended up being more loses (still open position) as I’ve said, it’s all on SELL. And I now have a free margin of -$220, which means I’m a sitting duck until the EURUSD goes down south again, (if it’s ever or soon) What do you propose?

    I got intel saying to BUY to 1.41, I thought it wasn’t really gonna happen as everyone was saying the opposite. And I close my BUY position and now regreted it. DAMN!

  2363. Have to use an exact formula when manual trading with leo…DON’T OVER TRADE (get greedy)…also, need to watch news events..100 pips the wrong way, especially if in DD, can hit the stop. Need to place trades when price is moving TOWARDS the buy/sell point..don’t try to pick bottoms, you’ll always be wrong…trading currency’s at new lows not a good thing..they can go lower and lower..Leo would be in the dark, and of no help. Usd/jpy/chf pairs are bad news…5 stop hits for 1650 pips..impossible to recover from, very bad pairs,who picked those dogs?..eur/usd had back to back stop hits..there’s something fishy..2 stop hits back to back is a BIG red flag SHOULD never had happened…need different pairs. Leo needs another 300 winning trades in a row..good luck lol

  2364. This past week I learnt my $6k lesson.

    1. Should not trade the “once in a life time” Black Swan event, earth quake, etc. I got screwed trying to buy USD/JPY. Who knows it would drop like that… Should have had a smaller S/L. USD/CHF too. CHF is bottomless pit. 🙂

    2. Guessing for the Bottom/Top doesn’t work (Like Norm said, and from reading my book). The author suggested Trend Following, instead, rather than Guessing Reversal. Although Reversal with indicator aid, like the Butterfly, works most of the time…

    A. Trend following – Use Double Bollinger Bands (1 and 2 deviations) and ADX.
    B. Reversal – Elemental/Gartley indicators.

    3. S/L – Make it small – 15-20 pips. Admit taking wrong direction. 🙂

    4. There is still tomorrow. I can’t believe how much I force d myself to work extra hard to try to make up some of the losses by gambling/guessing only to lose more… mmmm.. not good.

    5. This is a good one actually… I placed some safe trades! By watching the first 15 minutes of the trade or so… modifying the S/L from -15 pips down to 0 pips and sometimes + pips. Kinda like setting up campfire when camping. First I start with a small fire – matchstick, then papers, then wood bark then the wood itself. Sometimes the wind blows out my matchstick, or my pips. start over again. until the fire/pips gets bigger and bigger. then I want to protect it from the wind by moving the stop loss closer and closer to the entry. Until it is a free trade. 🙂 Then I can go to sleep.

  2365. Norm & Happy Pips, thanks for the advice.

    Got that damn skippy, Norm & Happy Pips. I was greedy. played too big, but then it went to the wrong direction. Happy Pips, Same as your 1,2,4&5. Now I’m a sitting duck till it goes down again. (hope it does)

    yes, mistake was not setting the SL, only playing with the TP. I could’ve taken TP of about $20, now it’s down to -$150. very stupid and greedy of me. *sigh* learn, learn, learn…hope I can still getup from this fall to practice again.

  2366. JTX, I’m sorry for your lost of $17K, but even with that kind of lost, I’m still able to close an eye as the profits alone can easily justify it, at least for me.

    Could you be so kind to share how do you trade manually with LTP?

    against or along?

    risk level?

    Lot size?

    usually how many trades manually for one LTP signal?

    or should we email?

  2367. Just when there is a major move in the usdjpy is a great time to test the ‘neural networks’ technology in LTP.
    LTP this week got it ALL wrong! Two huge max stoplosses were hit in usdjpy & also large loss on usdchf. Even I could get the direction correct this week…LTP neural networks is a TOTAL FAILURE & consigned to the rubbish bin!

  2368. Norm,
    1. I dont prefer BMW (I have EV and hybrid)
    2. I was greedy, because I really need that money damn.

    Now, I will begin again, to build up my equity. But more care and not greedy. Thanks for all the help! I remain here mates.
    And pray for the EURUSD fall down to south!

  2369. William, My strategy is quite simple, but need a lots of typeing… When a Leo trade is DD about 150 pips, then I open a buy with 5 pip profit. Then I open a pending order buy stop, entry point 2 pip above the previous T/P, just for 5 pip profit. Then I put again and again 2/5 pips PO BS, all the way up to the original Leo’s target T/P…
    If the price a fallen back, I open again and put such PO BSs.
    Simple and risky if using higher LOTs.
    Anyway, u can reach me by email: jtxYOUKNOWfreemailYOUALSOKNOWhu

  2370. JTX, thanks for the email. But I’m still very new to this, so, sorry to say I don’t really understand even half of what you’re saying. Sorry. Now I remember you’ve given your email to someone here before, but I can’t figure out what email is it? Can you please give some better hint?

    Yeah, If I were to get a German car, it’ll definitely be an Audi, not a BMW or Merz. But Lexus’s a good bet as it’s from Toyota. I love the supra!

  2371. King, Norm, guys, someone says the uptrend will end at 1.4215, and turn down to 1.38.
    Someone says it will continue upto 1.4635…
    EURUSD, where are you going now???

  2372. Hi JTX.
    I’m using your strategy now on USD/JPY buy. 2 pips separation and 5 pips T/P, 2 pips S/L. Would it screw up Broker software when there is a fast moving momentum? (Closing T/P then 2 pips later, opening another trade?) Where do you put the S/L?

    I put my S/L at 2 pips below entry. So worst case I lost 2 pips and only missing 7 pips trading band. I think it is very efficient…

    Lexus 400h is nice!, friend of mine has it. My next dream car would be an EV. I no longer need to buy gas. If I need to travel far, I just need to rent a car. 🙂

  2373. Srry Hap, can’t give an example..too complex..has to do with backing n filling LTP looks for special points on a chart that have to be filled in a certain amount of time.

  2374. True that, King. Been there where the greed monster has took a big bite off my @$$ with currently -$199 as I type. King, any intel sayin it’s going down for good on EURUSD? I can’t trade now, like a sitting duck. I need it to go down to at least 1.406 in order to start trading with you guys again. *yawn*

  2375. William, in all things I like to keep it realistic and hope high just for morale sake, so in this game I have to go with the whatever is seen to me as the best FX market trend watcher(s) out there that has assisted me in making a majority of my consistent wins.

    RTFX hands down stays on point, but you’ve got to refresh them often,….since as you and I both know..the market behavior changes at will sometimes and can throw a tantrum like a little child if it wants to !! 😉


  2376. Thanks for the website, King. I know you have given this website before, but when you gave it to me a second time, I know this should be important. But like you know, I’m totally new to this, so it’ll take me some time to understand how to put those statements into actions.

  2377. Sorry, I am workin hard in my office. We have an online bid (tender) for the uniform garment of our national Post Company (our main business is garment). Every hour one article, online bidding against to compatitors… tough! A bit similar to forex…

  2378. King, email is sent. If u dont want to many spam in your gmai box, ask the admin of this topic, to delete your previous note with your email address. You know, there are robots on the internet, they are not trading on forex, but harvesting email adresses, and selling them to spammers… be care!

  2379. I just got up and took a peep at my PC(still mid night) and really got a shock to see that the bar that states the account’s balance, equity, etc. from grey to pink! I’m forced to deposit some more money. I’m really in big trouble now…

  2380. This is the worst part of the play; not being able to afford to pump in more money to trade more, but just enough to stay in the game! all trades opened are all negatives!
    King, I really hope that rtfx’s right that it’ll drop at any time for the eurusd…

  2381. JTX, Norm, King, what are your plans or actions taken for this unusual event on the EURUSD?

    Sorry, but what can you guys propose that I do now? try to pump in a bit more and trade on BUY?

  2382. Hello, would you please explain me how can i stop taking trades for EUR/USD and accept only GBP/USD trades? Is this possible? I like GBP/USD better so far. If you could help me I would appreciate so much.

  2383. JTX, which part I am going to change? I will open the GBP/USD chart and I will attach the LTP there. In the settings area, I have no idea which part I will change. Can you help me please? Thanks a lot.

  2384. Denise,
    1. It is not important which chart you open and attach the LTP. For example you can attach the LTP to EURUSD or USDJPY or any chart. LTP will trading with the pairs what you have license AND setup to allow trade.
    2. After you attached to any chart LTP, open the expert propearities (or press F7), select the INPUT page, double click on the AllowPairs field, and input “GBPUSD”. Enter, OK.
    LTP will state on the chart, AllowSymbol: GBPUSD

  2385. JTX, I am sorry but I am using V.1.12 and that does not have any section regarding to Allow pairs. Is there a new version that I forgot downloading or am I missing something?

  2386. Denise, what JTX meant was Allow Sysbols. And yes, I think it’s $50K.

    JTX, how come? I thought you over come it already? What happened?

  2387. William: Thank you so much.I think I understood now. Hope it will work. I dont want to trade with EUR/USD for a while.

    JTX: I hope you saved it all. I hope everything is ok.
    And thanks a lot for your help.

  2388. I already see a few people losing, and that’s because they say it out, what about those who kept quiet?

    Ghouse (your statement), JTX, me. Seems like we’re all screwed big time.

    JTX, I’d still wanna learn from you, but I’ll give you a break from this first, to settle down with your big lost, then we talk later about it. By the way, have you received my email?

    Guys, Do you think it’s a good idea to let those open trades go? From my view, we should as I’ve seen one of my trades from -$15, to -$40, to -$50, to -$70, to -$104 now. All cause of “having too much faith” or “hope”?

    It seems it going up for the next few months according to some intel I read.

  2389. Intel says the EURUSD is now going down to 1.41080. But trade with your own risk, guys. Good Luck!

    1.5000 is EXPECTED in next few months.

  2390. So I bought this program as a benchmark to compare to our own automated strategy basket which is static.

    I’m curious how it will do, seems like this will win a lot, so given like a week or so, you’ll make money, but on a long enough timeframe, you’ll get margin called? Because it seems to open positions in trends, and when a black swan event happens, like last week, which wasn’t even That bad of one….the market caters and you’d lose most of your positions, since the downside is 330 pips and the upside is 20 by default?

    I really doubt this EA can keep winning month after month with 90% winning accuracy? That is what it requires JUST to break even. It’s at 95% that you make a statistical profit

  2391. Jtx, why are you putting on such large positions? no need to “kill” them in a week…looks like your gbp/usd position was way to large for only 15 pip profit.

  2392. JTX,
    Sorry about the $50k. Hope your tender more than makes up for it… 🙂

    I too learnt my $6k lesson last week. Now with outstanding $3k pending loss for the E/U. Next time I’m going 1:1. So if I have 10k, I’ll only open 1 mini lot. I put 10% for the LTP, too much.

  2393. Yeah, though I played small, that’s all I could afford, not to mention I have to share with my friend to open an account, cause I’m from Malaysia, so we need to take out our 3.1 bucks to get $1 USD. It’s a little bit heavy actually.

    My total deposit is about $1250 USD, now I’ve lost $962. REALLY HEAVY (at least for me).

    I’m planning to take a break from all this, too much stress. I think you all can understand what I mean; worry, can’t sleep in peace, less sleep.

    I guess leaving LTP to trade alone wasn’t a bad idea after all. My 1st month was near 40%, LTP most of it, I traded only 3 -4 trades. Then the BIG lost, it was trying to recover it. But I was greedy, desperate to recover it faster, that’s when it screwed up, BIG time.

    If I’ve let LTP go at it again, in 1 month I should have another 40%. Yet I’m forced to stop for now, due to greed, desperation & the “have too much fake faith” that says “it will come down soon, it will come down soon” when it just kept going up.

    LTP was what people called “slow & steady” whereas what we all wanted was “fast & risky”. I’ve learnt my lesson well, next time I come back, I’ll just let LTP roll on its own.

    Sorry for the long post, but this should be my last one for now. Taking a break for a week or two. But I shall be following this site still. Wish you guys the best. JTX, Happy Pips, Ghouse and the rest. You fell, and when you get up again, don’t forget that you fell and how you fell. Good Luck. Peace!

  2394. I don’t what just happened!!! LTP had a sell on EUR/USD and once it was in profit it modified the SL, then it hit the SL at a profit.
    Maybe there were some changes there or it finally adjusted itself?

    @Norm, I did go live on Sunday with IBFX. Started with $200, so far LTP has made $.16 in 2 trades but I have made a $1.90 trading the DD.
    You were correct, no hedging sucks and so does the 50:1 with IBFX.

  2395. It seems to me that none of you have tried to tweek LTP at all. I purchased LTP about two months ago and spent a little over a month adjusting some of the parameters for iton a demo account before going live.

    It seemed obvious to me that the stoploss was way to aggressive so that was one of the first things I adjusted. I also made minor adjustments to risk, spread and slippage. Although I took a little loss on my live account when everyone else seemed to have gotten wiped out. I almost immediately made those losses back with the next two trades that LTP made.

    One should try to remember that any unexpected news can make EA’s do some very costly trades. LTP seems to be a very profitable EA provided you manage your risk a little.

    For those of you just starting with the program, take some time on a demo account and learn the program. Adjust your risk to suit your tolerances and never trade with money you can’t afford to lose in the FOREX market. Although with good money management you shouldn’t have to lose sleep over it.

  2396. CJ:

    We would be so happy if you could let us know what changes you made. I would appreciate your help. Thanks

  2397. Well as I mentioned, the first adjustment I made was to the default stoploss. I felt that I never wanted to chance losing 15-20% of my funds in a single trade. I cut that down by a little more then half.

    I also made some minor adjustments to the spread ( I think the default was 5 or 6 ) to a more realistic number like 4. This helps keep me out of real volital trades (i.e. after the quake), when spreads get large because of the higher trade volume.

    Raising the profit level just a hair has increased my profits. Of course I was able to do this because I lowered my stoploss, and having a tighter spread has kept the losses to a minimal.

    There are other adjustments you can make (time of day, day of week (a lot of people do not like to trade on Friday because the big boys are closing out their positions before the weekend) slippage and capital risk just to name a few) and all of these will effect how and when LTP places trades.

    I’d recommend not trying to change everything at once. And remember that making these changes can cause you to miss, get out of a trade sooner or stay in a trade a little longer then what you will see on there account. But with the right combination you can avoid those super large loses of recent while increasing on some of the gains.

  2398. Good suggestions CJ. How do you get the SL changes to “stick”? LTP automatically changes them back to original unless you deselect the pair; if you deselect the pair, then future trades by LTP for that pair are not opened. Are you just manually trading based on LTP trades?

  2399. Wow, I was right, it did went down to 1.40, but useless, I closed all positions already.

    CJ, come on man, kindly tell us what you tweak? Give us the numbers and let us think why you did it.

  2400. George, Eur/usd looks like it wants to visit 1.4000…have to see what it looks like when it gets there..eur is in a nice uptrend until it breaks hard below 1.40. Hope you guys made a few bucks on the chf gap trade..took a couple of days to fill but it finally did.
    Leo is in a sell trade in chf..I got out..price could spike up, and it did..dont like shortin chf at all time lows..you could see the spike comin..price didnt want to go down for several hours. Will get back in if chf shows it wants to go back down.
    Jpy is a better short trade when it breaks below 80.645 there’s no support below that number..watch it close..could be a BIG drop if it breaks below that price. Oh, Leo is also in TWO jpy sell trades, so watch for the break of the above number..load up when it does.. could drop over 100 pips.

  2401. Doug. No I am not manually trading. You can change settings by hitting F7. I have not had Leo change my SL except when the trade starts showing a profit. Then is seems to adjust it to behave like a trailing SL.

    William, I’m not sure my numbers would help you greatly. First of all, different brokers will use different spreads, margins, slippage and or commissions that can make or break a trade. Also we all have different risk levels. But as far as SL goes, if I recall correctly LTP default value is around 78. That is a lot of risk on the downside since we are only thing to scrape a couple of dollars off of each trade. I would start by changing this value to 35’ish and work from there. Spreads can really take profit from a trade. Provided you have a good broker you should try and get that number down to 3 or 4. OK that can be very hard with CHF but watch those spreads.

    Remember that changing the defaults may cause you to miss some trades that you will see on thier account. This is most likely caused because the spreads where to large during high volume trading. LTP’s NNs are suppose to learn from the market. That by default means that it has to make some mistakes to learn from them. In my opinion you are better off turning it off when major events happen because as we all know the market can and will do crazy things during these times.

    I know I haven’t given you the exact settings that you would like. I’m sorry but I don’t feel comfortable doing that as I am still making minor adjustments from time to time. I have also only been live with it for a few weeks (albeit very good weeks). The best thing you can do is play with the numbers on a DEMO account until you find something that works for you.

  2402. CJ, how do you change the SL?

    Ok, I understand your reason, but would it be ok to at least tell us what else do you tweak? other than risk level.

    It’s a really good idea that I should turn LTP off once big events take place.

  2403. Only just found this blog but have been trading LTP for some time and as of today am actually in profit.I see what you are saying CJ about the stop loss but dont forget its there to prevent you being stopped out of the trade. I know its a big amount but in one case the trade went back into profit having been well down ,terrible for the nerves it does give you a tingle when you see it going down and down.
    So CJ where do you change the SL is it in the Order box F9 when the trade opens or F7 but i do not have a stoploss box
    does it have another name?

  2404. That’s right King, Slow & Steady this time. I’m no more manual trading again as it seems that the guys that don’t manual trade and just let LTP roll earns slow but steady money, but lose small too. Whereas people that trades with LTP wins big and lost big time. I know I did, and I know I’m not the only one.

    Now only I truly understand and believe when the guy once said to me, “What goes up FAST, comes down FAST. What goes up SLOW, comes down SLOW”

    What I’m gonna do is trade with 0.01 lots now again. Hope in 3 months time, I’ll recover from my lost of $962. And once I hit that, I’ll double it to 0.02.

  2405. You just seen price manipulated back up into the gap on chf by the big banks in new york..they work in tandum with germany and london to manipulate price against us..they are responsible for the hugh spikes in price going after the stoplosses…they have to, otherwise traders would take their money, and that will never happen…the hugh spikes will continue.
    London came into the euro market 1 hour after they opened last night at 4am ny time and drove the euro up over 100 pips..they do it 2-3 times a week at 3-4 am…euro was headed for 1.40, it came within 50 pips of it.
    Now Leo is shortin euro again…interesting, you’d think they’d be afraid to counter trade the euro.

  2406. The price on the euro wants to go back up into the filled gap area because they did a lousy job of filling it..so, price is being run back up into it unless large blocks of selling (profit taking) come in. Its market manipulation at its finest..I know lots of you dont believe the market can be manipulated..thats funny lol

  2407. Yes it does have another name. I’m not infront of my computer so I can’t just look at it and tell you what the name is. I do believe the default value was about 78 but I can’t swear to it. Remember the value is used in a formula to figure out what the SL should be. So don’t think that a figure like 78 or 50 or 35 means that your SL is set 78,50,35 pips below/above your buy/sell price.

    Alex you are correct about the reason behind the SL and why they make it soarge. As I first stated people need to determine thier risk level. I am not happy risking 50% – 75% of my capital for a 1% – 2% gain so I made adjustments to that. I would much rather get pushed out of 3 or 4 trades with a 10% loss each than 1 trade with a 50% loss.

    Again these changes are just things that I have done and they are working great for me. It seems to have helped me miss some of last weeks craziness. I have also missed a few profitable trades when the spreads arearger then my parameters

  2408. Yes it does have another name. I’m not infront of my computer so I can’t just look at it and tell you what the name is. I do believe the default value was about 78 but I can’t swear to it. Remember the value is used in a formula to figure out what the SL should be. So don’t think that a figure like 78 or 50 or 35 means that your SL is set 78,50,35 pips below/above your buy/sell price.

    Alex you are correct about the reason behind the SL and why they make it soarge. As I first stated people need to determine thier risk level. I am not happy risking 50% – 75% of my capital for a 1% – 2% gain so I made adjustments to that. I would much rather get pushed out of 3 or 4 trades with a 10% loss each than 1 trade with a 50% loss. If you note my earlier post I also adjusted my profit taking point a hair. This has allowed me to stay in trades longer and I’ve been more profitable on SOME trades.

    Again these changes are just things that I have done and they are working great for me. It seems to have helped me miss some of last weeks craziness. I have also missed a few profitable trades when the spreads are larger then my 3 pip parameters. But I do not mind this one bit.

    I would be surprised if you couldn’t Google LTP settings and find an explanation of each line. It seems you cam search for anything these days, but I haven’t tried. One of you in front of your computer and not on there cell right now should try and post their findings (if any).

  2409. Chf filled the gap perfectly, but had to drop fast becase of the selling that came in..now they’re making another attempt to get back into the gap area once again in order to fill it properly…none of you have a clue why that is…

  2410. Btw – thats the way Leo picks trades..they know where prices MUST go..thats why they were correct for over 300 times in the last 7 months…its only because of world events that caused them to be wrong..it started mostly with egypt and several other countries..then this japan crap..putting 6 reactors in one small place..no wonder they lost the war against us…talk about dumb wow!

  2411. That is correct Norm. Like I stated before, people are better off turning off any EAs that they might have when things get wiered. If you look back LTP made very few trades once Egypt went bad. And this lasted until the Quake. Now it is trading more regularly again. And seems to be making small profits like always.

  2412. Srry, its 6 TENTHS of one pip profit…risk 330 pips twice this week for 6 TENTHS of a pip profit…so they can count it as a profitable trade..see why ya gotta manual trade, and guessing where to close out trades dont work either…LTP knew that approach long ago and rejected the idea regardless of how pretty it sounds on monday morning.

  2413. Well Norm that is why I made adjustments. I won’t risk so much for that small of a gain. You tweek it until you find what you are comfortable with. Then and only then do you take LTP or ANY EA live.

  2414. Hi Norm,
    Thanks for the analysis. So how does this “filling the gap” work? or what it means really?

    CJ, I couldn’t find the parameter to adjust my S/L. Do you set “Allow Closing = false?” then manually adjust the S/L?

  2415. Trading gaps for profit

    Some market speculators “Fade” the gap on the opening of a market. This means for example that if the S&P 500 closed the day before at 1150 (16:15 EST) and opens today at 1160 (09:30 EST), they will short the market expecting this “upgap” to close. A “downgap” would mean today opens at for example 1140, and the speculator buys the market at the open expecting the “downgap to close”. The probability of this happening on any given day is around 70%, depending on which market you look at. Once the probability of “gap fill” on any given day or technical position is established, then the best setups for this trade can be identified.

  2416. CJ: Short term settings? Where’s that?? Is it a function in MT4? I don’t see it in the LTP parameters.

    Thanks for your reply in advance

  2417. Norm. Got it. so the gapping only happens on Sundays right?

    Btw, I now believe your saying about Market manipulation…

    I’m looking at AUD/USD, there was a spike this morning at around 10AM.

    According to RTFX:
    “Currently uptrend should end around 1.0251 – 1.0254 area. A correction down to below 1.0138 is expected”

    If one were to put Sell limit order at 1.0254 and S/L of only 30 pips… Owww man.. they were screwed. this thing spikes to 1.0294. Lol. Luckily my S/L is 1.0320.

    Which means now, I’m going to trade against RTFX for AUD/USD. And I actually keep telling myself not to do Reversals, but they are so irresistable.. I think I’m closing this one while not so far away…

  2418. Yea Hap, the traders at the big banks in Switz,Germany,London and NY all know where the stops are..they see the support and resistance lines just as well as we do. You can be sure if you place your stop in logical places, they will take them out..its too easy for them to do it, and if you don’t use a stop they’ll kill ya with 50 – 100 pip moves..they do have to play between wholesale and retail (only they know what that is), Leo tries to exploit that and is successful until the market gets too volatile..as we have seen lately. Once Leo puts on a trade it has no clue where price is going next..it just knows it will most likely return to the original buy/sell point if price moves against it. Lately its missed several of those points..not a good thing..need to keep risk very low until the markets settle down, if they do..if they don’t, Leo is finished.

  2419. Yes, gaps generally only happen at the opening on sunday..although there was a good sized one in usd/chf and others during the week..those were filled rather quickly. Gaps can be played but only if they show on the major brokers charts, were there are many traders…dont ever play a gap that only a small brokerage firm is showing..you’ll get killed..the gap may never fill. Most gaps fill (or partially fill) within 24 hrs.

  2420. Good Evening All

    Sometimes when I look @ LTP and it says to buy the way the crazy thing trades you would think Sell and when LTP says to Sell I would think to Buy because of the big DDs.
    Who knows maybe they got there programing screwed up some where and they got it back words. Who Knows. Time will tell.

    Happy Trading to All

  2421. CJ, pls do not tell your wishfullness generating words about your mysterious setup, without exactly detailed instructions. Where to adjust, what to adjust. Some of us early birds, “payer beta testers” tried many things on live accounts, but as far as my knowledge, 330 pips S/L, 20-30 T/P is by design in LTP, hardwired, cant adjust by the user.
    So, kindly ask you show the your exact setup to the mates here, or choose another topic to talk here. We are here to helo each other.

  2422. Well well, looks like they deleted their crappy usd/jpy/chf account..guess it dint look too good lol. No more traades forthcoming? looks like not only no more new pairs..no more old pairs either..do we get refunds? good luck on that front.. hope I’m wrong..

  2423. Norm, about Sunday GAP: I prefer Exness, since it is open one hour before most of the rest broker. Just now, it means 20 PIP extra: 1.4028 VS 1.4048 one hour later @ Fxcbs or Finfx…

  2424. Jtx, what you prefer and what is best is what matters..big is best when playing gaps…your broker is a lil dinky one.

  2425. Leo just put a trade on gbp/usd ..the tp could be a lot lower than what they have..if price beaks below 1.60600 it could drop to the trend line at 1,58400 or so, looks like a good bet that it will..watch the 1.60600 number if it breaks that..could go a lot lower..watch it.

  2426. finfx is showin a gap 38 pips higher than where LTP put on its trade ..the gap could fill first i’m gonna wait n see if it does..if it fills the gap i’ll put the gbp trade on as the gap fills..i dont have the gbp trade ,..dint get it grrrrr

  2427. Gbp/usd is showing a t/p just BELOW major support on the latest trade..check it out…hmmmm interesting.

  2428. I find that amazing that Leo shorted gbp at the opening gap…wow cool lol…lets see if t/p is hit first or the gap filled. like i said..t/p is BELOW maj support…Leo not only shorted a lower gap opening, but shorted just above maj support whewwwwamazin lol

  2429. Norm,
    Looks like we need to surf in the same direction as those big banks, following their trend. Can we tell by looking at the Market depth? Or just use BB at 1H chart…?

    “they do have to play between wholesale and retail”

    What do you mean by that? Wholesale = big moves, Retail = hunting for our S/L?

  2430. Leo is cutting edge if we can get the markets to calm down..anything else is old school. A good idea is to avoid any sell trade on jpy/chf or just stay away from those pairs..they destroyed a lot of the “family” unless you were playin 20 cents a pip lol

  2431. If we can fig out how to trade Leo both ways we’d make a killin…maybe scalp tradin..or just put on an opposoing trade and use Leo’s t/p as a stoploss lol

  2432. Eur/usd gap is closed for about a 44 pip profit hope sum of u had it.
    Now I’m watchin gbp to enter short at the gap closing point.

  2433. Of course he is..he needs money..lost his ass, is hoping some suckers will pay him for his doctored account. If he’s so great a trader, let him post several LIVE trades on here so we can see how wonderful he really is..I bet he won’t. If I were admin I’d delete his crap.

  2434. They spiked gbp/usd downward almost 70 pips before finally filling the gap…so that shows you how much they can move price against you before filling a gap. Price not only moved down, but it broke below major support..sucked in a lot of shorts..killed lots of long positions..spiked price down, then back above major support..killing off the shorts… and into the gap area..nice moves, huh.

  2435. Here’s a quote I found from our wonderful LTP trading family..and are still using it in their hype trying to snag a few more customers..you’d think they’d give up for a while..their live account record sucks big time with close to a 2000 pip loss..nice huh..but hey, it will only cost you a reduced price of only $67 but we don’t know how long we can continue that price..it may go lower soon so you need to act fast before it does lol

    “Guarantee that you are never caught off guard when market behavior changes”.

    Ummmm exactly what is our “guarantee” lmao

  2436. King, it was an indicator u suggested, which has a filter dotline at the bottom, red, white or blue??? I cant find it…

  2437. Hey Jtx, Here’s one you’ll love…

    “Anyone passing on the Leo Trader Pro™ neural nets automated trading solution opportunity… is passing on the opportunity to grow rich FAST (remember, we stand by our claims… we PROVE the PROOF and will continue to do so FOREVER!)”.

    You will grow rich fast FOREVER..with just 20 pip trades (our average risk level)..just think, in 100 perfect trades of 25 pips each you will have amassed the fortune of (drum roll plz)..$500 lmao too funny.

    Gotta love that quote..”grow rich FAST” (CAPS) lmaooo

    Oh, has anyone heard hide nor hair of our wonderful family?..(other than Doug)..just wonderin

  2438. Ok, we have a confluence (a coming together) on eur/usd at the 1.4000 number..there’s a trend line and the round number (1.4000) both at the same place. Once price breaches that area I will be entering a sell trade on eur/usd for what looks like a very long drop. The trend line is a major one and the 1.4000 level is also strong support..once its broken, we could see a nice long drop..stop loss just above 1.4000. gl

    P/s Looks like the eur has finally entered a down cycle.

  2439. any one using LTP on live account, did any one made money, iam thinking to buy it. guys give me your opinion. thanks and happy trading.

  2440. Nope King, I have this one still. What I looking for… it has has a filter dotline at the bottom, red, white or blue. On the bottom line, horizontaly.

  2441. JTX, did you mean “megatrend” from copy and paste pips? That has the horizontal line at the bottom and red white and blue with direction arrows.

    Chori, pretty much the regulars are live. I went live a week ago. I’ve missed one trade because I was out of town and had a computer glitch. It has made 3 or 4 trades all at profit lately.
    I would suggest read this blog and you will understand more about it.

  2442. Yeah… I could use E/U downtrend Norm.

    Actually, today is the 1 month anniversary of that one E/U LTP trade entered on 2/27. Hurray! Happy 1 month Anniversary! Which means I have 2 more months to close it. If we’re trully on a downtrend, let me present to you a quik stats on it… Looking at H4 chart.

    2/27 1.3718
    3/01 1.3743 <- 1st chance getting out of trade. -25 pips.
    3/11 1.3752 <- 2nd chance getting out of trade. -34 pips.
    3/15 1.3855 <- Too late… -137 pips.
    3/22 1.4248 <- Peak. -530 pips.

    The other E/U LTP trade that got S/L, also gave us 2 chances to get out, afaik, within -30 pips. So if anything to learn about LTP trades that has gone wild, we're given 2 chances to get out. 🙂 hope that helps…

  2443. Happy Pips, you got that right, man. But I think it’s only for that particular event. Unless you get another up rising in another country, earth quake and tsunami a few weeks later, then you will most probably get about the same results. I don’t know…

  2444. If too many people are short the euro at this level the price will constantly be dropped to suck in the shorts..then rallied hard..they will do it over and over till few shorts are left..then they will drop the price. Who do you think had to sell those short positions to the traders, huh? yea right..the big banks were forced to make a market in all those short positions..they will keep rallying the price over and over till the shorts run out of money AND they suck in all the bulls..its EXACTLY WHAT YOU WOULD DO IF YOU WERE THEM. Once they see all the longs are in and all the shorts are broke (few short positions being placed) then they will drop the price hard and fast…sorry, that how it works.

  2445. Do ya feel lucky?

    Ok, here’s the deal..usd/chf is approaching or close to 300 pips away from Leo’s sell point..right? So, whats the odds that the stop loss will be hit again? sure its close, but look at it this way..lets say its 300 pips away from the sell point..so that leaves 30 pips from the stop. Now if you sell 1 full sized contract you will be gaining/losing approx $10 a pip (i know i know varies) lets just say $10 a pip..now, your risk is $300 and your REWARD is $3000 bucks, not a bad deal about 10 to 1 risk reward ratio..I don’t know of a better one.

  2446. On the other hand..

    The majority of trades that crossed the 250 pip point have hit the stop, I do believe.

  2447. Do you see the spike in chf then the massive 90 pip reversal..that tells us where retail is at the moment..big sellers came into the market.
    Its a shame we didnt trade against Leo, we’d be rich! Mohammad must be laughing all the way to the bank. I cannot belive LTP would trade against the dollar at these lows..many signs that the us economy is getting stronger. What does Leo do..it puts on a double sell trade on jpy…now its 60 pips away from its double stoploss.

    Well, should we turn out the lights and go home?

  2448. Really thinkin about trading against LTP. Because even when it wins it seems to go WAY in the wrong direction for at least the first hour or so, 99% of the time. So just make sure you get out of it fast, since it usually starts wrong, but finishes correct.

  2449. Yeah, I tried tradiing against LTP a few times, was ok. But it’s not 100%, normally it goes against, then along, against, then along a few times, usually against 600 pips away. But my problem is I get too nervous too soon and close out too fast when I see it’s not going the way that I thought and finally losing closing too fast…
    But sometimes it goes against about 50 pips only. So how do we know how much to take profit?
    Do you guys open a trade and immediately set the SL and TP? Or wait a few hours first then only doing it?, Norm? Mohammad?

  2450. New enhancement upgrade on atc:
    The Stop Loss and Take Profit will be held on ATC BROKERS servers.

    No more peeping big banks!

  2451. Norm… I did realize the spike on U/C this morning at 10 EDT. Funny thing was, couple seconds before it happened I put a Limit sell 0.9255, very high, didn’t think it will grab it so fast. I can’t believe my eyes. It’s like someone on the other end responds to my trade. Wow! talk about paranoia.. I end up with +70 pips on the trade. :).

    When you said retail, does that mean people like us? or the big banks?

  2452. How cool it is if LTP opens up like 5 trades per currency a day, taking ten thousand pips all together (base on 500 pips usual X 5 trades X 4 currency)? That’s a sweet $100 even for a micro account!
    Yeah, I know. Keep dreaming…

    Hey, Mohammad, can share how’s your routine on trading against LTP? Like, do you immediately trade agaisnt it or wait or something?

  2453. I’m probably talking mostly to myself, but oh well what the hell..The spike in usd/chf is a beautiful piece of art..something you could place on the wall and marvel at, at how beautifully they were able to manipulate price straight up EXACTLY to LTP’s stoploss point EXACTLY, then in the next 3 hrs they dropped price 100 pips…first they took out all the shorts..grabbed all their contracts by forcing them to cover in the massive rally…the longs see the price rallying hard jumped on board thinking price was going to the moon..once THEY were all in, price was dropped hard and fast..down exactly 100 pips against them..how would you like to be in that move? George was..luckily He didn’t put His stop where Leo’s was, otherwise He would have been taken out right at the manipulated top..its amazing how they reversed price EXACTLY at Leo’s stoploss point,almost as if they knew it was there..thats way I say, that manipulated move is a beautiful work of art..if you don’t know what i’m talking about, go to usd/chf 1 hr chart on march 30..you can’t miss it.

  2454. Did Anyone else get this email from LTP today?

    Dear _________

    Handsfree, automated profit is what the Leo Trader Pro team is all about.

    Normally we wouldn’t recommend any other system to you, but this is so
    good, we just had to let you know about it!

    Login to this account and see what a good A.I. can do!

    Forex Shuffle was just launched today and it’s exactly what you’d be
    looking for in a Forex product.

    In fact, it’s based on the same concept as Leo Trader Pro.

    A replicator bot clones the trades that the Forex Shuffle system executes
    on the main server and that’s it…it’s all 100% automated.

    This thing has an equity curve to die for!

    Take a look:

    Forex Shuffle isn’t a neural net. It’s actually a hybrid of sorts. It’s half
    artificial intelligence and half manually controlled.

    They actually tweak the strategies on a daily basis to ensure a VERY low
    drawdown and maximize profits.

    It’s a little complicated, but basically…they feed the A.I. new information
    to keep it on the cutting edge.

    See Forex Shuffle here:

    This system has a win rate of between 75% and 85% and doubled an
    account in a few short months!

    The maximum drawdown hasn’t even exceeded 5% in all this time.

    This is an FX product that we can recommend wholeheartedly because
    these guys know what they’re talking about.

    They’ve got nothing to hide…Account Investor Passwords are the
    pinnacle of proof in the FX industry and they’ve done that!

    You can log in to the account here:

    This is a good bot with good performance and it has all the proof you
    could ever want! Don’t pass on this one!

    Good Trading,

    The Leo Trader Pro Team

  2455. LTP are not only doing so well, that they can now lower the cost of their replicator $67 (quick before price is lowered further!) they are now also promoting another hybrid EA.

    60% roi / month using LTP is not enough. Why not diversify and
    with Forex Shuffle make yet another gazillion before breakfast?

    Hey, if you can’t beat them, join them….

  2456. Ok. now Leo puts on a new trade in eur/usd..it instantly drops over 50 pips..nice huh!!! They brag they know how price moves on a 5 minute chart in a certain time frame..boy ain’t that a load of crap lol. They’re line of bullchit to sucker the unsuspecting into buying their junk product is just as bad as all the rest..and they claim to be different..yea right!

  2457. Of course, the spike of all spikes is on 3/16 where they dropped price down 500 pips..yup you got it, down 500 PIPS hows that for making a market..the bastard goldman sachs market makers in the dow do the exact same thing so they can load up with bathtubs full of stocks from good companies..they do it over and over, that how goldman makes BILLIONS in profit every quarter..so, you think the markets are honest huh..dream on..you live in a fantasy world..and if you think you’re gonna get a free ride on THEIR money, think again..you have NO shot..take your money and run, or you will give it all to them. You play with your cards face up, they play with their cards face down..guess who’s gonna win, and how easy they will win.

  2458. Hey Norm..agree 100%…been in this scam over 40 years .They try to call us investors…”wrong answer” we are kitty feeders.
    What’s your opinion on the Leo Shuffle(pun) is this the nail in the coffin? ..jim

  2459. Hey Jim, I’ll never know how good it is..they aint gettin nother dime outta me grrrrrr Lemmie know how good it is.

    Actually, all we had to to was avoid jpy/chf pairs..I can’t believer i got sucked into shortin these crappy pairs at all time lows! Now i’m long eur and its prolly headed back to the 1.36 level..real smart.

    I’m still dazzled lookin at the chf trade that just hit the stop by 3 pips lol Wow that’s a classic manipulation if I ever seen one..cool lookin spike aint it lol

  2460. LivingDayLight, I got the email of the Forex Shuffle as well. But I won’t be trying it until, not only someone, but many here has and give good feedback for it. Cause honestly, I’m not really happy with Leo’s results anyway.
    But if it can work with Leo together without any glitch, then it should be ok.
    Nevertheless, it’s about $420 a year. Looking at their results, a $150 account can’t even barely cover the monthly fee of $35 by taking their 20%. Even a %300 account will only see you having a dollar plus a day after paying the fee. Come to think of it. I think it’s a no for me for now.

  2461. It doesn’t look any good for the 3 recent trades that LTP has placed; USDCHF, EURUSD & GBPUSD. I really hope they don’t screw up on these ones again like they did before…

  2462. Here’s my reply to LTP for their new program.

    “I think I speak for a lot of people who have bought LTP. I’m holding off from this, still not a proven system with anything automatic. Sorry that’s the truth plain and simple.

    It just seems that this is an update that should be done to LTP. There are a lot of people (beta testers) that have hung around using LTP and providing very good input for the system and very little has been done. The 3 major losses out weight the gains made! Some people lost all there margin for 30 pips profit is uncalled for.

    If you would like to provide it to me for free for 60 days I will try it out on a demo account for a while then on my live account and if it proves to be a good investment I will pay for my time used and buy the program.

    You can try to persuade all you want but not this time. All the claims can be made but as proven by so many others it can be manipulated.

    I know you won’t like my offer but that is where I stand.”

    Thanks, Craig

  2463. Hi Norm, you’re not talking alone man.. I’m listenin. 🙂 The spike, I wonder if Leo should hide/fake the S/L. and Randomly pick the numbers. That way these guys can’t see it.

    LTP Admin?

  2464. 0h God, NFP tomorrow..everyone may want to close out their trades..I’m going to close mine and watch the reaction when price hits support or resistance..I don’t need a 100 pip move against me. watch and see how price acts at support and resistance points..just be fast about gettin out if you’re wrong.

  2465. Thank goodness the GBPUSD closed with a win. But what about the other 2? it’s just less than 24 hours for me before they stop the market. are you guys going to manually close the other 2 yourselves?

  2466. Thank goodness the GBPUSD closed with a win. But what about the other 2? it’s just less than 24 hours for me before they stop the market. are you guys going to manually close the other 2 yourselves?
    Norm says he’s like talking to himself cause he’s said so bloody much yet none seems to respond. Well, likewise with Happy Pips. Norm, yes. You ARE talking, so we ARE listening.
    CraigM, I don’t know how you guys find out the Shuffle’s from LTP (I didn’t bother looking at every words) but if it’s true, then good job in screwing them for us here. Bunch of Jacka$$es, tell us they’ll have us more pairs. Now? they make it for another product. Very crooked!

  2467. Here’s their response;


    A customer support staff member has replied to your support request, #394702 with the following response:

    Hi CraigM,
    Thank you for your e-mail.
    We’re sorry, but we can’t give you access to this program for free because that would devalue the product for the people who paid.

    We hope this response has sufficiently answered your questions. If not, please do not send another email. Instead, reply to this email or login to your account for a complete archive of all your support requests and responses.

    They can discount what we bought but can’t discount this!

  2468. Sorry I had sent the post earlier but it was deleted because I lost power and/or admin (I had an email address included)sorry.

  2469. Looks like we’re screwed again. LTP went BUY, but it’s gone south way too far! Should we have patience or close out on a losing trade.

  2470. Norm – I wonder if big banks pull in different directions
    US, Europe, Middle East, Far East etc
    Both GBPUSD and EURUSD are having a similar spike
    as if the USD is pushing stronger

  2471. Ok, Ghouse. yours definitely looks so much better than LTP’s results. So what system are you using or selling?
    You’ve been posting your results for awhile now yet when people ask you, you can never answer directly how or what you’re using other than the fact of using resistance and support.
    So are you just gonna let us helplessly see your results or are you planning to share your magic code?

  2472. Hey, what happened to Ghouse’s last post with his statement link? Did Admin got too piss with his constant link of results but not sharing what magic as well?

  2473. Hi All, Hey George, I hope you closed your trade out before NFP, I’m glad you warned me…forgot all about that crap..actually it was another amazing move, price dove all the way down to the trendline, then bounced off of it perfectly (I was sleeping grrr, I woulda took a shot,long position). I had 2 long trades goin..got stuck in the side ways box, but I did place a stop just below it..I got stopped out as price fell..then price gaped down..that woke me up lol so I put on one trade..fell back asleep..price dropped another 50 pips to the trendline, as I said I was asleep when it touched it..dbl grrrrr…the price shot up 150 pips whew! I woke up and closed out my trade for 90 pips, but lost most of it on the earlier drop of my other 2 trades. Wasn’t a good time to be sleeping..could have caught the exact bottom in eur as it bounced off the trendline…beautiful 150+ pip bounce.

  2474. Well, kinda knew jpy would get stopped out..is this number 7 stopout for these 2 pairs? Gotta start avoiding these pairs and just stick with eur/usd and gbp/usd…I will avoid those other 2 pairs at these lows unless the trade looks perfect.
    Hope some of you jumped on the ttendline bounce in eur..was a perfect entry point…I’m pissed i missed it.

  2475. This LTP USD/JPY pair is worthless, UNLESS YOU’RE TRADING “”””””””AGAINST”””””””” IT. Not making anymore trades with that pair, unless maybe against it occasionally.

  2476. >Hey, what happened to Ghouse’s last post with his statement link?

    Ghouse has gone a little bit too far with his/her links and the last burst of several links in a row (which you didn’t get a chance to see) resulted in all posts removed.

  2477. You know guys, we all always say that kind of stuff. I should have done this, I should have done that. I for one always say such things. But when you think of it, if we KNEW that was coming, we wouldn’t be here saying these “should have” stuffs. hahahaha!
    Let me go one step further by saying “we SHOULD learn to predict the hourly chart, that way, we’ll make every cent possible 24/5” hahahaha!

  2478. Well, once again, LTP’s eur/usd trade went against it by 160 pips..now its back to the entry point…I’m hopin price will drop back to the 1.42000 round nunber..its got 16 pips to go..will enter there and lower if it drops. That will be about a 45 pip profit if the trade closes at the T/P point.

  2479. Hello Norm…I was wondering if you draw your own trend lines or do you use an indicator?
    If you use an indicator which is best?

  2480. If those results are really real, I’ll pay him a monthly fee, honestly. If it’s not doctored at any way. It’s definitely better than LTP and that stupid Shuffle. But sadly, he’s only sharing his results, not his way.

  2481. Ed, I’m using stops on all LTP Trades as of late..then reentering further away at support…even then price breaks support very easy, so don’t put too much faith in support and resistance points.
    The big banks (market makers only) dont stop hunt, but they will fill their personal trading accounts (the actual traders) at extreme lows and highs (wouldnt you?)..the stop hunters are the hedge fund and other big hotshot traders that infect the market..they are the ones that know exactly where your stops are..and they know how to hunt them using very little money..they’re the cause of false breakouts..so if u get caught in one ..guess who gotcha.

  2482. Omg, I didn’t see the 2 trades Leo put on on chf just before NFP ..price went over 200 pips againt both positions whew! thats plain nuts…Ithink tey lost it.

  2483. Listen, there’s a good chance jpy and chf are gonna drop hundreds of pips down..we maybe can catch that drop..just need an entry point that goes our way..using a tight stop. may get stopped out a time or two but the drop is worth it if it happens..I gotta watch price action for a while.

  2484. If his results are real, he don’t need you (100% perfect trades) if he wants your money..the results are phoney.

  2485. Hey Jim. I draw my own lines..its easy, just connect at least 2 points. The trendline on the eur/usd daily chart only used 2 points (jan 6 low,mar 13low)..the NFP spike stopped cold at that trendline AND support line (140300)..reversed for about 190 pips straight up and almost touched Leo’s t/p (missed by a few pips)..totally amazin.
    Whenever there’s 2-3 points of confluence, price will stop cold at that point (round..numbers..trendlines..fibnocci..support..piviot points..moving avgs) just about anything that lots of traders watch will work best..regular support n resistance is for suckers..Leo found that out..thats why the robot isn’t programmed to use it..they’re just sucker points that the hotshot traders love to set up to fleece the public…if you find yourself in a box..most likely you’re being set up to be fleeced…actually I’ll guarantee it.

  2486. I’m looking at LTP’s T/P points AND the 330 pip stoploss..I’m starting to get the feeling that BOTH points must line up with certain types of “fast” moves…In a normal market, those points will be respected by the market makers..and ALL the banks that make the market will respect each other and will not step on the others toes..they work together to create an orderly market (yea right). Thats how LTP has such a high win ratio with the eur/gbp pairs (only 2 losses in over 200 trades) BUT I have discounted ALL prerelease trades (what have you done for me lately).
    If you notice, LTP doesn’t change the stoploss..(that doesn’t mean we can’t and maybe should)..I think LTP found out that 330 pip points work perfectly in normal markets..but the robot could very easily change the stoploss but it doesn’t..I’m still workin on why not..think about it…a 330 pip “Catastrophic” stoploss isn’t needed in an extremely fast moving market..actually a much closer stop could be changed if fast moves started to show up so that LTP traders would be protected from unnecessary margin calls with a 330 pip stop…the 330 pip stop could still be the final stop because of the “special range” the trade fits into…more of my musings.

  2487. Hi Norm…Thanks for your insight…I have been a trader for many years and never tire in reading and trying to understand what makes the markets move.
    The biggest foe that we have is the internal manipulation by insiders and gov.entities.
    Enjoy your posts and market smarts…jim

  2488. Well, Norm seems to know something very much. Unfortunately it’s too technical for an idiot like me… I can’t even get half of what he is saying…

    Norm, whatever you’re up to, especially learning how to trade with LTP or tweak LTP, teach us here in plain english man. And if ever we’re loaded enough, we’ll meet up and have some potluck someday. hehehehe.

  2489. Eur/gbp trades since release..61 wins – 2 losses, I only count one loss. Need to stay away from jpy/chf trades unless usin tight stops.

  2490. Jpy/chf trades 118 wins – 7 losses..and they were killers.

    These pairs should have never been released..but their GREED got the best of them..with only 1 month testing..they’re no better than the scum that their website spends countless repetitive words to put down.

    Their QUOTE: “We GARANTEE that you will NEVER get caught off guard when market behavior changes” What a load of c-r-a-p that was with 7 losses costing us fortunes…and some of their other quotes will make you sick.

    They (our wonderful family) screwed us all badly..and have the NERVE to want to charge us full price on their so call shuttle crap EA..Nice “family” huh?

    All they cared about was wins..never risking more than 20 cents a pip…10 cents was too low..30 cents a pip was too high..obviously..another load of crap.

    They just wanna look good for the Russians..well I hope they find my posts.

  2491. This is a key quote:

    “By saying “current” market behavior, we mean: market behavior of the past 24 hours WITH relation to certain overall characteristics of the medium term market behavior (NEVER EVER MORE THAN 3 WEEKS)”.

    So, all trades should have met their target inside of 3 WEEKS time..otherwise we have no clue whats coming next..and you’re on your own.

  2492. Eur/usd looks like it could be a good trade coming up..a break of 1.42157 could be the start of 100 pip drop..if you take it, just dont get caught in a false breakout…use a tight stop…the hammer candle looks good..may be a panic drop to take profits..happens a lot..if price meanders around after the breakout..get ready to close your position..price shouldnt meander.

  2493. Gbp/usd has a 4 pip gap that should fill within 24 hrs price is at 1.61244 i’m takin a shot with a tight stop. gl

  2494. hello william and norm sorry for the late

    use eurusd currency pair at minute 1 chart always use strong support and resistance

    iam handling manual trading strategy in future i can post how to use this system technique give some time iam in work process

    see you from ghouse thank you

  2495. Should we go on SELL now on the USDCHF and TP on LTP’s SELLing point? Norm, what do you think?

  2496. Eur/Usd has about 100 pips to drop to fill the gap that Ibfx is showing..not sure if your broker shows the same gap..price should fill the Ibfx gap..they look like they’re done spiking the chart tryin to drive out all the shorts and suck in as many longs as possible..they did a great job using endless rallies..looks like they’re ready do drop price…but you never know.

  2497. Jtx, price could overshoot the t/p and drop to the old sell point about 260 pips down at 89400 wouldn’t that be nice for a change. Will be hard to hold on that low.

  2498. Well, gbp filled 1/2 the gap (happens) but not before puttin in a dbl false breakout..price pulled back 70 pips right into the gap area..too many shorts were aboard, so they took them for a couple of wild rides..nice huh..oh, they sucked in tons of longs on both breakouts..screwed them pretty good too as they manipulated price right into the gap..its still not filled..they’ll be back in it. Hey, that’s the way the game is played.

  2499. They were droppin chf real good till some usa clowns started buyin grrrrrrr idiots..they’re gonna pay bigtime!

  2500. In other words, when a gap forms we know direction and time 70% fill in 24 hrs)…well that’s what Leo figured out. There are points like gaps that price will move too..Leo knows where they are, but doesn’t know how deep or how long it will take price to come back to those area’s…actually their % is much higher than 70%..that’s a good thing..bad thing is volatile markets..when price starts swinging, Leo’s predictability is at a loss..we need to figure out when that point is reached..they (family) won’t tell us..they let us “wing it” and think oh well, those poor bas*ards…when they know their Great Neural Net has lost it.

  2501. And don’t forget this one…


    Anyone passing on the Leo Trader Pro™ neural nets automated trading solution opportunity… is passing on the opportunity to grow rich FAST (remember, we stand by our claims”…

    Ummm I think they meant grow POOR fast..ask Jtx

  2502. Hap, I only deal with eur/usd and gbp/usd..and the other 2 unmentionable pairs…so rather than write out “usd” i just skip writing “usd” and just call them eur/gbp instead of writing out eur/usd AND gbp/usd..i shortin them to eur/gbp pairs.

  2503. Short cuts. Aha!
    So whaddya think about the -83pips latest pick from LTP? Should I close it?

  2504. I’ve got too many to close.I’m a sitting duck again. This time, I’ll wait till it falls. I previously closed too many and lost too much. This time, I’ll just have to wait. Closing it now will cost me $200. May seem close to some of you, but it’s a hell a lot to me.

  2505. GBP blew past RTFX’s High Resistance of 1.6210, which means someone is not playing by the rules…

  2506. Got that damn skippy…Happy Pips.
    LTP has opened 4 trades without any near signs of closing…with the oldest one from 31/3 – CHF.

  2507. LTP says they got a new version of 1.20, but when I click on the link, there’s a really big 1.12. ???? But 1 thing I know, they never seem to update the whole thing. They always pick up certain things to change and always leaving some things unchange when it’s suppose to.

  2508. Lets just say the USD/JPY USD/CHF EA doesn’t lose more than it makes. The drawdowns are still so much (even when entered manually when they’re already in serious DD) that I have to use small lots (to prevent margin trouble) if I also want to trade the EUR/USD GBP/USD, all in case all 4 pairs go into DD at once. Leaving all that margin just in case 4 pairs go into serious DD, is lowering my profits badly. I’m taking a break from that “optional pair set”–(glad I didn’t buy it, I only copy it) for a while until it proves itself for months. The good thing is, it’s much easier to predict the worst case margin DD scenario for just 2 pairs (EUR/USD GBP/USD) so I’m able to use larger lots. With 4, I run into the bad end on both sides of the spectrum–either margin trouble or less profits than I coulda made.

  2509. Hey guys. I just figured out every 13th day of EUR/USD trade (Sunday included), it drops >100 pips. Put on 1D chart, start counting from 2/21, 3/8, 3/23, 4/7 next. TOMORROW!

    could have made 300 Happy Pips!

    Lets see if it repeats tomorrow…

  2510. We will see that, a great coincidence, tomorrow there is a lot of news in many pairs, be careful.

  2511. Hey Hap, I think you got something there…13 days hmmm the first pair account # is 1331..thats 13 in both directions…stop is 330 …probably wanted to use 333 but too spooky.

    The stock market sp 500 stopped at 666 in the big drop in 2008.. now the sp 500 just had trouble with the 1332 level in the last several day..had a very hard time gettin thru it..guess what # 1332 is? yup u may have guessed..its 666 twice..the forex market moves may be divisible by 3’s, 6’s, 13’s..I also think i found that price needs to move back to 3 wicks (wicks are fast moves, i think they act like gaps).

    Thats interesting about the 13th day..i bet theres something to it…notice that LTP said price is NEVER EVER older than “‘3” weeks, hmmmmmm

  2512. Oh! notice the account number..1331 its two 666’s they wanted to use 1331 not 1332..so, there may be something goin on here…maybe LTP found something in the numbers.. the “cycles” may be figurable also..like the first “3” days.

    Makes ya wonder why they picked 1331

  2513. Wow. Didn’t know all lined up like that! Norm… does feel creepy.

    So what is happenin on around the 13th day? NFP release? ISM? Something is repeatable…

    Maybe someone’s trading on a regular basis?

  2514. My 1D chart is waiting for that drop! on the 13th day…

    I need to close my -550 pips LTP trade. well, at least to -400 pips. My last chance before it climbs to 1.50 on EUR.

  2515. 1.4170-4160 over couple days, then I’m out!

    now that I typed this on public domain, the freak will change the play date. 🙂

  2516. Yea its freaky..need to figure out the cycle.. May be a 13 day cycle..sounds like it fits,and the acc # 1331…acc # 2729 is two 1331’s with 66 left over lol…Did you know that 1333 x 2 = 2666 lol there is something to these numbers..its not a coincidence they picked acc# 1331 and a 330 pip stop..I bet a lot of these moves have to do with the number 13..I got a feelin LTP stumbled onto the cycle..they sure n hell dont use support n resistance…But our “family” aint talkin.

  2517. Its amazing how wrong this robot is after it puts on a trade..gbp is 90 pips away from t/p..9 out of 10 trades go negative…thats impossible, yet it happens every single time..its like price is repelled away from the t/p point..we’ve seen over 3 months of this crap..I bet it has to continue..even just blind dumb luck placing trades has to work better.
    Oh, look at the TWO jpy trades, they were as much as 115 pips away from t/p…recent chf trades went into DD…sumthins goin on Hap.

  2518. Hap, if you go to the monthly chart on eur and draw a trendline you’ll see that the eur may have a hard time gettin above that line…monthly trendlines hold pretty good..also you can see the declining “M” formation..that formation should continue.

  2519. Guess where the SP500 closed today..yep, you guessed it 1333 EXACTLY lol lets see if thats a turning point..it was when the SP500 hit EXACTLY 666 in 2008 hmmmm

    Wonder why LTP would give the number 1331 to their first account..13 in both directions…bet there’s more to it than you think.

    Problem is..they’re such a crappy trading EA its beyond belief…gotta start tradin against their opening positions..the odds are in our favor by far…that last 3 mo’s prove it.

    Not only did they miss some of the biggest moves in ALL their currency pairs, but they went SHORT in ALL of them..some they went short TWICE…like their jpy trades they have on now…if I didn’t believe it, I’d think they were tryin to ruin all of their traders..how can “experts” be so wrong?..Neural Net..yea right, what a joke.

  2520. I think the Neural Net crap is a smoke screen for their trading in freaky numbers..do you know how complex ONE neural net is?..they claim they have 7..sureeee they do lol
    Did you see what a crappy job they did on their interviews at the trade show? Does that look like the work of geniuses? lol
    Oh, on their color bars..I said they were gimmicks a long time ago..have they ever told us what they mean? Whats the point of cluttering up our charts with this crap, and all this worthless print..just more crap to make them look important..think we’re bein had.

    Their “freaky” numbers are the only good thing they have goin for them..gotta admit eur/gbp “freaky” numbers are holdin up pretty good..as long as u dont risk over 20 cents a pip..and they don’t lol

  2521. Alright… I closed a 30pips drop this morning! 🙂
    Too bad it didn’t keep dropping like it should. maybe tonight..

    Norm, did you figure out the 13 days thing? I think they are just reactions to news releases, which are regular…

    So I put on the Monthly chart on EUR, which trend line are we talking about? but yeah the “M” and the channel is going down. but I think I’m closing the trade on a last drop.

  2522. I’m pretty much done, going to go back to using my own prop EAs, I compared mine to LTP, mine worked better. The DD is just too much for my account and trading style to take, I mean sure, the odds of you loing -300 pips against the market in one week or two aren’t good, but if youre still down -150 pips at the end of a week, good chance you’ll lose the other half, meanwhile if you woulda cut your trade earlier at -50 pips say, you coulda used that leverage and taken the opposite position and MADe money…..

  2523. Hey everyone. I know several of you have been asking for my settings and how I changed my SL. Well I get home Tuesday and will be able to look everything up in person (my girlfriend was trying to relay things to me but she is not very computer savy). I can say this, I still have not had a major loss on my live account and it is up. Now I can’t say how much is from LTP because I have FAP Turbo running on the same account. I know that between the two I’m up about 85% in the last month. I know that LTP makes more trades then FAP but I will break it down next week, look at my settings for both and share. Enjoy the weekend.

  2524. Hi CJ…look forward to seeing your Leo settings next week.
    Thanks for sharing… would be nice to be able to run the EA and not need to counter trade….jim

  2525. CJ

    I think that you live in another world, fap turbo always makes mores trades than LTP.

    In LTP you can not make that kind of change directly, you are just making people lost time, you had two weeks only saying bla bla bla.


  2526. The Gbp trade is dangerous..it hit minus -200 pips from the sell point, I doubt the great so called “Neural Net” still knows where its going..at this point its probably 50/50 that it will return to t/p..a good percentage of these hit the stop..may want to close the trade if price makes a new high, then re-enter as the price drops below major support as seen on the WEEKLY chart. The price has broken above major resistance and may keep moving up.

  2527. Don’t get me wrong..I still think this is the best bot goin..the first 2 pairs have an excellent record even after release. This bot sees special types of moves..it knows those area’s need to be returned too..problem is, it doesn’t know when those area’s will be returned too..could take an hour..could take a week or more.
    The volatility of the markets lately have caused most trades to go into DD’s..LTP has a unique way of trading..I seriously doubt that anyone else is using this method..you just need to figure out the perfect fit..I’m still working on it, but greed keeps getting in my way.

  2528. The current GBPUSD trade was opened Apr 05, 13:51 “sell”
    The previous one was opened Apr 05, 12:07 “buy” closed successfuly about half hour later. I wonder

  2529. Hey George, they spiked you out at 9300 then in 7 days dropped price straight down (after the manipulated spike) over 400 pips..nice huh..sure glad the market is honest tho..yea right.

  2530. Question: (seriously lol) how many neural nets does it take to short eur/usd at 1.36 and watch it go straight up 900 pips to over 1.45? lol..would you say 7? too funny..guess those guys that said their neural net was a crock of chit were correct…and those color bars..another crock. I wonder how many people from their “family” they destroyed..and they want all of us to buy their “shuttle” crap at full price..no discount for even their so called “charter members” (another load of crap). So, when they feed you this neural net bullchit, just kinda chuckle to yourself.

  2531. Hi Norm

    I was in vacation traveling in the Caribbean for a week with all the Money I have won with LTP.

    Maybe we can go at the end of this month to Moscow to visit Vyacheslav and see what is new with LTP in the next ForexExpo in Moscow. April 29-30 2011. Hotel Radisson-Slavyanskaya.

    They will give us the charter members.

    Heeeey Where is all the people !!!

  2532. George, you being serious when you say vacationing a week from LTP’s winning? What’s your capital and how much DID you win in how long?

  2533. I just turned off my LTP. I figured manual trading is the way to go! 🙂

    If there is something I could contribute… that would be Trend Following. Oh, Please Don’t do Reversal. Except using the Elemental/Butterfly stuff.

    Trend following – Use double (two) Bollinger Bands (1 standard deviation from mean, and 2 std dev from mean).
    We need to follow the big guys.

    Reversal – Only when it is shown on Elemental/Gartley stuff.

    Good Luck! Thanks to all you regulars who are very helpful and generous with sharing your knowledge, sure helps my trades!

  2534. Dontcha just luv wakin up to find your positions went against you several hundred pips and not only did you not make a dime, but you lost a ton of money once again with this wonderful robot..ever see such a piece of crap in all your life? Like the guy said several months ago, “my dog could trade better” aint that the truth.

  2535. You know sometimes you have to make a joke to keep more enjoyable and active this forum because is running out of comments

    Mohammed is the one to be laughing with the LTP and the reverse trade.

    Tomorrow is the reunion of the genius G-20

  2536. Leo just put on a chf trade, and it instantly dropped over 30 pips.. the price is repelled away from t/p almost every trade.. hmmmmm

  2537. Whatever the driving force is that should drive price to t/p obviously isn’t happening when Leo puts on a trade..the vast majority of times the price moves away from t/p..now why is that? is it just dumb luck? There may be a reason why price avoids t/p. Leo would like the trade to close as quickly as possible but really doesn’t care, as long as the trade ends in profit. But, we get stuck in all of these massive time consuming margin draining hugh draw downs..time after time..AND it goes on for MONTHS.. The dumb fools that we are, we wait patiently for these massive -200 -300 pip moves against us to return to profit to watch leo finally close out the trade 2-3 weeks later way before the target price so that they can show a miniscule profit on the trade..many times under 10 pips profit.. Imagine waiting 2-3 weeks as your trade drops -200 -300 pips day after day..then finally moves toward t/p only to get stopped out with a 6 pip gain lol..it happens constantly… If you are reading this and are new to this EA, I would avoid it like the plague..don’t buy their pre-release account trades bullchit, look only at the post release trades on ALL 4 pairs, and keep in mind, they only risk 20 cents a pip ( 1/5 of a dollar) per trade..they don’t want you to see their massive draw downs when they hit.. they just keep spitting out trades as if nothing happened AND no one has heard a word from them for several weeks except to dump their new EA on new unsuspecting fools (yea,I know, you wanna know what it is and how much does it cost..fools)..you know what they say..”a fool and his money are soon parted..GL you’re gonna need it.

  2538. George, sorry. I wasn’t following this site in a bit already, so I missed your link. Seems like there’s a lot of negativity going on here with LTP, especially when it comes from Norm. So, are we all screwed now?

    So, anyone care to share what are they doing now to trade?

    Happy Pips, your this Trend Following thing, is it free?

    Ghouse, how’s your magic going? When are you able to share it with us?

    CJ, how’s your tweaking of LTP going?

  2539. Here we go again.. this crap bot puts on not one trade but TWO trades back to back..ok, so you’re thinkin, great! two trades almost at once..must mean price is gonna go to TP soon, right! Yea , bullchit, one jpy trade is over -200 pips and the other one is close to -200 pips, thats 400 pips total, hope your margin can handle that… Now, imagine if you went against this trade, you’d be looking at 400 pips profit. This stupid robot just closed out a chf trade for a whopping 6 pip profit after waiting 3 days and a 50 pip price swing..price went much higher right after the bot closed the trade..had it waited, the profit would have been much higher.

  2540. The euro/usd just dropped over 300 pips from its high..where was this fantastic neural net (what a joke)..not one trade from it in all the 300 pip drop..neural net my a$$..there’s no neural net..thats just a gimic..they’re usin time/price cycles..you dont need a neural net to trade those..7 neural nets..yea right..too funny! You see how they never mention all their losses on their home page..they won’t show the usd/jpy and usd/chf account lol with its hugh losses..here’s the account password..have a look.

    For USDJPY LTP account:

    Account#: 2729
    Password: LTP15112010
    Server: FinFx-Live

  2541. Hey

    Mohammed where are you, which program are you using “signal copy” to make the reverse trade ?

    Norn what you think why eur/usd goes down. Did you sell a lot of your euros to force that way down

  2542. Yep, I forced the euro way down..if you put the eur/usd chart on daily you’ll see why it had to go down..the jerks over bought it.. it dropped over 190 pips in 3 hrs today.. goes to show you, you never know when the big moves are coming..they hide them well..they even dumped jpy..when they run out of time they have to move the price fast to their objective. Stupid Leo didn’t have either the eur or the jpy move..so much for their so called neural net lol. Jpy was such a good trade 200 pips higher they put on TWO trades lol now its 200 pips lower..should be a better buy, right? You don’t see their crappy neural net buyin 200 pips lower..oh maybe its not a good trade this low..did everyone in the “family” get an email warning not to buy this low? I think not. Con artists are con artists, look all around you..then look in the mirror.

  2543. Out of curiosity, have you guys compared LEO to Overdrive? I know they use the same SL of 300+ but are their #s for real?

    Appears manual trading’s the way to go IMO. Seems to be too much BS in the EA world. Would love to be proven wrong.

  2544. Looks like LTP’s going to the dumps, Norm is criticizing it badly now. JTX is nowhere to be seen, King has left the castle. OMG! We’re all Fcuked!

    This site was constantly being updated with new posts 3 weeks ago. Now, it’s been two days now with no new posts.

    Hey, hope we all can share new info on alternatives, like what other products or software to try here before we really part with this site. Peace!

  2545. Ken, I’ve tried Overdrive before, didn’t work out for me, lost money even in demo account, so it’ll be stupid of me to switch into live. I refunded it after 1 month trial.

    How about those that promote “copy-my-trades” services? You know, they go with live accounts, you pay a monthly fee so that you’ll always get heads up for their trades to copy thing? What about those, any of you guys trying it already?

  2546. Hey, I actually read my email late, maybe some or all of you already know about it but I don’t see anyone saying anything about it. LTP has got a new version; Version 2.0!
    I do hope it’s free for us pioneers…

  2547. I’ll run LTP 2.0 through the demo accounts for 1-2 weeks, we’ll see how it behaves. JTX says hey guys, he’s taking a sabbatical for the time being from FX. But he’ll be back.

  2548. Hi William,

    “Hey, I actually read my email late, maybe some or all of you already know about it but I don’t see anyone saying anything about it. LTP has got a new version; Version 2.0!
    I do hope it’s free for us pioneers…”

    Good good joke. Ha, ha, ha!

  2549. I just bought both the $67 regular and $97 rocket versions. They both have the same manual. I cannot look inside the .dll and .ex4 files, but both versions have the same size files and the same file names. Installed the rocket version in a $5k 1:200 demo account with FinFX. Let’s see what happens…

  2550. Joe, Yeah man, you never know what these people are thinking. They screwed with us saying all good things about it, more pairs coming and things, but in the end they just created another product with improvements of LTP and asking us to get it instead of giving us these improvements for free.

  2551. Today was supposed would be the launch of the new v2.0 version of LTP, but at the last minute pulled the launch site.

    Know why, because today before the release was a loss of 38% of account balance in a single operation, and so stopped the launch.

  2552. George, I bought it today approximately 15 minutes before your post. I am looking at the site right now. It is still up.

    On a related note, the trading day closes in about 2.5 hours and LTP 2.0 “rocket” has not placed a single one of the 2 – 4 trades per day it is supposed to take.

  2553. They do have a big $1,090.32 loss on the gbpusd today, putting their account down to $1,775.06. That’s still like 600% in seven months. I’ll be more than happy if it can do that for my account. However, this big loss may be the beginning of the end for that EA. I’ll run it for a bout a month in demo and see what happens.

  2554. The page that is up at this moment 21/04/2011 19:20 gmt is for the version 1.12 not the new 2.0 version, yesterday was up the pre launch page with this account 2726 for eur/usd gbp/usd.

    Question: What expo will you be exhibiting your neural nets technology next at?

    Answer: We will have a booth and exhibit at the Forex Expo™ in Moscow (29-30 April, 2011).

  2555. You are totally correct. I checked my robot’s manual and it also says it is v 1.12, not 2.0. I’ll be returning it right now.

  2556. A $1000+ loss on opening day of their new account, lmaoo too funny. Looks like the jerks were shorting gbp/usd and it took off to the upside big time lol Takes 6 months to make a good profit and they lose 1/2 of it in one trade..can’t wait to let it trade my account NOT!

    P/s Any fool should have known the dollar could have broken to new lows..so what do they do? they bet 1/2 their new account that it wouldn’t..real slick huh!

  2557. I’m so happy that I’ve join this family of lies with eyes with BIG $$ on them. They will just never give us any free improvements like they promised. And the best part is they make inprovements on LTP and sell it as another product and introduce it to the family, and what do you know? The improvement lost what? HALF of the account and now quietly shuts down the site. Bienvenue to this blood-sucking family!

  2558. They still have a way with “funny” numbers..Their 1331 (love that number lol) account is doin pretty good..2 losses in 61 trades post release..those funny numbers do work very well in normal markets. The reason I call them funny numbers is because Leo doesn’t use support and resistance..so, what do they use? What’s left..price action? lol hardly..the rest is time/price cycles..price has to be in a certain place by a certain time..hence the quote: “Never more than 3 weeks”. I think these guys stumbled onto a time/price sequence that works as long as price is relatively calm. The trick is to use their success by manual trading when price has moved against their trade by placing orders so many pips apart as price moves farther away or waiting until price hits major support or resistance..playing it their way is slow death..its just a matter of time till their 333 pip stop is hit..manual trading is the only way.

    Hap, you may have something there with those 13 day trades..problem is, they can’t work every time otherwise others would discover them, and they weren’t meant to be discovered. Just like the time/price sequence they may be using..what else would explain over 200 trades with only 2 losses..it sure n hell ain’t luck.

  2559. Norm, so do you mean trade ALONG? But wait till the price has go against it by many pips then only we place a trade along it, like if the trade is SELL, we’ll SELL as well?

  2560. I have received several messages: skiping signal more than 120 seconds old.
    Does that mean I have missed good trades?
    How can I fix that?
    Anybody’s help Thanks

  2561. There is the possibility that eur and gbp will gap down on sun. If they do, both of these new trades will close in profit..may be worth a shot. I’d be surprised if they move higher, but if the dollar weakens more…

    Did anyone notice the trades are each 50 cents a pip..woohoo!

  2562. Hi guys! I am not died, but had a BIG pain, since I was too greedy. EURUSD killed my account, BUT there were chances 2-3 times, when I was able to close all the trade, and get back my 14k invest AND 10k profit… BUT I was greedy, hope to go back to better position. NOPE. So I had my biggest margin call. 36K profit AND 14K investment is GONE. Tha was 2 weeks about. Needs time to digest…
    Now I am ready to come back. Put 0.5k into my account, and begin. A New Beginning… in Sanscrit: REVA! Like the EV we are distributing.

    Norm, King and all the others, I’ll be back on next week. Now we doing the Eastern. Happy Eastern to all of you!
    See you next week!
    Until, LEARN, LEARN and LEARN!!! 🙂
    and be optimistic! like me.

  2563. Good to see you back JTX, sorry for your lose.

    King good to see your back also.

    What the He@# is LTP doing? Before they would communicate with us here, since they dropped the price they forgot about us! Never the crap their trying sell now. I posted earlier what I sent them about the Forex Shuffle which this should be modified and stop pissing everybody off.

    Sorry just venting.

    Happy easter to all.

  2564. I’m going to try working on zoning my chart..I have no interest in LTP placing trades for me..if they go to T/P so be it..I could care less. I’ll wait for trades that move 50 pips away from their entry points..then I’ll place a portion of my trade at that point..if price moves 100 pips away I’ll place another portion on the trade..and so on..possibly placing more or less when the next zone is crossed..maybe less as price moves away and more as price moves toward entry, I’ll have to see how to work it best. Once price moves to -200 I may start removing trade amounts. I’ll also split my trades into 5 parts so that I can remove exactly the amount I think best..that means I’ll have to put 5 trades on or off as each zone point as its crossed…If you have an Idea let me know.

    P/s I’ll only be using the 1331 acc. pairs..the other pairs are crap.

  2565. If you’ve noticed in the past week you will see that support and resistance is totally useless..price on eur and gbp drove right thru all points of resistance with ease…if anyone tells you they make money using support and resistance don’t believe them until they prove it by posting several live trades that can be followed.. there are tons of lowlifes on these forms that will feed you a bunch of bullchit about how successful they are..don’t believe it..they ALL lie..especially forex traders, they are the worst..hey, its your money..they will try to con you out of it because they are failed traders and want a free ride on your back..if they weren’t they wouldn’t be hanging around these forums looking for easy marks. You have been warned.

  2566. Leo just put on a eur trade (short no less lol)its down over 80 pips ..a few hours after the fed meeting, as the dollar is dropping, which means eur will go higher..it did.

    Leo just put on a chf trade..guess what..the stupid robot goes long several hours after the fed meeting..you guessed it..chf’s droppin like a rock, down over 60 pips.

    If you people believe they have 7 neural nets makin trades, you gotta be kiddin.

    Oh, the jpy/chf pairs hit the stop 8 times, and I bet the 2 jpy trades that are down around 300 pips will hit the stop unless the dollar get strong all of a sudden…that will make the stop bein hit 10 times since this pairs release…nice huh

  2567. Hey Guys,

    Did any one of you get a email from the Leotrader guys with a promotion of a new robot, I’m taken, it is a new one that they have developed. It is supposed to do 300% a year…

    http://fxoriginal.com/ Ha, I wonder.


  2568. Hi Jon and others,

    I’m taken also. No trade so far. Have you see their account with the investor password?

  2569. No I have not taken the time yet to do so. What kind of results are they showing thus far? To be honest I just don’t have the time to check up on every ones results page. So I appreciate everyone in this forum that takes the time to do that and pass that information on. So with that said, thanks.

  2570. Glad I stopped trading ANY JPY pair 3 weeks ago or so, what a worthless pair, and it’s worthless even when a crisis isn’t going on and things are fine. The LTP JPY account has now lost money, and if the remaining JPY trade in DD hits the $121 SL/loss, then the little $197 account is pretty much gone after another $121 loss.

    But in all fairness to LTP with all it’s problems, THE JPY IS A WORTHLESS CURRENCY TO TRADE AGAINST, let me explain from my own data. It’s not just LTP. I have another EA that has done about 700 trades since Dec with just 8 losses, some with real money. The 700 trades was on 14 or so pairs. Well my problem is I was looking at the account as a whole, and not noticing detail.–Only 3 weeks ago I noticed all 8 losses in 700 trades, were ALL on ALL THE JPY PAIRS I was trading — USD/JPY EUR/GPY GBP/JPY. It not only does this in a crisis, but did it in Dec and Jan for no reason, on LTP and my other EA. And my other EA has a 500SL and it still gets hit by the JPY pairs, while all the other pair trades haven’t gone below 300. There’s too large a up/down movement for not predictable reason, in those JPY pairs, crisis or not. I’ve now seen LTP and another EA have problems with those pairs. If not for the blipping JPY pairs, my other EA would have had no losses in 700 trades.

  2571. Joe, A lot of people will have heard of this EA, and will laugh, there are so many bad claims on the net about it. I did not want to mention it for this reason, and because my main point was not the EA, but that THE JPY PAIRS HAVE BEEN LOSING ON MULTIPLE EAS EVEN WHEN A CRISIS DOES NOT HAPPEN.

    But regarding this ‘other’ EA and the bad reports, those people are not using it, or are using it the wrong way, or are using the ‘advanced’ version which I’ve tested extensively to find out that THE STANDARD is clearly better. I mentioned THE DIFFERENCES between the standard and advanced in my test results here–(http://www.forexpeacearmy.com/public/review/www.pips4idiots.com).

    The EA is Pips4Idiots.

    If you trade just one currency pair with it, and start on a bad week, you may not see a trade that whole week, and may condemn the product, like many do. I like how it knows when to trade, it’s traded 10 times in one day just for one currency, then not traded for over a week on that pair. The solution to that ‘down week’ is to trade many currencies at once, with small lots. This way you’ll ALWAYS have trades going 24 hours a day. And this EA will trade all major currencies.

    On the link I provided above, you’ll see some of those bad claims, but you will see a guy who’s account went from %5k to $17k in the last month or so. You will also see a test that Forex Peace Army did (http://www.forexpeacearmy.com/metatrader_expert_advisor/pips_4_idiots_advanced/demo). They had badmouthed the product too, for not trading one time since Dec. Then in late March they found they had a parameter setting set wrong. So starting April 1 they started getting trades. They have 11 trades in April, all winners. BUT KEEP IN MIND they are using JUST ONE PAIR (EUR/USD), and using the advanced version which trades about 1/2 the trades. I know, and because my standard version has done twice the trades on that same pair, this month.

    I was running 6 pairs with real money. But 3 of them were JPY pairs. So I did not make any money in Feb/March because it was the only time I had a loss, and happened to be the only time I used real money (just a $50 account). Again only my JPY pairs have lost since Dec. I started with a real $250 LTP account, and a real $50 p4i account, now I wish I’d used the p41 in the $250 account.

    I am looking to replace those 3 bad JPY pairs. So I’ve been running a total of 17 pairs since a week before Tuesday 6pm, on one demo account, to see which pairs are worthy of being put on the real money account. 3 of those 17 pairs are the 3 JPY pairs–(which I will not be putting on real money again unless they don’t have a loss for a LONG time). At 6pm this coming Tuesday, it will be 2 weeks. I already have 112 trades closed, all winners. 15 of the 17 pairs have made trades, I know the other 2 will eventually because those 2 have traded in the past.

    Also, this last Monday I set up a small account with p4i and just the EUR/USD and GBP/USD to compare it to the LTP basic account (wanted to know if p4i would do more trades than LTP even with the same 2 pairs, not 10 or so). Last I checked LTP had closed like 7 trades on those pairs this week, when Pips4idiots had closed 14. And P4I quit trading the EUR/USD after some wins–it stopped at the right time. After it stopped, LTP took that current EUR/USD trade which has been going for a while in the negative. I’ve switched my real money LTP account (EUR/USD GBP) to P4I, but will still monitor the LTP 1331 account. The account balance on my real account is $101, it was $90 Monday morning-(when I switched LTP off and to P4I). The account started with $250 with LTP, but these JPY losses on LTP took it down to $90.

  2572. And I still think LTP is good on the EUR/USD and GPB/USD, but stay away from the JPY account. However I just think my other EA is a little better even on the EUR/USD GBP/USD, as of this week anyway. It did about double the trades of the 1331 account this week, I’ll keep monitoring that to see if it continues. It should, because this ‘other’ EA has done great since Dec on those pairs, problem is the only time I used real money with it was when I also had JPY pairs on the same platform–which lost money for the account as a whole.

  2573. Does anyone here know why on earth the LTP crowd allows multiple of the trades on EURUSD and GBPUSD to come within 2 or 3 pips (I know the profit target is only 13 or 25 pips) from the profit target and no trailing stop (sometimes they do set trailing stops) and then on at least one occasion it turned around and went on to hit the S/L of 330 pips after about 2 weeks?!?!?!?!? and making zero other trades in that time? Why not take the small profit off the trailing stop if hit and free the thing up to trade another day? It hardly has more than 1 open position anyway. Or do they need time to “train” the EA and simultaneously have an “impeccable” record of almost no losses?

    I asked them about this and they answer like politicians, that is not answering the question at all.

  2574. Paul, Welcome to this “family”…Hope it’s not too late for you to realise what I mean…

  2575. Again, don’t trade any currency with “””JPY””” in it from ANY EA I’ve seen, not just LTP. Another big loss on it that I’m glad I wasn’t a part of.

  2576. Ed, sure, but as for everybody else, please help each other to find an alternative. Don’t be a fishmonger (sel-fish).:)
    Ghouse, what happened to your magic, man? still waiting to see it.

  2577. LOL George I can’t believe they let that post on that site, it must be automated. It says a -$93% in 6 months, and a -$232 on $252 USD. And look at the equity curve, it also shows the truth too as a result of a starting 250 balance that is now 17 dollars. But in all fairness to LTP like I’ve said, that JPY currency has been rough on every EA I know in 2011, including EAs that have done well on ‘other’ pairs.

  2578. William,

    “but as for everybody else, please help each other to find an alternative. Don’t be a fishmonger (sel-fish).:)”

    Wall streat bot?
    MBFX System?

  2579. Joe, are those really good? you guys are really trying most bot, huh?
    It just struck me, all seniors are gone…JTX, Norm, King, etc.
    What happened to CJ and Ghouse?
    tsk tsk tsk, all just left to find the holy grail and never say goodbyes.

  2580. Wall Streat Bot: From 29.04.2011: 29 trades, 7 loses. I am in profit.

    MBFX System: I have it 2 days. Very good.

    I’ll run LTP 2.0 through the demo accounts for 1-2 weeks, we’ll see how it behaves. JTX says hey guys, he’s taking a sabbatical for the time being from FX. But he’ll be back.
    Norm, King and all the others, I’ll be back on next week. Now we doing the Eastern. Happy Eastern to all of you!
    See you next week!
    Until, LEARN, LEARN and LEARN!!!
    and be optimistic! like me.

    Holy grail is in us.

  2581. Im around. I’ve just been really busy with other things. LTP has taken 1 large SL on my live account. I’m working some things out and will get back. Ive been fine tuning FAP Turbo on the live account also. Funny how everything behaves different on live accounts then they do on demos. Anyway good luck all.

  2582. That ”behaving different on a live account”’ is just the luck of the draw. Because I’ve been running identical demo accounts next to live accounts since Dec, they take the same trades/losses/wins. But that’s with my broker, it may be different with other brokers due to indicator differences on the demo platform vs real account, etc.

  2583. Hey Norm…Are you still here??
    How are you doing? Survival of the fittest?
    Have you ever found a trading robot any better than Leo?(record seems to be rather tarnished lately.)
    I can’t seem to come up with any trading method that doesn’t require a lot of counter trading and constant baby sitting….this includes those trade copier programs.
    Think we are on our own.. might as well make the best of it.
    Good trading…jim

  2584. I’m now trading manually. Guess when people say “the pros say manual trading is the best way” is really true…I’ve disabled LTP for a week already, and couldn’t be happier with that decision.

  2585. Well I guess I’ll post something since this has died form the love of LTP!

    I got sucked in to usd/jpy trades a month ago, hung with the trade and it finally closed today with a profit. Looking at LTP’s track record for the usd/jpy usd/chf, I got lucky. I won’t go near them again.

    The eur/usd gbp/usd has been very good lately, the nsystem is acually updating the stop loss. I was it did this before.

    I know everybody is checking this every now and then, I know I am.

    Just wondering if how everybody is making out.

  2586. I’m backkkkkkk..Howdy everyone. I’m watching the 1331 account
    (love that number lol) anyways, I did figure out how Leo trades..there’s no mystery neural net or flashing color bars..those are just gimmicks to get you to buy..trust me on this..they lied once again..anyways.
    Last week I was getting ready to gap trade on sunday night..as i was getting ready to place a trade..guess who placed one just as i was about to..yup LTP placed a gap trade with the take profit at the 50% level (safe level), so that instantly told me how Leo trades..I’ll wait and see if any of you can figure it out..Leo waits for the perfect setup.. i had the right idea, but leo’s gap trade tipped me off totally. Its an ok method, but the stop will be hit every once in a while..the key is in manual trading…Leo’s post release record isn’t very good..approx 1 loss every 25 wins..@ $10 avg = $250 or an $80 loss..even if you remove one of the losses, that makes it 1-33 x $10 = $330 or dead even. If we could remove 2 of the 4 losses we would start showing a profit, but thats 1 loss in 50 x $10 = $170 in profit over 50 trades at 50 cents a trade…Not a good return, so manual trading is necessary. I’ll express my thoughts in my next post if any interest is shown (I don’t mean 1 or 2 guys) happy trading.

  2587. Sounds good Norm and good to see you are back.

    Sorry for last post, I can’t type or spell!!!!

    I’m using interbank, so I can’t hedge but I have been taking the trades once it starts going back in the right diection.

    I have noticed LTP has been modifing the stop losses (AKA the new and improved system they tried to sell).

    Started with a $200 in my acct and at $225 now, not great but not at a loss. You are correct about hitting the stoploss. I lost $15 on 2 trades that way, I know better now.

    The big issue I see is the small gain for the huge SL, If you figure out a better system Norm I’m all in.

    Good to hear from you, CraigM

  2588. Ok, I’m just fooling around with the account numbers..they are fascinating

    1331 is 666 x 2 minus 1

    2729 is 666 x 4 + 66 minus 1

    Ya gotta admit, those account numbers are a lil strange.

    I bet the system time cycle has to do with certain numbers..the price cycle uses gaps and back fills.
    They claim the time cycle is NEVER more than 3 weeks..interesting.

    If you look at the SP500 50 day moving average (daily chart) you will see its sitting right on 1331..has been for days. Remember, the sp500 bottomed out at exactly 666 2 years ago..had you bought then you would have made a fortune.

  2589. SUBJECT: some currency pairs are crap with any EA, so don’t blame the EA.

    I have just put all 31 currency pairs that are available from IBFX, on a demo with another EA. After one month, a few unexpected pairs are doing well enough I’ve moved them over to real money accounts. The EUR/CAD had the most trades in one month, 39, all winners. So I’ve moved the EUR/CAD AUD/USD AUD/CAD over to real money. And I’m still running the EUR/USD GBP/USD EUR/GBP that I started with months ago. There are a few others that are looking like they might do well, the NZD/USD is one, and maybe even the USD/MXN.

    Currency pairs that haven’t done well, are pretty much anything with JPY or CHF in it. Those pairs have destroyed the reputation of any EA I’m aware of, in which a user trades just those pairs on an EA. They haven’t been doing well on any EA I’ve seen (so don’t blame your EA if you trade JPY or CHF). Since December I’ve had like 15 losses (500 pips on each loss), and 13 of them were pairs with CHF or JPY in them. Those pairs should probably be traded manually, and not with an EA.

  2590. risk is not a function of the market, it is a function of the trader.

    risk is controlled by position size and strategy, and position size and strategy is controlled by trader. to call any market risky or unrisky is naive.

    Relax and be happy
    Quote 2006

    It so quiet at this thread,@ Pontiac Dave,how its going with your manual trade,any luck? For me i give my last shot with WallStreet Robot + MBFX indicator and if everything goes well i will stay in the forex radar and if not,i’m done wit forex.So good trading week ahead.

    @ Norm,nice to hear ya voip.



  2591. Hi Guys! 1331 could be an amazing robot. It allows you to know eventual DIRECTION…4 losing trades in over 120 (I don’t count pre release) thats 119 wins and 4 losses..ok, so you can say, but the losses were humongus..while thats true imagine if you entered all the trades once they past the 50 pip loss point..using a mini,at $1 a point at say 20 trades (were probably more) thats 60 pips average = $1200 profit..if all 4 losses occurred in those 20 (not likely) you’d be out a lil over $100..thats not bad..if you had no losses you’d have $1200 profit…at 2 mini’s, profit would be $2400. I’m pretty sure this robot uses a trading method that others don’t know about..there is a possibility it could go without losses for a long time as long as markets aren’t spooked like jpy was..those were some incredible moves it went thru and Leo was trying to catch a falling knife at times..hopefully eur and gbp won’t do that. If you go back to last august and count those trades that 1331 has made its over 300 and 3 of the 4 losses were only by a few pips..so imagine trading a bot that has gone almost 1 yr with only 1 big loss in over 300 trades! So don’t give up on 1331 just yet..just hope that the market doesn’t get Squirrelie…keep your trade size smart..don’t get greedy and if major support and resistance is broken, bail out for a while, you can always get back in…remember. Leo knows where the trade MUST go in a normal market..if the market gets hairy, bail out and wait till the market heads in Leo’s direction. GL

  2592. Definitely don’t hold JPY against 1331 or ANY EA, JPY is losing money on any EA I’ve seen, not just against USD, but against GBP, EUR, etc. It is looking like this 1331 is the real deal. Also on one of my demos with another EA, the CHF is also a hunk of crap, even with a 500 SL it has lost in every pair it’s traded against –> USD, GBP, EUR, AUD. Even though the EA has no losses for other pairs, other than JPY. CHF and JPY suck!

    @Mr.GTO I haven’t traded manually yet for a couple of reasons. One being, my JPY trades that were started automatically — were heading off a cliff, dropping 100s of pips. Because I live in the USA where the Gov hates working people and loves thugs, I’m not allowed to hedge. So all I could do is watch, and was afraid to close it. But if I was to trade manually, I would use an EA (this or any) as an indicator on a demo. When it starts a trade that then falls 100s of pips (like after the quake, or Egypt, etc) then I’d do a manual trade on another account (so it’s not hedging) with real money going the opposite way.

  2593. Hey Norm…Nice to hear your comments….think you are right ….Agree with your assessment and strategy …also got burned with JPY…CHF.. sticking to EUR and GBP…slow at times but a little safer….jim

  2594. Do you believe this piece of crap bot was 200 pips away from tp AGAIN!!! damnnnnnnnnnn

    Yea it may go back to tp but it’ll kill ya before it gets there…you go in at -200 pips and it goes -300 pips..you go in at -300 pips and it hits the stop by 10 pips then drops like a rock to take profit while you slept. lmaooo

  2595. @Pontiac Dave,

    I really agree with you on JPY and CHF, this pair is really in trouble,keep losing all the way,i try backtesting USDCHF and USDCHF for a period of a year and 6 month, and the results is terrible,so i will avoid this pairs,and others pair that related to CHF and JPY.Thanks for the tips,Pontiac ; )

    Norm,that why i stop using LTP, because on a period like this that kill my live account so do JTX and so do King.I treat it as an indicator rather than EA.The D.D can kill any account especially when you place order every 10-20 pips away…just my thought.


    Green green grass of home

  2596. Ok Guys, once again, Leo was about 80 pips away from T/P did any of you notice that Leo hasn’t had ONE runner since dec 20 release date..do you believe it..6 friggin months over 100 trades? Every time this bot moves toward T/P the damn stop is hit for a $3 profit..its almost like clockwork, once price starts to move into profit the stop is hit, and thats dozens of times, not just a few..this damn bot has more failings than is humanly possible..must be the incredible neural net..the reason the stop get hits so many times is because LTP could care less about maximum profit..all they care about is a win, even if its only pennies..they get to feed the public about how wonderful they are and they know the public (us) is too dumb to notice all the $3 wins. Course, they won’t show anyone their failed 2729 account that crashed and burned and took hundreds of thousands with it..goes to show ya that 1331 isn’t immune to destruction..thats why you can’t get carried away with “investing” too much per trade. Oh, the runner on this gbp trade would have been really good had the stop not been hit because no breathing room was given it..must be the brilliance of the “neural net” yea right.

  2597. Well. Leo offered several successful trades this past week with no losers..hope some of you made some manual trades..if you did you’re a happy camper…the trick is, is not to trade on your own, you will get killed I promise you..support and resistance trading doesn’t work unless you have great discipline and you wait for the perfect trade..which most of you can’t wait..you will lose..I promise. Your best bet is just to wait for leo to place a trade..you can make good money manual trading if you don’t get greedy.

  2598. Hi Norm…did ok ,,,this week and for the last month with Leo + manual…think we are on the same page with this strategy….jim

  2599. Yea Jim, you got it..here we go again monday morning and Leo is 80 pips in the hole..way to go Leo. I just placed a trade on gbp..looking for a move above 1.6000 but took one just below for fun..will put on more if price goes higher..there’s no support for gbp..check weekly and monthly charts you’ll see what I mean. REMEMBER DO NOT GET GREEDY..greed will destroy your account, I guarantee it. ALSO DO NOT TRADE ON YOUR OWN, YOU WILL GET KILLED, I PROMISE YOU. JUST MANUAL TRADE WITH lEO..HE MAY GET LUCKY AND HIT 100 TRADES IN A ROW..he’s done it before..as long as the markets dont get squirrlie on us. be smart, once again, DO NOT MANUAL TRADE ON YOUR OWN only manual trade with Leo, he knows where price is going. GL

  2600. Hey Norm…Is your Leo program working properly?..I’m stuck in connecting to the server….attempt 1..also no charts on 1331 account…what gives?…take care..jim

  2601. Jim,

    I have the same issue, I have it on my home desk top and it keeps crashing it and I have it on my laptop and it doesn’t make it crash but not connected all the way. Desk top uses windows 7 and laptop vista.

    Any ideas? LTP support doesn’t care about us anymore, so I haven’t tried them yet.

    Norm, Yes I did very well last week off from LTP manually. Even though I was out of town and could only check once a day.

    Craig M

  2602. Hi Craig…Looks like we are back in business…Thought it was my set-up…guess leo was having a bad hair day…Take care..jim

  2603. It was my IBFX platform, had to update. Now I have different issues, unbelievable. Now everything is still initializing

  2604. Hey Craig…from support,,,Please try to establish the connection now. We were hit with a kind of “denial of service” attack today but the server is back online now.

    Still not perfect on my platform either…jim

  2605. Isn’t it amazing how often Leo’s trades go in the opposite direction? The gbp trade was negative over 100 pips. lol Great for manual trading, but sucks if u dont whew! Its like there’s a magnet at take profit and every time leo tries to hit it, he gets repelled away like a shot..never seen anything like it..once it get repelled half way to the moon it can now approach t/p lol BUT price will stall and hit the trailing stocp just like clockwork..once the stop is hit, price will continue to run hundreds of pips. lmaooo too funny…not one runner in 7 months,,now plz tell me how thats possible..I told ya they’re usin funny numbers lol


  2607. You may want to ask your broker why we can’t move the price of a trade up or down and just pay the difference with no additional commissions..the damn banksters can run the price all over the place..anyone?

  2608. Jim,

    I did everything, basically started over. Uninstalled everything, LTP, MT4 and Norton that I get with a comcast deal ( I know JTX told me to get VPS, but can’t afford right now).
    So far everything is good, after it picked up LTP it even put in the trade on GBP/USD at a profit. I hit a button wrong on that one.


    You are so correct with this LTP in the down draw. I have mine set at .02 for LTP. I wait until it goes down and 20-30 PIPS on the way back. If we could hedge in the US I’d have a bigger balance.

    Taking 20-30 PIPS may acct is up $50 in 4 months with $200 starting. Little steps and it will get there.

  2609. Hope you guys did OK on the GBP trade …Wow we are back at entry point…what a ride!!!Stay Cool…jim

  2610. Leo made 2.90 on the gbp trade..BUT 1 mini could have made around 80 bucks at $1 a pip..price missed the tp by less than 2 pips..once again, price was repelled away from tp. I do highly suggest if you’re manual trading do not get greedy..set your tp lower by a few pips than Leo’s..I’ve seen Leo’s tp missed time after time by a pip or two. For some reason I didn’t get the last eur trade that finfx is showin..not that I care much, it was only $10 at $1 a pip..that tp was repelled also, unless it was only a 10 pip tp..most are 15 to 25.

  2611. I had 4 trades on the gdb trade and all were when it was in the DD. I had all the tp at the entry of ltp’s trade, that way I wouldn’t miss it if ltp modified the sl like it did.

    I missed 2 eur trades because of windows updates, that is fixed now.

    The cheap version of norton I have keeps blocking ltp from me. Working on that, hopefully I got it this time.

    It has been good to watch ltp finally adjusting the sl, which it should before that way it would have saved the HUGE loses it has had. Only problem when it adjust for me is that my acct with ibfx has no comm so the price is offset and it turned into a loss for me, at least it was only 8 cents.

  2612. As you can see, today’s trade eur (wednesday) the instant the trade was placed, it went negative over 100 pips in 15 minutes lol..how’s that for bad timing…at least the gbp trade that was also places closed pretty quickly. The eur trade is your chance to make some good money..just don’t get greedy. GL

  2613. Good Luck Norm..If we only had insight to the future…guess that wouldn’t be much of a challenge though..
    My program didn’t take the GBP trade or the EUR trade..( but i’m in EUR manually ) ..things must have been moving too fast..Take care…jim

  2614. Yes I am also Jim, here is what LTP replied.

    “We implemented new security enchantments to our servers, so receipt codes can be not recognized. We’ll release soon a new version of the software, which will fix this problem.”

    Only thing is I don’t get is the trade, I’ve manually entered then.

    Which works out because they always go in the negative, but the quick ones I miss.

  2615. Hi Craig..Thanks for the info…wonder how long soon is..LOL.
    did very well on the EUR short but what a ride…gotta know when to hold’em and when to fold’em…too bad my x-ray vision won’t work….jim

  2616. So far, I’ve missed 12 straight winners since June 29 (when LTP stopped recognizing my receipt code. Haven’t yet gotten any help from the support team, and no word as to when my LTP will be recognized again. What really “teed” me off, was when I got an email from the support team recommending some other great new robot!!

  2617. Yea,
    And I told support to quit wasting our time with crap ea’s and to make LTP a better EA then it is at the moment…

  2618. I can’t believe this incredible neural net went short gbp knowin that the euro had to fill a gap 200 pips higher, and that the euro would pull gbp up with it..actually gbp pulled the euro up higher at times…ok, now we’re sittin over 200 pips from gbp’s target..not a bad place to be..be very glad the receipt codes aren’t workin..dunno bout u folks but i’m in short gbp up here..may go a lil higher but who knows. GL

  2619. Quote:

    Is leotrader working for anybody?

    No it is not for everyone,but Leo Trader Pro really give us here an education of how neural net work.


    Working on Merlin Scalper


  2620. Hi GTO, no I mean i keep getting a receipt code not found error. Is everybody still getting the error of just me.

  2621. I’m still getting it, too. Must be everybody. Still waiting for the new software. Maybe “soon” will come soon!

  2622. I email LTP support seems like everytime I miss a trade. And keep getting the same answer (hoping for something different).

    “Our technical department is currently working on a solution of this problem, please wait until we’ll release a new update.”

    I know I bought this because I’m new to this and it would trade when I can’t be at my computer 24/6. It is kind of pissing me off because it has been on a roll lately.

  2623. I would say that someone hacked their receipt codes (they are rather easy), a simple password generator can figure these out..they have to come up with a way to change everyone’s receipt codes..could take awhile. Maybe use a trade copier off their live account if you want all of Leo’s trades.

    The trade that’s ongoing now is a good trading opportunity..watch for imbalances between eur and gbp (one going the opposite way for a while or one moving and the other isn’t)..I’ll be switching between the two since we know that gbp has to drop to the tp..in any case, be sure to have a sell trade on gbp at all times to take advantage of the coming drop. GL

  2624. Norm,

    How do you get a trade copier? Is it manual or something you can install?

    I’ve been manually trading (doing pretty good with it also) just would like to get the quick ones while I’m away from my computer.

  2625. Hi everyone,

    I stumble upon a website that is really inspiring,especially their free tools for manual trading, i think you will like it CraigM,

    here the link to the website :


    their free tools i like very much are : 1. Spread EA
    2. Trailing Stop EA

    it’s free and easy to install.

    hope this will help.


  2626. Thank you GTO (great car by the way).

    As you know there’s a ton junk out there and being new it can get confusing. Especially when you buy LTP then they push more junk at you.

    Thank you for your help everyone, CraigM

  2627. Hi Craigm, I haven’t used any trade copiers..GTO’s looks good..has a free trial..when that runs out look around for a free one. GL

  2628. Norm, I’ve been hung up like everyone else by the code recognition problem with LTP. I like your suggestions about manual trading with Leo, and look forward to trying it next week. If and when the new version is released, will you continue manual trading along with Leo, or will you depend solely on the “replicator”?

  2629. You’re welcome Norm & CraigM ; )

    Hi everyone,

    I stumble upon a website that is really inspiring,especially their free tools for manual trading, i think you will like it CraigM,

    here the link to the website :


    their free tools i like very much are : 1. Spread EA
    2. Trailing Stop EA

    it’s free and easy to install.

    hope this will help.


    Ignore this post : ( wrong link about Spread and Trailing Stop EA, i create another link for this free tools,


    http://www.easy-share.com/1916726144/Spread Monitor.rar
    http://www.easy-share.com/1916726145/Trailing Stop.rar

    How to downloads :
    scroll down to ‘regular download’ and wait for a few seconds,than download, i don’t know whether this link can expired or not.

    Description :

    MonitorScreen is an EA for screenshot your open position and using Tools in the MT4 platform in the option tab you can configure it to send alert to your email or your phone whenever your Leo or Signal Service or other robot trigger an open position.

    Installation :
    Install it in experts Folder via MT4,after installation restart MT4 and attach it to new unuse chart.Will post later on how to make it send signals to email and phone using free stuff ; )

    Spread :

    SpreadMQ4 is an indicator for monitoring your broker spread.

    Installation :
    Install it in experts/indicators folder via MT4 and after installation just drag it to any charts including the chart that have EA in it.It will not hurt your EA because SpreadMQ4 is only an indicator.


    Trailing Stop :

    Installation :

    Install it in experts folder via MT4 and attach it on unuse chart. This EA is for trailing stop your open trade and it has parameter to trail your profit taken,but becareful it can trail stop all your open position including the one that trigger by Leo or other robot.Correct me if i’m wrong.It can trail stop as low as 5 pips or lower.Its free ; )

    Happy trading.


  2630. Hey,
    how are you guys trading off of LeoTraders Signals, I am not getting any. The reason being, the charts that are on their platform are in “waiting for update” mode and no matter what I try I cannot get a new chart to open, all I get is a blank with that “waiting for update” text. I asked support about it and all they told me is that “I can only the trades” wirt the investor password. Duh.. How do you view the trades if you can’t see the charts. Is any body else not able to bring up charts on their FinFX MT4 platform? In fact the EUR/USD is not even on the list of available charts. ???

  2631. Quote Admin rule:

    Posting rules:

    Only constructive criticism is allowed – no hate comments
    Be respectful to other posters
    Don’t post your contact details – they will be edited out or post removed. If you wish to be contacted by others use the “URI” field
    No self promotion or affiliate links are allowed (with the exception of the URI field if it’s not referenced in the post)

    My last post doesn’t break any of the above post.why you removed it?

    Mr.GTO : (


  2632. Hi GTO, Your posts with links are still visible..try deleting your link to this page, see it that helps.

  2633. I just logged onto my LTP chart, and is showed “connected”! Could it be that they have corrected the problem without releasing a new version? I guess I’ll know as soon as 1331 makes a trade.

  2634. Hi William

    I want to trade using LTP? Are there people with positive results. I’ve tried to login into there account but it doesn’t work?

  2635. Li—Since May 1, my

    Li, since May 1, my LTP account has increased $317, using 1.0 mini lot size. As you probably know, LTP was inoperable more than two weeks during that period, due to a code recognition problem, which hopefully has been solved now. The Leo Trader Pro website should show you how to access their live account no.1331


  2636. William is your LTP working still? Still waiting for the update here.

    Li, I started live trading in March with $200 acct. My acct is at $305 as of today. only had a few losses because of my manuel trading and inexpiercence. Lately I’ve trading with LTP when it is in the DD and make more than LTP by itself.

    Good luck

  2637. Craig–as far as I know, my LTP is still “live”. No trades yesterday, but that’s not unusual. I’m new to this, also. What does the term “DD” refer to? Thanks

  2638. William,

    My LTP started working the other day, I just noticed that it made a eur/usd trade without me finally.

    DD means down draw, when a trade is made and it goes the wrong way. When LTP was not working I would check and would place trades and make more plus the trade LTP made.

    As Norm would say “when LTP makes a trade it goes at least 200 pips the wrong way”. That’s when I make more trades at 50 pips at a time. I learned that from Norm! Thanks

    I am no pro at this, just started last fall and it has been a big learning curve. Thank god for demo accts!!!!

    I’ve been live for the past 4 months and placed some trades that had me in the negative but now just trading off from LTP does. If it gets too close to the SL I turn off the EA and adjust it.

    Sorry for going on, hope this helps.

  2639. Craig—thanks for the response. Sounds like we’ve gone down the same road with our trading. I’ve had LTP since Jan., and most of my losers have been ones I made manually. When you say you turn off Leo if it gets too close to Stop Loss so you can readjust, do you mean that you manually close the trade, or just change the SL? I believe it was Norm that said repeatedly, “don’t get greedy!”, and I think another “Must” that is just as important when using LTP, is patience.—-Just my opinion.

  2640. I turn off the EA and leave it of until the trade is done. If try to adjust the SL with it on it will reset itself.

    It is not greedy it saves you from a huge lose, gives your trade more breathing room.

  2641. Craig, I think I understand now. Thanks. Incidentally, my “don’t get greedy” comment wasn’t referring to your method of avoiding a big loss. It was just an after-thought concerning Norm’s general advice about using LTP, plus my own opinion about the importance of having patience with Leo. Sorry about any confusion.

  2642. Well into the second day without a trade, but my LTP chart still shows “connected”, so I’m assuming that Leo just hasn’t found a suitable entry point. I guess only time will tell!

  2643. Ok Guys, Here’s your chance to make some money..Leo is about 200 pips from TP. If you place a 1 mini trade ($1 per pip) you stand to make about $200..your risk is only $130 or so to the stop..Leo has 75 winning trades in a row since its last loss. If you’re in the US you will need about $320 in margin to place a trade on gbp..plus you will need at least $130 of free margin, for a total of $450..if the stop is hit you will still have $320 left in your account for another day..not a bad risk/reward ratio.

    One warning..DO NOT TRADE ON YOUR OWN..you will lose your butt I guarantee it..100% of novice traders lose their money..only trade with Leo…In the scenario above you are risking a high percentage of your account..I dont recommend it unless price is +200 pips away..this way you’ll still have 2/3rd’s of your account left if the stop is hit. Once again, DO NOT TRADE ON YOUR OWN and DO NOT GET GREEDY..you will lose your butt..trading is pure gambling..just like Vegas..you have no shot, the house (currency market) has an unbeatable advantage. GL

  2644. What happened to Leo’s GBP/USD sell trade from a few days back? It seems to have disappeared from their acct. #1331’s open trades. The last I saw, it was down about $188. Am I wrong? Anybody else notice this?

  2645. Hi guys

    I just want to clear something, from what I’ve reading so far, does this mean that you have to guard Leo with your life everyday?. I like this live discussions going on on this BLOG.



  2646. Well, leo has placed a buy trade on gbp, so I closed my gbp trade only for the moment with the hopes that this new trade hits TP. I will reinstitute the original sell trade..I still believe price will return to the original sell point. Its a shame the markets are so volatile..looks like a 330 pip stop may be a little tight..if you look at those 330 pips on a chart they look like a small area to trade between..most times the trades work..once in a while the boundaries get hit..oh well, nothings perfect. I still think gbp and eur are way overbought.

  2647. Hi, Li, with respect to “guarding LTP”, if you are using it to trigger manual trades, you had best check pretty regularly, or you will miss some trades (I missed one today). I have noticed that Leo seems to trade mostly in the afternoon (but not always), so I tend to watch it more closely during those hours. I have two live accts. I let Leo trade for me on one, and “piggyback” his trades on the other, using Norm’s method of waiting for the trade to move significantly into DD territory, in the hope of increasing profit if the Leo trade then hits its original profit target. I guess you can do the same thing with a single account, so it’s just a matter of personal choice. One advantage in having two accounts is the ability to hedge, if you wish to do so. Just be sure you keep enough free margin in both accounts to avoid being closed out.

  2648. Li,as I understand it,hedging means you can have both buy and sell orders on the same pair at the same time. I don’t know what the advantages are, and I have never used it, but that’s my limited understanding of it. Others can explain it better, I’m sure.

  2649. Hi all, been away for a while. I can no longer seem to connect to the LTP demo account to see how it’s doing. Anyone know why? My other accounts on FinFX are connecting fine. Just wondered if something had changed.

    Many thanks

  2650. Leo has failed to “replicate” its last three trades on my LTP account, and now I’m unable to bring up the statement of their live account #1331. I have emailed support to find out what’s going on, but no reply, so far. Is anyone else having this problem, or can anyone shed any light on what’s happening?

  2651. The last 2 trades where Leo had a draw down over 200 points have been very profitable..especially if you caught the swings.

  2652. Quote Norm :The last 2 trades where Leo had a draw down over 200 points have been very profitable..especially if you caught the swings.

    How did you do that? Can you explain in details Sir Norm ; )



  2653. Yes Norm LTP is alive and well. I got caught a while back on a GBP/USD trade but made it all up in a week.

    William, I also have missed a couple of trades. The good thing is that most of them I would have lost because it modifies the SL to where I would loose. Finally it does this but not when comes to a big loss only on small loses!

    If I catch the trade and it is going the wrong way I place my trades to where LTP opened theirs and let it ride. You do get hit with swap fees but the profits take care of it.


  2654. Craig, could you please shed some light on your last statement about catching LTP’s trade going the wrong way, placing your trade and letting it run? My broker doesn’t allow hedging. Is that what you are doing?

  2655. GTO, Simple, just wait till one of Leo’s trades are negative 200 pips..place a trade and enjoy..you don’t even need the robot..most times Leo trades do go negative..thats the cool part..if you place a trade, say one standard lot at the minus 200 pip point and the trade ends up at the original sell line (most do) you’ve made yourself $2000 bucks 😉

    Even if it were a 50-50 chance that the stop would be hit, you still come out $700 ahead average..if you make one of those trades a month, you earn $8400 over the course of a year at a 50-50 win/loss ratio using one standard lot..not bad.

  2656. The problem with the above scenario is of course a losing streak..at 50-50 you could lose 12 times in a row lol

    If one of Leo’s trades goes minus 200 pips, I doubt that 100 neural nets could predict the outcome if price is that far removed..so far, the majority of trades that have been minus 200 pips have returned to the original sell point..thats not bad..but it still could be within a 50-50 scenario. at a 70-30 win ratio you could make a killing..your longest losing streak would only be about 6-7. Win ratio would be about 18 in a row. The question is..whats Leo’s win ratio over time once a trade reaches -200 pips…if it remained at 90% (1 loss in 10) you’d be rich in a year..thats 1 stop loss hit in an entire yr.(give or take), more likely 1 hit every 4 months or 3 a yr…do the math.

  2657. Norm—I have reviewed all of Leo’s trades for the period 8/1/2010 through 7/31/2011. I found only 11 trades that went as far as 200 pips in DD territory, and 5 of those went on to hit the 330 pip stop loss. Just thought this might be of some interest to you.

  2658. Thanks Bill, the scary part is, all 5 losses occurred AFTER release, in the last 6 mo’s…so I think this account was cherry picked.
    Their other account went up in flames inside of 3 months..the one many of us paid for and has never been replaced..so we got screwed on that one also..never mind their promise to take care of their charter members..that was another load of crap so we wouldn’t refund..then the more than 50% price cut and the promise to have the best support like one happy family, not to mention the incredible amount of problems on release for several months..I guess thats one reason they don’t post on this board any more..too embarrassed..sorry for the rant, but they try to make themselves look respectable.

  2659. Norm, I share your frustrations with Leo, especially disappointed in the unresponsiveness of the support team. That said, though, I’m still impressed with their 95%-plus winning percentage. Of course, their trading method is unconventional, what with the wide stop loss settings and the relatively small profit average, but I’m reminded of the old saying that “you can’t go broke making a profit”.(Net profit, that is). I have been fairly successful in increasing my profits by using a modification of your idea. As you pointed out, most of Leo’s trades go into DD territory before turning profitable. I enter one or two manual trades 10-20 pips into DD territory and take advantage of Leo’s 95% winning percentage to get me back into a profit. I use Leo’s profit target for my manual trades, but monitor them closely in order to match any changes he makes in his stop loss settings, which he uses to salvage even a small profit. Over 50% of his profitable trades do hit his original profit target. My account is just a mini, but it’s up more than 50% in the past 10 weeks. I would be interested in any thoughts or suggestions you might have about my approach. Thanks.

  2660. Bill, do you have the account figures on a spread sheet? Be interesting to see how Leo fared down 50 – 100 – 150 pips.
    If you have a mini account I’d say the best way to manual trade it is buy placing say 1/5th on your maximum trade at -20 pips, another 1/5th -40 pips, 1/5th -60 pips and so on…problem is, you’d have to be at the computer all the time unless u were notified by cell phone or a robot placing trades.
    Those 5 losses were after the release and the total trades to date are 208, thats 1 loss every 41 trades…you’d have to average about $8 profit per trade to break even,,the majority of trades are 25 pips, thats $25 at $1 a pip..so we need $16 per trade to double our money with 1 loss every 41 trades…Leo may be able to double the winning trades depending on how wild the markets get..those 5 losses turned very close to the 330 stop..if you use 400 pip stop I think only 1 or 2 hit 400 pips..I prefer a 400 pip stop.. 330 may be a hair too tight.

  2661. Also, it depends on how fast those trades hit the stop..remember, Leo says trades will NEVER extend past 3 weeks..whatever that means.
    I’m down to trying to figure why Leo places trades where it does..It appears that it has to wait till an exact moment and price in time are reached..Support once said that traders are here for a reason..that reason being that traders are all losers..I tend to agree, only traders with the ability to wait days for the perfect setup have any chance of winning..Oh, and forget support and resistance trading (very short term) unless u have the perfect setup…most can’t spot it. Leo doesn’t use support and resistance, what does that tell ya..don’t be a fool and think you can read a chart..it takes years to find the perfect trades..think you can sit on your hands? I doubt it, so stick with Leo, if you can’t make it with Him then get out of the market or lose all your money over and over, guaranteed.

  2662. Its totally amazing, Leo is down over 100 pips in 5 hours once again! (speaking of the trade it placed fri.). Once again without fail, the trade was repelled away from Tp..its uncanny..you’d think price would hit Tp on average 50% of the time..I think its more like 20% I could be wrong, but it seems price is repelled away from Tp..now its down over 100 pips, a good opportunity maybe..entering here can save 100 of the 330 pip stop..I do think price will drop lower to 1.64267 area, thats a total of 140 pips with a possible drop to the round number of 1.64000..if 1.64000 is touched I’d expect the market makers to break it by at least 12 pips to take out all the stops…But anyways..isn’t it amazing how the majority of entry points
    price is repelled, and repelled by a wide margin..its amazing..this trade could end up with a $2 profit with out manual trading lol Oh, also, have you noticed when Leo moves past the entry point and toward Tp it get 1/2 to 3/4th the way to Tp then retreats and hits the stop..that’s why Leo has never had one good runner in over 200 trades!!! lets see ya explain that? One other thing..I recommend you don’t get greedy and try to capture every last pip on the way to Tp..I’ve seen price reverse a pip or two under it and take days to get back to it while Leo is on to several other trades..not a fun experience..so don’t get greedy..if you are manual trading, be glad price has moved past the entry point..I suggest you close the trade if price gets close to Tp and starts to back up..DON’T GET GREEDY..you won’t like the outcome.

  2663. If you wait and only enter trades that are down by 70 pips from Tp (45 pips on 25 pip trades) you could extend the stop to 400 pips and may only have 3 hits a yr…lets say, out of 40 trades a mo. you have 10 (1 in 4) that you can enter, thats 120 trades a yr…lets say average trade $60 profit..$60 x 117 trades, thats about $7000 a yr. profit, minus 3 hits of 330 pips = say $1000, that leaves $6000 profit per yr. at $1 a pip (lemmie know if u see a mistake)… now your profit increases $6000 for every $1 per pip increase…$5 a pip per trade = $30,000 per yr. net profit…with a 97% win ratio you can risk more of your account on each trade, requiring less of a starting investment (I’ll leave that for someone else to figure out) …$5 per pip gives an interesting return…now the question is, is 3 losses per yr at 400 pips too low? thats 1 loss every 40 trades (remember, thats with a 400 pip stop). anyone? I realize this is a ghost board, but there are 2-3 guys still left..thats ok, we don’t want this holy grail to get out lol

  2664. Hey Norm..Forex and chart reading is somewhat like predicting your winning numbers to win the lottery..most times chance is the only winner.
    I have watched and played with the markets for years..The Markets don’t respond to reason …but( great to be on the side of a winning trend.)
    Must remember news is skewed and leads the market to react the way the back ground players choose.
    Always enjoy your comments on Leo strategy..jim

  2665. Norm, Thanks for your in-dept comments on Leo. I believe they will be most helpful to me. I don’t have the account figures on a spread sheet, but as to your comment about using a 400 stop, I looked at the last 5 losers and 4 of them would have hit a 400 stop. I also tried to detemine the average profit per trade for those trades made between the release date and July 31,2011. Leo’s summary for the whole first 12 months shows avg. profit per trade of approx. $11, but between the release date and 7/31/11, I think it has been less than half of that (somewhere between $4 and $5). It’s hard to get an exact reading from the chart that accompanies the 1331 statement. That’s a long way from the $8 per trade needed to break even, so I’m not too confident in my analysis. I definitely don’t have your analytical skills, so keep that in mind when considering my comments. I did determine that. overall, Leo does hit his original profit target more than 50% of the time. Are you doing only manual trading, using Leo as a guide, or do you also let Leo trade for you? I’m doing both, and plan to continue experimenting along the lines that you have suggested. Thanks again for your help. Bill

  2666. Hey Jim, Did you notice gbp was down over 100 pips from tp..typical move by Leo, incredible.

    And eur’s new trade missed closing by 3 ten’s of a pip lol see, ya hafta close the position a couple of pips lower..its amazing how price reverses at Leo’s tp.

  2667. Norm..That was an interesting ride..notice the spread widened and everything didn’t move much in the early evening. I thought Meta Trader had froze,did a restart ..guess it was market players games.
    Funny part was the EURUSD was moving lower wanted to add more on a pull back but GBP stalled and wouldn’t play fair.
    Leo did OK.. interesting results always entertaining..jim

  2668. I don’t get it..Leo missed a 100 pip runup in the eur trade..anyone notice, Leo hasn’t had 1 good runner since release! Whats with that? Neural net havin a mental hernia? Sheesh, I’d be pissed if I were’t manual trading..even then I got out way too early grrrrrr..lets hope Leo don’t hit the stop for a while..if news is extremely negative on the euro I’ll bail out and not wait for the stop to be hit..I made that mistake on the jpy/chf pairs..big mistake with that crap…if you hear bad or good news (everyone rushing into euro) I’d recommend taking a fast loss and rem ain on the sideline till the smoke clears..I think that type of news either neg. or pos. could push Leo towards the stop…I doubt average news will do it.

  2669. You guys see the gbp trade..first attempt missed by 3 tens of a pip..second try just nailed tp then dropped. uncanny

  2670. Remember this quote from the LTP website:


    “ALL FX robots in today’s marketplace are 100% rule based robots.

    If you have some experience trading FX then you know how much this goes against logic and sense!

    And by the way… have you ever wondered why it’s the MANUAL traders who are the ones making the REAL money?

    Because they have a brain! They have the capability for analysis …they THINK! They ADAPT”…


    If you are new to the forex market and you try trading using charts or try to become a “chartist” you will lose all or most of your money..I challenge any new trader to prove me wrong..you will waste an incredible amount of time watching charts..time that could be spent with your wife and kids..DON’T STUDY CHARTS..they are random over 95% of the time. The big banks and hotshot fund traders will go after your trades..you have no shot trading on your own..you will lose a good part of your savings..DO NOT MAKE ONE SINGLE TRADE ON YOUR OWN..if you win one you will lose the next 5..DON’T DO IT..AND FORGET ALL THE OTHER ROBOTS OUT THERE..DON’T BE A SUCKER..you will lose with them also…Leo doesn’t trade anything like they do..as long as markets remain normal, with no great world event, Leo could go loss free..so learn how to manual trade with Leo ONLY, and trade with small amounts..IF YOU GET GREEDY YOU WILL LOSE. GL

  2671. Very sound advice Norm..couldn’t of said it better…the only time charts are interesting is trying to figure where to trade Leo’s dd..very interesting week past…did you carry the EUR.trade over the week end?
    Take care ..jim

  2672. Yes, carried it over Jim, I expect the manipulators to gap it over the round number (1.4500)..problems is..I can’t trade it in both directions at the same time..stupid usa laws grrrrrrrr.
    Anyways, they may manipulate it up higher..if so I’ll place trades every 50 pips..keep mindful of major news, it could run Leo to the stop..I’d bail out and wait till things simmered down if that were to happen.
    Lets all make money manual trading..just be sure not to trade more than 20- 25% of your account ($1000 acc. 1 MINI would cost u 1/3 of your account ($330) if the stop is hit, so you have to adjust the amount downward till the amount of your trade doesn’t cost you more than say $200 if the stop is hit..then place a portion of that amount depending on how far away Leo is from TP..easy to figure…that way if you lose a trade you’ve only lost about $200 and have $800 left..it is possible to hit 2 stops, but I doubt 3..so figuring that, you’d lose $400 and still have $600 left..I doubt you’d hit 2 stops before your account increases over $1000..just DON’T GET GREEDY..a lot of guys were here and their positions were way to big and they got cleaned out (mostly on the other account that went broke) so be smart..these bankers that control the price will hunt you down and kill you..trust me, YOU can’t beat them..Leo has a chance, but new traders will get fleeced..the big banks and hotshot fund traders will hunt you down, guaranteed!!! The game is rigged.

  2673. Part two:

    Since far more money is made by manual trading, you do not want your initial investment to be very large in comparison to the size of your account, but large enough to share in the profits that the robot is generating.
    Using a mini trade ($1 per pip) on a $1000 account would be way too high, your loss could be $330…a 1/2 mini, the loss would be $167, only allowing a small amount for the manual trade…as you can see, a $1000 account isn’t a large enough amount to take advantage of the robot’s win ratio in any significant amount…If you invest higher amounts you rick going broke or damaging the account’s ability to bring you a nice return (Its no fun watching the robot win time after time with low returns) so avoid those two scenarios..DO NOT risk so much as to destroy the accounts ability to work for you…small returns per trade are ok when learning, but once you decide to invest a larger amount DO NOT RISK LOSING IT..PAY ATTENTION..don’t get suckered into bigger trades just because you won the last few little one’s..YOU WILL GET GREEDY..DON’T DO IT..WILL YOU ENJOY TELLING ME HOW STUPID YOU WERE..THAT YOU SHOULD HAVE LISTENED? Start with a decent account size where you can have the robot place an opening trade and you still have enough allocated to use for manual trading…naturally, trades will develop more -50 trades than -200 pip trades, so budget your remaining amount of your initial trading balance with -50 and -100 pip trades in mind (counting 1/2 TP)..again, don’t get greedy..I close my manual trades 1/2 way from entry point to TP..I don’t trust Leo’s TP when I have a nice manual profit..you can even close the trade just over the entry point..but if you don’t its your greed showing. So, in closing, save a good portion of your initial trade for when Leo goes negative 50 to 100 pips, and don’t be tempted to add more if he goes -150 to -200 unless its part of your initial investment..and keep those amounts smaller..they all could hit the stop. GL


  2675. Forget my last post..thought it was something else..the guy on page 33 says method won’t backtest well in a sideways market…stick with Leo and hope he goes another 200 trades without a loss..yea right

    Oh, keep in mind, just because Leo closes a trade with a small profit doesn’t mean that the original tp won’t be visited..Leo creators just want wins, they don’t really care how small..they just need many…their closing a trade has nothing to do with where price will go…just remember, don’t try to squeeze every last pip out of a trade..you’ll wish you hadn’t.

  2676. Ok, here’s an example..lets say Leo put on a trade with a 25 pip TP, and before it hit TP it went -50 pips..so you put on another trade at -50..now the trade continued to -100 pips but you didn’t add anymore because your allocation per trade was used up. Now the trade starts to move toward TP..it gets 1/2 between original entry and TP, so you close the trade out..lets say 50 cents a pip..that would be just over $32 profit..now you still have the original trade that Leo placed..now Leo moves the stop just a hair over break even or a couple of pips above..now the price starts to drop, and hits the new stop for a profit of $2.30. Now, without the manual trade, you took a risk of $167..(one hit in 80 trades would be break even, not a good thing) where as with the manual trade you took a risk of just under $300 which is better that Leo’s average loss per trade (every 2 trades risk $330) while producing a very low average win per trade.. Although the odds of the stop being hit are higher at -50 and -100 the profit % is much greater..Leo would have profited 2.30…while trading manually produced a profit of $34..ten wins (or less) at that rate will bring you to break even using 2 trades..if Leo gets lucky and runs 100 trades in a row, you’d have over $3000 trading 1 mini lot. Leo needs to sell EA’s so they don’t dare screw up their win loss % ratio by placing more trades as they go into minus territory..if they screw up, their cash cow is dead.

  2677. Hey Norm ..are you getting any trades from Leo as they get the trades in 1331 account? I’m not getting any just alert over 120 sec.old.
    I hear a new update is coming soon that will fix this problem.
    Still trading manual on Leo’s back .. would be nice to have those initial trades placed auto ( small lot size ) as in the 1331 account….then decide where and if to trade DD.
    Last week sure tested one’s ability to be stupid enough to think we can actually beat the odds.
    Leo support is always fast and helpful..hope we get this new update soon.
    All the best next week..jim

  2678. Hi Jim, no problem with Leo, had like 9 out of the 10 last trades..love these trades that go -100..gotta have faith..don’t try and trade em..just place em and hang on, come what may..I tried tradin in n out, doesn’t work..sure would love to fig out how Leo places a trade. It’s a shame Leo can’t take the chance and place more trades..He does ok but I don’t like waitin 2 days for a 10 pip trade to close with only a 70 cent profit whew! Especially when Leo had a 50 pip DD..Following their trades for the last 8 months doesn’t work moving the stop just above BE..there’s sumthin fishey they haven’t had 1 runner over 50 pips with hundreds of winning trades..I don’t get it..oh well..have a good labor day Jim.

  2679. ALAN, did you receive a refund or do you still have the robot? I think I figured out what you meant…You purchased the robot and you have come to the conclusion its a fraud..they told you that their support would treat you like a brother lol. You emailed them because you seen trades showing up on their 1331 account but not your account and you tried to get the problem worked out but their support couldn’t tell you why you had no trades..so now you assume they are a scam.

    While their support does try to get you up and running, they can’t hold your hand for the many little problems that could be blocking the robots signals (I change computers when that happens)..Leo does want all their customers to be happy because word of mouth is by far the best advertising, but its very hard to figure out what could be blocking your trades..it could be 1 of a dozen or more possibilities…you need to try and figure the problem out yourself..try a dedicated computer that doesn’t have a ton of crap on it that could interfere with the signal..the signals are working for me..I’d tell you if they weren’t GL

  2680. NORM,
    You are are full of it. You want people to believe you with your change computer crap to solve the issues. Also, you need to stop defending LTP because based on what the advertised people should be getting the same trades. They also falsely said that the EA use neural net to make trades. That’s not true!

  2681. Well, so much for the neural net (yea right) two stops hit in 19 days over $750 in losses AND all against the trend..I mean, how stupid can they be to try and pick up 10 pips against the trend. A major trendline was just broken, so they had to know the trend was down..what did they do..the neural net placed a 10 pop trade against a falling knife trade..sure enough, as usual, the trade only got half way to T/P..then it dropped over 400 pops straight down in a matter of hours..NOT ONCE, BUT TWICE 19 days with 2 stops hit…whatever happened to “the trend is your friend”. When you hear them saying they have a neural network, just kinda chuckle to yourself..I don’t see how they can come back from these two losses.

  2682. Norm, I had the same thoughts you did when I saw Leo going against the trend lately. I also took a big hit, but when you look at the chart at the bottom of the 1331 summary, Leo’s account has grown approx. $300 over the last 6 1/2 months, or approx. 9%. Not exactly gettin’ rich, but still moving in the right direction. That time frame also includes most, if not all of the big losses Leo has suffered since Aug.’10. I’m going to stick with him for now. It sure beats CDs and makes life a lot more interesting! Best of luck. Bill

  2683. Hi guys! It is quite long time I was here.
    LTP has a new pre-release, 1.14e.
    I try, a few days ago i missed some trades. There are several error messages in the experts log, usually: Skipping signal reference xxxxxxxx- Signal is more
    than MaxTimeSlip (180) seconds old.

    As you know I am using the same VPS months ago, and had no such errors. The support sugested me this new version. I will see…

  2684. Hi Bill, leo is still making money and if he gets on a hot streak, should be interesting..so far leo’s been averaging 1 stop hit a month, not that great but as you said, better than nothing.

    Hey JTX, Good to see you back, you haven’t missed much..I’ve been receiving the last several trades..I use my laptop for Leo..I leave it on 24/7, I turn off the sleep mode..if left on I miss trades..as long as the color bars are moving and the computer doesn’t turn off I’ve gotten the all the trades the past week with no upgrade. I think your vps can block leo’s signal or delay it causing a no go..just my thoughts. GL

    The euro and pound are in free fall..there is no support for the pound once it makes a new low..that will drag the euro down with it if the euro doesn’t lead the way..did anyone notice the eur filling the huge gap and then instantly dropping over 300 pips? I was hoping that gbp would fill its gap and close the trade but it didn’t..it dropped over 400 pips grrrrrrrrrrr two sucky trades in a row for leo against the trend..what the hell is the neural net thinking about?

  2685. JTX, great to see you are back! I have had alot of getting misconnected lately also.
    I turned off the EA because I had soo many trades in the DD I couldn’t afford anymore until they close and I still lost connection.
    Trying to get it where I make enough to cover having a VPS and hopefully it will solve most of the issues.

  2686. well, leo keeps makin these 10 pip counter trend trades in this free fall..dunno why it just doesnt stay short..makes no sense.

  2687. Oh guys, here comes my big pain… IF a did put a few thousands in at spring time, to protect my account from margin call (on that HIGH eurusd), NOW I would be a rich man… since the eurusd falled down, wher it belongs to…

  2688. I did teach my best friend of mine to play with Leo and Forex, since begian my big run. He bought Leo, he was listening, and begin to trade live two month ago. Now he is making his own money… he rised up from 3k to 10k less then a month, and now is withdraw 1k on every week. He trading manually, using Leo as an indicator… trading with 2 lots and his T/P is just 5-6-10 pips…
    He is happy… 🙂

  2689. Hey CraigM. I use CNS as a VPS, but I’ve seen a low priced VPS, which is stil run well: it is http //swvps.com/ , cost 19$ monthly (see? no affil link 🙂 )
    U could give a try…

  2690. Hi Norm, this versio of 1.14e has a new option: maxTimeSlip=0

    This setting specifies how long (in seconds) that Leo Trader Pro should continue trying to open a trade that has opened on our master platform. The default value is 0, which means that Leo Trader Pro will continue trying indefinitely while the trade is still open on our master platform.
    One great advantage of this feature is that if your trading platform was offline when a trade was initially opened on our master platform and price has moved against the master order when your platform comes back online then Leo Trader Pro will open the order at a much better price on your account.
    Alternatively, you can specify a time period after which new trades will be ignored i.e. 120 (2 minutes). In that case, should Leo Trader Pro receive the trade information AFTER those 120 seconds have elapsed (or it was unable to place the trade with your broker within that time limit), then it will notify you and skip that signal.
    There are a number of factors that might result in a skipped signal, ranging from the inevitable and frequent disconnections from your broker’s server to storms, poor network infrastructure, etc… even downed cabling. You may tweak this setting at your discretion (keep in mind that this value is in seconds), but we think that the default value of 0 is best as it will then make every effort to open each trade for you.”

  2691. Hi JTX, thats interesting about your friend making $1000 a week trading 2 full sized contract, but I’m sorry to say my friend, your friend will destroy his entire account guaranteed. Its totally impossible to trade that high of a position without losing everything..no matter how good of a trader he thinks he is, and he sounds like a newbie..95% of all newbie’s lose their entire accounts..he will also. Thats exactly why Leo uses a small portion of the account on each trade..they know that trading higher amounts will wipe them out, so they don’t do it..sorry to say..your friend will lose everything..guaranteed.

  2692. Norm, I know, he knows… 🙂
    But anyway, now he already got back his initial investment, and still has 10k on his account for playing… 🙂

  2693. I haven’t used LTP for about 5 months. Some on here are mentioning version 1.14E. It’s been a while so wanted the newest version and went to http://www.leotraderpro.com/replicator.php . The version they had is 1.12, same as I had 5 months ago. Is everyone else getting this on that page?? Or is there a newer replicator page I need to go to get 1.14E?? Or maybe 1.14e had some bugs in it so they temporarily reverted back to 1.12 until the bugs are fixed??

  2694. Sorry have been on the road alot and licking my wounds, almost had a melt.

    Placed a Buy on GBP/USD on Sept 1st with a TP @1.62 ( the LTP trade for some reason). When I place the trade to copy LTP I always give the SL more, not trusting if LTP would modify or not. Well it hit the LTP SL and not mine! Of course I was placing smaller trades in between and was caught with my tail hanging out for a LONG time!
    I’m out of the woods as of this morning with no loss had trades making more than the losses.
    Started a live acct. with $200 and was up to $350 when this happened. Acct went down $150, still not into my intial deposit but not great. Nevermind all the LTP trades I missed out on because of my margin’s and open trades.

    I would say this EA has been very good so far, it has some quirks which they all do, just have to play the game and figure it out and evrything should be fine.

    Have fun, CraigM

  2695. I have been using Leo Trader Pro for about two months and all the trades had been positive. Sometimes it looks like it has traded the wrong way, but touch wood, it ended up well.

    I will recommend it. Is the Rocket version any better, does it trade more?

  2696. This thing was working fine (1.12) but is now missing trades b/c of maxtimeslip (180) messages when the trades are less than 5 seconds old. I know this because within 5 seconds of seeing a trade start on LTPs FINFX account I checked my journal and had that message on my IBFX journal records.

  2697. Mr.GTO, it is simple, I wrote here already. But anyway, I just beleive in LTP predection, so when an LTP trade is open, I wait for a DD 100 or 150 even better 200, then open a same direction by hand – but higher LOT.

    Pontiac Dave, LTP admin gave me a link for downloading the 1.14e. It is a BETA version, use it with care (sometimes it is stop to work…)
    I will send u the link by email if u give me your address.

  2698. Hi JTX, thank you. My email is *****

    Also guys, does LTP support still respond to people at all or have they stopped all together??—Just wondering, I don’t know after 5 months. But anyway I submitted a ticket and let them know about the 180 sec maxtimeslip error that happens even though the trade started on LTPs FinFX account only 5 seconds prior to that error appearing in my journal.

  2699. FYI Some of yALL may be having this problem too, and I may have found the problem, don’t know yet. I just found out that in Finland and many places in the world had their daylight savings time on Sun Oct 30-(my problems started right after that). My daylight savings time here in the central USA starts Nov 6/7.

    I just sent this message to support–>

    My LTP was working fine until Monday (yesterday). Now it misses all trades due to maxtimeslip out of range errors, even when set at 660. When I watch the trade start on LTPs FinFX account, within 5 seconds there is a maxtimeslip error (for 660 seconds) for that trade in my account.The trade is not taking 660 seconds b/c A. My computer always has gotten the trade within a second, and B. I’m able to read that error within 5 seconds of the trade occuring.

    Today I discover that daylight savings time started Sunday Oct 30 many places in the world. Did LTPs time change on Oct 30?? I am on Central Time in the USA. My time will change Nov 6/7 an hour backwards. I am running version 1.12. PLEASE ADVISE WHAT TO DO, OR WHAT TIME TO SET MY COMPUTER CLOCK TOO.

  2700. I’ve just bought it, and run for 2 days now….

    3 trades have been done on FinFX, and not on my MT4….
    Look at the “Expert” tab, and it shows like “no heartbeat…”, & “connection interrupted…” with timeslip>120….

    Submitted 2 support tickets to no response… not even an email stating that ticket has been submitted (like all other ticket system will do)…

    Don’t know what else I can do…. Sigh….

  2701. Used to be our daylight savings time in the USA happened in late Oct along with London, etc. But this year London/Finland got theirs on Oct 30, the USA gets theirs this coming Nov 6/7. So I’ve set my computer clock back one hour to go along with London/Finland (like in previous years). Hopefully I start getting trades (without time slip errors) again this week. Then when I get my daylight savings time this Saturday I’ll have to set my clock back to the correct time (if this goes down the way I hope/expect it’ll work).

  2702. Dave, I,too, was having trouble hearing from LTP support. It was because I was submitting a new ticket each time I tried to contact them. If you will go back to the last response you had from them, and click “reply”, you should get better results. In other words, stick with one ticket rather than constantly creating new ones. Since doing that, I have had excellent results.

  2703. William I did discover that too.

    Guys I’m not sure yet but LTP may have just fixed (within last hour) a recent problem responsible for some of your problems, including mine. This morning I had set my clock back an hour (on manual setting)to compensate for London going to daylight savings time while the USA does not changed until this Sunday morning. This moved the London time back an hour on the Leo clock display. Well now I noticed the London time is now moved back yet another hour, so 2 hours behind. I’ve now set my clock time back to the proper time and the clock time reads correctly for all time zones.

    But more importantly I had been getting this message:
    DataCenter connecting failed {2}
    old version of server

    I’d tried logging on like 50 times and continued to get the above message.

    Well NOW it logs on in the 1st attempt and to the main server. I kinda expect on the next trade it will work perfect again, like it had been prior to Sunday. I think they may have fixed a daylight savings glitch and/or server glitch. WE’LL SEE.

  2704. JTX I tried to post my email here for you, then forexmachines deleted it from the post. So I don’t know what to do as I don’t know your email addy and they’ll delete mine if I post it for you. Thanks for trying.

  2705. 3 days now… and still no orders for me….
    “Expert” tab keeps showing “No heartbeat – restarting…”

  2706. Thanks JTX, I sent an email your way a couple of times, if you don’t get it check any spam filters or let me know to send it again. It’s coming from KliewerInvestUKNOWWHATaolUALSOKNOWWHATcom

  2707. I missed these trades in the last few hours. Overnight my LTP logged out and logged back on with the OLD VERSION OF SERVER <-per records. I keep re-logging back on and getting that message. I remember like 8 months ago have the old server message–and that it would not trade when that happened. Don't remember what fixed it then, may have been a version upgrade or they tweeked their servers, etc.

  2708. OK finally got’er logged on with the 1st-attempt/new server. Hopefully she stays logged on this time to that server, overnight she didn’t. My friend claims on the TV show ‘Hawaii 5-0’they had a TV commercial for LTP. He may be thinking of something similar, I have that episode of Hawaii 5-0 on my DVR and will have to watch it to see. But if more people are logging on/using LTP I suppose some could get kicked onto the old server if they don’t step up the server capacity.

  2709. HEY JTX,

    FYI LTP support just emailed me that link for 1.14e, I’ll give’er a shot. They mentioned to be sure to read the manual as settings have changed, especially the maxtimeslip which is now set to 0 with that new version.

  2710. FYI this new 1.14e instantly opened (today, Wednesday) the trades it missed from MO and TU which are still active on LTPs account. So I’d say this new version has fixed my server communication problems. They said in the email to me, for the new version to work/contact the server, you need to have port 20,000 open on your firewall setup. I did not configure my firewall so I guess it automatically configured what it needed to regarding port 20,000.

  2711. And correction, in my LTP settings this new version is listed as 1.14f (not 1.14e). So they must have recently made a newer version than the 1.14e that JTX had mentioned farther above on this forum.

  2712. I was told by LTP support on 10/1/11 that the new version would be 1.15, and should be released within the next couple of weeks after that.

  2713. Nov 3 2011 4pm est

    I just installed the 1.14f update and when I changed the time slip from 120 to zero a gbp/usd trade appeared..dont know if it was the change. I didn’t have a gbp trade going, I guess Leo figured I needed one lol. The entry point to is over 70 pips lower but the tp is the same..strange..never seen Leo do that before..maybe a new twist.

  2714. Oh, forgot to mention..the eur trade that Leo put on that dropped over 100 pips just closed with a 36 cent profit lol..that trailing stop is a killer for them..btw, if you look at the daily candles you will notice the last 2 days were inside days..leo indicated that the breakout would be to the upside and it was, which closed the eur trade with 36 cents..I guess they dont use inside days (especially 2) as very powerful indicators..price did break to the upside to close the eur trade but since the gbp trade is still open the eur may move up much higher being dragged along by gbp..should be interesting.

  2715. Norm same thing happened to me with 1.14f, as soon as I set time slip to 0 it opened up the one gbp/usd trade I’d missed from Mo or Tu. That’s what will happen with the time slip at 0, had I left it at 120 or something it would not have tried to open the missed trade because it would be older than 120 seconds from the time Leo first opened that trade on their account.

  2716. Guys, this is the main point of this new release: open an old but live trade, if it is in DD. So we could meka more pips… 🙂

  2717. anyone encountered the EA stating “too many simultaneous connection…” and missed placing an order?

    It happened to me a few times now…. and a couple of them actually exited my MT4…

  2718. Fredy I checked this forum for other mentions of too many simultaneous connections. Found only one mention way back on Dec 26. Then later that user did not mention it again but mentioned getting trades later down the road. Back then when it was new they had several bugs with version updates to fix’em. One of those probably fixed his problem.

    I was having a problem last week with time slip errors and no trades. Even with the time slip set at the max allowed setting–like 10 minutes. 2 seconds after Leo’s FinFx account took a trade I’d have an error for time slip greater than 10 minutes, even though only 2 seconds had expired since Leo started the trade. But after installing the new 1.15 on Monday, have gotten all the last trades since then—like 6 in a row.

    What version are you running???

    Like it says on the replicator website, this 1.15 is the first major update since January, with many improvements.

  2719. Dave, I’m using the latest version 1.15….

    The problem with the “simultaneous connections…” happened very often last week, and it actually crashed my MT4 several times in a day!!!

    Response from support saying that my internet connection could be at fault… They suggested me to subscribe to VPS for much stable connection…

    Well anyway…. Starting this week, for 2 days now…. it didn’t not drop any more…??

    It could be my internet connection… even then, it should not crash and exit the MT4…

    Will see….

  2720. IF anyone is wondering about the integrity of these guys, I requested a refund through clickbank, had my money refunded then received this from leo trader admin. Disgusting behaviour!!!!

    “Sorry to learn that you are not polite enough to simply ask for a refund, despite our very clear 60-day, no-quibble refund policy and the equally clear reiteration of that fact on the receipt that ClickBank sent you immediately after purchasing.

    Let me therefore bring you up to speed with the result of your chosen course of action.

    When people are too impolite / ignorant / stupid / vindictive to contact a vendor and request a refund, deciding instead to raise a dispute via their card provider, this is essentially the position:

    1) The purchaser (you) has committed FRAUD – there is not (and never was) a dispute – this is a very serious thing in all developed countries

    2) The vendor finds the sale revoked AND gets charged a revocation fee of between $35 and $70 for no valid reason

    So, your well thought out actions have resulted in unjustified costs to our business and you committing a financial crime (you have obtained monies by deception).

    Fortunately, payment processors keep track of people like yourself and you are now working your way up a blacklist. You might be able to pull this stunt once or twice more but then you will be out of the game for good as your credit and debit cards will be refused at point of sale to protect vendors from this kind of behavior.

    Have a great day!”

  2721. Fridaystreet,

    They do honor their refund policy, I recieved a refund back in Jan. with no issues. Bought it again after keeping up with this post and have been making out on a live acct.
    Not saying anybody is wrong here just giving what I went through and yes the letter was arogant but it got the point across.

    LTP 1.15 have yet to recieve a trade, thought I had 2000 port open but I guess not. I updated last night hopefully it works now.

    Is there something I’ve been missing that I should do? Been out of town the past few weeks and trying to catch up.


  2722. Sorry for all those still having problems. And CraigM that’s port 20,000 (you said 2000, maybe you meant 20k). So far I love the 1.15, no errors/crashes, got all trades so far. Including one where my broker closed an hour earlier than FInFX Friday night and a trade opened FR night after my broker closed. As soon as my broker opened up again Sunday night LTP automatically got me into that trade in a 36 pips better position. One of the new features — getting you into a trade no matter how late it is, as long as it’s in as good or a better position as LTP started that trade

  2723. fridayStreet I’m not gonna deny that letter was kinda rude. But I can kinda see why they’d write it based on where they’re coming from. Bottom line, in probably the worst market year ever, their account has averaged like 46% per month returns, it’s now proven. And that 46% is with them only running a 10% risk most of the time–(that’s what it calculates out to now). Anyone who’d gotten all those trades over the last year, would have made the same, or around 100% per month if you’d set your risk at double of LTP’s risk setting. If I’d stayed with this thing since Dec, I’d be sitting very pretty right now. But now I’m back. LTP has confidence in their product for good reason. They know the only way someone would not make money with it is if 1. The user is doing something wrong, or 2. the customer is not getting the trades due to a compatibility problem, etc. They have fixed #2 for a lot of people with version upgrades, etc. So I’m sure they feel they can fix that problem for most people and are pissed if someone does not present the problem to them before requesting a refund. I’m not saying you did or didn’t try to fix the problem thru them, I don’t know your situation.

  2724. Notice how bad Leo’s timing is..you’d think they’d hit tp at least 50% when they place a trade..seems like a lot less than 50% hmmmm..if so, thats a good thing..their entry points to tp may be being repulsed for some reason, or is it my imagination.

  2725. Hey Norm, but LTP did again… 24 pips on november 17 🙂

    fridayStreet: I really do not understand, why didn’t you ask a refund directly from LTP? I u dont want to make money with LTP, it is your business. But u should know about the results if u ask refund from clickbank: u incriminate the vendor. Its simple. Dont exept any rose from the vendor, especially since LTP did all the refund asked.
    Still dont understand the people, who refund LTP… it is a solid moneymaking machine… 🙂

  2726. I don’t get it either JTX. The only way they’d not make money is if

    A. They aren’t getting the trades (which can be fixed, be it operator error or a software glitch, compatibility glitch/computer/ISP issue, etc)

    B. Or entering trades manually in addition to trades already started by LTP, causing margin trouble and closed trades in the red, etc. Or, not understanding margin and having LTP trades close w/out even hitting the LTP SL, b/c too large of lot size/risk was used.

    When I was rookie in early 2011 I was guilty of B. But even then I knew it was my fault and didn’t blame LTP. Once I understood margin correctly all was fine.

  2727. Pontiac,
    if one of your very first trades with LTP was one of those 330 pip losses as mine was, what would your response be then? What would you have done in a situation like that? I was probably just unlucky and I am not blaming them either. But with a Risk/Reward ratio of roughly 10:1(they are risking 330 pips for 35 pips or less initial profit target) you’re gonna have to play catch-up big time if it hits the S/L. Their first big loss was @ trade number 224 when they were probably up 300% or more. What a pleasure. Then you don’t need additional measures. But what do you do when that loss occurs within your first 10 trades?
    If LTP trades go negative x amount of pips and it does regularly, can you blame me for manually opening positions in the same direction and taking basket net profits as the market retraces and bascially forget about what might have been with that LTP trade? I am happy with my net profit. Period. I don’t care about having an impeccable almost zero loss. Obviously one needs to watch position sizes and margins doing this kind of thing and yes of course, the market’s bottom can drop out at any given moment with you on the wrong side.
    Listen, I am not bashing their product, in fact I think it’s a great invention. That’s why I keep using it.

  2728. Paul,

    I forgot to mention,I still take manual trades when it goes negative. I’m not faulting anyone for that. But unlike my rookie days, I’m able calculate the margin and know that if the manual trade and LTP trade head towards the 330sl, there’s enough margin that they won’t be closed out before hitting the 330sl.

    I understand about one of your first trades being a loser. That’s something I had to consider, and that anyone has to risk starting out. I used to think the profit/reward was not good, but compared to other EAs (that work, most won’t w/out a big SL) I’ve seen it’s not as bad, especially when it sometimes uses the trailing SL and gets a profit of around 50-70 pips. I mean, I started this thing again with real money like 3 weeks ago…. and in only like a week and a half after that it had earned enough money to cover a loss, plus still have a few extra dollars more than the start.

  2729. That’s my experience too with other EAs. What got me away from LTP for a while was: If you put other EAs up against LTP in a race, in the very beginning they’ll often have a way quicker equity growth curve. But as I found a few months later when both EAs have had some losses, LTP will still be in the green, the others will lose their shirt.

  2730. Did anyone notice that leo’s rocket hit 6 stops out of 45 trades in sept, total loss $9000..thats about 1 stop every 7 trades…neural net must have had a few brain farts that month.

  2731. Norm, are you looking at LTP acct. no. 1331? I can find only three losses in Sept., for a total loss of $765.64?????

  2732. That’s what I’m finding William. I’ve had the 1331 account running/showing since Dec 2010 under the investor password on their FinFx account.

  2733. Their rocket acc. its a hyper 1331 (more
    trades)…wait till you get a load of this one.

    Jtx knows about it..he’s bein real quiet lol

    2731 (interesting # also)
    finfx – live

  2734. I see that Norm, it’s $97. –> http://www.leotraderpro.com/leotraderrt.php. That EA is a lot more peaky, check out the equity curve, etc on that page. It’s ups are very high, it’s downs are way more down. I mean, it started with 500 in the account like this standard ltp version. But even after the huge losses it still has 4300 in the account to this account at around 4200. Personally, in glancing at it I like this standard version much better–it doesn’t have the huge drops but has an over all average about the same, with a steady climb (no huge peaks up or down).

  2735. And wow that rocket account got as high as 12,000 according to the curve, before the losses. And correction, it’s 4300 profit, not 4300 balance, it’s balance is around 4800 b/c of the initial 500 deposit.

  2736. Craig, are you getting trades now..if not, turn off your anti virus and firewall..leave them off till you start getting all the trades..then add one at a time..most anti-virus and firewalls are kinda useless anyways..hackers get into the Pentagon lol

  2737. Norm,

    Thanks, yes I’m receiveing trades. Had to unistall my Norton and do a free one for the time being. Have a couple trades going so I’m waiting until they close to reinstall.

  2738. I copied and pasted the data from the LTP Rocket live account page, and sorted based on currency. If you would have started with $500 and traded only the EURUSD your account would be at $9447.38 as of 12/1/2011. However, if you traded only the GBPUSD, you would be down $2,052.49. In other words, you would have blew your account up. I love LeoTrader Pro and I don’t trade the LTP Rocket, but I were to trade it, I’d only the EURUSD.

  2739. Thanks Chet..good information..rocket had 36 wins and 6 losses in September..losses totalled over $8000..not real confidence building..thats 1 loss every 6 trades..plus i get flashbacks of their jpy/chf account that went belly up with 14 losses in 3 months (here we see it again in rocket)..so those high losses can and most likely will hit 1331 account with the big problems in Europe.

    The only safe way to play LTP is starting with small money only.

  2740. Hi Norm! Nope, I dont use LTP Rocket. It seems to risky…
    Anyway, few words from LTP:

    “First… we hope you’re as excited about the results you’re getting with
    LTP as we are!

    Here are the current stats:

    Since our recent update: $2,968 – 20 wins, no losers

    Since we launched: $19,353 – 301 wins, 8 losers

    Since LTP started live trading: $49,269 – 490 wins, 8 losers

    How’s that for Forex DOMINATION!

    On to the second bit of news.

    Our support staff have put together a little ‘essay’ on stop losses and why
    LTP works the way it does.

    It’s not essential that you read this, but it does contain some very useful
    information and may help you get the most out of LTP.

    Here we go:

    A few of the newer LTP users have contacted the support team and
    expressed their concerns about the 330 pip Stop Loss so we thought
    we’d cover that point for everyone’s benefit.

    Many traders are taught that the “right way” to trade is with a small SL
    to minimize losses. Unfortunately, that isn’t quite true – small SLs do
    minimize individual losses but they also maximize the number of times
    those SLs get hit … so using a small SL is really a double-edged sword
    that very seldom works in your favor.

    If you contrast that approach with the 330 pip SL that LTP uses, you can
    quickly see the difference and the distinct advantage of this supposedly
    “wrong way” of trading…

    If you study our live account then you’ll discover a number of interesting
    facts that will quickly show you how the “wrong way” is actually the
    “right way” to trade!

    Since we started trading our live account, LTP has taken 504 trades.

    490 have been winners, 8 have hit the SL and 6 have essentially broken

    Of the winners, the average gain has been 15.5 pips and, of course, each
    of the losers has been -330 pips.

    Armed with the above information, we can very quickly calculate an
    important statistic… the win-lose ratio is 61:1

    That means, on average, that for every 330 pip losing trade, we win 945
    pips (15.5 x 61)

    That’s an awesome statistic for any trading system and, of course, it’s
    irrefutable since all of the information is publicly available in our live
    account, which you can analyze via the investor password any time you
    want to.

    So, we now know that LTP is categorically profitable so the only issue is
    how YOU trade it.

    Regardless of whether you specify a fixed lot size or a risk percentage,
    the actual amount risked PER TRADE is calculated and displayed on the
    chart – look for “Estimated amount risked:” near the bottom of the
    information we present on your chart.

    Clearly, if you have a $1,000 account and LTP is telling you that the
    estimated amount risked is $330 then you are NOT being sensible!

    We consider that risking 10% of your account is more than sufficient for
    good growth expectations and trading more aggressively is unjustified.

    With that in mind, if you’re trading just the standard LTP license then
    you could specify a suitable fixed lot size or just set RiskLevel to -10.

    If, however, you were using the Rocket Trader license (which many
    people now are) then you need to consider the differences…

    Both the standard and RT versions of LTP trade EURUSD and GBPUSD.

    The difference is that the standard version of LTP allows a maximum of
    one open trade per currency pair whereas Rocket Trader opens a
    maximum of two.

    You therefore have the option of trading each license on a different
    account OR you can combine both licenses on a single account for
    maximum trade frequency.

    However you decide to use the licenses, you should carefully consider
    the aggressiveness of your trading decision and adjust the Risk Level

    For example, if you felt it appropriate to trade the standard system with
    a 10% risk level then you should reduce the risk level to 5% if trading
    RT or 3% if combining the licenses on one account.

    Hopefully the above information helps you to get more out of Leo
    Trader Pro.

    As Superman said when he looked at our equity curve – “Up, up and

    Good Trading!


    The Leo Trader Pro Team”

  2741. Thank you gentlemen, it is kind of confusing. I guess they assume everyone has been trading for years and can read between the lines.

    I pulled the trigger on the rocket, will have it go live tomorrow or Monday in its own acct. all by itself. Have until the end of Janurary to see if it works.

    Yes the issue with my computer is solved for the time being.

  2742. I see that LTP has posted an update to version 1.16 on their website. The update is mentioned on the MT4 terminal (experts tab) but no other comments. I had stopped using LTP because of stability issues. I’m very pleased with version 1.15. Since the update I’ve had no problems at all. Anyone using the newest version?

  2743. I’m using 1.16, it’s working like a charm. A month ago I had the one from January installed (maybe 1.12, I forgot the number). It was working fine, then stopped a month ago, missed all trades for 1 week with time slip errors, server connect errors, etc. Support recommended I try an experimental 1.14. Tried it, all problems fixed. A few days later they release 1.15 for everyone to access, I install that and it still worked fine, no difference that I can tell. Then 1.16 came out and I installed it, working just like the 1.15 did.

  2744. Thanks PD,
    I hesitate to update especially when things seem to be working ok with 1.15 but glad to hear that the newest version is functioning ok. If it was an important update I’d assume LTP support would inform us?

  2745. When I tried to install 1.15 it had issues and they told me to istall 1.16, I guess there was an issue with 1.15 in the install for some users. Since my firewall issue is taken care of 1.16 is working fine.

  2746. I always save the old version in case the new one does not work as well. I went to 1.16 because my alarm window kept popping up every few minutes telling me there was an update, like it was a big deal. I did not notice any difference on 1.15 to 1.16. But I guess depending on what computer you have, operating system, broker, ISP, servers your computer accesses, could make a difference for some people. I figure something’s gotta be different if they call it 1.16 and 1.15.

  2747. I am thinking of picking up LTP. Can anyone recommend a broker those platform works well with the program?
    Thanks in advance

  2748. Todd I’m using IBFX here in the USA. It gets all the trades. But other factors play into it too for your situation, ISP, operating system, computer etc. I have windows xp sp3. One of my only complaints with IBFX is it closes an hour before LTP’s broker on FR, and opens an hour later than LTP’s broker on SU. So it’s possible for LTP to start a trade in that last hour of FR, and mine will miss it because my broker was closed. However, I came out on the winning end about 2 weeks ago when that happened. LTP opened a trade in the last hour on FR (so I missed it), but when my broker opened up Sunday night, the trade had gone into the negative pips … so my LTP software got me into the trade Sunday in a better position than when the trade started FR. I made around an extra 40 pips. Most LTP trades go negative in the beginning before they go positive and close, so my broker’s hours haven’t cost me too much yet (if anything), and b/c sometimes I come out ahead by missing the trade late FR.

  2749. Todd, my best practise with LTP is the broker exnessforex.hu
    If your address is not from US… Then the best profit I know is from this broker 🙂

  2750. It is a correct statement that most LTP trades go negative in the beginning before they go positive and close. For this reason, a good friend of mine wrote an EA that will do add-ons to an LTP trade when they go “x” pips back. Actually, there are 5 to 6 add-ons in the EA. Basically it’s using the LTP as a signal, and then adds to to the trade when certain conditions are met.

  2751. That’s awesome Chet. I usually make more money with “manual add on” trades than the actual leo trade I added them too.

  2752. The latest trade closed by hitting the stop..not the t/p so that means that t/p is still alive..these guys use a trailing stop ONLY to have a win..they need “wins” badly even if its only 10 cents 4 days later..they need those winning trades to conn more people into buying their product..they won’t tell you about the 6 massively losing trades out of 36 in october..or their other account went belly up earlier in the year..they hope most won’t notice.. they rose color everything, then tell you how they HATE it when ea builders hide information form the public lol..this chit is too funny. Its interesting how they over trade their account hoping to build it fast to suck in as many as possible before it blows up..buyer beware.

  2753. In all fairness to LTP, any EA I’ve ever seen that trades that piece of crap JPY currency, blows up the account. I have other EAs I’ve tried that somewhat work on other currencies (not as well as LTP), but they totally fail on ANY pair with ‘jpy’ in it. I don’t think anyone should trade that currency unless doing it manually (and doing a sell) when it’s ‘nose diving’ like a son of a b_tch. And I don’t know if I’d advise it even then. So I excuse LTPs failures on the jpy EA, the jpy is a crap currency to trade, at least with an EA. The only other LTP account I know of is the Rocket account/ea. And yes it dropped it’s balance from like 12,000 to around 4,300 during a bad period, but it’s still in the green and started with a 500 balance.

  2754. The LTP Rocket is very profitable “IF” you stay away from the GBPUSD. As a matter of fact, if you look at the data, you’d be better off not to trade the GBPUSD with LTP or the Rocket period. Go back and read my post from December 1st. I looked at the Rocket data, and if you had started with $500 and traded just the EURUSD you would be up over $9K. That’s phenomenal! My personal experience trading LTP is that I’m up over 300% for the year. This is the best I have ever done. My only worry is will these guys quit supporting it. Hopefully not. BTW, they always respond quickly to any questions that I have. I’m happy!

  2755. LTP once told me ”as long as you guys are here we’ll be here””. As long as it’s making good monthly returns, people should be there for them. I’m guessing a lot of R&D was put into the base version that most of us are using, and they’d like to continue getting a return on that investment for years–by selling the product. My friend claims he saw LTP advertised on prime time during the CBS TV Show “Hawaii 5-0”. I’d like to think that is true, it’d be a large marketing investment needing payback–people buying LTP, etc. But for all I know my friend was thinking of something else. He swears he’s sure it was LTP.

  2756. How do you all feel about rocket trader risking $2600 of a $5800 account? The 2 trades that are on now are risking that much..we seen their other account become useless to us after paying for it.. now they’re risking almost 50% on 2 trades..they’re either very confident or very foolish..we know they’re very foolish at the moment to their customers that have purchased this account…almost a 50% risk.

  2757. Since the old tp of 1.55555 wasn’t hit, I’m setting that as my tp point, and also figuring about 60 pips lower on eur at 1.33600 I’m looking for cable to hit the old tp and to drag eur down..i’ll watch it closely if the eur doesn’t follow cable lower I’ll bail out.

  2758. Me personally, I wouldn’t risk 50%. Not sure if the rocket allows you to lower your risk to lower than what they are risking. But if so, I’d calculate what the monthly returns would be at a lower risk, and see how it compares to the base version at the same risk settings. What I like about the base version is as of now, my calculations show they are only risking about 10% when one trade is going, and 20 when two are going. The account’s never had a huge climb at once, but a steady climb with not too big of drops (unlike the rocket).

  2759. I’m not sure where you’re getting that 50% risk number for the Rocket. If I calculate it correctly they’re risking 21.6% ((330 SL x 3.9 Lots)/5965.42)). I don’t trade the Rocket, but if it’s like LTP then you can set your own risk level.

  2760. Norm, I don’t trade the Rocket, just the standard LTP and only the EURUSD. My question to you, is do you trade either one of them? As for your question of risking 21% per trade, not with the GBPUSD, but I am not adverse to it with the EURUSD. LTP has lost only 5 EURUSD trades since 8/2/2010.

  2761. Every time I put in a manual trade while LTP is in the negative pips, it seems it goes even more negative and I coulda had yet an even better entry point. THAT SAID, DO ANY OF YOU HAVE A CERTAIN POLICY OF YOUR OWN WHERE YOU PUT IN A MANUAL TRADE, DO YOU DO IT AT SAY NEGATIVE 20, OR 30, OR 50 ETC PIPS??? Obviously 100 pips would make me a huge profit, but if I wait for 100 it might not come, I’ve not kept stats on the average negative pips their trades go. I don’t wanna enter at 20 negative and miss more profit, but also don’t wanna wait for 100 when it only goes 70 negative. I’m just wondering if anyone has figured the sweet/common spot for LTP and negative pips?

  2762. I think that the boyz at LTP obviously do not care if their rocket trader goes broke, as long as their flagship 1331 account doesn’t (thats why only 13% risk).
    If rocket goes broke (and could have in sept)they will just come out with another one to fleece their members with..but its failure will be hidden like their other account that went broke in 3 months..so, I think they have an agenda to overtrade their rocket account in hopes to hold it together (almost didn’t from overtrading in sept) so they can brag to the world how great they are..if the account goes broke..noooo problem for them..will just be a minor setback..they don’t share the rocket account with the public because they love money lol.. they know it could easily go broke, so they only share it with their members lol..nice huh..this chit is too funny.

  2763. Norm, I can see the Rocket account, and it doesn’t look like it’s about to go broke. As a matter of fact, they haven’t lost a trade since October 18th. Overall they’ve lost 5 EUR trades and 13 GBP trades. Drop the GBP and just trade the EUR and you’ll be fine. That goes for both the Rocket and LTP. If you’re trading the LTP, you don’t need the Rocket, and vice-versa. Trade smart and adjust your risk levels to what you feel comfortable with.

  2764. PD,
    you ask about manual add-ons if LTP goes negative.
    This is what I do and so far it works. There is of course the chance of a day of reckoning coming when the market will keep going negative without retracing enough to hit my basket T/P and then I am in trouble.
    I got out of the latest sell G/U @ 5602 (and the sell 5590 the other day) by placing a sell stop @ 5722 when the market was retracing from the highs of 5769. I didn’t sell on the way up, I wait when it looks like it’s retracing. Same size position. B/E was @ 5662 You can of course have a riskier bigger second position and then B/E and T/P will be closer to your second position.
    My new basket T/P was 10 pips away @ 5652 which was double their profit because I had two positions.
    Both positios closed, my manual one with a nice profit and the LTP one of course with a loss, but a nett profit and even if the LTP trade closes in a profit I don’t care, I out of there. I am doing all of this this based on my “trust” that Leo’s original selling idea was “correct”? Risky?
    Listen it’s risky and probably is crazy stuff, but what is not in this place?
    But I fully agree with Chet Y, don’t trade G/U, then you don’t need to do this craziness or a lot less of it, it’s far better advice.

  2765. Paul thanks for your input. There is no doubt getting manual trades while in the negative pips, works. And yes the GBP is becoming way more volatile and not trustworthy. It had been making profits, but has completely stopped making profits on all my other EAs I’m running on demos. This kinda speaks well for LTP that it can even break even or slightly profit on what is becoming a bad currency.

    Back to manual trades. It’s profitable, but depending on your settings, you might lose twice as much on a losing trade where they both hit the SL.

    I have a plan to lower my risk even more when adding a manual trade. I will let leo keep auto trading, but will set my risk to half of what I prefer. Then when I put in a 2nd manual trade, the lot size for the 2 trades will be equal of 1 auto trade with twice the risk setting. But if the 2nd trade is set half way to the SL, it’s loss would be 1/2 of the auto trade’s loss. The risk will be set at half, but entering a trade 70 pips down with half the lot size will make more profit than an auto trade 10 pip profit with double the lot size.

  2766. 2011.12.09 08:14:27 TomsEA 1.4 EURUSDn,M1: cannot call function ‘read_command’ from dll ‘TomsEA.dll’ (error 127)
    Here we go again for the fourth time, with so far no answer
    or solution from you from. Data comes in but none goes out. Initializing without end. On top of that I bought the Rocket trader but have been unable to download. Overall it has been a miserable experience. Trying to get a ticket is something else rejected see rule xxx like one should know what rule xxx is.Is there any hope, or do I just apply for refunds?

  2767. Jack are you running the latest 1.16?? Mine was working great then just stopped, for 1 week it got all sorts of errors. At LTP’s advice to fix it — I upgraded to 1.16 and it started working aqain. That was probably almost a month ago when I upgraded, been fine since, got all the trades that the ‘1331’ LTP account has taken.

  2768. I don’t have Leo, yet, but have been reading all comments. If, as some have mentioned, the market has moved negatively significantly away from the entry point (say 75 or more pips) a great majority of times, could a person have another account open & manually trade those positions for additional profits?

  2769. Preston,

    Why not?? And yes people do it. I asked LTP if they had any concerns about ANYONE seeing their account in REAL TIME. They said it does not concern them at this time, that was almost a year ago. I guess they’re thinking since you have to sit by 24/5 to catch/copy every live trade, you’ll pay for the software to do it 24/5 … and b/c the software is a relatively cheap price. 2ndly, maybe they want people to see it for the time being as long as it’s doing well — around a 47% average for 15 months.

  2770. I wasn’t advocating scamming the system. My thought was using a legally bought LTP on one account letting it do what it does & when it makes a trade, trade the DD in another account. My question was basically, since it’s been know to have a significant DD, would this scenario work?

  2771. Jack, I have had excellent response from LTP support, once I learned not to submit a new ticked each time I had a question. Once you get a response to your first ticket, always submit any further questions as a reply to the last answer you received from them, even if it is a totally different question. DON’T keep submitting new tickets. It just delays their response time. Hope this helps.

  2772. Yep Preston you could do that.–Let one account get all the auto trades, while you make manual trades in DD on another account. I am currently doing that, but all on one account. I let leo get the auto trades, but if I go out, and come back home to discover one of the auto trades is in 30-100 pip DD, I enter a 2nd manual trade. On mine, the manual trade has not been interfering with the LTP trade in any way. I set the TP of the manual trade at the entry value/price of the Leo trade, and set the SL at the same of the SL on the LTP trade.

    My only concern was, if they both hit the SL I’ll have double the loss. So I offset that by trading at half the lot/risk size I’d normally use (for auto and manual trades). So the total lots traded are the same with 2 trades, as with 1 trade and twice the lot size. But the risk is actually lower, because if one of those trades is entered at -100 pips, it will only have a 230 pip loss if the 330SL is hit. But my profit will be 100 pips on the manual trade if it wins.

    You might be thinking of using a separate account for the manual trades, you can. –But here’s my thinking, if you keep it all in one account you’ll have a bigger balance, which means it will multiply faster. Since both accounts basically lose/win the same trades, it really does not matter in that regard of 1 or 2 accounts (you can’t really shield one from the others downfalls). You’d just have 2 accounts basically doing the same thing. Only one’s profits would be slightly more on the manual account.

  2773. The reason for the 2nd account was to trade in the direction of the DD if what I’d read earlier was happening consistently enough. That makes, in effect, a contrarian trade to the LTP.

  2774. I forgot to mention that. In the USA that is the only way I know to hedge, do it on another account going the opposite direction. I wouldn’t wanna bet against LTP though. Because take the other day, I saw a trade start and only go negative 1 pip, before going back up and closing in a profit. My dilemma betting in the opposite direction would be – if you wait until it’s in DD then you may have waited too long, you may get in and it may shoot right back up. And if you start the trade before it goes into DD, then it may never go into DD. A lot go into DD, but I’m thinking just enough don’t to make you not profit too much (or even lose). However I have another EA that sometimes bets in the opposite direction of LTP within 5 minutes apart, and yet they both still win the trade. Just shows sometimes there’s so much up and down movement that you could win going either way.

  2775. Dave, I was just going on the fact that some earlier posters had mentioned the a vast majority of the time that LTP jumped into a trade that the market (almost as if it knew what LTP had done) moved in the opposite direction for a large amount of pips…..and since the US has some regulations in place, the only way I saw around them was to have 2 accounts.

  2776. It is amazing how it does seem to jump like it ‘knows’. We had a guy like 6 months ago that was putting some program together that would bet against LTP. He was bragging how he was gonna make all this money and update us. He never did update us, so I don’t know if it failed or what. I guess before betting against LTP I’d wanna know the ‘exact records’ of what percent of their trades are going into DD. I don’t know what the stats are on that, but know the stats for wins–eventually going back the correct direction, which is impressive. That said, I like to trade ‘add on’ trades going in the right direction just to be safe, combined with the fact that I seem to have no problem catching them down 50 pips on a regular basis.

  2777. Jack,
    1. LTP has nothing to do with ‘TomsEA.dll’ . Its not an LTP file.
    2. Rocket Trader is not another EA, just another licence key. So u dont have to download anything else, just the LTP files, and use this RT code in the set.

  2778. continue: since LTP is a replicator, not an independent running robot on your PC. It is replicating what happens on the master serfver. So, for different kind of working, no needs different EA running on your machine, just different license number, then EA could identify, what trades you have the rights to replicate on your site.
    Hope it is clear.

  2779. TomsEA.dll’?? Sounds like maybe another EA or the remains of another EA might be installed that is conflicting with things. Sometimes when programs are removed some of it’s files are still left behind, which sometimes have to be removed manually if they cause problems. I completely removed a virus program once, no folder showed for it, etc … but because of a small stupid file left behind it conflicted with my next virus software.

  2780. Hi, been out of the loop for a while, would just like to ask some of the veterans on here, what ver of LTP they are trading and what currency pairs? Many thanks Jay

  2781. Jay, 1.16 on EURUSD and GBPUSD. But u can try LTP RT, also. That is a heavy fighter. (u may switch off GBPUSD, for lower risk)

  2782. Well, I just entered cable at 1.54800..thats almost 200 pips from t/p. If the euro makes a new low I’ll bail out till the dust settles..this may be the trade where cable hits the stop..it’s got a hellofa uphill battle to get back to the entry point..if it does it I’ll be amazed.

  2783. Hey JTX, with the setup you mention, do you have the rocket on a seperate account to LTP or a different instance of MT4 pointing to the same account? Just wondering how you switch off GBPUSD on the Rocket, but not LTP.

    Many thanks


  2784. Jay, actually (and momently) I am too lazy an busy to make a separate well laboratory… so just as a redneck, I did put RT to the same account, same MT4 to LTP normal. Even did not switch off GBPUSD… OK, it is a risky business, but I have to look for other business, so very low time… also my very new business is very promising, so sorry, might not too online…
    But wish u a Merry PIPS!!! 🙂

  2785. Amazing that SEVEN neural nets (lol) can’t place a trade that hits tp at least 50% of the time..Now, I’m not knocking their system or whatever you call it, but neural nets it ain’t..these guys are smart enuff to know a gimmic when they see one..no one else has programmed ONE neural net..these guys claim to have 7..gotta luv how they put the majority of their trades on against the trend..then watch those trades drop hundreds of pips lol. they need an ea that trades opposite leo. now I’d buy that lol

  2786. Well I must admit Norm – it SCARED THE SH!T OUT OF ME WHEN THAT ‘BUY’ EUR/USD TRADE STARTED. With all the eurozone crap I’d be afraid to buy/bet on the Euro, fearing it could drop 500 pips at anytime, I’d think a ‘sell’ woulda been the way to go, but I’m just an ametuer that doesn’t know jack.

  2787. Jay,

    I have LTP and Rocket on 2 different platforms on the same computer. That way I can see the screens easier. FinFX I use the one screen for both of theirs though, just to watch their trades making sure I don’t miss any.
    New 1.16 is better so far for me, travel alot and don’t have LTP with me just the platform so it makes it hard to know if any trades are missed. I will be getting a VPS soon JTX.
    PD, I was scared also. I messed up with my limit amounts and had a few trades going that closed out from free margin. Rocket is up but LTP went down a little.
    The Euro sucks now but wait until the real truth comes out about the dollar! Everyone is screwed then! Keep making Fiat money FED!!!!!

  2788. Yeah these damn USA brokers and their lack of margin. But I don’t get in margin trouble anymore as I understand the mathematics of it a lot better than a year ago (we just can’t trade with as many lots as over seas brokers, our commie Government and their regulatory BS). GLAD THAT GBP/USD trade closed in a profit that had been going since Dec 12, and had seen as low as negative 230 pips or so.

  2789. Hi Traders,
    Tried LTP late last year/early this year then canceled. How are you guys doing with this? Anyone out there actually getting similar results to what they’re advertising? Was curious so thought I’d follow up.

    Think I recall LTP traded almost identical to Overdrive. Anyone try this yet?


  2790. K-Boy, LTP is making cca 10-12% per month based on 10% RISK.
    LTP RT is makin about double, 20% per month.
    No one else like LTP…

  2791. K-Boy
    LTP has done better than it started out, JTX has better knowledge of its preformance. It has a few loses (some big) but the wins out weigh the loses. I went live in March with $200 and doubled it last month using very low lot size to ride out the DD. Now I’ve split the $400 and have 2 accts. One for LTP and the other for Rocket, both are up. The Rocket is ALOT more aggressive so it gets better returns but at alot bigger risk. Trading the DD is were to make the profit.

    I returned LTP also and came back after reading this, glad I did. I’m a novice at this so alot of my loses are my fault.


  2792. Terrance,
    “DD” means Down Draw, when the trade placed goes the other way.
    Say you place a trade for at 1.3000 and a “TP” Take profit at 1.3100 buy it goes the other way to 1.2950 before it goes back up to the 1.3100.

  2793. For any new people wanting to hear real results. Been real money again for almost 2 months. The first month (2 months ago) I increased my account balance 33.5%. That was with about a week of trades missed from a glitch which was then fixed by version 1.16. The 2nd month, this month, I still have 5 days left and have increased the account balance by 40%(from just 25 days ago, not the full 2 months). This is on auto trading fairly conservatively, but also picking up some manual trades when they are 20-70 pips in DD.

    I would have made more money with a larger balance and here’s why. I started with .01 mini lots. Since there’s not a 3rd digit I can’t trade .011 .012, etc. The next jump is to .02 — which I just jumped too. Problem is I had wait until my account balance doubled before going from .01 to .02. In Jan I am going to deposit enough money into the account that I can trad .1 lots. This means I’ll be able to increase to .11 .12 .13 sooner, versus having to wait for the account to double before stepping up to the next available lot size.

  2794. Craig – thanks for the answer on “DD”. It all makes sense now. I have been trading the LEO PRO Rocket since this past Monday (12-19-11). I have had 4 trades open and close (all EUR/USD) and all 4 closed out profitably. I currently have 1 live trade (GBP/USD) open today and it is down 24 PIPs as I write this. I am only hoping that the horror stories above about the GBP/USD doesn’t happen with my current trade. If it does, I am liable to close out the rocket traders ability to trade the GBP/USD and stick with the EUR/USD only.

  2795. I guess the rocket must take some of the trades as the base. The base also has one live gbp/usd trade going, it started today, and is down the same pips you mentioned. 24 pips down is way too early to start worrying. A GBP closed in profit on the 20th that had been going since the 12th, and had been in DD as much as 230 pips. Most of these go at least negative 30 pips, some 100, and a few around 200.

  2796. Dave – you are correct – 24 PIPs is way too early to be concerned. I was thinking along the lines that many have said the GBP/USD losses are greater than the EUR/USD on the LEO PRO trader. Right now my account would be hurting if I took a 330 PIP loss. Glad to hear that the GBP turned around after such a big drop. It has turned around again tonight and is very close to even. Thanks for the input. I have to admit, so far, I like this LEO PRO TRADER.

  2797. Yeah the way I look at Terrance our account mimicks their master account, gets the same trades provided there’s no glitches in your system or compatibility with theirs, etc.–And that account being mimicked has had consistent growth for 15 months. That’s what I tell people who are about to try it “”go check out their account, then try it for 60 days and watch yours copy theirs, that’s all the proof you need””. I bought this in Dec 2010, had I left it on for a year I’d made what LTP did over a year, provided I used the same lot/risk settings as them. What got me away from LTP, was in a short race I had other EAs that would beat LTP for the 1st month or two. But after a couple of months when LTP and the others finally had their losses, LTP finishes ahead.

  2798. Most of you know this, but a NOTE: Some Forex advisors/traders/blogs/etc say you might not wanna trade from say around Dec 18 thru Jan 6 as the markets can be very volatile and unpredictable. Last year LTP advised us to be cautious and turn the EA off if we wanted to be safe, otherwise they were leaving theirs on as they had confidence in the product. They didn’t have their first loss till early February. In looking at their records it seems they slowed a little during that time, but still had sonme profitable trades with no losses. That combined with my balance currently being small–(able to be risked) and I’m putting more money in the account January, is why I’m leaving it on and don’t mind the risk. But just a note for others who don’t want the risk or can’t risk what they have in their account now.

  2799. Thanks for the update guys. Considering getting back in with LTP now.

    Anyone happen to know why the significant drop off in lot sizing on the LTP live acct #1331? Noticed two dates of late Nov ’10 and Jun ’11.

    What’s the risk setting for this acct?

    Also, if a new trading acct’s set up with a US broker @ 50:1 wouldn’t this change the risk setting? Ex, would 10% risk still be considered safe on both the EU & GU pairs?

  2800. K-boy, LTP started with a mini account. Sometime around June (the time the lot sizes drastically dropped) it became a ‘standard’ lot account. I calculated it and determined this change. But even taking the account type/change into mind, they are risking less than the beginning. I calculated various dates and found the risk. In the beginning they were risking as much as 20-30% occasionally at times. However for many months now the risk has been approximately 10% all the time. You can calculate this by taking how much they’d lose on a loss where the 330sl is hit, then dividing it by the current account balance. For instance the current GBP trade is at .15 standard lots. This would be a $495 loss if the 330SL was hit. If you go 495 divided by 4727 it comes out to .10471 which is 10.47 percent.

  2801. The 50:1 will not change the risk setting over say an account with 300:1. What it will change is how much margin is used, and you’ll get in margin trouble sooner with a 50:1 account. Lets take a 300:1 account vs a 50:1, 6 times the leverage. On a 300:1 account you could trade with 6 times the lot size while only using the same margin as the 50:1 account. I discovered this ratio while looking at 300:1 accounts compared to my 50:1 USA account. When the 300:1 accounts were trading with the same lot size as my 50:1, they were only using 1/6th the margin. Basically if I risk over 27% I can get in margin trouble before the 330sl is hit–if I had to LTP trades at the same time go towards the 330sl. On a 100:1 account, I’d be able to risk twice (twice the lot size) before getting into margin trouble. Lucky for me, I don’t want to risk more than 27% anyway, so I’m fine with a 50:1 account. Just remember, trading .1 lots will make you the same money on a 50:1 and a 300:1, but as you start increasing lot size you’ll get in margin trouble sooner on the lower leveraged account.

  2802. Rocket has 3 trades going..avg. almost 5 mini’s..if the stop is hit, rocket will lose almost $5000 of a $7000 account..thats ricking around 70% of the account. Either they’re pretty sure of themselves or they have no problem with account killing high risk..they pulled this same stunt in sept, only to lose their ass. Notice the 2nd trade on gbp, its only 15 or so pips..looks like they just want winning trades..should be interesting…anyone notice, all 3 trades went into draw down.

    Be very careful, just because they have a 2nd trade on gbp doesn’t mean its a safe trade..they have no clue..if I remember..2 trades on one pair has been the kiss of death..several have hit the stop.

    The market is loaded with a record number of shorts, so I doubt the big banks will take the price down and reward the shorts..actually, I expect the banks to destroy the shorts if they intend on going lower.. its easy to do.

  2803. Yeah 2 trades one one pair hitting the SL would be the kiss of death. It killed me in the Japan earthquake crisis when I did not have the JPY CHF upsell but was ‘manually copying’ it’s trades. Had like 2 on each pair, 4 total on the JPY and CHF hit the SL.

    If you are going to add second manual trades to pairs LTP already has an auto trade going that’s in DD, it’s my personal recommendation that you run your lot/risk size at half for both the auto and manual trade. This way when they both suffer a loss it would be equal to the loss of ‘1 auto trade’ before you set the lot/risk size to half. You can still make a lot of money adding manual trades with 1/2 the lot size/risk. The DD will more than make up for the lot/risk size being half. LTP averages like 15 pips profit per trade. This means at 1/2 the lot size you’d need to make 30 pips to make the same profit. Well it’s easy to catch trades 50-100 pips in DD. Also, if you catch/enter a trade at 100 pips in DD and both the auto and manual trade go to the 330 SL, you’ll not lose as much as one auto trade loss at double the risk. –Because you’d have the auto trade 330 pip loss at 1/2 the lot size. But the manual trade would only be a 230 pip loss b/c it was entered 100 pips in DD. Plus it also was at 1/2 the lot size.

    If you’re going to be away from your computer for a 1/2 day (or at night when you sleep) or more and know the only trading will be ‘auto trades’, then you can always set the risk back up.

  2804. Actually, the usa leverage isn’t 50-1, its in the 30’s because of the exchange rate. Leverage that low can get you into trouble real fast even at moderate risk..thats a perfectly good reason to go with Finfx..the rocket is using 70% risk..try that at 50-1 leverage and you’d get instant margin calls, yet LTP seems to think they can get away with 70% risk at 300-1 leverage. If LTP has a run of 200 trades in a row like they did earlier, the 300-1 leverage would make you very well off if you are manual trading, leverage in the 30’s won’t. The 50-1 leverage is good for the usa brokers because they know over time that ALL traders will lose..this way they don’t have any complaints that traders didn’t know the dangers..the first in first out (if used) also destroys your account because the biggest losing trade is closed first instead of the smallest losing trade closed releasing more margin..the brokers are quite happy to take every dime from every trader this way..they know they’ll get it all and have no complaints..pretty cool setup..just like Vegas..the house always wins…Vegas must be very jealous of forex brokers..no drunks, no cheats, small overhead..hell, most don’t even have a telephone lol nice huh

  2805. Hi Norm…Nice to read your sane views..I am standing back on my LTP until things become more stable( haven’t given up )just dislike those big DD’s on such small TP’s.
    Would be nice to see LTP use some hedging trades to trap a few TP’s while in DD.
    My guess is that this won’t happen so just waiting to see if the market settles down.
    All the best in 2012…jim

  2806. I’ll bet if the President of Iran ‘accidentally’ got shot, the markets might climb twice the amount that they dropped over night with Iran’s knucklehead threatening statements about blocking the oil routes off.

  2807. I see they changed the investor passwords for the accounts. Anyone know where we can find the new investor password to the 2731 Rocket account?

  2808. I would too! I got caught and they will too!
    I was wondering why it was buying when the EUR and GBP are struggling.
    Oh well another lesson learned, only $40 in one acct and $76 in the another. It was from profit not what I put in.
    Win some lose some, still making more than I would have on my own.

  2809. Invalid acct now Paul. 1331 new pw and 2731 disconected noe 2726. Everything looks the same, it had the same trades going just different number. I don’t know why either.

  2810. Musical accounts..what a joke..100% risk lol too funny..oh, if we blow it we’ll just grab one of our many other accounts..lmaooo

  2811. The cable target of 1.57290 is still alive..its about 90 pips away at 11pm est time on jan 3rd. Eur target should be hit also..shame the cable stop was hit..just needed an extra 50 pips…even 330 is a lil tight. USA is bailing out europe with several Trillions..pound/eur should remain stable.

  2812. New to ltp…
    1. any other mt4 than finfx compati with ltp ?.

    2. Is LTP trading, few select pairs or any depending on market condi ?.
    3. who is the vendor for rocket ltp?.

    do reply

  2813. I wonder if they had 10 neural nets maybe that would have told them not to counter trend 4 trades..7 neural nets..what a joke on us lol 50 pips away from eur hitting the stop..that will destroy this and their other “hidden” 2731 account. 4 counter trend trades risking almost the entire account..should be interesting what account they’ll pull out of their butt next.

  2814. For those that have trded this and/or followed for a while now I am curious to know when the EU last lost a trade. Is there anyone who could let me know?

  2815. Josh, this link shows their entire trade history for their base EA package 1331 account (Gbp/Usd Eur/Usd). I use IBFX as my broker and can testify that I have gotten all those trades on that statement. All the wins you see, I won, all the losses, I lost too. The only difference is my losses/wins were smaller or larger depending on what lot/risk size I was running at the time. http://www.leotraderpro.com/account/1331/statement.htm

  2816. FYI Guys, I also just discovered that if you take that link I posted 2 posts above, and change the 1331 to 2731 you can view the ‘rocket’ account, including CURRENT OPEN trades.

  2817. Hi I have jus t purchased LTP ver 1.16. I have been reading some of the comments on this forum. I am interested in trading manually using LTP. As some of you have mentioned you do. Basically I would loke to know how you trade The DD. Do I go long or go short when LTP goes negative. I would really appreciate anyone’s help. Thank you

  2818. anil, basically if LTP puts in a BUY, wait until it gets about 30-100 pips (your choice) down and put in a buy. If a sell, put in a sell, etc. Set the SL to the same as the LTP auto trade’s SL. Set the TP to the figure LTP placed the buy at–the point it entered the buy/trade. If the auto trade has been going for longer than say 2 days, you might wanna reconsider entering a manual 2nd trade, b/c the longer the trade has been going on the greater the chance LTP has lost control of the trade, did not foresee that far into the future, at that point ‘luck’ starts to be more of the deciding factor if it’ll close in profit.

    Also, if you like to trade with say 15%, you should set your risk to 7.5% when manual trading, so that LTP will start trades at 7.5%, and your 2nd manual trade can also be entered at 7.5%. This way you don’t risk more than your desire of 15%. When I go to sleep or away, I set the risk back up to double of that of when I am in front of the computer to manual trade. Around Dec 9/10th on this forum I went more into detail about my manual trading, you can look back and see that.

  2819. Just bought the LTP in late December and trying on a demo account. Jury is definitely still out. From reading the posts, I am thinking I may have made a mistake in buying the extra “rocket” for an extra $97. I am wondering if, before my 60 day trial is up, I can get a refund for the rocket portion if I’m not satisfied and just use the regular version. I have been out of forex trading for several years and tryin to get familiar with it all again. Seems to be a differnt world with all of the Ea’s around.

  2820. Well they destroyed rocket account 2731 with 3 eur trades at 4 mini’s each trade = $4000 bucks plus they had 2 cable trades lucky 1 closed before the drop..looks like the cable missed the stop by 3 pips or so. Can’t believe these fools risked almost 100% of that account..then they went and hid it with 2726 account lol didnt want anyone to see what real fools they are with their so called 7 neural nets putting on 5 massive trades AGAINST the down trend..this chit is too funny..poor suckers that paid $97 bucks for that crap..neural nets my ass..funny numbers more like it..wonder how many people they destroyed..I bet there where plenty.

  2821. I’m convinced you just can with large SLs, or stay ahead for long, or not have 30% or more of your account/money lost that you’ve already spent. And for those of you who’ve tried using a really small SL on other EAs, you know they just don’t make smart enough decisions to not have a lot of losses with all the market spikes, so the end result is too many small losses killing you, versus one HUGE loss with a 330SL, take your pic.

    However, check out “Million Dollar Pips”–you can find tons of real tests on it by googling it, as well as it’s main website. Not bought it yet but am amazed, it’s 99 bucks. Found it by accident when looking up the top 5 EAs. It’s making around 67% a month WITH ONLY A 1-2% RISK SETTING. Even Forex Peace Army which hates most all EAs have given it good reviews. It has taken a few live accounts from 1000 to 67,000 in around 6 months. BUT HERE’S WHAT MAKES IT DIFFERENT.–It NEVER takes a loss of more than about 8 pips, but yet still makes a profit with such a small SL–which normally small SLs cause WAY MORE losses, and you need much better decisions to be made with a small SL. It’s never in a trade for longer than about a minute. It trades on ‘the spike’ with quick trades closing before the quick spike reverses itself, whereas LTP others often trade after or before a spike when it’s too late. It profits by making MANY small trades per day. Saw one account that went from 1000 to 68,000 in a few months despite having 40% losses and 60% wins. The base package trades the Eur/USD, and those are the accounts that have gone from 1000 to around 70,000. They have upsells for other pairs, but like with LTP and many others, the users of MDP have been telling me to stay away from them and stick with the EUR/USD.

  2822. Has anyone noticed that on the last 4 trades that have closed on account 1331 were closed at around 10 pips. It seems they are not letting the trailing stop run as it has in the past and they are leaving the TP fixed instead of being dynamic as before. I hope this is just a coincidence with these trades because I am use to the system winning often with around 25 pips profit on my account.

  2823. Just had another trade close out for +9.8 pips. It does look like they have unfortunately stopped using their trailing stops.

  2824. Stan in the past it’s had ‘varying’ trends for a while, but they did not last a long time. I remember one time it had trades for like 2 or 3 days that closed plus or minus only like 1 or 2 pips. But it went back to normal, like maybe they were recalibrating something, or tweaked something after it had been that way for a couple of days. The trailing SL seems to not be predictable, sometimes it’ll seem like they’re using it on every trade, then you might not see it for a few days. If you wanna see every trade the 1331 account has made since Aug 2010 to present, if you don’t already know this go to http://www.leotraderpro.com/account/1331/statement.htm

  2825. Has anyone experienced since 16:00CET that LTP is not recognizing your Receipt Code? It was working fine until early afternoon (Europe time). One other strange thing is that I tried sending an email to LTD support just to get in return a failed delivery notice. For last also the http://www.leotraderpro.com website is not working now. They either have a major server issue or they have packed and left. Comments?

  2826. The website is up and running again, and support actually replied to my mail. They explained that there seems to be an issue with one of the bandwidth providers and that I should try later.

    I have been running LTP for the last 3 weeks on a demo account only. Has anyone experienced issues of this type in the past?

  2827. Luca!
    I had exactly the same experience as you, I also checked the web-site and found it down, and had the same “bandwidth” reason from support saying to try again later.

    See what next week brings I suppose!

  2828. Hi when LTP places a trade and it goes on for more than 1 day is is better to close the postion or allow it to trade to its conclusion i.e. 2, 3 days…

    Can some one please answer that for me. Thank you

  2829. Anil,

    Sometimes yes and no. LTP had a bad week to say the least, it has been on a roll until the end of the year and the bottom fell out.
    Most of the time it does go into DD and will come back to profit (some big, some small).

    Pontiac Dave, should have listened to you about the end of the year better. Lost alot but still alive and ready for more, just licking my wounds.

  2830. looks like I bought at the wrong time as LTP has been performing horribly. If I would just go opposite on every trade so far I would be doing great! I’ve got a few weeks before my 60 days are up but this isn’t looking good. Is it normal for it to have a 300 stop loss trying to get 20 pips or so of profit?? Never seen this strategy before, but I am still a novice.

  2831. I am also on a 60 days trail version and up to last week I was doing ok. But what I made in profit so far went down the drain with the current losing trade. I am not quite sure what to think of it. What I can observe is that the these major losing trades are becoming more frequent. Hope it is not a trend.

    Regarding the 300 S/L, LTP support told me that this was their strategy. Problem I have with my current broker is that since I have a US trading account, I dont seem to be able to modify the S/L. Has anyone else experienced this issue?

  2832. I’m still letting LTP run. But installed another EA (Million Dollar Pips) last night on another account. The account grew 6% over night WITH ONLY 2% RISK which is the default. That was 27 trades, of which 6 were losers. How did I survive with 6 losses?? It never accepts/takes a loss of more than about 7 pips, thus the low risk and ability to trade with bigger lots for bigger profits. The average trade opened and closed in less than one second, I guess my broker IBFX can be/is damn fast, a fast broker is one requirement of this EA. It only trades on ‘the spike’ and may do like 10 trades in a minute some times.

  2833. Pontiac Dave, keep us posted on Million Dollar Pips. I’ve sort of looked at it, but didn’t pull the trigger. I’m now running a EA that I consulted with to trade with LTP. It basically hedges and adds on when LTP goes into DD. Just started running it live.

  2834. Has anyone figured out the optimal distance in pips to place a limit order during a move against the original position so we can pull more profits month to month.

  2835. there seems to be no way to backtest or optimize this like with a conventional EA so it would be a tedious process to scan a 5 minute bar chart to plot drawdown stats from august 2010 up to today unless 18 of us each worked on a different month and posted the data here. I will post august 2010 trades and then someone else volunteer to post the next months trades.

  2836. About -$2000 profit (4700 went down to 2700) since December on the 1331 account, that’s pretty good -(if you’d been betting against it).

  2837. I’ve decided EAs with a large SL just are not the way, ANY EA, no matter how accurate, because with super large SLs you’ve gotta win 95% or more of the trades. Even if you do make a profit, you usually have to GIVE BACK/LOSE 25-35% of your account when a loss occurs.

    I’m trying out million dollar pips in the early stages. It’s nice to lose 40% of your trades in the last week and still gain 7% on the account. Had 4 trades today, all losses, all 4 only lost a total of .9% (less than 1%) of the account. It lists/shows my average loss which is a .24% average per loss, with the largest loss being .86%.

  2838. 2010.08.02 05:40 sell eurusd 1.30739 h 1.30888 tp dd=14.9

    2010.08.03 12:15 sell eurusd 1.32270 h 1.32618 tp dd=34.8

    2010.08.06 00:34 sell eurusd 1.31793 h 1.33335 tp dd=154.2

    2010.08.11 03:38 sell eurusd 1.31325 tp no drawdown 17

    2010.08.12 06:35 sell eurusd 1.28790 h 1.29319 tp dd=52.9

    2010.08.12 18:08 sell eurusd 1.28423 h 1.29058 tp dd=63.5

    2010.08.13 17:24 sell eurusd 1.27755 tp no drawdown 25

    2010.08.16 09:31 sell eurusd 1.27967 tp no drawdown 16.4

    2010.08.17 12:00 sell eurusd 1.28670 tp no drawdown 16.2

    2010.08.18 13:40 buy eurusd 1.28921 trailing stop no dd 32.6

    2010.08.18 19:10 sell eurusd 1.28650 t s no dd 24.9

    2010.08.19 17:00 sell eurusd 1.28763 tp no drawdown 9.9

    2010.08.20 03:00 buy eurusd 1.28089 tp no drawdown 9.9

    2010.08.23 14:47 sell eurusd 1.27038 tp no drawdown 9.9

    2010.08.24 01:35 buy eurusd 1.26416 l 1.26069 tp dd=34.7

    2010.08.24 17:14 buy eurusd 1.26818 tp no dd 24.9

    2010.08.25 01:20 buy eurusd 1.26330 tp no dd 9.9

    2010.08.25 11:07 buy eurusd 1.27110 l 1.26079 trailing stop

    2010.08.26 09:21 buy eurusd 1.26999 tp no dd 18

    2010.08.27 10:38 buy eurusd 1.27311 l 1.26759 trailing stop

    2010.08.30 16:11 buy eurusd 1.27139 l 126251 trailing stop

    12 precise winning entries totaling 182 pips forfieted while gaining 240 pips above par by placing limit orders 30 pips into dd.

    24.9 pips forfieted on one that only went into 14.9 dd.

    small gain for August 2010 as a result.

  2839. Dave, their neural net is a bunch of bullshit, as u can see..they opened lots of accounts then released the best one..now they’re bombin everyone with more crap..just a matter of time when eur blows up too..they keep taking counter trend trades..thats the kiss of death..you can’t stay alive doin that.. NO ea works..if it did you couldnt buy it for $99

  2840. Hi,
    I got on here with a result from Google looking for the leotraderrt.php page.
    Is anyone still trading this? (Rocket Trader)
    I contacted support@LTP and they told me the page has been withdrawn as the EA has been sold to a fund.
    And as a footnote, Norm, I have an EA I have been using with very good profits (I run it in a demo and piggyback live trades) FXRetributionPro. It quickly proved very good for picking winning trades but always closed them out of profit. When I saw this I kept it going in a demo and after a few months of no losses I started piggybacking the live accounts so, there are some out there . . .

  2841. Boy what a a%# whipping I took last month! My own fault risked too much. Everything I gained is gone plus more.
    Both LTP’s shut down trading after that mess.
    Kelm, rocket did place a eur trade this morning (est).

    Know what I love is all the time and effort they put into these programs and they work great sometimes and blow it on a few. Yet they still try to sell you other peoples EA’s on top of it! What gives, I guess they need the affiliate money to pay bills.

  2842. My rocket acct has another eur trade going but the rocket acct on finfx doesn’t.
    Can’t find the web anymore to see if what it was changed to.

    Norm, I guess you are correct they left town but forgot to shut the oven off! Let us all burn.

    Pontiac Dave how’s your system doing been checking both of these blogs and wondering if it is any better or the same.

  2843. My demo account for million dollar pips is mimicking other real accounts on myfxbook. It’ll often trade and close, like 20 trades in one minute during the day (usually only trades 1 set per day). I’ve noticed I might win all 20 trades by 5 pips (100 pips) while other people’s accounts will take the same trades and lose all 20 by 2 pips each. Internet connection speed, broker speed is very important with this EA. For this reason the EA posts average execution time. Mine has been averaging 229ms which is one of the best you’ll hear. Other people with problems are as high as 3000ms or 3 seconds. People on blogs seem to be putting it all on the brokers fault, or lack of fault. They are forgetting other factors like computer/connection speed.–Because some of them have switched to supposedly good brokers that are working for the rest of us, but they still have problems/losses while others are winning.

    MDP is erratic in it’s monthly returns, the highest I’ve seen on a real account for it is 350% in one month, while that same account had another month that was only 1%. What I do like that seems consistent is the losses–usually around 4 pips, whereas the profits range from a few pips to huge.–That is the opposite of LTP–the losses are always huge 330 pip losses to small wins.

    It’s been 2 weeks and the demo has made a 13% gain. What’s encouraging is other real accounts have made around this same 13% like me in the last 2 weeks, but those same accounts have had as high as over 300% during other months.

    Get this, that’s with only 58% of my trades being won in the last 2 weeks. My broker reports the maximum drawdown has been 2.92%. Largest profit trade was 53 cents, largest loss trade 43 cents. I started with 50 bucks on the demo, it’s now around 57. Since it’s mimicking real accounts that have done well, I will probably go real money soon. Compared to past records/months, it’s been a tough last month for MDP and I still have made 13% in 2 weeks with only 58% of the trades won. I can see how you could have a 300% month when things are right. FYI My account gained 8% just last night in one minute, making it at the current total gain of 13% for 2 weeks. My balance was never less than it started with initially.

  2844. MDP increased my demo account balance by 20% in one minute last night, pretty crazy. There’s a website that posts 100s of REAL ACCOUNTS, plus people’s comments. The MDP users all got the same results I did, only a few did a little better, some the same, some slightly worse … depending on their broker, connection speed, computer performance, etc.

    The advantages I really like are:

    Small losses of usually 3 pips, not large, you can have over 50% losses and still have a gain.

    All trades open/close within 2 minutes PERIOD–no hanging trades that go for days, weeks, etc.

  2845. CraigM, I also over traded 1331 acc. even tho I knew the account hadn’t had a loss in over 2 mo’s..was hopin for a 6 mo.run, so can’t blame them there..greed will get ya in this game.
    Mouse, thnx for your work on the DD’s, this account was cherry picked out of several accounts they created..they haven’t come anywhere close to no losses in the first 6 mo’s.
    I’d start at the release date..I don’t think they’d create a bot to trade against their neural net..wouldn’t look good, but it does look like it would have been profitable.
    Kelm, I caught LTP support in a couple of lies..I doubt they sold one of their many failing rocket accounts to a fund lol..let us know how your EA is doing.
    They way over traded their several rocket accounts hoping they’d get lucky so they could show the public how wonderful they are..luckily for the public all the rocket accounts crashed and burned, otherwise they’d have dumped them on the unsuspecting..would they do that!..nooo..well maybe lol

  2846. In one of the rocket accounts LTP placed 3 eur trades and 2 cable trades AGAINST THE DOWN TREND ALL AT THE SAME TIME..did their wonderful neural net tell them to do that? They’ll tell you it did lol..imagine 5 trades going at the 4 mini level..thats $330 x 20 or over $7000 on an $8000 or so account. 4 out of 5 trades hit the stop..they got lucky one just closed before the massive drop. Thats a loss of 4 x 4 or 16 x $330 = $5280 in losses…they pulled that account fast..didn’t want anyone to see their inept trading..imagine risking over 90% of an account..they needed to get lucky, and it blew up in their face. Now they’re flooding me with emails about their other crap that they say is so great. There’s a lot of big losers out there that mimmicked those rocket trades..they destroyed a lot of people..nice goin LTP.

  2847. Flooding me with emails about ‘other’ products after I bought yours, does not help my confidence in the ‘initial’ product I bought from someone. And as far as the new products mentioned there’s not a shot in hell of me buying them when marketed that way after buying an initial product that was claimed to be the absolute best, but now you claim someone else’s is the best. Amazing how some venders send you those emails literally hours after you bought their initial product. Even one electron of electricity used to send them to me, is a waste as they go right into the electronic trash can.

  2848. I think the way to trade LTP is let it go on it’s own at very low risk, which means you won’t make much. Putting in secondary manual trades to compensate for small profits in auto mode, will only eventually wipe out your account when an auto trade loses and takes your 2nd manual trade with it. The risk needs to be set low, which means your profits will be very low due to the fact that the avg win is about 1/25th of a 330SL loss. So with a 10% risk, each win will be around 1/25th of that 10%. Might be good in the very very long run, but you’re not gonna make a lot in a short time.

  2849. You’re right Dave, the win ratio needs to stay over 95%..once you start manual trading the win percentage drops fast..once at -250 dd the odds are probably against you..even at -50 pips dd the odds are a lot less than 95%..LTP says thats the ones that make the most..the manual traders..another lie

    Was funny when rocket put on 3 eur trades all at once..I bet that move sucked in lots of newbie’s..shows you they don’t have a clue where price is going.

  2850. Yep, and the Rocket basically is like when you add risk ‘manually’ by adding-on 2nd 3rd etc extra trades. Only it adds those 2nd and 3rd trades automatically when it’s in DD. It gets the same results as manually adding trades to trades in big DD. It’s great as long as all 3 of those trades win, but when they don’t win.—> That rocket account started at like 500 bucks, got up to 12000, then those multiple trades/losses at once took it down to a little less than 500 the last time I saw it. I used to be able to view the rocket account statement at http://www.leotraderpro.com/account/2731/statement.htm . But as soon as it fell from 1000s of dollars to slightly less than 500 OVERNIGHT, the link INSTANTLY started forwarding you to their main page. That’s the same as what happened with the USD/JPY account they had, it failed and they quickly swept it under the rug.

  2851. Well, their 1331 acc. is still intact after 14 months from the release date..gotta hand it to em for that..remember, they don’t use support and resistance trading..100% of traders do and THATS why they’re all losers. I’d love to know how LTP trades but they aint tellin..I guess their crystal ball was a lil cloudy the last couple of mo’s..although they were on a roll in oct. and nov…they gambled and lost with their rocket account,tiss a shame..they were doin great..so great that it gave them a lot of confidence..that says something for their methods..if you think you can beat the game by not going with the crowd that use support and resistance to trade with, you have something special..1331 proves it..its very conservative and its worked pretty good over 14 mo’s..I think their trading method was designed for more normal market swings..the big volatility swings will take out 330 pip stops..bigger stops could leave you stuck in trades for months..theres a good chance that the euro and pound may be entering some stabilization with the us throwing trillions at them to help stabilize their economies..thats the kind of trading LTP needs. The guys running the rocket account were extremely aggressive..thats VERY interesting..there’s something to that..it looked like they thought the markets were stable enough to take a shot..unfortunately they were wrong..I give them an A for effort and a D for dumb risk lol.. but hey, they went for it..thats confidence..interesting

  2852. Not only do I seem to be missing a few trades (I’m using FxDD) but LTP has been crashing & burning as of late. It wasn’t too long ago we all received an email from the folks there heralding the EA’s uncanny win streak and the benefits of allowing significant DDs. Perhaps they’ve made the mistake of believing their own hype? I see that the latest position is perilously close to being down limit. That would make 5 DLs since mid-December. Dare I say it-not a good sign.

  2853. I think someone on here mentioned that they expanded the stoploss to over or about 500 pips and they had very few losers..may need to take a look at that..I know one guy that uses 1000 pip stops, but his money gets tied up for quite a while..need to check the losses to see what stop would have worked best..many trades that have hit the 330 pip stop have come all the way back..if anyone has looked at those figures, could you post them..and the number of weeks it took also..would be greatly appreciated. Thnx Norm

  2854. I think you’ll regret using a bigger SL. I was putting in manual trades in 2012 right next to LTP. Many times I modified the SL to what woulda been 600 on the LTP trade. I think it was hit EVERY time I did that (granted a good chunk was after the Japan crisis). Even if it is not hit, your money is so tied up for so long you’ll wish you died at the 330. And if you live in the USA with our current communist Gov/regulations, then you can’t hedge against it during the 3 months it’s tied up. And if you live in the USA you probably can’t do a trade in the same direction either, b/c your margin is probably tied up from the wimpy 50:1 leverage (6 times more margin used than at 300:1).

    Bottom line, if a trade has been going on for days IT IS NOT GOOD in my opinion, LTP or any EA has lost control of the trade. NOTHING, not neural nets–(yeah right) could enter a trade knowing it would win in one week later. If it knew that wouldn’t it have a waited a week to enter??

    So basically–any long trade means LTP did not know what it was doing for that trade. How many go a long time??—too many in my opinion.

  2855. I entered this last trade at -300 pips, just above 1.3000 figuring 1.3000 would be major support..as usual the bank controlling the price broke support at 1.3000 to pick up 1000’s of stops..once that was completed, they shot the price straight up almost 200 pips..in this case a 500 pip stop would have worked..you need to remember, LTP looks for what they think is the perfect entry point..where they have a good chance that the swings won’t hit the stop..the price should remain inside of that swing zone and most of the time it does. They’ve come across a trading method where they wait for what they perceive to be the perfect entry point within the 330 pip stop (sometimes they wait days to enter) having to wait till the market settles down. I’m still blown away by their risking over 90% of their account on 5 trades that equaled 20 330 pip stops..talk about cocky..these guys go for it..they destroyed a very good account..to run $500 up to $12,000 is an amazing move..I think they were hoping their luck would continue just one more time…if it had, they would have had a very impressive account that would have brought in many new accounts..they purposely risked every dime in the rocket account figuring the odds were in their favor..they could have played it conservative..they obviously never thought that 5 out of 6 trades would hit the stop. What’s needed is a run of 200 positive trades like they did in prerelease..will it ever happen again..imagine a rocket account hitting a 200 winning trade run the way these guys use risk lol..keep in mind, these guys think they have a winning method..they’ve even said “you’re here because you can’t make it trading”. That quote is true, 99% of traders lose after 2 years..keep that in mind if you try support and resistance trading..you will get killed..plain “guessing” in the forex market will destroy your account..you cannot outguess the banks that control the price..LTP thinks they can outguess the banks……interesting.

  2856. Well now that you mention it, not only were my ones that hit the 600sl right after the Japan crisis, but they were on Eur/jpy, GBP/JPY, USD/JPY currencies, all 3 of the damn things hit the 600sl. I still think I did have one or two Eur/USD and GBP/USD hit too. That’s back when LTP was still running their optional JPY package. Luckily I didn’t buy that package, but I was copying it’s trades, along with GBP/JPY USD/JPY added too.

  2857. @ PD,
    Regarding MDP, would you mind sharing this site that shows real acct stats? Been researching this EA but reading mostly mixed reviews at best. Rarely can anyone obtain consistent results compared to the vendor’s it appears. Since the broker’s trade environment has to be “perfect”, my understanding is that demo acct’s are meaningless as far as results are concerned…which makes sense.

    The vendor’s stats are impressive. However, since it weighs heavily on the broker’s execution time, slippage, etc, nobody wants to share their broker, which is understandable. In any case, pretty interesting I must say.

    Good luck to you!

  2858. Try this link http://www.myfxbook.com/search/million%20dollar%20pips. It should say ‘no users found’. But look up above where it says ‘systems’, click that. There are demo and real accounts making 20-60% monthly. Yes some real accounts are at 60%. I started with real money 2 days ago. My first batch of trades for that day made only like 8 pips and a .4% gain on the account. But many people were maybe negative 4 pips and a few were +2 pips. The next batch of trades that day I made 26 pips when many only made about 8 pips, some of those were demos. My account made 3.1% gain on the account the first day, then did not trade the 2nd day–no one else’s did either. It’s only been one day of trading but so far I am beating the same people by the same amount of pips I was beating them by when I ran a demo. And some of them have my broker. Again, I don’t think the broker is most of it, in my case a quick isp connection and computer that’s cleaned up–crap not wasting resources, etc.

    My execution time was averaging around 260ms on a demo. The first set of trades that were real were about 455ms–still good. But the 2nd batch in the middle of the afternoon were around 2700ms. But that was the first ‘day trade’ it’s done in 30 days of playing on a demo and one day of real. I had like 30 windows open, resources being used, the internet is slower in the day, etc. The trade still raised the account 2.7% despite 2700ms. When I get more trades I’ll know if it was the day causing it, or the fact that things are slower on a real account. Since the first set of real trades were fine at 455ms in the night, I’m guessing I didn’t lose too much execution time going to a live account. One guy said the quickest execution time he got on my broker was 4000ms. Since I always got 260ms on a demo, it tells he was wrong to badmouth the broker, something else was wrong in his case–his computer, connection speed, etc. But time will tell if this is gonna to work for me as it did on a demo. On a demo it made 39.6% gain in one month.

  2859. As you can see, the 330 pip stop was a little tight..it was barely taken out..the 1.300 level proved to be good support..as you know, price has rallied up around 300 pips, getting close to where LTP targeted. Although the price swing was large it is returning to the point that LTP said it would..thats pretty impressive..not many would have guessed price would be approaching the 1.3300 level. First, the banks had to destroy the longs by dropping price HARD under the 1.300 level, picking up thousands of stops (free money)..sucking in thousands of shorts when they seen the break of the 1.300 level (perfect manipulation)once all the shorts were in the banks reversed the price destroying all those shorts that were counting their money lol. Now the banks have drivin price up hard and fast to keep out the longs (they just got burnt bad, remember) But,as the rally continues, they WILL get sucked back in because of their greed (they missed most or all of the 300 point rally). You see how easily the banks can take your money thru greed and fear?.. they use both against everyone perfectly (oh, a high amount of traders will win) but over time they all will lose, guaranteed. The banks know exactly when to conduct rallies to suck in longs and to blow out the shorts..then they reverse the process by dropping price hard and fast..ruining longs and sucking in the shorts..they’ve done this so many thousands of times they know EXACTLY when the time is perfect to go after your money once you’ve placed it in the market to try and take theirs..good luck, you have no shot thru support and resistance trading..the banks laugh at all the “chartists” lol..so does LTP..LTP’s problem is the wide swings..they know where price will go eventually, but they are caught in a very tight price swinging range..they can’t expand it because the public will reject bigger stop losses..many reject the 330 pip stop as it is, so the LTP boys are between a rock and a hard place..they need calmer price swings..if they get them they could have an amazing string of wins..stay tuned and trade with LTP or GET OUT OF THE MARKET BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO SHOT ON YOUR OWN…just a friendly warning..no I don’t work for Leotraderpro.com..but I am impressed by how blatantly they destroyed their rocket accounts.

  2860. As you can see, the target or 1.33347 was just hit..that was a total swing of a little under 400 pips..price returned to exactly where LTP said it would..the vast majority lost out on the move back up because the banks kept everyone out with a fast move while they destroyed the shorts..THAT’S the way its done folks, when YOU control the price.
    Keep in mind, brokerage firms have a much bigger advantage than you do at playing in the forex market..yet they don’t do it..they let YOU just lose naturally..like Vegas does..the house just sits back and waits..they all tried the forex gambling route and learned that its easy money to own a brokerage firm..they know only fools gamble on forex.

  2861. Hi George, I can’t believe no one is posting on here..wonder whats up?

    Anyways, as usual, LTP trades ALL go deep into the red before going back into the black..amazin isn’t it..well LTP is still very profitable since the release date, 15 months..thats pretty good since LTP doesn’t use support n resistance. It will be interesting to see what the account looks like at the 24 month point..I stated before that 99% of all traders lose at the 24 month point…guessing where price is going and KNOWING where price is going (big banks)is the simple reason why 99% of traders lose over a 24 month period..its logical that they would. LTP has figured out the pattern the banks must follow. If you guys know of other bots that have been around over a year, please post their names. I’ve applied Ira Epstien’s indicators to my charts just for fun, makes it a lil more interesting.

    Oh, since I use all of my free margin on all trades I have figured out a way to beat fifo (first in first out) I just use 0.05 you could use 0.01 but you’d have to do 100 buys to equal 1 mini. What I’m trying to do is catch a win streak, these streaks of 30 wins in a row then a loss don’t get it..we need LTP to hit 100 – 200 wins in a row..I’m still waitin. GL

  2862. I have run LeoTrader Pro for over a year now and sadly am still down due to overzealous lot sizing and risk management at the beginning. It seems clear that the robot can operate profitably provided the automatically opened positions are supplemented by manual positions at lower/higher levels,simply because it goes so far “into the red” most times. Can anyone recommned a good strategy to follow? Thanks very much.

  2863. Initial risk amount needs to be low enough that if LTP were to hit TP (rare) you can live with the profit amount (better than nothing)..that way you can add more to your position every 50 pips as the trades moves farther into the red, say to minus 150 , once the trade is 150 pips in the red you may want to stop because the stop could be hit. I’d keep my total risk under 20%
    that way if the stop were hit you’d have 4 more chances to make a profit before the account was whipped out. There are several ways trades could be placed, this give a general idea. As you know, LTP has a trade thats 150 typical pips in the red just like clock work..there seems to be a repelling of price once LTP places a trade..there’s no sense in trying to figure out why,,just go with it and hope for a 200 trade run. GL

  2864. The trade that i previously mentioned that was in the red by 150 pips did work its way back to TP successfully..had you manually traded those 150+ pip you would have shown a nice profit. LTP had another trade that went into the red that also hit the TP target. As LTP starts to move into the red, you can add a portion of the 20% total risk per trade, say every 10 pips or so, that way if the trade were to reverse you’d have a
    % in the trade instead of waiting till price went a full 50 pips in the red..more trades will end up at TP the shallower they are. I would expect the euro to move sideways as i mentioned in one of my earlier posts..so don’t be too concerned if either cable or euro go deep into the red..as long as there’s no major upheavals in Europe. I feel the euro and cable will continue to trade sideways..but that probably won’t last long. Remember, the “neural net” (yea right) loves to trade against the trend..THAT has caused their biggest losers.

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