Forex Trader Pro

The purpose of this page is to encourage and collect the user reviews of a Forex product called Forex Trader Pro. To get the details about this product (such as its features) or if you’re looking for support, please visit the official website that can be found at

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CFD Trading and the FX Market

Trading Strategy

Markets can often be a perplexing arena, with both positive and negative market movements. CFD trading can be used as a financial vessel to trade on these directional trades, enabling traders to react to not only positive market change but also dropping stock value.

The principles of CFD trading are derived from a contract for difference. The notion of a contract inevitably incorporates a two way relationship. The idea of 2 is at the heart of financial trading with a buyer and a seller forming the foundations to multiple trading relationships. At the core of CFD trading resides the concept of underlying value, not necessarily the stock you own but instead the movements of a particularly stock.

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FX Original

The purpose of this page is to encourage and collect the user reviews of a Forex product called FX Original. To get the details about this product (such as its features) or if you’re looking for support, please visit the official website that can be found at

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5 Characteristics Of Successful Traders

Trading Strategy

Based on my experience, trading the financial markets, I have identified five characteristics that differentiate professional traders from new traders. Generally speaking, professional traders typically do the following:

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S&P Slashes US Economic Outlook


S&P has cut the US outlook from stable to negative. So can Republicans and Democrats put aside their differences to tame the supermassive deficit before the US implodes?

In the last 24 hours the ticking clock Republicans and Democrats have been operating under regarding the US deficit struck an intimidating bong. Ratings service Standard & Poor’s has slashed the US economic outlook from stable to negative – reflecting behemoth debt the US acquired in 2009 and the miniscule odds of its being paid back before 2014.

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Japanese Machine Orders and Binary Options Strategy


Machinery orders offer a valuable insight into a country’s spending. Historical technical patterns resulting from the release of Japanese Machine orders, if high normally results in a bullish attitude towards the yen but with the shock of recent events re-writing past predictions, the outcome of the latest Japanese Machinery orders inevitably attracted market attention.

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Trade Forge FX

The purpose of this page is to encourage and collect the user reviews of a Forex product called Trade Forge FX. To get the details about this product (such as its features) or if you’re looking for support, please visit the official website that can be found at

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Forex 5 Minutes

The purpose of this page is to encourage and collect the user reviews of a Forex product called Forex 5 Minutes. To get the details about this product (such as its features) or if you’re looking for support, please visit the official website that can be found at

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1 Click Pips

The purpose of this page is to encourage and collect the user reviews of a Forex product called 1 Click Pips. To get the details about this product (such as its features) or if you’re looking for support, please visit the official website that can be found at

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Forex Pip Taker

The purpose of this page is to encourage and collect the user reviews of a Forex product called Forex Pip Taker. To get the details about this product (such as its features) or if you’re looking for support, please visit the official website that can be found at

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Is Forex Trading for You?


Forex or foreign exchange is a way you can invest your money. It works by taking advantage of the daily fluctuations between different currencies. When the forex market changes, the movement in points translates to dollars that you either make or lose, depending on your position.

You may be interested in investing in the forex market. However, it is not for everyone. It may look simple enough, but there are actually a number of social, political and economic factors at play that affect the value of a currency in a given day.

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Why the Amount of Pips Made in a Day May Not Matter At All

Trading StrategyThe internet is saturated with cheap marketing and advertising ploys aimed at reeling in new forex traders. Most of them promise huge returns with the promise of thousands of pips per month. Many of the marketing schemes on the net boast things like, “Learn how to make 100 pips a day!” or “Our trading strategy yielded 2,000 pips last month!”

First of all, there are all sorts of ways these numbers are fabricated, but the reality is that pips don’t really matter. In this article, we are going to discuss why, and then we are going to discuss what really matters.

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Basic Forex Strategies

Trading Strategy

The multi-billion-dollar per day Foreign Exchange Currency Market (Forex) is appealing to the individual investor because it is one of the most liquid investments available. In a way, it is a very simple, straightforward type of investing. Prices can either go up, down or sideways.

That is not to say that you can simply open a Forex trading account with a broker and start placing trades, unless your goal as a Forex trader is to become what’s known as, in Forex jargon, a “donor.”

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Auto Pips Profits

The purpose of this page is to encourage and collect the user reviews of a Forex product called Auto Pips Profits. To get the details about this product (such as its features) or if you’re looking for support, please visit the official website that can be found at

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Forex Arbitrages

The purpose of this page is to encourage and collect the user reviews of a Forex product called Forex Arbitrages. To get the details about this product (such as its features) or if you’re looking for support, please visit the official website that can be found at

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Forex Executor

The purpose of this page is to encourage and collect the user reviews of a Forex product called Forex Executor. To get the details about this product (such as its features) or if you’re looking for support, please visit the official website that can be found at

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How to Trade Out of a Bad Losing Position in Forex Back into Profit (Part I)

Trading Strategy

You need to learn how to effectively trade out of a losing position into profit as a trader. If you apply proper money management, this situation might not arise. But suppose, you made an error of judgment and all of a sudden find yourself in a runaway trade that has the potential of blowing your account.

This situation can easily arise when you are using a mental stop instead of a real stop loss. This is what many pro traders do. They instead of using a real stop use a mental stop that they use to get out of the market. But pro traders also do another thing. Instead of getting out of the market, they prefer to slowly trade their way out of a losing trade.

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Trading The Friday To Sunday Extension

Trading Strategy

As a forex trader, you can exploit the Friday to Sunday Price extension to make 10-30 low risk pips during the weekend while the markets are closed. This trading strategy works very well when there is high volatility on Friday like that what happens on the release of NFP Report.

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The Anatomy of a Good Forex Trade

Candlestick Chart

If like so many people you have become dis-illusioned with the financial system and you feel like you need to take charge of your own investments then forex trading might well be a good option for you.

If you are new to forex though, it can all seem very daunting. Figuring out where to start your education is key. So in this post I wanted to lay down the basic structure of a good trade, so that you have at least some idea what you need to learn.

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Is it Wise to Invest Online?

Forex Software

The great thing about the internet is that you can turn on your computer in the US and hop online to buy something in Africa. All this is done within just a few moments, and once you have made your secure payment (in dollars or otherwise) you can go ahead and sit back to wait for your purchase to arrive.

It’s all rather easy and definitely better than heading along to your local shopping mall to jostle shoulder to shoulder with everyone else there.

But when we think about going online we tend to think in terms of buying items online. Where do we stand when it comes to online investments?

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Forex Shuffle

The purpose of this page is to encourage and collect the user reviews of a Forex product called Forex Shuffle. To get the details about this product (such as its features) or if you’re looking for support, please visit the official website that can be found at

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How Forex Brokers Can Use Social Media to Obtain New Clients


In recent years, the Forex industry has managed to gain additional exposure by way of social media. Some Forex brokers are attracting new clients by using social media to share knowledge and important information. They’re using social media to make important connections with FX traders and prospective traders.

For example, Deutsche Bank’s online retail foreign exchange trading platform, dbFX, uses Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Linkedln to connect with FX traders and attract new visitors to its website.

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Top 4 Reasons Forex Traders Fail

Trading Strategy

Most forex traders fail. While we don’t have completely accurate statistics to back up this statement, it is estimated that 90% – 95% of forex traders lose more money than they make.

The question that unprofitable traders continue to ask is, “Why can’t I make money in the foreign exchange?” Sometimes it even seems like the whole world is against you – your broker, your government, and, many times, even yourself.

But fear not. There are some common reasons why traders tend to lose money in the forex, and with a bit of knowledge, experience, and discipline, most of the reasons can be overcome. Let’s take a look at 4 common reasons for trading failure now.

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Forex Bill Killer

The purpose of this page is to encourage and collect the user reviews of a Forex product called Forex Bill Killer. To get the details about this product (such as its features) or if you’re looking for support, please visit the official website that can be found at

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Turtle Trading Rules That Made $100 Million

Trading Strategy

Are great traders born or are they made? This is the most important question that comes to the mind of anyone thinking of taking trading as a profession. This exactly was the topic of discussion between Richard Dennis and William Eckhardt, two great traders. Richard said that good traders are made and not born while Bill thought that good traders were only born.

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Pips Cloner

The purpose of this page is to encourage and collect the user reviews of a Forex product called Pips Cloner. To get the details about this product (such as its features) or if you’re looking for support, please visit the official website that can be found at

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Currency Correlations in Forex Trading

Trading Strategy

Everything in the currency market is interlinked to some extent. Most of the currency pairs show correlations. Knowing about these currency correlations is important for you in order for you to reduce risk and diversify your portfolio. This knowledge of currency correlations will help you diversify and double up your investment portfolio without having to invest in the same currency pair plus also reduce your exposure to the market.

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Chinese Tiger Consumes Japanese Economic Status


China has consumed Japanese growth, stepping up to its rightful position on the throne of financial supremacy. Binary options can be used to trade on economic events and market direction. China’s increasing prevalence within the financial world, is elevating the impact of Chinese economic events.
Japan has surrendered the title of second biggest economy in the world to China.

Japanese success and forex allure to an extent became a self-fulfilling byproduct of its descent. The rising Yen, driven by investors seeking risk adverse FX pairs, fused with weakening consumer spending to contract Japanese fourth quarter economic results. The tiger’s prowl was in many ways already predetermined by the velocity of Chinese growth throughout 2010, tempering market surprise.

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Bad Risk Management in Forex Trading

Trading Strategy

Bad risk management can create stress and ruin your forex trading career. You might have the best forex trading system in the world but it will fail if you don’t practice good risk management. Losses are inevitable with any forex system. But what if you have bad risk management? You will blow out your account soon and most probably don’t have enough money to make those profits that you had dreamed when you started trading forex.

Bad risk management is one of the main reason that fails the budding career of many new forex traders. Many people start trading forex dreaming of making a million in just a few months. They overtrade, take on too much risk and get blown out by the market.

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Keep A Trading Journal

Trading Strategy

Why you need to keep a trading journal? Trading is all about being disciplined. Successful traders don’t have any holy grail of systems or indicators. What they have is a lot of common sense and discipline. The importance of keeping a trading journal cannot be overemphasized if you want to become a successful trader. This is how hedge fund managers train their new traders. No doubt, leading banks are able to train and breed successful and pro traders using this simple strategy of inculcating the habit of keeping a trading journal and being disciplined in trading.

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Importance of Timeframe Coordination in Forex Trading

Trading Strategy

Using the higher timeframe to confirm a trading signal on a lower timeframe is a skill that can be highly rewarding for a trader. Many traders take a trade that is coordinated on the lower timeframe but not the higher timeframe which often gives them bad trades and a waste of time and energy.

Suppose, you find the trend on the intraday chart and the trend on the daily chart in the same direction, it is like having the wind at your back.If you can master the art of identifying currency pairs that have the intraday trends in the same direction as the daily and the weekly trends, you can reap immense rewards.

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Breakout Trading Entry, Exit and Stop Loss Strategies

Trading Strategy

Breakout trading can be highly profitable. But the problem is most breakouts tend to fail often. A breakout fails when the price returns to a point before the breakout. Suppose the price breaks out above the resistance line but soon retraces back below the resistance line. This means the breakout was false. But in many cases, prices retraces itself slightly above or below an important breakout level before continuing in the direction of the breakout.

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