Pro Trade Simulator

The purpose of this page is to encourage and collect the user reviews of a Forex product called Pro Trade Simulator. To get the details about this product (such as its features) or if you’re looking for support, please visit the official website that can be found at

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16 thoughts on “Pro Trade Simulator”

  1. Before I say anything else, I want to make clear I have not tried this system…yet. I listened to the sales pitch and the words “too good to be true” came to mind.
    Essentially, you sign up to have a professional trader trade your account for only $37 per month? Wow, what a deal! Such arrangements would normally cost many thousands per year if not per month.
    I went to the order site and a couple more red flags became apparent. First, this order site does not appear to be secure. It’s an http address not an https address. There is no sign of encryption, not even the familiar padlock emblem on the tray. There is a link to “Recurring Payment Terms” in blue at the top of the page. When you pass your cursor over it you read “First charge: $37.00 then $37.00 every month max charge: $5,000.00” Can’t help but wonder what THAT (“max charge: $5000.00”) means?? I would be very nervous about giving these folks my credit card number.
    Is this for real? Do you feel lucky?
    Caveat Emptor

  2. I agree with John… cautious. There are a couple more red flags when you visit the sales page. First, they claim 7800 pips won in 18 months, but screen shots show 100’s of pips in just a day or two. That does not add up.
    Secondly, one of the screen shots shows 8 smaller trades, ‘all winners’, but if you look closely, a couple of the sell positions on the screen shot actually were losses.
    I am always cautious when they do not give you access to the results. It is supposed to be encouraging when you see all those trades on their proof page, but that is only 2 days worth of trading. Notice that there are really only 2 positions in those 2 days…..they replicate the same position 7-8 times for different lot sizes. Great if the trade works in your favor.
    Another thought: by duplicating a single position more than just a few times, what must your equity balance be, what is the required margin to prevent a margin call and what is the risk to reward ratio considering the stop level? They also don’t tell you that, do they?
    And, John, I missed the ‘max $5000 charge’ to your credit card…….good catch!! What IS that all about??!!

  3. paid on friday the $37 but through Pay-Pal. Then as usual was asked to pay for another robot ea. Cancelled out as out as I coudn’t use pay-pal. Strange? Anyway couldn’t get back to order page. So I sent e-mail to support. Got prompt reply but which was from the main trading company called TYTRADIUM. It is Australian and trades private accounts through their own software. I was falsely under the impression that it was a “copy trade” service via your own MT4 broker platform. It is not. Here comes the risky bit. When I first checked the site,I found that it was a requirement to deposit into an Australian bank a minimum of $3000 -or lesser sums could be negotiated. !!! Looking again, I can’t find that statement. Not for me at the moment I’m afraid !! I will cancel my recurring payments, but will i ask for my first payment back? I don’t know. As john stated, if this works, its far too cheap. But looking at the website it appears to be highly professional and i cant find any bad comments about them. I reckon I’ll be calling them personally soon- I’m curious. So do I leave the $37 and regard it as payment for a good lead ?

  4. Justin Delmar from AutoPipsProfits is sending out sales letters re this bloke. Don´t know what to think of him any longer… Is it greed or what?

  5. The thing is Stefan, nearly all these videos are done with actors. After they have sold you the ONLY system to ever own, they then start marketing for each other. most systems are backed by the same couple of people. The problem is trying to find a good system. Thats why I’m strangely interested in TYTRADIUM -it seems to be a proper set-up.

  6. Tony, TYTRADIUM looks interesting! MDA trading is probably the best here. 3K is a bit to much for me at the moment…Half of it would do..
    Re. AutoPips works so far with some 20% ROI a month, as they claimed over 60% a month I don´t dare to invest more there.

  7. I hear you, about Justin Delmar promoting other systems. He also has promated Copy PastePips. I’m getting tired of seeing emails from a dozen different “gurus” promoting ever system that comes along and some of these systems are out right scams. I’ve lost respect for some of them. Anyway, I read from another trader that purchased Pro Trade Simulator that he not only had to pay the $37/month fee, but they also wanted 10% of his profits! Also, there are 2 upsells: $197 for an ‘automated add-on’ and $47 for an ‘optomization course’. Interested to find out what goes with TYRADIUM…

  8. I did order this system and am now facing a “wish I did not do that moment.” The one thing that will turn me off faster than anything is the upsell. This product had more than one upsell as Stefan pointed out. First they bash robots then promote one. Right now my skepticism is too high to continue any business transactions with this group. The sales letter indicated that I could observe the trading account of the trader assigned to help me. Yet, I discover that I have no access to anything unless I proceed through an application process that includes my banking information. This is where I threw in the towel. I have requested a refund – so I will see what happens. I also plan to terminate the transaction with my credit card company because I just have a bad feeling about this now. Would love to keep seeing mor comments.

  9. Intereating reading your comments. I only got as far as paying the $37. I didnt like the up payments (Justin didnt mention that) Despite the promise if licencing info with in 48 hours i havnt heard a thing from them. No reply from my polite email either! Just another scam as far as i can see.

  10. Same Crap – Different Day, It seems that every year I fall prey to a Robot. This one, as they all do, talked a good game about robots not being successful and mirroring trades-blah blah blah. You breakout the credit card and take a deep breath, and pull the trigger, then you’re immediately faced with the upsell, then you know you’ve been had! I erase all robot e-mails for about 9 months after getting stung, and then a little hope creeps back in to your soul, just enough to start looking at the e-mails again, sad.

    As a US citizen, it’s illegal to have an out of the country trading account, FinReg put an end to that in October of last year. So this load of rubbish shouldn’t even be sold in the US.

  11. This was my last purchase of any course or information material related to FOREX trading. The robot scam has merely morphed into scams involving auto trading, mirror trading, etc. Unless I can talk to the educator or information provider face-to-face, I am done with these hacks. As an update, they still have not acknowledged my request for refund and cancellation of the service. Should they continue to ignore my requests I will dispute this charge with my credit card company.

  12. Amen Brother Doug- I even tried to dispute the charge while it was still pending, it couldn’t be done (it has to post first).

  13. You know the economy is getting weaker- these worthless robots used to sell for $97.00, and now you can buy a completely worthless robot for only $37.00!

  14. Update – I finally did receive my refund but I had to stay after them and make my request more than once. Not ironically, I have already received another offer from Dave for a completely unrelated product or service (actually another robot for $37 like Jim describes). Just once I would like to see somebody promote a service and then stick with just that one offer because it works and makes a little money for everybody participating. Alas, this does not happen because all these “gurus” are just affiliate marketers and wanna-be marketers. Sad.

  15. hi – i bought – had same problems mentioned and got their EA instead which so far is working nicely?? The sales page says sold out now… I will continue testing but have to say I am impressed!!!! Only thing i will knock is Pimlus- a terrible company to do business with. You will have one heck of a fight to get your money back through these people..they do not looka after customers form my experience… truely disgusting.

  16. I want to Thank everyone for the posts. I watched the video
    and admit that I was intrigued. In the video it does mention membership, so I knew there would be a recurring charge. I just didn’t know how much. Tried to find TOS (terms of service), not available. When it sounds to good to be true, it is, so I went to the review page. After reading the posts, it’s just another scam, and you guys saved me a lot of time and hassle. I’m sorry you guys had to wade thru the BS, but glad for your input. Before I ever order anything on the net, I go to review pages first.
    Another tip – I have a card where I put a few dollars in each month. That is the card I order online products from.
    The next day after ordering, I withdraw all funds from the acct, so no one can double charge me as there is no money in the acct. That has saved me ass many times. Good Luck.

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